€ Hall, on Beech avenue. 30th. He denied this fact however and | ton the first of the week. ~ spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ~ Boyoe’s mother at Glen Hope, Pa. and Deputy Sheriff E. E. Davis, were ‘seen on our streets Thursday of last Beaver Dams, Thursday, August 3d. i desert from the Clerman army every ited among friends in Patton Sunday. | During the past month the number of ‘looking after business interests in town DY 8 score of 9 to 3. It was a well ‘customers in Patton Tuesday. of Alex. Monteith on Fifth avenue. Sentinel has been removed to Barnes- boro, from which place it will be issued Co., at Gallitzin, was shaking hands #2 THE PATTON COURIER, JULY 27, 1800. Ep So Rn id | Henry Skelly, of Portage, visited : ni; nr | among friends in town Monday. J 0 ; LEH 0 | J 0 { James P. Crissman and David Jones, {of Lindsey, were visitors to Patton | NUMBERS Monday. | Editor Swoope, of the Cresson Rec- rord, paid this office a featernal Visit | paving Fifth Avenue, | Saturday. i ORDINANCE NO. 46. Mrs. J. C. Harper and little daughter An ordinance providing for an increase | Florence, are visiting relatives at New | of the Borough debt, issuing bonds Nr aris ; | to secure the same, and calling a | Washington, Pa {special election of the electors of the Borough of Patton to obtain their consent to aaid increase of debt. Be it enacted by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Pat. Erecting a Sewer on Lower Fifth Avenae The citizens of West Clearfield want | Miss Settie Hindman, of Glen Hope, | paved streets. Cis visiting at the home of EE. W. Cowher fon Palmer avenue, i ton 1 it ia hereby enacted by author- urday, July 15th. A. M. Paul, of Philipsburg was ity of hie woe: is pig So fo and . : among the many visitors to our town | Town Council of the Borough of Pat- Celery Thursday, Friday and Satur- | the a of the week. Fond Poni. with the ——— of ite day at Cash Grooery. | The tamsitiar {OA electors to be obtained at an election . eo he familiar face of C. A. Rodgers, | tg he held for that purpose, increase its Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenhart drove | the traveling salesman of Altoona, was | indebtedness over and above ite present doen fom th conty seat Sunday. | TCHR LETT YA ee nt amon of woe Leonard Jones and Tra W. Davia, of! JABAL nol ATE, He at Cp El 1 A be *attonite ~ than tw sr cent. of the last preceg- bensburg, were Sanday visitors to | large number of Pattonites at 1 a p itended the special services in the ing assessed valuation of the taxable pperty of the Borough, for the pur- our town. | Catholic church at Carrolltown Sun- property of the Borough, for the pur Chas. Perry, the good natured mer- | day.’ : pose of opening and extending streets, : Bolling of bridges, improving streets chant of Chest Spring, war seen on), , Nagle, of 8t. Boniface, Cam- our streets Monday, i atton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. FE. WiLL GrerNE, Editor, The trout fishing season closed Sat- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one yar, In advance, - «nm SF-Advertising mtes made Known upon ap- plieation. EF No papers diseontinged anti! all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the publishers. Entered at the Postofice at Patton as secomd- clas mail matter. and other municipal improvements. Eo i That a public election be held in the | {bria county, Pa, has been granted an piremen’s hall, the place of holdin +R. McPherson now oceapies the additional pension, raising it from $8 municipal elections in the said Borong house recently vacated by Wm. Cra to $1: of Patton, on Thursday the 24th day of | mer, on Beech avenue. : August, 1568, for the purpose of ob : Mri. A. M. Edgett, of Wilkes-Barre, taining the consent of the electors of H. FP. Bigler, of Clearfield, and R (Pa, is visiting at the home of har | the said Borough to the said increase { A. Shillingford, of Peale, Pa., spent daughter, Mrs. Rev. EH. Witman on ©f debt. : : | Priday bs in Patton. ) | Palmer avenue, Frat the debit he Sochred bY conpon interest bearing bonds, at a rate of a ¢ entleman. | ow : : interest not exceeding four and one. Augustus Bran 1, un aged g hi BF. Wise, who is now engaged in half per cent. per annom, payable who resides on Brewer avenue, is con- i the lumber business at Ansonville, Pa, twenty years from date, bot redeem. ( fined to his home by iliness this week. | was a welcome visitor back to Patton able ten years from date at the option A the first 6 ' WE of the Borough. Mrs. Charlotte Scanlon has accepted | the first of the week. Tht nether said sloetion: be given a position in the culinary department’ john Cromer, formerly proprietor of by publication of the following notice at the Palmer house, Patton.--Ebens- the Aldine hotel at Mahaffey, and Dy. in the PATTON COURIER and the Patton These are dog days. Samuel Gill, of Flinton, spent Fri- day in Patton. A fire company has been organined at Windber, Pa. Tinnmg of all description done at One hundred and wisty three cars of Kirk Hardware Co. : burg Mountaineer-Herald. | Bennott, also of Mahaffey, spent a few Searchlight, two news pers of general twenty hand bills posted in the most i : | : tary of the founding of their town cently resigned as pastar of the Patton A car load of fertilizer Just came pic), wag laid out in 1800. Aye prior to aid eleet)s A-11. Gualicki, of Clearfeld, % | Ebensburg Building and Loan Assot- Dr and Mrs. H. T. Evans, of Bal- of patton, that a special election will be trip to Huntingdon Monday. ‘Squire Andrew Strittmatter and his | €hj0y the mountain air in Patton for ough of Patton, on Thursday, the 24th the Borough of Patton, to an inerease Attend the Harvest Home pienie at | their home near Carrelltown. ] Apollo brand of can peaches at the First. The amonnt of the last as- rtt, of Bethlehem, Pa., is * . . : Jory Paris lon at Carrolitown will be held from Pound can for 30 cents. bey are Second. The amount of the existing Patton | . Pharmacy, OC. W. Hodgkins, proprietor. Oatstanding orders i ; circulation and pnblished in the Bor. Miss Emma Nicholson is visiting Next year the people of Jersey Shore | hours in our town Tuesday. ough of Patton, and by not less than { : : nnivers- v . . friends at Pittsburg. can celebrate the centennial annivers Rev. Joseph A. Klucker, who re. public parts of the Borough for at least thirty dre prior to sald election: Baptist church, hss accepted a call to in at Patton Hardware Co. Lester Larimer, secretary of the the Baptist charch of Brookville, Pa. Notice is hereby given by the Bur. : te a en gess and Town Council of the Borough or te our town Friday. ation, was looking after business more, Md, are guests of Mm. E. B. held in the Firemen's hall, the place of OC. W. Hodgkins made a business interests in Patton Tuesday. Dill on Fifth avenue. Thu ¥ expect to holding municipal elections in the Bor. dav of Aogust, 1898, for the purpose of J. W. Esleman and wife, of Coal- | estimable wife celebrated their golden about two weeks. obtaining the consent of the electors of port, spent Saturday in Patton. wedding anniversary on Sunday at’ Say, you want to try the celebrated "0° B¢ A Ta aon \uervae forth as follows The next annual exhibition of the Patton Supply Co. They are the finest : ._ | Cambria county agricultural associat. brand ever brought to Patton. Three ey niin of re property in the visiting friends and relatives in Patton. | September 5th to Sth inclusive. “something extraordinary det Nice cool soda water at Bonded debt $7,600 00 Mr. and Mra. Joseph Rhody and son, 8%] 31 {of Coalport, accompanied by Mrs. | coal were shipped out of Patton over It is stated that forty thousand men | Andy Auer and son, of Altoona, vis. the New York Central road Tuesday $5,251 3 Resources applicable thereto within the year as per statement of Borooagh cars shipped from Patton will average Auditors : 4 $1,778 14 year. F rin Rash Faust “Kid” Davis, of the Metro- | vy iat hbssrhs 3 ov Yi Little Broa. now occupy their new | politan Hotel shaving and hair dress- J Ure nel othood of over 1m vary meat market stand in the Yahner | ng parlors of Ebensburg, spent = building. | Monday among his friends at this Mrs. C. B. Sandford, who has been 1), proposed increase of debt is Now is the tim io cut down the | place. visiting at the home of her son, Wm. $7,000.00 or one and nine hundred and ! HH. Bandford, for the past tw . eighty six one thousandenth per cent weeds and thistlos in and about your The Johnstown Athletic base ball | re So he fut lia, of the amount of the last preceeding premises "club defeated the Washington National | She Was aicompunied htiihe asseasedd valuation of the taxable prop Gus. Wolf, of Curwensville, was [#ague team at Johnstown Monday $6,503 07 Third. The amount or percentage | Tuenday, erty, and less than two per cent. over (by her grandsons, Jay and Duncan and above the present bonded debt. Sandford, who will remain at that place Fourth, The purpose of the pro [for a few dave’ visit. posed increase of debt is the opening and extending of streets, building of Mr, and Mrs. D. H. C. Warren and bridges, improving streets and other municipal improvements. Enacted and ordained the 17th day of July, 1889, W. C. HunnARD, President of Council. Thursday. | earned victory. This country consumed 83,000,000 Women do the mining in Columbia, pounds of tes In 1807, valued at No man with any self-respect can be, Harry, returned home Monday | $12,000,000. . induced to engage in that occupation, go GCiipsey, Indiana county, where J. T. Scholl, of the First National | Pecanse in Spanish times it was t | they were attending the funeral of Mra. Warren's uncle, Joseph Buchan. | work of slaves. Bank, visited his parents at Carlisle | over Sunday. | See Kirk Hardware and Furniture non, which occurred Sanday. Mr. Ba. : (Co. for the finest line of stoves and channon was a much respected and | « Clerk of Council Visit Goldstein's July clearance sain | ranges in the county--all guaranteed prominent citizen of that place and his, A pproved by the Burgess of Patton on all goods. The quality will tell it, to give perfect aatisfcotion Cinderella, {funeral was attended by the largest an Borough this the 17th day of July, 1509, the price will sell it. | Capello and Sunshine. semblage of people of any funeral in| Hiunag & FrisvimE, John Otto returned Saturday from | The Bialr county Agricultural So that section for years. | Burgess of Patton Borough. Nant-y-glo, and spent Sunday with his cioty will hold ite anuual fair at Holli- | ‘Jack’ Sheehan, formerly of this@ orviNavee Yo. 17 family at this place. daysburg, September 12th to 15th. | place, but who tow resides at Hast. | AR ordinance for the on ulin os i Wer o i ir 3 2 4 , Miss Mame Blaksley, of Sayre, Pa. Clearfield county Agricultural Society, | ings, came all the way over from that avenue south to Russell avenne, and is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. Willis | at Clearfleld, from September 27th to place Tuesday to attend the circus. | providing that the same be carried f down lattle Chest Creek and em- plied into Chest Creek, and providing thiut the cost of constructing the siti be nssessed to the property owners abutting on Fifth avenoe be- tween Russell avenue and Ma avenue at the rate of twenty-eight dollars ($28 for each 50 feet and pro- sortionately for greater or lesser Roniane and the balance of cost of construction be borne by the Borough at large and future taps or benefits be charged for by rate to be fixed by Altest : Jamis GULLICK Miss Maude Gibb, of Lock Haven, in| H. G. Hubbard, former principal of | aired tak be Tare over 4 , po our visiting at the home of A. T. Pifer.— the Patton Public schools, but who |! hii BA splandic. ex. | cune to offor and it will be accepted as | Lock Haven Democrat. now resides at South Williamsport, | are truly proud of our streets as I. F. Baughman, of Brookville, wan in vy ue San hier So, well as many other modern improve- looking after business interests in Pat- relatives In Patton. ments of auch no other town around Ro aura, > aries and Harry Me.) Harvey Stineman, editor of the | b hmam, 9 nsburg, Accompaiad | South Fork Record, one of the leading y Miss Lamar, of Norristown, I h, and 9 best weekly newspapers of the resolution of Council. Mine Stover, of Bradford, Pa., drove, .\ of county, accompanied by Dr. Section 1. Be it enacted and or- down from county hub Sunday ; po Glass, and : dained by the Burgess and Town Couns Mr. J. D. Stewart, | ; Ping i he Borough tr and dined at Palmer house. two prominent and rep tive ‘ith. cil of the Borough of Patton, and it is H. E. Buckingham, representing | hereby enacted and ordained by au- zens of South Fork, spent Wednesday thority of the same. : Buckingham Bros, manufacturers of | night in Patton, while en route to Ma-: That in pursuance to a petition of a the famous and well-known, Bucking. | haley where they spent. several days To of the property” owner on ham cigars, which are smoked by all { fishing for bass. They returned to: avenue and Russell avenue in the Bor- smokers in this section, was a welcome | their homes Saturday after meeting ough of Patton, there shall be con- visitor to our town over Sunday. | with splendid success. structed and maintained a pablic ; sewer for the disposal of waste water J. W. Lupfer, formerly manager of J. D. Blair, 8. L. Irwin, John Cather- | and other sewage matter, beginning at . f wor : | Magee ave hence south to Little of Geo. 8. (lood of this Wood and D. L. Blair spent Saturday M avenue, t the large sore now. is scting In the |" the mountains bet this pl | Chest Creek, and from Little Chest same capacity for M. B. Courtright & #0? Altoona gathering huckleberries | ( and upon returning home their horse | Creek and empty into Chest Creek near ' with his many friends in Patton Thurs- became frightened near Dysart and in the railroad bridge over Little Chest dashing down the mountain side it Creek. day and Friday. | Rea e a y y “dumped its occupants as well as all the |, S¢¢tion £. And it is further enacted v i ' that said sewer, from Magee avenue to, ty Clerk James Gillies and James | berries, out along the wayside. The | andl down Little Chest tha. anal Prindible spent Sunday at Hayes Run | conveyance was so badly damaged constructed of 20-inch terra cotta pipe, where they were the guests of a party that it was impossible Alex. Little, the hustling collector for Collier's Weekly, was calling on his Mr. and Mrs. John Boyce and family D. H. C. Warren has secured the con- tract for the painting of the residence R. O. Haderman, of Bedford, Pa, It is announced that the Spangler Creek south to Russel avenue, said sewer to extend down Little Chest in the futare. : : Miss Helen Neff, who-has been the guest of Miss Grace Cowher during the past week, returned to her home at Hastings Tuesday. | The School Board of Elder township has advertised for bids for the erection of a two-story schoolhouse at the coke ovens near Hastings. A big time will be had at the Harvest Home picnic tp be held at Beech Grove grange hall, ver Dams, Thursday, August 3d. Don’t fail to attend. Conductor J. 8. Rush and wife and Mr. and Mrs. J. Henger, of Ebensburg, drove down to this place Sunday and to bring it home ' and be connected with the Fifth of young people of Lock Haven who | and the disappointed crowd took turns phn Moding Steady laid at Ma are camping at that place. They re- in riding the horse's back til) they | or, 3 ar serve as a 2 trunk line to carry off the waste port rattlesnakes very plentiful in that , reached Patton, water from the Beech and Fifth ave- region, nue sewers, said sewer, from Russel] avenue to Little Chest Creek shall be constructed of 12 inch terra cotta pipe, and all shall be laid at such a depth as shall sufficiently drain waste pipes and all cellars. Section 3. That the cost of con- structing said sewer shall be paid by the property owners abutting on Fifth avenue at the rate of $28 for each 50 feet and proportionately for greater or lesser frontage, and the balance of cost of said construction be borne by the Borough at large and futare taps or benefits be charged for at a rate to be fixed by resolution of Council, Section 4. That the depth of said Patton is the only town in Cambria Master John Corneliyg, son of J. | county, outside of the city of Johns- Reed Cornelius, ran a narrow escape of town, that can boast of its principal | receiving a broken leg Monday by the | business stremts as being paved with same being accidently caught between | vitrified brick. In view of the fact two mine cars, and severely injured at that Patton is bat a town of little over Columbia Colliery No. 8, where he six years’ existance, with paved went to visit his father who is em- | streets, electric lights, a sewerage took dinner at the Commercial hotel, Ployed there. | system, water works, and all other! ) ; : j sepia ‘modern improvements found in other CASTORIA. | CASTORIA. | good towns, it is the best kind of evi- The Kind You Ham Aways Bought | Boars the Tha Kind You Mave Always Bought | dence that it is composed of live, | ZT. ‘hustling and energetic citizens, " | Ebensburg Cambria Freeman. : | Signature | of i i i 46, 47 and 48, Relating to Issuing 87.000 Worth of Bands seven sewer shall be located by the Borough Engineer and a plan be prepared by | him and submitted to the Council. Section 5 And it is farther enacted | and ordsined that the Borough Fn. gineer be and herchy empowered to advertise for and to receive bids for the | constraction of said sewer, according | to the plans and specifications pre. | pared or to be prepared by him: bids to clos and be gabmitted to the Brrgess and Town Conneil on July 31st, 1808 | Enacted and ordained the 17th day of | July, 1800 : WU. HUBBARD, Fresident of Council, i Attest: JAMES Grriasoe, Clerk of Council, Approved by the Burgess the (7th day of July, 1809, GronGe BE. PrRINDINLE, Burgess of Patton Borongh, ORDINANCE NO. 48. An ordinanes for the grading, paving and curbing of Fifth avenue from Lang avenue north to the northern | side of Beech avenue, and providing for the collection of the (osts of Lhe same, Bection 1. Be it enacted and or. dained by the Burgess and Town Cor cil of the Borough of Paton, and if is hereby enacted and ordained by an. thority of the same: ‘That whereas a majority in interest and number of the properly gwnens on Fifth svennpe be. tween Beach and Lang avenues, in Pat. | ton Borough, Bave petitioned Counedl that said street be graded, paved and | carbed; setting forth in said petition | that the street is in such a condition | that some permanent improvement is necessary, and respectfully asking that the same be paved with brick or other | suitable material. Therefore be it enacted and ordained that said street, beginning at the south | side of Lang avenne, and extending | north to the north side of Beech ave. | nue, be properly graded, curbed and’ paved with vitrified paviog brick or other suitable tod to the width of forty feet, | Section 2. That grading, paving and curbing be done according to plans and | specifications of the Borough BEogineer, | which plans are hereby approved and! made part hernof, and that the same be | done ander his supervision as well as | that of the Street Committee Bection 3. That the grading, pay ing and curbing shail be done by con- | tract, Contract to be advertised ant’ let to the contractor who submits the | lowest or best bid, offers (he best terme | and who submits a sufficient band for the faithful performance of his daty | under the contract Seection 4. That the cost of grading, paving and carbing the sime to be as. cortained and assessed to the owners of | adjacent property and the Borough necording to law, by viewers appointed | by the court for that parpose, and that | the same be collected by the Borough Solicitor and turned into the street fond ini the bands of the Borough Treasurer to pay for the ame Section 5. The Borough Engineer is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the grading, paving and curbing of the same, according to plans and speei- fleations prepared or to be prepared by him, and to report the bids received by | him to the Burges and Town Counetl on the 31st day of July, 1590, at the Council ¢hambuors, who will enter into A written contract with lowest and best bidder for the grading, paving and curbing of the same. Enacted and ordained the 17th day of July, 1809 W. O Hussar, President of Conncil Attest: dames Ghiniancr, Cierk of Council, GroRGE KE. PRINDIBLE, l Burgess of Patton Borough. | Dewitt’s Little varly misors expel from the system all poisonous acoumalations, | regulates the stomach, bowels and liver, | and purify the blood. They drive away | diseases, dissipate melancholy, and’ give health and vigor for the dally rou- | tine. Do not gripe or sicken. . WW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. . Persons troubled with diarrhoea will | i be interested in the experience of Mr. of 'W. M. Bash, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, | Providence, R. I. He says: “For sev. | eral years I have been almost a con. stant suffer from diarrhoea, and frequ. ent attacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a amall bottle of Chambericin's Colle, | Cholera and plarrhoea Remedy Much to my surprise and delight it, «fects were immediate. Whepover 1 felt] symptoms of the disease [ would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result has been very satisfactory and almost complete relief from affliction.’ For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmac; : “What m tie cough hodn't been neglected is the | sad reflection of thousands of CORUM P- | tives. One Minate congh Cure cures conghs and colds Patton Pharma y, it have been’ if that lit- | CC. W. Hodgkins, | Our baby has been continually troub- | led with colic. and cholera infantum | since his birth, and ail that we could | do for him did not seem to give more | than temporary reilef, untid we tried | Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and iar. rhoea Remedy. Since giving that rem. edy he has not been troubled. We want to give you this testimonial as an | evidence of our gratitude, not that you | need it to advertise your meritorious | remedy. -G. M. Law, Keokuk, lowa. | For sale by CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton! Pharmacy. i Thomas Rhoads, Centerfleid, writes: *'l suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief | until Dewitt’s Witch Hazel salve, less than a box of which permanently cured | me.”’ Soothing, healing, perfectly | harmless. Beware of counterfeits. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. 0. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. J. Easly, feats, rusty nails, insect stings and ivy pois. witch Hazel salve. Undertaking. The Hastings and Patton Undertak- ing Co. has an office in the Spencer block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard- ware store in Patton, Telephons son. nections, Hastings No. 77; Patton No. 3. CC. Grenninger, Patton, and H. Hastings, are the faneral directors ; fiun-shot wounds and powder. burns, broises, sprains, wounds from onings, - quickly healed by pewitt’s Positively prevents Beware of canterfeita OC Ww. blood poisoning “Defwitt’s” is safe and sure. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. For Family Use As well as for General Mae get Amer. ica's Finest Product, BARTHOLOMY Lager Beer, mannfactured at Roches. ter, N. Y. and bottled by the Gallitzin (Pa.) Bottling Co. All Orders Are Promptly Attended to, R. C. EDDLEBLUTE, Manager. Economical Buyers, Look If you can save 12 cents on a Shirt, Jac- ket, Overalls or any article, vou will do it, wont vou? You can carn mony 30C caster! We gudranice our 18¢ Overall to be the kind you buy where for soc. Same with Shirts, Caps, Jackets or anything else. If you can buy a pair of Shoes for g8c¢ as good as others sell you for 81.25 you should take advantage it— These Shoes for Boys and Girls only. ¥ Clise- We aim to sell goods cheap- er than anyone else consider- ing quality. Trash we do not i Se If you arc out to save motiey, we ask vou cordially to call and see ns. We actu- all carry the most complete line line of Boy's Suits, Men’s Suits, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Hats, add Shoes in NORTH of COUNTY, And vou are not in the habit ‘trading here, ask some of vour neighbors. REMEMBER our “PENNY SALES” if Of Motto— PROFITS — BIG Location— Directly the Bank. The Keystone Clothing and Shoe (o. Opposite
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers