= a REBE 3 ad DR. T B. EUANS, Dry Lind or Bass Wood Lumber, one Surgeon Oice in Good Building, Room No. 3. Ofte in Good Building. -10tf. THE PATTON COURIER MAY 4, 1899 r Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Iways Bought ‘Bears the | Signature A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby { agree to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's W arranted Syrup of {Tar if it fails to cure your ecugh or jcoid, We also guarantee a 25-cent JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. bottle to prove satisfactory or money Office on corner «f lang and Fifth, pefanded. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Avenues. Collections promptly at- | Pharmacy. 2128 sanded to. Properties Lo sell and rent. | GEO. BOONE, It makes no difference how bad the ‘wound if you use DeWitt's Witch { Hazel Kalve: it will qaickly heal and leave no sear. CC. W, Hodgkins, Pat. De Ntist, ton Pharmacy. FARTING, PA All diseases of the teeth and mouth D. D. Lewis _ skilifally treated. af NTIERTAKER AND PMEALMER sein fen Harfratioo, Pac AH enile will be prongs C migemydedd ta Yolin Hadeii fe, Agent, of Kerr WAN i ED wyemue. Palion, £11 witend Wo the wania of pu rties residing | Putian arsed vicinity. €alle 100,000 FEET OF fay or night by "Phau thick, run of log with mill calls INDIARA LUMBER CO. INDIANA, PA. Sr A OPIUM HABITS. DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, Dentist, PATTON, PENN'A THE owLY PER Basie free. iris PER RA TLY ANIA, FRE On in ig Biting, sc tor - FisiNaton’ Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $47,000.00, Acenanite of Corpomtions, Firms, Individo Cals and Banks revived Spon the miet IRvors- | Bie terons consent with safe and conservative DR. S. W. Worrell, PFHYRICIAN AND sURGEGN, Mir Genera! Surgury snd hs Eye a Specialty All nde will receive promot attention, 5 r- : : i ‘tmoking Dr. V. A. Murray, CC Mtemnuhip theketa for eile tor all the Jatt song Piivem, Forvign Drafls ! alie in the poring pe cities of the {Hd World PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. All correspondence will have our promptand Ghee in Ariintan bioeik, next to Postolfics, | personal attention, hy. Di bi night calla Fepenide tr Interest paid on time deprsita » WEE ORE, Bowe Ri rewmt | OP cia attention, aha Hite! LAL E. PaTroN, Wax. H. SANDFORD, CC WOFFICE HOURS ~T Wwi%amand 2 tal p to : President Cashier, os ns Reuel Somerville, * Attorney-at-Law, PaTToN, PA. Ofmce in the Good Building. A er a on JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. What is Celery King? It isan herh drink, and sa positive cure Wr DAVIS, — for constipation, bésdache, nervous disorders, a : 3tin kidney Wisemsen, pid he vars Attorney and Counselor at Law, Arent dom alate Iota disntdared wont ; ttorptd Byer, BLods a foe! aprecatde : EBENSBURG, Pa. £45 Tait, Bei 18 rei spe rdes] Ley Julia Ei ans All legal business proonptly attended to. Office in Barker Builtifng, coaty King issnid in See, ard GB si Rap oR by druggists and dealers, 1 Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins, B80 YEARS’ H E TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line in Patton at _G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, fear P : . R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations firtelass. Best of Liguors | and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. &c. GEORGE FERGURON, vone sen a sketeh and description may ano 4 our opinion free whether an Prop'r. { invent is probably Communion To08 ms arent Parnell & Cowher, for serunng patents, h Munn en 80 raceive mast keep rae alive for four dayn’ HE FACED GREAT DANGER. | Bint, Yot Knowing It. He Fscaped Heo ing (onsidered Brave, «1 poticed a comple of reminiscences as to mv old ranch of servies saad an ex-naval official to the writer vahich renundsd me of an fnckiont in my Own Carer I was an assistant en ginesr on a craiser hound from Norfolk ti Ronth American ports and onr shy 1 ing fF 314 or 10 knots an hom Ties P20 owas Ted one dar. when a orang fan and the pod instant the ox thrashing +} Ina mest 1 Si of rua nntil the chief sng tha 5 i Was B conf 1 you know yonr place under ench camstances sir? he asked, and when | gnswernd that | thonght 1 had taken my proper position he contin ned NG sir. vonr Adnty was th make yonr way As soon Ax posible to the deck. With that piece of steel whirhing and crash ing alton 1 was one shanes in a tha sand that a singe son} wo tid eancare an instantanoons cooking, becanse if that thing had carried away the ston oon nections vomr life wonbl have sndad right then Weil 1 tok the chance’ Ei sword “Yea sir, yon did, but yon dvin t know it therefore it is not at all to your credit.’ was the chief’ x answer and it was so absalntely trae that | comldn't for the life of me make any re piv.” Dletreds Free Proms sai THE POWER oF wiLL fle Wanted to Live Four Days, and He Saeceeded, It wonld be vain to attempt to de scribe the sYmpwiny for the poor and saffering which William Stakes conid throw into his voice says his biogrs pher Ome of the stories he need to tall in of pecnliar interest, not only for its revelation of human kindness Dnt ad & proof of the power of the will in pro longing life An old pensioner was 8 patient of Stokes in the Meath hospital His life was despaired of and, in fact his death was hourly esxpectsd One morning. having many patients to care for and elhieving that the pensioner was anon scions and past help. Dr. Stokes passed his bed without stopping The patient was greatly distressed and cried ont “Don’t pass me by, docther. yom “We will keep yon as long as we can. my poor fellow, answersd Stokes “mt why for four days particanlariy ® “Hecanse,' was the reply. ‘my =u stom will be doe then. and [ want the money for my wife and children. Don't give me anything to make me slong, for if I sleep | shall die.” (m the third day after this to the | amagemant of Stokes and others the 2999944 VMS ‘KEELEY VOTE] patient was still breathing im the morning of the fonrth day he was alive and oimscioos and on entating the ward Ntokes saw him holding in his hand the cortificate which required sig ‘ pature. As the doctie drow naar the dying man gasped RIG. XRD The doctor quickly complisd, and the man sank hack erhansted and within a few mints crime] hia unis aver hia breast and said, “The Lord have mercy on my soul and guietly breathed his last Where He Repafred It. When illicit distilling was commen in the highlands there was an old man who went about the country repairing whisky puts The gauger met him one day and, sarmising that he had been doing re pairs at no great distance asked w lint be wonld take to inform him (the gang er) whern be repaired the last whisky pot. “inh. sald the old man, “she'll ahinst tak hanf a croon, chvne! retorted the ganger. Hern is your money, but be carefnl to teil me correctly. “Och. she'll no’ tell the gentleman a dow," Getting the money, the old man quietly remarked © [ shust mended the last whisky pot where the hole was London Bpare Moments Ingenious. “My wife 1s the nust Ingetilons wom au who ever lived, said Kipper “1 believe youl returned Nipper po litely “Bat yon don't know why yoa be Heve me. inthuated Kipper “To tell the truth, 1 don't replind Nipper. booking bored “Well, 1'l] teil yon. We've wen married 12 years and hvad in the sks hotse all the tine and this morning she fonnd a pew place in which to hide my slippers London Standard So Wonder Russian Is Ignorant] Russia, with her population of 129, PH O00. has ony T48 BewWsIapers, L ltgh more than hall the Rutale r hall in the state of Pennsylv: v 3 bi ph iY 1a i deri if the 748 Chere sv | 588 printed 1d Russian, 6% in Po 44 in Orerinan ¥ in French, 5 in AF C mentan and 2 in Hebrew. No English newspaper appears in the hist, The cartiost known Swation of the pianoforte was in a playinil diated May 18. 17683. The principal attraction was given thus: "Miss Buckler will sing a . song from ‘Judith,’ accompanied by a Dew instrument called planctor te. About 1 500 tons of iron and brass - ain inte pins | wire are ) arly manufactured in Brit- WOMEN SHOULD KNOW IT Many women suffer untold agony and misery becagse the natare of their disease 18 not correctly pride rstond They have been led fo Malines tha? womb trouble or female weakness of sore Sort iH responsible for the many fii that hess womankind Neuralgia, nervousness, headache, pafly or dary circles uhider (he shetymatism, a drapgeing pun oF ache ip the hack, Weagxness of down sensation, prof fred ply of arihe with strong desire to pass it with scalding or burn ing sensation, seiiment an i after standing in hottie or common glass for twanty four hours, are signs of kidney and bladder trouble The above symploms ars often al oo tribmited hy the patient herseif or Dy her physician to female Weakness or womb tronhle. Hence, so many fail t« shtain relief becansa they are treating not the disease itself, but a reflection of the primary caose, which is Kidney trouble In fact. women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and biad der trouble and both need the same remedy Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is easy Oo get at any drug store at fifty cents or one doliar To prove ita wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent abaoiate ly free by mail. Kindly mention the parron Cotrigr and send your ad dress to Dr Kilmer & Co, Binghamp ton, N Y Anniher (ase of Rheamatism Corod by fhamberiain’y Pain Baim My son was affticted with rheumatiem which contracted his right limb until he was anable to walk, After using one and 8 half bottiea of Chamberiain’s Pain Balm he was able fo be abont again. | can heartily recommend it to persons suffering from rheamatism. John Snider, Freed, Calhoun Co, W. Va For sais by Patton Pharmacy, W. Hodgkins J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, NI, says: “1 wonld not be without One Minute cough care for my boy, when troubled wit a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup | ever ased.” C Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Whooping Cough. I had a little bay who was nearly dend from an atfack of whooping wugh., M3 ghbars recommended Chamberisin's coneh Hemedy I did not think that any medicias aoald help him. but after diving him a few doses of that retoedy. i sotiond AD improve ment. and one bottle cnred him on. tiraly. It isthe best cough medicine | eyony had in the hats I 1. Moore, wsuth Rurgetist wn Patton Pharos Pneumonia, roup anG wl yield to One Mi: this remedy In Gee aul save iil or the andertaker's Hodgkin's, Patton Pharmacy RS MONT Bald INE. intalne a somplete mnval in avery pum «fin addition os large 4 Bniny of teed sod cnlerialning rending tuatls No continued stoviecs. which are 8 ohjoctionadle te moat rendere. it shold! be In every household, Mal sortplicn, $3.00 per your, Agriis wanted 1a every town, to wh en thie moat liberal Inducenents will be offered, 4. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. Publishers, PHILADELPHIA, ~— enim TOILETIES American sy stems of Dress Drafting 1d Dress Nate tant by mail; any womar can Jcarn them at short time. Simple and perfect. We guarantee them. = Prices very low. Write us for circulars, giving full particulars Towers Pus. Co, 170 Fifth Ave, New York. MANY SECRET MINES ENGLAND'S COAST STUDDED wWiTH TENSES Thetr Lorw'ity, Approaches and Fie. tng Poinds Are Mysteries That Fo etn Spices Mave Often Yried §3 Always In Vain, to Solve England has nRYY in 1? rely to prevent np an ever for and inserr Jr Tyeay Ry airaaiead Ri CA w CHAT aUteT An hasan i= the entra ht even th years that collar. nor does Ra ove nature of Herein eX ph RN add chun wires Fach mina} ntl) over which ara printed ating to the location and Hara: y the mine This button is placed in the wall of the secret chamber and covers! by a double door, securely locked the onter dowry =o clemely rosembling ti will of the dhambw it nO On thous in the seoret comb] detect 105 ance The chambers are donhle and AP DT hd by passa gos protest in a simtiar nanney Every lock and key ia specially made for the goversnent apd 8 oniike any other. Only a few of the very highest ofeialx are allowed ta nen these Revs and they Bre lemnly HWE Lo preserve their seeret rigidly No persons apart from those especially empows ered Five inspect or visit any of the seeret cham bers at any time except by exprod Written permit parsanaly proonted frian a cotiain high oficial This ix 6x ceedingly diffienit to obtain, and in fart in rarely ever gta Ri! Prior to snch a perm the Metals gesnre . y $y: [RT ¢ the “LET ¢ Sri Deing mmr tlarneless character hats fo Niterior reds his reogguest This sw ttlml be iz sw. {6 secrecy in thie et lew manaer blindfolded and conidn rent otis ronle ov the secret chamber, w he is permitted to nee his eye but his tongne, no questions Ping answer ed by the att nding pficiala Strang yo wtorien lon heen told of a2 tempts mada by foreign spies to pene trata tin privacy of these mysterio Lies A young lentenaut in the navy whose honorable character won the con fdencs af hy : § ho 3 VerTs sibs of garding on and intrasted caneerning ie coara Soon after hig appointment he beenue enraged bo oa chara onng s Froowh jady of whian he w CAs Ln ured ¥ sane inexpiieal means his fances got be hear of and by alternate threats ang persuasion fis altwl niient indoesd Rim to Lake Ber fo see $e sat eret mine under his on Om the evening arranged, after ex tracting a solemn vow of secrecy fron his ladyloes and getting ber fo don the Areva of & navai officer f he was abont to wt out mission when, fa his surprise aldara, he and his companion wera af restos hy detectives. In some mystarions manner the anthorities had been en lightened as to the proceedings on foot anid were In time to stop them For “breach of regmiations thie young lentenant was stlsegnentis sart martialed and redaced, while bis charming oaupanion, who proved to be A spy in the employ the French gov sen ment Was con eonntry. with ant Cm another cocasion Jory cepts tieman contrivad to looate the enfrane towne of the secret chasibers and act i sqerilwyr of the Bill Sikes Laing donbie locks one dard November night Yat ws Spied and : ware thes wore done 1 turning from plotter atid bis secu and imprisoned Wart Waiting Far. 3 ? wanes at at the Tyne mon th i mn, ®& Couple from ld Har! ver mong 0 the audience When Bait Line arTivisl, an attendant placed cn the stage » board 1ascriinsd with the word terval. “Wat a that Ceeordie? asked the Heel the wind ar veal, interval i, ae The foaks bat wall atop to see Wav In 1666 the great fire in London burned over £8 aces Jdestroving at least $15, G00. 500 worth of property. ln 1873 the Boon fre buarsed over 60 aeres at ow loss of $1.000,0040 an acre If the same fire occurred today, woth cost, 4 the very owest esti te $100.000,000. In 1393 the lose on the | 214 acres burned over was over $350, | 000,000 I have been a sufferer from chronie "diarrhoea ove sine the war and bave used all kinds of medicines for it. At last | found one remedy that has been a spoons ax a cure, and that is Cham- | herlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoes Remedy. PE Grisham, Gears Milis, la. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, i A Hiaadgkins < Ripans Tabules curs pauses, eWitt's bittie Early Risers, Ihe tamous little pills Railroad. & H RB R Co Lesson i omdensed Time Table Beard dovwn Exp Mat) Nis Ni A as 3 ies #£ 3 wl mld & PniEdsveREAss En! Yeats § ren ¥ Mi Hail Paw Haven FAR adm Was Tae ose ape Tena ioe hy EER He 3 im ysapmyet ari2 ® Wh am pom ‘a & Hemding KR BT Dm Eri ba rrrepeeert HIM ® thistle ir R89 Ti fa Tarosgim ar - via Phi arbi @ 99 pM am ve 3 hg Oy # po Sunsiays ow IY siprndn ye passenger traveling via Phil from Witlimmeport oF RE ‘ $14 CP hiaibs, S45 Fh S14 Ai ii 3 Ww iE Phibs ashing ot I i : TERE LET t dere WNEre fy Jhes ; ¢ 33 A Mi Hail with € wt ra) Rat trait of Pennay! vurvin at Phittpmbniey with Pe peeve vais ratioad and hE T is Hilfe are ting miioad, atl flemrtivid with he Roath in a. hoster and Pitteburg milway, al Mahatfey and Patton with Cambria and (Cenrfieid division of the PonneVeania rallroad: at Mahal with the rinsyivania and Northwestern il way. A {¢ Paimer ¥F EE Herriman, yyw rintenderng fern Pass Agent, Philadelplila, Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table Nov. 20, 1x88 Main Line. snd romeo Kast wand Mir Mbore Fooprese, wiek dave § pamstian Aovsirnisosiations, week days Mais Lins Express, daily groans Aooamminestntion, deity Mail Bx press, daily Phitsteiphis Fy press, daily as ve Crome Wont wand Anfinstorw nn Avvo, woelt days Paeifte Kapraas, daily Way Passenger Laiiy Pittal ey Boy prema Mia nts 5 Lo Tat y i: rats Sars Rogar. wees days cambria and Clearfleld. sen ihowaed vein femion Sor Paibon ans Cresson leaves AT pw p48 Mahatley va a ni la 6: Westover 500 Hastings 410 (apn Roar rear aURy Patton el Hrwitle Ye Ravier for Fhensbarg Crommcas al SIG Km AToroon Paikon of UTrvmaaty WWARVve len » r Ean x Mabatfoy at 23 Tale Westover od Hast FREE BME fenrway Bw ir Patton $9 Vien tory Tooting FEHR, arriving al 4 Tessas wt £5 Northiwant, ty : tomes reseed for Maha fey Ar Rr Fhensbareg 00 Kavior Bed Houdiey Fare tion HEAR Patoay 10090, daqrway Hv Blasl Oy LING Hast] ss For Mahaffey 113 aan ig { 4 vy: iio Westover [Le law Jone (UAE 5 hua ffiy 12th arriving at tien masgtedl at 5 Rerouwnn train for Pal Bon and Cates Oa spptweil fempoome 4 rte ad wig ghee Gr Etwrabary vol Beadiey Jubetion Patton &77 Garway (fa Hastings: S68 dats for tl fea Lam Bel 10 TARE Larway for i Westover TM TaJose Pe arming at (slept are pebunll Pu PRtew Tuas, ote, apd iy the kel agent dr addres Thow EB. Watt, Tp A Ww. Db a FAN avenue Pitieh vig fa Hae {pil uli, 2. Wowwt, tava, Mgr Carrs. Pass AgL Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. IO TAKE EFFECT NOV. 21, 1598 Westward Am we Xai Noi Nos A BL peo PBA Pst tation Mahaffey TH lH +B Hew fy Creek Jt iiaon 73 i #3 Sania itey FR i fatmihiumt f MM: { peoim Weta! Woogke 1 wandertand § koi Baek § Bairtasiide Passmore Crist {ar pheil Horan Ran 7 Fite Bea LES EE ALENY fasted Binaant f Muh fey Flassa-by rely Toirnetiom i 1k Stal win MabafTey ue Pe BR bebe Be BE TD nc dB PIXAR EEEES u - : wor - Ee . whds fins A Connect) ons AL Udon Siation, Mahaffey, with ewe h CC rdwkK fas 4 Xt Pennsvivanin riled, and P jekey Ran with Meters fowaal it Motes with P wotiee Yrajus will mn Mahaftey: and AL Lmmins AREY eXoRp Nae Hivks, tenemi Manager, Muhaitoy, Pa. Bulan, Rochester and Pittsburg Ry. Wii wmvVe fnily dxept hy AF ld I Re Lio Ai a PRY evting al Hrwud- Du ois $ i ¢ {abies FB % LR Ke Pun xe witfos Wie y Tins arrive Lome, asd 3A aan] 80 3 in Four ties, tim tals ped nformathon, ir all ress BH. Hyslip, . Agent, Be i Rr nee ig ¥ Clearfield, Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers