The Kind You Har “or ‘ove 50 years, las borne tho sigasture of » and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AN Connterfuits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- periments that trifle with and endanger the health of + Infants and. SChMMren-Erpohicncy Against Experiment, Castorla is 1 a , sulstitnte for Castor and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic : NEbstanee, Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Calle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the a Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The ® Childsrn’s 3 Panacea-=The Mother's Friend. | i © 1 Barnes som, Fu. | attended avenue, Patti, will attend to the riiom residing in Patton nnd vigtnity het ar aight by | § 3 ! Dentist, : HASTINGS, PA. diseases of the teeth and outh) 28tf | - Dentist, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. PATTON, PENN'A. Avenue. Mee (n Youn *utlon, ALWAYS = EH UNDERTAKER All onli will beg Johit Rasbedifle, Agent Phone, LH A. SEITZ, Dentist! OF PATTON, CAPITAL PAID U P, £50,000. 00. SURPLUS, 847,000.00, AND EMEALMER, spatnptly | if Were warts of lls x Building, next to P. O. Pa. Office Hours-8 a. m. to 2m, and 1 p.m. toh pom FirstNation’ | Bank Jerry's version of "n. A prominent Detroit woman with " | great interest in juvenile mission work haa this excellent anecdute to tell: . One of sion is co to the nrmber of 20 ¢r more whose | apes range from 8 to 8 Most of the | scholars are boys, thongh now and then | age, sex or condition, one notices the pinched face of a little danghter of poverty in the ranks The other day the lesson was on the peenlinrities of English. Words that are pronounced alike and spelled differ ently and words that sire pronounced differently but spelled alike were dis: enssed at length. She explained the dif- ference between lead the metal and Jen the verb, and the children grasped the point instantly. Then she took the two words “week” and “weak.'’ She explained the difference in the meaning and use to the tots, and then called np a little fellow, aged 5. to nse the word “wenk’ in a phrase The little fellow thought a moment, then answered, “A wenk old wornan. ° The teacher nodded her approval, and smiled into the eyes upturned to bers, “Now, Jerry Ryan,’ sha ssid, torn ing to another little boy, “yon take the word ‘week’ and nse it in a phrase.’ Jerry thought a minute, and then, he, too, replied, ‘A weak old baby.’ Detroit Free 8 Press. His Final Negueat. A Scotch farmer, celebrated in hia neighborhood for his immense strength | and skill in athletic exercises, very fre | quently hud the pleasure of contending with people who came to try their strength against him. Jord D., a great pogilistic mmateur, weot from London on purpose to fight the athletic Scot. The latter was working in an inclosure "at a little distance from his honse when the noble lord arrived. His lordship tied | farmer. ous reporta of yoor skill and bave come a Jong way to see which of us two is the better wrestlar. The Scutchmonn, withoot answering. seized the nobleman, pitched him over the hedge and then sek abont working again. When Lord D. got wp. ‘Well, said the farmer. “‘bave yom anything to say to met To replied his lordsbip. “‘but per: my horse. Public Opinion. Fooled the Pansengers. A man sitting in an electric car the "other day pulled cut of his pocket his handkerchief. when ont sprang what seemed to be a spake. It wriggled and jumped around on the floor at n great Crate. The ladies scremined and hoddied : stamped his foot on it, bot spon exami nation it proved to be a copper wonnd ' baw piano wire, which the man with . the handkerchief bad ecolled ap in his ket and, having become uncailed, jutuped to the floor. How the women looked daggers at him after they be came quieted down was a caution soon got off, we presume to put it in the piano that needed it, not becanse of the looks of the women Basle Ga gette opin dn Heduped Rates to Phlisdalphia bapa yon'd be goud enangh to throw me together, the men made for it, and one Ha REGARDLESS OF AGE. The kidneys are responsible for more sickness, suffering, and deaths than any other organs of the body. r classes fn a certain mis Poued) of ttle street children people to-day is traceable to kidney A majority of the ills affiicting trouble, society, in all climates, It prevades all classes of regardiess of The symptoms of kidney tronble are unmistakable, such as rheumatism, nearalgia, sleeplessness, dull aohe in the hack, a urinate often day or night, supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of clogged kidneys, causing poisoned and germ filled blood. Sometimes the heart acts badly, and tube (wasting of the kidneys: are found in the nrine, which if neglected will result in Bright's the mast dangerous form of kidney tronhle. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the in- fluence of Dr. Kilmer's Swomp It has yo. reputation for its wonde cures of the mont distros ing cases, No one need be long without it as it is 80 easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. You can have a sample bottle of this wonderfal dis covery, Swamp-Root, and a book tell- ing all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail. Send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Bingham. ton, N. Y. and kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the PATTON COURIER, “What might have been’ if that lit- tle cough hadn't been neglected is the pait Or desire: to profuse or scanty Prisons, EX pers LAWL 160 | sad reflection of thousands of consumyg | his horse to a tree and addressed the on o ’ p- “Priend, I have heard marvel tives. One Minute congh Cure cures coughs and colds. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “1 have used Chamberlain's cough Remedy in my family for years and al- ways with good result,” says Mr. W. B. Cooper of El Rio, Cal. “For small chidren we find specially effective. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Phar- MACY. Dewitt’s Little Barly Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assis- tance to nature, causing no pain or weakness, permanently caring consti tion liver ailments. ©. W Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “Puring the hot weather last sum. mer | had a severe attack of cholera morbus, necessitating my leaving my business,” says Mr. (. A. Hare, of Hare Bros, Fincastle, Oblo. After taking two or three doses of Chamberlain's colie, cholera and Dlarrboes Remedy I was compistely relieved and in a few hours was able to resiime my work in the store. | sincerely recommend it to any one afflicted with stomach or bowel trouble” For sale by CW, Hodgkins, Pation Pharmacy. Pare, clean blood and a healthy liver remtilt from the vse of Dewitt's Little Lone Notts. plication to the secretary of Interpal affairs for a warant on one acre of land situated in Reade township, Cambria county, Pa, adjoining Innds of 8, Clark on the enst, Lewis Newhouse on the south and Abner Shaw on the west, Haprey Hanes, Mountaindale, Pa, June 24, 1889, 3143 J. V. Babe, M. D., Fort Vaile, Ga, sys: “1 have been practicing medicine twenty-five years and know piles to be ons of the most difficnlt of diseases to cure, but have known newitt’s witch Hazel salve to cure nambers of cases and do not hesitate to recommend it.’ Be sure vou get “‘pDewitt’s” there are injurious counterfeits on sale, ©. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. THE FINANCIAL REPORT Of Patton Borough School Instrict From JUNE 13, "08 to JUNE 8,’ SEE W hede Bomber of Se hols - A erage number of months taught TEACHERS, EN nb r of Male Teachers ¢ mploy ext 2 Namber of Female et “ Average sm iaries of Males per nonth a A vorage sainrion of Females por month. 90 06 TAX AND BATE PER CENT Numbwr of miihs Jove for sehods, 13 orn SG Number of mills levied for butidiog, 10 arin nt L182 06 Number of mits lov Aol for Frtorent and Fel, 1 areron ft ad TH Total amount levied. RECEIPTS From: State Appropriation Fron Collector, taxes of all Kinds: Prag Heated 4 Wi RT a wii 6A Fmplioate, IW ATW Ae) nme ted Lands a Fines Beowik dont rorvist or jomt Tuition vray ieee il © Bor bees fL14 0 woes Iu Tidal EXPENDITURES Tone hor Wages Teme brn attending Inatitaie i Janitors salary a ! Fas! and sontingencies Pow of Collertor, B12 82 Cornmnission, $1710 i 7 iy Meera ry s Salary vay Ue abnrerne nt Bxerdises i 5 Preto mid Intervet paid Enforcing Uonpaibory law 4 A foxt Fours ? Ae RR Fei bpowsl Ma ppiiow Io Th A other purposes, sundry HR Pra LE Faglanee dae Tressaner, 97 fi af $4001 0 won Lo Tremsnirvir’s Testa , Le Fem U OFS AND BIARILATIES, eb ixae from Colleen biewit: Pusplicaie, DOG $ Zui frapiivate, as 184 WT Fraga foes, (a : 4 on naenied [amis Hw Teding wat 0 LIABILITIES pres Cuyinim nating i Ssediieed w 4 stele bag Foobar oan Blaibding Bhoruda £0 standing § pant Foe TT resis Total iL 3 2 ib Li BO mais AAR HZ, Te 43 Notice is hereby given that Harry Hallen, of the township of Reade, in the county of Cambria, has made apr ‘River BR. R. 80 1T0 A © Met ioes 15a a | Pennwy ivania ralimed, and ‘v. ad; 2004 0 $1.4 75 Js he ES Now York Central Mileage Books, One thousand mile books are on sale at ticket offices of the New York Cen- tral system at $20.00. They are ac cepted for passage between all stations on the New York Central & Hodson and Branches; Rome, Watertown, & Ogdensburg and Bran ches; Carthage and Adirondack; Moe hawk and Malone; New York and Put- nar; New York and Harlem; Syracuse, Geneva and Corning; Fall Brook; Pine Creek; Beech Creek; Dunkirk, Allegh- eny Valley & Pittsburg: West Shore and Walkill Valley Railroads. They will also be accepted for passage on the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Rail- way; Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; Altoona and Philipsburg Connecting Railroad; Philadelphia and Reading Railway and Atlantic City Railroad. These mileage books are anlimited as to time in which they may be nosed; they entitie the holder to the same rights and privilages as to transporta- tion of persons or property as the high- est class tickets sold by the company; they cover a large territory and are more liberal in conditions than any other mileage book on sale anywhere. Pittsburg & FEastern Time Table. T0 TAKE EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE, (9, 1899. Westward [eave Union Station (Mahaffey Beveh Crock Janction Mahaffey Labuthiirst Met ives Weteell Works [., Sunderland { f.. Eik Lick 1. Burnside Passmore! rien © wre phil Mod y toy v Hooverhurst BRB Gen 3? - Fu - e i TT ELFEN RNWHNY 3 aR z nssBENsd BEEsroyapupes - o — Be Kssugen Ba Ba BL ag se faenve Pu 22 Yn ® > 2 Hooverhuamt Mabey (ein Cam Poassrnore § Barnside Fik fick 1 Ryteriand 1 Works 7. Waotgeli sx LE - Te BRA ED UTEUEXERYLERS Latatharst f Mahntfoy Beweh Croek Junwtion Union Station MahaWey: {. Fiag station. Connertions- AL Halon Nation, Mahatey, with Beerlh Cw maiivond, division . %. W. mail nt W Binks Huan with Melicex & Now. font milrond: at Motes with 8 NW, foul trowel, Notew 1 nti} farther noties trains will mn only between Union Station (Mahafley: and Gite Capaplacil, AH trains Antly exept Nan- Any. 8H. Hicks, (ooeral Manager, Mahaey, Ps, Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table June 12, 1899. Egnrepgnns } Busveevevvessw ExuEnagbneyNcy Main Line, Tara ve roms - East want, Mog Mbore Bx press, weok days. A tows Avenvnumewintion, week days Main Fine Kxpress, dally Alton Avoranmweiation, deily Mati Foprows, daily Prtindeiphin Express, daily Lora ve € pommeany— Went ward, Jolson ns Nevo, Week days. uedne Ex pirves, Anily Way Passenger, dally Pa E Xprem... : Mati Fastline, dnily Sus % * Fas a i in Good Building, second floor, - Mages - TETTT EE UVC EES BEESEE? 3EEEES a vn UES FE varly Risers the “famous iittie pills.” They cure constipation, biliousness and : sick-beadache. C. W, Hodgking, Patton s.a'h Ta diy (examined ¥ FAS Baw joni Pharmacy. “ Johnstown Soon - work days cambria and ¢ Joarfield. Sompth ward, Morning train fr Patton and Ceemmon loaves Hastings 21 Gaeway ori Tremmiony 624M Pat. gon As Hind ioy Jaretion IEG Kaylor ea arriving Al Crewsors 8% 106 A. ML A flertoon train for Patton and Cresson leaves Glen Campbell at 1230 p.m: Maha fiey at 1250 Ladue Avettiata of Foarpeemtlene, Fire, Taadividae wis and Bane mas owh agen Tis tried favors. : bbe tenis pois iting Yh vos Got seine} IRE PE REFS i Wankiag. Po Mesninbip tans flit, Foreign esos, stom pul Siew S00] WY to AL sorrespaids in person! attention, Tntereat gaid on Hine deguomits "On account of the Prohibition State | Property convention to be held ut Philadeiphia, July 21, 1599, the Pennsylvania rail. road company has arranged to sell to all persons applying excursion’ tickets from stations on ita line in the State of Your Mt fame oR a on the foopegodnad ovoid, ty the test oF our : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, in Good Building, Room No. 3. Surgury and the Eye a Specialty. All Fear wate tusr all fia lmding i313 th girineipn A. Meitow HR fisaLe, sil fos preven pt mad Our baby has been continoally trouh- “ ted i tops led with colic and e¢holera infantum receive prompt attention, CIAN & SURGEON. block, next to Postoftie "onlin rewpe PUY, Dose and sell batt : Attomey-at-Lav, PATTON, Pa. ttorney and Counselor at Law, Bugnssrne, Pai \ 1 FITZPATRICK'S Restaorant on = h Magee avenue, near pt brs HOURS. ¥ HOUSE ; i Cola Pestofls Wines at tiote ds reteia. Best of Liquors Guoroe FERGUSON, A. E. PaTrox, President. Cashier, Wrooning Coven, Asthma, and Inciptent Consumption, is Hatton Pharmacy ; C.W, Hodgkins, Wa. H. SANDFORD, Pennsylvania, to Philideiphia, at rate of single fare for the round trip ‘ mini. mum rate fifty cents. Tickets will be sold on July 20 only, and will be good to retarn until July 23, inclusive. CASBTOIRTIA. The Kind Y! $40.00 Bicycle Given Away Daily The publishers of THE NEW YORK SrAR, the bandsomely illustrated San- day newspaper, are giving a Hiou GRADE BICYCLE each day for the larg. est list of words made by using the let- ters contained in “T.H-E NEW YORK STAR" no more times in ahy one word than it «Js found in The New York Star. Web- authority. class timekeepers | will be given daily for second and third best lists, and many other valuable rewards, includ- ing Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, China, Ster- ling Silverware, etc, ete, ‘merit. This educational contest is be. ing given to advertise and to introduce this successful weekly into new homes, and all prizes will be aviarded promptly without partiality. Twelve 2-cent stamps must be ¢gnclosed for Thirteen weeks’ Trial Subscription with full par- ticulars and a list of over 300 valuable ‘rewards. Contest opens and awards commence Monday, June 26th, and closes Monday, August 21st, 1588, Your list can reach us any day be- tween these dates, and will receive the award to which it may be entitled for that day, and your name will be printed in the following issue of The New ‘York Star. Only one list can be entered by the same person. Prices “are on exhibition at The Star's business offices. Persons securing bicycles may have choice of Ladies’, Gentlemen's or | ‘Juveniles’ 1809 model, color or size de- # sired. Call or address Dept. “E,"”’ The jew York Star, 238 W. New York City. | DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills, 30th Street, tine. in order of ing here to trade this month. since his birth, snd all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain's colie, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy. Since giving that rem. edy he bas not been troubled. We want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy. Ch. M. Law, Keokuk, lows For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Dewitt's Little Barly iisers expel from the system all poisonous accumulations, regulates the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away diseases, dissipate melancholy, and give health and vigor for the daily rou- Do not gripe or sicken. C. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. L. W. Cook. “ster's Dictionary to be considered as Two Gold Watches | first- Our Great July Clear- ing sale Goes Merrily On new Among the countless to be had, the following noting. Good yard wide bleached muslin a yard. The very best muslins at 5c and 5c a yard. Bleached and unbleached sheeting all reduced to great valoes, Dress Ginghams reduced to de, 8ic a yard. Beautiful zephyr ginghams only a yard. ‘All our percales reduced to prices 5c and 10c a yard. Plain black Sateens So, 10 ¢ and 12ie a yard. Calico of every sort 3icand jc a yard. Lancaster ginghams now 4c a yard. Everything in the Domestic De; part- bargains now are worth Tc & jie two ment has been greatly reduced for the month of Jaly. In fact all goods throughout the store are cut to a low basis snd bar- gains are the rule. You can save great money by com- We want you to come and see how we do business for we know we can please and can make it profitable for you. One Square From Station. Altoona, Penna. Costume of Sevres bine poplin. Circular skirt with boxplait in front. Blouse waist opens over yoke of white liberty silk with stock © ollar to mate. Revers of poplin are edged with velvet and trimmed with soutache. Mater. ial required for girl ot 12 years. poplin, 42 inches wide, 4 yards; velvet 22 in ches wide, | yard. Cut in 12 and 14 YOars, A special illustration and full direct- ions for putting patterns together will be found on the pattern. To secure the above patterns observe the following rules: (‘ut out the picture, being careful to preserve the number and enclose with 10 cents, giving full name and addross with house number. Where two numbers are given, the pattern is a double number and if both are desired twenty cents must be sent. Address Pattern Departmen’. ToiLETTES Pus. Co, 170 Fifth Ave. New York. Pat Py Rayior dan Patton P Hastings for Mos hua tes has liey JRA P 1 Mabatfoy [LEE arriving af Glen ampbell GY Cine les ven | reseon BT i ay bor Sdn Beadioy BB Junction Centever 26 Hastin a 3 Fmrway for Ceveesors Sr Patton 3900; Junction 1 Kaylor & 1, arriving ai ier fal Northwant, Morning trivia lenves Oran Sor Mabaifey Bradley Jonethon Beng Omrwiny (for Muastings iE EG Garway Lior Mae Woawteovrr 118 Ladose Tnetion fae be A Merwe Emin fior Patton art Plast Junetion ab Patton © Garesy 817 West. over ddl arriving at Hastings at 46 p.m. For raten, mapa, te. apply to lioket agent of mire Fa pap, AW. Dow ; Pion "Yenc, Itt Pa. BR. Wood, 4. B. Huatehinmom, a. Gien, Pass. Agt then, Mgr New York Central ® Rudson River Railroad, Pennay visas Division. Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table. Hed down Exp Mail Nas Nos *» mm 0 Patton iv 80 Hm Westover dad s3t Mata iley fe i ae Warrier : LE ead G Esp atl NaX No pm me Row Sar x io #8 B72 amar Tok 1213 TES iT ae TR Lear Kerrier = THe New Miliport 408 TIE Le { = am Ti % Witehells ® 5 #8 it id vies rfid Es Nery. Xb ists Eo E eed - TT va EREREE 5; 4 Is 5 Wow ed lis teed im ok Rig tor Fad Bi 1A Wad lneredin % 13 $40 Morennlose Mites 8 = Munson Philipeouryg ii » Munsee v4 3A 3 Winba rae Ponte teiibintowi aw wii aweh { mek Mill Hail awk Haven Youngwsdale (Wayne Je ~y shore Janetion Tree ¥ Mr iv Wi Ha rs pert Phi " Fo Ps 47 5 La 38 od ER Boa Noe pth am pooam fy ne Eds 17 2 ror "ErmERTR ee » Teves WR Eg ed rg nd el al ee NR HERBY EdE sl - Pre oo Pe du Mo kid “ m & Hmiding BRB p moon E20 ar I OELZ 34 001 tS el Wav $ ar = iv NY vin Ta CHIE nr ss +4 3 300 NX ovis Phils arbi Wr Bab Pom Pm wn *imily Weekdays #00 pon Bands es TI Sha me Sundays wy FN pa Yuk passengers traviding vin hie added phd ox 1320 P10 tein frome Wil inispory will change oars al Hantiogdon 8, Phila, toners At WW) ba rasp at with Phila | deiphin and Heading milend, at Jersey Shoe wit the Fall Brook By: af Mid Hall © with tentrmi Bativowd of Pennsy fvienia; Philipsba with Pennsyivania siiroad amd Alona & Philipsburg Conneetiog mitrond; at tlenrBetst with the Hufhlo, Roeboster zai Pitiaburg milway, at Mahaffey and Patton with Cambria and Cusrfied division of the Pennsyvania rmdiroad; at Mahaffey With the Pennsy vata and Northwesjern i, ny. H. Dunivis, W. H. Northrop, teeny, Pass, Agt., Len, Agent, New York, Willimmeport, Pa. — Lyons, Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers