The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 13, 1899, Image 3

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    the dth in Patton,
For a S0ct. dress shirt at 25 ota, vist
: Hatton Courier. = idstein's
P 4 Fresh fish every Thursday and Fri
: 10 PUBLISH! . roped ra. | :
ra N ING 00, ta {day at the Cnsh Grocery.
E Wirn Grerxe, Fditor,
It will pay vou to read the new ac
TERMS of suBscaIPTION Lin the Covpren this week.
One copy, one year, in advanie, « . . ym
BW Advertising miss yaside Ruown gpon ape
aro pm Ml, unless at the
AgER ure paid, unless st the
Hodgking' soda water and root beer,
Mr. and Mrs,
| th of July among friends at Portage.
Miss Eva R Derr, of Henovo, Pa,
(Is Visiting among friends in Patton this
pape dissontinosd anti all sroae
oprtian of the |
Entered at the. PostoMos M to BX sooo.
clam mail ma ;
Ask to (ee a pai of $1.10 child's
| shoes for only 70 cts. —aiges 12 to 2 at
J. E. Hedding and F. H. Wegton, of |
Morrisdale, Pa., were visitors to our
Hown Raturday.
Harry Todd, of Philipsburg, spent | Peter Campbedl, the veteran Republi.
in town Wednesday,
For good goods at the right price ol an McLain, of Ridgway, made a
to the Cash Grocery.
~ A car load of fertilizer jost came | | the latter part of last week.
in at Patton 1 4
na Hardware Co, { If you want all the news subscribe
Geo. Worth spent the 4th among for the Cormier, the leading news.
friends at Lock Haven, Pa aper of North Cambria coonty.
: {P pe
~~ Trainmaster Wm. Cramer has moved | i
his family to Jersey Shore, Pa. {merchant of Vintondale, Pa,
drove over to this place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. (i, ti. Parker, of Phii-
A 16x20-juch picture frame for 65 Ipsbarg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs
vents at Fisher's wall paper store,
John W. Wrigley and wife, of Clear.
fleld, pant the 4th Lof July in Patton.
Magee avenoe will soon present a
_grouine metropolitan appearance,
M p 1 of Ch ad uM its paved streets and side walks. not
4 ¢ friends in Patton this Mr. and Mrs. 1. Goldstein left Wod- who are soqaninted with the facts in
jo B rock.
Alf. Dodson spent the opie by the Kt
ican of Carrolltown, spent a few hones cracker
E. J. Hoover, a prominent lumber
stopped Afrer visiting with their ot
LAand J A Gray, of Spangler, | in town a few hours one day last week. mother in dues in
HELP. MeCormick the first of the week Sunbury,
church on the $th of July, very little
puiblie demonstration took ge in
Nice cool soda
- Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, proprietor.
The murder of Ezekiel Hewitt by a
| store keeper named Harmon at Pen- |
fiekl on Monday, July 3d, cused great |
| excitement in the Bennett's Branch |
region on account of the high social |
Phi ng of both of the men. The
murdered man is survived by seven
His age was about fifty years,
dae, superintendent of
Asheroft colliery, is suffering from s
seviire case of hlood poisoning in his
left hand which developed from the
same being acondently burned on the
Cath of July and later being strock with
It is hoped by his many friends
‘that it will not result seriously and
‘that he will be able to attend to his
Ne ration,
Drop in and get a cool drink of Guise in a short time,
Outside of the picnic held in Short's
Mary's Catholic
Patton on that dav, but notw and-
ing this fact our streets were
thronged with strangers from daylight
till Inte at night and all appeared to
enjoy themselves,
where ta go to have a good time.
Jas. Go. Bell, of Vandergrift, who had
the misfortune to receive severe in.
Juries to bis right eye and left hand,
caused by the explosion of a giant fire
(city on the 4th of July, is the gaest of
is brother, 1. RB Bell Fortunately
his condition is not so serious as first
{ H 1
business trip to north Cambria county reported and he expects 10 be able to!
Cretarn to bis work in a short time.
Reuol Somerville, Faq,
oh Baker and M. BB. Cowher, returned
home Batarday from a week's oy Shog
mr in the central part of the sta
certain villages in
Centre county, they visited
at Lovk Haven, Williamsport, Milton,
Hantingdon, and returning
rail by way of Altoona,
report has ng spent the most enjoy able
week of their lives, which is cert tainly |
doubted by their very close frivods
hone by
towmday morning for a fow days visit the case.
among friends at Portage and Routh
Passenger Engineer Hibbs, of the
a | Cambria & Clearfield railroad, stopped
A she roof i being placed on the ln Patton Tuesday night while en route
new Cathotic parsonage now under | oo olearfleld
u AI. Doduo Jr, C1 Beck with
Miu. A Seta, of Freeport, Fa. pA 00k, I: Clarence Becki,
spent Bunday in Patton the guest of
ron Dr. H. A. Belts,
Miss Blanch Minnick, of Clearfield,
Woreels > ns Mn Dr. 8. W. fit ted up in the Yahner building op-
hd on 4 sven. | posite the Palmer house will, in a fow
Fini wind place for wall paper, days, be occupied by Little's meat
¥ re frames and plastico at Fisher's market. ’
: nil mation, : Mrs, ¥, 8 Kendig, who has been
‘Special attention is directed this Viditing her sister, Mra. W. 1. Nichol
to the big new ad of the Patton ‘wan, at the Commercial hotel for the
ly Co. It will pay you to read it.
hed. E. Kirk Hardware Co. has a At Ponxsotawney Wednesday,
new ad on first page of Covrriek this Alex. Monteith has purchased the
week. Glance at the bargains offered. | Hayden property
For Binder twine, paints, ols, lane Fifth and Palmer aveoues, and will
Ew everythin in the hardware line, CGOCUPY mame as $s Bs ROINe
go Patton Hardware Co's. stare, Pp, NECossary changes and
vitrick, Mgr.
Chas. Rhody has commenced the |
brick work of his new business block |
| wheels Satarday, July 1st.
The new store room which is
| mide.
Grocery it ‘headquarters for | Mr. and Mrs. 11 S, Coldetein, of
‘bananas, lemons, water. Portage, accompanied by their two
In fact everything in the | children, and Mr. and Mra AD.
n grocery line. E Geldstein, of Dunio, visited among
" friends in town the latter part of last
3 place, your order for phosphate op
ahead’ when you ean get it as
it, all grades, at Patton |
Co's. store. extensive job of plumbing for Dr. JL
52 Los Bomerville, at Chest Sprin He has |
2 Young Men's Social Club held a poonre 11. DE ae
ful ball in the Goldstein hall on in the new Rhody block on
night. Howard Maitland, of avienne,
n, assisted by local musical tal-
+ furnished i by Joes a | Mrs. W. L Nicholson and three
e daughters Emma, Alma and Edna,
report that the Pennsylvania y.. F. Kendig and Miss Emma
y will build three hundred and
ve stundard box and twenty.
a itigerator cars is of-
frivnds at Hastings and Carrolitown |
| Ciapman, rode to Philipsburg on their Cambria & Clearfield railrosd
being | 5
Comptroller of the Currency G.
Dawes has saothorized
| National Bank of Glen Campbell, |
{Indiana county, fo begin business |
|The capital of the new venture is $50,-
those who drink whiskey vor
Harpers whiskey adds zest to
To those who drink whis- |
; 000. J. W. Clarke is president, and J. | Ecke nrode, Allegheny, $425.
lA. Klingensmith, cashier.
Deeds Bovoaded at ¥ aha ap 8 Date
Friday, Faty 7,
Jomeph G. Hollen et ux. to Thomas
Marks, Reade, $50.
August Sukonski et ax. te Jacoh
: Holonger, Gallitzin township, 8125
Bpangier Improvement company Lo
| pany, Spangler, 81
R. J. Yothers et ux.
off, Hastings, $2,000.
GL. Glasgow et ux. ot al.
ander HB. Jordan, Reade, $i
Jobin Zeak et ux to W. W. Amatiry,
Clearfield, §2 285
John B. Overberiger #t ux. to Will
int Hower, Carell, $is
John 6 OC. Bearer ot al. by Sheri
to Alonzo GG.
to Alex.
Past two weeks, returned to ber homme Cambria county, to Gallitzin Bailding
'& Loan Association, Carrollitow rn, $475,
Catharine Delaney et vir to Jusnes
on the corner of Watkin Gallitzin township, $700,
Harry Starrett to BM.
Buarnestors, $i
Frank Lo Kline ot
Carter, Elder, 1000
Carciine Hiller to Pios Biller, Carroll,
: §1.000
Walburga Geus to
Elder, $10.
Administrator of Anthony 8 Mor
row to E. J. Coy, Reade, $210.
Heirs of John Fry,
nx, ta Benjamin
Andrew Gens,
eny, 81
Catharine Johnston to Ausgustin
contract for the plumbing | Eckenroad, Allegheny, $50,
Peter Fekenroad, Jr. et ux to Vin.
cent Maguire, Allegheny, 850.
Vincent Maguire et. ux. to
Rodgers, Allegheny, $100.
Richard Rodgers, by attorney in fact,
Lie shun rd
Ulrich, of Pittsburg, visited among to Philip Noon, Allegheny, $100,
Philip Noon et ux, to James Conery,
| Allegheny, $120,
Delaney et al,
Eckenrode to George
Executors, Allegheny,
the | $1.
Charles Miller et ol. to Executor of
| William Spain, Allegheny, $380,
W. Litzinger ot ux. to Angustin
John Micell et ux. to John Fry, Alle-
Elias Lines a well known citizen of gheny, $125
Clearfield county committed suicide on |
Sebastin Pry to Christiana Ecken-
Monday, July 3d. The deed was com. rode, Allegheny, $50.
Line ="
| mit at 5 o'clock a. m., Mr.
96th, More will be said fed
o this meritorious expounder |
with a 38-calibre bull-dog revolver, le
_ gospel in a later issue of this,
!lived but a short time after committing
the deed.
pors girl, says the Standard, g Nz Wilson, our former townsman,
8 dollar to a smart New York | | who now resides at DuBois, Pa, was
for a “sure cure for freckles.” in town Friday of last week
what she got: “Remove the | here made arrangements to
| efully with a pocket knife; |
ik them over night in salt water;
hang up in smoke house in a
smoke made of sawdust and
ery elm bark for a week. Freckles
treated never fail to be thoroughly |
have a
work of laying same has already com-
menced and Messrs. Goldstein, Y oung,
| Miller, Fisher and other property own-
| splendid example, which was first set
+ hy Geo. 8. Good followed by our Shier)
| prising townsmen, Messrs. (.
| Hoclgkins, Ed. A. Mellon and Lo w.
| Bell.
shooting himself twice in the loft breast Fckenrode, A
i brick pavement laid in front of his two county,
properties on Magee avenue. The $320.
Rosannah Eokenrode to Christiana
Hegheny, $50.
i Spies gre halter et ux. to W. W,
Amshry, Allegheny, $524.
Lucas Moyer, by Treasurer of Cars-
ty, to Cambria county, Clear.
J Carey
brig co #30
field, $5.
Commissioners of Cambria counly
and while | 1, Sugar J. McDermitt, Clearfield, oy
Lucas Moyer, by Sheriff of Cambria
to Thomas J. tell, Clearfield,
Susan J. McDermitt to Thomas J.
Itell, Clearfield, $300.
Thoms J. Itell ot ux. WwW. WwW.
| ers along said street are following the Amsbry, Clearfield, $600.
Thomas Callahan et ux. to W. W,
Amsbry, Clearfield and Chest Spring 8,
Fekenrode ta John
Schwab, Loretto, $100.
John Hite et ux. to W. W. Amsbry,
| Alleghen y, $5608,
Thomas Carr et ux. to Pardee Col-
ery, Elder, $50.
eter Fritz et ux. to Eliza Long, Sas
$430. :
The people know
Manager PF.
“friends |
They |
1X Hey
dS coo
by attorney in of
J. C. Harper has just completed an fact, to Augustin Foekenroad, Allegh-
water at Patton
The Hastings and Patton Undertak-
(ing Co. has an office in the Spencer
| block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard-
ware store in Patton. Telephone con-
neti, Hastings No. 77; Patton No.
3. €.C. Grenninger, Patton, and H.
Hastings, are the foners
J. Easly,
Persons troubled with diarrhoea wil
be interested in the experience of Mp
W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Darrance
Providence, RR. 1. He says: “For sev
‘eral years 1 have been almost a oon.
stant waffer from diarrhoea, and freqn.
ent attacks completely prosteating me
and rendering me oofit for my duties
at this hotel. About two years ago a
traveling salesman kindly gave me a
(amall bottle of Chamberlain's colic,
cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Maoch
(were immediate. Whenever [felt
ey mptoms of the disease I would fortify
myself against the attack with a few
doses of this valoable remedy. The
result has been very satisfactory and
almost complete relief from afiction.”
For sale by (1. W. Hodgkins, Patton
Gan-shot wonnds and powder-barns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insect stings and ivy pois |
onings, quickly healed by pewitt’s
witch maze! salve. Positively prevents
r. while visiting in Allegheny blood poisoning. Beware of coeviany store the
“Dewitt's’” is safe and sore
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
If vou can save 12
cents on a Shirt, Jac.
ket, Overalls or any
soc article, vou
lo it, wont vou?
You can earn mony
easier! :
We guarantee our
35¢ Overall to be the
where for soc.
with Shirts,
Jackets Or
vou buv
If vou can buy
pair of Shoe:
: for
ctlers sell
for 25 you
Id take adv: antage
it— hese S
Bovs and
Vou Si.
We aim to sell goods cheap-
er than anyone Sise consider-
ing quality. Trash we do not
If you are
money, we ask
to call and see us.
all ca the
line line of
Boy's Suits,
Men’s Suits,
Shirts, Collars,
Cuffs, Neckwear,
Hats, add Shoes in
And if you are not in the
habit of trading here,
some of your terete
REMEMBER our Motto—
ot to save
vor cord: ally
We actn-
Location— Directly Opposite
the Bank.
. The Keystone
Clothing and
Shoe (o.
surprise and delight its effacts |
lot Na
We have not
lot of seconds and odd
tO IM he such prices available.
ods are from the regular high
| quality goods that has won for this
reputation it has—of the BEST
This 1s the re ed thing!
Stoc ked ip with
ends | In ales
But the nt g
Ladies Shirt Waists. Lddies Dress Skirts
Ladiew’ Poreale or Lawn Shirt Fadies Washable Crash Linen Skirta,
Waista, light and mediam silk patterns White and Linen Colored These
full fashioned styles, worth 75 sents are made from Shrink Linens and will
to $1.50, your choice for 9c. Don’t not shrink, worth $1.25, yours four fe.
delay for the size may be gone. Horry up, they wont last long.
Underwear Department
Will lend a help
Pine Baibrigan Shirts and Drawers
Lot No. 1, worth 75¢ a garment, at 19.
worth Hv & parment, af 2%
ng hand.
i i
Rieeveless Ribbed Vests will go at 3c
Sleeveless Ribbed Vests will go at go.
Rlewve Vesta at 13
Bovs Linen Pants, 4 to Years at 17
Wash Goods!
20¢c Wash Gaods
Any | 3
2 (ir
iC. |
in the Store
To See is to Believe,
Come in.
Sun Bonnets!
Only a tew left:
them at 17cts instead of
balance must go;
LADIES BELTS, Alm any kind or
color to be found mn this lot. A surprise
awaits vou in this lot. Warth up
Clean "em up sale price 16¢.
. Adds to the
bargains to wit
Mens 3.50 and $84 Tan Sh
at $2.09.
sale some exceptionally fine
ces Ladies tan silk vesting inlaid
tops worth 1.50 up to $3.
Boys Tun Shoes d Reduced prices 1.19 to 1.60.
to 8 y= Come quick, not very many
short. ett.
\M 1SS€S At | (. h
Away below usual values for such shoes.
<=You are thesLOOSER if vou don't
buy the best goods at the least money from
The Busy Store, the
own ro
2.5 it Stes
Ladies. dren's