ChE eR Matton Conrier, : go Politics Independent. Intepest--Patton and CSurronading Country, Motto “Justice to Alb and Malioe Toward None. PATTON PUBLISHING CO.. Proprietors. FE. Wits grep, Editor. ESTABLISHED - . Bureau. Without both, no applicant stands the slightest shaw of receiving | lan appointment, and only a very few | {appointments will be made before {next year, anyway. i" {nila for San Francisco as soon as they {designated for their conveyence is in. { deed most welcome tidings not only to FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE | tle of their country, says the Pittaburg Times. The Tenth men had to travel his child from death by croup by vsing | further from their homes to the seat of One Minute war than the members of any other coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippe and volunteer regiment in the Philippines, all throat and lung troubles. ©. W.' . Por THE benefit of those who are ‘hoping for clerical appointmentments in the Census Bureau, it can be of- | ficinlly stated that there are two ab- solutely necessary requirements. One is to get the endorsements of one of your Senators, or of 8 Representative from your state, and the other is to pass the examination required by the TENTH SURELY COMING. at . . The news that the Tenth Penneyt- t1ME 10 trying F vania volunteers will start from Ma- | {ean be embarked upon the transport) GOING DOWN HILL. People suffering from Kidney Discas- es, feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and * 7 vitality. They should lose no Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. Terms $1co per day. A pA Boarding House. The Delineator | | IS THE 797 Vine Street, ‘Woman's Favorite Magazine, | and is issued by the famous fashion Bo. (Timited » at 7 fo 17 Weat This teenth Street, New York, at the ree Clearfield | markably low rate of $1.00 PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and | county people visiting Phila. | ‘delphia will find this a con-| venient and central location. : entral location for a year's subscri or 15 cents per copy. Of all family magasines it iw the great caterer to Needs, {and ean be recommended for its oh oley’s’ Kidney | the immediate friends und relatives of members of the regiment, but to the em C. W. Hodgkins, whole people of Pennsylvania, who are 1 \ffard to mim the K. G. E. jproud of the record the men of the |.) Goidetein’s hall July th. J. A. Schear, of Sedalia, Mo., saved {Tenth have made in fighting the bat- tough cure. It @ | and their service was as ardoous and Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy. 1 the vitality to throw se d ls eases ses?’ : SCOTT & POWNE, Chemists, New York a a In five years American trade with Australia in leather goods has quad- PATTON will be somewhat deserted on the 4th. It’s too bad that no public celebration could not have taken place THE best mediums for advertisin i : | ] § existance. To those who drink whis- | 1, from sciatic rheumatism, Chamber. are the weekly papers because they go ‘right into the homes, bristling with ‘news and are alwiys eagerly welcomed. THE editor is not the only mortal who has *“tronbles of his own," The bers of Patton borough council aving their share, likewise the street commisioner and wr councll-elective officers. Misery | company, don’t you know. T 18 estimated the “breadeating” of the world will need dur- FI the com ning year 3,360,000,000 bush- at the total production for the same rod will be 2,380,000,000 bushels. In largely Increased crops during the last few years, id, due to Increasing popu- ‘bas increased even more rap- It is no longer possible to ac- late great stores of wheat and them over from one season to the ich are being established in many other towns. They very seldom come; county convention to be | at Ebensburg next Monday, June especially on the fight for the on of County Treasurer, are four good men in the fleld ) are apparently making the race of r lives. We trust that after a don is made, the three who are be defeated, ‘take their medi- @ true politicians and make up is fo nettle down to business. pocratic convention will be Ini the fleld as yet who is aspiring to the nomination of County Treasurer on the shi | rendered Hizations, earned glory. | Wilkins. ‘ota. per pound. can save you money. grove July 4th and 5th. later date, not as yet an-' There appears to be no one © as well and gallantly performed as any . They have fought in two town, Pa. Last week he went on a | wars, and only return when they can gi yp and positively refused to preach (lo so without prejudice to the panes his salary had not been paid. American cause. Their dear ones, Who 44 just accounts the strike was still | have been more than once disappointed i in the past as to their return, now know | @ /or a certainty that they can calculate ) within a few days of their actual home- : marked the pastor in a neighboring “In announcing the collection’ re. and their joy over that event Wn, “1 shall repeat that he who giv will be the ater becatise of t dis eth unto the poor lehdeth onto the Bt and because pa the 10rd, only adding that the Lord has no knowledge that the delays of the past 0% for brass buttons, except as me. voming, Lenly added to the value of the regi. Mentos of the donors.” moent’s service and increased ite well The deepest hole in the earth is at Schiadebach, near Ketschaa, Germany It is 5,735 feet in depth, and is for geological research only. The drilling ‘was begun in 1880 and stopped six years later because the engineers were unable with their instruments to go Finest Soda water In Patton at Hodgkine' Patton Pharmacy. | Get your pictures framed at Pisher's, deeper. Leave your laundry with Scheid & Mr. John Bevins, editor of the Press, | Anthon, Jowa, says: ‘1 have used { chamberlain's colic, Cholera and piar- | rhoea Remedy in my family for fiftesn ira years, have recommended it to hun. Strike or no strike, the Cash Grocery : Tr of others, and have never known ‘It to fail io a single instance. For sale Grand picnic and dance in Short's by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Good tea at the Cash Grocery for 25 ~The mining of the natives of the FP ur Lawneys aed Sparrows checo- | Philippines tall confined to the al- lates go the City Restaurant. lavial deposits of thé rivers, for their is Call at the Cash Grocery and get nog stream rising in the mountaios of prices on groceries and you will surely | Lozon and the other islands which hss bay. | not Its gold bearing sands and deposits, Call on Ernst Bruer, the photo- from which for centuries the larger grapher, corner of Fourth and Magee portion of the precious metals has been ‘avenues. | obtained. : | To those who drink whiskey for | wm, p. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal, | pleasure; Harpers whiskey adds zest to vs. “During my brother's late sick- | key for health's sake; Harpers whiskey | 1in1y pain nalm was the only remedy nakes life worth living. Sold at Pal | phat gave him any relief” Many { er House. | others have testified to the prompt re- | To cure piles, strike at the root | lief from pain which this liniment af: [that's the way. Dewitt's witch Hazel fords. For sale by OC. W. Hodgkins, ‘#alve strikes at the root—it removes! Patton Pharmacy, [the cause, quickly and permanently. | Don’t squander time and money in a ; ; vain At i renore Ch olor x Ww. jus alliGaly wud vista red oy Susgian Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. [SY y i ! I was seriously afflicted with a cough i mended to try a bottie of Chamberlain's (ough Remedy, by a friend, who, know- ing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it, and with the most grat. | fying result. The first bottle relieved me very much and the second bot absolutely cured me. 1 have not had as health for twenty years. 1 Rive this certificate without solicitation, mply in appreciation of the gratitude folt To the cure effected. Respectfully, Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Claremore, A For saleby C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. ing of a door In the rear. zin officers have no clue, “Don't growl If a newspaper fails to give every scrap of news so long an you take no trouble to give the editor information. We have heard of read- we make no note of the arrival or de. partyre of friends visiting them, or of social affair, or of the heaven sent Undertaking. ‘ isn't a medium nor a mind reader, but The Hastings and Patton Undertak- | gets the most of his news the same way ing Co. has an office in the Spencer the milk man gets his milk--by pamp-. block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard- ing." Ex. ware store In Patton. Telephonecon-i , ppjaagiphia editor makes this nections, Hastings No. 77; Patton No. plea for the barefooted boy and girl; 3. C.C. Grenninger, Patton, and H. | {ot your children run barefoot when i Easy, Hastings, are the faneral warm weather comes. It will do : | them lots of good and they will enjoy Notice ! ‘it immensely. You don’t have to be Notice is hereby given that tho part- poor to do this, nor, fortunately, do Sarhip heretofore ing Datwees {not have to be rich. There is some- under the firm name of Patton thing about the electric currents of Supply Co., has this day been dissolved | the earth that strengthen and nourish b y Fatal Consent, Soh . Winslow te hman, for we know that rubber boots, ng. business bereafler w a non-conductor of electricity, are Sotducted under the name of Paton bad for him, and that rubber pads are {and F. B. Morey, who will assume and Pad for horses. Get the bare feet of { pay all indebtedness of the late firm the children on the ground and get and i collect sll outstanding ae ‘sunlight on their skin. This is the best of — 1898; all accounts contracted of all summer tonics. ! ' am : | prior to that date have been assigned to OC. H. Winslow, with whom settle- i ment can be made. C. H. WinNsLow, Pennsylvanic (hantangua. | For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, to ‘be held at Mt. Gretna, Pa, July 4 to i 3 > DABTON, August 10, 15889, the Pennsylvania rail- . Patton, Pa., Nov. 1, 1898. . road company will well special excursion be ir os tickets to Mt. Gretna from New York, | Refreshments of all kinds will be \ I i served at the picnic to be held for the | Washington, Baltimore, Frederick, i benefit of St. Mary's Catholic church Md., Canandaigua, and intermediate of Patton, at Short’s grove July 4th points, including all stations on its line Tickets | and 5th. fa : {in the State of Pennsylvania. What you want is not temporary re- | Will be sold June 25 to August 10, in- | lief from piles but a cure to stay cared. clusive, and willbe good to return until | Dewitt’s witch Hazel salve cures Bile, | August 15, inclusive. ‘and they stay cured. C. W, Hodgkins, | ; £ Patton harmacy. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. | Fresh shad, catfish, eels, bass and | herring at the Cash Grocery. cures | “No pay, no preach,” is the motto of by their comrade organ- yh. Ray. Mr. Brensinger, of Mertz The store of Finkelstein & Bergman ' carried with them about $500 worth of goods. It is believed the intraders had | for several years, and lust fall had a 4 wagon in the immediate vicinity, for more severe cough than ever before. they took nviay more goods than two I bave used many remedios withoat re- or threo men could carry. Entrance to eslving much relief, and being recom- | ths building was gained by the break. The Gallit. ers who are awfully put out at times if! babies that visit their homes over night. The average newspaper man MRS. 5. B. KING. | ness, nsefolness, heanty, and, | and utility. isa Healing Wonder. 12-4 Patton Pharmacy. { we KEELEY CURE. et GUOR LAND OPIUM HABITS. , builds up the System. renews heath and rigor, brightent the intefiect and Ms one ripe THE OLY KEELEY IRATITUYS Bookiot vos, 1% WENTERYN PRRREYLYANI TART Te Rdolizen & Forsberg, Dealers in i py os lh yh a DO YOU RIDE Dry Goods, i Groceries, Notions, A C . EVEL A R Flour, Feed and IF NOT, WHY NOT? Provisions. ALSO ESSEX SOAP. Call and see us and learn our prices. Fast side of Iron Bridge, Patton. Pa. 5 Cheap John Store! You are invited to call and ‘see my new line of GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Ete. At Lowest Prices. i Flour and Feed A SPECIALTY. Also best grade of Lime. } Pm Weighing done Correct-| ly on streel scales, located directly in front of store. JOHN GANTZ,- Proprietor. At 2 Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging: where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time: above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. That's the sort of House we keep. Call and be sure of it. Have you seen our line of DRY GOODS? The finest in this section and at prices to suit your purse, Honesty Is the Best Policy. ' Honest goods, honest deal- ings will surely bring success. | Every hour proves it. The last days of the nineteenth cen- tary show nothing more clearly. We { belfeve this fact and our works demon. | strate our belief. Our goods are war. ranted to be exactly as represented, that is honest; our goods are gunran- teed to give perfect satisfaction, that is ‘honest. If any article of jewelry of our manufacture does not give perfect | watisfaction we will refund the money | ‘paid for such articles; that too TOnest, GEO. O. BRADY, OF THE BAZAAR ‘Has a complete assortment of our goods in his store for sale at prices that defy competition. These goods are made from rolled gold, gobi filled or solid gold stock and are war. | ranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money will be refunded. If this notice should reach any one living too far away from Mr. Brady's (store, or any other customer of ours, to permit their purchasing the goods of our customers, we wiil sell the goods at retail to such persons, ander the ‘warranty, and deliver by mail We will also send printed instructions as to the care of the jewelry, how to clean it, ete. on application. W. F. MAIN & CO., Eastern Factory Corner Friendship & Eddy Sts, Providenes, BR. 1. Western | Factory largest in the worki' under process of construction at Fast lowa CIty, lowa., Over 52.0060 1 of floor 3 space. When in town make our store vour headquarters. You will be welcome. Geo. S. Good, Patton, Pa. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers