Opposite School Bailding. be attended to and guaran-| fhe best Ee Give hem | Saraitars The PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1364. i $1.00 PER VEAR. > TO ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER. ORDINANCE NUMBER 45. Ftc. Run- Pat Relating to Dogs; at Borough, ning large in tom & PASSED MONDAY EVE, May 1st. 1800-8 Very lmportant Ac? asd =haunld be Read he ALL An Ordinance Relating to Dogs and ‘ Bitches Running at Large, requiring same to have Collar and Namber, and © imposing a Tax on Owners ¢ of the Rar requiring Bitches while in Season te shut op, &e. Be it enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Bor. ough of Patton and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same: : . BroTion 1. That from and after the first Monday of June, 1890, all dogs and bitches running at large in the Borough of Patton shall be required to be reg- istered and to wear a collar and tag “with the number of the dog engraved ‘on the tag, the collar ti; be furnished by ‘the owner of the dog and the tag and number to be furnished by the Town Council, which number and tag to be furnished to the owner of the dog by {the Becretary of the Town Council on payment of the tax hereinafter mentioned. . 8EC. 2. Any dog or bitch found run. ning at large in the Borough without being registered and having collar and number shall be captured by the Chief of Police or High Constable and im- pounded, of which notice shall be given ‘by at least six written or printed notices describing said dog posted in ‘as many conspiclous places in said ‘ Borough, for at least twenty-four hours after impounding said dog; if the fowner of said dog impounded shall icome within said time and redeem said ‘dog by paying the tax imposed and a fine of not Jess than fifty cents nor ‘more than two dollars with costs of arrest he shall be released, if said dog or bitch shall not be redeemed, it shall ‘be the duty of the Chief of Police or ‘High Constables to forthwith kill the | RAme. ~ 8ec, 3. Itshall be the duty of the owner of all dogs and bitches in the Borough of Patton on or before the Ist Monday of June, 1598, and annually thereafter to have such dog or bitch ! registered by the Secretary of the Town Cou neil to pay a tax of fifty cents for each dog and one dollar for each bitch ‘#0 owned and registered, the same to . be paid to the Secretary for the ose of ‘the Borough; it shall be the duty of ‘ the Secretary to give the dog so regis. tered a number and the name of the (owner of the same in a book to be kept for that purpose which number {shall be worn by the dog and which shall be evidence of such registration. : : 2 . Bec. 4. That no female dog or bitch, 10¢, 14¢, 16¢, 18¢, 20¢, 25¢, 28 while in season, shall be permitted to and 30 per yd. (run at large in the Borough; it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of ell, 16 different to select | the same to keep such female dogs shat Also the latmt in ta up in some secure place while in this jet 25 and 30¢ per oy cotton In. condition. ) carpet 25 and 35¢ per yd; Union, Sgc. 5. It shall be the duty of the ool Ingra a. > and yd; al { Chief of Police to seize and shat up in ! from B50c to $1.25 per oy he some secure place each and every fe- finest and cheap Hh town. male dog running at large while in ‘The old le place to buy your season in sald Borough, and shall be best for the least money. | ‘bis duty to potify the owner of the lsame, who may if they pay a fine of two dollars and ‘ Burgess for the within six hours from the time of re- ~ House Furnishing, | celving said notice duly given, redeem : ' said female dog or bitch, otherwise the Tin and Plumbing Dpts, : Chief of Police or High Constable shall forthwith kill and bury the same, 5 0 ' y All kinds of tinwork will go met Ao or Police or High Conair shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents for each dog or bitch | seized and shut up under the provisions The following will be our leading of this ordinance and twenty-five cents hich you very well know are additional if he bas to kill and bury in the market. Quite a va- ho athe. to select from: Capello . Sunshine and Othello, The Gro. E. PRINDIBLE, Burgess. Ranges, The Garland’ Steel W. C. HUBBARD, President of Council These are all guaranteed. ’ ee y Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. The finest designs of Mattings at the following prices: Rardware, teed. | Attest: James GULICE, Sec. of Couneil. A comp =. line of shelf hardware, | aint varus etc., sash and 5 The coal. shove etc. king you for all past favors, | soliling your further patronage, fencing or of vary description | Patton Cesnetery Co, Nother. try wise, ds of pie lA lows, ete. uarters for miners’ tools-- augers, powder and August 15, 1898, and have not paid for | the same are hereby notified that in order to preserve record and location All persons who occupied ground in Very Respectfully, 17th, 1898. To enable us to complete graves must be changed. Parron CemeTERY CO. ps E. C. Brown, Mgr. ~ &FuriCo, © C. GRENINGER, Mgr. TE ms pram tex the money are at the Cash Grocery. costs of arrest, to the use of the Borough, Highland cemetery for graves prior to improvements and grading now being done the location of a few of the NEW ROAD ABOUT COMPLETED Faken Bradicy Jans Patton anal whe Festina 1 Betwesn Shon as In the fwsne of the Coram Tharsiay May i published relative to 5 white! en dated an articie was roach Patton to Ebensburg by way of Hokenrode Bradley Jo 1 He nn, the CORFE. was fa mage the start or establishing a road from this place to Eekenrode Milis and indacing the citizens of Carroll township take the matter ap and continue the same froma Eoekenrode Mills to Brasliey June tion, where it wonld intersst with the that to Eben behalf of township are publ Fig: 4 wan badly needed from Mills and nal ard the first steps to Is as angpested | Ri 0% i £K vi . Laie 14s wading from rs. $44; rivact M4 burg the eitizens of Clearfield doing ang it wel they about completed and are now ready for the Borough of Patton to de its part in making the connection from the township line to intersect with East This important work neglected ae it will of the possiblity of burg by a shorter and more desirous route than by the way of Carrolitown A good graded road has been obtained between this place and Fokenrode Miils and the same can be made through Bradley Junction, a distance of about four miles Following is the report of the view. ers of the road, as above mentioned, as being about completed: Commonwealth of Penn’a, County of Cambria ¢ At a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the County of Cambria held at Ebensburg, in the said county, on the ninth day of September, A. D, 1885, before: the Honorable Judge of the sad court: Upon the petition of divers inhabitants of the Township of Clear field and Patton Borough, in the said county, setting forth that they labor under inconvenience for the want of a road or highway, to lead from a point at or near county bridge in the Bor. ough of Patton to a point at or near ‘Litginger's bridge leading to Foken- rode’s Mills, in Clearfield township, Cambria county, Pa, apd therefore praying the court to appaint proper persons to view and lay out the same according to law. The court upon dus consideration had of the premases, do order and appoint J. L. Ry SUrVeyor, John He vr and Martin YIWErs., % Prac BL PRET Vim ra 36 % ¥ v4 23 1 pAry And have the road AVEDUH shauid not be Magee hasten the prigect reaching Ebens to Thomas Report of Viewers We, the undemigned viewers, ap Be wointed by the annexed order respect ully repo rt that after giving notioe xe reqaired by law and Laird Elder, a. Bender and Martin Thomas, view: ers, having all been present at the view ‘of the ground ropes for such road, and having ail been soverally sworn and affirmed to perform our duties ae. cording to law. We, in parsuance of said order, have jayed out and do re. turn for public ase the following road: Beginning at a point at or near the county bridge in the Borough of Pat. ton through the lands of Chest Creek Land & Improvement company, Mary Saltsgiver, William Litsinger and Mra Litzinger bridge, on road leading to Eckenrode's Mills, in Clearfield town. ship, Cambria county, Pa. No dam. ages awarded. Said road, as aforeaaid, laid out in Patton Borough and Clear. fleld township, Cambria county, Pa We are of the opinion is necessary for a public road and we recommend the sate, Witness onr hands this 30th day of November, 1585, J. Land FrLoer, Jonas BENDER, MARTIN THOMAS, Viewers Certified 26th 8 W. Davis Clerk QS From the Record day of June, 1566 Mining Figare Fixed. At the meeting of the miners’ dele. ‘ gates held at Clerfleld Saturday, April 20th, the matters of wages waa fixed for the present. An agreement was entered into which disposes of the price for machine mining, while the price for pick mining was not advanced. The new price for the machines makes a difference of about 11 per cent. over the old price paid in the Beech Creek region. The agreement required that all men who were on a strike for an advance to resume work Monday, May 1st. As May 1st was a legal holiday ‘the miners of Patton went to work i Tuesday, May 2d. The price formerly i paid for machine mining in Patton was 22} cents and the price paid now, as per agreement, is 23 cents Property For sale A house and lot on corner of Palmer ‘and Pennsylvania avenues, will be sold at a bargain. Inquire of M. M. Nolan, Patton, Pa. | of their graves, and title to the ground, | it wilt be necessary to arrange the mat- ter with the Cemetery Co. before May A Busy House, It is quite evident from the number “of suits we are making that the major- | ity of people who wish to feel comfort- ‘able and look well dressed come to us to get the most service and satisfac. | tion out of money spent for clothes | and the price is right-that's why we are busy. DiNsMORE Bros, { Merchant Tailors. « WILLIAM H. of the I did make and that was that give PROF. GIBSON REELECTED superintendent of C Cambria Co. 1 for Another Term. Honored by Rung Chosen President of (he C {ibson Had 43 Majority. The convention of school directors of Cambria county, called to elect a surcessor to County Saperintendent T. I. Gitwon, was called to order in the court house at Ebensburg at 1:35 Toes. dav afternoon by Mr. Gibson, William H. Sandford, cashier of the First National Bank of this place, Thomas Hamilton, of Westmont, and John tall, of Portage township, wera nominated for presiding officer of the convention. Mr. Hamilton afterward withdrew and the result of the ballot was: Sandford, 172 tell, 133, Messrs. Robert J. Hotchinson, of Stonvereek township, and Strittmat- tor, of Hastings, were pamed as soore- taries Of ention A motion fix the salary before election prevalied and it was suggested OR YS tion ff the conv toy This was voted down, and it was finally decided to leave it at the present fig. $1700 As candidates for county superin tendent of schools, Prof RH. Biter, of Gallitzin, was placed in nomination by Mr. Michael Fitzharris, of that place, and Prof T. LL. Gibson, of Eb nsburg, the present (ocambent, Charlies F. O'Donnell, of Gailitdn, single ballot was taken, resulting in the election of Mr. Gibson by a vote of 173 to 130 Resolations protesting against the reduction of the State school approp riation by Governor Stone were anan- hnonsly adopted and a copy ordered forwarded to the Executive, Cemetery Improvements, The Patton Cemetery Co, within the past ten days, has set out about 150 shiule trees, and different kinda of shrubbery in ita Highland cemetery to the north-east of Patton The com- pany has also ontiined the position of the different streets and driveways by furrows and grading, and a new fenean around entire cemetery is about completed, The grass seed that wis SOW in Lhe cemetery last fall is com ing up and presenta a beautiful appear ance. A row of shade of trees has been been planted outside of the cemetery, along the driveway to the gate, and in a year or two the cemetery will present a handsome mapect. The Cotmiem Lh understands that it is the intention to empley a competent person to look after the cemetery grounds in the interest of the Cemetery Co. and those | who have lota there R. Litzinger to a point at or near the fog Broken. John A. Myers, conductor of work train No. 1 on the Cambria & Clearfield division of the PP. B. B., had the mis. fortune to sustain a compound fracture of his left ankle Tuesday. The acci- dent occurred in the Patton yards where Mr. Myers was assisting to re- move some switch frogs from a car, when in some unavoldable manner one frogs, weighing over 1800 pounds, fell an his Hmb with the above resait. He was quickly removed to his residence on Magee avenue when Dra Worrell and Murray were sommoned who at once reduced the fracture and dressed an ugly gash on his limb, which he alan sustained in the accident The many frinds of Mr. Myers trast that he will snon he able ta be about again, : An Absolute Falsehood, I have been told that a certain person who resides in this town circulated the report that [, as street commissioner of Patton Borough, would not employ parties to work on the streets unless they would deal at ths store of Geo, 8 Goud. The party who circulated this report, did not tell the trat idea as that sever entered mind. It makes no difference where a party who works for me does his bay- ing and [ thiak the party who cireu- lated the resort has little to deo what he dill. Ope expression I would 4 miper who was 8 property owner and wo was out of work all the preference as Lo employent. F. X. LEnMAN, Street Commissioner. , 48 such an my SAYING etarn Thanks, The miners and mine Patton aud vicinity wish to sincerely ‘thank the business men and citizens of | | Patton for their generosity in contrib- Our clothes are made right, look right, | uting to the fund called for the purpose | Lake Park, Md., Tuesday. of sending dolegates to the convention held at Clearfield last week. . By order of COMMITTER SANDFORD ‘Andy $2.10, : Winslow not vo Bo Cll, 3; laborers of TRY IT AND SEE. BORO. LAW. MAKERS in Hegiuiar Sesston Monday Night Deadlork on Election of Police, Patton Borough law makes met in session Mon, Mt members present as por roll call: Hob. bard, Anderson, Blair, Cordell, Camp- bell, and MeCormick., The minntes of Winulow 24th were read and gpproved J. D. Blair, member of the Street Committee, reported that that commit- tee went over the boroogh in company with members of Board of Health for the purpose of inspection, as requested at last meeting, The Street Committes the following report to “Requesting Mr, Gold- also minde the Council: stein to lay pavement on west side of : hig building on Fifth avenoe; To notify property owners to repair pavement in front of Frank Kinkead's on Fifth ‘avenue; To open ditch from railroad , back of houses on Kerr avenne and to drain water from “dock pond,” ete; To place crossing at alley on rear of Cornelius block on Kerr avenue and | erect board walks in front of vacant iota on same have property owners avenue; To place sewer pipe across alley at rear of Beckwith and Barn- that it be raised to $1800 per annom. water off of same; To ditch all past Kudruff's property and drain same across street: To lay bonrd walks along vacant lots on Russell avenue, west of the property of Wm. Pyles; To ditch alley at rear of Mellon old hotel; To i lay board walks in front of vacant lota east aide of Mellon avenae. by | A would notify the Keystone Paving Co, of Clearfield as to the number of fest of carbing required to be furnished i along Magee avenue, Burgess Prindible stated that he On motion, which was duly seconded, was ananimonsly carried that Ordinance ta be known as No, 45, re- lating to dogs, ete, rooning at large on the streets of Patton Borough, be it adopted as read and published in Cot RIER the required number of times The matter of levying a fav on ail telephone poles in Borough was taken up and the matter referred to the Bor. ongh Sallcitor The question of laying a sewer on Fifth avenae between Magee and Kerr avenues was taken up and after dis cussion was held over till next meeting. Joseph H. Hubbard asked Council for permit to erect building for Chas Rhody on Fifth avenue and on motion it was carried that the matter be held over tH next regular meeting night, and ip the meantime the Borough So- licitor be instructed to prepare a blank form of permit and present same at meeting next Monday night. On motion it was carried that the following bills he accepted and Clerk instructed to draw orders for same: Jaa. Gitllisce, $5.10 for clerk services for month of April and postage; The Geo. 8. Good Electric Light Co., $88.91 for month of April; H. W. Brant, $40.70 for Chief Police service for month of April and meals to prisoners; Patton Clay Mfg. Co, 98 conta for sewer pipe; Patton Water Co, $40.00 for water rent for month of April, and the following for street work for month of April per Street Commissioner's account: F. X. [ebman, $34.48; A. Hutchison, $13.05; Jas. McCaffery, $8.25; John Biller, $3; Ed Thomas, $12.25; John Tate, $2.50; Howard Tate, $1.50; John Bortman, $2.85, P. H. Iddings, $6.85; T. N. Nagle, $13.40; Thomas Quinn, $4.08; Sam’l Weakland, §7.70;, Ed Glass, §2; Alex Hotehison, $3; A. T. Cornelius, $155; Pokatilla, $6.85; Dan Jenkins Peter Bomich, $180; J. A. Thomas, $8.75; August Burkey, $8.70; J. H. Truman, $8; Frank Cole, $3; Carl Burgeson, 75 cents; Geo. 8. Good, $2.50. The following applications for the | position of Chief of Police of Patton | Borough were received and read: R, E. Jones, Wm. Gill, Chas. Walf and W. T. Robinson, Six ansuccesaful ballots were taken, which resulted as follows: First bal- lot-—Jones, 3; Gill 2; Wulf, 1; Council man Winslow not voting. Second Jones, 3; Gill, 3; Winslow pot voting. Third co (nidl, 3; Winslow not voting. Fourth -Jones, 3, Gill, 3; ting. Fifth-—Joues, 3; Robinson, 1. Sixth-Jones, 3; Gill, 3; Winslow not voting, Owing to a deadlock and the lateness of the Jones, 3 hour the election of a police was held over till next regular meeting. Council then adjourned to meet next Monday night, May Sth, 1580, Major Wolfe Dead. As the COURIER goes to press word is received that Major John A. Wolfe, formerly proprietor of the Palmer ‘house of Patton, had died at Mountain Interment will be made at Philipsburg to-day { Thursday }. i not be learned at this writing. ions of one of thelr most tesmed citizens, Mr. Frank Ivory, who night with the following | day, April 22. years, 7 months and 23 days. reguiar meeting held Mon. | day evening, April children are joft to monrn | # loving busband and father: Further particulars could Obhitnery . left to mourn the highly es Many friends are quietly passed away at his home near Rt, Angastine at 5 o’slock a.m. Satur. Deceased was aged 58 Besides a devoted wife, the following the ices of Eugene, Charles, and Miss Ella, of Vandergrift; the Misses Minnie and Kathryn, who each just closed a term of school in Dean township; Misses Judith, Margaret and Lena, at home, and iss Francena, who is jnst closing « term the ca parity the of sehaol at Spangler, of teacher, Mr. Ivory was a veteran in the Civil War, having served in the 12th Pean- sylvania Cavalry until the day previons to the battie of Antietum, at which time he sustained such severe injuries in the rush as to compel him to retire, in and from which injaries he gever folly rocoverad. Interment was made at St. Augustine al 8 o'clock a m. Monday. The many friends of tha deceased's family extend their sincere sympathy to them in their bereavement. well houses for purpose of draining XX Father Mol larren Poad Rev. Father John McClarren, pastor of the Catholic church at Chest Springs, died at 8 o’ clock last Wednesday morn. itig at the parsonage, of pneumonia, Alter an {lines of seven weeks, Father MeClarren contracted a bad cold while attending a meeting of the priests last winter and it developed into the dis case that cansed his death. He was aboat 40 years of age and had been in the priesthood for eight years. He was born in the state of New Jersey, and after being ordained, was located at McKeesport, this State, where he re. mained antil two or three years ago, when he wan transferred to the Chest Springs church. A sister, whose home in in the state of New Jersey, was with Father MeClarren when he died, hav- pag been in attendance on him since his sickness. The funeral services were held at the Chest Springs church by Rev. Father Boyle, of Johnstown. The remains were shipped to Jersey City, riear which place the dead priest's rela tives pemide, and where interment was roche, Woman Editor Stabbed Mme (i. Sz. Erdelyi, editor and pro- prietor of the Amerikai Nemazetor, a slavish newspaper of New York, went to Punxsutawney the other day to solicit subscriptions for her paper among the Slava. While canvassing Kleanora she met “Steve” Kotchie, a Slavish buteher, who is opposed to the teachings of the Amerikal. The two had a heated controversy and Kotchie sized a knife and stabbed her in the hreast near the heart, but did aot fat. ally injure her. He was arrested and gntered bail in $1,000 for his appearance ut court. People who have once taken De Witt’s Little Farly Risers will never save anything else. They are the “famous little pills’ for torpid lver and irregularities of the system. C. WwW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. We sell Bicycles just as we sell dry goods—the BEST wheels that the market affords marked at the same price proportion as we mark dry goods. While we can't go into details here, we would be glad to send further information regarding GOOD Bicycles to those who are interested. We havethe “ League at $17.50, $15 and $32.50. And the '* Racycle,” best wheel made, at $35, $40, $45 and $es. There are no better ones made, no matter How Much You Pay. GABLE & CO. 1320-22-24 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. 8 30 the
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