tion Courier. % ~lndependen. Interest—Putton and Surrounding Country. Motto--*Justice to All and Mallee Toward None, ‘ON PUBLISHING CO.. Proprietors. BE. wi GREENE, Editor, {bank account, although he may notin A “cask crear scuemE. How Scotch Banks Somnetines Help De servipg Young Men. Many a young business man in New York would appreciate the advantage of what is called the cash credit of Scotch banks and which enables a young { man of honor and industry to have a reality possess any means beyond his capital of honesty and a capacity for work. The scheme is so far confined | otily to Scotland although it has been | praised universally by economists. it! PD lis said to have laid the foundation of | & interest on his daily debit. The per! We h have known per-§ Ss. fogs ain a pound a while taking it. soc. and br oo, ail druggist. ! SCOT T & BOWNE, Chemists, New York, GREAT BRITAIN exported $2,145,000 | ith of pig iron to the European con- tinent last month, against $1,205,000 in Tue prosperous times have reached » inventors, 1,856 applications for | ts being made last May, an in- eveass of 988 over May, 1898. Last year's prodnction of gold in the | ¥ United States amounted to $64,463,000, an increase of 12 per cent over the year. Colorado led with 195,300, California standing second PRESIDENT MCKINLEY has been | breaking the handshaking record again. | No less than 4,816 shakes in one hour | 45 minutes is his achievement at | Iatest White House reception. GIry-FOUR per cent of the entire | of Idaho ls still public land am. ng to more than 44,000,000 acres. | Of this area it has been estimated by Government geological survey that 7,000,000 acres oan be irrigated success MEMBERSHIP ERS in the League of Ameri. } Wheelmen means: Reduced rates at good hotels, n bright, Hinatrated ey. ent McKinley has appointed ol Masters pastmaster at Johns The salary is $2,800 per year. jo Mr. Masters upon tment, ‘and assure him his friends in Hollidaysburg are : that he succeeded in gathering fine plum. Congressman Thropp may not bo our ideal of a congress- pan, but he certainly haé begn fortun- #0 far in the selection he has made of good men for the positions of post- masters. oe Hollidaysburg Standard. The Firat Camp-Meeting. A writer in the July Ladies’ Home! Toor calls to mind that one hundred | years ago—Angust 1709-the first meeting for religions worship ‘was held in America, The site of this | notable gathering is a short distance from Russellville, in the state of Ken- ty. The earlier camp-meetings, it | shown by the Journals article, were | says the New York ‘Son’. He has no capital, and capital is neces. | gots some of his friends to become se- | | ¢urity to the bank, and the latter opens | Clams—Shell, ! | un account with him with a credit of | ($2,600. The sureties are careful to @ | inan, and careful scrotiny of his bank | $ nccount is maintained. The bank will | : 8 expect the account to be a live one, | {checks to be drawn and deposits made | Beef Steak, smothered in | a mingle dollar in a year. " cepted for passage between all stations | | River R. R. and Branches; This | more liberal in conditions than any | at the rate of 46 shakes per minute, other mileage book on wale anywhere, i 1 many a rich man's fortune, and the | | banks are liberal in extending the ad- | ‘vantage of its use to any man who can | } lsupply the requisite sponsors. This {system is briefly described in these"! } i : i Eps - { Terms $1.00 per day. words by an American anthority who | his just been investigating the sahject, | Cw H oder The bank permits any individual to = open an account, not with a deposit or with a discount, but an actual credit for a certain amount, which the bank | practically loans to him, charging him | son is permited to operate ami check | against the account. just the same ns though he bad so much cash on depohit. | It is not a time loan, but is permitted to | stand as long as the bank and the cus- | tomers are mutually satisfled From | $500 to $5,000 is the nsual limits of these | cash credits or advances. A young | .tnan may desire to start in business. | doz. 4 doz. doz. 15 and : Oysters—Shell, 14 * Baked, Broiled, Stewed, Paned, Fried, on Toast, Tub, Raw, Ly doz. ; doz. 15 and 4 15 1 15 $d 15 Y i 25 2 2 25 10 sary. He applies to the bank for a cash | credit, say, of $2,600. The applicant | 10 5 Baked, ! Stewed, Fried, Chowder, it 25 25 watch the operations of the young it 1 with reasonable frequency. Some’ times the total transactions based upon | # very small cash credit are enormous, | #8 much, sometimes, as $200 or $300 for | | Onions, ‘ Beef Steak—Brgiled, o Hamberg, Fried, ” - - 15 15 i i id Onions, radishes and rhubarb on 1 Thursday at the Cash Grocery. Veal Steak, | Pork Steak, One thousand mile books are on sale | ‘Ham—Fried, at ticket offices of the New York Cen- | Cold, tral system at $20.00. They are ac-|i Ham and Es ES, lon the New York Central & Hudson | Chicken, Rive Rome, FE BRS — Boiled, | Watertown, & Ogdensburg and Bran- | Pick] 1, ches; Carthage and Adirondack; Mo- ICR Ae hawk and Malone: New York and Put- Fried, nam; New York and Harlem; Byracase, Poached Geneva and Corning; Fall Brook; Pine Om : | Creek: Beech Creek; Dunkirk, Allegh- miet, ‘eny Valley & Pigtsburg; West Shore Scrambled, ‘and Walkill Valley Railroads. They on Toast will also be accepted for passage on the | . Ey Toast-—Buttered, Milk Cream, 15 : 1g i New York Central Mileage Books, i 146% | | ii 5 and . 1: 15 and 2 2 for 5 for g for § for 10 for 10 for - > Pi 10) 1» i se 5 15 15 ii Altoona and Philipsburg Connecting | Railroad; Philadelphia and Reading | they entitle the holder to the same | Saratoga Chips, rights and privilages as to transporta- Buttermilk, - . : Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Rail- Potatoes-— Plain Fry, These mileage books are nolimited as | {eat class tickets sold by the company; City Restaurant, R. T. PETERS, Proprietor. a 15 15 | od 10 15 15 FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. 12 tf Patton Pharmacy. BILL OF FARE. Patton, Sweet Milk, ¢ Coffee and Tea, - - Cocoa, Soups- — Vegetable, Oyster, | Clam, Chicken, Tomato. Oxtail, Julienne, Turtle, Mock Turtle Pigs’ Feet, JTeize, » Pickled Tongue, Fish—Salmon, plate, Sardines, Shad, Catfish, Eels, Crabs— Hard Shell, Soft Shell, Deviled, ‘Baked Beans, Qandwiches— Ham, H Switzer Cheese, LLimberger, Sardine, i “i si * is i id ki Egy, Cannibal, Welch Rarebits, Bread and Butter, Pie, per cut, Cake, Ice Cream, Bananas and Cream, Refreshments, etc. - 5 § and 10 ie) way; Central Railroad of Pennsy Ivania; Hailway and Atlantic City Railroad. | 4 * » A ¥ to time in which they may be used; | French Fry, | tion of persons or property ua the high- | TE, ‘they cover a large territory and are Rdolizen L Call at the Cash Grocery and got. | prices on groceries and you will rely | | buy. Dealers in Wants His Child. John W, Kephart Esq. of Ebensburg, | Dry Goods, has instituted habeas corpus proceed. Groceries, Notions, ings at Pittsburg to secure possessi of Dorothy Wheeler Kephart, his > | Flour, Feed and Provisions. year-old daughter, now in the custody | of the Roselia foundling asylum and ALSO ESSEX SOAP. Call and see us and learn our miiternity hospital. Refreshments of all kinds will be prices. East side of Iron: Bridge, Patton, Pa. : served at the picnic to be held for the benefit of 8t. Mary's Catholl¢ church | of Patton, at SBhort's grove July 4th | and 5th. Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal, A Choi ¢ New Line says: “During my brother's late dO Ladies’ Shirt Waists. DOs from sciatic rheumatism, chamber- | They am exceedingly stylish and ‘lain’s Pain Balm was the only remedy | | jaunty in their up-to-date fashions, not | that gave him any relief.” Many to mention the hers testi _ comfort suggested in every garment. ob yaye fled to the: prompt re A new line of Percale Walsts are in lief from pain which this liniment af- 41) the different. shades, neatly made fords. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, # with yoke back, are only 35¢ each. Patton Pharmacy. Another new lot are in striped and : checked percales, stylishly made, are Legal Notice, . 48¢, Hoe, and T5¢ each, '- Notice is hereby given that Harry | Beautiful new Walsta are plain shades | Halen, of the township of Reade, in 1f Juwr, Jerid oe polies voted oe | { "lO IriE0 ¥ the county of Cambria, has made ap- tucked, are all marked at $1.00 each. plication to the secretary of Internal | is also a new arrival in figured affairs for a warant on one acre of land Piq® Waists, stripes and polka dots, | sitnated in Reade township, Cambria $1. Yer: andaome and stylish lot at] county, Pa., adjoining lands of 8. Clark * Ap other line of Lawn, Dimity and on the east, Lewis Newhouse on the Percale Waists have tucked fronts in south and Abner Shaw on the west. ‘an extremely pretty effect and are HARRY HALLEN, good values at $1.50 each, Mountaindale, Pa., June 24, 1899. Pale pink and blue Dimity Waists § | Barber Shop Yor Mad At a good bargain. For purtcular osll on or address the COURIER, Patton, | Pi . Forsberg, nviting coolhess and LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. Remewes alt desire and appetite, builds ihe nears and Diaect an Mis ony 1 rss THE ONLY KEELEY ¢ ins ere Pact ied free IX WERTERN FENSAY! SARL & SERRE Honesty Is the Best Policv. Honest goods, honest deal- ings will surely bring success. Every hour proves it. _— last days of the nineteenth cen- show nothing more clearly. We e this fact and our works demon. Delo our belief. Our goods are war. ranted to be exactly as represented, that is honest; our goods are teed to give perfec t satisfaction, that is honest. If any article of jewelry of 'onr manufacture does not give perfect | satisfaction we will refund the money pre for such articles; thai too is ones, GEO. O. BRADY, (OF THE- - a RS Sp The Delineator 18 THE Boarding House. Vine Street, | | Magazine, and is instied BY ihe famons fashion blishers, tterick Publishing (Limited), at 7 to 17 West Thir- {teenth Street, New York, he the re- (Clearfield markably low rate of $1.00 for a vear's subscription, or 15 cents sr copy. Of all family nes it i the great caterer to and can be recom mended for ite prod ness, neefulness, beanty, and, {and ntility. ‘Woman’ s Favorite PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Squoare, » Cambria and ‘county people visiting Phila-| delphia will find this a con-| ‘venient and central location. gr ¥ MRS. 5. B. KING. DO YOU RIDE Ed. A Mellon, Agt., Patton, Pa. ein + At 2 Grocery House where things look ricat a where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. That's the House keep. Call and be sure of it. Have you seen our line of . DRY GOODS? ‘he finest in this section and at prices to Suit your purse. * TL i dd 9 le all; “3 is 501 Of wes BAZAAR a complete assortment of our na in his store for sale at prices that defy competition. These goods ‘are made from rolled gold, gold filled or solid gold stock and are war- ranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money will be refunded. If this notice should reach any one living too far away from Mr, Brady's store, or any other customer of ours, When in town make our store your he adquarters. You will be welcome, to permit their purchasing the goods we wiil sell the goods under the nail. We of our customers, w ‘at retail to such persons warranty, and dof ver by formerly conducted irrespective of de- | nominations lien, but, he form J I tm 1n-s ot wounds nnd powder-burns, | id, a Methodist institution. ‘outs, bruises, sprains, BO from | Strike or no strike, the Cash Grocery | rusty nails, insect stings and ivy pois- | money | onings, quickly healed by bpewitt's | witch mazel salve. Positively prevents | | blood poisoning. Beware of couterfeite: UDewitt's’’ is safe and sure. C. | Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. 31-3 j » have solid tucked fronts and theked | i alwo send printed instructions as | Yok in back, are regular heauties, 4 {to the care of the jewelry, how to clean nty anc eXdusite enough for the it. ete. on application. fairest of the fi and are not dear at | W. F. MAIN & CO., $2. 50 each. A new line of White Waista, tucked | ‘and insertion finished, in many styles, E astern Fi y Corner ‘some with solid insertion front, ringe | Eddy Sts. | piyvidenos. 12. 1. Western {in all styles from 75¢ up. Factory J argest in the world; under | proc wes of construction at East lowa One Square From Station. City, Towa, Over 52.000 fY, Altoona, Penna. pie of floor eo. S. Good, Patton, Pa. ¥ xv 3-Y.% a LIE RGRIIP KX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers