» atio n « a n Y i er. | Letter From New Mexico, Politics Independert. Interest Patton amd Surronndinge Conntry, Motto fastios ta All and Mallee Toward Nano, WATTON PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. E Witte angeese, Edita. ESTABLISHED - - ——— Brie i SA Gein s weakened. | so, don't give the baby a lot of medicine; just use your every-day common sense and help nature a little, and the way to do: it is to add half a teaspoon- y OTIS to the baby’s food three or | four times a day. The gain § will begin the very first day you give it. It seems fo; correct the digestion and gets the baby started right { again. If the baby is nurs- ing but does not thrive, then the mother should take the | femulsion. It will have a] § five years proves this fact. | soc. and $1 oo, oll dragriens. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York, 1 as H. B. WorggLl, the chairman of the Pennsylvania Division Highway Com. mittee, is very much elated over the | manner in which his Boasd Bill was re. weived by the House in Harrisburg, although for the time being defeated Regurding the future of the ventare, | Mr. Worrell has the following to say: “1 am more than pleased at the results of our efforts on behalf of the good roads movernent in this State. We succeeded in getting the road bill be. fore the House. If a full attendanre had been present 1 think we would have passed it, but there were only 148 members on the floor. As soon as it was found that Senate Bill 1065 WAS | defeated, we asked for the appoint- ‘ment of a State lommaunion of seven members, three to be appointed by the Governor, one by the State Girange, one by the Secretary of Agriculture, one by the Parmers’ Alliance of Penn- sylvania and one by the League of American Wheelmin. This it is under. | stood will be complied with and we will once more get to work so as to be prepared for the next Legisiatare.” ; Adviee to Girls, Don’t hang around the depot unless you are going away or meeting friends, mys an exchange. Don't go to church, ‘take a back weat with your escort and whisper and giggle during service. ~ Don’t be loud, boisterous or slangy. ~ Stand on your dignity; do not form acquaintances quickly; do not carry | your hearts on your sleeve, and don’t throw yourself in the arms of every good looking actor or well dressed stranger that comes to town, Be wom. ‘anly, be modest, be thoughtful and serious at times; don’t unsex yourself oe and thus lose woman's sweetest charm, Don’t regard your long-legged brother "as a nuisance; don't tarn up your nose ‘at your old-fashioned father and his poor grammar, and do not play a “hot time” on the piano when your good old mother is playing a “hot time” on “the washboard, j Pled at County Home, 1sadore Rifle died at the County Home at 3 o'clock p. m., May 1st, aged _gbout 91 years. He was admitted to the Almskouse on January 80th, 1894, and had made his home there since. Mr. Riffle was born and raised in Som- greet county and was postmaster at Jenner X Roads for a period of 20 years. His sons attended the funeral, paying all expenses. el os AA NTA sm cheap I can It makes no difference how you can buy groceries elsewhere, goods considered, : : THE Casi GROCERY. CASTORIA. ~The Kind You Have Always Bought i W, ! | i The Courier this week publishes { the following communication from W. McFarlin, of Clarksville, N. M,, | who left Patton about one raonth ago tp accept a situation with the Link Belt | Mining company, of ("hicago: Clarksville, N. M., April 24, "99. Eprror COURIER: DEAR SIR: Kindly permit me a small space in the columns of your paper to let the boys in Patton know where | am. Well I am in camp at Clarksville, a mining town located five miles from Gallop, the nearest town, on the Santa Pe railroad. This is a very dry country ‘aa all the water ased at our camp has | ‘to be hanled from the town mentioned. We have a very fine vein of coal here, from seven to eight feet in depth, ‘and is exceptionally hard. The day laborers here receive $3.00 per day and the men who load coal from the ma- chines receive twenty cents per ton. 1 find that thirty runs per day is a good day's work with the machines and if the men make good wages they have good prices to pay for everything, as board is $25.00 a month with $3.00 for room rent, $0.50 for fuel and $1.50 for doctor so yon see that requires jost £30.00 every month for expenses alone, All the houses here are adobe built of mud and are warm and comfoatable. There are plenty of Indians here, three being empdoved on the tipple at Daring a fon to their quarters on Sunday we saw CUP ines visit of inspect- many of them wearing blankets which they weave themselves, An old Indian woman whom | saw is said to be 108 years oid Khe has pood eyesight and ean walk aronnd ber beer hetter than [ can. The county is very wild and Indians and Mexicans abound in plenty. Well 1 think this is all this time so hoping the boye in Patton are get. ting along well, I remain Yours very truly, W. WW. McPariaN PICKERS IN DIRT in for Desds Reeorded at Ehensburg ap te Date Friday, May & Michael! Burns 1 gx to Amis A, Cirumbling, Barneshoro, consideration, $1,500, Chest Creek Land & Improvement company to J. H. Dixon et al, Patton, £180, Walburg Carlheim et ux of al to Bar- bara Carlheim, Chest Springs, $420. . Thomas H. Hober to Catharine C Huber, Carroll, $5. Jacob M. Hollen et ux to Martin T. Mulhollen, Reade, $200. M D Kitteli ot ux Shiber, Cresson, $200, John Yabner et ox to D. A Lather, Jr., Patton, $500. John Yahner et ux to I. A Lather, ‘Jr, Patton, $2,500, Mary A. McGarrity to John Banker, Jr., Cresson, $125. Henry Hagan to Edward D. Delogier, . Gallitzin township, $650. | Barah A. Noal et vir to Mary Cowen, White, $1. Emma R. Karlinsey et vir to Thomas Barnes, et al, Sasquehanpa, $5,347. . Melissa Anderson et vir to Emma R. Karlinsey, Susquehanna, $100. Daniel Keith et nx to Fmma R. Kar. linsey, Barr, $168, David Orifffith et ux to Fmma R Karlinsey, Susqaehanna, $125. | John Gaines et ux to Carrie V. Miller, Gallitzin township, $100. | John Gaines et ux to Carrie V. Miller, | Gallitzin township, $125. Webster Griffith et ox «t alto EH. ' Davis, Ebensburg, $450. | Executrix of Joseph Walter to Mat- | this Strawmier, Allegheny, $4,500. Michael DD. Wills, by Sheriff, to Gal- litzin Building & Loan Association, Ashville, $560. to Francis P. | of Munster township, Munster, $35. Carroll, $1,800. Chest, $35. . Nathaniel Weaklen et ux to Matilda | Kline, Chest, $115. : Excelsior Building & loan Associa- thon to Frank Harrington, Ashville, ! Simon P. Kline et ux et al to Andrew Kline, Chest, §1. : Reduced Rates to Washington. On account of the National Peace ! Jubilee to be held at Washington, D. c., May 23, 24 and 25, the Pennsylvania Railroad company hes arranged to sell | excursion tickets from all stations to | Washington at the rate of sing'e fare |for the round trip, except that the ; rates from New York, Philadelphia and { Baltimore will be $8, $0 and $2 respect- lively, with proportionate rates from intermediate and adjacent points. | Tickets will be sold May 22 snd 23, | good to retarn within ten days from {date of sale when properly validated | by the agent at Washington. | The June number of L’Art de la | Mode, published by The Morse-Brough- ton Co., No. 3 East 19th street, New ' York, has just been received and is replete with beautifully engraved illus- trations with eight large colored plates representing the Javan productions of thei rtista an oxi in ti still save you some money, quality of | Ee on bod po A os are cy t is essentially ‘a journal of fashion and cultare and as the styles for the coming season ‘ make er demands upon the dress- “maker than for years past the fashion- ‘able modiste must find delight in the jauntiness and fetching qualities of the ‘modes as we find them displayed in ' L'Art de 1a Mode. i hill ' Boone, John Beiter et ux to School District Jacob Yahner et ux to Daniel Klein, | J. Eaaly, : ! THE TWO HOUR TRAINS | Between Philadelphia and New York via camoke, soot and cinders, 'hurning only hard coal C. W. Hodgkins, Wall paper at Fisher's 34 cents a roll. Leave your laundry with Scheid & Wilkins. For that tired feeling, try Hodgkin cool soda water. Onions, radishes and rhubarb Tharsday at the Cash Grocery, O18 J. D. Bridge, aditor and proprietor of the Democeat, Lancaster, NH says: “T would not be without One Minute congh cure for my boy, when troubled wit a cough or cold. It x the best remedy for croup | ever used ©’ OC W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Properiv For Sale A house and lot on corner of Palmer and Pennsylvania avenues, will be sold at a bargain. Inquire of M. M. Nolan, Patton, Pa Feople who bave taken De Witt's Little Farly Risers will never have anything elses. They th “famous little pills” for torpid Bver and irregularities of the system. © W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, 1s For Sale, For sale, one lot, No. in 58, fronting on Fifth avenue Borough of Patton. Por terms apply to Henry Raemsch, Elkins, W.Va 228 anos are py Block in the By allowing the accumulations in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers regulate the bowels Try them and you will always use them. (. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, To Remain: Here Regaluriy. Ernst Bruer, the photographer, who has his gallery located on the corner of Fonrth and Magee avenues, near rail- road station wishes to inform the public that he can now be found in his gallery every day in the week to await on those who wish work done. Prices are reasonable and all work guaranteed, Pneumonia, lagrippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to One Minute cough cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor's or the undertakers. © W Hodgkin's, Patton Pharmacy. ae, The following is offered at private sale: One show case, three store scales, one 18.foot counter, one oil tank and pump attachment good as new. Also! agent to rent or sell several properties Inquire of George | Woman's Favorite in Patton Borough. corner of Lang and Fifth Avenues. Little, neglected scratches Heal them quickly with De- anti-septic application with a record of always curing piles, old ulcers, sores, enta, wounds and skin diseases. CC. WW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. : Undertaking. ; The Hastings and Patton Undertak- ing Co. hax an office in the Spencer Thomas Illig et ux to John Springer, block, Hastings, aud in the Kirk Hard. ware store in Patton. Telephone con- nections, Hastings No. 77; Patton No. 3. C. C. Grenninger, Patton, and H. Hastings, are the funeral directors. If you have piles cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the resulta of the dis ease without disturbing the disease iteelf. Place your confidence in De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to care others; it will not fail to cure you. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Whooping Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's cough Remedy. 1 did not think that any medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improve- ment, and one bottle cured him en- tirely. It is the best cough medicine | ever had in the house South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins If you suffer from tenderness or fall ness on the right side, pains under shoulder-blade, constipation, hillions. ness, sick-headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and con- gested. DeWitt's Little Facly Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the conges. tion and causing the bile duds to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE is a and’ wounds frequently result in blood poi- soning. | Witt’a Witch Hazel Balve, a thoroughly J. L. Moore, | Healing Wonder. Patton Pharmacy. Cudls of Rhenmatiem Cured by imate riain’s Pain Balm, Arvint her : soi) ; My son wis afflicted with rhenmatism limb until After {Chamberlain's which contracted his right nein ter walk rie Hf hee was nnahle swe and a half be Pain Baim he was able to be abont again | ean heartily recommend it to [We PROTIS RY Yering from rheamatinm, Ww Pharmacy, Sndele. Frewd, Calhoun For dale 3 Patton Houilg John Va £ WwW kins soldiers now fied the ofacta Many oid of the hard jervice they endured dur. ing the war! Mr Geo 8 Anderson, of Rossville Yark Pa. SRW the hardest kind of service at the front ' COMLY. who i» now frequently troubled with rhea. matism. “1 had a severe attack lately,” of i i . Pail Lies It did he salva, and procoared a Chamberlain's Pain Balm much good that 1 wonid ' 5 what yon arid char depen ba i bith for | it to Bix feidnds and neighbers « AM BVery family should have a bottle of it in his home, not only for rheamatism, bot lame back, sprains, swellings conta bhroises and barns, for which 8 is an feud Patton Pharm. Ww ; on . SOIR For same hy \WWALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria. Over 100 new designs to select from. Prices fram 34 to 8 ots per roll. Room Monidings from 3 to 5 dt a foot. We carry a4 fall line of Wall Pockets, Pletares, Frames and Mouldings. Can make any size Frame at the owest (id Frames cleaned and renewed The Patton Wall Paper Store, Hodgkins, y ARO esd red prices A. C. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, PENNA. The Delineator IS THE Magazine, and is issued by the famous fashion ublishers, The Batterick Publishing ‘oo. Limited at 7 to 17 West Thir teenth Street, New York, at the re. markabiy low rate of $1.00 for a year's subacription, or 15 cents per copy. M ail family m nes it i the great caterer to Domestic Needs, and ean be recommended for ita cheap- nese, peefiiness, heanty, and, freshness i and atility. | { } L., W. Cook. WE . Have almost evervthing for personal household Hses Now In pa rtments. i DrODer Ge- i : Our great variety is one of our chief charms and males the popular saving “if yon cannot find it at Cook's you cannot find it in town." Here are a few good things: New scarf linens, very pretty, with fancy drawn work and hemstitched edge, at 25¢, 35c, and $1.50 per yard. Grey linen for shirt waists and skirts for 12ic, 150, Mc and 25¢ per yard. Huckaback towels in heavy quality, 19x38 inches, for 124c each. 3 te. White crochet quilts, hemmed, for ‘ ; 85¢ each, Striped wash silk, 37 4c yard A heavy quality Moasselin de Sole for gowns, Soc per yard. Also new lace curtains and draperies of ali sorts at very reasonable figures OUR MAIL Order system is perfect and every at- attention given, One Square From Station. Altoona, Penna. i Philadelphia & Reading Railway. For nxurons, swift and at the same time perfectly safe traveling the above trains cannot be excelled, a special not. | is the entire absence of the engines The intadue. tion of these trains by the Philadelphia & Reading was a great boon to the bosiness men of cities, and the patronage by this class of passengers has steadily increased as well as that of other persone for pleasure or busi. ness purposes, It is a common prac. tice by these travelers to leave home in Philadelphia after breakfast, and spending the day in New York retarn in time for 7 o'clock dinner Pullman cars are attached to all these able feature bet by trains, and the 7.30 a m toand 4 p.m from New York have Pullman Buffet parlor car. To specially accom. modate the gentlemen the 5:30 a m. to and 430 pm from New York, have a parlor smoking car attached For time tables apply 1o any Phila- & Reading raddson J, alu alm tioket Ww sek - delphia agent, or Ceenoral Terminal, & RELI TRRR BP seni vs rag we Airey t TONLE) bared Philadelphia As the season of the year when pnen- moni, lagrippe, sore throat, conghs, (colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, {nothing ‘is a fine substitate,” will “angwer the purpose.’ or is “jost as | good” as One Minate cough care. That is the one infallable remedy for all lung, throat and bronchial troubles Insist vigorously on having it if “some- thing ose’ is offered yon C W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Boarding House. =07 Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and Clearfield cotnty people visiting Phila- delphia will ind this a con- venient and central location. Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. 5. B. KING. Ed. A. Mellon, Agt., Patton, Pa. YOU At teat v Grocery House where things look and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging: where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. House we keep. Sart ot Have vou seen our line DRY GOODS The finest n to suit your purse. I» That's the Call and be sure of it. $ £13 ’ this section and at prices When in town make our store vour welcome. headq uarters. You will eo. S. Good, Patton, Fa. - Ww