Fadi Fh Abani De 4 yam VOL. I.—NO. 32. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1899. $1.00 PER YEA : ST 0 ADVER ISE IN THIS PAPER. TRY IT AND SE TAO Fp AST 1) A Ar se O50 Sn A A ea : | AN INTERESTING TRIP : DRAWN FROM THE JURY WHEEL. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. : BOROUGH BUSINESS TRANSACTED meer to give grades to Messrs. Mon. i Over the Huntingdon & Broad Top Rallrosd i Men Who will Sit tn Judement Daring Chatrman Elkins Sets the Time us Thars. Procesdings of Counell Mentings Held the ith, a Gdn at g by . ~The Beautiful Town of Everett, Pa, September Term of Court, day, Angus! 24 { 3d und 10th of this Month, : 130 { petal signed by a During our vacation last week we Below will be found the list of Grand Chairman John P, Elkins has sent | Patton, Pa, July 3.--Patton Bor large Bamber of shisens dni o pe | visited different localities in the state and Traverse Jurorsdrawn from North out from the headquarters in Phila- ough Council met in regular session *ented to Council and on motion of | but the trip most enjoyed of all was Cambria county for the regular term Gdelphia the following call for the Re- | this evening with the’ following mem. Winslow and seconded by Anderson, {that over the Huntingdon & Broad of Court commencing Monday, Sep- publican State Convention: bers pregent as per roll call: Hubbard, It Was carried that the same be held | Top railroad which starts at Hunting. témber 4, 1599: To the Republican Electors of Penn- | Blair, Anderson, Winslow, Cordell and o¥e Uh next reqsiar meatiogso of i don, Pa., and runs direetly south slong Grand Jurors, ~ sylvania. | Campbell. The minutes of regular petition of divers citizens of | the side of the Broad Top mountsing Cowher, M. B., insurance, agent Pat- | am directed by the Republican meeting held Jane 19th were rod the Borough of Patton, respeotfally < until it reaches Saxton, Pa, an old but ten, State committee to announce that the approved, shoeth, that they labor ander great in- : pretty village, {the home of Rev. Chas. | Gates, John I, laborer, White. Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their | On motion of Blair and seconded by | COnvenrnon by PoRRON of cattle on. | Wasson, formerly pastor of the M. E. Gutwalt, Joseph, butcher, Cresson. duly chosen representatives, will meet | Winslow, it was unanimously carried Ring at large during the might hours, i church of Patton) where it passes Hartéhorn, E O., clerk, Patton. in convention at the Opera House, in | that the following bills be accepted and : and they Srgmbly au that the Burgess : i through a gap in the mountains east- Hou, Henry, farmer, Reade. the city of Harrisburg, on Thursday, | the clerk instructed to draw orders for | 4 Town ( bane! should take some : ward, when it traverses south again McGough, D. A., clerk, Ebensburg. | August 34, 1999, at 10:30 o'clock a. m., |same: Wm. Gill, $60: Warren Puiny. Siege 16 compel the Swhtry uf saitle up the Raystown branch of the blue Norris, Henry, engineer, Gallitzin | for the purpose of nominating candi. ing Co., $2.99: J. M. Gilliecs, $6: W. J. 10 shut 5p sme during the might Juniata river till it reaches the besuti-. township. dates for the following offices, to wit: Donnelly & Co., $23; Patton Pub. Co. ie snd they will EVEF pray, &e." | ful and romantic townof Everett, Pa, Quinn, Thomas, miner, Patton. | One person for the office of Judge of $12.25; Jno. Person, $7.80; Geo. 8. Good | “ouneil then adjourned. one of the most thriving and hustling 'Shibey, George, farmer, Barr. the Supreme Court; one person for the E. L. Co, $71; 8. Hewlett, $1.35; Geo. | Excursion to Niagars Fats. | places in Bedford county, thence con- {Bpires, J. E.. laborer, Gallitzin bor. office of Judge of the Superior Court; 8 Good, $60; Wm. Cowher, $5.25; On July 15th, Angust 15th apd Sep- tinuing to wind its way up the moun-. ough. : one person for the office of State Reuel Somerville, $30; Jno. Biller, $3; tember 5th, the New York Central will tains till it reaches Mt Dallas, the Traverse Jurors, First Week. Treasurer, and for the transaction of | F. X. Lehman, $48.60; Jos. Karlbeim, well excarsion tickets to Niagara Falls terminus of the road, which is a dist- | Ager, Henry, carpenter, Spangler. ‘such other business as may be pre- | $2.90; Lee Williams, $1.50; Jas. Maulli- and return, in connection with Buf ance of 47 miles, where it connects Ansteadt, Valentine, laborer, Ebens- sented. The representation in the gan, 70c; Paul Short, 900; Jas. Mellon, falo, Rochester & Pittsburg railway with the Bedford branch of the P. R. R. © burg. tate Convention will be based on the | $6.25; Jas. Short, $3.75; H. Woomer, via Clearfield, from stations Beech This was one of the most beautiful Bearer, L. J., farmer, Susquehanna. vote polled at the last Gubernatorial $3.15; Ed. Glass, $16.35; Ed. Thomas, Creek to Peale inclasive at $5. Philips rides we have ever enjoyed, and the Baker, John K., farmer, Susquehanna. election. $8.50; H. 8. Kants, $18.75. ‘burg $4.50, stations between Mumson service on the road is of the very best; Brown, Hibbert, miner, Reade. ! Under the rules of the party each | On motion of Winslow and seconded And Gazsam $4.25, Mahaffey, $4.40, and ' | & more obliging conductor and train- | Douglass, Milton, farmer, Clearfield. legislative district is entitled to one by Blair, it was unanimously carried proportionate rates from other points. man can not be found on many a day's | Dale, J. E., Justice of the Peace, Pat- Delegate for every £,000 votes cast for that the clerk be instructed to draw These tickets will be good for five days travel, which tends to make a stranger | ton. the Republican candidate for Gover , order in favor of the Keystone Paving and will permit stop-over on refurn ; : jen route over the line feel that Le is Evans, David, D., farmer, Cambria. nor at the Gubernatorial elention Co. for $1,500 on account of first pay- trip at Buffalo. Side trip tickets Ni- {quite at home and he naturally enjoys | Fitzpatrick, George J., merchant, Pat- in 1898, and an additional Delegate for ment as provided for in contract. agara Falis to Toronto and retorn via his trip with a much better degree of ton. every fraction of 2.000 votes polled On motion of Campbell and secon. Lewiston and steamer will be sold at satisfaction. The management of the George, Samuel, farmer, Blacklick, exceeding 1,000. ‘ded by Anderson it was unanimously rate of §1 additional. Advertising road is first-class in every particular Gill, William, carpenter, Patton. Patton Ast of AR carried that the Tax Duplicate be given matter giving fall particoiars, ad and great credit is due Manager Carl Jones, Milton, laborer, Ebensburg. Patton is he Reuben McPherson to be made out for specified rates from stations not named M. Gage, of Huntingdon, who spares Kuhn, Perry, farmer, Reade. & bwin how ! ® ony powh in the ensuing year. will soon be issued. Farther infor | no time nor. pains in making it in keep- Lindenberger, John, carpenter, Car- Farin A county, onside of the city of | petition was presented to Council mation may be obtained upon applica : ing with many roads of a much larger rolltown. ich oy ou reisting to paving Fifth avenue be. tion to ticket agents. | ; Vaught, Samuel, ner, ; $ : | : : ‘en , : a evivivg towns, aside from Ris Sumtel, farmer, 4 d ween.” paved with vitrified brick, and In fact I tiang py sepindricd Yiof Sumtsow Suuivet : : . it is the only town within a radius of : and seconded The shooting contest held by the those already spoken of, are scattered | Bearer, E. G., clerk, Barnesboro. 130 miles, extending into Clearfield or DY BIAIr, it was carried that said petit-| pation Rod and Gan Club of Patton Along the line which are kept up Bradley, James, miner, Elder. Indiana. ing ich “bears that 10" be held over until next regular . he 4th of Joly passed off in a very principally by farming, mining, and in | Brawley, James, farmer, Washington. Alukivietion. In view of the fact that TeCting. i pleasant mainer. The first: and oo some towns by the iron business. Carney, Daniel, farmer, Cambria. Patton is but a town of little over sie The Fire and Police coromittes re- a prize for live birds was won by Jve spent some time at Everett, the Cramer, Pius, farmer, Allegheny. | UF Ll 8 orl of IHS 080 SIX. (opto that there ta a very small sup. | goad 1g, or Jive b Lowes, both hav- principal town along the line, which Callahan, Andrew, farmer, Chest | electric i ghia, A Sewage pu stem. water PY OF Water in the pipes, especially in ing shot a tie, killing three birds out of has a population u About 3,500 people, | pring, . works, and all other modern improve. the sagthingn, so clerk was instructed , pogibio three. Harey Williams won where we were royally treated by its Davis, W. T,, messenger, Ebensburg. found in good towns, it is the "°C Poly Patton Water company 10 third prize. Quite a number were in enterprising citizens, Davia, Joseph J., liveryman, Ebene. , Es : m. | Provide adequate supply for fire pro-| ue contest and Mtetse interest was This place has weil kept brand) oa est kind of evidence that it is Bom- | immediately and to maititain obi : rg. : : posed of live, hustling and eneryetic i isd : ; . : ¥ un maintain manifested while it Insted. The clay streets, electric lights, a sewage ays Douglass, James, farmer, Carroll. citizens and business men who have TNE in accordance with contract. pigeon shoot consisted of five chances tem, Water Works, two first-class : Evans, Philip T., farmer, White. the town's interests at heart. The last Boro, Engioeer Elected, and Thos. J. Hill carried off the honors hotele, Swe apibiican newspapers : Slae, aware, Sargeater, Puion. brick on the paving of Magee avenue Patton, Pa, July 10--A regular in the contest. This shoot was quite Sie Pras: : " ug . | ¢ ' nojew « Cheat. was laid Monday afternoon and already session of Council was held this even- Interesting aud some very good records week] ¥ journals ni soe on, Hughes, John T., rmer, Cambria. a movement is on foot to pave Fifth ing io Council chambers with the fol. Were made by the many who entered. and the Everett Republican. The busi- Hogan, James, miner, Washington. avenue from Beecl to the lowing members present as per roll : ness portion of the town is composed | Melhorn, Peter, Inboror, Allegheny. a Te Bene Leal: Hubbard: MeGortich To Fw Jiiaute Kiflad ? ! ; bridge crossing Littie Chest Creek, and call: Hubbard, McCormick, Camp. pve miners were injured, two of principally of good and substantial McMullen, M. E., clerk, Reade. in all probability the project will be ell, Cordell, Winslow and Andemson, Tabloid ol) i which any town may well feel proud Plous, Henry, liveryman, Barnesboro, i cen are to be found there. Besides en- Troxell, B. F., farmer, Reade. we get of such streets the more we Presented to council bat the MAKE Of die ut the. Memoeias horsial eh community for miles around, the in. Weakland, Demetrius, farmer, Carroll. 1, and all the time providing the till Wednesday evening when BAPoeial Tae ctber men jared. wary Ded ing mills, foundry, glass works, etc, 10¢ school directors of Clearfield ‘streets wish the same. Let the good ‘To the Burgess and Town Council of MeLenan. ‘operated by Hon. Joseph E. Thropp, school, Hattie McKenzie; Durbin, Celia up public improvements in our town property owners along Fifth avenue, A dispatch from Philipsburg dated 200 men. The furnace is the largest in. | U00per, Rose M. Lynch; Bt. Augustine, | i i brick blocks, with up-to-date stores and Perry, Charle Chest | ' i business a : ip solid win of pit hatles, merchant, hest favorably met by our Borough Coun- The minutes of regular meeting held the coal mine of J. C. Seott & Son : » of Springs. cll and within the next %0 days we will; Monday night, July 3d, were read and ou Ehrenfield, this county, Monday ibe ga ct el : be able to travel over that portion of Spproved. morning. The two fatally burned were | besides ng te achoels Soystul Skies; 1 Se lark: Saltitun | bo orous B. our business street on brick as well an The following petition asking that a Henry Hoyer, aged 40 years, and his hurches reside he a UTE on what is already paved. The more Portion of Fifth avenue be paved was. 13-year-old son James. Both of them Joying the trade of a rich farming Wetsel, John, merchant, Carrolitown. { want. Weare for paved streets first, taking action on same was held over they were brought for treatment. Sustries iely help ® Heri, ailate iia | Township Scho! Teachers Kloeted. | property owners on proposed paved meeting will be beld for that purpose: . Wallace, Joseph Callahan and Charles a SES i (township have elected the following work go on and in the long ran you the Borough of Patton, Pa. : : and the large iron furnaces and mines | hers for the coming term: Byrn will find that the expense of keep “Gentlemen: W , A majority of the | Likely on Paper Again, uuu from hi Susien Behe; Trexler, Agatha Wharton; will be greatly diminished. There are between Lang avenue and Beach ave- July 10 says that the absorption of : some people who may not be be able to tue, in the borough of Patton, respect- the Altoona & Philipsburg and the SOE Primary, Stella Dunegan; Nagle, Stella see the matter in this light at first but folly represent, that whereas the Wopsononock railroads by the Pitts- dustry in that whole section aud when Nagle; Myers, Maggie McConpell. it is a fact that can easily be proven. condition of the streets from lang burg, Johnstown, Ebensburg & Eastern : it stops running for any length of time id Jonpell, | alles ee I Chi ite value to the business interests of The election of teachers for the St. An Exciting Runaway. | Avenue north to Beach avenue, Is In| . Wha AnhOws to-day. Cheap! for! everett oticen Augustine grammar and Clark schools , _ such a condition that we deem {it wise Work ix to be started at once on the Ul cap. Or tt is quite no ble. [ ORE gram ne Dr. W. I Dowler ran a narrow es- _ expedient that some step be taken unfinished portions of the ie oult wr wire! The works are situated along the line We held over until next meeting. (cape of meeting with serious injury to pave the same with vitrified brick or roads, and a new line will thos be pou try wire of the Huntingdon & Broad Top rail- The following teachers have been | Wednesday by being thrown from 8! wuch othe tial Davi : ted from Phili to Alto es ok : wn | elected by the Chest township directors : | T substantial paving material opera I peburg ltoona | 26S. : ; woud anu, sus mile wih of se tow, for next term: St. La ce, H. A | uggy hauled by a Funaway horse. as will make a solid and substantial and Johnstown. RE .. : where it enjoys the benefits of splen: : : Lawrence, e Fh | animal became frightened near " " . Gal anized: Wire * shipping facilities, water supply, eto. | l«iden; Wertz school, Martena War Anna's grove and ran down Palmer brett Petition Yous : Episcopal Services. 1 Lsalvamzed V ire at! Mr. Thropp personally looks after his | Der; Beech (irove school, James G. venue at a break-neck speed when, In | oreo fort ro. wide bet Episcopal church services, conducted : jundred which you large and varied Interests at that Lynch. No teacher for the Gill school | Mtempting to make the tarn to go, \ begintin at a een | by Arch Deacon Cole of Pittsburg, will not be bought for place, assisted by the capable manage- has yet been elected. y down Sixth avenue, it ran into a port- | cl orth to 8 ora rm be held in the Goldstein ball Thursday $320 f b. Pi ment of his son, Earlston, A Good Blaiemont. {on of the picket fence in front of the . evening of this week. All invited to 2,20 1. 0. b. Pitts- a. fay - ; of Wm. H. Sandford Beach avenue with vitrified paving | oa One special feature, which is worthy | Elsewhere in the COURIER this week Property of Wm. H. Sandford, IN | brick and to assess the cost of the same . a aah of comment, observed by us during cab fount state t of the Pletely demolishing it and landing in : : : 3074 toilet sets at a|oor visit tothe town of Everett, was Fiest National Bank of Patton which he awn 4 short distance from the 0% {he Property owners as the law Rn Fi tude ta i the high esteem in which the employes ghows this favorite institution to be in Nouse where it fell to the ground. Mr. “We further represctit that if the State of Panay ivan at the com of ban Jane 30, INE: somneswed Business Oetober Lp i of the furnace and mines have for their .n excellent financial condition. The PPowler was thrown quite a distance | 3 me Pr ‘ » } e : bo bh of Patton ah. k Hah, ise Ig from 1oc a yard up| employer, Mr. Thropp, which is truly total business approximate four hun. UPON the lawn but fortunately received i oe ey hal S450 and | oa. cents. : an exception to the rule among 1abor- dred and fifty th yd dollars: the Put slight injur® The boggy, with pave 1 a F party Lomas and disonnts,.. oo... 8 RET finest li of k ; “of that class. If was not only a Gus a or the exception uf the top which was *™ will furnish the curb in front of Hiverdruiie moire and aasecured. 4 0 i 10€ Of TOCKers on | ers o Y | deposits approximate two handred *"¢ Y OP, 8 our respective properties, and will pay tN, beatnds to este ctronlation, : by Proawsbnsum vam EX Bonin set—-Golden oak, art!marked in hy Sepastement of Me ‘and fifty thousand dollars; and Shap badly wrecked, yaa practiendly vl one-third of the cost of paving the seks weuritics cic hogony finish. are iy pomition to Row andl witn when {loans approximate one hundred and broken The hore, which was the (Mul, C TE (ON C0 BIO CR Re iin & dia jildren express wagons 1 Position to know and with whom | geyenty.five thousand dollars. The Property of Liveryman T. N. Nagle, erties and hereby agree that in con. Sree Agents 3 EXP BONS | we conversed upon the streets. The rapid grouth of business of this insti- Was uninjured as fur as could be learned sideration of the Burgess and Town Pa. freon bison posits Sign iig Fosemiroes, a = ™ a Ld In m appreciation of Mr. Thropp as an em- jy remarkable and goes to show what Board of Trade Mowting. Patton, grading, paving and curbing’ Frnctiimat, Pains comity: Che : ploy er, but proud that he bears the congervative management and close A meeting of the Hoard of Trade is said streets in pursuance to this petit- Law: i —— syweie. BETS 6) : , remnants of carpet SE iui th repseeniative Attention to business will accomplish. hereby called for Thursday evening at ion, we hereby agree that the same in Hank. - ron A ” hs rice. : the halls of Congress —a most excell Bishop Newman Dead. 8:30 o'clock sharp, in Goldstein's ball. shall be construed as a contract on our Bedemption find with U, . 4 Wo per een. of ciseGintion: Soa I a who: : : | All members are urgently requested to part to perform all and everything Hp pe. : pes— , w shades, all prices, ent recommen on for any man who | Bishop John P. Newman, of the DL : t ML : 1 1 t : be present, and all others not already hored me] to he formed by ua’ is chosen by the ple to Tupresen Methodist Epi I church, died at I « ¥ herein agreed to be perfor ¥ : Total : 2 G7R.088 cottage rods. the le in assisting to | : hmbistiion tage aie rr great ne ‘Saratoga, N. Y.,, Wednesday after Eh Oh : {and lend their assistance to this move Brady, W. A. Mellon, D. A. Lather, ! Caton pl SE. PY Pnes and The New York Central railroad com- pal church of that place on Sunday r! ; ; ) a pany has decided to put on sale at the afternoon. the resources, natural and otherwise, Chas. Rhody, H. 8. Buck, William | Dus 1 State Banks Rid Famine er 5 $2. per capita. Partios wishing to re- | Visit Goldstein’s department store. Thanks to Ladies Ald. Alex. Monteith, Dr. 8. W. Worrell Yolk tarn to Patton can purchase similar Wanted We wish, through the columns of the 80d L. Goldstein asked that pavement ew, ey Prxxsyivasia, a | Cheap for cash. Good strong wheel, | for good girls. E. C. BROWN ciety and others, who so kindly assisted Geo. H. Ayers presented an appli- | 30 Uy VN icp and bettef oT the : . sl, | . C. . ~ | nearly as good nsnew. Must go quick. | Patton, Pa. Celery Thursday, Friday and Satur- on all goods. The quality will tell it, | the compliment in a like manner. The Street Committee was then in- fan | rvcion. Goan, identified with the organization are Signed by C. W. Hodgkiny, H. T. Cnphial stock paid to, L$ S000 08 ‘noon. The funeral of Bishop Newmimn Natkonml Bank notes outstanding Patton ticket office, party tickets for | Patton can offe® to capital seeking Yeckley, L. Goldstein, Samuel Weak. (mmant bo: enten of deposit... T8 i tickets at the Mill Hall office. | A good girl for general house work. COURIER to exterd our hearty thanks 8rades begiven in front of their re- 1. Spunty of Cambria Crtitet of the above | us at the festival held in our hall Satur. cation for the position of Borough | Wx H Saxovous Cashier Ingaire of R. 8. Tozer, Good bullding. | visit Goldsteins July clearance sale may have the opportunity to return elected by a vote of 5 to 1. 12 | caret Ata" E- Dax, Notary Public. day at Cash Grocery. the price will sell it. PaTrox Fire Co., No. 1. | structed to notify the Borough Engi: Gro, 8, : ‘cordially invited to enroll their mames Peters, Patton SBapply Co, G. ©, parplus fied, TN 00 +. A Chieap Rate, was held at the First Methodist E ee 8 First Methodis placo- | ont, for the proper development of Jr, A. L. Kerr, per J. Mellon, HBUBL, | Ine to other National Hacks ten or more to Mill Hall at the rate of Fora full line of Gents furnishings profitable fields. land and Clarence Edmiston. | Thue suri flonien of depuomit........ Bike For Sale | Also n for children. Good w: ‘to the members of the Ladies’ Aid So- spective properties. named Bank, do soley swear that the day night, July 1st, and trust that we Engineer and upon a ballot he Was day of July, 1...
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