The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of = And has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its Infancy. ’ Allow no one to deceive you in this. An Countorfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inthiits jad Ulsilit Fen Experience Against Experiment. Castoria is 1 a substitute for Castor oi, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. 1t relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConstipAtion and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The 8 Chillarew’s Paunsen~The Mother's Friend. ALWAYS of ery wants of SEITZ, Dentist COfMes in Young Building, next to P.O, Patton, Pa. Office Hours 8 a.m, to | 2m and lpm todp m CAPITAL PAID U P, §50,000.00. BPH 347.000.00, Fons fh AE et Avvuriiis alsmrd an hiv ferns i ba WN fy Moy Ervabalge foee 4 Hues, Fos item of 1! “i Hie frien favirn. wis f ities rs alive tab the leading it PE Ehass pried pes waka Sx SIRY EAE Fer ESS [CTORY. ©.D. Lewis 0 UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEDNR, 5 Sipe : PBarnestsone, Pa, Al Ta : : inttetuded to, Jah Tass dotiffe, Agent, GEO BOONE favente, Patton, wil attend, fo the —r . : ; ’ a Butta i and vielnity JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on corner of Lang and Fifth | Avenues. Collections promptly at #ended to. Properthes to sell and rent. oe Dentist, HARTINGS, I'A “All diseases of the teeth and mouth skillfully treated, 23tf Fi iN fi 'l B k smd IPSTNYATION [Dan oy DR. C. ERNEST (CHASE, OF PATTON. Surgeon Dentist, Patton, C Cambria Co, Pa. | PATION, PENN'A. | Office in Good Building, second floor, Mages Avenue. DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYBIUIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No, 3. LH arr wprdin Hit reer Surgury and the Eve a Specialty, All P Foterest paiel oth thi digits ealls will recelve prompt attention. A. E. Patrox, Wa H. SANDFORD, Pam President. Dr. V. A Murray, Crasher. Arlington hoc » next 0 Postotics : Pa. All niet’ onlin responded te profapil Disense of Rdy. r, ose and throa 3 BE RUFICE HOURS;..7 toda mand 12102 pm el Somerville, io'clock, a.m, on May 31, nah Arnold, family, ine nding our sub ect, wiile will te promgiiy alls Tonbiviain. | the township supervisors and OURIEK JUNE 8, 1899. FE FAS Sr HR ABSA Bien BOHN 4d AHN eb mb ArH OBITUARY. Samuel Arnold, an and promi. | neut citizen of Clearfiel county, died at his residence in Corwensville at 5 1809, From | those well acquainted with him we 8 Jess the following facts relative to his © He was the son of Peter and susan- and was born in York courity, Pa., on Febraary 11, 1822. The | moved to Clearfield county, near Luthersburg, Cin 1837, where Peter Arnold resided Luntii his death in 1889. Samuel Arnold I began his active life working for his father on the farm and by teaching school. With the savings of his indus- try he engaged in the mercantile and {lumbering business iu Luthersbarg, in 1848, and continund in basiness anc te. {sided there until 1585. Inthe yvenr 1864 [the late Wm, Irvin and Hon. John Pat ton, with Mr. Arnold, | First National Bank of Corwensville of which Mr, Arnold was elected cash. ier, and in 18685 moved [to Corwens- ville, where he has since resided. He | continued actively and successfully in the banking business ttl) 1878, when {the bank went into vol intary lqui- (dation. He then again went into the ‘mercantile and lombering business in Curwensville, which he continued ap to (his decease. On July 11, 1847, Mr. Arnold was married to Mary A. Car- ile, day hter of John Carlile, Esq. ‘one of the early and yrominent or tlers of the county. (Of this union there were born four sons and three : daughters, all of whom are living, and ith the w 1 mothe mt nts Wife and aolher were prom oi your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Arnold, 8. FP. Arnold, who reside at ‘at his decease: N. BE. Afucid, F L Curwensville, and W. (. Arnold, of DuBois; Fannie, wife of W. C. Helm. [bold, Cora, wife of K. D. Swoope; and Effie, wife of A. Z. Wolf, who also re. side in C ‘urwensville . The deceased was of English anos. (try, his direct ancestry baving emi- {granted from England ta Conneticot, where he died in 1684. The genealogy (of the family has been traced back to the twelfth centaary in England, and {to the tenth In Wales. His family of four brothers and three sisters are all | deceased excepting M. Arnold, of i Clarion, Pa., and J. % Arnold, of Den- ver, Colorado. His brothers, G. W. { Arnold, of Clarion, Pa, and F. K. Ar 'nold, of Reynoldsville, Pa, died within a few years. The funeral took place | from the late home of the deceased | Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. MUST REMOVE THE STONES. Law That Wil Conntry Reads | Governor Stone has approved au act | passed by the Legislature which will in. [sure better country roads. According (to the new law, Buopervisors are now | compelled to remove the loose stones ! | from the country roads at least once a month during April, May, June, July, FAugnet, Beptember, and October of Lench year. The work is tao be awarded | to the tax payers, and the compensation i to be credited on the road tax assessed in the different townships. The law | affects townships only. The act is one of the most important laws made in favor of good roads, and ali overland travels will favor its practice to the ut. most extent. ~~ The following is a copy which was approved May 2. SecTioN 1. Be it enn ted ete, that from and after the passage of this act road vernal Lown. ‘A Regont Make Petier of the act, commissioners of the ships within this commonwealth shall, annually, on the first Mon enter into a contract with taxpayers to remove ang day of April, one or more take away the loose stones from the thain traveled highways in such townships, at least once a month during the months of Apr, May June, July, August Sep. tember an and Octobe October of eadth year, Src. 2. The supery irs or road commissionars as aforesaid may dele- gate the authority confe »y this act to the path-masters, and in any | case the compensation allowed to the | person or berions performin ip work crediting the amount tax assessed against ‘#hall be made b upon the them. road Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. Attorney-at-Law, _. Patton, Pa. in Good Building. Lots. DAVIS Attorney and Counselor at Law, | EBENSBURG, PA, Nagai Yasue promptly attended to, in Barker Budiding. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at - : G. J. FITZPATRICK'S t on Magee avenue, near ~P.RR 4d MEALS AT ALL HOURS, \FFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Cloarteld Co., Pa. i rtclass. Rest of Liquors nes at the Hy Stabling attached. GroRGE PERGUSON, z y ‘Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Inciplent Consumption, is | oS DUAN Res NEHA Ww ah rugs Fatih Flares, CW. Hodgkins. diseases. 25 Sa /3 | o Ba or night, ith aoe oe bo. White or Black Hearse. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative, Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, Ripans Tabules cure flatulence, STERM LAONDRY rganized the For sale by EN Bs A nS Be A AP BAT. oN A pA aed gin HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common giass with’ - your water and let it stand twenty-four | hotirs; a sediment or settling indicates an anhealthy condition of the kidneys; | | if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also con- vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order, What to De, There is comfort in the knowledge no often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Root, thi great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in coring rheums- tism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, blaclder and every part of the urinary passages. water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of lgnor, wine or beer, and overcomes that an. pleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effact of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderfal cures of the most distressing cases, If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar, You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if yon send Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be It corrects inability to hold sure and mention that you read this generous offer in the Patron Carrier. Cape Muy the Beainiifal. No other place anywhere dn com. | pare with it. Quiet, elegance and refinement. The finest beach and the finest bathing. A perfect summer climate. Plenty of good hotels and cottages for rent at reasonable rates In making your plans for the season do not forget Cape May. The Phila- delphia & Reading route will, of course, | be your choice, for its transportaion facilities to Cape May will be greatly inerensed and improved. Very reason- able rates for commutation tickets. Regular excursion fare recently reduced. A book has been issued by the General Passenger Department giving a list of hotels and boarding houses, rates of fare and other infor. mation. It can be obtained free by calling or sending your address, with a twa cent stamp, to W, H. MoCormick, District Passenger Agent, Thirteenth and Chestnat streets, Philadelphia Bad management keeps more people in poor circomstances than any other one. To be successful one must look ahead and plan abead so that when a favorable opportunity presents itself he ism reddy to take advantage of it. A Lit te toretiioug it will also save muck ex pense and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and piar. rhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until necessity compels it and then going for a doctor and have a big doctor biil to pay, besides, one pays out 25 cents, the other is aut a hundred dollars aod then wonders why his neighbor is get- ting richer while he 8 getting poorer, CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton rain his best horse Pharmacy. Ripans Tabules for sour stomach R. F. Notley, Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. DD. Lutz & Son's Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelled. Prices Beer a l are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA; PATTON wig HOP LEE, Prop'r. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. — TOILETTE American Dress Dress by mail ; learn them at home in Ly systems of Drafting and Making, taught any woma: can short time. Simple and perfect. We guarantee them. Prices very low. Write us for circulars, giving full particulars. ToiLeTrTESs Pus. Co, 170 Fifth Ave. o New York. Gentlemen’ List Collars, lic, Cufts, per pair, 3c. Shirts, plain, Sc. Shirts, colored, 1c, Shirts, open front, 10c. Shirts, Plaiea, 10¢. Shirts, night, 8¢ Shirts, under, 5 Drawers, 5. Handkerchiefs, lic. Handkerchiefs, silk, Socks, 3c. Neckties, Coats, 15¢c. Vests, 15¢. Boys’ Waists, 10¢ Ladies’ List. Cape Collars, do Cuffs, 4c Chemisettes, 5c. Waists, 15c. Dresses, 25¢. Skirts, 15¢. Chemies, So. Drawers, 6c. Night Dresses, 10c. Aprons, 4c. Hose, 40. Handkerchiefs, 1jc. Underskirts, 5c. Miscellaneous - Sheeta, Sc. Pillow Slips, 4c. Pillow Shama, 25¢. Counterpanes, 12¢. Towels, lic. 30. Bes Fo he of ¥ DeWitt's Little ly 1 Hiser 1 ac ie eal i faultless pill should, cleansing wd re- viving the system, instead of waken- ing it. They are mild and sare small nnd pleasant to take, and entired free from objectionable drugs. Theyassist rather than Corn pil, VW. Hodkins, Patton Pharmacy DICKERS 1 DIRT. at i haemsah Miay 31 Decds Recorded Fridav, g up ate Trastee of the Spangler lmpove- | tent company et al. to James RB. Rit ter, Spangler, consideration $600, James R. Ritter to Joseph A. Spangler, #600, Administrator of Emanuel Brallir to Vinton Lumber company, imted, Blacklick, 83.50. Lorans Wyland Blacklick, $1 James Swires of nx, et Swires, Dean, $125 E. P. Rhavriaker ti Blacklick, $35, Elias Edwards ef ix to Adminiers tor and Trotee of James CC. Fiser, Blacklick, $443 Thomas Barues ef ux et al Stephen Chonko, Barneshoro, $50 Thomas Barnes et ix. et al to Josph . Bender, Barneshore, $50. B. F. Myers, Sr, nix H. Myers, Reade, $1. Thoinas Bares et ux. et al to Ad. rew Shingler, Barnesboro, $50 John Sanker pt ng. to Biman F. Sm. ker, Cresson, §40. John Sanker ¢t ux. to Kimon F. Sm- ker, Cresson, $600. John Ranker et (ix. Ranker, Cresson, $80). Eliza Long et vir tio John Douglas, Sasquehanna, $100. , Albert J. Swope et al Swope, (Chest, $1. Mra. Lottie Tree} Ashville, $1. Herman J. Crous ¢| ux. Doffler, Cambria, $1305. (ray, io A.W. Buk, al. to Cerge I. A. Ondricek, it to Lig to Hebeoa to Joseph to Joseph EL ter A 1 Swope M ichael! to Ellen Cofield to Abraham Beals, Sus quehanna, 81,189, W. M. Gallagher, of! Bryan, Pa, says: “For forty years I hve tried various! feongh medicines. aw Minute cough care is best of all" It relieves in- stantly and cures all throat and lung troubles, CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, Tired Eyes. A correspondent of Popular Science | News tells of a party of Alpine clitab- | ers who, having spent five hours among the snows of the mountains, retorned to their hopes after dark. A great changes had to all appearance taken place since the night before being dinminasted in the the sniplied lig nsaal way, place waa with green hits If took the travelers uw Little time to realize that! they were enforing from Daltomistn, or color blindness, snperin. | duced by eve fatigne The intense light | canna by the san upon the sri had for the tetberod them nhahle to fndge of colors and given rise | to their envions nistake Three bones elapsed before the eves regained their mormal comdition Chevrenl explaits that the eye can- not gare jong Bj given color with out temding to become insensibile to it When the e350 cis long npon a color, it shonld be rested by the complemen: tury color. Thos sn eyethat has grown tired with 1 SHELL tithe jn eolor A Jointed Snake. Mr. George UD, Pemberton of Spot: | svivania, Va, reports the following : | “While walking aronond my farm I i wbonut 215 fest long tile a How ot the head with a stick, and. to my surprise, the sake fell apart | in fonr pieces. Near by wasa bole, and | into this the bead went, and, although | "1 worked for half an boar trying to get it, I failed [I then exam] the body, | which was an hard as if had been frogen, | chald discover, it, was i entirely lifeless. Thinking it was a and, ax far an } | Jointed snake, dy on the sonse. Shortly afterward [ returned, but the portion of the body that I had left disappeared and no trace of it could be found. C Ancinpati Enquirer The Dear (Child. “What are you after, my dear! said a grandnsther boy win) was shding along a root amd casting fortive Blances at u gentleman who was paying f virit “I am trying, grandma, to steal paps ’'s bat ont of the rota withont let ting the gintiemun see "He wants Lith to think be s ont.’ A I lefs the pieces of the 3 toa little Marvinge Ie a Sevions Thing. An Atelison boy married recently, his wife wade him shave off his moustache before she would wake him wf which he waa very fond be lived at bome, be got bis whiskers in the sonp every day, and Bis mother took it a8 a compliment to ber col ~- Atchison Globe mncther's “® pic Guy wg When GE, iid The Method. “Here's a case of a man who went to law in onder to get the girl he loved away from her parents.” “Took out a writ of attachment, I ~Chicago Pout; supiposs, There are Autualiy Killed in Africa a minimum of 65 000 elephants, yield ing the production of a quantity of raw ivory. the selling price of which is $4.- : 300, HOG ! As curly as the yeur @ B. C. the | great Alexandrian library contained | over 40,000 valuable books. ; bo : with instead of : green shonld ba rested by | red. which is green's complementary Came acre a copper colored snake I struck the rep | ground and went to the ; Sa ol pia wi non ns eion STR OAR h To cure alien strike at the rout that's the way. Don’t squander time and money in a vain effort to remove the effects. (, W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. New York (entral % Hudson River Railroad, Irvin } Jeech Creek District. Condensed Time Table. Hema up E a MM, No a No £1 Pemmmsvivaniy z Ne x XH) YAR xp 2 Xa ¥ 8 » as ¥ w Patton Wemtary er Mahaffey Rerrmmooy Srl aEn ry Boererficn w Xow Millpert Lilania Mitchells $ lenrfieln wv . - wk shad =O WN ey PE Ba Wontinnd Higher Wakimewton Morgiseiale Minna Muanwon Philips Renedd o- vo er T= ExEy 3 wR Ed NE OB GRR RS Lo Je Ge Asiliintowh Srp yw Mos: ‘Beene rea MiB Hall Lew Haven Youngwlale (Wayne Foray Mpre Fanetion Srucy Mies Wil in reps pert 5 Su is “mp ney LE CREE EE Sa wD he En bnl 4 § Viv # lw jr In ¥ m arm bald & Pht’ ar iv iw » woe & end BR Ww (nmap Philadelphia * ¥ via Tarnagon ar XY via Phila Svez, DA PEDO fot pA rot Sges-3 PE Fy ga i # 1% simile PW eR days 10 5h a my Sa ye "New York passengers traveling via Phil Bis On TEM pone Train fromm Willnmspert ange tars xf Hantingdon 81, Phila, asic ote AL Witameport with Phils deiphin and Heading raiirmad: at Jory Xiporw the Fall Brak Hy: at Mil Hail with tentral Baiiroset of Fenney vanes: at Phiil pebrirg with Penvtarivania riled and, A Hoey 4 2 Phi 3H pubs firg | imine ting ratirond: at ei Fi ffaln, Reobhontor pit Fite Jb FALIWAY] Ki Madre fey seed Patton with Cn mybris and Clenrfiedd division of the Pennuyvania milrad. at Mahaffey with the Pernrmyivania and Northwestern railwny fever, H. Inaniels, WW. H. Nerthmip, Corrs, Pass Agt teen, Agent, New York, Willimmmport, Pa. £ Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table 20, 1898, Main Line. Frave Croan Eastward, | en Klee B Lpross, week days $ Afcworim A oevsrn in veh thon. woek day= Main Line Express, shally A forum Avorn fasts Riv, Mii! Faporeas, daily, Priadetiphia E x prow, daiiv Irave Urecwn Ww seiwand. Jrarstown Accom, week Saves. Fhusd fic Ex pross, Auily { Way Passenger, daily Pit sborg Fores ; Ma ! Fadiine Nov. atly Judmatown Aconmn, week days... Cambria and Clearfield. Somythward. Morning train for Patton and Crveson leaves frien Cam wid 4% Maley Ceo a We la Fm 5 Vawter Bog Hastings i (amr WAY {for Crosmon | far Patton Ar Readie danetion Tah Ks yer fr Fhwnabrirg) Ti Lirriving a Cresson af £30 8 mn. Afernons lain Br Pattos and Oren ( { = orp Phat 1:45 Porn, Maha BRL Westover 251 Fasting vt: Cire or Crowson: 29 Patton 350 Bemdiey Jumetion LH Kaylor £19, arriving al { resson at E> Nrowthward, Morning train lemves Crowson for Matm oy wt Hae Flwnebairg kine Kaylor wl: Brgdley i Janetion eA Patton ied, Garway he Hina Gren FLAY Flats ngs { for Mis tua dey; TI Gare DRY fr Mabailey: 113 Westover IEW Lae dime Lem Maia fey PE arriving at Glen Uamipbell at 124 Affernons train for Pai fom aed Galen C nanphwl] lesves Cresson al Ei: F Kayior Mi Ebensburg vofi Bradiey Jonetion FALE Patton 877 tiarway for Hastings, S065; Plast ivgs for Giean Camiphet] T0 Garay for rite { dety bed] Tim embover To; Land ome PTH Mahaffey TA arriving st (Hen aE phell af wh pony For patos: numps, ote Ff aldrens Thom §E Ww nit. P Kish avenve, Piitisbare. Pa 4. B. Hate hing, Ges, Mgy » RLS FEZ TeTYRNE ue EEEZEEER 23 . mpg went Wr Tieket Wb we 5. RB. Wiest, Cen, Pass. Agt i Pittsburg & Eastern © Time Table. TO TAKE EFFECT NOV. 21. 5898. Westward Nai a. By Lonye Dinton Maton i Mabafley fh Crewk Junction Mahaffey {almtharad { Motion Watael] Works f *andertand f Fim Livk 1 Fai Pras he. ar Gries € On ape if Horton aan f Fuller Ran clean vowed wld ow we ExvognEslks wk Sd MU ERR yor es Yun iv * 8 el tel ae » i foase LP Fa grrr abu Ty wee Ky ow Fuller Run i plesetion Eajerts § Fhaswrioae § Flag ruasds PR fick £ Mine te sland a BER xX PE a TREE ENTREHERY Boel a BR RS NE WER Ba Ne Re : wo “ye »h ed fae tices, Moa ey, t. & © division Wns o F,. 2 NW mil Su 5 Motes & New wt Mctiens with PP & NN. WW. nil iy Til vee ny a § further ootive trains will sun 5 ne ads #i Stati) #1 Mahaffey: and HH otmaina daily # Teept Sine ~- i‘ Hicks, General Manager. Mahaffey, Pa Buffalo, Kochestor ail Pittehurg Ry. mobo Benn I have dally exes LINE trudne wi Clvsrfiehd, avd § re wer Tan Phe put, Terres Toei then, . wrk and Revn i ye Hd § g Bahan, ie (ha) iy EX pres, ed Fal reek or Ridgway, Je oF Buamide fr Curwensville, tontewiing at Du Bots, ftson bare, Head $e pk ald a Bi Fx- ami Punx Pun ssalawne; is reek EA) ¥ Wig rem. For a ¥ *TRWheY Trains arrive, Pos. % For j shila ue SR ya, tie i Son. om and os and we tiie tables and full information, Tew, Dt A coger peng Agt.. pewitt’s witch Hazel salve strikes at the root—it removes the cause, quickly snd permanently. ERSy UE any! ¥ 00 pon Sunduys !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers