ton Friday. Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. | TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one yoar, in advance, - « $1.00, S-Adcertiging mies made Known upon ap- | | plication, A No papers diseartinned until all areear. Pobiahe sre % a unless at the option of the! Fntered at the PistoMes at Patton as second. tins mad] matter, I | { 8 visitor to cur town Friday. E Wine GreeNe, Editor, § [Chest Springs, were seen on Y“Rex'' Photo's 10 for 10 cents, or night, open Sundays. WwW. C. Williams, of Kerrmoor, Pa, Reuben McPherson attended the! | Knights Templar Conclave at Altoona | i Tuesday. Nicholas Fryckland, of Osceola Milla, lis the guest of his son, Landlord A K./ i Fryckland, S8am’l Kelley and F. A. Hurd, of streets Monday. AW. Palmer, a commercial sales. ‘man of Philndelphin, registered at the ‘Palmer house Friday. i [Gallitzin Bottling Company, Another Version. Mary had a Hitle salt It worried Mary wo, For everywhere that Mary wheeled Her enlf wus anes 1 show It followed heir G0 a store ane day, Ped this fittle ondf so tee, But the desler quickly smoothed (it Ina knee-high leather shoe. =i A, W. BR. The finest line of loose coffees in. town at the Cash Grocery. H. C. Brew, of Bellefonte, Pa., spent Friday of last week in town. | Note change in Ed A. Mellon's ~ Cleveland bicye le ad this week. The work of paving Mages avenue has commenced in good earnest. HH. and R. W. Gittings, of Vetera, were visitors to this place Friday. Michael Gray, who livea pear Spang- | ler, had bis hand amputated Saturday. Burgess to act as chief of police (an election can be made Lough Council, Mills, Pa, spent - Memnorisd bay, of the firm of Ciallit 2. C. Eddleblute, ¥ rin, spent Friday in Patton, J. L. Rich, the popular shoe salesman of Philadelphia, was cireolating among his enstomers one day last week. Fred. Heller, employed by a lume "her firm at Ashville, was shaking handa with old friends in town Saturday, Wm. Gill has been appointed by the by the Bor Mod Saturday in Bhe was hers for the purpose of organ of Motise's Fratton Futian Mise lagholle H ‘ pens, izing 4 class in mnasic Everybody is invited to attend a fos. tival in Goldstein's hall to be held for tf Putton, the benefit of Baptist church May 30. Monday morning all the trainee on he Windber and Donlo branch of Po tender at the Mountain Honse, | RR. which were cancelled pending the The Mahaffey Gazette and the Glen gmallpox fight, resumed their regular Campbell Graphic are having a child. ish spat, Gus Wolf, of Curwenaville, was look- ing after business interesta in Patton Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff Elmer E. Davis, of Ebensburg, transacted business in Pat- John Hunter is home from Nant-y- glo, where he his been engaged for the past six months John A. Craig, of Jobnsonburg, was among the many strangers who visited ~ this place last week. John Nedimyer, ‘one of St. Law. our streets Saturday. W. T. Runyon, a traveling salesman | of Harrisburg, was un guest at the Commercial hotel Saturday. The Courter office has just turned out 150 by-laws for Marcellus Council No. #486, Y. M. L, of Patton. Alittle over five weeks till the 4th! of July. Is Patton going to be left, behind in a celebration this year? Bee change in C. W. Hodgkins ad | ‘this week. He has somthing to say in regards to flags for Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lupfer and son Arthur, attended the Knight Templar | conclave held at Altoona this week, Mr. and Mrs. Judge Cyrus Gordon, | of Clearfield, celebrated their 25th i (silver) anniversary Saturday, June 20. Mrs. C. E. Patton and son, John, | left Batorday last for a visit in Ebens- burg, Cambria county. -Curwensville | Review. The storm of Wednesday of last week | was alittle too much for the big iron | _ liberty pole in the public school | | grounds. Joseph Purnell, wife and child, of Patton, spent Sunday with the formers parents in this place, returning home Fe on Monday. It is stated that a number of business men of Carrolltown have organized a! company and will build a creamery in ' the near future. 5 Prank Pennington, formerly a resi- | dent of Patton, but who now resides at | Windber, Pa., was a visitor to this place the first of the week. Word from Washington announces the appointment of M. J. Hainey as! : at Coupon, Cambria county, | vice Henry Hagen, resigned. The Ebensburg Mountaineer-Herald | of last week contained three splendid | earning tne art of all arts in words, Is acting in the capacity of the printer's devil.” rence’s leading citizens, was seen on i { this place. existance. running. Pay | Wis Patten of the day abil | MOH YO rofl. Early Wakefield cabbage plants at the Cash Grocery, Ovsters all the year throughout at the City Restanrant. P OAR ate you money, All flavors of soda water at Hodg- | kin's Patton Pharmacy, Onions, radishes, rhubarb and let. i tee at the Cash Grocery on Saturday. Call at the Cash Grocery and get prices on groceries and youn will surely | { buy. Patrick McCamely, a mine foreman ‘of Spangler, made this place a visit] Monday. ! The new race track at this place wns rsurveyed Monday, and preparations | | are wing made to commence work at | once and push it to a speedy finish, Spangler Sentinel, Miners are not the only people who strike for higher wages, The employes of the Keystone Paving Co, who were doing the grading on Magee avenge for street paving “enjoyed” a strike Monday noon, { The Ebensburg Mountaineer that Webster Griffith's saw mill at Beniah, which is in charge of Mr Elisha Mahan, sawed 28,000 feet one recently, which is econsidersd a good day's work for an ordinary mill. Hy 5 Candacter John Myers, who had his leg broken recently, is rapidly improv. ard we expect to see him on the streets within a few days with his leg Tied in plaster paris and his loco dion nesisted by the use of eratehis i137 sibwcriber if he i'n sil Last week a delinquent watd he would pay Saturday Hvsed He's dead. Another said tomorrow. He's blind I hope to pay ¥ Ho's gone, annther sald, ory this week, or go to the devil Ex S.J. Stolz has resigned bis position with the Patton Hardware company and has accepted the position of bar. Eberis. He expects to take up his resi. there as soon as he can get a burg {denies hioagimes, Tho damage to crops and buildings | fof farms of this section of North Came { bria, caused by the storm of last Wed. { neaday is estimated at se vers! thonsan of dollars, Mrs. James Mol rossin, of Cloarfiald, spent a few hours in Patton Saturday, where | while ¥en rogte to Vintondale, her husband is interested in the mang. factur of luraber. Je i thr ploye of the Courrier office, Mra Sam’! Edmiston received a lets | ter Monday from her son Milliard, who is now a member of Troop EB. Beventh { Cavalry, U. B.A, Dr. and Mrs. D. 8. Rice and dangh- [ter, of Hastings, who had been in this | place with friends during the past few Lilays, returned home Friday evening Johnstown Democrat RL The foundation for Chas. about Samp eta wl, Hubbard will soon commence the Contractor Joseph work of framing the structure Misa Sarah Jones, formerly Lin the Patten Public schools. ACCT - panied by her sister Miss Minnie Jones, "both of Indiana, Pa., visited friends in | Patton Friday and Saturday. Chas. Paclpr. who wax so seriously | burned during the powde r explosion at viuit coidiery one day last week, left for his home at Patton Corl company’s No. 6 Blossburg, R. 8B. Toder, the jeweler, has re- Leelved one of the 80 Victor bloycles, fof which be ls the exclusive agent for It is a very pretty wheel grade manufactare. Tuesday morning. and of a high To thos who drink | pleasure; Hacpers whisk re those who Hit Arias Hold i bs drink key for health's sake; i makes life worth Uving (mer House, The ductor John ‘hanna branch Treese, of the Susque- weeks of which time he Roaring illness, about 3 spent in a sanitariom. a! half-tone cuts of views of scenery and | Springs, Bliir county. prominent buildings at that place. A correspondent at St. Boniface says C. R. Lord, who has been employed as miller at J. W. Gill's chop mill in! that the parties of that section who | this place for several years, left on Sun- have reserved coal have had no oc- casion to regret it. While the price paid fifteen years ago was ten to twelve dollars per acre, to-day some of the people of that vicinity refuse to sell , for Tews than $150 per acre. cas: ORnTA. g The Kind You Have Always Bought day for Patton where he will be em- capacity in the mill Chet. 13a No. 1 mil- ployed in a similar of J. B. Wilber. ler as well as a first-class young and we wish him success in his new location. —Coalport Standard. mal, CASTOILLA. Bears the The Kind You Haw Always Bought | i ¢. 2d PA aRinple in stamps. Drackenmilier, who looks after | the outside interosta of Porch Bros, Dmusie dealers of Johnstown, town Monday and while here made the LCOURIER a pleasant call, Was in Rhody 's | new brick building on Fifth avenae ia | bridge on West Magee avenue aod the Ldemtroviog of the bridge leading to the ‘mill of W. J. Donnelly & Co. a teacher ‘Railroad and J. D. were visitors to Patton Tuesday Carrolitown News says that Con- | passenger train roade his first trip on Monday, after 8 weeks | Whoever wants ta go to Parle in 1800 look up the splendid course of self instruction French lessons now ran. sliom id ‘ning in The International Magazine of (Chicago, HL, under Prof. Max Maury copy by mul oosts 10 ola We are glad to announce that Walter Mellon, who has been seriously iil for the past three weeks, is improviog wn ir $ Soins ia Bi EEL 3 Muster Howard Bloom is now an em rapidly. Great ho pron are entertained for his spewddy recovery unless sone unforseen complication seta in to mar hin convalesconoe, Thee co Pennsylvania State Collage, will be held June 11th, 12th, 18th and 14th | The buccalatireste sermon will be de. He ia stationed at | Pinar del Rin, Cuba. liverad by Rev. Lawrence M. Calfeit, D. In, of Philadelphia, on Randay, June 11th, st 10:80 a m I is maid that Max cently recovers] from who an attack of Foust, tes campdipox at Hastings, has Brooght suit to recover damages from the Penoayl vania Railroad company for being put off of the train on the main live at Lilly, Pa, on Monday, May Sth. Aside from destroying gardens, ete, the most serious damage sustained by the storm last Wednesday afternoon, wan that of washing away of the M. (i. Voelker, traveling passenger agent of the Pennsylvania Division of New York Central & Hudson River Lawton, traveling Areight agent, also of the same road, and while bore made the Coven a friendly The business of the postoftice at this place is still increasing as is evident by Postmaster Ed. A, Mellon notice Priday of an increase of §100 in which now is $1500 per This is a sure indication of the increase of population of our receiving the salary, Near. steady wn. Mr Hickman, who has been con- ted with the Spangler Sentinel for pie time, was in the city yesterday, en route to Windber, where he will do work for the Windber's new paper. My. Hickman called at this office to inspect the new press, Johns- town Demperat. E: ia, Wm. P. Barndoliar, representing Halpin & Greene, wholesale grocers, of Philadelphia, was looking after busi ness interests in this vieinity the first of last week. Mp. Barndollar, who is an exceptionally pleasant gentleman, is a genuine hastler in his line and knows how to make business and to keep it. CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Besrs the | Signature of a" Wall paper at Fisher's 3 te 3 aj Strike or no strike, the Cash Grocery mmentement exercises of the nT A A AA 3 et casTORmIA. Tha Kind Yog Hae A “Rex’’ Photo's are the real thing. Fresh shad, herring at the Cash Grocery. | a visitor to our town Friday, Barney MeClain, of Spangler, trans- acted business in Patton Monday. The employes of the Pennsvivania railroad wish to extend their sincere | Gratitude to Mr. H. 8. Buck and Mar- cellus Council Y. M1, for thease of i hall Tuesday evening, in making pres | entation to Mr. Moore, Frank Squires, of Ebenshurg, was a welcomé visitor to Patton Monday. i Mr. Squires is proprietor of the Ebens- burg Steam Laundry which is one of ithe most complete establishments of the kind in this section of the country. It is equipped with all modern ma- chinery and the work which is turned out there speaks for itself, i An angry advertiser rushed into the office of a provincial paper recently, and shouted tere, our wi ought to read ‘Thousands of patrons are wearing trousers of our own make.’ The foreman of the composing room looked up and meekly sad, "Well 7” The irate sdvertiser threw down a copy of the paper containing the ad. The compositor had made it “matrons”’ Ww. R Hoover, of Clearfield, wounded and afterwards captured a large white swan which was disporting aver the rORIGEnoe re. cently. bird is a beauty, measured 7 feet 2 laches from tip to tip. [It is recovering from the wound cand bas become gaite gentle in cap tivity. More than 100 persons visited iL on Lock Haven Express The commities of Cambria county the court house in BEbensburg on Saturday the 3d day of June, at | o'clock p.m, for the purpose of siecting seven dele. gates to the state convention and to elect vrman to fill the VACANCY cataed by the resignation of M.D saree and to transact such other business as roay cone before the Eales river near his The and Sunday. Democratic county will mest at 8 Odainly en committes [same Markle, 4 well known and pro. minent citizen of Newharg died at his home in that place Friday, May 12th, in the 80th year of his age. Mr. Mar. kle was well known to the writer a quarter of a contuary ago when New. burg Hurd LaJose was a mere hamlet of a Joven or 80 houses, He leaves a widow, two sons and three daaghler to mourns a kind husband and father Curwensvilie Review 4. W. the capacity Bas manager loving Lapfer, who has been acting in stare of Gen, 8 Good, has resigned Tis jemition to take offect the fest of June, to wocept a similar position with MB. tourtright & Co, at Hastings, Mr. Luapfer bas been in Patton nearly two years and while bere made many warm friends by his courteous and obliging manners. In taking op his new fled of COURIER winds. €. A. Repsher, who has been fore. man of the mechanical department of the Covrier office tor the past five yours, has resijrned his position and will leave for Pittsburg whire he expecta to sek employnumt in one of the large job printing of that city. Mr. Repsher was a good, faith. fal and obedisnt employe and we trust labor the extends best eatablisbiments sucosasinl in securing a v wituation of which he will hw steady and ucrativ he is deserving of ' PT. wha traveled keen observer, a place where there are no churches thes exlensively Gree wad: showman, and was TRBOW me Barnum, great and where preachers are never seen, and I will show you =» piace y w hers windows, where the ia ps 5 £34 are staffed nto hitiges, wiere and hats thie i women wre slipehioed, Lof the devils wild gates have po w hare land are printed on a ¥ yi #3 " Xv & the bosoms with tobacco jules what I will show you, Let's consldar what these things have done that's for us before WE Hightiy cutee then. John Wanamaker tio stone building at Murke! street, the store, in Phila will erect a gigan- Thirteenth and resent aight of him 4 deiphia The proposed structure 8 to be twelve and will prob; years. The SHOX IN feet stories high hiv be completed in two Bigre im to be 7d to ths Lape $ ¥ iW SET in size and it is propose in such a fashion thar build it eration of the present store shall net Be interfered with. constructed in four see. To do this the new store will be tions, quarter of each section to represent a building, It i» under stood that when finished the building will have cost $4,006, 000, the It makes no difference how cheap you can buy groceries elsewhere, | can still save you some money, quality of grounds conmiderad, THE CASH GROCERY, Grand Opening The grand opening of Patton Fire Company's Park will take place on Mav Jith, held in th Sfreshments when a grand s afternoon and will be served in the Evervhody (Tuesday, dance will by evening. Re an the country has be ‘invited. grounds Finest music 1 seotired, catfish, eels, bass and Peter Campbell, of Carrolitown, was of the large A ER Ah NA ou wear NEW SHOES For Spring OAL SAS, THE NEW SHOE. s shoes are not what you want Buy Buy the new ‘oo sh They are up-to-date, and you will start ont Last year’ with us Hes, wearing them prejudiced in thei favor. ‘They are made right vad will be sold right. We that our pric es are the | equal quality, but that. We. toch % inch i fund the me % WO we] Sis v ‘ Ciarm ATTON SUPPLY stv ly dis pl CO. has there be «et shown such an au complete line of NEW SHOES 1 Don’t Buy Your Shoes % : He, ¥ § pto-date, 4 HOw 5 wrt larerpgt 153% LER tot i Omnr re We have the hest Come and see for vou until you see our shoes to select from. are the lvwest. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? ol : The Sorosis. THE 83.50 SHOE FOR \WYOMEN. as certain peculiarities in construct trouble, the flattening of ire arch of the inste P and n “Sorosis! 15 yractically, SUPE ri i: the . ‘ Id Wi HIRI mechanical any can pure No | better shoe 18 made. footwear, They are irize cities . IE hye £13 wally I< hase ' T to ot he Tr = {108 You nro Prat and has became arty 1AaS I iit worn by f “Sorosis’ 1s a reve lation 1 standard of the world. able ladies of the attractive than a handsom matter what size you HAG ya rien wo AE EEN] IN New Shoes For Boys and Girls. : No better line of WAS ever ver £2 coo worth of ¢ shoes alone to select from. others it will pay & w Vhat 1s more WOarl., and see them. New Shoes For Babies. One of the largest and prettiest therm in all codors Wa have shoes for all. Men, Women, Black, ail styles, at 15 to £1.50 per pair ry xrygr r q \WE HAVE THEM. Come and See Them - WARBH GOODS Madras, Ginghams, Pero tiem, Zephrys, Batiste, Orpandies, Lawns, gue (in all colors, Ribb very latest, Laces and Fmbroideries (over $400 worth to select fram. Belts in all colors and styles. This Department has budded out in all its spring love- liness. There is a revelation of beauty ol newness coming to hand. We are showing the vanguard of things that are fashionable and that will be worn by jadies of good taste in all of the large cities this scasson, No end of new things in this line, and to our large assortment we add the additional inducementa of low prices that can't be approached elsewhera, PATTON SUPPLY GO. The Busy SIore tines ever showed In Patton, We have Boys, Girls and Babies in Tun and a, Dime ia the This Bedroom Suit Only $15.00. connsivahle A shart ne will have the goods that catch the \ Farniture in ev patiern to aul all fi Fine Fery Listes, Hg Over oupy you that we rand sell at prices urcers, ‘Undertaking, Embalming, Etc, Etc, 3 this watch and iso guaranteed } * ty » & £ ph: * by the manutacturer, Cone 11 and see it. . etiods th edd. action fi | S. BUCK, Hotel P atton. The Patton Jeweler 2%