The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 13, 1899, Image 7
iE PATTON COURIER, JULY x 20, , 1h. Visit Goldstein's Juity clearance sale | atton Courier, “on all goods. The quality will tell it, ~= i the price will sell it. | ramon FuBLIsuING co, Peoptinare. The cheapest place for wall paper, E Wiss GREENE, Fditor , pleture frames and plastico at Fisher's | TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. | store near rallroad station. One copy, one year, in advance, - $L00 Two cows were killed a short distance | A-Advertising rates made Known opos ap “above town Friday nightby P. RR. | - No papers diseontinged nuit nll Rrra | | | passenger train going north. gare lites at the option of the Miss Pearl Wilson, of Johnstown, Entered at the Poster at Patton #8 Second | | the guest of Misses Maggie Asheroft _elnss mall matter. |and Francis Mitchell this weal. | Jee delivered to all parts of town by | | A. (. Storm at } cent per pound | pure spring ice and dont you forget it. Mr. and Mrs. John Dinsmore re- turned Monday from a visit of several | days among relatives at Punxsutawney, James Wharton, a prominent farmer and an old soldier, who resides near Cicus coming to town Tuesday, July -~ Augantine, spent Monday in Pat. + For a 50ct. dress shirt at 25 cts. viet | oo ‘Goldstein's. Patrick Kane, of South Fork, spent ~ Mouday in town. Tinning of all description done at . Wheeling stogies, Wheeling will have Kirk Hardware Co. in self defense, to go to making Boston Qelery Thursday, Friday and Satur- baked beans, says an exchange, - day at Cash Grocery. | The first shipment of silk from the i you should need a bath room fit Lock Haven silk mill was made Satar- up call on J. EB. Kirk. day. There were 5,000 yards in the jot A car load of fertiliser just came | which was consigned to New York. _ in at Patton Hardware Co, Silas Byrne, who had his foot crushed bE , | some time ago by It being caught under - Storm 4 ef ee fr Joo ih AG a oar wheel, is rapidly improving and F will soon be able to be about again. Bee new ad of Patton Pharmacy on The oldest German coal mines were tre poge of COURIER this week. | fires worked in 1195. They are near A 18x%0-inch picture frame for 85 Worms. : See at Fisher's wall paper store. “mine its coal until the fourteenth con- Fora full line of Gents furnishings t0rY- visit Goldstein's department store. . Yardmaster J. E. Donavan and’ Drop in and get a cool drink of Councilman J. D. Blair attended the Hodgins sod water and root beer. Union meeting of the different societion | of railroad men held at Tyrone, Pa, Mm. J. E. Dale, who has been quite ; ' ill, Is, we are glad to state, improving. | ny 155 and 100A, Nios: vool : at Patton | E. BE. Miller, the popular and good : natored little traveling salesman, rep. - Pharmacy, C.W. Hodgkins, proprietor. | | resenting the Grander Stove Co, of Miss Besse Winslow, of Benenette, is | Royersford, Pu, was looking after Visiting among relatives in Patton this trade in Patton Monday. . County-Treasurer E. F. Spencer, of — to see a pair of $1.10 child's | Ebensburg, has purchased J. 8 Me. shoes for only 70 cts. sizes 12 to 2 at | Cartney’s mine, at Mountaindale, and Goldstein’ 8. secured the services of Charles Lamb, Wm. Mains circus will exhibit in of Coalport, who will run it for hin. Patton Tuesday, July 25. Admission Philip Sarouy, a prominent citizen 15 and 25 conta. cand good Repoblican of Morrisdale, A special train containing the of. Accompanied by his father-in-law, | felals of the P. R. R,, pagsed through Julian Moran, of Houtzdale, were Patton Tuesday, pleasant callers at this office Friday, ‘How is it Kirk Hardware and Peirni | Al a menting of the Carrolitown ‘tare Co. can give you the best goods school board G. E. Hipps was chosen for the least money ? | principal of the schools and D. 1. Kline Druggist jesla B teacher of the primary room. Botir boro, ain. bands et i old | teachers are sald to give entire satis. ‘away ahead” when yon can got it as on n need it, all grades, at Patton Hardware Co's. store. : faction. To those who drink whiskey for pleasure; Harpers whiskey adds zest to existance. To those who drink whis. | key for health's sake; Harpers whiskey ‘Leroy Lawrence, of Elmira, y OY. ‘was the guest of his brother-in-law, C. , Hodgkins, Thursday of last week. Joel H. Dixon, who is now erecting makes life worth living. Sold at Pai. | Pelied them to stop. several new houses at Windber, Pa., mer House. nt Sunday with his family in Patton. Oo uni Treasurer E. F. Spencer, of Thompson, Clearfield, took fire las Ge : . M. Tibbine. fe ly of Patt {lumber piled in the yard, entailing a but who now resides at yore Pa | lows of $10,000, about half covered by Pd 2: is 3 Among friends in town the first | INSUFANCE. ! girl has red hair, it is aubarn, but if her brother has red hair, he is ‘‘red-headed | Bill.” Ifthe young lady has a four-dol- | lar position in a store, she has a posit- fon, but if Bill has the same place he! Cu Ger " headquarters for |v TO in fact everything in the | ing question: “If Bob Ingersol insists | Rev. Ln IL. Logan, of Shawmut, that there is no hell, will he state what | d county, stopped in Patton ay while en route to Ridgview )eeting, near Johnstown. ; to the crowded condition of caused by advertising, several | ¢ and much local matter was and proprietor of the CarrolMown ally crowded out this week. " Ma 1 : connection with that paper about a El he in elent shop of week ago. Here's success to the new Wm. J. Donnelly is somewhat | ner as well as a dealer in lum- i papeg three or four years without pay- | ing for it and tells the postmaster he does not want it ?’ | the paat, M. L. Carl, one of Clearfield town- ship’s representative and prominent ers, who has been suffering with a See. Kirk Hardware and Furniture | jo. for the finest line of stoves oa] ranges in the county —all guaranteed | to satisfaction—Cinderella, Painful leg, caused by an accident Sivo perfock In, which occured several years ago, left | | Saturday for Altoona where he has | entered the hospital, at that city, for | treatment. Itis hoped by his many : friends that he will return homie much | improved | cASTORIA. Bents the 9 The Kind You Haw Always Baio’! FZ pit. For oo TL Z PF Wm. Turnbull, a driver at the he Par. | | dee colliery, received a severe scalp | in Why place your order for phosphate | If Boston insists on manufacturing ingland did not begin to! South Fork, have purchased the Brad. ‘manager of the South Fork Record, The large planing mill of R | ! t wate hid over the spent Tuesday in Patton Wednesday evening and burned to the brio, the state and county taxes. ground, with all its contents, and the 4 tthe young fellows are said to have The Ram's Horn says: If « young i night police force in protecting prop- A discouraged editor asks the follow- | ‘becomes of the man who takes the William H. Eckenrode is now editor | News, Joseph Farabaugh severing his | management and trust that it will con- | tinue at a longer period than those in Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the part. | wound Tuesday morning by his head | nership heretofore existing between F. | | coming in contact with the frame of a and BE. Little and doing business under { trap door while riding on a car in the [the firm name of F. & E. Little, has {this day been disolved by mutual con. sent of F. Little retiring. The busi. : ness hereafter will be conducted under | the name of Little Bros., consisting of E. Little, Frank Little and W, A. Lit-} tie, who will assume and pay all in- The Osceola Leader-Courler, one of! the brightest and most ably edited | weekly newspapers that comes to our | desk, entered apon ite twelfth year 1aat week. Bro. MePadden gets ont a 4.1 iedness of the late firm and wil | good paper which from appearances, | collect all outstanding accounts doe iappears to be appreciated by the busi- | | said firm ness men of that town. i Val Weiss, (ddd Fellow and K. of P. publisher, of Chieagn, Il, spent the (first of the week in Patton introducing in very artistically gotten up chart on Odd Pellowship. He secured the servi. oes of EW. Cowher to look after the | {sale of the charts in this section who "will be glad to receive your order. KE. Lie, FRANK LITTLE, W. A Lrrrie. Patton, Pa., July 15, 15899 For Family Use As well as for General Use got Amer- | 8. W. Wolf, a music teacher living at ica’s Finest Product, Reynoldsville, was killed at Curwens- : BARTHOLOMY ville Inst Wednesday morning. On the way to the house of one of his Lager Beer, manufactured at Roches. ter, N. Y. and bottled by the pupil he was struck by a Pennsyl- Gallitzin (Pa.) Bottling Co. vania railroad freight. Thomas Hill, All Orders Are Promptly Attended to, This is the real thing! We have not stocked up with 2 lot of seconds and odd ends in order to make such prices available, But these goods are from the regular high standard quality goods that has won for this store the reputation it has—of the BEST GOODS AT THE LEAST MONEY. ‘mine foreman at Gazzam, was killed the same day by a fall of earth. A new form of weed has made its appearance on the farm of William Dishart, in Clearfield township, Its a sort of grass with apparently inde. stroctable roots, and a great disposit- Hon to spread. Mr. Dishart has sent specimens to the State Agricultural Barean, and a report on them is awaited | with interest. Cambria Tribune. R.C. EDDLEBLUTE, Manager. Economical The annunl retreat of the Catholic clergy of the Pittsburg diocese at Rt. Francis college, Loretto, began Toes. | day, and will continue two weeks. The | priests who attended the second week of the retreat Inst year are in attend. ance the first week this year, and viea versa. This year the number who will attend the retreat at Loretto ia expected to excesd 250. The shies tured the following teachers for the coming term: Principal, Leonard Jones, of Ebenehnrg: Room No. 4, Miss Lottie MeClankey, of Lock Haven: No. 4, Miss Flo CC. Fair, of Greenville: No. 3, Mise Belle Woamer, of Hunting. don county; No. 2, Miss Ivory, of (Chest Springs; No. 1, Miss Fdith Her. tien, of Clearfield county. The salar. les were not changed, The date for opening the schools has not yet been fixed, The Johnstown Tribune says that John 1. Sechler and J. H. Deitrick, of Ladies Shirt Waists. Lddies Dress Skirts Ladies’ Percale or Lawn Shirt Ladies Washable Crash Linen [kirta, Waista, light and mediom silk patterns White and Linen Colored. These fall fashioned styles, worth 75 cents are made from Shrink Linens and wiil to $1.50, your choice for 49c. Don't not shrink, worth §i.25, yours for sie. delay for the size may be gone. Hnrry up, they wont last jong. Underwear Department Will lend a helping Mens. Ladies. Fine Balbrigan Shirta and Drawers Sleeveless Ribbed Vests will 5 at Be Lot No. 1, worth 78c a garment, at 1%, Stenviioms Ribbed Vests will go at Be: Lot No. 2, worth 30c a garment, at Bik. Sleeve Venta at 13¢ Buyers, bond at Hastings has see hand. If vou can save 12 cents on a Shirt, Jac- ket, Overalls or any soc article, you will do 1t, wont vou? You can earn mony ‘caster! We guarantee our INC Overall to be the kind Vou buy where for soc. with Shirts, Jackets clse. Hf you can buy a pair of Shoes for OBC as good as others sell you for $i vou should take advantage of 1t—These Shoes for Bovs and Girls only. Boys Linen Pants, 4 to 12 Years at 17 cts. dock Dally Herald and will take hold of and operate the plant in the near future. Both are practical printers Mr. Bechler was formerly editor and Wash Goods! Any 10, 12, 15 or 20c Wash Goods in the Store at To See is to Believe, else- Same Caps, anvthing but recently engaged in the hotel buai- om and Mr. Deitrick for a number of ears has been the superintendent of ie Euclid Conl company. They ate now making arrangements to close up their business at South Fork and the first of August will take charge of the Herald, Their many Cambria county friends will wish Messrs. Deitrick and Sechler success and prosperity. 7C Come in. Or Sun Bonnets! Only a few left; them at 17cts instead of 25c. A mtory i current in North Cambria county to the effect that the region about Spangler is infested with foot. pads. It is said that while three young men of that place, named Endler, Wy. and abd Reffner, were driving through what is known as the Wentz woods, two men sprang from behind a tres, ‘and, at the point of a revolver, com. The voung men did as told, and the highwaymen then | went through their pockets, one per forming the act while the other remainder of the Nothing of value was secured, 1 vl, balance must gO. tdKE y = . LADIES BELTS, Alm any kind or color to be found in this lot. A surprise awaits you in this lot. Worth up to 3oc. (lean "em up sale price 16¢. SHOE DEPARTMENT Adds to the sale some exception: ily fine bargains to wit : MENS LADIES ‘Mens 3.50 and $4 Tan Shoes Ladies tan silk vesting inlaid at $2.69. tops worth 1.50 up to 33, Boys Tan Shoes down Reduced prices 1.19 to 1.6q. 2.50 to 81.49—a few Come quick, not very many Xs 1.65 . ’ short. left. (st We aim to sell goods cheap- er than anyone else consider- ing quality. Trash we do not sell. If you are been very thoroughly scared. They did not know their assailants, though the latter were not disguised. Dogs May Howl, ont to save 5 ip Hold ‘money, we ask you cordially urgess Vanallman, of Hollidays- , : : re note. iting, vetoed u5. ariinance Hoeneine | 10 call and see us. We actu dogs and providing for the killing of ‘all carry the most complete unlicensed dogs. The burgess holds line line of ' that the dogs act as substitutes for a! Boy's Suits, ‘Men's Suits, ista for a double tax. ‘Shirts, Col lars ! i ’ Leg Broken. John Luka, a Hungarian employed Cuffs, Neckwear, ‘at the Flannigan Run Colliery, re- ceived a compound fracture of his right | Hats, add Shoes i in NORTH of COUNTY, leg midway between the knee and. And if you are not in the ankle, Friday of last week while en- gaged at his work. He was removed ‘habit of trading here, ask some of your neighbors, to his home on Beech avenue when Dr, ‘8. W. Worrell, assisted by Dr. V. A. ‘Murray, reduced the fracture, Legni Notice, REMEMBER our Motto— Notice is hereby given that Harry “PENNY PROFITS — BIG Hallen, of the township of Reade, in SALES." (the county of Cambria, has made ap- ~~ plication to the secretary of Internal : affairs for a warant on one acre of land situated in Reade township, Cambria county, Pa., adjoining lands of 8. Clark | on the east, Lewis Newhouse on the south and Abner Shaw on the west. Harry HALLEN, Mountaindale, Pa, Jung 24, 1869, 131-13 CTCASBSTORIA. | Boars the The Kind You Haw Abwars Bought | | Bignatare { 1 erties, and that they are already taxed | | by the state and that no necessity ex- | trom S128 Misses and Children's OXFORDS Away below usual values for such shoes. B<&=You are the LOOSER it vou don’t buy the best goods at the least money from the Bank. Th The Busy Store, the e Keystone (othingand Patton Supply Co. Shoe ©. PATTON, PA. I .adies. Location— Directly Opposite