Roe SA aA A A 9 atton Courier. Polities-Tnde pendent Interest-Patton and Surconnding Country, Motto “Justice 10 All and Malice Towa: a None. PATTON PUBLISHING CO.. Proprietors. : E. WL L Grevxy, Editor, - - blood, give color to cheeks and restore their and strength. It afe to say that they nearly reject fat with their food. t element ot liver oil) a palatable and easily di- rd form, but also the hypo- hites which are so valua- ually accompany anamia. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a tty food that is more easily sted than any other form fat. A certain amount of lesh is necessary for health. ou can get it in this way. We have known per- sons to gain a pound a day while taking it. enc. and $row ail druggnts, SCOTY & BOWNE, Cramivtis, New York QOOE C VOCE COEE Superintendent T. L Gibson was re. elected with npparent ease. He had a majority of over 40 votes. Patton Borough Council mnst have taken a few lessons from the recent Penn’a legislature judging from the deadlock Monday night. AB LOKG as the President of the United States and the Germany continue to éxchange such oordial personal cablegrams as have followed the granting permission by President McKinley for the landing of the new German cable in New York, the yellow journals are wasting space | in trying to make it appear that there is even the slightest probability of a break between the two countries. Pub. Hoations in both countries show that each has a share of indiscreet hot-! heads, but they are powerless to make | ‘serious trouble as ling as the President and Emperor are on such cordial per- | : onal terms. : | Normive but admiration for the vol- unteers in the Philippines is heard in Washington. Adjutant General Corbin freely expresses the opinion that every | one of them should receive a medal of | bonor from this government, because, | y the terms of their enlistments, they | were entitled to withdraw from the! ‘ as soon as peace between Spain | and the United States was declared, | but instead of taking advantage of | PA that they remained voluntarily, per- forming more than was required of them, and more than the ordinary duty | soldiers, giving the world an object | ssson of the fighting quality and of the American volunteers, is deserving of special recogni- jon. These medals cannot be given without the action of Congress, but it Is probable that such action will recommended to Congress by the Pres- ident, and will be promptly acted upon. Bverybody is proud of those volun. | Many old soldiers now feel the effects | | reference to the sport, and as Hakluyt of the hard service they endured dur- | ing the war. Mr. Geo. 8. Anderson, of | Rossville York county, Pa., who saw the hardest kind of service at the front, is now frequently troubled with rheu- | raatism. “I had a pevere attack lately,” he says, ‘and procured a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It did so! much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for ~ dogen bottles.” Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use and to supply it to his friends and neighbory, as every family should have a bottle ¢f it in his home, not only for rheumatism, but’ Jame back, sprains, swellin cuts, ' bruises and burns, for which Sale For sale by Patton at W, Hodght ns. THE GAME OF QU OITS. S SPLENDID EXERCISE. Vor the Eye and Arm. of them of its nndeserved obscurity, to be exalt devoted to the doings of its champions Stranger things have happened Who, ! for instance, would have said when st the ond of the sixties a few energetic sportsmen went wobbling about om hone imperor of | Shakespeare, {shaking hicveles which it we {been far easier to push en tos ‘that at the end of the centnry consider ably more than 100,000 heyele wonld {he mannfactnred annnaily in (ireat (of the popnlation wonld adopt this ! means of locomotion? Ome cannot im agine that gnoits will ever attain snch popnlarity as the hicyele but the nn prejndic od PETSOM Can see NO TeAson ‘why it should not hecome as favorite a | pastime as golf, which a very few vears | ago veas almost nnheard of south of the : Tweed. Quoits is a very fine game. especially Lin the winter time [It ie splendid exer cise and trains the ove and the hand to | act together in a way that few other Sports can da. for the very essence of it mark placed be It has been is acenracy of aim at 8 Low the level of the hand [ohjectad that throwing qnoits makes ithe plaver lopsided. bat after all that is easily remediad, for there is nothing to prevent the player throwing the qnoit with his left hand if he so pleases, Cand smch a change wonld make a vans tion in the games and also afford an sx cellent method of handic ANDY the men of nneqnnl skill nits strengthens the arms and shovlders bnt it is not a pas time which primarily demands strength A great advantage of the game is that it can be played in any small space and that the gronnd need not be particnlar Ivy level Any romgh field or waste bit of gronnd is geod enough for a gnoits pitch, and po rolling or entting is re guired to satisfy the demands of the most exigent For erickst yon peed a carefully prepared wicket. for lawn tennis and criovgnet a piece of tor! like a billiard table and for golf the best part of a conntry all to yo viral! bet for quoits yon omly need a few yards of rongh gronnd and vom have ax good A place for throwing as any one can pos sibily rogmire People certainly might play gnoits more than they do bot the taking np of a game is nenally » matter of fancy, and perhaps two things stand in the way of quoita First, there is an idea that it is a “rustic sport and can only be played by the rongh country lads, and, second. thers is the legend that the game is derived from the classical discus throwing, a sospicion which it must be comfosed is enotigh to throw a slur on any well regninted game No treatise on quoits can begin with. out the time honored pedigrees of the quoit from the discns. Strat, who lived at the end of the last century, of conrse dealt with it, and equally of conrse he dragged in the discns even if he did not invent the descent of quoits from the sports of ancient Giresce. The thing, of course, is abenrd To make a discus the artisan did not, in the words of the immortal Irishman, take a hole and put some iron aronnd it. The discns was ' mare like a flattened Dutch cheese and was 8 solid missile Moreover, it was i not held in the same manner ks a qnoit, but was bowlad nnderhand, in which indead it alone differs from putting the weight. That qnoits is now played chiefly in the country is the fault of {those who do not play it and bring it | into tashion. It ia no doubt a very ancient English game, and {ts beginnings are lost in the mist of ages Haklnyt mentions it in his book of “Voyage, ' so it was well i known in Queen Elizabeth’ 8 time, when Lit probably was one of the favorite {sports of Merrie England In some parts of the conutry the rastics used to einploy horseshoes for want of properly | made quoits, and there are districts in which the qnoit is called a “shoe” even (to this day. This gives ns the clew to the most probable origin of the sport ‘and hints that the first game of qnoita was started by throwing old horseshioms i at the hob or mark, and from this grad: {nally grew up the practice of having | qaoits specially made for throwing So | much for the discns legend. As for the i more than doubtful. and it gives us no i clew whatever to the origin of the | game. who mentions every: thing except tobacco, of course has a was a contemporary of his it may be ' held to show that the spacions times of ! Gireat, Elizabeth were the palmy period | of quoits. It is true that he does not ipeak of the sport in very reputable : ronnection, for the only mention of it ‘ocenrs in the scene in which Prince { Henry. Falstaff, Poins and the rest were in the Boar's Head tavern, in | Eastchepe. Falstaff, in giving a char- one ' acter sketch of the young gine, ob serves that he plays quoits well, but the ‘context very clearly shows that in Queen Elizabeth’ 8 time at any rate quoit playing was looked down upon as tles is with na That fat Jack Falstaff, disreputable old fellow as he was meant to imply no good of the prince ‘ by his reference to gquoits is very evi dent. This is the only reference to guoits in Shakespeare, and it iz a libel, though the sting is taken oot of it vy ‘the fact that it is pnt inte the mouth | Jf Falsta® --Physical Caltare. CAN BE PLAYED ANY PLACE AND IS | tt Ta a Very Ancient English Pas- time, and Its Beginnings Are Lost | In the Mint of Ages~Fine Training There are some games which have | never had their boom, and gnoits is one | {till as nothing happens bat : the nnexpected. it may be that the time is nearly ripe for qnoits to be taken ont | » to the statns of a national game. to | have weekly papers named after it and | to have eolnmne in the sporting press nid have ride | ClOTR, show is proud of the big institution “nat. ‘with a young Kangaroo, the idle man’srecreation, much as skit- | cuts, wounds and skin diseases. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. who are either so pre udiced against all ~ vertised remedies, or have become discour- a eer medicines to help them, and succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won- derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troub- les. Here is one of those ed at the failure of who will FOLEY'S BAER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. OW, ae Patton Pharmacy. (set your pictares framed at Fisher’ i. Try the City Restaurant for green | groceries. Britain alone and that a great part | Fresh shad, catfish, eels, bass and ‘herring at the Cash Grocery, Call at the Cash Grocery and get prices on groceries and yon will surely buy. the Ponst Bruer. photo corner of Fourth and Mages Call on grapher, CAVEnnes By allowing the accamulations in the bowels to remain, the entire system is DeWitt's Little Early Risers regulate the bowels Try them ana youn will always use them. (. W, Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy poisoned. The rich man's whiskey is Harper, because it is supremely delicioos. The poor man’s whiskey is Harper, becaose such good whiskey helps him. The family whiskey is Harper, becanse it's pure, pleasant and strengthening Sealdd by W. I. Daggett, Patton, Pa WALTER MAN'S CIRCUS To Exhibit at Rh Alton Monday. May 1899, Altoona is to be visited on above date by Walter Main’s fine circas and men agerie. It comes highly recommended by both the States and Provinoes It is a square dealing show, and neither gambling and pilfering is permitted near it. The attaches are gentlemen, and will make it pleasant for all Everyone connected with VERE the with which he is connected, and the public will be surprised at the enormity of the show it its own special trains. The parade will embrace the princi pal streets and start at 10 4 m fram the grounds. The parade will be novel and worth seeing. Many of the and mal dens will be open to view. There are some very fine specimens of the wild beast creations in the menagerie, in all over 25 dens. One aonprecedented novelty and curiosity is the baby ele phant, only two months old. He i= called Admiral Dewey, but should be named, the attendents say, “Peanut,” he ia so very small and has acquired an unsatisflable appetite for the circus There is a den containing three baby lions only six weeks old, another and another having in it four baby monkeys. Some baby Arabian ponies are other features, also & big stock of ostriches and ope fos, AR Wedd COMER Gn ' baby chick ostrich among them This great show has the finest per- forming liona, tigers and leopards on earth. They all perform in the open circus ring, like equestrians and acro- bate, and do the same kind of feats, even to the liona riding horseback and somersauiting. it is a wonderful act. The circus is excellent. It ix one of the features and full of comedy. The aerialista, riders, acrobats, leapers and general performers are the very best that money can procure. There are nine acta in the circds, the finest of their kind in the world. A free exhi. bition takes place at the grounds at il a.m. and 6:30 p. Band concert in circus tent one hour preceding each performance. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. Program commences at 2 and 8 o'clock. If you have piles cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the results of the dis | word “quoit’’ itself, its etymology is ease without disturbing the disease itself. Place your confidence in De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure others; it will not fall to cure you. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Reduced Hales to Lancaster. On account of the parade of the Knights of the Golden Eagle at Lan- caster, Pa., May 9, the Pennsylvania Railroad company has arranged to sell excursion ticketa from all stations on ita line in the State of Pennsylvania to ' Lancaster and return, at rate of single fare for the round trip, minimum rate 25 cents. Tickets will be sold on May # and 9, good to return until May 10, inclusive, but will not be valid for puss- age on the Pennsylvania Limited. Little, neglected scratches and ‘wounds frequently result in blood poi. soning. Heal them quickly with De- : Witt's Witeh Hazel Salve, a thoroughly anti-septic application with a record of always curing piles, old nlcers, sores, CW “ Wall paper at Fisher's 31 cents rofl. [eave your laundry with Scheid Wilkins Stil a few suits for Mrs, Diartt's Cio ton at the ols par | pesrind and Sparrow Past For Lowneys fates gro they City anrant rhubarb and et on Saturday. Onioni, ricidishes tee at the Cash Grocery A full and complete line of ladies’ anderwear at Mra Dartt’'s millinery store You cannot do better than to call on (iemld & Beeger for first-class plumbing, ate, Fatimates freely given 4tf 1s elevtrie Light poles advertises on the 2 Qertainly tes it Sfenitiess’ vepreants’t fi Sahionck”” paanter yr instance eleotrie yon can't stand the at ren, the “date!” edna Rates 10 Herrvishirg (in account of the the Hartranft Monoment at Pa, May 12, the Pennsylvania Rail road company h ex unveiling of Harrisburg, as arranged to sell crrsion Linkets stations on ita line in the Ntate of Pennsylvania, and return, at the rate ww the round trip, crits Tioke 11 and 12, Mav 13 inchusave, the to Harrisburg of single fare fi mini mim rafe 25 tx wiil be sold em May grwnl to retarn anti 14; and will be hut will not be valid for passage on Pennsylvania Limited, fo Remain Heres Regalarly, Frost Bruer, the photagrapher, who hax his gall Foarth and Mages avenues, near rai- road station wishes to inform the pubis w be found in his gallery that he can no AWint on 5 Pri irk guaranteed every «day in the Week 0H theme who wish wor wok reascnable and ai wi For Nagle eff rond threw The following 18 at {ine ah) OW CRs privals Anle store Scales, tank and Also Coun ter, ane oil gow] as Dew. one 18 foot pump agent in Patton Borough. Boone, corner of avenies attachment y rent or sell several properties Inquire of George fang Fifth and {| adertak ng The Hastings and Patton Undertak- ing Co. has an office in the Npencer block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard Telephone con- Patton Nao, Patton, and H. are funeral wars store in Patton, nections, Hastings No 3 CC Grenminger, J. Eaaly, Hastings, girectors. iT the Property for Sle A valuable property, consisting of a good 2atory frame building used as a store and residence, with first-class base- ment, situated on Fifth avenue. Splen. did well on premises. ' Also good out- buildings. Will be sold at a reasonable figure. Call on or address JOHN (FAGLIARDI, 15812 Patton, Pa Fat For Nije. lot, No. 8. in Block Fifth avenue pn the For terms apply its For sale, one 58, fronting on Borough of Patton. to Henry Raemsch, Eikins, W.Va As the season of the year when puien. lagrippe, sore throat, coughs, catarrh, bronchitin and lang troubles are to be guarded against, nothing “4s a fine substitute,” will “answer the purpose.” or in “just as good’ as Ome Minute cough cure. That is the one infallable remedy for lung. threat and bronchial Inaist vigorously on having it thing else’ is offered you (C Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. mania, colds, if “mome. fant Strayed or stolen a red cow with whife horns set back, a piece out of one ear, and aged % or 9 years, left my premises Sat, April 22. A liberal re. ward for information leading to recov- ery of same. JoRN CSHORY, ne Patton, Pa If you suffer from tenderness or full- ness on the right side, pains under shoulder-blade, constipation, billioas- ness, sick headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and con. DeWitt’s Little Barly Risers will enre you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removiag the conges- tion and causing the bile ducts to open and How wpaturally. They pills C. WW. Hodgkins, gisted. Patton Pharmacy. i ph Between Philmdelphin and New York vie very located on the corner of all trotihles, Ww. ¥ are good THE TWO HOUR TRAINS Philadelphia & Reading Raflway, For lnxorons, swift and at the same time perfectly safe traveling the above trains cannot be excelled, a special not- able feature is the entire absence of amoke, soot and cinders, the engines burning only hard coal. The intodac- tion of these trains by the Philadelphia & Reading was a great boon to the business men of both cities, and the patronage by this class of passengers has steadily increased as well as that of other persons for pleasure or busi. ness parposes. It is a common prac- tice by these travelers to leave home in Philadelphia after breakfast, and spending the day in New York retarn in time for 7 o'clock dinner, Pollman cars are attached to all these trains, and the 730 a m. toand 4 pm. from New York also have Pollman Ruffet parlor car. To specially accom- madate the gentlemen the 30 a m. to and 430 p. m. from New York, also have a parlor smoking car attached. For time tables apply to any Phila. delphia & Reading ticket agent, or address Edwon J. Weeks, General Passenger Agent, Reading Terminal, Philadeiphia yo Ripans Tabales one gives reli 20 Our great variety is one of onr chief popular saving Cook's you charms and makes the af find it cannot find it in town few good things: linens, very pretty, with work and hemstitohed Wo, and $1.50 per yard frp shirt waists and skirts ie and he por yard Fol canndt at Here are a New wear! fancy drawn edie, AL 250, {irny Bnen for 12ie, 3 Huckaback towels in heavy quality, 18%38 inches, for 124ic each, White hemmed, whe eal Kiriped wash silk, 3Tie yard A heavy quality Mansseiin HW hin, Mk per yard. Ale new lace curtains and draperies aorta at very reasonable Agures. OUR MAIL and avery at- # mY ercehet. quilts, for Wiis dan r 1 Or 84: i yeddey system in pried t attention given One Square Fram Station Altoona, Penna. YOU — At It makes no difference how cheap you can bay groceries elsewhere, I can atill save you some money, quality of goods considered. THE CAsH GROCERY. WALL PAPER. \WALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria Over 100 new designs to select from. Prices from 1} to 50 ote per roll. Room Monldings from 3 to 8 cla a foot. We also carry a full line of Wall Pockets, Pictures, Frames and Mouldings. Can make any size Frame desired at the lowest prices. Old Frames cleaned and renewed. The Patton Wall Paper Store, ('. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, PEXN'A. Boarding House. Vine Street PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and Clearfield county people visiting Phila- delohia will find this a ¢ L 1 Pili wWiil Of ills Aa CON~ venient and central location. Terms &1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. 12-41 The Delineator IS THE. Woman's Favorite Magazine, and is immed by the famous fashion publishers, The Batterick Publishing n, Limited at 7 to 17 West Thir- teenth Street, New York, at the re markahiy low rate of $1.00 for a year's sabscription, or 15 cents per copy. Of all family m nes it ik the great caterer to Domestic Needn, and can be recommended for its cheap- pews, asefiness, beauty, and, freshness and utility 1 Grocery House where things look neat and clean: where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above a in the market at sort of House we all where you know you ire getting the best the keep That's be Sire of the it. fairest of prices. Call and Have you seen our line of DRY GOODS? hnest y ar The ur p Se. 1 tH this section and at prices When in town make our store Ve ur welc Me. headquarters. You will be
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers