THE PATTON COURIEK JUNE 1, 1809 T NARCOTIC. a Bocyoe of OL Br SAMUEL PITUIER GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Ofee on corner of Lang and Fifth! Avenues. Collections promptly at tended to. Properties to sell and rent. DR. F B. EURNS, Dentist, ei HANRTINGS, PA : All disenses of the teeth and mouth Wilinully treated. 100, 00 FEET OF Lind or Bass Wood Lumber, one | thick, run of log with mill enils INDIANA LUMBER CO, INDIANA, PAL . PR. C. ERNEST CHASE, s rgeon Dentist, PATTON, PENN'A, Ofics in Good Building, second floor, Magee Avenue. , S. W. Worrell, PHYRICIAN AND SURGEON, in Good Building, Room No. 3. SirGeseral Surgury and the Eye a Specialty, All will recelve penny attention, D V. A Murray, PHYSICIAN { - SURGEON. ) a ‘on ree i Lo» the ear, nose ghd throat I attention, PFFICE HOURM:-Tto9a mand 12108 pm Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, MESNOLAN Attorney-at-Lav, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Bailing, -10tf. DAVIS, ne Hi Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, Pa. 3 Al legal business promptly attended to, _ iDMee in Barker Ballding, TOBACCO and CIGARS Fhe finest line in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S mer Lattentrdesd tas he Kind You Have ‘Always Bough Thomas Thurman, deputy sheriff of Troy, Mo, says if everyone in the United States should discover the virtne cof pewitt's witeh maze! salve for piles, rectal troubles and skin diseases, the demand could not be supplied. ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy H. S. BUCK, "UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER, «Next to Hotel Patton, Fifth avenue. All Calls, day or night, Promptly at tended to. White or Black Hears: 'D. D. Lewis ENDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, Barnes, Pa. ALD sally will de Sohn Haideiifte, Agent, of Kerr pyinne, Patton, wil atten, to the wants of partion resdding In Patton eel vietnity, Calls day or night by "Phone, propels Soe Llguon A AND 0 OPIUM hi THE ONLY spay INKTITLT FirstNation' Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, §50,000.00, SURPLUS, $47,000.00, Areounts of Corpomtions, Firms, Individo. mls and Banks received upon the niost Gyo. ble tering consistent with safe and conservative ‘banking. oN uwimahtp tioketa for slic tor all the lendin new, Forelgn Drafts pus able in the prineipa s Ms of the Old Wor! All correspondence will inte our privapt and : personal attention, . Interest pada ot time Joprslts Eo Parrox, Wx H. Saxvvonrp, President. Cashier, Headache for Forty Years. Fer forty years | suffered froma sick head. acho A your ago I began using Celery King The pom was gratifving and surprising, my lieschinehes leaving at once The headaches used to return every seventh day, but thanks Plo Uslery King, I have had bot one headache in the inst dleven months, | know that what entire tae will help others Mrs Jahn 1h Van Kenran, Sangertios, N.Y. tnlery King for the Nerves Stomach, Liver and Kidneys ts sold fn Se, and 2x, packages by druggists nnd dealers, ; Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, Restaurant on Magee avenue, Rear P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, JAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfleld Co., Pa. nodations first-class. Best of Liquors | Mines at the bar. Stabling attached. GEORGE FEngusON, arnell & Cowher, REAL ESTA ™ AG ond Building. Patton, Pa, ~*Phone No.9. COPYRIGHTS &cC. R Sketeh and Jeseription may may Cea ion on Patents hongry {told the attendant to To BY PENSSTLY ANIA & Er We don't Cit — Philadelphia North American eating and for a very He Ended the Feud. When the Repnblicans were abont to nomioate somebody to ran for pov error in 1844, there were candidates in all parts of the woods. The day of the rouvention, however, *‘Unele Dek’ went down and, withont having present any semblance of candidacy othr than his own personality. he was nominpted by acelnntion His brother in law, was a candidate for i wily ta sore pains to make his si organized featvre of the PD the vomvention When named for governor, Lit ont of the calenlations hy sain from the next connty and was side tracked nL cotimenence Althongh Mrs and Mrs Lit thor wore gist rs. the honses of Ogleshy and Littler were far mpart froon that tirne The heads were so completed estranged that one did pot speak t other. For ten years ther remained «iran . Littler lived in a great obd fashioned mansion in Springheld Oglesty Tived on his faris pear Elkbart, One day, to the saprise of the Littler family, ex Governor Oglesby walled in “How are vou, Dave? suid the ex gavernor “Huw ure von, anid Lit tier, us he strngaled against his aston ishment Then the extended hand of the nnexpected visitor wes cordially grasped “I came Pave “Well, I'm glad of it." answered Littler, os be took the hat and cont of his caller “Is the whisky bottle old place. Dave? “It is, ard there's whisky in it’ And that was how the family fend ended forever Chicago Tribune Pavid T Littler state frésientrer. (dpe loaby wai tier was} 34 Toss ty of Cig lest ¥ #4 the were governor to take dipper with yon, in the spe Ammonia as a Fire Exstingntaher, Probably the best fire extingnishing lignid is aqua smmonia, without any addition whatever, We have personally had experirnce with the almost moar velons power of this senbstapce in this directive In one instance, where fire had originated probably from spon taneons combustion, in a pile contain ing several tans of cotton seed, and the interior of which was alist a solid body of live conl, a half gallo of am pwinia completely smothered the fire In anather, which cconrred at venay., France the vapors of » tank containing H gallons of gasoline ranght fire in the linen room of a lanndry. The roenn wos instantly oa of Bving Hares but a gallon and a half of am mania water thrown into it completely and shisost immediately extingnioho the fire The ammonia woe in oa glass demijohn in sn apothecary shop next door to the laundry and was throws into the room by the druggist as ay ex peritient completely was the fire extingnisbsl tha! workmen were en abled to enter the rivan salimest lmme diately. where they fonnd the iron tank of pascline intact National Denggist Sa 1 aes Hy * A Cheap Luncheon, A good story je 100d fn connection with the last Ascot meeting An Aner ican, who was osisd to going into racing bosthe tn his own conntry, ordering Inpchean and paying 81, fonnd himself nt the roval ting. wo he walked into the first tent handy and give hin some thing to eat The man puts sumptnona tancheon before him. to which, ns well as the champagne, the visitor did ample jnstice He then handed the attendant O shillings, received his thanks and was bowed out of the tent, inwardly con gratolatiog himself on the moderatenees of the charge An English friend who hie met antside mid “14did not know you were neguainted with Load H. © “Neither am 1° Figen replied the Boato pian “Oh. | beg your pardon,’ said the interrogator. “1 thought sou were, as yon eae out of his tent "London Tit-Bita Bradiaugh's H's. Mrs Godfcey Clark told me today at dinner that when she was in London Inst year some one said 1n Ler presence, “It is strange that Bradlangh, althongh he epeuks well, shonld never be able to wannge the letter bh °° Sir Fo. Halliday, why was sitting by, remarked, “The reason is obvious: we know that Twas whispered in heaven, “Twas muttered in bell, und Bradlaugh will bave nothing to ay to either Bir ME Grant Duff's Diary The Paste Didn't Hold. 1 have shown this ton jeweler,’ said the young woman, Singing the eugngernent ring scornfaliy at his fest “Did you think.’ nuked with crushing sarcasm, “yon conld cement onr affection with paste? UNG! hissed the yonng wan, folding bis aruis and gazing at ber with equal #eorn Its paste, dn itt Aud vet yon ure not stuck on it Chicago Trib- ine adie Verdict as Rendered, “Gientiewen of VU oanked the vlerk of the court. “have yon agreed fipon a verdiet 7 “We have, “The verdict of iw jury, replied the foreman the jury is that the PARSNIY It does not require an expert to de. tect the sufferer from Kidney trouble Th: hollow the EYE the dark, paffy circles ander the eves, sompiexion {OMPLEXION, cheeks, annien the sallow parsaip-colored indicates it if pain in the A physician would ask you had rhveamatiam a dull ache or hack ar over the frre hips, «tomsrt desire 10 urinate often. or a IrapHing of in passing it, if afte r pa unsatisfied fie scalding there mist be at once brick das 1% an BR ae r if deg past cerento, 0 arine has = Or strong odor When these symptoms no time should be lost in removing the ars present, CRUISE, + catarrh of CARUSINR Delay may lead to gravel the bladder inflammation stoppage, and sometimes reguiring drawing of the garine with instroments, or may run into Bright's Disease the mont dangerous stage of kidney trouble Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney bladder specialist, is a positive for such diseases. Its reputation is world-wide and it is so gasy tH get at any drug store that no one need suffer any length of time for want of it However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful merits, mention THE ParroNn CoUrier and write to Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, NY , for a sample bottle and x book telling all about, both sent absolutely free mail the and roamed bey W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa, “For forty years] have tried various cough medicines. one Minute cough cure is best of all’ It relieves in. stantly and cures all throat and lung troubles. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. RAY An eminent physician says thal no person should be permitted to drink tea or coffee until he or she has attained the nge of 18 years. In the young those beverages ondaly excite er VOus and have an injurious effect upon the digestive organ fee ay stem, DeWitt's Little Early Risers act ns a faultless pill should, cleansing and re viving the system, instead of weaken. ing it. They are mild and sure, and pleasant to take, and entirely free fei They rather thao compel CO Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. PATTON seriall im Objectionable drugs sastal Ww STERM LAONDRY LEE, TLY HOP TERMS NTH * Pron i UASH Gentlemen’ List Collars, 11 Cuffs, jor pair, = Shirts, plain, - Shirta, colored, Shirts, ap 1 Not 16% Shirts, plaited, 1c Shirts, night, Shirts, under, 5c Irrivwers, Handkerchiefs, 1. Handkerchiefs, silk, Socks, 30. Neckties, 2¢ Uomta, 15¢, Vesta, 1560. Boys’ Walsts, 1x Ladies’ List Cape Collars, 3¢- Cuffs de. Chemisetios, Hn Waists, 5c, Dresses, 25¢ Skirts, 15 {‘hemies, So. Drawers, 6c, Night Dresses, 10¢ Aprons, 4c. Home, 40. Handkerchiefs, ['nderskirts, He. Miscellaneous Bheeta, 5% Pillow Slips, 4c. Pillow Shams, 25¢ Sounterpanes, bg Towels, 1 ¢ * 3, DeWitt's 1L.ttic Eariy Risers, The tm us §: Li pails A. Mellon, Agent. lawyers have mixed this case upsathat | RBoW anything When Hie Was Yond of It, Qainn Are you fond of Welsh rab { bit? Toplhiff — Before eating, while 1 am short time after — Baston Transc Tip 14 —— ms A man always rises in his own esti- Cmaticn when he gets on familiar terms with a person of whom be once stood Lin awe. -~ Atchison Globe A AANA A rr The goldfish is a great coward, and a i tiny ‘ish with the courage to attack it i cap frighten it almost to death at all about i Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, Ripans Tabules cure flatulence Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach iv CER The ’xpert Met Hin Mateh. At a Nort Bide bonrding hone ome of the newly arrived bhosrdere, named Barton, is an expert accountant first evening after his nrrival he began Iwiving the other mrders by ixiking “shop and relating the great fests of rath saben Siar i ried tie * 5nd tha? “3 the in his time tnesrile ry tight seid tie : withant aml Yorn wre i ; { papier, nop unl one ‘Name each tery, and I wil add’ said Borton “Five barrel of epder at 84 58 a bar Have you got that down “Ys “Pony bnahe! “New SFHteen kegs of b and two strings of pari EFntls Rn Huve ¥i ¥ rel hole ls of bian at Have von got Hope His BR that down? nails mt at s roagonfii ws § @ A 3% hi twat that Br on sailona of og my castor oi} at $4.25 Fauve y that down * Yon Enre yor vs gol it “Bure, | “Hom Chicago J ail down?’ # aga Larion How dom it oll taste? — nr il Proved His Theory, Sut Died, The acme of rs reached, thengh by accident in a criminal tria) a few vesars cio at Lebanon © Two men hind a perscnal encounter, One of them. after vainly trying to draw fies pant } fri bis hip pscket, turned to fee A moment later ha 97), sheet in thy snal h bick. the chamber of his pistol was found 10 have been fired Hix assailant was tricgd for murder. The defense contended that the man had shot himself! while trying to draw his pital, which had become entangled in the lHning of the (we ist and that the prisaner’s shot bad pot taken effect The peosecntiom contended that such a wonnd conkd not have been self inflicted The defendant's coannsel, Cleiagent LL Vallandigham, ertonk to demon strate to the jours Jat bow the dewd fran 8 piste] bad bang in the pocket and inst how possible it was t8 inflict suck a wound Soiddeniy there was a loud repay, and the lawyer sank to the floor The entored the back Riscat in ®t where th aan the der fh # Hien WH 9" fil bail hisd tien had been shot The defendant wae acgnitted Mr died ~~ Cleveland Plain 2 de al Valandig bas Iheals > This Pag (pn Spell inn Month Side lady whey There y (aoiride etticr which she sirnat Inman snteili of @ Lastily Lrred nor bot han been devel of experience Here in the pany incidents from which ith In ber dog endowed WET sinfors apesd rs rope of fins spirnng hoy Years Nopday. having finished her tin bmaly wep! into the drawing #1 the paper On & tng near seller was masking in the san The lady's two Bifis Wise «till in the dining room An ishing the repast and the wother over. heard scanet] ing «aid about bones Now, the gor lady has a mortal dread that her beactifal dog will choke to death on a tone sare day, rTAi*Ing ner voice, she called ont : “Bovk dow 1 Rie Iran any ohio k “hb thing these two words | wy the dog's tte nth n wonld not be at tracted 1 am afraid he will choke As she spelled chicken’ the dog rained his head and Dstened | at homes’ Lane dinner fiwiin 10 dow fhe the Wil drowsy EE, 5 BPs, he got np, walked into the dining room and locked at the bones the boys were picking Chicago News ‘The (oguette, A coqnette ix a being who wishes to please. Alax' cixgnettes are too rare “Tis a career that requires great abill- tiew, infinite pains, a gny and airy spirit that provides all “Tia the cojuette amusements, suggests the riding party, plans the picnic, gives and goessen charndes, acts them. he is the stirring element aid the heavy congeries of sor cial atoms; the seul of the house, the salt of the hangoet Let any one piss a very agreenble week, or it dave under any roof, and analvie the canse of his satisfaction, and one might safely make a gentle wager that his so lution wonld present him with the frolie | phantom of a coquette. —Lord Beacons field The Widow's Devotion. There was a toan hanged for marder tn Svipey, Australis. By bis widow's cots ont, his goes wae exhibited In a wasworks show, BEvery ha the woman, dressed in menrning. cailed and pot a clean shirt on the nnmesisting form of the wax Mean Then her visits stopped Mone tiie REter, bappening to meet the the show the lady explain had 8 Wad for Jew frist £3X tmnt wanager uf blnshes that she 1 het pew boshand } : tod to her wilely at tention to the toilet of Na I's giavem image with any An Artisile Proposal. Leafter ~ Indeed, Miss de Vine 1 most BAY i yon are wy of the links Miss ite Vine Now that Is vory nice 4 $ eit, amd you Ble tic at te bo “Then mw reward © “What is that, Mr. “The right to give yon Brooklyn Life av 1 have an Lafter ny name.’ So (ompany For Him. Rich Old Parry a wife for when yon can bardly support vourself * Why, sir. my danghter wonld starve Snockins (with great dignity }— Well, if yom are the kind of man to let your daughter and ber husband starve I don't wish te enter the family — Fun “7 i salve strikes at the root The SHIRT : Pelioves 18 fo lodmmtow is Aovom, Pade En pte fobomee Paar ion Cm may be ten myunderiand sunday | the first to discover ol PBeseln Crow Dwgeot, 3 ASLO NOANeT # oa What do yon want To cure piles. strike at the root that's the way. bpewitt’'s witeh Hazel it removes the quickly and permanently. Don't squander time and money in a vain effort to remove the effects. , 'W, Ho ns, Pa elu CRT, ttm Pharmacy. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, fib Ite Beech Creek District Condensed Time Table Rend down Exp Mall Xa Now * Mm gx» » Sg Posynisviva FRIENR au Fxg 4 Yul TERETE - Eaves WP pe SR ip x lb RE 3 a es A * - wh 3 Wai tmewts an Morrivinie M MOGs Phinpsbarg Ty nuieis pos tr Monson Winbarn Ponie PR Hw n =Ew Mee Beewel (Crewk Mitt Hali Lew Haven Y onngsdale (Wayne Jory Wore Janotion fo rvey Misr W 1m re pear? Cw RRR Ee BEI NHH; aEah BEBE CITHCRAR ED w - Boor ue ne a te dos a i Bis ws ane Ho Hos. se. a 20% 10 = oa om Hi A mn Vs har = WW 8 33 Phita & Bending RR W iia pert iv #12 Philadelphia Ar ® NY via Tamagas sr NY vin Phils ar bio Pos mw Weekdays #00 pore Sanday 116 55 nx my Rundasys EER ing vin Phil ik pm ho ain from W Hiimapor “ers af Huntingdon St Pht Expr At hi LE iia wp with hile. tn and Hae i Hema al Jo rey She the Fall Re rewrk Sy. at MI Hatt with entral Mailroad of Pianssivanis: at Phil; pebirg wilh Peonbavivania Hirt and : Ti & Phir pT ug £ orsneeting Paired: at e Phe Prefabs Flew wed Pi abi rg it way, at Maha®ey and Pattom with Cambria and Cierfierd dividon of the Perry vania mil Frond at Mahaffey with the Pogmavivanim and Northeastern raiiway (ois. H W. H. Northrop Foire. Agent, Himmeport, Pa Bs oa ¥ 34 fA Vag non Rp Ree {raved { SE bs Aeiph with Pele Prunielin, fan Pass Ag New York, Ww Pennsvivania Railroad Time Table Nov. 20. 1868 Man Line Lamve ee a LE \ Eastward, Mary Eye Any A Tiwi TA NATE ; Main Line KE x pre: , Atenas Ae tally © FEEL EE Be afters, dally 5 $5it ¥ ¥ Aniiv Ave 1 pease Westward, Fok inativm ss Avid , Yeeel dave Pacific Ply press, Baily Way Passenger dally Flirting BX press | Malt daily Fastiine, . wee lh dua cambria and Clearfield. moses hwnd, & rofer Pation and Crason eaves Ee Matafey boo a me Ia Eh Westover 5 Hastines Sit Char Foor (Troma: S08 Palio S00 Head Tix Ravior (fw Fhwasburg Ti arriving afl COresmon at X30 a oy § Mernwaw trmdes for Patton ated Crema Jemves files Cagnpiwll at UF poo Makafler af D8 Tadowe Wemtowver 200) Hastings 0" Caress fw Cresson: 28 Patton 1080 Pmdley Tuned on BO Roayior £08 arriviog ad Cresson at £235 Narthaand, Morning min leaves Cresson for Mahaffey [al aE Prensbarg aoe Kayior ey eo Svimedion Eg Pattcrs BRT (amrway fr Hast jagger 100 Hastings Sor Mahalo 1150 tm way (for Mahaffey [hae Westover (La La Joo PIER Me bn ery Tbe arriving at (ibe Camipteil at 126 Afternoon imin for Pat tors wend Cilear Un phetl +o ¥ remoners kt Ki Lay ior Se: Ebenshairg vil Bradley Janetion AE Patton 807 tearaay for Hastings) &&x Hast] niggs for filenn Campbell TO Gureny ky rien Camptwsii Tw Wemtover | TE Ladome TH, Mahaffey TAG arriving at titen Cam phe nt Xi FH OF rates Mapes obs Ww he Helter t a address Thea WwW Pi PA. Pong Fifth avenue, Piittaburg, Pa. 4. Hote ils, fen, Myr Moraing tral way 4. BR. Waonnd, fren. Pass Agt Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV. 21. 1998. Westward ot a ex im Lane ndon Mation Mahaffey Beewh Creek Tunethm -xg Mabuatley 8 Latsthurs: { bat Met pron Th Weotawi! { Togs Warks : a Fik Liok i Harasile C Passions Clean mm piacdl Hort Ran § Fuller Han Fastward Faminy Fallir Bun Harti Bs féi'ti RR Ak Je Works Wedd: { Mot pwn Patathares Mba ey How's © row kK Junelion § ow Ton Pndon statbon Malate: i * f Ping station foe Eos with Pewrh $v $i Peunsy rvaaia » tN . wl BP No Wma af Whtakey Hop with Metana £8 New. ton ks ey ai Mesos with PF. 2 NW io iam ify, Av baicen gst raid remaed irther notes thn trains will man Mahaftey: and rains daily eIoept Muu Hi wks Bnet Macager, Maba®ey, Hh . Buafale, Rochesior and Pittedmeg Hy. te okt after Jan i DOB snips will ihally VEY vas Pie det © Xwp ees, sunday, as lo 0 Bevaeidee iid Aoiamnmdation 8a Ea lUPew i ised Heyn- Tian Ba Listy 4 4b andl Hoe fost F148 a. 0 Sati ¥ presi, fisr 0% PuaBois and Falls eek Pra Baois, for Hideway, ford and Bofliahs jp pom PraBote gad press, For IneBeais, ATR Wey WN , Coniseling wl Jubnsmbarg, Heads Prov vei La wine . Falls £ mew and Park. mins 5 #x i £32. BrEIV; is and dl For tiekets, time tables apd endl oa OF add ress, CoB Hoaslip, Agent, Clearfield, Pu inBs IIa on