The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 25, 1899, Image 6

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    Foster ¢ than somender them and zor]
atton Courier.)
Polblew dndependent.
man nnding Cotantry
Ad and Maltese Tenwnrd
5 E Wirt dreeNe Bditor, i
Inte rost-— Patton and ! Havana, awaiting distribation, are not. :
None, {friendly to the U. 8. and that they
would willingly make trouble, if they
dared. There are also mysterious |
hints of outside influence and money |
being used in Cuba to foment dissatis.
faction. And well-informed men are
: expressing fear that more troops are :
likely to be needed in Cuba as well as in
| the Philippines. :
{Deeds Recorded at Ebenshurg ap to Date |
: Friday, May 24.
| Gallitzin Building & Loan Associa- |
‘tion to Henry Hagan, Ashville, con-
| sideration $1,350. i
James T. Miller et ux. to Spangler |
witter company, Carroll, §251.
Mary E. Beisk et vir to Conemaugh
Coal & Coke company, Allegheny, $50.
Catherine McGuire et virto W. W.
Amsbry, Allegheny, $200.
Patrick Bradley to Margarette C.
Bradley, Cresson, $1,500.
Sarah A. Sanker to Angie 8. Tooper,
Allegheny, $425. :
John W. Tooper et ux. to Sarah A. :
| Sanker, Allegheny, $425. |
Matthiat Kessler et ux. to Barbara |
Ellen Weakland, White, $200.
Henry Fuchs to Alexander Grieff,
Carrolitown, $1,000.
Luke Bosh et ux,
| Elder, $10.
Clementine Shiffer et vir to W. W,
Arsbry, Clearfield and Chest Springs,
$70. »
Fannie J. Spendley to R. H. Spend-
ley, Gallitzin township, $1.
Anthony Hile, Jr, to 8. W,
Patton, $300.
8. W. Eddy et ux. to Jerry B. Wilber,
Patton, $1,200.
Michael A. Byrne to Thomas T.
Byrne, Allegheny, $1.
Benjamine F. Grove et ux, et al to
Margaret Byrne, Allegheny, $1.
Administrator of Emmet V. Byrne to
Margaret Byrne, Allegheny, $1,450.
Mr. Margaret Byme to W. W,
Amsbry, Allegheny, $715.
to John Bush,
the wasted od of
‘baby, child or aduit
than cream or any
food in existence. Ht
s about the same re...
in to other emulsions that
cream does to milk. fv
have had any experience ¢
: h Other : so-called Most een Mary Fury to W. W.
parations, vou X | jegheny, $600.
will find that this isa fi’ 4 Bamuel O'Hara et ux. to Timothy B.
that ar: & O'Hara, Munster, $1,722.
iver oil | Jane Fury to W. W. Amsbry, Alle.
| gheny, $50.
systern @ | Daniel 8. McAnulty et ux. to Morgan
whole » Watkins, Barnesboro, $100.
Amsbry, Al
agora) vabar ve 1
pit Arength to the
| James A. Fury to W. W, Amabry,
x ad fi 00. #is druggists. | Allegheny, $50.
BIT & BONE, Chimisu, New York, | Bimon P. Lantzy et ux. to Mary M. |
Lantsy, Spangler, $900,
Simon P. Lantzy et ux. to Reuben D.
ANDI there aren few od bond. |G sarge Susquebantia ute. , $300. ok
walks in Patton. They should be] mon antzy et ux. to Luke
i | Byrne Susquehanna, $8,500.
i . ’
properly repaired before it is too late. | 1 Jacob J. Keith et ux. to Susannah C.
MORE than $50,000,000 worth of farm K*ith et al. Barr, $85.
products were exported in the seven For Lowneys and Sparrows choco
months ending with January, which 18 jase go the City Restaurant.
more than in the corresponding months ———
in any year in our history.
Tur Massachusetts Legislature han |
passed a bill providing that after Janu.
Ary 1, 1902, wagon and carriage wheels |
“in that state shall have tires not less in |
width than one and one-half times the
diameter of the axle, measuring at the |
shoulder, and that wagons built with
“hollow axles shall have tires not less in
width than the diameter of the axle
‘measured at the shoulder,
During the past few days several
Feiinsit citizens of Patton have been |
about the re-organization of the
on Board of Trade. Why do you
heron it? All it needs is for some
geod live bosiness man to put his shoul
der to the wheel and publicly call a
ting which we know will be largely
attended. As we previously stated, the |
old Board of Trade has a fund laid by |
which could be umd to u good advantage |
looking up some suitable manufic- |
A Valuables Publtention,
i On June 1 the Passenger Department
' of the Pennsylvania Railroad company
: will publish the 1809 edition of ita Sum.
wir Excurdlon Route Book. This work |
is designed to provide the public with
short descriptive notes of the principal |
Bummer resorts of Eastern America, |
with the routes for reaching them, and |
th rates of fare. It contains all the
principal seashore and mountain re.
tof routes for reaching them. The book
has been compiled with the utmost care,
‘and altogether is the most complete
and comprehensive handbook of Bum.
mer travel ever offered to the public
It is bound in a handsome and striking
cover, in color, and contains several
maps, presenting the exact routes over
which tickets are sold. It is also pro-
fusely illustrated with flue half-tone
cntm of scenery at the various resorts
and along the lines of the Pennsylvania
Railroad. On and after June 1 it may
i be procured at any Pennsylvania Rail.
rond ticket office, nominal price of ten
| oenta, or, upon the application to the
| general office, Broad Street Station, by |
mall for twenty cents.
Fresh shad, catfish, eels, bass and
herring at the Cash Grocery.
| was seriously afflicted with a cough
for several years, and Inst fall had a
more severe cough than ever before.
Wo 1 bave uscd many remedies without re-
off the troops. By good | t oelving much relief, and being recom-
saved from destruction by Jk monded to try a bottie of chamberlain’s
ind of ants which attacked it where it | cough Remedy, by a friend, who, know-
was stored after its arrival at Manila, ing me to be a poor widow, gave it to
and if they had not, at once, been dis- | me, I tried it, and with the most grati-
govered, would have eaten the notes up | fying result. The first bottle relieved
sntirely. The information was got to: me very much and the second bottle
Vishington in time to stop another big ‘absolutely cured me. I have not had
shipment of paper money. The troops as good health for twenty years, |
in the Philippines will hereafter be paid | give this certificate without solicitation,
“exclusively in gold and silver. “simply in appreciation of the gratitude
CATIONS poIat® ih all for vol! i felt for the surgefiested. -Reupecttuily,
Inu Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Claremore, Ark.
unteers in the near future, although For saleby C. W. Hodgkins, Patton
officials will not admit it. Gen. Otis p=
asked for more troops and expressed y.
doubts of peaceable surrender of the Onions, radishes and rhubarb
6. All the regulars that can Thursday at the Cash Grocery.
i ly be spared are to be sent to Undertaking.
him as fast as they can be transported, | my, fastings and Patton Undertak-
but they will not increase the total of ing Co. has an office in the Spencer
is army unless his project of persuad- ‘block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard-
ing She Yolunleers to re-enlist 88: pre gore in Patton. Telephone con-
rg ns, instead of coming home, | ting Hastings No. 77; Patton No.
4 Phe quecemiily carried out. There 5 ( (1 Grenninger, Patton, and H.
is also some anxiety felt over the sit-| ; pag. Hastings, are the funeral
uation in Cuba. It is known that the 4... on
Cnban leaders who have persuaded the
aban soldiers to retain their arms
takes isa little. hustle by men |
n has to carry a dor
War Department shipped
io Sail, to be umd
Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
‘their quota of the $3,000,000 now | :
N Here is one of those
Te who are either so pre
Wp ndiced against all a
vertised remedies, or
have become discour-
aged at the failure of
other medicines to help
them, and who will
succumb to the grim
destroyer without
knowing of the won-
derful value of Foley's
Honey and Tar for all
Throsi and Lung troub-
| pare with
cottages for rent at reasonable rates.
In making your plans for the season
sorts of the east, and over fiftesn hun. ye
{deed different routes or combinations | 15
FOLEY'S BA NER SALVE is a Healing Wonder.
CW Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy.
It makes no difference how cheap |
you can buy groceries elsewhere, I can
still save you some money, quality of
goods consi
Cape May the Beantital.
No other place anywhere can com-
it. Quiet, elegance and
finest bathing. A perfect summer
Plenty of good hotels and
do not forget Cape May. The Phila-
delphia & Reading route will, of course,
‘be your choice, for ita transportaion
facilities to Cape May will be greatly
increased and improved. Very reason.
‘able rates for commutation tickets.
Regular excursion fare recently
reduced. A book has been issued
by the General Passenger Department |
giving a list of hotels and boarding
houses, rates of fare and other infor.
mation. It can be obtained free by
calling or sending your address, with
“a two cent stamp, to W. H. McCormick,
District Passenger Agent, Thirteenth
and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia.
You get up in the morning tired, a
bad taste in the mouth and & headache.
Know what's the matter? Billiouness!
Take Dewitt's Little garly Risers. They
regulate the liver and cure constipation
pleasantly and promptly, Never gripe.
Cw Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
“To California.
For the National Educational Associ-
“ation Convention, to be held st Los
Angeles, Cal, July 11 to 14, the Penn-
sylvania railroad company will sell
excursion tickets via direct routes from
points on ita line, to Los Angeles, Cal,
and return at rate of single fare for the
round trip, plus $2.00 membership fee,
These tickets will be sold, good going,
June 24 to July 7, and, when stamped
by joint agent at Los Avgeles, good to
retarn, arriving at final destination,
until September 6. For further infor.
mation apply to ticket agent
What you want is not temporary re.
Hef from piles but a cure to stay cured.
[pew jtt's witch Harel Rive cares piles,
‘and they stay cured. C tleslpking,
Patton Pharmacy.
Contains a ccmptote novel in every na.
hes. 14 addifithn tir ie of tow
wh 0 ntettaining Fes hi r.
Xu continued atovies. which are on
objectionable te wiost readers.
It should be In every household Muh.
eerie sn, $3.00 jar your,
Agents wanted 1 every town, Lo «hom
the most liberal Indooements will be off: red,
systems of
Drafting and
Dress Making, taught
by mail; any woma. can
learn them at home in
short time. Simple and
perfect. We guarantee
them. Prices very low,
Write us for circulars,
giving full particulars.
ToiLerTES Pun. Co,
70 Fifth Ave, e
New York.
» fineat beach 1 the
The finest beach and the |, Co cach quart of milk. Scald the
Cain's pain palm was the only
gd that gave
others have testified to the
fl lief from pain which this liniment
fords. Fo
Hest Way to Make Toe Cream.
Where cream alone is used in making |
ice cream one-half or one-third of the
quantity used should be scalded, the
sugar dissolved in the scalded portion
and when cool added to the remaining
quantity of cream. Where cream is
not obtainable, milk may be used en:
riched by the yolks of eggs, allowing
milk in a double botler; beat the eggs
and sugar together; add to the hot milk,
cook for a moment, then strain inte the
ioe cream mould and freeze June
Ladie's Home Journal
Bad management keeps more people |
in poor circumstances than any other
one. To be successful one mast look
ahead and plan ahead so that when a
favorable opportnnity presents itself he
is ready to take advantage of it. :
tle forethought will also save much ex-
pense and valoable time. A prudent
and careful man will keep a bottle of
chamberlain’s colic, Cholera and Diar-
rhoea Remedy in the house, the shiftioss
fellow will wait until necessity compels
it and then ruin his best horse going
for a doctor and have a big doctor bill
to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents,
the other is ont a hundred dollars and
then wonders why his neighbor is get-
ting richer while he is getting poorer.
For sale hy CC. W. Hodgking, Patton
Tie Remaie Here Begulariy.
Ernst Bruer, the photographer, who
has his gallery located on the corner of
Fourth and Magee avenues, near rail
road station wishes to inform the public
that he can now be found in his gallery
every day in the week to await on
those who wish work done, Prices are
reasonable and all work guaranteed.
There is a time for all things. The
time to take Dewitt’'s Little Early Risers
is when vou are suffering from consti
pation, billlousness, sick headache, in.
digestion or other stomach or liver
troubles. CW, Hodgkins, Patton
fot For Sac,
one lot, No. 22 in
Mi, fronting Fifth avenue
Barough of Patton. For terms
tar Henry Rasmach, Elkins, W. Va
Mr PP. Ketcham of Pike
“Daring my brother's late siok-
ness from wiatio rheamatisam,
For sale,
1313 in
pad &,
Lity., Ual,
t hamber
prompt re.
him any relief
r aale
Patton Pharmacy
hy CW
Fagin: For Ral
One 46 horse power steam engine i»
offered for wale cheap. In good con.
dition. Call on or address JB Wilber,
Patton, Pa. 2614
J. A. Behear, of Sedalia
his child from death by croup by using
one sinute cough cure. It cures
coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippe and
all throat and lung troubles. CW.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Mo y BA ved
{ Between Phitadelphin and New York via
Philadelphia & Heading Hillway.
For lnxaroas, swift and at the sare
time perfectly safe traveling the above
ins cannot be exeelled, a special not.
able fia the entire absence of
smoke, and cinders, thé engines
burning only hard coal. The intodae.
tinn of these trains by the Philadelphia
& Ren 3 Ereat boon to the
Bnisigpess 1 of bath ties, t hie
ines ia
Hn was
YI4eTd Bnd
patronage hy thie lass orf p
‘ has steadily increased as well as that
of other persons for pleasure or busi
ness purposes, It is a common prac
tice by these travelers to leave hone
in Philadelphia after breakfast, and
spending the day in New York return
in time for 7
a’ clock dither.
Pullman cars are attached to all these
trains, and the 7:30 a. m. to and 4 p. m.
from New York also have Poliman
Buffet parlor car.
To speciaily accom-
-modate the gentlemen the 5:30 a. m. to
‘and 4:30 p. m. from New York, also
havé a parlor smoking car attached.
For time tables apply to any Phila.
delphia & Reading ticket agent, or
address Edson J. Weeks, General
Passenger Agent,
Ali 8
Anthon, Towa, says:
Lchumberlain's colic, cholera and Diar-
Reading Terminal,
| 12-81
Mr. John Bevins, editor of the Press,
“T have used
rhoea Remedy in my family for fifteen
yenrs, have recommended it to hun-
dreds of others, and have never known
it to fail io a single instance. For sale
by C. W. Hodgking, Patton Pharmacy.
Yon cannot do better than to call on
Gionid & Beezer for first-class plambing,
Estimates freely given. -44tf
Boarding House.
Vine Street,
Opposite Franklin Square.
Cambria and Clearfield
county people visiting Phila-
delphia will find this a con-
venient and central location.
Terms $1.00 per day.
MRS. 5. B. KING.
ND Soft Rivets
Mean Wear
and Stretch.
This trinity of evils is avoided
chain block is tempered steel,
the chain pin 1s
these te mper "the wearing down to a minimum.
goes so goes the wheel.
a 5 +
does the Cleveland
The chain
tempered steel,
As the chain
Cleveland chain goes easy, so
is a study in itself.
[€ there was anything better we would use it.
Ed. A. Mellon, Agt., Patton, Pa.
+ arid ol
neal ana ical,
in the market at
atl Li prrgn
ve all Willer]
sir: of Wher
a Yr rs) sg
where Clerks are polite and ¢
¥ . *
things look
Ww Here
I i SE
e Deliveries are made free of charge and on time;
you know you are getting the best
That's the
and be sure of it.
rest of prices.
Have you seen our line of
«Dealer in--
‘Wines, Liquors,
Beer, Etc.
D. Lutz & Son's Beer
Our Bottled Beer and Porter for
family use cannot be excelled. Prices
are reasonable,
The Delineator
Woman's Favorite
and is issued by the famous fashion
publishers, The Butterick Publishing
Co. (Limited, at 7 to 17 West Thr.
teenth Stroet, New York, ar the re
markably low rate of
fora vear's subscription, or 15 cents
per copy. Of all family magazines it
is the great caterer to Domestic Needs,
and can be recommended for its che ap.
usefulness, beauty, a and, fresh
and ntijity
The finest in this section and at prices
ta sit vour purse.
When in town make our store
wel MIC.
Geo. S.
hea lc juarters.
Y ou
will be
Patton, Pa.