THE PATTO FON COURIER, JULY 27, 1899. . # i : Patton Courier. Politics Independent. Interest--Patton ard Surrounding Country. Motto—*Jastiee to Alf and Malice Toward None. PATTON PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. F. WiLL Geeexe, Editor, _BSTABLISHED - - bout it a nourishes up and fy he Son against’ r attacks. : re or take this medicine. | scorth Spleen York. ol Ar the present rate of increase the . United Btates will have in 1000 about 125,000 physicians. LMA ert Rot le WHAT has become of the dog tax ordinance ? Is it going to fall by the ‘ the Borough of Patton? Why pass un ordinance if it is not put in full foros ? A statement prepared at the Navy t shows that during the fiscal year just closed 16,123 men en- listed in the navy, of whom 2,147 were _enlisted for war only. There were V8 Tus expected has happened. Capt. Dreyfus thanks a New York yellow i for causing his return hom. Now the least the yellow can dois to accomplish his rescue from prison after ‘the style of the Evangelina Cisperos i ‘episode, anys | an m exchange. saonded John A. Far, of Altoona, as n ~ Beoond Lieutenant in the provisional ; [r. Fair was a Lieutenant in h Pennsylvania regiment dur: ing war, serving as adjutant. was endorsed by the Colonel, Lieuten- ant Colonel, and all the staff officers of the regiment. Mr. Thropp also recom. mended William A. Van Allman, of Hollidaysburg, as a Second Lieutenant: fwthe new army. yaa Allman served | Prom We nobice by the Johnstown Demo- erat that Postmaster Ed. A. Mellon of this place has announced himself as » candidate for the nomination of County : Treasurer and Timothy M. Sheehan, of ~ Clearfield township, for the nomination of County Commissioner, subject to the rules governing the Democratic county convention to be held at Ebens- burg Monday, August 7th. Both _ gentlemen are life long residents of Cambria county and are held in the highest esteem by all who know thera and are certainly entitled to de cor gideration by the party of which they ~ are both staunch supporters of. Thelr Democratic friends of North Cambria as well asa large number from the south, are anxious that they be hon. ored with the nomination. ir 18 not difficult to understand why the President chose Mr. Elihu Root, of New York, an eminent lawyer, to suo- oskd Secretary Alger, at the head of the War Department. While this ad- ministration, as a result of the war with Spain, has had more legal quest- ~ fons, and more difficult ones to deal wth than usually falls to the lot of a single administration, the present cabinet has less legal talent than al- moat any President’s cabinet has ever had. As it now stands, Secretary long and Attorney General Griggs are the® only lawyers in the cabiget, | Secretary Hay and Postmaster Ger : : wayside like many other ordinances in | Ho! eral Smith are newspaper men; Secre- taries Gage and Hitchcock, are business men and Secretary Wilson is a practi- cal farmer and agricultural expert. Another good lawyer was needed in the cabinet and President McKinley in common with pearly everybody else, thinks that Mr. Root will ill the bill If public commendation counted for anything it would be certain that Secretary Root would become a very Philippines. If we win in all the fight- ing and no scandals develop in con- nection with the army over there, everybody will sing Secretary Roots praises. But if things go wrong in any way when there is fighting on hand, the American people have a habit, holding the Secretury of War respons- ible, and the new Becretary will take his chances. In any event, he is not bed of roses. “KEEP ON A PUSHING.” the Patton Board of Trade. Now that each one knows what duty has been assigned to him in the good work, let him put his shoulder to the wheel and | push and keep on pushing until, with his untiring efforta, he can say that his work has been fruitful in more ways than one. It takes good live hustling to accomplish any work | of this kind and we think that the dif-| ferent grades of work assigned by the | | president is in good hands--we trust so | at any rate. If you have a friend in a | large city we would suggest that you | © your knife or scissors and cut out | following brief sketch of Patton and mail same to him; it can’t do no harm and may do some good: | PATTON In phically 4 the centre | of North ap county, being about guides from the andy nes of r, Clearfield and Indiana counties, Bi almost the same from a latitudinal line drawn through the centre af Cam- bria. It is | ate Oe lle a ot into the West branch of the Susque- hanna river. It is 14 miles south pr the county seat, Ebensburg, and 19 miles north of the main line of the Pennayl- ' vania railroad. The population is esti- | mated at not less than 3, inhabitants. ‘It contains two railroads, the New { York Central (Penn'a Division }, which : and the Cambria & t of the P. R. R./ "which extends through to Mahafley ‘and Glen Campbell, besides the Pe aang PA, me of : a, nh | 10 mila meven bituminous | | collierien, we Deiat fire clay mines, a | sewer pipe and brick hn grist | mi saw and planing mille, foundry | ‘and machine shop, sand stone quarries, | | and many other minor industries. In’ view of the fact that we are blessed | with two of the largest railroads in the | country, we stand second to none, of any other town in this section of the state, an far an shipping facilities are concerned. Our resources are fine having several veins of tried and tested coal; different kinds of clay veins, sait- able for almost any kind of an industry clans of material; finest section. Along oun and ample supply | PL water where in the whole state o naylvania could be found a A for any kind of a i on oe bi of- fer all and more than other towns and our Hoard of Trada should | be alert to the fact that capitalists will if they are personally made | known of the existing facts an above | stated. For Binder twine, paints, olla, glass J. Deitrick, Mgr. The barn of Philip Bender at Barnes- boro, was destroyed by fire early Wed- prompt efforts of those present adjac- ent bufldingn were saved from destruct. fon. Mr. Bender's loss is about $300, with $80 instirance. ing corps of school teachers: Princi- Danlel McAnulty; first intermediate, Miss Stella Watkins; second inter- mediate, Miss Crichton; first primary, Mies Lacy Reed. The Passmore house at Philipsburg, | one of the oldest hotels In the place, | caught fire Friday and before the flames tent of $10,000, on which there is a par- | tial insurance. although some of the servants lost more or less of their clothing. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the part- nership heretofore existing between F, | and E. Little and doing business ander the firm name of F. & E. Little, has this day been disolved by mutual con- sent of F. Little retiring. The busi- ness hereafter will be conducted under ‘the name of Little Bros., consisting of E. Little, Frank Little and W. A. Lit- | tle, who will assume and pay all in- debtedness of the late firm and will collect all outstanding accounts due call and settle at once. E. LITTLE, FRANK LITTLE, W. A. Lrrrie, Patton, Pa., July 15, 1809, popular official, but it will really de- | | pend largely upon what occurs in the as old as the government, of | Hkely to find the War Department ol THERE appeared in the columns of picture frames and plastico at Fisher's |} the COURIER last week the names of store near railroad station. the members of the different com- | mittees appointed by the President of | | “away ahead” when yon oan get it fan on the banks of only jump at the excellent chance of | fered here and everything in the hardware line, | go to Patton. Hardware Co's. store, P. | nesday morning of last week. By the! Barnesboro has selected the follow- | pal, W. E. McAnulty; grammar grade, Miss Emily Williams; second primary, | were put out, was damaged to the ex- The guests all escaped | | sald firm, and those knowing them. | selves indebted to us are requested to | No! it is not claimed that Foley’s Honey and Tar will cure CONSUMPTION or ASTHMA in ad- false hopes, but DoOEs truthfully claim to always give comfort -and relief in the very worst cases and in| the early stages to effect a cure. Cw. Hodgins Patton 2 Fara ih ir HAR WBS AS Hor good goods st the Zight price go to the Cash Grocery. The cheapest place for wall paper, | OF THEM ALL!! Why place your order for phosphate Contains a ooo! novel in every num. bar, tn addition ttn ao et 10 very nom nd entertaining reailing matter, No cantinued stories. which are so objectionable te moet readere. 1t should ba n Ley household, Koh. : Your is era. 3.00 nts wan Iiheral { you need it, all grades, at | Hardware Co's. stare. At a meeting of the Spangler school ‘board held recently the following 'Hst of teachers were selected for the | ensuing year: Principal, Prof. A. P. Weakland, of Loretto; North Spangler, | Cleans Lantzy; intermediate, Ella M. Boucher, of Indiana county; second | | primary, Clemmie Kirsch, of Spangler; | first primary, Rosa Roland, of Sylvis, | {Clearfield county. The wages were | | fixed at $50 per month for the princi i pal and $85 per month for the other | | grades. Patton | d i In your bicycle will be quickly & cheaply mended at our store. Does your tire creep? It may eanse a bad fall. We can fasten it with first-class hard cement by the latest and best process for 25 cents. We sell Excelsior Needle Cos Diamond E. Spokes, the finest made with in town, to whom indueements wiii be offr ed . I LIFFINCOTT COMPANY, Publishers, PHILADELPMIA. Bill Nye says that a man may use a’ ‘wart on the back of his neck for a col- | Dry Goods, lar button; ride on the back coach of a ‘Groceries, Notions, train to save interest on his money un- | tl the conductor comes around; stop F lOUF, Feed and his watch at night to save the wear P and tear; leave his "I" or “t” without | rovisions. Rao es cross to save ink; Pi ire his | ALSO ESSEX SOAP. ‘mother's grave to save corn, t a man | or of thia kind is a gentleman and scholar | Call and see us and learn our’ compared to the fellow who will take | prices. Fast side of Tron Bewspaper, and when askedic pay for{ n..4,. Patton, Pa it, puta it into the postoffice and has it, TT gS: Tatum £4. marked “Refused.” | The words of some hymns are some- | times misunderstood, and the misonder- | {standing is often ridiculous, says a | western exchange. A good story with | this as its theme is being told. A young | | countryman had promised to contrib. | ‘ute $2to a fund to buy music books just as soon as he disposed of a calf, | | but never did so. He went to choir practice one night a little iate, and i just as hie entered the choir began sing. ‘ing that well known Sunday school | song, ‘“The Half Was Never Told.” | This sounded to him like “The Calf Was Never Sold," and he started in to thrash several of the young men in the choir. The Kind You Have Always Bought Besrs the Signature of nipples, 3c each. TOZER, Earn Some Money ! ‘Here's a Chance for Cambria County Boys and Girls. We watit new subscribers Wo the COURIER and we must have thon, To do this we mast i make it an object for the boys and girls, as well as men and women in Cambria and Ulenr- field sotintien, toa, to do work for us. We ready have a larger list than any other north Cambris county paper but we must increase it {to at least R600 within the pext six months i 1 order to secure them we are willing to give toany person who secures them for us more than the profit to us amounts to for the first | your, because we know that ninety per cent, | of themgvill become permanent subscribers. Here ix our proposition: To any one securing us ive subscribers, ae companiad by the cash, five dollars, we will pay $2.50. For tet new subscribers and ten dollars, we | will pay 8 in gold. For twenty new subscribers we will pay $10 For forty new subtwmeribers, #0, und so on up | By securing vs 100 new subscribers you will | nite 350, and If you ean make it 30 you will receive n prize of $100 in yellow gold. There are juany young people about the | wartons towns and villages tn this community { who oan earn from §6 to 890 in this way with | little effort. Try it. You can certainly get i {five or ten. Do not send ar bring in the names | { until you get the money, { This offer will hold good until January Ist, | |, Let everybody who hax the time to spare go to work and see how many subserihers they | "can get for the Cornien, Everybody watts a | local paper, ahd all those who subscribe will | | be gind of it. ; { “ ‘TOILETTES American Systems of : ! Dress Drafting and 8 Write names and addresses plainly anid re. | ; . celpts will be forwarded to all as fast ae we ree | Dress Mak ng, taught ceive the cash, t b . . il — . xa» how We Toga rd this BAB Hore equitable propimit- ) Mel ’ MEER W Oma can fon than the average prize offer, ae » ¢ 3 , cyele, a scholarship in some cheap school, or learn them at ‘home In. something of that sort, Is given to the person short time. Simple and | Securing The THUsE DI Mes OF COUPOnm, Deane ’ | in that way, only a few out of the whole ariny i perfect. WW Cc gu arantee of solicitors receive any recompense for their . No mis wares ees | bor. Ononr plan everybody gets padd for them. 1 neces A cry low, j what he does. Write us for circulars, giving full particulars. Toierres Pus. Co, 170 Fifth Ave, New York where a hi. : Hample copies free on application ‘vanced stages, it holds out no such FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE isa Healing Wonder. The Patton Jeweler. ‘You caniot do better than to call o on Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing, ete. - Estimates freely venti The Delineator 18 THE - Honesty 'Is the Best Policv. if. | Honest goods, honest deal-| lings will surely bring success. | Every hour proves it. | The last days of the nineteenth cen. 'Wornan's Favorite | tury show nothing more clearly. We i beileve this fact and our works demon | i strate our belief. Our goods are war ranted to be exactly as represented, that is honest; our goods are goaran- | teed to giye pe irfoct satisfac tion, that is | publishers, The Butterick Pablishing honest. ir any article of jewelry of | So ,at 7 to 17 West Thir- | our manufacture does not give perfect | fnth Street, New York, at the re- | satisfaction we will refund the money markably low rate of id for such articles: that too $1. O00 OnoRt, | for a year's subscri GEO. O. BRADY, r copy. Of all family —~OF THE 1 the great caterer to BAZAAR FE ness, usefulness, beauty, and Has a complete ie | |= | Magazine, and is issued by the famous fashion A or 156 cents it ‘and utility. Boarding House. assortment of onr | in his store for sale at prices [t at def competition. These goods | iare ma from rolled gold, gold | filled or solid gold stock and are war. | ranted to give perfeet satisfaction or! the money will be refunded. i If this notice shanld reach any one {living too far away from Mr. Brady’ ol store, or any other customer of ours, ‘to permit their purchasing the goods | of our enstomers, we wil sell the goods | at retail to such persons, under the j warranty, and deliver by mail We ‘will also send printed instrpctions as | to the care of the jewelry, how to clean ! Lit, ete. on application. W. F. MAIN & CO., Eastern Fac tory (‘orner Friendship & | ‘Eddy Sts, Providence, R. I. Western | ee largest in the world | under | Bi of construction at East Towa | hy lowa Over 52000 ft. of Hoorl Le -07 Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and Clearfield county people visiting Phila- ‘delphia will find this a con- |venient and central location. Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. 5. B. KING. ie Ed. A. Mellon, Agt., Patton, Pa. YOU At a Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. That's the sort of House we keep. Call and be sure of it. Have you seen our line of DRY GOODS? The finest in this vs ¥ rats - ORT Dlrse. - i section and at prices to suit When in town make our store vour headquarters You will be welcome. S. Good, Patton, (eo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers