THE PATTON COURIER, APRIL 27, 1859. Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. FOWL Ginrexe, Editor, TERMS oF SUBSCRIPTION. Ome copy, one year, in advance, - - . §1.00 SA Avertiving mies trade Koon spon aps + ar-No re Miseontingsd anil all arrears. | i ary rd imiesa wt the option of the | publishers, tore at the | Pam at Patton as sevood. Lins mail matter. i From L. A. W. Balletin, flen wish sonal man of men HW peyehie terre, wold tell oy Pah oom tweets tie dems Bim when Io od the QUnlist's bell The hand that roeks the dradh May rule the world, bat st it The hand that Keeps things jks Tg x thee hap that paves the in Get your pintares framed at Fisher's. Candidates are not very numerous as yet. 3 How many trees are you going to plant Friday? The bicycle fever is now raging in Patton and vicinity. Oysters all the year throughout at the City Restaurant. A choice ling of confections, nuts and fruits at the (lity Restaurant, ~The population of Johnstown is esti- mated over 41,000 inbabitants. : Go and examine and be convinced of prices in millinery at Mrs. Dartt's A young son of Mr. and Mrs. James Decker is seripusly ill of pneumonia Miss Laura Noonan has resigned her position as chirk at the Bon Ton store. A full and complete line of ladies’ underwear at Mrs. Darit's millinery store. Next reguliir meeting of Patton bor- ough council next Monday evening, May 1st. W. W. Kessler, who is employad at Altoona, sperit Bunday with his family | in Patton. Ed F. Glass and Q. J. Rively drove over from the Mountain City the first of the week. Rev. Joseph A. Klucker left Monday for a ten day’ visit among friends in Tioga county. | Robt. Notlsy and M, B. Courtright, of Hastings, drove over to Patton the first of the week. J. A. Lantay and J. A, Wherry came aver from CGarman’s Mills Sunday to take in the dedication services. Mr. and Mis. J. G. C. Bearer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gray, all of Spang- ler, were visitors to Patton Sunday. | Shears. Wm. Lloyd, Ed Berger, Misses May Davis and May Lyle, all of Coalport, drove to this place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Spotswood, of Altoona, wore guests of the former's sister, Miss Minnie Spottswood, Sun- day. Misses M. Pannle Christy and Alice M. Pitaharris, of Gallitsin, were guests of Postmaster and Mm. Ed A. Mellon | A E. Patton, of Curwensville, an and | . Hon. Jus. Kerr, of Clearfield, were looking after business Interests in Pat ton Friday. . Bofar as can be learned up to date ~ HK G. Dill, W. L. Thompson and H. E. | ~ Barton are the ‘“‘champion’’ trout fish- ~ermen of Patton. : "BE. R. Brillhart, of Patton, formerly ; asmistapt P, R. R. agent at this place, was a caller in town last Saturday. Spangler Sentinel. James P. Martin, of Carlisle, Pa., one of the most popular traveling sales. men on the road. stopped in Patton ~ Monday and Tuesday. Mrs J. Willis Hall and two daugh- : ars, Evelyn and Lillian, returned home Friday after an extended visit to Mrs. | Hall's parents at Bayer, N. YyY BE. J. Luther, Jas. Dick, H. Fruok McNamara und B. Frank James, four | of Ebensburg’s popular young men, . spent Sunday among friends in Patton. | Editor Jas. G. Hasson, of the Cambria Freeman, Ebensburg, and Editor | Bwope, of the Cresson Record, were | ‘ Visitors to our town Sun- | ; uty Sheriff Elmer E. Davis made in tp 0 patton Hominy: He ponducted the sheriff’s sale of the! ~ personal ‘property belonging to H. - Albert Flick, formerly proprietor of | the Gray hotel at Carralitown, but who, i i | prices on groceries and you ‘of Ashville, ‘brother, Superintendent (eo. John Overberger, a prominent farmer who resides a short distance south of Patton, is a Arm believer in maintain ing good roads, he having recently purchased a set of wide tires for his road wagon. Others should follow his excellent example. To care for a person who has fainted, ay. the person down, keep the head wa paper at Fisher's 31 cents a Io is the day to plant shade sv Try the City Restaurant for green J. D. Ritter came over from Barnes boro Bunday. J. J. Yahner came over from Hast ings [atarday. For Lowneys and Sparrows chooco- lates go the City Restaurant, A. B. Rowles came np from flald the first of the week, eaffiab, Lirocery. Fresh shad, eels, bass and herring at the Cash CC. D. McMarray, of Ansonviile, was '& visitor to our town Wednesday, Lawyer M 1 Kittel] and wife, of Ebensburg, spent Sunday in our town Call at the Cash Grocery and get will surely buy. Call on Frost graphber, corner of Fourth and Magee Bruer, the photo- AVENUES Frank Kinkead was called to Al toona Toesday, owing to the serious fliness of his aunt Harry Cooney has erected a neat pew porch in front of his residene on East Magee avenne, Jaa. Mackin has removed from Pat- Oresiay Mills wheres he has ton to la secured employment, Jonothan Andrews departed one day inst week for Peale. Pa, where he ex. pects to make his future home, A four year-old son of DG. Myers, died Toesday. Interment Tharsday marn. will take place this ing at that place. All atk aon Carl, of are visiting at the home of Mrs Johnson port, Pa, { Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bargeson this week A bright little girl baby arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs. Carl Barge- son on Palmer avenue Monday morn ing. The CouriER is under obligations to Messrs. Ernest Broer and Ed A. Mellon for photographs of St. Mary's Catholic church of Patton. 8. J. Lather and wife, of White town- ship, and T. M. Sheehan and wife, of Clearfield township, dined at the home of the editor of the COURIER Sunday. Harry Spangle, of Coalport, was the guest of his two sisters, Mrs Bennett ‘and Mrs. Joseph Hubbard, ‘day. bicycle, over Sau- He rode to this place on his Mm Powell Stockhouse, Jr, of guests of their Worth, Philadelphia, were Tuesday. Geo. M. Schell, Thad Delozier, Geo. Simelsberger, F. 1. Kline and John | Westover composed a party of Hast ings citizens who were visitors to Pat- tor: Sunday. Posmaster Ed A. Mellon, accompan- 'jed by his mother, Mra. Helena Mellon, ‘drove to St. Augustine Monday morn- [ing where they attended the funeral of ‘ Mr. Frank Ivory. All members of Patton Lodge, No. 1088, 1. O. O. F, are earnestly requested to be present at regular meeting this {Thursday } evening as business of im- | portance will be transacted. Is it “fraitiems’’ to advertise on the ‘electric light poles? Certainly not; electric “currants” for instance. If you can't stand the ‘shock’ see War. ren, the up to “date” painter. Sam’'l Kelley, proprietor of the Porto Rico botel at Chest Springs, accom: | panied by Bd Callaban, Pred Hurd, | Chas. McDonald and Flo. Kelley, also of the same place, spent Sabbath day | in Patton. f W. A. and Ed. A. McGuire, of Lo-| potto, and A. W., Misses Mollie and! Emma Lieb, of Nicktown, were among | the many from a distance Who attended the dedication of the Catholic church in Patton Sanday. Levi Paup, a highly respected citizen and well-known contractor of Lock : Haven, as well as in Patton, died sud- in that city. He was aged 55 years His death was due to asthma. Street Commissioner F. X. Lehman {is to be commended for the workman- | like manner in which he has repaired ‘and erected new crossings in our bor- | ough. We trust that the balance of his work will be equally as well dove. | The rich man’s whiskey is Harper, because it is supremely delicious. The | poor man’s whiskey is Harper, becanse such good whiskey helps him. The family whiskey is Harper, because it's | pure, pleasant and strengthening. Sold | i hy W. L. Daggett, Patton, Pa. 5 CABTORIA. Bearsithe The Kind You Have Away Bac stator, wife, or low, lnosen the clothing, give plenty of fresh air and dash cold water in the Smelling salts and stimolants shonld only be need when conscious ress has returned May Ladies’ Home Journal Edward A Nagle and Miss Mary A McMullen, of St. Augustine, and Pat- rick MeCall and Miss Mary Holleran, of Ashville, were granted legal permite to wed by clerk of orphan’s court one day last werk, We have been anable to learn any particolars abont the weddings face Miss Alice A Asheroft met with a painful accident Tuesday. She was attempting to cross the tracks at Cres son when ber fool canght on some obstruction capsing her to fall, strick- ing ber face on the platform, which was severely bruised, besides spraining her right arm quite badly. Sunshine, of the firm of & Co, wholesale gro. Jolinstown, spent Monday in Mr. Sunshine 8 certainly de. of that bright name, as be is an extraordinary agreeable young gentleman to meet with he's a for the William Love, Sanshine cers of Patton MAREE ssrving SLIT ones “bloes’” any time you sew him Hist ag century sind of with 31 3 27 years, 21; says that Tarkey has been in war 38 years of the present considerably more than one. the time. Spain comes next, SEY 4 Rel France has had Italy, 3, Eng Holland, 14; Portugal, 16 renrs of war: Russia, M4: Anstria. 17; Cwrmany, 13; Sweden, 10; and Denmark, 8 WwW. PF Patton, Miss Honora and Miss Carr, who left here in Febroary for a trip to Japan and China, w in Honoluw, From that sland they will go to Japan then China and back to San Francisco, Several weeks will be spent in Vose- mite Valley and Yellowsone Park aller their retnrn from across the Pacifle Curwensviile Beview. land. 5 # ar. » ation are wi Young man when you jeer at a lady passing aloug the street or haunt and start her with your evil glances, does you that some other infamous scoundrel might insnit your in coming Years, your danghter In the same infamous man ner? Do you think that you would like that? Would you regard it manly or evidence of blood? If wo, you ought to he kicked off the face of the éarth. Following are the names of a few of the many from ont of town who at tended the dedication services of St Mary's Catholic church of Patton: Dr anid Mrs. T. 8 Troxell and Mm FJ, Parrish, of Gallitzin: Mr. and Mm John Strobmugh, of Altoona; A L Hopple and Wm. A. Tuter, of Spang- it ever aoour to jer; Mr. and Mm. Andrew lLantey and ‘Johnstown, and Miss May Worth, of ’ x soba ay» Mr and Mrs | L Binder, of Hastings; W. J Dalton and two sons of Fbena burg. The Philipsburg Ledger says that White Nixon has sold his paper, the Houtedale Observer, to Messrs. Harry Boalton, R. M. Reed and J. 1. L. Buck, who will issue a live Republican paper. The Obmerver has been unique in the fleld of Journalism, and the best wishes of all the fraternity will follow Mr. | Nixon to Mexico, where he goes next week to seek for gold. ageonus’’ should have “Captain Cour: been the plocky, out-epoken editor's name, for if he did occasionally lack the better part of valor, he certainly had the courage of his convictions. = I wish to announce to the! people of Patton that I have pure hased the drug store form- erly owned by H. D. Hasson, now deceased, and as soon as | denly Saturday night at his residence Some necessary repairing and remodeling can be done will It! be opened to the public. will be known as Huber’'s Corner ‘Drug Store and a full and complete line here. call. Remember the place—corn- ‘er of Fifth and Magee avenue, ‘opposite Palmer house. J]. H. HUBER, Proprietor. of goods will be found You are in ‘shirts, our new styles of hats? hobbies. invited to: Fora frat clam} aneh go to the City! Restanrant. Still a few suits for ladies, left at Mrs Dartt's. The finest raising and prunes for the money are at the Cash Grocery. James McCrossin, of Clearfield, made a business trip to this place Monday. Extensive preparations are being made at Johnstown for the observance of Dewey Day, Monday, May Ist. Prof George E Hipps and Miss Mary | Sharbangh, both of this ple, were married in St Benedict's church on Toeaday morning by Rev. Father Leon. ard. 0.8 B. The attendants were T. A. and Hattie Sharbaugh. - Carroll- town News, Wil! Prindible left Sunday for New Mexico, where he will act in the ca pacity of foreman for Geo 8 Good & Co, contractors, who are constructing an extensive railroad in that territory. Mr. Prindible went by the way of New York City, where secnred a large number of workmen to be employed He was met at Har. risburg by “Doe” McEwen, who will accompany hi to the sonth-west, where he will also be employed by the Ean pan ¥ hee on the contract m Tome Strayed or stolen a red cow with white harns set back, a plece out of ane agreed 8 or 9 years, left my premises Sat, April 222 A liberal re- ward for information leading to reoov- cry of same. Josw Ospony, m2 Patton, Pa esr, and ans Tabules: one gives realise! Rij Out| For With Spring Speaals In [ons Misses’, Men's, Boys’ and 3. 1. 494 23 ( hildren S$ Shoes. We have actually the fines lines of ladies’ Misses’ Children's Shoes ever » . : 1 } That means in played By Patton. as we aim and claim . If von don't to be at the top. If y believe it vour neighbor. Our | of Men's s Fine Shoes ¢ he touched for beauty, styles and at the price, 1.93 to 83.48. CLOTHING. hy. alg dis- us. of Little fellows’ stits for aur Easter trade and they are all’ ready for sale Tuesday last The price within reach of! all—1.48 to 83.48 Our boys’ pants suits are also ready. Lots of new styles! Prices from to select from. 1.48 to 8.48. MEN'SSUITS—By far ihe stock in town. A up-to-date styles and to wear and fit, largest good made right. NOW ABOUT FURNISHING AND HATS Have you seen our silk our new mneckwear or Well, yon are behind the crowd if you haven't as we have sold and are selling plenty every day Have 5 new collars—very latest designs too. Here 1s a flyer Those Chicago collars are here, 15¢ The very styles In 2 for 25c. You always get the latest and best here; so come —you are invited—cordially We are opposite the Bank on the nght side of street. The Keystone Clothing and Shoe (o., the pri {igs fties, Zephrys, Batiste, Orgundies, Lawns, Pigne We made a special purchase Just came in’ prices : latest styles and Will You wear For Spring? THE NEW SHOE. Last year's shoes are not what yon want Buy with ns. Bay the new ‘99 shoes. They are and you wiil start out g them prejndiced in their They are made right and sold right We claim are the lowest for but many claim ch it, offer to re if yon find as at a lower ii pte a ate, Wear: { Avior, £1 yl the Le Ld good SROeS elge she re . ori # NEVER in the history of the PATTON SUPPLY bh: 18 thes re been shown sn Rpt: ile, stylish and f NEW SHOES ; ¥ ww displayed here. Dor’t Buy Your Shoes anti you our line. shoes to seiect from. are the lowest, HAVE YOU SEEN IT? ff «J The Sorosis. THE S3.5( SHer FOR WWOMENX. We are sole agents fi his she a 1 ¥ . ; Wie {ny Tag ranghting of Ihe n as certa nn pec ble, the 1: the instep and mak "DoTos tica il i¥y i CO a + COM Pl & gh \ ind largest line of o1f Oar 1 i el - es $2 We HAVE Lif 108 Come and see for your “EC ~{ Pr rices shoes, as well on, Pre event that common "1 the They support % 0% xy RY Iris wall ® % (gn ey Roary a feg Ws 1m x ypstraet : - trout attening 0 foot. and Ki aceful. ure a for perfect er i niant ufact venically Sr che Ae 1s ip oe woman and 1 what Prd p= TOY y EES La BY eee ] IEA SS Aki itatis w * ¥ #3 ' 4 avrnr suf pew bas AE AY nat) » * et Ton 1" a . in { Na be shoe 13 made. 8 S% x § Wy ¥ é Fa hg ow I & TOVOLLIo 10 ox it Witiil . matte ter beg allie the the most fashion su so 01 FRY arity as 3 2 p Yan yo} 11 arg of the wor. i hey ; ladies of the CL au NOTA Dainty What is = ree atari bY hat 1s more attractive than Ste Joor ? w Shoes For Boys and Girls. Hill & Green line. No better line of shoes 3 ket, Over $2 000 worth of children’s Mothers it’ will pay yon to call 4 ala s New Shoes For Babies. One of the largest and prettiest lines saver showed in Patton. them in all colors We have shoes for all Men, Women, Black, all styles, at 15¢ to $3.30 per pair rg : Tr y \WVE HAYE THEM. Come and See Them WASH GOODS. Madras, Ginghams, Percales, Dim in all solors, Ribhons : the pars latest, Laces and Fmbroiderios over $400 worth to select from. Belts in all colors and styles. This Department has hudded out in all its ove linems. There is a revelation of beauty and newness coming to hand ® are showing the vanguard of things that are fashionable and will be worn by ladies of good taste in all of the large cities this season. No end of new things in this line, and to our large assortment we add the additional inducements of low prices that can’t be approached elsewhere. PRLY CO. 1 The Busy Store eas We have Tan and Bova, Girls and Babies in This Bedroom Suit Only $15.00, [I sell gold filled « an Ame a ey ear and rican mnove- ment guaranteed for two vears. [ give you my guarantee time spent look convince von that we have the goods ‘and sell at prices that catch the orders. ‘Undertaking, | Embalming, Etc, Ete, ittended nethods sed with this watch and it is also guaranteed by the manufacturer. Come in and see it. Pr 31} ull it] ¥ A! mycscder a “ a E35 A5 all: 1a 4 T ZER The best of satisfaction 9 Luan anteed. H. S. BUCK, The Patton Jeweler. Next to Hotel Patton
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