The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 13, 1899, Image 5
VOL. VL.—NO. 33. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA. THURSDAY, JULY 1809. 3 DVER T le 1 . THI! PAPER. TRY IT |. Of it From June 15t 1897 to June 15t 18gg we redeemed “worth of Cash Checks in merchandise. Hardly a family in North- ern Cambria County but has the benefiit of this distribu- tion of Profits. It has cost our customers absolutely : Nothing, sve these checks wit every cash their face value in merchandise. Looks like and Ts a pretty large sum | of money, and it ye Yeprejeniasn ¥ average prea worth checks which we have been redeeming monthly, B per. cent. of the GRAND TOTAL, or .75 is the amount which we have given to our customers, and that ' : they appreciate it in avidenced by the steady increase of our business during i the past two years. Are Y OU ~g— GETTING YOUR SHARE Of this Distribution? Register of 5 cents ar more wars them for 5 per. cent. of Earn Some Money! ‘Here's a Chance for Cambnia County We (COURIER and we Jovs and Git the To fisr io must have than want new subscribers do this we must make it an object the boys and girls, ss well as men and amd Clear: We have a larger list than any women in Cambria county Mleld county, too, to work for os already ‘north Cambria ouvunty paper but we sane it fo pd least 3,500 within to mst inere the next six montha, In order Be curs them we are willing to give to (any person who secures them for us Lmaote than the profit to us amounts to for the first vear, becanse we know that ‘ninety per cent of them will become permanent subroribeds, Here is our proposition: To any one securing us five subsorib. ers, accompanied by the cash, five dollars, we will pay $2.50. For ten new subscribers and ten dol. ars, we will pay 86 in gold, For twenty pew subscribers we will i pay $10, For forty new #0 On up. submoribers, $20, and By securing as 100 pew subecrilurs ivon will make $540, ‘make it 200 you will receive a prize of (#106 in yellow gold. [There are many young people about and if you can the various towns and villages in this’ i to in this way with litle effort. Try I. You can certainly get five or ten, {Do not send or bring in the BAnIEs ne eoramunity who can earn from "ul Fou get the money, This offer will bobd good until Janis Lary Ist, 1800. let everybodys that has the time to Inet, Get in the Swim and buy your epare go to work and see how many Toys. Novelties, Notions, To. - boeeo and ( enfacSionery a at the Patton Pharmacy. _ Opposite School Building. Fencing | Che: ap! for, instance Douliry wire, of all size Plain Galvanized Wire at $1.75 per hundred which you know can not be bought for less than $2. 20 f. 0. b. Pitts burg. . Also 3 barg ain, ~ Matting from roc a yard up or 4 toilet sets at a The finest line of rockers on the market—Golden oak, art or mahogony finish. Children express wagons , $1 and 81.60. Glass jars at the lowest fig- ures. Rugs, at half price : Wind shades, all prices, also cottage rods. Stoves and Ranges, the largest line in town. | remnants of carpet. Very Respectfully, ce C. GRENINGER, Mgr. submoribers they can get for the Cova. nen Everybody wants a local paper, Land all those who subscribe will be glad of it. Write al receipis will be forwarded to al) as ames and addresses plainly ast as we receive the cash, We regard this as a more equitable proposition than the asgrage prise of- fier, where a bicyels, a scholarship in some cheap school, or something of that mort, is given to the person secur- fing the most names or coupons, be. cause, in that way, only a few oul of | the “whole army of solicitors receive Lany recompense for their labor. On Cour plan everybody gets paid for what he Hoes, Sample copies free on application, MAINS SHOW isbn te wii Exhibit in Patton, on Taosdiy, July | the 54h, Tuesday, July 205th day in Patton, On that date William IM. Main’s show will pitch ita tents near Fifth avenue, in all departments. The trapese per- formance is the equal of that of the largest show; the acrobatic fouts are (far in advance of the largest in exist. hae ap- peared the press speaks of it in the and above the present bonded debt. Leno. Wherever the show Remember the date, daily chighest terms. (Two performances snd evening, A Tow Amputatisd, A nine-year-old son of George Gear- day which necessited the amputation of one of his toes on his lel foot, {cauned by a railroad car wheel passing cover it. The little fellow was crossing “over a freight train standing on the ‘crossing on Pith avenue when it suddenly started up, and in attempt- lng to climb down upon the ground his fool was caught and several toes se. verily smashed, cape from what might have proven a | very serious accident and this should | f Patton in | | be in warning to all boys of | the future to refrain from jumping on and off of railroad freight trains. Ckmbria boys Ordained as Priests, At 8t. Vincents college near Beatty, Friday, Bishop Phelan, of the Pitts. burg Diocess of the Catholic church, ordained info the priesthood Rev. Den- | i nis Severin and Rev. Agatha Stritt- Rev, | Dennis celebrated his first mass at Carrolltown Sunday and Rev. Agatha will celebrate his first mass next Sun. matter, of Carroll township. day at that place. than two per cent of the August, twenty will be show This organization although, not as large as some of the aggregations traveling, Is up-to-date of the proposed increase of debt is afternoon posed Increase of debt is the opening cand extending of streets, building of It was 8 Darrow es- 3 BOROUGH ORDINANCES NUTIBERS 40, 47 and 48, Helating © : eying Bo Warth of Hands fewer on bower Fifth Avena Avena : Fraviing » Paving Fifth ORDINANCE XO. 46. An ordinanes: providing for an increase of the Borough debt, lioing bonds to secures the same, calling a special election of the electors of the Boreugh of Patton to obtain their eansent to said increase of debt, Be it enacted the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Pat. ton, and it is hereby enacted by author- ity of the same: That the Burgess and Town Conneil of the Borough of Pat- ton, Penna, with the consent of its electors to be obtained at gn election to be held for thst purpose, increases indebtedness over and above Hs present indeblednesss to the amount thousand dollars, the same being less last preced- ing assessed valuation of the taxable nnd Ly its af seven (property of the Borough, for the pur- pose of openiig and extending streets, building of bridges, improving streets and other municipal improvements, That a public election be held in the Firewon's ball, the place of holding municipal elections in the said Borough of Patton, on Thursday the 24th day of 1828, for thie Purp of oh. taining the consent of the electors of the said Borough to the said increase of debit, That the debt be secured hy coupon interest bearing bonds, at a rate of interest not excesding four and one half per cent. per annum, payable twenty years from date, bol redeem. able ben years from date al the option of the Borough That notice of said election be given by publication of the following notice in the Parros Covrien snd the Patten Searchlight, two newspapers of general circulation and published in the Bor ough of Patton, and by not less than baud bills pusted in the most pratidic parts of the Borough for at least, thirty days prior to said election: Nojjew of Special Election Notice nw hereby given by the Bar gemm and Town Conneil of the Borough of Patton, that a special election will be hebd in the Firewen's hall, the place of holding municipal elections in the Bor. ough of Patton, on Thursday, the Mth day of August, 1808, for the purpose of ohtaining the consent of the electors of | the Borough of Patton, to an increase of the Borough debt, which notice sets forth as follows: First. The amount of the last as. sessed valuation of the property in the Borough was $352,220. Second. The amount of the existing debt in: Bonded debt Outstanding orders - $7,600 00 681 31 $8,281 3 Resources applicable thereto within Auditors . +c MIEN $6, 503 or : Third, The amount or percentaga $7,000.00 or one and nine hundred and eighty-six one thousandenth per cent, of the amount of the last preceeding assessed valuation of the taxable prop. erty, and less than two per cent. over Fourth. The purpwse of the pro. bridges, improving stréets and other ‘municipal improvements. | heart met with a painful secident Fri. Enacted and ordained the 17th day of July, 1889, W. UCU. HuBBaRD, : President of Council. Atbtest: JAMES GILLIECE, Clerk of Council, Approved by the Burgess of Patton Borough this the 17th day of July, 1504, GEORGE E. PRINDIBLE, Burgess of Patton Borough. ORDINANCE XO. 47. An ordinance for the construction of a sewer o1l Fifth avenue from Magee avenue kouth to Rassell avenue, and providing that the same be carried down Little Chest Creek and em- ptied into Chest Creek, and providing that the cost of constructing the same be assessed to the property owners abutting on Fifth avenue be- tween Russell avenue and Magee adjacent property and the Borough, dollars ($28) for esch 50 feet and pro- avenue at the rate of twenty-eight portionately for greater or lesser frontage and the balance of cost of i Fifth WYOne, Lavente and Hassell fongh of Patton, Chest Creek, reek south I property Owners on tween Beech and Lang avenues, in Pat ton Borough, have petitioned Council at large and future taps or benefits he charged for by rate to be fixed by resolution of Council, Section 1. Be it enacted and dained/Tiy the Burgess and Town Coun. cil of the Borough of Patton, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by an. thority of the same. Tht in purscance to a petition of a majority of the properly owners on residing between Magee avenue in the Bor. there shall be con and maintained a puabdie sewer for the disposal of waste water and other sewage matter, beginning at Magee avenoe, thence santh to Little and from Little Chest to Russel avenoe, said. sewer to extend down Little Chest Creek and empty into Chest Creek near the railroad bridge over Little Chest Creek. Section 2. And it is further enacted that said sewer, from Magee avenne to, and down Little Chest Creek, shall be constracted of 20-inch terra cotta pipe, arid onneotsd with the Fifth RYENLS already laid at Ma- avenge, and ta serve As A trunk line carry off the waste water from the Beech and Fifth ave. id sewer, from Rossel avenue to Little Chest Creek shall be constrocted of 12 inch terra cotta pipe, and wll shail be nid at such a depth as shall sufficiently drain waste pipes and {Xs at rieted Pope sewer fro $43 IIE SE WerK, as all olla Bection 3. That the structing said sewer shail be paid hy the property owners abutiiog on Fifth avenue at the rate of §28 for each 50 comt of cone feet and proportionately for greater or temmer frontage, and the balance of cost of said construction be borne by the Borough at large amd fotore taps or benefits be charged for al a rate to be fixed by resciution of Council. Section 4. That the depth of sald sewer shail be located by the Borough Engineer and & plan be prepared by him and submitted to the Council. ’ Beetion 5 And it is further enacted and ordained that the Borough En gineer be and hereby empowered to advertise for and to receive bids for the ruction of said sewer, gooording to the plans and specifications pre pared ar to be prepared by him; bids to cowl oe and be submitted to the Burgess and Town Usuncil on July 31st, 1888 Enacted and ordained the 17th day of July, 1&60, W. C. Hysnann, President of Conneil. Attest: James Giorgos, lerk of Connell Approved by the Burgess the day of July, 1599. Gronur E. PRINDINLE, Burgess of Patton Borough, 17th ORDINANCE NO, AN, An ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of Fifth avenue from Lang avenne north to the northérn sidde of Beech avenue, and providing for the collection of the costs of the wagne, : Sesion 1. Be IU enacted and or | dained by the Borgess and Town Coun- {¢il of the Boroagh of Patton, and it is the year as per statement of Borough | hereby enacted and ordained by an. thority of the same: That whereas a majority in interest and number of the Fifth avenue be tht said street be graded, paved and curbed; setting forth in said petition that the street js in such a condition that some permanes improvement is necessary, and redpectiully asking that the same be paved with brick or other stitiihle roaterial, Therefore be it enacted and that said street, beginning at the south side of Lang avenues, and extending north to the north side of Beech ave. nue, be properly graded, curbed and paved with vitrified paving brick or other suitable material to the width of ordained forty feet, Beotion 2. That grading, paving and curbing be done according to plans and specifications of the Borough Engloser, which plans are hereby approved and made part hereof, and that the same be done under his supervision as well as that of the Street Comniities Betion 3 That the gr adit. ing and curbing shail be done by pon- tract, Qontract ta be ised and let to thelcomtractor who submits the lowest op/best bid, offers the best terms anid who submits a sufficient bond for the frithful performance of his duty undef the contract. Seection 4. That the cost of grading, paving and curbing the same to be as- certained and assessed to the owners of pav- advert according to law, by viewers appointed : by the court for that purpose, and that the same be collected by the Borough Attest: Ashoroft, WO PF. H, Kinkesd and 1. Friday night when the matter of adver ‘a line of action was monthly meeting at Chest Springs, in the hands of the Borough Treasnrer to pay for the wame Section & The Borough Fagioeer 8 for bid : paving and eurbing of according to plans and speoi- hereby directed elven fay the the SAM, ing ng. greach fications prepared or to be prepared by him, and to report the bids received by | him to the Burgess and Town Connedl | on the 31st day of July, 158%, Connell chambers, who will enter a written contract with lowest and best bidder for the grading, paving and curbing of the same. Enacted and ordained the 17th day of July, 1809, Ww. at the : Henan, President of Council, JAMES (HILLIRCE, Crerk of Conneil. GRORGE E. PRINDIRLE, Burgess of Patton Borough. THE BOARD OF TRADE MEETING. The President Apputate The Different Com The Wark (ratlined, At a meeting of the Patton Board of Trade held in the Goldstein hall Thurs day night, the following Committe were appointed Executive--8. W. Worrell, chairman; John R. Cordell, P. J. Deitrick, W. J. Donneliy, J. E. Dale, I. 8. Beil and A. Hei tien, E. Patton. Finance EE. Will Greene, chairman: Wm. H Sandford, W. A. Mellon, Geo. O. Brady and Dr. V. A. Murray. Btatistios and Puablieation -(. W/O Hodgkins, chairman; J. BR. Cornelio, BE. Will Greene, DH. OC. Warren, Haw) ard Dinsmore, John Gantz and J. J, Donnelly. Manufacturers and Real Estate J 0). Hartshorn, chairman; W. L. Thom H. Biller, Johan Hubbard, MoPher- won, John A. Myers, W Weakiand and John Gaglairdi Manicipal Affairs H, chairman; John Seheid, som, J. BE. Parneii, P. ¢ ot FE. Barton, H. T. Petars, M. Patterson, After the above appointments wore made the President impressed upon all theme present, who were members of the different Committess, that it wis an important duty for the members to oR together al and proceed to outiine the work laid down for them to do. The meeting was well attended smd much interest was manifested hy ail those present. Several new namo were added to the membership roll. Meswrs, E. A. Mellon and HE. Wil Oe | Lireene were appointed as a committee of two to call on every business and professional man in Patton for the pur. posse OF Inviting them to beeome mem bers of the organization, The members of the Statistic and Publication committes held a meeting tising was discussed at some Jength and laid out which, in the very peur future, will be put to practical ose, M. IVa at Cle: Spo [ast Friday the medical soviety HE. Cambria county held its regular where the members wers royally enter. tained by Dr. Harry Somerville, who is 8 member of the society, The visit ing medicos from all parts of the county were met at Ashville by a hay wagon, which Dr. Somerville had charters especially for the cecasion, and the trip to Cheat Springs was a most happy one, according to reports. The meet ing in itself was probably only a side ssne when compared with the other features of the day. Papers were read by Dr. Somerville and Dr. Wagoner and there was some discussion. At noon time the physicians were mobil ized for dinner, which will probably go down reword ote of the muowmd its An appetizing the physicians ever had » | chance to get ab. It is staled on good authority that every Jolinstown mem. ber of the party took it upon himself LE REA Spring Sve other wait lation found from the assis the nu to benevaolently vhicken ke wed th ings, and 1 the a deus for not a single doctor city. The held at Johnstown sod in wanting next regular meeling Urtober the SOCIOL V In wind to meet ab Gailitzin, Witten by a ag While attending to his profession Sunday lo the vicinity of Frenchtown, “Dr. J. B. Noonan, of Fifth avenue, en- countered a vickoos dog that mule things extremely interesting for. a while. As be was walking along the road the animal came ont of the woods and attacked him. Besides being wee | verely bitten on his left leg near the thigh, his pantaloons were badly torn and from appearances he looked as if ‘he had met with a whole pack of wolves. The doctor “hastened to his home when Dr. Worrell was summoned | who cauterized the wound. For good goods at the right price go | construction be borne by the Borough | | Solicitor and turned into the street fund | to the Cash Ciracery Oras in Lhe inte i 5 3 {PALE PIE Tier Ringo fran their mines miners ARTO IIL Were cotape led 0 ferept : the same 188%. them : before ough Engineer, of to be retained by will be ¥ (in case Lon or before AN APPEAL FOR ASSISTANCE tt Mine Labare Too ALF Winer an: ie Mav Cor ra 1 When Hiosabiree, Pa, Fitiaw MiNens:. CEIVEnion fmet in Pid this your: July 10, 1860, When the joint sperators amd miners fan part of RIF I Lines LL inners asked Tor rate. The (pers Mors resisiod oon the prongs that the adjoining fae ein, vere pnt parbies by the inter-state ww that they could Fie rites Yo soe the by that where {he to, and not agrecent, i BOL pay any bootie Wom Ke i¢ BY and oo ARR COTES OEY the in Hoddes covered rate of wages as obtained in The national organization real izing that they had reached a point bee vond which they could not go unless other fieids advanced with them, sent national organizers into District No. 2, comprising Northern, Southern and Central Pennsylvania, and otherwise assisted] the District in its efforts to organize, and as a result thirty thous- and minere have secured advances in their wages varying from ten to fifty per cent. There are still about sight thousand miners on strike to oltain the same advances which has been con- ended to others, The Rochester and Pittsburg com. pany, in its eagerness to defeat the men, evicting the women and cohil- dren from their homes and turning SU npon the highway. Many in need of the Knowing the ef. feet which the defeat of these miners woukl have upon the coal trade and mining rates generelly, we appeal to you on thelr hehall to assist them to the full ability, first, becatse von te protecting your OWN interests wiv, and second, Bocuse of Lela feeling ange dered by aur eo-anion eraftahip. Send aii PT Te 54 347 Hara {suber ri PHstrict Secretary-Tee b Fork, Cam- biria county, Pa Hoping that the peal wil Case, Whi farnilion are NeOCHRERr as always of life. eXient Velie BRUT Er, Sond + response to Lhis ap. to ihe peeds of the We are Leraally yours, TB Wisox, Pristrict Pros, {+L BERT meng! y 1 A dinate fr 17th says: “Al Pang J & 1°, work to-day, over S 0 men going in Their action also Rien Ph Spine to SOVeral oye of he B. R. & F. OWI oud by t Ber aver six weeks wa immense Bic Bary Treas, Mine sory Wark sa Drader Gated Joly thos sox of the B. & ReR PEs ed fa Fi fHOuUREINT € rallroad wi rie, anil hive ast ie. There im KG amount of cond going north through here Lo-night, {he reached.” bat it will be several days maximum output is Fide for Nireet Paving. riven that the Bors the Borough of Pate tom, will receive sealed bids for the grading, paving and curbing of Fifth avenue from Beech avenue to Lang Notice is heephy avenue in said borough, in accordance to plans and specitications prepared by him. All bids shail be accompanied by a certified cheek in the sum of one : handred dollars, 10 be retorned to the bidder shouid the bid be rejected; but the Borough until the contract is signed and bond executed in case the bid is accepted and contract awarded, then to be retorned to the bidder, All bids shall be in writing, and shall be submitted to the said Borough Ea- gineer before the hour of six o'clock po n., July Gis, 1489. Plans and specifi- cations can be seen ab the offive of the Borough En gifeer, Patton, Penn'a The Borough reserves the right to re and all briela, fy E00 je any H. Avena, Borough Engineer, Pa. July 1s, 1889 For Newer Patton, ver that the Hore Horough of Pat- for the y sewer on Filth ave nae, In sald Bovoagh, I acoordance with plage and ns prepared by him. All shall be accompanied by a certitied the sum of one husdred Joli; returned to the bidladey af thie rejected; but to be retained by the Borough until contract i bond executed hid ded and contract RIOR bids eonstruct ud} £30 AL iN Rie] awarded. All bids shall be submitted in writing the hour of six o'clock p. m., July 31st, 1598. Plans and speecifi- cations can be seen at the office of the Borough Engineer, Patton, Pa. The borough reserves the right to re- | ject any and all bids. Geo. H. AYERS, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa. July 18, 1568,