BEER ELE A Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO,, Proprietors. FE. Wire tingENE, Fditor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year in advances, « . . 810 SF Advertising ralds made Known upon ai plicstion 89 No papers diseontinned until all arrear are pid, unites. at the option of tis ages publishers Entered at the PostaMes at Patton as seen. cass nail mintter, From L. A. W. Bulletin Fle oases) to bore se half 10 deaths, Five, svety single day, He'd casenae “ronpond thy tris ssffioe, Ard Just stay, si istay, f couldn't ment shake Though I gave rom! iin ted hints Bat § lent him Balf 8 dollar, Blan winiey And | haven seen hi Finest Soda water In Patton at Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy. Patton Borough is now minos of a policeman. D. M. Kinkel came up from William- sport Tuesday. For that tired feeling, try Hodgkins’ ool soda water. Harry Raflner came over from Spangler Tuesday John Raye, of DuBois, spent Mon. day night in Patton. L. C. Bickler, of Cresson, wis seen on our streets Monday. Work of paving Magee avenue will he commenced in n few days C. J. Burke, of Boston, Mass , spent Friday of last week in Patton. Onions, radishes and rhobarb on Thursday at the Cash Grocery. Go and examine and be convineed of prices in millinery at Mrs. Dartt’s, Dr. Dowler ia confined to the home of his sister, Mrs, E. O. Hartshorn, by illness, Mr. and Mme. John T. Culp and daughter, Marion, are visiting relatives at Lock Haven. Coalport expecta to celebrate the 4th of July in the good old-fashioned style. - What about Patton ? The familiar face of W. H. Denlinger, the hustling oil than of Philipsburg, was - seen in Patton Tuesday. John Hunter, who is stopping at Nant-y-glo, this county, spent Tuesday with his parents at this place. All mines in and around Patton re sumed work on Tuesday morning after being idle for about three weeks. Miss Alice Lumodue has returned home after spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. 8. M. Watt, at Youngs | town, O. (leo. Boone has received his commis. sion as Justice of the Peace. See announcement in business directory of a ol Direciors C. C. Crowell, W. H. Bandford, C. C. i, R. McPher- | som and Geo. H. Curfman attended the | convention at Ebensburg Tuesday. Jas. W. Docse, of Marionville, Pa., spent Monday night in Patton. Mr. pearance of that place of worship. ~ Deveo added his pame to the steadily | growing list of the PATTON COURIER. ~ E. C. Poorman and Harry C. Brooks, of Tyrone, two of the most popular ~~ ‘*“drummers’’ on the road, were circu- lating among their customers in Pat- ton Monday. Geo. M. Dimeling and Guy Snyder, | ; baffey are contemplating the scheme of putting down a tust well for oil and | Cut off the inconsiquential papers, if a you have to, but always keep your ad in your best paper big enough to do you justice. It is better to convince a few people than talk to many.—Ex. Telford Davis, who is acting in the _eapacity of fireman on the Pittsburg Division of the P. R. R., with head. ' quarters at Derry, Pa, was shaking hands with his many friends in Patton Monday nigh. ‘Considerable attraction was centered | on Dewey Day to the east window of QGoldstein’s mammoth * department | store, which contained an artistic and | onique display of fancy linens repre- | senting Admiral Dewey's flag-ship. Faust Davis, who has been an em- ploye of W. E. Probert’s tonsorial pariors for the past three years, de- parted Monday for Pittsburg, where e expects to be employed at his trade. Faust has a host of friends in Pytton who extend kind wishes in his new Sep casTORnIA. Tho Kin Tou fa Mars But Memorial Day, Tuesday, May 30th The much wanted showers came at last. J. K. Thompson, of Philipshorg, was a visitor Tnesday. Oysters all the vear throughout at the City Restanrant. All flavors of soda water at Hodg- kin's Patton Pharmacy. J. J. Preston, of Spangler, was a visitor to Patton Tuesday. Gerald Adams ix slowly recovering ‘after an illness of several weeks, John W. Wrigley, of Clearfield, tran. sacted business in Patton Monday John Lumodne will commence his business of sheep clipping next week Misses Froma, Alma and Edna Nich. olson spent Sunday among friends at Hastings KR Watt, of Youngstown, (1 ig visit ing his brother-in-law, FJ Lomodoe, this week At a (ieorgia lynching is bevoming more popular than ‘At a Georgia Campmeating. Joho K. Miller, a traveling salesman of Tyrone, Pa, waxlooking after trade in Patton Monday, J B McKee, one of Westovere's prominent citizen's, tarried in Patton fir i few hours Monday, EP. Baker, one of Susquehanna township's prominent citizens, was seen on our streets Friday, Mr and Mrs. (© A. Sharbuagh and Mr and Mrs. GE. Hipps, all of Car. rotitown, drove down to this place Sunday. MB Cowher, one of Patton's hast. Hng insgrance men, was & caller at this offloe last Thursday. Spangler Bentinel Walter Melion Iv confined to his home at Hotel Patton by serious iil ness. His many friends hope for his speedy recovery. M. B. Courtright, an enterprising merchant of Hastings, and HJ. Van Dusen, postmaster at that place, drove over to Patton Wednesday. L. M. Scanlan, formerly typo on the Hastings Tribune, but who now re- sides at South Pork, and M.S Binder, of Hastings, were pleasant callers a this offive Monday A petition is beiag circulated praving for the paving of Fifth avenue from Beech to Magee avennes, Work will likely be commenced on same as soon as Magee avenue is completed. M. G. Lewis apent Sunday at Johns. town. He was visiting his son, H. O. Lawis, who is an employe at the civil engineering department of the Cam. bria Iron Co. of that cite, Elsewhere in the Covnigr this week will be found the announcement of Dr. F. B. Evans, dentist of Hastings, Pa, who is prepared to treat all diseases of the teeth and mouth in a skillful manner. A new stone wall has been erected in front of the First Baptist church of Patton, which greatly adds to the ap- Several other improvements, such as the painting of the building, otc. are also being made. “Hello!” said the Dime Novel to the i Yellow Journal. “You seem to be pretty well fagged out. Taking vio- lent exercise?’ “Yew replied the yellow one, “I have to work hard to keep my circulation up. -- Philadelphia of « in Patton a few | hou Ged; eid, opp en route to Vint. | orth American. ~ omdale, where Mr. Dimeling has large lumber interests. Beveral prominent citizens of Ma- An adopted child of Mr. and Mm ‘Philip Huber, of Carroll township, aged about six years, was bitten by a dog on the lower lip and jaw a few days ago. The little girl was carrying water from the spring to the house - when the animal attacked her, The Johnstown Athletic club will cross bate with the strong Westminister | College team on the Westmont Johns- town grounds next Saturday. Rep hopes to down the visitors even as he conquered the Indiana team and thus pave the way for a season of victories , throughout. Democrat. The editor of the COURIER wishes to | ‘acknowledge receipt of invitations to commencement exercises of class of "9 of the Patton public schools, | which will take place May 11th. The ‘class roll consists of Misses Virginia Dale, Clara Myers, Minnie and Sarah ' Holter, Carrie Crowell, Walter Mellon | ‘and Mervyn Lewis. This will be the | first graduating class of the Patton | public schools, and therefore an elab- orate program will be a special feature. : CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the | Bignaturg of THE PATTON COURIER, MAY 4, 1899. Strike or no strike, the Cash Grocery | CAN save you money. What about the 4th of July? Are we going to celebrate ? The employes of the PARSON Ear serv. lice of the P. R. R. have donned their sum mer caps. t Ott Sisters have a new dine of ladies’ and children’s hate and trimmings. The latest styles and lowest prices. Gea, O. Brady and family will leave to-day for a ten days’ visit among friends at Mill Hall and Lock Haven Peter Lityill was nnanimonsly elected as captain of Co H, N. GP, at Johns- | town Friday night. RH. Adams was “chosen as first leutenant. Thanks to Denlinger Bros, the pop uiar dealers in oils of Pittsburg for ‘another lot of their splendid blotters Their blotters, like their oils, are “A No. I. The Johnstown Athletic base ball team defeated the Indiana Normal team Saturday by a score of 4 to 0. Pete Speriein, well-known to base bali enthusiasts in Patton, did the twirling for Johnstown. The only reminder that Monday was Dewey Day in Patton was the roar of . W. Hodgking' brass cannon and a few flags flouting to the breeze in dif. ferent parts of town. We trast that the 4th of July will be more appro- priately observed The Cambria Freeman says that F. H. Barker, of that place, has been appointed by the chief marshal of the unveiling of the Hartranft statue, Har. risburg, May 12th, as a captain on his staff. Mr Barker is a member of the anh Regiment PV, ticipate in the ceremonies, which will par Our attention was called Sanday to the fact that a dead pig, partly de cayed, was lying on lang averae, between the Firemen's building and Marks’ old grist mill. We have not learned ss to whether it has been re moved or not. If pot, it shoaid be attended to at once and the party who i responsible for such an act Should be taaght a lesson in regard to keeping the important sanitary laws, which he wili not soon forget, The “Small pox.” The “small-pox’’ scare in Johnstown rapidly sabsiding. It is very fries tionable if there ever was Any canse for alarm first, because thers are doubts if there has been a case of smallpox in or arotod town recently or for many years, And his diseass which has been called variolowd, and in several instances after the report was widely vireaiated, diagnosed an measles, wak contagious, there has been very great opportunity given for its spread ii, people have come in dar loads aver the B & ©, and by the way of South Fork from Windber, where sev. eral cases were reported, and have mingled promisicunously with all they cared to ses, while numerous others have gone from here to Windber and come back, Yet there are and have beer: but 11 cases of something that may be itch and may be measles, but is hardly small. pox if this latter disesse 8 ax contagious as specialists would lead us to believe it ia Johnstown Tribune Spangler Damage Sui. Mrs. Anna Heffren, a widow of Spangler, will bring suit against Spang. ler borough for at least $300 damages uniews a settlement is made shortly by the borough council. Mm Heffren alleges that while on her way to church Easter Sunday, she was thrown by a loose plank io a defective sidewalk and received injuries that confined ber to ‘bed for a week and has not yet fully recovered from the effects of the fall A. G. Palmer Frometad, The Williamsport Gazette and Balle. tin says: “An important railroad rumor came from Jersey Shore Satur. day night. It was to the effect that Superintendent A. G. Palmer has been promoted to the high office of superin. tendent of the Pennsylvania division of the New York Central, which in- cludes the Beech Creek and Fall Brook i Hines.” sale of SM. Viecent’s Beer It is stated that the church aathori- ties have issued an order prohibiting the brewing of beer at St. Vincent's, Latrobe, except for the use of the monks. Bishop Phelan, of Pittsburg, several years ago tried to stop the sale of St. Vincent's beer, but his ight was unavailing. It is hardly lkely the present move will succeed either. Undertakery’ Conventic eh. The States Undertakers Association will hold their next annual convention in Bellefonte, June 7th and Sth. It will “be a large gathering. The officers are: J. Ostertag, Columbia, Pa., president: Geo. Chandler Paul, Philadelphia, sec- retary; J. W. Garlic, Gettysburg, C. H. Mouk, Harrisburg, and F. E Nagi- ney, Bellefonte, executive committee. Postal Changes, The official Postal Guide for April publishes the following offices in Cam- bria county at which money order departments have been established recently: Dunlo, Dysart, Nicktown and Puritan, CASTOIT.A Bears the ihe Kad You bow : JACK AND HIS WiLL. A Special Act ot the Britian Parlin. | ment Arranges That Matter, Jack has the proud distinction of having had an act of parliament passed for the express purpose of deciding the way in which he most make bis will #0 that while all other Britons are Inmpesd together in this matter nnder the wills act of 1838 sailors’ testament ary doenments are made nnder the naval wills net of 1888 The mest itn portant proviso of this act i= that all wills made by sailors or marines most be withesaod and attested by the chap ain or scone other officer if they are actually made on board ship, and this is somewhat enriong If a sailor likes to make his will on shore any one can witness it for him, bat on board ship the case is diferent | Neediess to say they almest all to a man choose the fatter conrss as they know that things will be straighter for bearing an officer's signature If how #VEr. Aupeing that the vessel was in activin and a man was to he atraek down who hud not previonsly made a will, if he had to do so before he died even if it wera not attested by an of cer, the admiralty bas fall power to act em the merits of the case and to dis pense with that or any other foraalisy that it was impossible to comnly with Another thing a sailor shares with a scdidier the privilege of when on sotive service being the only man who con dispense with a written will and make a vertml one In former times any one could make his will vortmliy if he #0 desired brit this as may be oanpposed, end the door to no end of frand ard it was copinent!y repealed in the 1508 set sxoept in the case mentioned abovs On the night before a ship or a regi ment goes into actam there (@ na mors pathetic sight than to ss the men, yomng and oid laterioasly writing their wills in case tomorrow shonid be their Inst day in this world, and what with witnessing wills and making them on the forme jwsned by the anthoritios for those who cannot write and this ¢lass has now almost entirely disappeard froma teith the navy and the army. the officers have a very busy time Lon don Golden Pr THE Er AaN'S LIFE. “wm Fintah Flies Toile: ~ mn Wirror. He Cann: Hr , Ciling abet the See departiient inioresia as always, said Mr. (lis but thera in one Hftle thine 3H that I've wen | AT ope a sad tires that apreais 85 Ge fare + Fagg tine I meas 31 ari th wt ix the firemen getting into their wit ax they go along Yon sow this amon the men on trae and on hows wag ns The men on the engine have to ree their hands 4 hold on i cape enongh thing ih won man Po gon haw ont “ Bop in de ha's it vail he Thi Tend ? 4 rbakey fw i and taken Bis coat neder } arm and slid down a sliding pole and ia fet ¢ dresaing sitting on ton of a rack of ladders going throngh the street ike mad drawn by three great hors at ctw end, with a man down at the other em] steering this ovis with a wheel This sight never kes 114 Ks% ey! GF dix interent. Yor ghay ses tha sane th of a hose wagon *Bnt po i st me 0 spemking sbont this BOW Wax seeing & man on & fire patrod wagon, sitting on one of their long seats, [acing ontward, pulling ap the tops of his high boots red wagon galloping horsm, banging gong, men in fire hats and robber coate the whale booming ontfit on the dead jump and this man sitting on the side seat rogeh ing down for the tops of those boats and straightening ap with each (ne asx he got it and swaying hack a little as he pulled it ap into place, jast as a man world sit on the edge of his bed at home to put on his stockings and slippers and Just ax cool and comfortable New York San Geography For Women. The introdaction to Parkenton s “Modern Atlas,’ pablished in 1513 has a reference to ‘the sex’ which ongzht to be very interesting & onr modern college girl The learned anthor SA TH Geography is a study so aniversally instractive and pleasing that it hae for neariy a century been tanght even to fernales, whose prarsnite are foreien from seriona researchvs In the trivial con versation of the sowial circle in the daily avidity of the covtirrences of the | Umea, pregnant indeed above all others with rapid and important changes that affect the very existence of states and empires, RroRTRpRY has became a ha bitnal resotires to the slogant female as wll as the pro tonnd philosopher Moppinm " mie Steamabip. To stop the Etruria, whose displace ment is 9.650 tons, horsepower (4, 501 and speed 20.18 knots an hour, 2 min ates ard 47 seconds are required, and during the process of stopping the ship will forge ahead 2 484 feet, or nearly half a mile The United States craiser Columbia with a displacement of 7 830 tons, 17 991 horwepower and a spend of 22 3 knota an hour, can be stopped iu 2 minutes and 13 seconds and within a space of 2.147 feet In each case the vessel 1s supposed to be going at full speed and the stoppage prodaced bv reversing the action of the propeller Dumas’ Quick Wit. Dumas found a man asleep in the Theatre Francais during the playing of 8 place by his friend Scamet “Yon see that!" said he, ‘that's your work Next evening a Dumas comedy wis put ot. The two friends looked in again and found a sleeper “Yon sew, dear Dnmas said Son met, your works can produce sisep “Do you refer to that man ¥' replied Damas. “Why, that's the man who was there last night He's pot awake yet! San Francisco News Letter » ill You wear For Spring ? THE NEW SHOE. von want [ast year's shoes are not what Buy with us, Buy ‘5 shoes. They are up-to-date, and you will start out caring them prejudiced in their They are made right and sold right. We claim ‘wes are the lowest for v, but many claim ~hinch it, offer to res ney if you find as Isewhere at a lower [TON SUPPLY } tk } on : 1348 Lire HE ii h A AR fate, st ¥ lish and NEW SHOES OW displayed here. Don’t Buy Your Shoes ¥ ry 1s ¥ 1 11] See Oir ing £3} wh Awe pha! reve d are tne owest atl ave the hest and largest line of 1 8ee tor vonrself, (Omr prices HAVE YOU SEEN IT? f( . »” The Sorosis, THE S3.50 SHOE FOR \WOMEN. reer td "52 abe Sis!’ Shoes, as well that common acy support red for womaa perfect, and is no matter what amd has became the Ie, nost fasion. ‘Sarosis” ear. Dainty ie Na} wile T ine Of shoes Oh er 22 iw worth of cla i ldren's M New Shoes 31% others it will May vou to call For Babies. One of the largest and prettiest Lines ever showed in Patton. We have thers in all eonjors We have shoes for all Men, Women, * Black, all styles, at 15¢ to $3.50 per pair. \WVE HAY Boys, Girls and Rabies In Tan and EE THEM. Come and Sew Them - WASH GOODS. Madras, Ginghams, Percales, Dim- ities, Zephrys, Hatiste, Organdies, Lawn Pi que in all colors |, Ribbons (the very atest | Laces and Embroiderion aver #OU warth to select from. Belts in all colors and styles. This Department has hadded ont in all ite spring love- line. There is a revelation of beanty and newness coming to hand. * are showing the vanguard of things that are fashionable und will be worn by ladies of goad taste in all of the large ities this season. No end of new things in this line, and to our large assortment we add the additional indocementa of low prices that can’t be approached elsewhere, » PATTON JUPPLY G0. The BUSY Store mans OR rs sell a gold hlle d CANE an Americar ment guaranteed for two years. [| give vou my guarantee with this watch and it 18 also guaranteed by the manufacturer, Come in and see it. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. This Bedroom Suit Only $15.00. Fine Furniture in every conceivable pattern to suit all tastes. A short time spent ooking over our line will convince vou that we have the goods and sell at prices that cateh the orders. ‘Undertaking, Embalming, Etc. Etc. attended to. methods used. soy Win sf Cte 3 Sal action a.
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