Ya ton Courier. Tutorvst — Patton and PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. E Winn Greexs, Editor, ESTABLISHED - - 1863. | part of the stories that appear under a i whole cloth.” é forgotten that the spenker belongs to wae. and $1 se, oT] drogpisty SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemicy, New York. {that are sent out to American papers, | “strength in our weakness, to revive {restore our health, to increase oor knowledge, tojarouse our love for all i that is good, to make our home more sweet, to make society more brotherly | | and peaceful, to get rest from care, to {be better fitted for business, to secure | enthusiasm for heroic deeds, and to. | June Ladies Home J ournal. {clams st the City Restaurant. i timore and steambont fifty cents more | | then single fare |. {July 11 to 18, and will be good to return time perfectly safe traveling the above | [Staten and the Gubuns wit be tar mere] | satisfactory. The mass of our people | em easily managed, if only Motto “Justice te | little tact is shown. They do not want any more fighting and only ask a i | chance to make a living. 'The reports | ‘of disorder, brigandage, and the like | i are greatly exaggerated and the greater - Havana date line are made from the While it must not be the unrecognized ‘best element” and is not clear of prejudice, much that he | says agrees with opinions expressed by clear headed Americans who are fa. miliar with Coban affairs. Jie” re FATAL CF ALL DI8- | ASES | KIDNEY CURE for oh KIDNEY and. Onions, raddishes, rhubsrb and let. | | : tuce at the Cash Grocery on Saturday. FOLEY'S What We go to Charch fore, ! We go to church to worship God: and His attributes inclode all that nj nchle in life, all that is hopeful in death, | and all that is beantifnl in thought or in Nature. What & man worships de- | terminesffwhat he is. To sincerely adore and appreciate goodness, wis- dom, power, loveliness and intelligence, as exhibited in the character of the Christ of the Bible, is to be inspired Or { with the highest thoughts and become a partaker in an increasing measure of | that grand Divine nature. Wego to charch to reform evil, to secure our hope, to obtain comfort in grief, to elevate our thinking, to purify and in- testifyffour feelings, to preserve and | Li Low Rates, Large Divide Most Liberal y | If Interested Address find pure snd permapent Rev. Rosell H. Conwell, D. D., in the Hard shell crabs, deviled arabs and Redaced Rates to Richmond. On account of the International Con- ivention of Baptist Young People's Union of America, to bs held at Rich- mond, Va, Jaly 13 lo 16, the Pennsyl- vanis railroad company has arranged ] to sell excursion tickets from points on ita line, to Richmond, at rate of single THE TWO NOUR TRAINS Philadelphia & Reading Rallway. Tickets will be sold For luxurous, swift and at the same trains cannot be excelled, a special not- | o TurEs hundred 1 men will be employ. | ed by the new Lock Haven silk mill, | ~ What's the matter with a silk mill at! a Patton? IT 18 better lo advertise two inches | every week than four inches every other week. The public must be con. | _ stantly reminded of your wares. i Tus United States sent abroad daring ing | the ten months ending April 30, xactly 278 locomotives. In the same | months of 1896 It exported 366; for the | same period of the current fiscal year by record baa risen to 414. THE salary of the State Treasarer of Jolorado is $6,000 a year, and he enjoys the distinction, which Treasurers don't | ‘get, of having a higher salary the Governor, the Governor's BER of 4 a , committee of promi- it Cubans, who are in Washington purpose of trying to get a ro. jon of the order of the War De nt suspending all legal proceed.- Cuba, on account of debts | prior to Dec. 31, 1808, have | some plain talking about | | over there. One of them | “The chief draw-back to the y improvement of conditions in is the want of recognition of the element of Cuba, by the United 08 government. Our ablest men | ed in the background and a ho are inexperienced and lack. ill the essentials of statesman- ‘come to the front, mainly | loud talk. Unfortunately this bas been accepted as standing e highest. interests of the people . gh lack of clear conception of the needs. When things are seen in | pe light and the local amateurs | ade to give way to their super. | relations between the United i a. until July 81, inclusive, except that on conducted tours for the summer of 1899: To the north, inclnding Niagara Falls, | {lake Bt. John), the Sagnenay, A Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlain ana Phil | George, Saratoga, and a daylight ride : For that tired feeling, try Hodgkins Young People’s Bociety of Christian June 19. For specified rates and Endeavor, to be beld at Detroit, July 5 | ditions apply to Ticket Agents. to 10, the Pennsylvania railroad com- : will sell excursion tickets from Dd on ita line, to Detroit, at rate of Ni* child from death by croup by using single fare for the round trip. Tickets °P¢ Minute cough cure. It cures ticket with the joint “Sunday Press’ of that date. | deposit of ticket with the Joint Agent able, feature = the entire. stuencw of | ‘at Richmond before July 25, and the burning only hard coal. The intodae- | | payment of fifty cents, the retarn limit tion of these trains by the Philadelphia | y be extended to lenve Hichmond & j Reading was & great boon to the | Pond later than August 15, 1509, Stop | UTnessmen of both cities, aud the tron by this class of passengers over at Washington on return trip for os pen, 1 of increased as well aa ale ‘ten days, not to exceed final limit of Of other persons for pleasure or bid. ticket. For specific rates and conditi. Tose pu 8. It isa common prae. tice by these travelers to leave home “ons apply to Ticket Agents. in Philadelphia after breakfast, and Onions, radishes and rhubarb on ¥peniding the day ih New y Sk Yetarn | Thursday at the Cash Grocery. Pullthan cam are attached to all these nimer 4 trains, and the 7:30 a. m. to and 4 . fa Yutings, from New York also have Puliman The Pennsylvania Railroad company Buffet parlor car. To specially ACCOM | ‘announces the following personally modate the gentlemen 8:30 a m to and 430 p. m. from New York, also pve prior amaiin car attached i or time Ap fo any Phiia- Toronto, Thousand Islands, the St 4ainbia & Reading Soxat agent, or Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, Roberval | i Ba Weeks, General Fanon Ag on ‘Reading Terminal, adelphia You get ap in the morning tired, a through the highlands of the Hudson, pad taste in the mouth and a headache. July 22 to August 7. Rate $125; Aug- Know what's the matter? Billiouness! ust 12 to 25, visiting same points ae first Taka pewitt's Little xarly Kisers. They tour except Roberval and the Bague- pegyiate the liver and cure constipation nay. Rate $100 for the round trip, pleasantly and promptly. Never gripe. from New York, Philadelphia, Balti- ¢ w. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. more, Wathington and Harrisburg. Proportionate rates from other points. Hedueed Kates to Buffalo For itineraries and further information On account of the convention of the apply to ticket agents, or Geo, W, Nobles of Mystic Shrine, at Boffalo, N "| Boyd, Assistant General Passenger 'Y., July 14 and 15, the Pennsylvania Agent, Philadelphia. railroad company will sell excursion tickets from pointa on ita line to Baf- cook soln Water. falo and return at reduced rates : Tickets will be sold on June 12 and 13, Reduced Rates 10 Detroit. good to return, when properly vali- On account of the Convention of the dated by the agent at Buffalo, until oon- J. A. Schear, of Sedalia, Mo., saved will be sold on July 3, 4, and 5, and coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippe and will be good to return until July 18, in. » throat and lung troubles. C. W. clusive, except that by depositing Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. agent. at Undertaking. Detroit before July 12, and the pay- The Hastings and Patton Undertak- ment of fifty cents, the return mit ing Co, has an office in the Spencer may be extended to leave Detroit not block, Hastings, and ih the Kirk Hard. later than August 15. For specific ware store in Patton. Telephone con- rates and conditions apply to ticket nections, Hastings No. 77; Patton No. agents. : 3. CC Grenninger, Patton, and H. Wall paper at Fisher's 3 cents a J- Easly, Hastings, are the funeral roll. directors. . 8300.00 More ta Prizes, Mr. John Bevins, editor of the Press, The great success of the first series of Anthon, lowa, says: “1 have used | prize pictures has caused the publishers chamberlain®s colic, cholera and iar ‘of the great Philadelphia “Sunday rhoea remedy in my family for fifteen Press” to announce another competi- years, have recommended it to ham i tion in which prizes worth $500.00 will dreds of others, and have never known be given to the successful boys and it to fail io a single instance. For sale (girls. There are over 100 prizes, and by OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. any boy or girl can compete. The con- ‘test will begin next Sunday, June 15. very body should get the Philadelphia 1a For See. i > Pe lot. No. 2 Block § hye For sale, one in ‘56, fronting on Fifth avenue In { Borough of Patton. For terms apply It makes no difference how cheap to Henry Raemseh, Elkins, W. Va fits { you can bay groceries elsewhere, 1 can CASBTOIRLIA still save you some money, quality of Bers the Tha Kind You Now on Bugt goods considered. Signature THE Casii GROCERY. . # Prin. Offers all that is Best in § fare for the round trip {tickets via Bal- {Between Philadelphin “and New York - { ADELFHIA. nds, Absolute Security and the (ontract, R. ALLISON MILLER & SON, General Agents for Central Penn’a HU NTINGDON, PA. In your bicycle will be quickly & cheaply mended at our store. Does your tire creep? It may fail. cause a bad We can fasten 1t with first-class hard cement by the latest and best process for 25 cents. We sell Exerlsior Needle Cos Diamond E. Spokes, the finest made with nipples, ic each. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. L. W. Cook. Great Reduction in C olore dd Dre SS Goods We are cleaning up onr spring stock of dress goods of every sort at substan tial redactions. The whole stock a po ingatacutof 15c to 2c on a y in higher grades the cheaper fabrics being | also well reduced. Our Waah Silks, Foulards, Taffetas, ete, ete, are reduced very heavily also. All our pretty plaids are going now at very low prices at from [0c to 50c per yard. Our Speeial Carpet Sale on very lively, the re- handsome goods i stock a fine vale, arpeis? Is now going ductions are fresh, making every piece bi yey vi) Tiewal Our June Clearing place all over the store affor able bargains amd it will pay to visit us this month, All orders for goods or samples are promptly filled. Sigler few taking remark- you well One Square Prom ation Altoona, Penna. EE EY CURES KEELEY CURE. LIQUOR AND glug 1 HABITS. Removes all desire and appetite, stem renews healt and igor. bt De he inteitect and Hts one for PRE GNLY ANELEY LENTITLTR Wav iog Ben. ix WESTERN FENNAYLV ANI: The Xacivrinstitute 4248 F Bhdve Pillshurg Pa. 2222 VV YN Boarding otse| ‘county people visiting Phila. | ven ent Fancy 8 THE~- 707 Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. lin Square, Woman's Favorite ie Delineator | ] Magazine, : and is issued by the famous fashion | publishers, The Butterick Publishing Limited at 7 to 17 West Thir- [teenth Street, New York, at the re Cl earfield | ‘ markably low rate of $1.00 for a year's subscription, or 15 cents Ib: copy. Of all family it he great caterer to Needs, po can be recommended for its cheap | ness, nsefulness, beauty, and, freshness and atility. Opposite Frank Cambria and delphia will find this a con- | and central location, Terms 81.00 day. MRS. 5. B. KING. “is - ps Ed. A. Mellon, Agt., Patton, Pa. YOU At where * 1 Dealt anda cian: where Deliveries are made Grocery House things look where Clerks are polite and obliging; ree of charge and on time; ail where vou know yon are getting the best market at the fairest of prices. That's the sort Honse we keep. Call and be sure of it. Have vou seen our line of DRY GOODS? The finest in this section and at prices to suit vour pu 1, » gn AVE in the Ol 1S, When in town make our store vour headquarters. You will be welcome. eo. S. Good, Patton, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers