THE PATTON COURIEK JUNE 29, 189. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on corner of OF lang and Fifth promptly at- to. Properties tc i 4 rent. r B. EUANS, Dentist, HARTINGH, PA. All diseases of the teeth and month treated. oat DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, rgeon PATTON, PENN'A in CGiood Building, second floor, Avenue. TAN AND KU ROKON, Good Building, Room No. 3. in will receive prompt attention. Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, Pa. Al legal business promptly attended 10, Offer in Barker Building, POBAOCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK’S t on sages avenue, ar | POR, I poy He, Te MEALS AT ALL HOURS. AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. odations first-class. Best of Liguors | - Wines at the bar, Stabling attavhed. (iBORGE FERGUSON, : Prop’ r. anal 4 Swhs: REAL EMTATE AGENTS, Good Building, Patton, Pa.—"Phone No. 9. i § Dentist, Patton ' Phanking { ! 'A. E. PATTON, D. D. Lewis UNDERTAKER AND EMHBALMER, All eats will be prompuy | attendid to. John Radel, Agent, of Kerr syenne, Patten, will alten ta the ries residing in Patton and vicinity, iy or night by "Phone. Rprnestioro, Pa. \H. A. SEI'TZ, entist! Office in Young Building, next to P. O. Patton, Pa. Office Hours 8 a. m. to Mm, ,and 1pm tod p m | FirstNation'lBank OF PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa. A, CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $47,000.00. Avvounte oof Erm sibs, nis and Hane peeived upon the most favors. Hie terns consistent wil Stemnslip eres Sop ak i the lendin Hines, Forelgn Drafts savable in Hi princely wi § Feftion of the id Word All eorrspointeucs will ave our prompt and | immonal attention. Interest paid on thine deposits. Wa. H. SAXDFORD, President. Cashier. What is Celery King? Itisan herb drink, and lea positive eure | for constipation, headache, nervous disorders, | i rheumatism, kiduey diseases, and the vari-! ous troubles arising from a disordered ston. fmol and torpid liver, It 1s a most agreeable | : medicine, and is renommended by physicians ! generally. Celery King is solid (n 25 and Hoe. | by druggists and dealers. 1 i i i 3 Patton Pharmacy, i CC. W. Hodgkins. {alle Firths, Iadivido | packages | ‘J. Easly, Ldirectors, AS OTHERS VIEW US. Letter From Patton, Written by a Visitor from Wellsboro, Pa. oo following letter, written by B oy who spent two weeks visiting his | daughter, Mrs. 8. 0. Daggett, ap- peared in the Wellsboro, tator, June 14th: | “Patton, June 12. | great State there is not another 125 ‘miles of such wild and opceultivated Hand a4 that traversed by the Beech { Creek road between Mill Hall in Clio | {ton county and Patton in Cambria | | Indeed, it would be difficult to find | within the borders of the Keystone | Btate a wilder, more rugged or more i heantiful route, so far as picturesque soenery is concerned, ‘affords. “From Williamsport to Beech Creek, 'a distance of 26 miles, the road runs | through cultivated farms, and the pret- | ty village of Jersey Shore and the city ‘of Lock Haven, The road was origin: ‘ally built by the Vanderbilt system in [1808 to Mabaffey, a distance of 113, ‘ miles. “From Mahaffey to Patton a dis tance of #1 miles, the Beach Creek train | runs over the Cambria and Clearfield | division of the Pennsylvania railroad, | Then they are switched into the culti- ‘vated up-land district of Cambria | county, the run terminating at Barnes. This road boro, 12 miles from Patton. is destined at some future time to play ‘an important part in the carrying trade | aa a link in a trunk line between Pitts | burg and Williamsport. Its easy grade | and short distance it is almost an air. | line between the two cities will make it a valuable passenger route as well as | a great coal carrying road, running an | it does through the centre of the coal ‘flelds of Clinton, Clearfleld and Cam- Philipsburg, at Clearfield with the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg rail- way and at Mahaffey with the Cambria and Clearfleld division of the Pennsyl- _vania and with the Pennsylvania and waitin of Northwestern roads. “The largest and most prosperous 'weabrin | Six years ago there were but town on the line is Patton in C county. two or three houses on the present site of the town; to-day there are hundreds “of them with ample accomodations for 3.500 or 4,000 people. The town is just | beginning to have a healthy and sub- stantial growth and contains many public and private buildings that would do credit to a city. It has a fine water- works, an electric light plant, a good | system of sewerage and brick pave- i ments “There are quite a number | came from Lawrenceville. A daughter of W. 8. Smith filled the position of teacher in the bigh school bere during the last season. Other Tioga county mse and conarrative | (people are M. (i. Lewis and wife—the latter a former resident of Wellsboro, ‘Mrs. Anna Dartt, widow of the late Dr. i Dartt, Jobn Mitchell and his family, | Rev, Joseph Klucker, a Baptist minis ter from Blossburg, Michael Ryan, FV. 'H. Kirkland and Seth O. Daggett. There are six mines worked here, and soon, if all reports prove true.”’ B.C. H nearly dead with croup. king, Patton Pharmacy. C. W. Hodg- As an Exchange Fats it Anything to beat the devil | What do we advocate? One country, one flag and one wife at a time. Our | ps per—of the people, for the people, to be paid for by the people. ple--treats all squarely who pay their isubeription in advance. Our motto- take all in sight and hustle for more, ‘God help the rich; the poor can beg. 'N. B. This paper isnot a subsidized ‘organ or muzzled press, which can be proven by a few old sore-heads who have leaned up against its emery wheel while in motion. Pure, clean blood and a healthy liver ‘result from the use of pewitt's Little (Early Risers the ‘famous little pills.” They cure constipation, biliousness and sick-headache. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton ' Pharmacy. Undertaking. The Hastings and Patton Undertak- ling Co. has an office in the Spencer i block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard- | ware store in Patton. Telephone con- | nections, Hastings No. Patton No. (3, and H. funeral i i 7; ¢!. C. Grenninger, Patton, Hastings, are the Mr. John Beving, editor of the Press, Anthon, Towa, says: ‘1 have used chamberlain’s colic, cholera and biar- rhoea Remedy in my family for fifteen years, have recommended it to hun- dreds of others, and have never known it to fail in a single instance. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. : vacant Lot For Sale. Vacant lot situated between the Fropertice of John Somerville and W, 0. Lingle, on Beech avenue, for sale at a reasonable figure. Call on or ad-| dress, Joseph Taylor, Patton, Pa.-4t | . Hymes, of Wellsboro, Tioga county, | (Pa; Agh | EY | suffer from sleeplessness, rheumatism, -Perhaps in all this | than this line of Tioga Jecunty people living here; among them *, 8. Smith and his brother W. 8, who others will be opened and operated ~ Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo, writes: ‘‘one minute cough cure maved the life of our little boy when Oar princi- i ER THE KIDNEY COMPLEXION, The pale, sallow, sunken-cheeked, | distressed-locking people you so often p | meet are afflicted with “Kidney Com- | | plexion.” | Their kidneys are turning to a ! parsnip color. Ro is their complexion. | They may also have indigestion, or i ‘neuralgia, brain trouble, nervous ex- | hanstion and sometimes the heart acts badly. The canse is i Nevs, Usually the sufferer from kidney dis ease does not find out what the trouble is until it is almost too late, because the first symptoms are so like mild sickness that they do not think they need a medicine or a doctor until they weak, unhealthy kid- find themselves sick in bed, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root will build up and strengthen their weak and die eased kidneys, purify their diseased, | kidney poisoned blood, clear their com plexion and soon they will enjoy better health. You can get the regular sizes at the drug store, at fifty cents and one dol- lar, or you may first prove for yourself the wonderful virtues of this great dis- ‘covery, Bwamp Root, by sending your ‘address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham- ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent 'to yon absolutely free by mail. When writing kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the PaTroNn COURIER Bad management keeps more people | in poor circumstances than any other one. To be successful one must look | favorable opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A lit- tie forethought will also save mach ex- pense and valuable time. A prudent chamberiain’s colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftiess fellow will wait until necessity compels ‘it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays oul 235 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why bis neighbor is get ting richer while he is getting poorer. For sale by CO. W. Hodgkius, Patton Pharmacy. Dewitt's Little garly Risers expel from | the system all poisonous &ccumulations, regulates the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away diseases, dissipate melancholy, and give health and vigor for the daily rou. tine. Do not gripe or sicken. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. THE FINANGIAL REPORT Patton Borough School District From Ot JUNE 13. '08 to JUNE 5.” Mi ifiEl Ss Wobake turale er oF se fied 13 | Average nunter of gentle le aght TEACHER Nawher of Male T Numibet of Female | Average sabnries of Males per toonth Average salities of Feusales per month TAX AND BATE PER CENT | Nusnter of mitts devia for sche, 35 wont Nambor of roils levied for bas armonint Nuasnbeg of mile lev iod for interest ate a dest, 5 mmosint = ¥ ETE CREP paul - $ * Wi ¥ im SW, © iin, ". Total amount levied RECEIPTS, ; Froan State Appropriation Fron Collector, taxes of sl Kinde Prupiiente, 1a Pruplicate, 185 Pra plioate, Ines Unsented Lands Fines | Bewik dest royal or lost Tuition CU tpeneoinend eerie 5.0RY G4} Our | aim to tell the truth no matter who it hits. Our object to live and let live. Total $a TER ¥] i EXPENDITURES Teachers’ Wages Teachers altending | nstitute Juniitor's salary E Fuel and contingencies 4 Fisw of Collector, £ hd Commlasion, $170 Mec retnry's Malary LUvantnencement Eoroises i Debit and Interiost paid Euforeing Compulsory Law Text Books Mecho) Ma pple All pther plirposes, sands eRe rer, 10 $4,000 144 my wl 27 aT rons . iz i Tin i = § 70 am @ Pied TH #8 pueden $a * Balances due Total RESOURCES AND LIAB PE Pe fron Collecior Hewit Praplionte, 10 Prapsiie ie, i Unpaid Noes hE. Unseated Lands, LITE § ya. {a we Tistal LIABILITIES Crevdiers Cratatanaling 13 8 {pmetticd Hille maganding 5 4% Debit on Botiding £545 9 Fonds Cmtstanding ELAR A psoant due Trosesuieg Total Estimatal Value School Piogerts We, having examined the foregod bg sey CR IL true and orrest To We esd Enow ledge, WW. A, H. Lis RF Notley, Dealer Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelled. Prices : are reasonable. - FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. « HASTINGS, PA; rin Nu ahead and plan ahead so that when a | ‘and careful man will keep a bottle of brian counties, and connecting at Mill | . Hall with the Central railroad of Penn- 'sylvania, at Munson with trains from 10 0 me seaswone Sperial Excursiom reer the I'. RB. i July | and August, i Thursdays, July 6 and 20, and Aog- | | ust 3 and 17, are the dates of the . Pennsylvania railroad annual low-rate excursions for 1589 to Atlantic Ully, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wid womd, Holly Beach, N. J., Rehoboth, Del, or Ocean City, Md. Tiokets good bo return wit days, including date of excursion, A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pitts burg on above mentioned dates at 8:50 Rm, Arriving ab Altoona 12:15 p.m where stop for dinner will be made, reaching Philadelphia 8:25 p. arriving Atlantic City, WAS river bridge rail line, at 8 5 Fe nin hifteen ancl Dele 1. via the route, the only ali 40 pom. Passengers may also spend the night in P hiladelphia, | and proceed to the shore by any regu. lar train from Market street wharf or Broad street station on the following ay. A stopover of ten days will also be allowed at Philadelphia on the going trip, if passengers will deposite their tickets with the ticket agent at Broad street station immediately on arrival, Tickets will be sold from the stations at the rates named below as follows: Johnstown, rate $0.25, train leaves at 11:04 8. m_; Cherry Tree, $9 6:15am Hastings, $9.25, 6:15 a. m; ; Coalport, $9. 15, 6:53 a m.; ; Ebensburg, $5.85, 7:20 a] m.; Cresson, $8.50, 11:45 a. m.; Al touna {stop for dinner ;, $8, 12:35 p. om; Martinsburg, $8, 10:25 a. m.; Holidays burg, #8, 11:08 a. m.; Bellwood, $4, 12:49 p. mv; Carwensville, $5.25, 9:15 u. Cm. Clearfield, $8, 931 a m.; Philips. | burg, #8, 10:12 a. m.; Philadelphia, ar. rive 6:25 p' m.; Atlantic City, arrive, 5:40 p. mo. Tickets will also be good on regular trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:50 and 830 p. m., carrying sleeping cars to Philadelphia, and 7056 p.m. carrying Pullman sleeping cds through to At. lantic City. For detailed information in regard to ‘rates and time of trains apply to ticket | agents or Mr. Thomas E. Watt, Dis i trict Passenger agent, Pittsharg. I was seriously afflicted with acou B| for several years, and last fall had more severe cough than ever Sor I have ned many remedies without re. ceiving much relief, and being recon mended to try a bottie of Chamberlain's cough remedy, by a friend, who, know ing me to be a poor widow, gave it to oe, 1 tried it, and with the most gratl. fying result. The first bottle relieved me very much and the second bottle absolutely cured me. | bave not had ae good health for twenty years I give this certificate without solicitation, Minply in appreeistion of the gratituds r the cure offer - Respect full Mra tans A ( Taremore, ATK. For sale by Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Thomas Hhoads, oo CW Centerfield, OQ writes: “1 suffered from piles seven or, No remedy gave me relief edjcht years. until pewitt's witch Hazel salve, lows than a box of which permanently cured me.” Soothing, healing, perfectly harmless. Beware of counterfeits, W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. ; arriving AL Cresmon at 155%. mM. A Cdrlen Chmmpiwil EMail Beprews, dad 1 a Onioms, raddishes, rhubarh and Jet. i tuee at the Cash G itocery on Saturday. “What might have been’ Hf that lit- | tle cough hadn't been neglected is the i gad reflection of thousands of consamp- ‘tives. One minute congh Cure cures coughs and colds. (C., W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, J. V. Hobbs, M. D., Fort Vaile, Ga., says: ‘I have been practicing medicine twenty-five ears and know piles to be i of the most difficult of diseases to ctire, but have known Dewitt’s witch Hazel salve to cure nambers of cases and do not hesitate to recommend it. Be sure you get “‘Dewitt’s;”’ there are infarionis counterfeits on sale. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. It Haken nogdifference how cheap you can buy groceries elsewhere, 1 can still save yon some mofey, quality of goods considered, THE CAs GROCERY. Maney to patent good ideas may be ! sectired by our aid. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Dewitt's Little Farly Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assis tance to nature, causing no pain or weakness - permanently caring consti. Jation and liver ailments. CC. W. Todgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Pittsburg & Fastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECY MONOAY, JUNE. 19. 1999. Westward % 3° —_— ba Qe z - w [rove ? Yo B © FESR EREULY oR “EBRD D EBT BS ‘ Wk BAS pee a BarrsagngenNsnil Union Station | Mabaffey) Boer ty Creek Junction Mann Tey fatathinrst f Mod foun Wetzel! £ Works f ®»amnderiand § Fig tiek ¢ Burnside Passrporef filer Uampliedl Mobley Hoovers ERT egnpule bow ESansuuuny wr -e a 3 BGS RG Be ae a a er a ok a ow g=s 8 =o - R23 ’ wv @* § . PARE Pu 9 2 v Ercvcovvecnves, Sysco ndnasNEIR’ Hooverhorst Mobiey, Passirnore ; flarnxids Fig fark 1 “anderiand 1 Works Wetandi £ Mei pon Labatharst f Mahafley Fleweh Crvek Junction Bp hooks Station Mabafley: f Fing station Comsnbetions- AL Lindon Station, with Hovey Cronk faiinmed, 1 & © Pennsvivanin rmiirmad, and PF & N, pesd: al Whiskey Run with MeGees & New. tewhrg radiant: at MeGes with P. aN. W, railroad. Noten nil further police rales will fon only tween Unlie Sation Mabafley: and Cant wml] All trains daily except San day HL Heka, ners Manager, Mahatiry, Pennsylvania Railroad Time # I'able Jane 12, 1899 We TL ¥EisR¥EBRERESTS Main Line Lave reason Enst ward. egy Rhone Express, week days A towing Aoronsiriedation, week days Main Line Express, dally A ftowainm Acre HE tie i, daly FRERBE We he OE CESguN CWC IEF UNL EES E38E33E Philadelphia Exp be dandy Lam vo © rvs Johnatown Avorn. Pacific Express, daily Vay Passenger daily Mitatvary Ex press Mail Fastitne, dxily Johnstown Aceon, week days cambria and clearfield. sest howard. Morning train for Patton and Creseecn len ves Haaiimgs 1 Gareay (tor Cresson; &K Pat ton Tas: Beadley Junetion T20 Kayke 788 ferncan Cent ward wow kt days ow - thd oton 0 ERERFERS trains for Patton i pmphedl at i o & Junction 23% Crarwiy (Ree Cronson art Cresson aves Glen fir, Mahe fey at 29% Lado imtever 255 Hast Sir Tr Patton Tk Headley FJanction G6 Kaylor v8 arriving st Cresson at ARs | al ear Ray SF en Bradley Junction P Patton 234 WT Nos. 334 Costume of Sevres blue poplin Circular skirt with boexplait in front Blouse waist opens over yoke of white liberty silk with stock coilar to mateh Revers of poplin are edged with velvet and trimmed with soutache. Miter ial required for girl of 12 years. poplin, 12 inches wide, 4 vards, velvet 20 in- ches wide, i yard, Cut In 12 and 14 Years, A special Mostration and fall direct- ions for putting patterns together will bw found on the pattern. To secure the above patterns observe the following rules: Cut out the picture, being careful to preserve the number and enclose with 10 cents, giving fall name and address with house number. Where two numbers are given, the pattern is a double number and if both are desired twenty cents must be sent. Address Pattern Department. ToiLETTES Pus. Co., 170 Fifth Ave, New York. LR Northwand, cuves Oreeecn fr Maha rine rin Caress (for Hastings od Hastings for Maha Ter iG Garway (fw Ma hatfey; EAT Westover jig Ladose Junction HA Mata ffey hdd arriving at Glen Cam at I215 Aflevvoon trains for Patton amt | ings lmves Cresson gl 310 Kaylor Pradiey Janetion S45 Patton S08 Garay IT West: over G3 arriving at Hastings at $4 pm. For rates tuum, ele, Apply fo Heket agent or address Thaw FB. Wa PAW DD = Find avenue, Fitttabung, a 1. B. Hutehinson, fens Mgr Morning train JR Woesd, Gen Pass. Agt New York Central & Hudson River Raflrgad, Penay aia i 5 LEE, Beech Creek Di istrict. Condensed Time Table. Bead up Exp Mail Not or pm fx 0 f En = % ia Nog, A Pele Tr Patiaon Wientlave? Mahalo ery Pe sr SERA TR Koprrysossy Now Mill psart EN aia oe 2X ar 125% 0% atm tei ohh Wows lms Higier Wa llaoeton isda Mine Mu Os £1 Phi Topas Hr TRESERHYE Extgl —g 5 Cwiad eu = neni ® a - Ai We Sp ad Sd al el nd vd mR Gk i Mura Winhame Peale Feliisgite WT OW MD Faw ls Crwk Mil Hail Look Haven Yeingsdals (Wavne Jersey More Janetion fom slic Witt FEL ww Tid § ®o - ek i wn iow i & 3 xricl i “ = * = 5&5 Gu G23 B® on §* th RNR Ee at 4 we} i 5 Ll £3 we ts EEE pin a 13 gE grt $28 "ar iv rz oli tA ALE OR IY a 27 AN Tm ie NY my To rrsae SPR BF SY via Phila arb a ip Be sandays a & Fead rr HE Hh Nn E ¥ a * Weekdays hk Ba * New Yori psoeeogers tracing Yin Fail rdeiphi ta on 136 poo tosin five WE a Inport will ¢ “ha nige cars at Hantingdo n =e Pail in. atineeiions-- XL W 1 + with Phils: det ph a aint Heading Terwy Rare with the wd ¢ 3 at Mil Hab with f{entral Pyvnusyieania; st Philipsburg with go auavivania mildred aad Altoores & "hilipsburg Conese ng mlirond: at Ulearticld with the Buffalo, Haehester aad Titsbarg milyny; at Mabafley snd Palton id {with Csmbris and (Clearfield division of the Peonsevania mired: at Mabaffey with the Pennsylvania snd Northwestern milwax. { Geo. H. Daniels, Ww. H. Nusthrap, tven. A Williamsport, Hen. Peas A New Y oh act, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers