The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 27, 1899, Image 4

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    nis HR ROSA
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which he heen
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
Chinese and ftaltans Especially Ad.
dicted to Games of Chance.
Of all the nations of the earth who
gamble and they all do it more or les
the Chinese come in an easy first
Superstition and the gambling mania
| go tn double harness and while the
: mandarins fly kites ta decide what
shonld be dae 5
and has been made under his per-
YZ ns sonal supervision since its infancy.
s I< * Allow no one to deceive you in this,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Ingunts and {hilaren—Experienee fgainst Experiment.
Oastoria is a sbstitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its nge is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness, It
cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. Tt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
‘Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
100,000 FEET OF
Chamberlain's colic,
used any remedy equal to it for colic
Low gin nglewory %
{and diarrhoea. I have never had to work digging sngleworins, and eap
PRRYR a traveler
| they sre wortly apd thon they asnally
Bott Web Hat Wal gai
Talien Wan the hnmbler Celeatinls am
ble for dear life to pass the time avay
The Chinese pinay night and 4
piil they have lt
go and hare themselves from which
11 woul] appenr that the ve How danger
not wo formblable after gil
The (Chinese Laborers in the United
| Rtgtes sgnander their earnings in a
gare called white pigeon a tio?
White by the wav, is the nnincky cob
for the gamer and the lncky one for
the keeper of the gaming hoase © These
gentry keep orange peel in a box be
Heving that it will bring them lock
The Italians are no less superstitions
and they purisble persistently, the pos
people especially, in the govermoent
Jotteries Everything has a numer: a
eat. a dog a gondola, and the “Libro
dei Bogno the btto player's oracle
will tell yon what the number is and
the rnles for interpreting the appear
ances in dreams Visitors to Venice
which has always been a stronghold of
gambling, may have seen the deciara
tion of the winning figares from the
Campanile of St Mark's the silent,
eager crowd gathered in the square and
the gronp of officials gathered ronnd
| the boy with the bandaged eyes who
draws the nrunbers from the cage
There ia un story told in Venics of a
madman who hailed a gondolier from
i the window of the madhonuss on the is
land to tell
| dreamed. 1
the nnmbers he had
| them and won, and from that day to
| this the gundoliers go near the window
| as they pass in the hope that the mad
| man will call again The story is trone
Jamdon Chronicle
chm: orien
i Bach Regnired Foanrteen Yards of
I was roading 1 an advertisement of
Cholera and |
Diarrhoea Remedy in the Worcester |
Enterprise recently, which leads me to |
write this. [ean truthfully say | never
Lind or Bass Wood Lumber, one | use more than one or two doses to care |
thick, run of log with mill culls the worst case with myself or children.
Surgeon -
Office in Good Building, second floor, | 2 .
Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.
Magee Avenue.
DR. S.W. Worrell,
in Good Building, Room No. 3.
Surgury and the Ere a Specialty All
will revwive promt attention
r. V. A. Murray,
ui in frtinglon Blow, next ta PostoMes,
‘ 1 night alls romper edd fir |
opi y ee vi swe, nome and throat |
oy wpwrlnl attention,
FICE HOURS: -Twoamand lito 2 pm "|
1el Somerville,
Whe Goad By Building.
Attorney-at-Law, |
Patton, Pa.
e in Good 4 Buliding ote, |
t on Mage avenue, near.
P. R. R. de :
Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa.
wiations firstedass. Hest of Lig RO |
Toes at the bar. Stabling attached
~ Prop’ r
iiding, Patton, Pa, Phone No. § |
Pi. A All ails will be prom
John Radcliffe, Agent, of |
\ttend 0 the §
wants of |
aad vieinity. Calls |
FirstNation'i Bank
| at least save the other two
| long, however, wfore a second ote dicd
win and Banks meecived upon the most fe vors
Bile terms eoopniateont with safe and conseryRiive |
| ne. of the 0d Warld
; A. E. Patron,
~W. A. Strond, Popomoke City, Md.
For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CW,
{ Hodgkins.
Angleworms Every Day.
A would be philanthropist relates his
experiences trying to play mother toa
nest of little robins, which had by some
| mecident been deprived of their rightfal
mother's care He diligently set to
posed that he was fulfilling his whole
duty, when one of the poor little songs
ters died Upon examinsion of the
| body, which was reduced to skin and
. bone, the foster parent came to the con
clusion that it mmst have died of starry
Deeply grieved st his sheatooming
he redonbied his efforts, determine to
It was 1144
| evidently of the same malady. The ged
wan then resolved that, whatever ts
i third one died of, it should not be
CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00.
SURPLUS, $47,000.00,
Adonis of { orpomtions, Firms, Individo. |
, Stemmnship Viekets for mie tor all the leadin
ines, Forel: Dallas jruide in the pripeipea i
Al scrrespandenos wii Plime cir prompt and |
| personal atienlion,
Interest pid on tine deposits
Wa. H. Baxpronn,
President. Cashier.
R. F. Notley,
- Dealer in
‘Wines, Liquors,
Beer, Etc.
D. Lutz & Son's Beer a
Our Bottled Beer and Porter for
family use cannot be excelled. Prices |
are reasonable, -
~ ough, Asthma,
Wrench ftis and Inciplent
Gahsumption, la
| starvation, and tok off his coat and
‘went to work in earnest He kept on
| with the augloworm diet until be found
that his one little bird was consaaning
from 14 to 158 yards of angleworios a
| day This vena too much for his pa
tience, and he proceeded to substitute
the more easily managed dist of broad
apd milk and aber delicacies, which
| were, however, not nearly so minch to
: Miss Roldnu's taste
Wanting to discover whether bio had
been catering to a family of almorioal
| appetites, nr friend took 0 watching
the methuxis of & real mother bird and
Pneumonia, lagrippe, coughs, colds,
eroup and whooping cough readily
vield to One Minute cough cure. Use
this remedy in time and save a doctor's
bill or the undertakers (WW
Hodgkin's, Patton Pharmacy
t Undertaking
The Hastings and Patton Undertak.
ing Co. has an offes in the Spencer
block, Hastings, and in the Kirk Hard-
ware store in Patton, Telephone con:
nections, Hastings No. 77; Fatton No,
3. ( C. Grenpinger, Patton, and H.
J. Easly, Hastings, are the funeral
People who have once taken De
Witt's Little Early Risers will never
have anything else. They are the
“famous little pills” for torpid liver
and irregnlarities of the system. (0
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy
Fill a bottle or common glass with
your water and let it stand twenty. four
hours: a seditgent or settling indicates
an unhealthy condition of the kidneys;
if it stains your linen it is evidence of
kidney trouble; too frequent desire to
pass it or pain in the hack is also con.
vincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder are out of order
What! to De.
There is comfort in the knowledge
a0 often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in curing rheuama
tism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and avery part of the urinary
prssages. It corrects inability to hold
water and scalding pain in passing it,
nan pat his money on
or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that un
pleasant necessity of being compelled
to go often daring the day, and to get
up many times during the night. The
mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for ita wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases. [f
you need a medicine you should have
the best. At druggists ify cents or
ane dollar.
You may have a sample bottle and a
book that tells more about i$, both sent
abwolutely free by mail, if you send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co,
Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be
' sare and mention that you read this
generous offer in the PATTON CoURIER
JROTHOE bn hereby gies Eh gL an anh aie
wie to thes Guworser of Pennies "
pall i ¥ WE Sep lieriaerr Id baa
Basisli & WM Sehorer, R.O Ratnony or % iH
Sev naar the (isssral Corporation Aft or (Wg mie
sR mreants far Che carter of an alent rer ten
Gow io ta rakied The Amerboam Drfstrier Teirgru
Enno pany of Prassyivania, whisk is food for 10
pritjese of renviructing. maintaining snd nts: “g
Boom of to ograph tar (he private wee of iediv
Prine, corporations, manieipal snd harwisn ys #
femaras iinstu: Abd for 9¢ Bre alarm, or mos
eget a dines, and for the rane tion Fry somone Thom
thorewith of 8 mesenger and delivery we
vies te (he somnties of Adams Al ty, Aros
siremg Beaver, Headford, Bers, Bialr, Feadlord
Bae de, Byline, Dmieia, 8, Cameron, (srhom, Center
Lomimy, 1 {Watom, Cininmbin, (raw
toad Cwndarised, | in, Delswars Fix, Eris
Iragettia, Forest ¥ in Patton Green Hubtiog
wn, Indians, Jefferson, Jusista Ta kawansne fan.
wontier, [awrence, Labaaon, 1 Yaserse ly:
"orang. Me Kenn, Maorcer, Miia Monroe Moaig
wy Montoer Northam pion, Worth mderinsd Ferrey,
Flusteiphia Pike, Potter, Sehuyiniil Hn vier. Row
weaet, Huiitean Sasqunehanss Tiogs, [Melon Vansege
Warren, Washington, Wayne Wmtmorsiand, W yo
ming, Go! York, snd for these purpravs 8 avs,
3 pnt enjoy oll the rights, hecafiis mod rrive.
fonnd that she fed hor yonug every two
minntes He then conenlited the hinrnid §
books npati birds and discovered that
14 yards of worms a day, with meals |
every two minutes is the average rate
mid Ast of Aseomily sod iis bappiemec a.
of feeding fodgelings He has therefore | §
decided that he does not cate 10 take
up raising birds by hand as a bosiness
—~ Boston Tras ript.
He Got the Ad.
“You're nit on that horrid paper
are you, cried the girl who speaks her
mind, “thongh 1 did once mest a re
(| porter from it who was rather nice?
He came Wo see about getting an adver
| tisemment What! Not a reporter?
| Why, I thought he wax Well, anyway
I had lost a dogg and he said he bad
heard of it and wanted to know if |
didn't want to advertise in bis paper
for it. | wid him I dido't believe |
liked his old paper, and he maid he
didn’t think much of it himself, but he
thought 11 was pretty apt to reach the
i class of people who stole dogs And «0
‘since he was so polite abont it |
thought I might as well advertise init
Bat 1 didn’t get the dog New York
' Commercial Advertiser.
Show Your Best Qualities,
Honesty does not require os to hang
| our cil paintings faced to the wall in
Forder that cur friends may see that
| they are made on coarse cauvas It is
right to appear always at oar best
| Give the world your brightest thoughts
Patton Pharmac y,
. W. Hodgkins.
your ost courteous speech, the out
come of your kindest impulses aod
) purest motives, no matter if yon ar
conscious that these things are above
| your ordinary level God mde th
flowers show their colors, not thei:
dull, fibrous matter; to load the ai
with their odors, not with the rans
‘ pens of their sap
~Homtletie Review
Homance Versus Heality.
The romanticist speaks: A realist is
a man who takes his own viston of the
world as true and the visions of all
‘ other persons as false.
The realist speaks. The romantici-t
_ is a man who has forgotten the origin
and meaning of the nursery tales wiih
! and Seseniit fon may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invent is probably tentable. Communica
tions st nif book an Patents
which his head is filled New York
Commercial Advertiser.
ir be ceranin i
The first public bath in England for
hot bathing purposes was opened in’
mt oN Rb PA WAS,
Opium is considered three times as
‘deadly as alcohol
PrRRORSE rion pk
Contalne a 1ots Bovet n #very nn
her, in es £5 Ire uant bia
arid calerialilng resding in satier,
Ne continued stories whieh nvr «
® to wioet rewidere.
It should be in every bones bon
scription, $3.00 per your,
Agruis wanted 1a every town, to
She mows Liberal Indusernenta wil
Ameri tl SA STOMS of
Drafting and
Making, taught
by mail; any womas can
learn them at home in
short time. Simple and
perfect. We guarantee
them. Prices very low.
Write us for circulars,
giving full particulars.
Ton.erres Pus. Co,
170 Fifth Ave,
New York.
beer anes 18 re
nail rar be seen and cotton inserted
If vou have piles cure them. No use
undergoing horrible operations that
simply remove the results of the dis
pase without disturbing the disoase
dxdt. Place your conBdencs In he
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has never
failed to cure others; it will not fall to
care vou
Yellow Stanes (nn le Wade to Lonk
Like Gems of the First Water,
“There are tricks in every trade |
grown to be oan ad Te org
Polila dwn
are dark and
Athen a great
srt labor have |
#44 ;
eating thee
ewanful imposition
howaver, fwen is
rinator of this sw
i if hn paw GErOEOT
6 in one year of apward
as wel] gs jen
» that diame
(ir, ms LReY are
the trade straws are worth very i
tie Lars «anes o fis COT.
win weighing from 19 to 109 oad
Mite Go tH Fon
in the marks oT $7 $20 per Cura
the value of pomirse, increasing in ratio
with weit Viremda
Bo first water, or perfect
Ir colorless wonld be worth from five
tes tem thines as mach
The methods of the individual refer
red to wire as follows He parchascd o
quantity of Yoreow shonien, ana io
by a simples yet ingenions process su
ewedded in imparting to them an evan
cont parity of color. This was done bs
procarving two ordinary glasses, a kettle
of healing water and a threspeany
packet of many dye
The ‘yellow’ diamond, which was
perhaps sot in a gold ring or pin, was
merely dipped in the glass containing
the dye, and then in clean boiling wa
ter half a dozen times, and allowed to
dry. when it presented all the appear
ance, éven to the eye of at expert, «d a
magnificent stone of the first water
The next move was 0 pine a the rin
on the finger and the wall dressed din
mond dyer wonld sally forth enter
pu Broke # and pledge the ring for a?
jeast three tisnes its worth. Within
hours, however, the effects of the dye
world have disappeared, and the pawn
broker conld only wonder what on
earth was wrong with his ayes wheels he
advanced so mach money on sach a yel
how stone
Fortunately, owing to the magpitod
of this individaal's operations the
fraud was discovered, and pow pawn
brokers, if they are suspicions of a dia
of £ dyge ER Tee
waight (if
workd 8 dolor Immerse 1 in nitric send
which destroors any dye that may be
presents withont in any way injuring
the ston tondon Mail
ingrowing Nails.
To prevent an ingrowing nail a strip
of cotton shonid be workoddet weet the
pail and the tlesh, left large enough to
eover the entire nail A piece of cotton
fa then twisted into as long roll and
placed on the other side of the nail
groows over the sound skin. The space
between ie filled with lead nitrate
heaped ap. and the larger plece of cot
ton folded over it with more cotton
outside. held in place with a moist
bandag( This dressing is renewed ev
ery day. and In two or three the exu
need until the edge of the
pet weer it and the Sesh beneath, when
the nitrate can be discontinned
The good wife looked at ber mending
basket and <ghed [If she bada’'t seen
them there she wonldn’s have believed
her hoshand conld have worn holes in
so many pairs of socks in so shorts a
“There are cccasions, ' she said a
laat. “when | am almost ready to be
Heve that it woald be a good thing for |
a man to be a Mormon’
Then she went at the job she would
willingly have shared with a few other
wives Chicago Post
Recommended by Leading
They Always Please. -
z |
Big reew § 2
i 138 ic 148 W 1a» Stoke. Naw
EBRae wow
sSg Fish 1 2 -
1631 Market 2%... 3
Brightest Magazin: Er. 4
Contains Beguiiful Colored Paes
Fouscrases Latest Palerns, Fash
fens Fun yr Fark
Agence waniod for ines magarine in somes 3
bocaiony Beasrdal pressicms tar & Lirtis
Sa Wo he fae perenne and other partic
ars abscrigtian anly JO¢. per your,
inaluding a F FREE? Pasian
138 to 140 W. 34th St, New York
i fabmttiurst 1
Listen Campbell
Beech Creek Railroad.
N.Y. OO. &H RR Co Lessee.
{omdensed The Table
: Head down
Fxp Mall
es 0 Pe
Patton iv Ss HN to
Woestoyvds did 4.4
Mi haifey fe #05 : we
. 78 546
” w 3 oh
a Be ee
@ 5
1 14
nx =
ii 17-9
i =
SW i ll Es wid id oR ad NEO Bh Gs OR
Sas AE
FH ba monpeort arid 0A
amp »
Phila & Rendling BE pm
Wiis ei AL
; RY 8 TOW
ve X Ap un ar
Phi a arbiG 8 BaD
Pm am
Weekdays F bol poy mondays
ET tveling vis Phil
130 pom train frown Wikihatnaport
i ee cape at Huatingdon Rt. Phils.
eld Ai Wildameport with Phils
nd Reading tg LH mad at Forney shore
a : Mir Hall
§ EE aeE 5 visas, at
at fronriny ante rariroad and
ip wtirg Connecting mitrond; at
yt} ain, Rochester and
way, at Maha fey and Patton
3 rin and Cenrfent divides: of the
Feornnaviania milaad: at Mahafley with the
Peopmeyivanin and Northwestern mibway.
A. f+. Pal f FFE. Herriman,
murerintondent, tien, Pass. Agent,
Prtladeipiia, Pa
Pennsylvania Railroad Time
Nov. 20, 1898
Main Line
faa ve Oreamen Fast ward
Man wire Biappa, wie kK days
A toons Aceotnmorbathon, week days
Main Line Expres, daily :
A Heras Avsoansieaiation, daily
Mail Pox prras, duiiy
Phiindeiphia ¥ € press, daily
Leave | oromect W est wad
Johpstiown Avon, week dave
Fade ¥ X prose, histiy
Way Passenger, daily
PPittatrarg Fx press
Pautitne, fdntly
Folate si Aeon, week days
cambria and Clearfield
Morning train fr Patton and Cressi faves
Glen Camptell dk Mahatfey Soo oa om: La
Siar ell OW seterving 3%; Hlaawtt sas SEE Cae
WHY for ee » Patton dr Rrudley
Jiuanetion TH: Kavior (for Ebenabtivg) 7
yrvivy n% at Cresson at %10 a mm. Afernaon
for Patty amd Umessoly loaves (ilen
Lodh Bm Mahaffey af 20% [atoms
mr 241 Hastings S10 Garway (fw
#r Patton 30 Bradiey Fanetion
fads Kavior £10 arriving at {remon at $50
Morning train ences rvemony Bar Maha Tey
al FE Birasburg Br Kaylor edt Bradley
Jose tiow HET Patton WED Larway (er Hast
ius iO Hastings for Ma hafoy ¥: HR Gar
was Rar Ma bo C8 ii he Wooestaves 14 i fa
3 arriving at tsien
errs pred i ip feramwint train Sv Pat
Hong and « fal i saphwll jemval iroson af RE
Waylon Fowerwt w 28 Bradley Fuaucton
frtic Ty ESgwy A CIPWAY for Fasting: S88
H antings far Cilenn (araobell; J 4 Gureayifor
{ A i Autor wr TON Lad ome
“ gt Tide ardiving al tien Camphedd
8383 383
EW dn em
- we
Iw Pe .
. appdy lo te ket agent
I. Watt, PAW. Iv
Lttabgre. Pa
te By brim IH Wiss,
tees, Myr tron, Pas At
Pittsburg & Eastern Time
10 TAKE EFFECT OV 23, 1898
West ward
3 £5
lam ve
& mop tn
fimbon Statue Maba Tey EY]
Freer fy t reek Junction
Muha Moy
Mod en
holy steed] f
Wark f
Fik Liek 1
won an. 5
a or
ok =
Harton Runt
Faller Bun
Bg We BG HS NE Rb ee en ey
Fuller lan
Horton Rar t
i kbory far piel;
Pasmiuore |
pik Liek
Mapsleriand 1
Ma Loew
Meech Creek Janetion
Hendon mEelion Mahaffey
{. Flag stafion
Crnpease tions At 1 nton Station, Mahaffey,
with Bosed: reek Paliroend, © & ¢ AY mio
Panasyivania railroad, and PP & NW. mil
and at Whiskey Hus with Metiews & Now
frashiee raiipwd st Meliss with 1. & DN. WB
Ea Bo bi 6 85 85 BE BS 4
® 2
Wve Lill Grihey pobtive tris will mn
ortbe between Undo Station (Mabafley) asd
abit Cam plaid i temins daily except Nae
they Hicks, tanner Macager,
Mahuttey, Pu
Bufals, Bochestor snd Pittsharg Ry
aainlin, ba
wi and Been
Hiis for Ridg
semi ford anid Roe ester
{reas WF a rwensvitie,
ity Gntecting al
fohnwsn bare, Hm
Bisa wiey Ex
mek and Pang
sud AE and 60.0