OL. VL—NO, 29 PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1899. $1.00 PER YEAR. bis rom SE ey | LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA | Written by Our Former Townsman John CC Patrick Greensboro, N. C., June 4, "899, Eprror “CoURIER' It Is over two : Sa ! i months now since we left the southern : | part of the state and came up here into | this “Piedmont Section.” The city of : ? lk | : . i - | west part of North Carolina in a fertile - We're going to brate in our style. Come and se the many attractions at our place of business, namely :(— : A Black Bear, Guinea Pigs, (2 species) Pet Squirrels, Pet Rat from U. S, Crusier Columbia. ~ White Circus Mice. “Pet Chicken Hawk. A Poll Parrot. { miles south of the Virginia line and USUAl about midway of the state east and i west. It is a live town of about 12,000 C people, growing aud yet not “‘boom- ling.” We have two or three large cotton mills in constant operation, a large steel and iron furnace {which is | being enlarged |, a dozen or more large | tobacco factories, two tobeco ware. | houses where they have daily sdles of i “the weed’ and several other indus | tries. { In the matter of educational advant- { ages, our town is second to none, north jor south. The State Normal and In. | dustrial School for girls has just closed i with a graduating class of 39. It is a | fine institution and an honor to the | town and state. | seribed $30,000 to secure the location of Cambria county. SLOdd 3 {the school here. Gray Rabbits, Australian Gold Finches. “Tomato,” the very blackest lack Tom cat known. Phonograbh. ~ Corona Regina Music Box, over six feet Righ. Graphaphone. i. And last but not least the, Largest Breech-loading Brass Cannon outside the large cities hich will be heard for miles around on the morning of the 4th of July. Bee Our Extensive Line of ireworks! counties were represented. In cone nection with the oullege there is a i practice school of over 200 children | where each girl in the graduating class must give at least one hour per day, during her year, to the actual work of tenching. the Greensboro Female College, = jon with over 200 stadents. This school ranks with the best in the state; then there is the Agricultural and Mechan- lend College (a State Institution; for colored youtis, the Bennett College a i Methodist school: for the colered | Youths, besides ample accommodation {in the graded schools for black as well | hs white, i It may suit the purpose of some Etc. of every description and people north of Mason and Dixon line hing else in the 4th of © speak disparagingly of the South, al : fino Call and see all {but as far as 1 can see at least in this AR MAIIIAS | colored brother or sister who is anxious to secure an edocation, The land here is pretty much like that of your section of Pennsylvania sandy lands near the sea coast around They will work a section of their land until it is exhausted, then clean up more, only to repent the operation, until they have a large barren wilder. ness around them, If we could get a good colony of “Pennsylvania Dutch” farmers down here (as there is a prospect of doing) | they would soon be independent. The stock here, horses and cows, are the | best I have seen any where, and as there | is no fence law here, cattle are not al- | lowed to mn at large, consequently by | what is lost in number is made up In| quality. After being accustomed to the ‘razor back" hog, the poor mule and ox-cart of the coastal region for nearly | three years, it does one’s eyes good to | see the fine stock of this section.’ i I think a good ‘truck’ tm would pay well here as vegetables are high’ and everything in that line brings a! good price. Chickens no larger than patridges yesterday brought 20 cents in | the market, new Irish potatoes are 8 to 10 cents a quart and old ones 25 cents a peck. Had our little Pennsylvania colony struck this section in '96 instead of the | low land near the coast, I think we, should have had something to show by | E | this time for our time and work. Well | we are glad to see that Patton holds her own, That she may continue to expand and develope her natural re-. source until she becomes a prominent factor in the developement of your section of the state is the wish of your old friend, JouN C. PATRICK. P, 8.1 forgot to mention that we have only eight barrooms here, and very little drunkenness, and in July the dispensary system will be put in oper- ation, the eight bars abolished and the sale: of liquor confined to one establish- ment. I may be able to tell you some- thing of the results of the change in my next letter. J.P. Boxing Contest. j A 15-round contest will take place in! the Firemen’s hall in Patton Monday evening, June 19th, between ‘‘Nick” Garman and Mr. Travis, of Barnes- boro, and between Mr. Gibbons, of | Barnesboro, and Mr, Smith (colored), | of Patton. There will be several other | | bouits between unknowns who do not | wish thelr names mentioned. ) 14¢, 16¢, 18¢, 20c¢, 25¢, 28 and joc per yd. 11 kinds of tinwork will | attended to and guaran- S TO ADVERTISE IX THI | Greensboro is sitoated in the north cel. section of rolling country, about $0. ‘the stars and stripes might float for- PAPER. G A R. RESOLUTIONS CLEARFIELD STRIKE UNCHANGED Adupied by Livat, Peter Kavior Post, No, [The BR & 1". Hus Practically Suspended 83%. 6G. A RR. oo Patron, i Ps iness : At a meeting of Lt. Peter Kaylor! A dispateb from DuBois dated Jane Post, No. 833, (i. A. R., Patton, Pa, 12th says that the miners’ strike mit. | held on Saturday afternoon, June 10, uation in that soft coal region remains | 180%, it was reported to certain mem- unchanged. Delegations of miners with bers of the Post that on account of an | bands are marching from place to place act of lawlessness of a certain livery holding meetings, discussing the situ. | stable keeper of this borough by the ation and seemingly having a merry | name of Baum, who was fined in the time. No visible effort has been made sum of $4 for fast driving within the by the operators to resume and no, limits of the boroogh contrary to bor- | propositions have been made, other ough ordinance and | than to reply to the miners in answer Wamseas, the party Jesse Jodon, to their demands, previous to the strike, | makiog the information before the In the meantime the Buffalo, Ro! commiting magistrate, is an honorable chester & Pittsburg railroad has prac- member Of this post, tically suspended business, except the WHEREAS, the magistrate before the running of passenger and local | whom the said Baum was brought to freight teaine. Most of the telegraph answer the charge of fast driving ls an offices of the company have heen closed honorable member of this post, and at night. WHEREAS, this Post consists of men Resides the 10.000 miners in the reg- who bared their bosoms to the foe that ion, 500 shop and railroad men in Du- | Bois are idle. Herm i i departure of trains on the Cambria &i Westover, thence to Hastings, where it | TRY IT AND SEE. €. & © Ratlrosd Time { hanged, The following changes in arrival and | Clearfield ranch of the P. R. R. went | into effect Monday June 12th: Teain | No. 104 going north formerly arriving || in Patton ar 10.47 a. m. now arrives at | 10:19, a. m.; train No. 708 going north fal arriving in Patton at 6:27 now arrives | a TY at 5:59 p. m.; teain No. 708, due south, | Manufacturers which arrived here at 6:50 a. m., now = arrives at 7:08 a. m.; train No. 700, dus south remains nochanged, the time. Sa le! being 3.50 p. m. Train No. 708, doe N here ut 5.58 p. m., which formerly ran NOt to Glen Campbell only goes as far as can oo run to Gien Campbell, the same as on |, “Hy gs vp the old schedule. Train Yo. 708 for, but W hethe Cresson dae bere at 7.0% will not back 3 into Ebensburg as heretofore but will make connections st Kaylor with aC whether you remains over night instead of at Glen Campbell as heretofore. Train No. | 704 doe here at 10:19 a. m. continues to | You can fford not to buy here luring this sale! ever, anid : WHEREAS, the said Haum has made Chitdren’s Day. The annua! Children's Day festival train on the Ebensburg brunch, which | will serve the same purpose as fir as Because this is a Special pe The citizens of Gireens- a _ | boro not only gave the ground (several | “Jumbo” the oldest dog in acres beautifully located; but sub. There are over 500 i stindents and in the graduating class 26 Besides the above College we have Aerances of the said Baum as being an. Methodist Episcopal (South | institut. their prime of life, established him and in the front rank i state |, ample facilities are afforded the government of which we claim a part and far superior in fertility to the low, Wilmington, and the people here are mare energetio and suterpriding though | the farmers have a great deal to learn yet. Many of them are land poor. broad and very insulting assertions, was celebrated at the M. FE. charch among which accusing members of this Sunday morn ing in an appropri- Post of being deserters, government io wanner. The pulpit platform was paupers, etc., as a means of venting handsomely decorated with flags, roses, his spleen for the loss sustained by him 14,00) and other beautiful lowers. The | in fine aforesaid, and snbject of the service was “Peace of ¥ » We, as members of Lt. Peter Kaylor War, Yonng America’s Verdict” and ¥i % 0% Ys + § Post, No. a, G A, R., of Patton, Pa, 4 ypu profasely illustrated by a large in session assembled have therefore nd handsome painting made by D. HL unafimously passed the following C. Warren, who deserves much credit resolutions: A stack of arms, the flower and flag- Resolved, that all the members of this draped cross and other significant em- Post withdraw all patgonage from the | 10g ale illustrated the theme of the said Baum that we in the past have subject. The services wers in charge bo giving him. “of the junior and senior members of tesoived, that we condemn the ut. the Sunday school of whom too much ; ih 4 ; cannot be said in their praise, especially worthy the expression of true manhood of the little tots who recited their parts truly villifying toward men who, in away beyond the expectations of the ; st imany who were preseat. The entire others of his like, a country that stands | sOrvice wis worthy of the day and the hha of the world's history purpose of the board of education, acd though unworthy, places him on and it was certainly instructive as well an equal footing with the foremost in | as entertaining to all who heard it the land. ~The committee which had charge of the Resolved, further, that we, a portion decorations, Mrs. Dr. Murrey. who of the remnant of that grand body of drilled the little ones in the rca men numbering 7,688 52% who went to Mr. W. H. Sandford, who so ably econ. the front to do battle for the right of 4. ved the strvicen. and the members nan and out of this vast pumber if theo 0 Epworth League choir, whose few who have returned victorious, bat. did so much to add to the thier tie sanrred and incapitated for daily toil, est of the occasion, are all entitied to receive 3 stall compensation from the praise and hearty thanks for the sucess of this day set aside for the ourselves being instrumental in estab, the church. lishing on a firm basis forever, is a very small allowance when we com. | A Sturt Sesto pare it with the sacrafice we offered on Patton Borough council met in regu. the shrine liberty, and we consider ex. | 147 session in council chambers Monday pressions of this nature, emanating Pight with the following members pres from the mouth of any person who re. ¢nt: Huobbard, Anderson, Campbell, peats the advantages of our labor, as Cordell, Winslow and Blair. The only | an aspersion on our character and con. business taken up was the goestion of | demn the same In the mouthing of Using sand on street paving which was | of words as dastardly and unbecom- being procurred along Chest Creek. | ing citizens of this Republic. Borough Engineer E. C. Brown wis Resolved that a copy of these reso present and stated that he requested | lutions be published in Patron Coun the contractor to usé sand in accord. | tkn and Patton Searchlight. ance with contract. The matter was Jon GaxNTZ i discussed at some length and upon | JoMx LYON. motion made by Campbell and seconded | VALENTINE DUMM. by Anderson it was carried by a vote of Committee. to} that contractor live up to con-, : ; tract as signed in this case. Council | Grand 4th of July Plenie. then adjourned. A grand 4th of July picnic will be | held in Short's grove, South Patton, | on Tuesday and Wednesday July 4th DM. Jenkins Injured. i D. M. Jenkina, an employe of the : Flannigan Run colliery met with a and sth for the benefit of the St. Mary's painful accident Saturday while en. Catholic church of Patton. = An elegant gaged at his work in the mines, in platform has Deen erected and a grand | yp) he reevived an ugly gash on the dance will be held. The best of music top of his head besides being injured will be in attendance. Refreshments quite severely in his back. A blast was of all kinds will be served on the | being fired and in some unavoidable grounds Dinner at 11:30 a. m.; supper. manner a rock struck him, resulting as us p- 1m. Everybody is invited Ww be (above stated. He was quickly removed present and have a good old-fashioned to his home on east Palmer avenue time. | when Dr. Warrell was summoned who cextenuated the sufferings of the un ses were fortunate man. June Wedding Licenses, The following marriage licen issued hy the Clerk of Orphan's court at Ebensburg since June 1: Henry J. | Waltz and Mise Mena Thomas, of Eprror COURIER: To-day finds me Carrolitown; Martin Hollern and Miss | at this city. Upon my arrival here | Mary Harrington, and C. A. Hanlon found awaiting me a copy of your Witnessed the Big Prize Fight Syracuse, N. Y,, June 12, "00. and Miss Mary Reardon, of Ashville; | valuable newspaper which I read’ with John E. Moran and Miss Katie Sprout, ‘much pleasure “all by my lonesome.” of Loretto; John McCormick and Miss | | have not been so lonesome as vou Francis Hearer, of Spangler; and Paul { might have thought, as I have enjoyed Dixon aud Miss Sarah Wilsoncroft, of | my tour hugely as far as | have gone. Patton. | When I left Patton 1 did not expect School Teadhtrs Chosen. ‘that 1 would witness the hasdest prize At a meeting of Patton school | i [fight ever *‘palled of in the east. | held Tuesday evening, June 13th the Sdn of 10,60 nen who saw the following teachers were chosen: | wonderful boxing contest between Misses 1da Deckert, Ida Neff, Eli \ th Robt, Fitzsimmons and Jas. Jeffries at Neff, Sarah Cummings, Loretto E Coney Island last Friday night. Last p rindibl e. Cora Suter. Elizuboth Shoo. Thursday I wheeled from Philadephia maker Ruth G R ler. Jenpette © N€W York, a distance of 110 miles. y : ' 1 Stover. The election of an assistant It was a fine trip and you can imagine principal was held over till some future how well I enjoyed it. It was a good meeting. ‘long distance for a day's ride but the res : | roads were simply fine. I expect to be | Card of Thanks, {in Elmira next Sanday. Tell the Mrs. Margaret Lindsey wishes ‘boys’ I will be able to tell them a through the colums of the COURIER to | few things when I get home, and prob- sincerely thank the many friends for | DIY 8ive them a few lessons in the art Beerely } many friends FOr | of boxing—I don’t think. Iam, | illness and death of her husband. ow. HopaxINs. interment took place in the Highland cemetery. parents in Patton on Wednesday, June {roldstein reaching the county seat is concerned. Sale at under the usual prices The same connections on trains No. do not imagine that inferior as of train No. 703. There appears 0; duced prices he same sta be some dissatisfaction at different Ie I i — Ty CQ Jame Suan points along the line in regards to the { ards of excellence that mark change but at Patton everybody seems our ustial stock will lift this to hail the change with entire satin Special Stock to the same faction. It's like a bill fare; Hn po level mn your estimation. sible to please or suit everybody. There always are and always willbe a Apron Ginghams, Standard Quality, regular 6 kind, Sale Price, fle few “kickers. Indigo Blue Calico, 64x84 cloth, worth today at market price 8, our Salk: Price, Sic yard. Robe Prints, large fignres, for haps, curtains, ete. regular Te quality, Sale Imenon Lindsey Expires. James Lindsey expired at his home on Mellon avenae, Friday, June sh, after suffering intense illness for over brie gic yard. four months. Mr. Lindsey was aged Fancy Chintz, the Te kind, Sale Price, 63 yours and 19 days and was Lorn at 4i¢ yard. East Kilbride, Scotland. He came 10 Yard-wide Bleached Muslin, this country during the year of i381 quality, Sale Price, 4.¢ yard, and resided at Arnot, Tioga county, Heavy Unbleached Maslin, full yard- up until about four years ago when he a wouid be cheap a Sic, our Sale 2 ! oR, pC Fara, removed to Patton where he has since. °° mL " da ; : White Lawn, Indis Linen and Vie resided. He is survived by A wife, one tora Lawn, extra special value at 8, 8, son and two daughters, William and | 10 und 140 yard Beile and Mm. Hagh Whitford, who Crossbar Nainsook, satin finish, sold ail reside in Patton and who were at Jeguias at Iefonz Manufactures’ Sale at his bedside when death came. Dee oe, Le paps i : ok hand ¥ Lr Gedd dite Urgandie, you know Geamxl was a kind and loving hasban the valoe of these goods. Our lan and father and will be sadly missed by purchase of the Manufetares : a hwt of frienisd as well as by the be- enable us to sell thess goods at Se yard, reaved family. Funeral services, con. Sootch Lawns, in a new assortment dacted by Rev. Witman, were held at Of op-to-date patterns, all the latest a comiaalions of Coloring, wo 8c, at~ the residence Sunday afternoon when ba of coloring, worth i | ¥ Fine Domestic Dress Ginghams, all i pew styles, in stripe and plaids, 10 ) : quality, daring Mention Sale, A Fine Journal ; fic yard. The COURIER is in receipt of 8 copy Men's Black Socks, of the Pennsylvania Record of Al. Sale Price, 2¢ pair. toon, a monthly journal devoted to. Men's Seamless Saxs at 3¢ pair, building and loan and business and Ladies’ Ganze Vests, catch-stitched, law. It is most excellently and ably 7¢ quality, at 3c each. edited by J. H. Craig, of the firm of the | rr he garam Skirts, cat full, worth . T8c, Sale rice, 36. Craig & Bowers Law company of that Plain Corset ( ‘overs, tape bound, V city. The style of the journal in on the | OF MjuAre neck, worth 13c, at Sc each. Metropolitan magaizne order, well, A variety almost bewildering may made up and neatly printed on a fine be seen in our millinery department, quality of book paper. It contains ar- rompruing tt, fo waen me y Twenty-four pairs ‘urtaine 24 Files Of » Drocgione hesure whish - } yards long, worth 49, Sale Price 29¢ any line of business. I : pair Dizon Wikkonerofy. BO N O N Married, at the home of the bride's J Patton, Pa. 8c & Manufactures’ 7th, Mr. Paul Dixon and Miss Sarah Wilscneroft. The ¢ermony was per, formed by ‘Squire Geo. Boone in the presence of a number of friends and relatives after which all partook of a! bounteous feast of good things. The bride and groom are well known and | much respected young people of Patton and the CoUmier, along with their! many friends, extends congratulations. Festival Thursday Night, Under the auspices of the Ladies’ Ald Society of the M. E. Charch of this place, a festival will be held in the hall, Thursday evening, June 15. Lunch will be ready as early | as 3 o'clock p. m. when those wishing same will be served. Strawberries and cream, ice cream, sandwiches and hot coffee will be a special feature. Also taffey and candies will be solid. Every. body Is cordially invited to attend the need of thin Underwear an itaperative one. Summer Weight Underwear, because of ita light texture, must needs be made of the best matenals,’ In gathering the Underwear ‘which forms this important part of the store's stocks, we have borne these facts 1a mind and profited by them, consequently we are able to show vou Underwear of a superior quality, vet not mghly priced. It 1s here, suited for all needs, and a all the various weights and mixtures, and at most any price you ought care to pay. Underwear for men, at 25¢. 371K SOC $1.00 cach. Underwear for ladies, at 5. 8C DC 121:¢. 17C. 285¢C. SoC. Underwear for children, at 8. WX. I8C. 17¢. and up. Full descriptions ia our Spring and Summer catalogue, GABLE & CO, 1320-22-2¢-1404 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. Pose Legged Chicken lewis Nashwinter, who resides on West Lang avenue, is the possessor of | quite a freak of nature in the shape of a young chicken which contains four well developed legs protruding from its body. It is about one week old and is as lively and healthy as the rest of the flock of peepies. i At Pruiladeiphia Hospital. ! Wm. Armstrong and wife left Satur. day morning for Philadelphia where | Mrs. Armstrong entered a hospital of that city for the treatment of a tumor | on her neck which she has suffered from for some time past. It is hoped that she will return home much re lieved. | Great reduction in all trimmed hats | at Mra. Dartt's. W-3 |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers