The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 25, 1899, Image 2

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    atton Gourier.
: Poliles-— Independent Interest Patton nd
Rurrounding Country. Motto Jastl
All amd Malte wo Towa rd Nine,
E. Wily GREENE, Editor,
ths more liable to
roduce la grippe, :
ous throat affection. !
hoy need somethin Sg
th twill give you |
Se ‘and build
do this when everything i
fails. There is no doubt 1
It nourishes,
fal hotel,
Priday, May 17.
H. A. Kratzer ot ux. et al. to the
Pardee Colleries, Elder; cansideration
cis A. Murray, Cambria, $500,
Francis A. Murray et vir to John A.
Lewis, Cambria, $600.
Louis Stevens et ux.
Conte, Cresson, $300.
Emanuel Sanker to Charles Buck, |
Cresson, $1,200.
John 8 Wetnell et ux. to John J.
Sharbaugh, Carrolltown, $100.
Mary A. Straosbaugh et vir to
Thomas 8. Emypfield; Blacklick, $90.
Amebry, Clearfield, $1.
Administrator of D. M. Kratzer to
W. W. Amsbry, Clearfield, $3,156.
Jacob 8. Brant et ax. to Frank Brant, ]
Clearfield, $1.
iate and County Taxes |
The county Treasurer of Cambria
eounty will visit the several districts of
i NorthjCambria county for the purpose
‘of collecting county, state and dog’
taxes. A discount of five per cent will
October 1st, but five per cent will be
after that date.
visited and the time are ms follows:
Allegheny township, at Loretto,
nst 2; Ashville borough, hotel, D.
Myers, July 21; Barneshoro borough,
Commercial hotel, July 12; Barr town.
ship, H. F. Luther, hotel July 10;
July 81; Carroll township, st Carroll-
town, July 31; Chest Springs borough,
| Green's store, Angust 1; Chest town.
ship, election house, July 34; Clearfield |
! township, election house, July 19; Dean
township, Snyder's hotel, July 20; Elder
township, election house, July 17, Hast- |
ings borough, election house, July, 14;
Loretto borough, school house, August
2; Munster township, election house,
Angustil?; Patton borough, Commerc
July 18; Reade township,
east, (lasgow’s store, July 28; Reade
township, south, school house, July 27,
Reade township, west, Brown's hotel,
Joly 28; Spangler borough, Brandon
hotel, July 11; Susquehanna township,
north, election house, July 13; Susqne-
| hanna township, south, at Barneshoro,
12: White township, election
. house, July 25.
wad B31 iw, 2! iste
BROWNE Chermiate New York.
We ARE pleased to announce that
e American Protective Tariff league
has appointed Congressman Joseph E. |
Thropp, of this district, a member of |
the jury on awards for the best essays of |
college students on economic questions. |
Mr. Thropp is Bevond Vice President |
of the above named association and!
lias always taken a prominent and
active part in its work. i
Anson. P. Dare, of Harrisbarg, is very |
enthusiastic over the fact that bis coun- |
‘was the first in the field on the mat-
ter of Cycle Path Commissioners under !
the new L. A. W. Mr. Dare is one of |
the law workers of the Pennsylvania |
division, L. A. W. The bill was mades
law on April 11, and KEsoREoN on 13th. |
Notice was given Mr. Dare at 10am. J
and by noon his petition was in circula-
tion. With the requisite number of | ®
signers the petition was presented in |
open court on the 17th. Mesars. Dare,
Stamm and Frank were duly appoint
| Commissioners for that county, and |
the two first named are L. A.W.
members, they will work in harmony, |
WHILE we must honor the memory of |
such generals as Grant, Bherman and
Sheridan, believing them to be as great |
soldiers as ever sat in saddle, lot us
teach our children to gather flowers for |
the graves of the soldiers who obeyed |
thelr commands and who carried to |
their deaths the wounds indicative of
their loyalty and bravery. The war is,
over. The victory is ours. The union
stands. We ure still citizens of the
greatest and grandest country. upon |
the face of the globe. The glory!
- the victory belongs to the men who
fought in the ranks, and through this
victory we have secured some national |
blessings, for which we ought to be!
Mode, published by The Morse- Brough.
‘ton Co., No.
| York, has just been received and is
profoundly ¢ thankful as a nation.
: we Gos Bim Here 1 Too.
We admire that king of a galoot who |
: eriticises a paper for what it does or
does not contain when he haso’t liber.
ality enough to subscribe for the
journal with which he finds (agit, but
sneaks around and borrows or steals
the copy of some liberal-minded man.
There are cattle of that kind in every |
community and this place is not!
exempt. —Hollidaysburg Register.
Passiig of thi Yoteran,
: The veterans of the Cirand Army are
; g off every year like ripened
fruit. Ere long all will have reached
their comrades. Then, sooner or later, |
‘the stated observance of Memorial day |
will cease, for to their children’s child-
yen it will have lost its meaning.
Vainly is “Esto perpetua” inseribed
mpon anything earthy,
Jand, is none the less sacredly beautiful.
The finest raising and prones for the
money are at the Cash Grocery.
Bnt the vol-|
untary offering of tribute to the.
woldier dead, still made all over the . imal away,
Hada water
In Patton at
Hodgking' Patton Pharmacy.
Jane is the month for weddings.
Get your pictures framed at Fisher's.
Leave your laundry with Scheid &
Good tea at the Cash Grocery for 25
ota. per pound
Miss Virginia Lingle is visiting re-
latives at Philipsburg.
Rig dance at Firemen's Park on May
30th. Don’t fil to attend.
R. A. Shetting and lady drove down
from Chest Springs Bunday.
Call on Ernst Bruer, the photo
| Seaphier, corner of Fourth and Magee |
You cannot do better than to call on
Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing,
ete, Estimates freely given, tf
(i. E. Parker and Chas. Pritchard, two
prominent citizens of Philigeburg, were
{ looking after business interests in town
| Monday.
What more acceptable birthday pres
ent than a year's subscription to The
International Magazine of Chicago? It
| costa only §1.00,
Property for Sale
A valuable property, consisting of a
‘good 2story frame building used as a
store and residence, with first-class base.
ment, situated on Fifth avenue, Splen-
did well on premisess. Also good out-
buildings. Will be sold at a reasonable
Call on or address
Jonx Gallary,
Patton, Pa.
The June number of [Art de Ia
3 Fast 10th street, New
replete with beautifully engraved illos-
| trations with eight large colored plates
representing the latest productions of
their artists and designers in both
Surope and America. 11 is essentially
a journal of fashion and culture and
(as the styles for the coming seascn
| make greater demands upon the dress.
maker than for years past the fashion.
¢ able modiste must find” delight in the
jauntiness and fetching qualities of the
modes as we find them displayed in
1! Art de la Mode.
Estray Notice.
Came to the premises of Jacob Kirk-
patrick, Elder township, Cambria
white spotted bull about one and
one-half years old. The owner
requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take said
otherwise it will be dis-
posed of according to law.
Hastings, Pa.
May 23, 1500,
Deeds Recorded ut Ebenshurg ap io Date
Andrew Strittmatter et ax. to Fran. |
to Domenico. |
Joseph J. Waber et ux. to W. W..
be allowed on taxes paid on or before |
The places
Aung- |
Carrolltown borough, election house,
in Patton Borough.
’ ing Co.
For Lowneys and Sparrows choco
lates go the City Restaurant. | ware store in Patton.
nections, Hastings No.
Pa., May 1, 1509, a red and.
| amr
Mr. G. A. Htilisan,
ampico,. 1
CURE is meetin
ce we.
oueep THAT 4 HAD seen
that physicians
1 L myself am
. | merits,
Pictare (of health, ang y
Cure has made it such |
= Fees years with the die
ra than 1 dia
can obtain? eéme
cates of its medical
Pronounced incurable
; a merchanr of
& with wonderful auc.
cured some cans here
Pronounced incurable.
able to testify
My face to day
It has
to ita
fs a living
our Kidney
had suffer-|
and to day 1 feel tom years
one year ago. tf
wonderful certifi.
] quatitiens™
ZR SALVE is a Healing ‘Wonder.
o. Ww. Hodgkinn. | Patton Pharmaoy.
For that tired fooling. try v Hodgking
cool soda water,
Onions, radishes and rhobarb on
Thursday at the Cash Grocery.
People who have once taken De-
Witt's Little Early Risers will never
have anything else. They are the
“famons little pille’ for torpid liver
and irregmlarities of the system. CO
W. Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy.
1! For Safe.
For sale, one lot, No. 2, in Blk
56, fronting on Fifth avenue in the
Borough of Patton. For terms apply
to Henry Raemsch, Elkins, W. Va. 228
By allowing the accumulations in the
bowels to remain,
poisoned, DeWitt’s Littie Early Risers
regulate the bowels. Try them and
you will always use them. CW,
Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy.
To Bemain Here Regularly.
Ernst Bruer, the photographer, who
has his gallery located on the corner of
Fourth and Magee avenues, near raii-
road station wishes to inform the public
, that he can now be found in his gailery
in the week to await
Prices are
every day
those who wish work done.
reasonable and all work guaranteed
Pneumonia, lagrippe, coughs, rool,
croup and whooping cough readily
yield to One Minute Cough Care.
this remedy in time and save a doctor's
bill~or the . undertakers C.
Hodgkin 5 Patton Pharmacy.
» vr Mabe,
The following is offered at private
aale: One show case, three stare scales,
one 16-foot counter, one oil tank and
pump attachment good as new. Also
agent to rent or sell several propertions
Inquire of George
Boone, corner of lang and Fifth
Little, neglected scratches and
wounds frequently result in blood pol
soning. Heal them quickly with De.
Witt’s Witch Hazel Balve, a thoroughly
anti-septic application with a record of
always curing piles, oid aloers, sores
ents, woonds and skin diseases. CW
Hod gkina, Patton Pharmacy
The Hastings and Patton Undertak-
has an office in the Spencer
block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard.
Telephone con.
Ti: Patton Nao
and H.
3 (.(
J. Faaly,
are the
. Girenninger,
If you have piles cure them. No tne
pndergoing horrible operations that
simply remove the results of the dis
case without distarbing the diseaw
itself. Place your confidence in De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has never
failed to cure others; it will not fall to
cure you. COC. W. Hodgkins, Patton
Wheping § ough.
I had a little boy who was nearly
dead from an attack of whooping
cough. My neighbor recommended
Chamberlain's cough Remedy. 1 did
not think that any medicine would belp
him, but after giving him a few doses
of that remedy | noticed an improve
ment, and one bottle cured him en.
tirely. [It ix the best congh medicine |
ever had in the house, J. I. Moore,
South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by
Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkin
If you suffer from tenderness or full
ness on the right side, pcos
shoalder-blade, constipation,
nes, sick-beadache and feel
and sleepy vour Hver ix torpid and oun
gested. DeWitt's Little Barly Himes
will cure you promptly, pleasantly and
permanently by removing the conges.
tion and causing the bile ducts to open
and flow naturally, They
pills. CC. W. Hodgkins,
Dealer in
‘Wines, Liquors,
Beer, Etc.
D. Lutz & Son's Beer a
Our Bottled Beer and Fi
family use cannot be excelled
are reasonable.
the entire system is
are gin sd
eter fur
Arathor Case of Rbeomatiem Carsd by
Chamberiain's Pain Balm.
My son was afflicted with rheamatism
which contracted his right limb anti
he was unable to walk. After using
ene and a half bottles of Chamberlain's
Tas ahont
pocorn mend in
Raimi he was able Pag
I oan heartily
persons suffering
John Freed Calhoun Co,
Va. Pr hy Patton Pharmacy,
£0 W. Hadgkins
K|nider, Ww
wy Ande
Many old soldiers now feel the effets
of the hard service they endared dar
ing the war, Mr Geo. 8 Anderson. of
Rossville York county, Pa, who
the hardest kind of service at the front
is now frequently troubled with rheo.
matiam. T had a severe attack lataly
he says, “and procared a
(Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
mach good that T would
ft did a
he, ey Crags
Ee Dey ROW
mu for one
what yon world charge
dozen bottles" Mr. Anderson wanted
for his ow usk
it tn his friends and neighbors, ag svery
farnily should have a hottle of it in his
3 gb w :
it hath wal LD stp piy
home, not for rhonmatiam,
lame back, cents,
hires and burns, for which it Bs un.
For sale by Patton Pharm.
£ niy
sprains, swellings,
acy. OC. W
We have the most complete stock
of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria. |
Over 100 new designs to select from.
Prices from 3} to 50 eta per roll.
Room Monldings from 3 to 8 ofa &
foot. We also carry a full line of
Wail Pockets, Pictures, Frames and
Monidings. Can make any size Frame
desired al the lowest hd
Frames cleaned and renewed.
The Patton Wall
Paper Store,
The Delineator
18 THE
Woman's Fav orite
and is ned by the famous fashion
publishers, The Butterick Publishing
Co. | Limited Lat Toto 17 West Thir.
teonith Stevet, New Yark, at the re
markably low rate of
for a year's subscription, or 1H cents
per copy. Of ali family 14 EC it
ts the great caterer to Domestic Needs,
and can he peonmmen de for {ta cheap
news, Guefaliness, bean ind, freshness
and utility,
L. W. Cook.
- For Summer
Hut weather will
any things will
can buy here at their
eibbed aloes CELE Vis
25 and ! Sher vega hy.
5 hy
wlorwear at
Girone vy. a REPENIER AT
©O dors ra al 0, “i9e. tam eh
Me 4 w B: bei HRS
Madras shirts in handsome sty tes and
colors at 8Te and $1.50 each.
White Pique at He, 15
and 35¢ a yard.
White dimities at 3c and 30c a yard
White lawn, 40 inches wide at To, lie,
12i¢ andl 15¢ a yard
A ecaunplete line of eo lored Lawns,
dimities and other w aah poe? Tq ames ie all
the newest shades W
thr wh
1 0 x Lasker
wt Bf Nery uo
owing in new
% ary fine
All orders &
speedily filed,
sam ples goods are
§ ive Me § TE
1% jraikl
Altoona, Penna.
Between Phi iadeiphin ‘and New York bid
spending the day in New Y
bottle of
An the season of the your when prev:
monia, lagrippe, sore throat, conghs,
Philadelphia & Readiag Raflway, | colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung
For lnxarons, swift and at the same | troubles are to he guarded against,
time perfectly safe traveling the above nothing ‘is a fine substitute,’ will
traing cannot be excelled, a special not- “unswer the purpose,” or is ‘just as
able faatnre is the entire absence of | good” as One Minute congh cure. That
smoke, not and cinders, the engines is the one infullable remedy for all
burning only hard coal. The intodue. jung, throat and bronchial troubles.
tion of these trainy by the Philadelphia | Insist vigorously on having it if “‘some-
& Reading wis a great boon to the thing else” is offered yon. CW.
of hoth cities, and re Patton Pharmacy.
Boarding House.
thas stead % ter as well as that!
Vine Street,
of other persons for pleasure or busi.
ness It iw a commen prac |
Opposite Franklin Sqaare.
parlor oar
ioe by these travelers to leave home
in Philadelphia after breakfast, and |
York return
mofate the gentiomion the S304 my. to Cambria and Clearfield
and $30 1 fram New York, also county people visiting Phila-
have a parlor smoking our attached, delphia will ind this a con-
Fo tire fables ¥
r tine Phila- | venient and central location.
& Reading agent, or an
Terms &1.00 per day.
Felson J, Cieneral
MRS. 5. B. KING.
bnsineas men
Purp WE
in time for 7 o'clock dinner,
trains, and the 7
from New Y
to all these |
Won mito and § pom
Pullman |
To specially accom. |
Cars are attached
ore also have
iy an ¥
3 sie A gant
ger Terminal,
Soft Rivets
Mean Wear
and Stretch.
This trinity of evils 1s avoided
chain block steel,
= ECW,
is tempered
» « - i
the chain pin 1s tempered steel
ing down to a minimus As the chain
i casy « 30
+ Cleveland chain construction is a study in itself,
. is .
If there was better we would use it.
vow wee Bek we pp
S3E1 Fy heddiad x
Ed. A. Mellon, Agt., Patton, Pa.
At a
neat and clean:
(Grocery House where things look
where Clerks are polite and obliging;
yeliveries are made free of charge and on time;
are getting the best
That's the
be sure of it.
x ’ a
1! where you know you
1 3 Fs x wii . vs haa
market at the fairest of prices.
. : . a
af House keen, Call
* : - Ys * 8
i srl) {Ine ol
We and
at prices
When in town make our store
headquarters. Y ou will
Ww ele ITI,
eo. S. Good,
your be