~ THE PATT on on will be held by the Epworth League of water system at Coalport, if the boro. | the M. E. church, of Patton, Friday ugh will sign an agreement to to take | night, June 30th. Look for program fire plugs amounting to from $400 to ater. $500 a year. The Standard advides Everybody is invited to attend the | picnic and dance at Short’s grove Jaly | 4th and bth and have a good old fash. The invention of the locomotive ioned time, Benefit of Catholic would never have amounted to mach if church. ney one had ever invented a track for it : . : to run on. One of these items is as es. |] o > . ¥ a a . moking goes on in the Philippines sential as the other in securing good. eS (everywhere but in charch. Even your | and rapid trannportation save the 1. A on Courier Wall paper at Fisher's 3 cents a | cab driver will offer you a cigar if you w. De Ps ay Goi 10 ® { voll. are pot smoking and he thinks yon! : B, a - Grand festival in Goldstein's hall | have none. The business men of Magee avenue PATTON PUBLISHING CO,, Proprietors. | ‘are anxious that the paving of that FE. WiLL GREENE, Editor, duly 4th. | Contractor Joseph Hubbard has the |, \, completed soon, owing to the | PHAR { All flavors of soda water at Hodg- | frame work of the new Rhody baild- | blocade of traffic which it has ontsed TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. kin’s Patton Pharmacy. (Ing on Fifth avenue raised and will for some tim& Their anxiety is well One copy, one year, in advance, - . - $1.00 soon be ready for the brick layers to do | r y we Hr Advertising rates made gnown npon ap W.E. McConnell, of Punxsutawney * | thelr work merited and we hee Hat the work | spent Sunday in Patton. , will be speedily pushed to completion, all i . , i Ae re eid, unless 81 the option of the | A car load of fertilizer jost came pop o4 ond Gan Club and ifso se |, F; Fr McClintock, who represents A. publishers. ‘in at Patton Hardware Co. i L. Koons, manufacturers of and whole | : ntwred at the Rostafics at Futian an second. i jromplished a clay pigeon shoot willl Ce dealers in confectione of T tase mail ma i Hard shell crabs, deviled crabs and take place in Patton July 4th. This is | | one, wasa t an 1 ! gia : y- , A —— clnms at the City Restaurant. {a No. 1 sport and should be renewed. | 0 lar Te Achn he oS | | Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones, | W. E. Probert made a business trip | only a first-class salesman but a hustler ‘a danghter, Monday, June 19. (to Clearfield the first of the week. and has won many warm friends on the | Onions, radishes and rhubarb on’ Faust Davis came down from Ehbens- road by his courteous and obliging | Thursday at the Cash (irocery. ‘burg to look after the wants of the manners. | customers during Mr. Probert's ab. : od Onions, raddishes, rhubarb and let- te re ig ’ During the taking of the coming tute at the Cash Grocery on Satarday. | twelfth census feamales will be obliged | dennis Nolan, Rr, of Philipsburg, : | RB. Hollister, a merchant chaser | ? o Hlpsbarg, to tell their age. The law says that | of Buffal t Thursday of last week | ‘who bas been visiting his sons M. M. women who refuse to tell their age or | From 1. A. W. Bulletin lo ale, Speg, Tray © ‘and Dennis, Jr, in Patton for the past indulge in any inaccurate statement fA little babe, hes ond li in town. two weeks, left Monday for San Fran- thereof shall npon conviction, be fined ) And, later on, in manhood ®hen | (3. Greenberg, of Huntingdon, Pa, cisco, Cal, where he expects to make $100, as shall all other persons refusing | comes out, he's bald again. | waa looking after business interest in! his future home. to reply to gnestions or muking false | The Bums he he press is is promt, town Friday. Felix Porier, well known in Patton statements. its 1 111 Inbricate : . o Te Totus w ir il Ib rease Mrs. W. L. Nicholson left last Friday and who passed a year in the Klondike | | for a two weeks’ visit among friends at | gold flelds has again returned to Patton | Eco nom ic al K. GE festival July ath. Punsutawney, Pa. |and is now looking after the interest o ~ Qet your fire works at Fisher's store. | Mrs. M. J. MeNamera, who has been | {Geo 8 Good & Co. at the sand stone | quarries north of town, ugustine Satarday, June ‘quite ill during the past two weeks, is hy os i) ym ‘slowly recovering. LD. H.C. Warren is making arrange. Buyers 4 iments to erect two new dwelling x { . mt W. P. Smith came np from Clearfield W. H. Gardner, a prominen young | houses on the lots which he recontly | I ok | purpose, There is strong talk of reviving the rd A AAAS SE NA A SA Ee ‘ Holidaysburg, nt ~ Tuesaday. jen of HolMaysburg ype purchased, situated east of his present 200 : Thursday in Patton. For that tired feeling, try Hodgkins’ residence on East Magee avenue, 5 | Citizens, don’t forget the board of They will be erected for te tient his | trade meeting in Goldstein's hall Tues | | purposes. i Boynton Dill, of Hastings, returned | SSL ¢ -. Noun iis James White is the prov father of & home Thursday from a trip across the o , Seven Pu loose coffees | eight little son who arrived at bis splantic. ile has had bad health for 5 Pen > t home a fow days ago. ‘some time and went abroad to recaper. ~ R. 8. Toser returned Monday froma. py Noonan is setting em up over the ate, returning moch improved. While | | { Vou can save 12 | bioycle trip to Altoona city. | arrv f a bran new son at his resi- away he visited in England, Germany . =f aE r p= ; : al o : Nl Miss Blanch Good, of Lock Haven, dence Sunday evening. ‘and France, cents on a Shirt, Jac Is visiting in town this week. | 1B Hahn, the popular traveling Train master Wm. Cramer came up ket O fava lls 0 a oo Cambria county politicians are be- |saleeman of Philadelphia, wis seen on from Jersey Shore Satarday and spent KCL, LIVETAlS Or any = ; coming quite numerous of late. our streets one day last week. {Sunday with his family at this place. 50¢ article vou will x ‘He wan accompanied hy his clerk, Mr. “8 ir ; About 500 persons 8 month are re. | fhe members of Patton Fire com. | Harry Britton and wife, who were his | do it, wont vou’ 5 ! quired for jury duty in the New York pany No. 1 are contemplating a trip to | | guests until Monday morning when Lock Haven on the 4thvof July. | they returned to their home at Jersey Y OU Can carn mony | . ie rat 1. A. Woleslagle and son, (ilen Campbell will celebrate the 4th Shore. bo : Ward, came over from Barnesboro of July in the good old-fashioned style | Mine Inspecter Josiah T. Evans, of CAaSicr. Monday. this FOAr. Also will Clearfield, Pa. Johpstown, was in town in an official Wi + gu aran tee our Mrs. Dr. 8. W. Worrell and daughter A. C. Fisher recently treated the res- capacity Friday of last week. Mr. Romaine, are visiting relatives at idence of Engineer Joseph Taylor, ¢o Evans, who is a candidate for the 35 c Ov £r« tl to be the Cloarfleld. Fourth avenue, to a fresh coat of paiot. | nomination of ( ‘ounty Treasurer, nat bind you buy clse- . ; 8s $B C. Brown, to ol 4. W. Pinkerton and Chas. Don- | 'urally “killed two birds with one stone’ - busigess trip to Huntingdon, Pa., the nelly, Jr, of Pittaburg, were looking hile here looking up his political Ww he re for 50C. Same first of the week. after business interests in town Tues. "CHES oh The n of coal in the. T , fay, | Mrs. Joseph Bloom, of Palmer ave. wit h Shirts, ( ApS, : pr : rep bears the distinction of possessing . j _vaalin 1808 wna 1,907 308 Yous, st The Great Council of the Independ. 9 alent Ar re thar | oy . lent Order of Red Men will hold ita the largest and handsomest June rome Jac kets or any thing ‘bush to be seen any where in this sect. : [ next annual session at Reading next Jap : ion of the country. It is completely | { lsc. enr. ” : y ‘eovered with pink and red roses and | f vou can buy 1 | Alvin S8herbine and C. C. Rugh, of wtracta considerable attention of those : £7 ye. ls *Bquire Schroth and wife, of Carroll. | more, Pa,, drove to this place Mon: | who pass by. pair of Shoes for 8c a ; d while here were guests at the town, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. p, ony wn Ff TS Wav E™ A Walter Mellon, who has been con. ‘Detrick Monday night. i Viki ‘fined to his bed by a serious illness for B ) Three Mormon elders are at work at | The festival held by the Ladies Ald the past three months, we are glad to vou fe wr S1.2 g y Ot | Falls Creek, Pu, and vicinity trying to | Bogdety on Thursday night in Gold- wate, is again able to walk about the - . J make converts to their church. | Bieta hall wan a success both socially | house and will soon be able to attend should take adv: antage g nd Anancially. to his duties at the post office where he Miss Flow Mills, Operator at ie For Binder twine, paints, oils, glass Was acting in the capacity of clerk Qf it— These Shoes) or Bowe — fiends in hid ‘and everything in the bardware line [een taken ill. {or Bov and Girls! go to Patton Hardware Co's. store, P. Met. Luther, of Carrolltown, who re- on t } AN iris Sh J. L. Rich, he) J. Deitrick, Mgr. cently became possessor of the Yahner (I) | y. well-known we ng m 0 man o | The “hoys' are requested to drop in property on the corner of Fifth and iphin, Oh and see Fitzpatrick, the restaurant Magee avenues, is making several : - | man, —ive a nice big boy und came Important changes to the building, We aim to sell 1 goods c heap- The Patton Clay works is becoming Friday morning. ‘especially to the storeroom which er than anyone else cons sider. quite a rendesvous during night for Jas. Allport, W. C. Shiffer and A. B, i greatly adds to the appearance of that fe Gua Ho Trash v a Hot} y ainty, ish we do not | tramp snd bums who wander into. | Clark, three prominent and represent- | {immediate vicinity. ; 5 oh ! . : | ative men of Hastings, were visitors to Mise. Besse Wolf, after visiting doubt the next boxing contest in this place Saturday. ‘among friends at Philipsburg for sev. If you bre out to tall | fon will receive a chilly reception | 'eral weeks, returned to Patton Satur. money, we asx you cordially from reports of Monday even. tic": EH. Witman returned home| gq, sie Wolfand brother John, ex- to call and see us. We actu. Priday night from Wilmore, where he | to oocapy ih ay th | pect py the rooms over the ,1| arry the most complete attended a Sunday school convention | 8 Barney McClain, of Spangler, and which was held there. PMiners Store Company as #000 88 Va- | 1, 1i)\¢ of W. A. Scanlan, of Johnstown, were | teated by the family of J. W, Lupfer, Y 2 +}. : oe dev : among the many strangers in town the | yor boly Is In¥ited so siend on who is now employed at Gallitzin, Boy’ s Suits, held or P i Satard n County Commissioners Hoover, | : at Bt. Angustine, ny ater | Jones and Hostetler drove down from | Men’ Ss Suits, Why place your order for phosphate | noon and evening, June 24th. ay abead” when yon can got ites a the county hub Monday. They were ‘Shirts Collars, : X $1971 bs Frese ¢ De. in ratton for the J * you 1 od it, all at Pattog (has, Goodnough, representing | i Pat " r the purpose of placing an ’ are Co's. store. 8 ? Haven & Co., of Allegheny city, manu order with the Patton Clay Manu- Cuffs, Neckwear, jihad ’ facturers of the Cinderella stoves, trans facturing Co, for brick for pavement Only 11 days till the 4th of July and acted business in Patton Tuesday. use, David E. Evans of Cambria anid from the picnic at Short’s grove, | Whistling is said to be regarded as a township, accompanied the party on Hats, add Shoes i in | Bis atton Will vot celebrute-- tbe first time | vi ration of divine law by leolanders their trip. : NORTH of Cou NTY, inga the history of the town It would never dy for Ex-Bheriff Dale! The Windber Rod & Gun Club bas And if vou are not in the. nd if you are not in the v. E Gill, a merchant of Latrobe, or ye editor to live in that country. "arranged for a big shoot at that place habit of “tradin y here ask ; accompanied by his two children, JL B. Wilber added a large new | ‘on the Fourth of July, the first to be / - oo z 5 } hye i was the guest of his brother, Police- porch to his residence on Beech ave. | pulled off under its auspices, the club SOME of your neighbors. man Wm. an, the first of the week. ‘nue, besides making several other im- ‘having only recently been organized. REMEMBER our Motio-] There will be twelve events--eleven at Editor Brat of the radon ProVetnents such i Fepuinting, ete ‘ten birds and one at fifteen—with a PENNY PROFITS — BIG! mal, returned to her home Friday | Misses Rachael and Iona, daughters ifr entrance fee of $1. Crack SALES.” after a three weeks’ visit among friends | ‘of Mr. and Mra. Wm. H. Sandford, of | shots from Johnstown, South Fork, a this place. Palmer and Sixth avenues, are visiting | (vesson, and other Cambria County Location— Directly Opposite | ‘friends and relatives at Phliptue towns are expected to participate. the. Baal. iat _The town of Warren, Pa., with 10,000 As soon as plans are perfected, Dr. population, has 1,480 bicycles, accord. 8. W. Worrell will proceed to a == the account returned by the | ric residence on hi lot