Interest Patton and Santry, Motto <5 fnstiee to Poywnrd None, PATTON PUBLISHING co. Proprietors. E Winn Grerse Fditor, _ ESTABLISHED . - 18 MEETINGS OF BORO DADS Held July 13th and 17th Three Ordinan. | ced Were Passed. Patton, Pa., July 12.—Patton Boro | ugh Council met in special session this | evening for the purpose of taking act- | fon on laying sewer on Fifth avenue and paving said street. All members of Council were present with the ex- ception of E. P. McCormick, who was . reported as being ill. i i A petition of property owners of Fifth avenoe was read, praying for sewer from Magee to Russell avenoes on Fifth avenue, and an outlet for same | | from Fifth avenue to Chest Creek, and lon motion of Winslow and seconded | by Blair, it was carried that a 20-inch, | jor main of suitable size, be laid from | Magee avenue to intersection of outlet | and thence to Chest Creek, and a 12. inch pipe, or suitable size, be laid from Russell avenue to intersection of out- | let, and that an assessment of $28 be . made on each 50 foot frontage on Fifth | avenue between points named and the excess cost of said construction of | sewer be borne by the Borough at large ‘and the future taps to this outlet be as- sessed by resolution of C ‘ouncil fzing prion for same. On motion of Blair, seconded by Anderson, it was carried by a vote of 4 to 2 {Campbell and Cordell voting in the negative | that Fifth avenue, from | Beech to Lang avenues, be paved in ac. cordance with petition presented. The Borough Engineer, H. G. Ayers, waa then instructed to prepare profile and apecefications of above mentioned | sewer and street paving and present same to regular meeting of Council | Monday night, July 17th, The borough Bolititor was instructed | to prepare ordinances relating to in- | tended sewer and street paving, and branes greatly em aa veh. The | on becomes stronger, the le better and the weight ‘ pie, whole budy be. i ‘and Cordell, | | present same at meeting of Council Monday night, July 17th; also to pre- pare ordinance relating to the issuing of $1,000 worth of bonds or as pear that amount as would be legal. Coun- eil then adjourned. : Monday Evening Session, Patton Borough Council met in regular session Monday evening, July | 17th, with the following members pres- ent ar per roll call: Hubbard, Camp. bell, Anderson, MeCormick, Winslow | The minutes of regular {meeting held July 10th and special meeting July 12th were read and ap- proved, The Fire and Police committee recornmended that the are light on the | soc, and $r.ov, ofl dragpists, scorTa a BOWE Chenstats, Mew York, Tax newly appointed PrnAIA super. | visors will receive a salary of $1,200! each for their work. NEARLY $2,000 immigrate entered | Canada last year, of whom 2.4756 were | England and 9.119 from the United Sates. a i i i ATTON would make an elegant lo- | for a silk mill. Capitalist inter. | in that industry should look this! ap before locating elsewhers, A 0 SI ——— THE ALTOONA Board of Trade truly | sets an example fit for any board of trade to follow. The members are al-| ways on the alert for business and the | fruits of their work are plainly to be! seen. That's the kind of hustlers we | i i i n; H. MeGa avy has been appointed | n ot Spangler to fill the caused by the removal of Mil- | on Spencer. The citizens of Spangler | ire happy to know that their post- office was not discontinued as was first WrLLiesrort is to have a paper pill. The resources in and around | for that kind of industry cannot | ¢ excelled in any part of the state] } Manufacturer's committee of the Patton Board of Trade should look | his mater up. vania in atill on the ascendant. Ac- g to the latest figures received Leo Bassett, Pennsylvania heads p list as the largest division, leading York by 1518. Maseachusets is wing up to New York, being only 0 short of second place. Ac- to the report of Secretary ue votal figures for this week Te for the leading eastern . are: Penhayivania 13, ool; New oe summarized his impression of | sentiment in that section thusly: ie advocacy of expansion is not con- i to any party. The commercial of extending the possessions of | w United States appeals strongly to e people of the Pacific slope, and! s little difference of opinion on of politics. Regarding the tion in the Philippines, there is al general belief that Gen. Otis hag riled to measure the full extent of the | insarection, and he ls criticised for not | nanding long ago, a larger army, | as te clean up the work of suppress- the insurrection. The action of President in ng the army’ me of ng a» yigarons| aniveraily approve | ; ~eornir of Sixth and Palmer avenues be removed westward to a point where | the street makes a turn in the vicinity | | of the residence of F. X. Lehman; and that the arc light on West Beech ave- | nue be raised five feet higher than it is at present. On motion of Campbell cand seconded by McCormick, it was carrind that the matter be held over till Council investigate name, The clerk was instructed to notify | Superintendent E. (!, Brown that water plug on corner of Fifth and Magee aventies was too low and that Council | | will refuse to pay rent for same till itis properly adjusted. The ‘cow petition’ was again brought before Council but no action wis taken in the matter owing to a deadlock of Council in the passing of an | | ordinance which resulted 3 to 3 Hub- | ‘bard, MeCormick and Winslow in | favor of ordinance and Campbell, Cor- | dell and Anderson, against. On motion of Winslow and seconded by Campbell, it was unanimously car- i ried that Ordinance No. 46 relating to ‘the suing of $7,000 bonds and the calling of a special election be passed as read, Ou motion of Winslow and seconded | by Cordell, it was unanimously carried i that Ordinance No. 47 relating to the { erection of a sewer on Fifth avenue be | | passed as read. Ordinance No. 48, relating to the! | paving of Fifth avenue, wan then pre- sented] and read to Council. A motion | was made by Anderson and seconded | by McCormick to pass ordinance as! read. A ballot was taken which car-| ried by a vote of 4 to 2--Campbell and Cordell voting against. On motion of McCormick and secon- ded by Winslow, it was lohan] carried that the specifications for the | paving of Fifth avenue be the same as specifications of Magee avenue, with the exception of using pointed dressed | carb stone instead of chisel dressed stone. Council then adjourned. Next regu- lar meeting Monday night, July 24th, Winter Courses Discontinued. On swceount of insufficient appropria- tions by the Legislature, the Trustees {of the Pennsylvania State college have been compelled, along with other measures of entrenchment, to discon- tinue for the present the twelve-woeks winter lecture course in agriculture and the cheese-making course. The creamery course will be given as here- tofore, begiening January 3d, and the work of the regular four-years' course | and of the special one-year course, will | go on as usual, Special efforts will also i be made to increase the efficiency of the correspondence courses in agricul- | tire, Fresh fish every Tharsday and Fri- | | day at the Cash Yrocery. Gi nd kl cASTORIA. Bae i Here is one of those who are either so prej- udiced against all a vertised remedies, or have become discour- aged at the failure of other medicines to help thern, and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won- derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troub- Honesty Is the Best Policv. ranted to be exactly as represented, honest, our manufacture does not give perfect gatisfaction we will refund the mane ¥ : have to lis down and bronght a number of rose to England with them from Damascas, (and these flourished so well that in a i short time rhe beantiful flowers were | ‘to be found everywhere thronghont the | country. : les. FOLEY'S NNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. Cw, E Floagkin. Patton Pharmacy. Married At the M. E. church of Patton, Wed- nesday morning, at 10 o'clock, by Rev, E. H. Witman, Bamuel Keager and Lizzie Nuss, both of Patton, Pa At the home of the brides parents at Keating, Pa, Tuesday, July 18th, Johr Tribley, of Patton and Miss Alice May Delaney. They will re. turn to Patton aboot August lat, where they will reside, ‘At the home of the brides parents on east Magee avenue, Tuesday, July 18th, by Geo. Boone, Faq, GG. W, Dixon and Miss Annie Kauffman, both of Patton. Wianled A good girl for general house work. Also nurse for children. Good wages for good girls. E. C. Browx, Patton, Pa. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tables, A Memory rt Bayhasd, The boy in thers, a barefooted, free. kled, buckwoods lad, whose sge might be anywhere from 8 to 12, fishing pole in hand. There are bramble scratehos on his bare brown legs, like the marks of a wildeat's claws. while patches of snntmrn show rosy red throngh the opening of his cotton shirt A single snspender and a brim torn straw hat complets the tont ensemble, if we may except a yellow, switch tailed cnr. with one ear slit and a sinister cast in an | eye, sitting close at the fisher lad’s back Bnt innburm, scratches and tatters even the dog, are all forgotten as the boy watches breathlessly the wabbling cork that booys his fishing line A kingfisher ntters its harsh, rasping pro test agninet this invasion of {ts vested ‘rights: a squirrel chatters hysterically | (Just out of remch of the owner of the switch tail, who dares not resent the intrusion. - “Outing Siesta onsen ames ps Bathing an Miephant. If there is one thing which an ele phant enjoys above all things else, if is bis bath Iu India elephants are sed to draw the great guns of the heavy ‘batteries They take their baths in the barrscke. at the tromghs where they (drink. and they behave much better about it than many children They | be patient while they are washed by their attendants { They turn themselves abont very (promptly to snit their convenience The attendant rubs the hide with » piece of stone instead of a sponge, and if the stone slips ont of his band the | , elephant politely picks it np with his | trunk and hands it back After they have been well scrubbed the elephants give themselves in shower bath, using their trunks to dash the water upon themselves, and they can hit any part of their bodies with [TS w yt One of the great Chicago department stores keeps a female hairdresser con: stantly at work on a dummy bead that is adorned with flowing and most bean: tiful golden tresses She is watched in. | cemsantly by large and interested i Ccrowds “Yen,” said one woman abwently the | other day to her companion, “blond | hair is very beantiful— blond hair © And at least half a dozen women flashed looks of indignation at the speaks : er Why? Loont Prejudice, “Benjamin Franklin sleeps in Phila- ach ~ remarked the reverent tonr st ; “Well,” answered the New York salesman with the plaid clothes, “‘what | else is the delphia ?'" — Washington Star The Impossible In Society. “They are impossible persons!’ “Yes? “Yes. they have no ancestry what ever !''— Detroit Journal — Well Framed. “You're the very picture of health.’ “Yes. and I'm in a contented frame of mind *' —Chicago Tribune Fat Out as a Feeler. Dhan Willingham -— What wonld you , Mr. Rockington, if 1 were to ask | do for your danghter in marriage? Mr. Rockington— Well, that is some- | thing that I hardly want to answer off. band. * Mr. Willingham--I"'m glad of that Now, if I conld be sure that yon would not answer with yonr foot I wonld feel | free to go ahead. - Chie cago News, Er IO A SOS CERN In the year 1306 4 purty of crnsaders bushes howe that ix the real i re for a wan to do in Phila- Dewitt's Little early risers expel from the system all poisonous accumualations, regulates the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. diseases, dissipate melancholy, and give health and vigor for the daily rou. tine. Do not gripe or sicken. OC. W, Hod gkina, Patton Pharmacy, Subscriptions to The Patent Record $1.00 per snsam. Adolfzen & Forsberg, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Flour, Feed and Provisions. ALSO ESSEX SOAP. Call and see us and learn our prices, East side Iron Bridge, Patton, Pa { if ) BAD BREAK In your bicycle will be quickly & cheaply mended at our store. Does your tire creep? It may cause a bad fall. We it with first-class hard cement by the latest and best process for We sell Excelsior Needle Cos Diamond FE. Spokes, the finest made with can fasten 25 cents, 1 ; les, 3c each. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. 1 Bargains in Cailor- made Suits, $3.75 We are offering our entire stock of ladies’ fashionable tailor made suits at big price reductions during the Midsummer stock reduction sale. These suits have been made by experienced men tailors and arc made after the Intest prevailing styles. This is how the new prices rua Suits made of good cloths in assorted colors—usual $6 00 and $6 50 ones are offered for Suite made of all-wool materials, lined throughout. The jacket is lined with best quality of Taffeta silk-—our usual $12.50 and $15 00 ones are offered for $7.50 3 and $20.00 suits go for $17.5 $10.00 $15.00 When ordering please state color desired nino give exact measure mienis according to instructions given fa our Spring and Runmisicr catalogue, Remember, covery suit in the store is Reduced! $22. 50 suits go for GABLE & CO. The Davhabted Store. 1320-22-24-1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. Honest goods, honest deal- ings will surely bring success. Every hour proves it, The 13:0 days af the nineteenth cen tury show nothing more clearly, We belisve this fact and our works demon. strate our belief. Our goods are war. that iw he sient: afr groves art guaran teed to give perfect t satisfaction, that is If any nrticle of jewelry 5 § mid for such articles: that too is Onest, GEO. O. BRADY, OF THE BAZAAR They drive away of eur prices Has a complete assortment goods in his store for sale al that defy competition. These goods are made from rolled pold, gold filled or solid gold stock and are war- ranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money will be refunded, H this notice should rench living too far away from Mr. Brady's store, or any other customer of ors, to permit their purchasing the goods of our constomers, we wil sell the goods at retail to such persons, under the warranty, and deliver by mail. We will also send printed instructions as BYIY ee to the care of the jewsiry, how 10 clean it, ete. on application. W. F. MAIN & CO., Eastern Factory Corner Friendship & ‘ Fddy Sta, Providence, BR. 1 Western Factory (largest in the world under Jroces of constrocotion at Past Iowa | ity, lowa. Over 52000 ft. of floor! SPROS. ; oe sae You canniot do better shan to call on (loud & Beezer for first-class plumbing, ete. Estimates freely given. -44tf The Delineator 18 THE Woman's Favorite Magazine, and is issned by the famous fashion publishers, The Butterick Publishing Co. (Limited , at 7 to 17 West Thir- teenth Street, New York, at the re markably low rate of $1.00 for a year's subscription, or i5 cents per copy. Of all family nes it 14 the great caterer to : Ne and can be recommended for its cheap ness, usefulness, beanty, and, freshness and utility. Boarding House. 207 Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square, Cambria and Clearfield county people visiting Phila- delphia will find this a con- & venient and central location. Terms £1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. Ed. A. Mellon, Agt., Patton, Pa. YOU NETO At 2 Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging: where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time: above all where you know vou are getting the best in the mark sort of House et at the we kee p. fairest of prices. That's the Call and be sure of it. Have you seen our line of DRY GOODS? The finest in this section to suit your purse. When in town vour headquar welee MITC. (eo. and at prices make our store ters. You will be . (Good, Patton, Pa.
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