The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 27, 1899, Image 2

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Cn ia A RE EAT,
A AA SAH EAA a AA AA A Sts A as Sl a 1 HEA SE IS HS br Vi AEA
: Patton Courier.
Police. Independent. Interpesio-Patton and
Surrounding Contry, Motto Insties to
All and Marlee Toward None.
: PATTON PUBLISHING C€O., Proprietors.
E. Wiis Greeny, Fditor,
ery change in the
Deeds Recorded at | Ebensburg up to Date |
Friday, April 21.
Edward McHugh to Peter W.
frich, Hastings: consideration, 1.
John Leahey, Jr,
Smith, Lilly, $1,900.
George Biter et ux to Mary Sedlak,
Sosquehanna, $120.
Gilian Seese et ux to John Estep,
Scalp Level, $2,100.
J. C. Stineman et ux to Elmer E
] Reynolds, South Fork, $450.
Josepnine Kaylor et vir to Dennis
Noon Cresson, §75.
James O' Brine to Arnold Lenz, Alle
gheny, $1,200.
James Campbell ot ux to H. J. Van
Dusen, Barr, $1,100,
H. J. Van Dusen to P. B. Cosgrove
{et al, Barr, $1.
William Gillespie to James Gillespie, |
Blacklick, $800.
Donnell, Blacklick, $800.
Augustine Adams to Margaret Ad-
ams, Clearfield, $440.
George Wherry to Joseph Brown,
Guardian, et al, Monster $1.
Mamie Wherry to Joseh Brown,
Guardian, et al, Munster, §1.
| Brown, Guardian, et al,
| by bath the States and Provinces.
Lis asquare dealing show, and neither
‘gambling and pilfering is permitted
Walter Parrish et al to
Munster, §1.
[To Fahibidt at Altoona ‘Monday,
Altoona is to be visited on above date
May Rh,
It comes highly recommended
near it. The attaches are gentlemen,
and will make it pleasant for all visi
tors, Everyone
show is proud of the big institution
‘with which he is connected, and the
| public will be surprised at the enormity
See. a $1.00, all druggists.
OTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Kew York
BVvERYTIING has an end.
which in
looked for this week. Some very rad.
lend predictions are being made as to
the nature of the report, such as that
it white-wash the War Department |
officials and censure: General Miles and
other officers who found fault with the |
beef; but conservative men believe that
‘the report will be a different sort of a
document; that it will deal very lightly |
with censure for anybody and that it’
will aim to be of such a nature that all |
parties can, without loss of dignity |
opsent to drop the whole controversy, |
which many think to have already been |
productive of more harm than |
It will soon be known whick of these
pr jons is the correct one, as the
‘understanding is that the report will,
be sade public As s00n as it is sub- a. m. and 630 p. m.
4 Bepresentative Frank G. Harris, of
county, has bad the follow-
bill, making counties liable for the
fous and mileage of constables making |
s to court, poshed through the |
pisia to final passage and which |
8 approved by the Governor on
‘of the show too, as well. It comes on
ite own special trains.
: The parade will embrace the princi
i pal streets and start at 10 a m. from
) the grounds. The parade will be novel
and worth seeing. Many of the ani
mal dens will be open to view. There
wild beast creations in the menagerie,
in all over 25 dens. One unprecedented
novelty and curiosity is the baby ele.
'phant, only two months old. He is
called Admiral Dewey, but should be
‘named, the aftendents say, “Peanut,”
(he isso very small and has acquired
an unsatisfiable appetite for the circus
! nut. There is a den containing three
; The beef |
. Inquiry is over, and the court is now
working upon its report,
baby lions only six weeks old, another
with a young kangaroo, and another
having in it four baby monkeys. Some
baby Arabian ponies are other features,
‘also a big stock of ostriches and one
baby chick ostrich among them.
This great show has the fluest per.
forming Hons, tigers and leopards on
(earth. They all perform in the open
circus ring, like equestrians and acro-
i bata, and do the same kind of feats,
even to the lions riding horseback and
somersauliting. It is a wonderful act.
| The circus is excellent. It is ove of
the features and full of comedy. The!
| nerialista, riders, acrobats, leapers and |
| general performers are the very best
There are’
that money can procure.
nine acts in the circus, the finest of
their kind in the world. A free exhi- |
bition takes place at the grounds at 11
Band concert in |
‘circus tent one hour preceding each |
, performance.
|p. m. Program commences at 2 and
8 o'clock.
Two Lots for Hale.
One lot on the south-east corner of |
| Fifth and Palmer avenue, Patton Bor- |
| ough, will be sold for $350.00 and the [OT 8 year's subscription
| lot adjoining the same on the south
James Gillespie et ux to M. J. Me.
| John J. Haok to John Smith, Clear.
fleld, $550.
James Wherry to Joseph Brown,
Gnardian, et al, Munster, §1.
burg at 8:30 p.
| 11:40, $7.35;
by Walter Main’s fine circus and men- | Clearfield, 9:31,
connected with the
Doors open at 1 and 7
No! it 1s not claimed that |.
Foley s Honey and Tir will cure!
“vx to James (BONSUMPTION or ASTHMA in ad-
vanced stages, it holds out no such
false hopes, but
pokes truthfully
claim to always give comfort and
relief in the very worst cases and in
the early stages to effect a cure.
FOLEY’'S BANNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder.
C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Low. Rate Fxearsions to Washingt
The last of the Pennsylvania itzoad
low-rate 10-day excursions from Pitts.
'barg and points in Western Pennayl-
vania to Washington will leave on
May 11th. Round-trip
tickets will be sold at rates noted
below, good going on special train in.
dicated or on train No. 4, leaving Pitts.
m., and carrying through
sleeping cars to Washington, Special
train of throogh parlor cars
coaches will be run on the following
Train leaves Johnstown at
10:15 a. m., rute $7.35. Coalport, 6.58,
$5.10; Cresson, 10:60, $7.35; Altoona,
Corwensville, 915, $7.25,
7.25. Tickets will be
good returning on any regular train,
except the Pennsylvania Limited, until
May 6 and May 20, respectively, and
to stop off at Baltimore within limit.
Holders of special excursion tickets
to Washington can purchase, at the
Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Offices in
Washington, excursion tickets to Rich.
mond at rate of $4.00 and to Old Point
Comfort (all rail at $6 00; at the offices
of the Norfolk nnd Washington Steam
boat company, excursion tickets not
including meals and staterooms on
steamers | to Old Point Comfort or
Norfolk, Va, at $3.50, and to Virginia
Beach at $4.50; Washington to Mt
Vernon and return, via electric rail.
: ; way, 50 cents.
‘are some very fine specimens of the |
Should the number of passengers not
be safficient to warrant the running
of a special train, the company reserves
the right to carry participants in this
excursions on regular traine
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg,
Union Ticket Office, 360 Fifth avenue,
and Union Station, and at all stations
mentioned above. For full informa
tion apply to agents or Thomas FE.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis
trict, Fifth avenoe and Smithfield
street, Pittsburg.
Little, neglected scratches and
wounds frequently result in blood poi
‘soning. Heal them quickly with De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, a thoroughly
-anti-septic application with a record of
‘always curing piles, old nloers, sores,
cuts, wounds and skin diseases.
Cc. Ww.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
The Delineator
18 THE
‘Woman's Favorite
and is issued by the famous fashion
blishern, The Butterick Publishing
PXOpY. Of all family nes it
the great caterer to Donvestre Needs,
6th, The constables’ fee bill, Will go at $300.00. For particulars call and can be recommended for its cheap-
pamed several weeks ago,
¢ the counties linble, therefore Mr. |
ris took up the matter and had this
bill framed, passed and approved. |
An A Fuquiring the fees and mileage
allowed by law to constables for
i making returns to the court of
quarter sessions of the peace and |
for attending at general special
_ township, ward and borough elec-
' tions to be paid by the several |
counties of this Commonwealth. }
flection 1. Be it enacted by the
‘Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the
same. That from and after the pass-
age of this Act the constables in the
monwealth shall be entitled to
ve from the county treasury upon
sders drawn by the commissioners of
p several counties the fees and mile-
now allowed by law for making
ni to She court of quarter semions
ee i and the several counties
hereby made linble therefor and
iiired to pay the same as aforesaid.
fection 2. That all Acts or parts of
Acts, general or special, inconsistent
herewith be and the same are hereby
Approved Apri oth, 1 1809.
says: “I would not be without One
Minute cough cure for my boy, wien
troubled wit a cough or cold. It is the |
W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
was sadly in need of general repairs
and a meeting was being held in it with
a view to raising funds for that pur-
pose. The minister having said $500
would be required, a very wealthy (and |
gation arose and said he would give
ever, a lump of pilaster fell from the |
preacher, forgetful of everything called |
_ again!”
If you suffer from tenderness or fall. |
ness on the right side, pains under |
ness, sick-headache and feel dull, heav vy!
. and sleepy your liver is torpid and con- |
gested. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers |
will cure you promptly, pleasantly and |
tion and causing the bile ducts to open |
and flow naturally. They are good |
pills. C. 'W. Hodgkins, Patton,
' Pharmacy.
. best remedy for croup | ever used.” C.}
An exchange says that a small church |
shoulder-blade, constipation, billious- | for
omitted to on or address the Courier, Patton, Pa. ness, usefulness, beauty, and, freshness
| J.D. Bridge, editor and proprietor |
‘of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H.,|
“and otility.
L. W. Cook.
Have almost everything
for personal and household
‘uses now in their proper de-
Oar great variety is one of our chief
equally stingy ) member of the congre- charms and makes the popular saying |
*if you cannot find it at Cook's youn
one dollar. Just as he sat down, how- cannot find it in town.”
Here are a few good things:
ceiling and hit him on the head, where- New scarf linens, very retty, with | | Wilkina
upon he arose and hastily said he had fancy drawn work and
made a mistake, he would give $50.
This was too much for the enthusiastic
Grey linen for shirt waists and skirts
for 12ic, 15¢, 200 and 25¢ per yard.
Huckaback towels in heavy quality, |
out fervently, “Oh Lord, hit him | 18x38 inches, for 12ic each.
| aoe oe crochet quilts, hemmed,
Striped wash silk, 37ic yard.
A heavy quality Mousselin de Soie |
wns, per yard.
new lace curtains and draperies
of all sorts at very reasonable figures
permanently by removing the conges- | ' Order system is perfect and every at.
attention given.
One Square From Station.
Altoona, Penna. can save you money
{limited i, at 7 to 17 West Thir-
teenth Street, New York, at the re
- markably low rate of
itched |
edge, at 25¢, 35¢, and $1.50 per yard.
Is ou Trip to ihe = ashore Oyer thi
detphin & Heading BR.
When spring time comes, after
doll, heavy winter weather, we all
the need of something
wy stam, Formerly this was done by
the gse of bitter devcoctions, buat n
a-days the knowing ones have found
that the best trip ti he
oovan beach, and the practice of spend.
ing a few days nn the shore is finding
more and devotees every year,
so much so that the hotels make extra
y tome ap the
i= a
ty ar Lhe
early spring visitors,
Atlantic City, with its numerous
open-all-the year hotels, sun pariors
and magnificient boardwalk with a
southern exposure, giving promenad-
ors a splendid view of the ocean while
inhaling the warm invigorating salt air
walled np from Calf Stream,
the is
especially suited for the purposes, and
through the gooxl train service of the
Philadelphia & Reading
lantic City R R.
connection with all points
Bogle Ab
has quick raiiroad
Fast trains
lerwve ( hestayt | Street and Mouth Street
Ferries at '
through tickets are sold and bags
cheoked from and to al]
Bewwts Creek raiiroad
4 nhla on the
and conneehons
t that
the atlenlion i
We would ales eall
§ publi
Philadeiphia & Reading railrosd en
gines barn hard cond, thes avoiding
smoke. The Atlantic City railroad is
double track ali the
lastesd with anthracite cinders,
eliminating the very disagreeable
feature of dost, and that this route haa
the record of inaagurating the 80-min-
the £5 the
way, and x bal
ute train service between Philadelphia
and Atlantic City, ronning and main.
taining for 60 days without a break the
fastest train ln all the warkl A book
has SOMARnY,
giving interesting tatistion regarding
these facts. It will be sont by mail to
any ope wha will address with a 2.oent
stamp Edson J. Weeks, (honeral Pass
enger Agent, Philadeiphia
beers compiled by the
Rediiovd Raion to Lanemaier,
On account of the parade of the
Knights of the Golden Fagle at Lan-
caster, Pa, May 8, the Pennsylvania
Railroad company has arranged to sell
Lexoursion tickets from all stations on
ita line in the State of Pennsylvania to
25 centa. Tickets will be sold on May
Sand 9, good to return until May 10,
inclusive, but will not be valid for pass
‘age on the Pennsylvania Limited.
Good tea at the Cash Grocery for 25
eta, per pound.
Eheomatism ured.
My wife has need Chamberlain's Pain
Balm for rheumatism with great relief
‘and | can recommend it as a splendid
liniment for rheumatism and
household use for which wa have found |
. or 15 oenla
it valuable, -
Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer-
chants of this village and one of the
most prominent men in this vicinity
W. (i. Phippin, Fditor Red Creek Her-
ald. For sale by Patton Pharmacy,
C. W. Hodgkins.
Yau cannot do better than to call on
Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing,
Estimates freely given. 44tf
To Remain Here Regularly,
Ernst Broer, the photographer, who
has his gallery located on the corner of
-W. J. Cayler, Red Creek,
Fourth and Magee avenues, near rail
| Between hi imdelphin and New Tork vim
Philadelphia & Reading Railway.
For lnxurons, swift and at the same
time perfectly safe traveling the above
trains cannot be excelled, a special not-
able featare is the entire absence of
smoke, soot and cinders, the engines
burning only hard coal. The intodne-
tion of these trains by the Philadelphia
& Reading was a great boon to the
hosiness men of both cities, and the
| patronage by this class of passengers
has steadily increased as well 4s that
of other persons for pleasure or bosi-
ness purposes. Ib 8 8 common prac.
tice by these travelers to leave home
in Philadelphia after breakfast, and
spending the day in New York return
Buffet prior car.
in time for 7 o'clock dinner
Fallman cars sre attached to all these
train, Wa mtoand 4pm.
from New York alse bave Pallman
To speciaily acoom-
axel the 7;
i modate the gentlemen the 2:30 4 m to
Lancaster and return, at rate of single
fare for the round trip, minimam rate
‘road station wishes to inform the public
that he can now be found in his gallery
every day in the week to await on
Prices are :
those who wish work done.
reasonable and all work guaranteed.
Leave vour laundry
Fur Sale,
The following is offered at private
sale: One show case, three store scales,
, one 18-foot counter,
pump attachment--good as new. Also
agent to rent or sell several properties
in Patton Borough. Inquire of George
i Boone, corner of Lang and Fifth
For good, pare ice cream go to
City Restaurant.
It makes no difference bow bad
wound if you DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve; it heal and
leave no sear. A
ul quickly
ton Pharmacy.
Strike or no strike, the Cash ¢ IPCORTY
with Scheid &
one oil tank and
the |
the |
Hodgkins, Pat- |
and £30 p.
m. from New York, aiso
have a parlor smoking car attached.
For time tables appiy to any Phila-,
& Reading ticket
address PBdson J. Weeks,
Passenger Agent,
agent. or
Ag the seunom of
nothing "is a
“anwwer the purposes is “ost ae
goed” as One Minnte congh cure. That
is the one infallable remedy for all
lung, throat and bronchial troubles
Insist vigorously on having it if “some.
thing offerad you CW
Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy,
the year when poen-
sore throat coughs,
hronchitis lung
Hy bela A rel
are to he guarded
fine unbatitnte
dh nae ¥ $4
ope is
Fogerty for ole
A vainable property, consisting of a
good Latory frame building used as a
BLOre Ay sed
ment, dtaated on Fifth avenoe
A lwo good ate
Wi 1 be ac] at a rensonabie
ory or address
Patton, Pa
well an
t aii
went east amd was
trieal Chaim.
that time
instant relief In cases of
calds and is never failing
for all rheamatic and nearalghe pains
I» ©. Brant, Santa Ynez, Cal For
sale by Patten Pharmacy, (& 2 W.
fn 188% my wife
ceived] po
heriain’s Pain
with Hrastism re
bg i
we have never been withoot it
find it gives
ba urns anid ar
it makes no differance how cheap
buy rm, | can
. aandity of
Fos far ¥ Erode fen ela whey
still save you some money
goods considered.
wise? Those who know.
Reading Terminal, +
residence, with first clases hia |
i CS a
“A word to the wise is
snd a word from the wise should
sufficient, tat you ask, who are
The oft
peated experience of trustworthy
sons may be taken for knowledge.
Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's
c¢ongh Remedy gives better satisfao-
tion than any other in the market. He
has been in the drug business at Elk-
ton, Ky, for 12 years; has sold han
dreds of hotties of this remedy and
nearly all other congh medicines man-
nfactared, which shows conclusively
that Chamberlain's is the most satis
factory to the people, and is the best
For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W.
A Card,
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree to refand the money on a S0-cent
bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of
Tar if it fails to cure your cough or
cold. We also guamntee a 35-cent
bottle to prove satisfactory or money
refunded. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton
Pharmacy. 2128
We have the most complete stock
of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria
iver 100 new designs to select from.
Prices from 1 ta 50 cts per rofl.
Room Monldings from 3 to ® ota a
foot, We aiso carry a full line of
Wall Pockets, Pictures, Frames and
Mouldings. Can make any size Frame
desired at the lowest prices Old
Frames cleaned and renewed,
The Patton Wall
Paper Store,
A. C. FISHER, Prop.
Boarding House.
Vine Street,
Opposite Franklin Square,
and Clearfield
county people visiting Phila-
de!phia will find this a con
venient and central location.
Terms $1.00 per day.
At 3 Grocery House where things look
neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging;
where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time;
above all where you know you are getting the best
mm the
narket at the fairest of prices.
sort of House we keep.
That's the
Call and be sure of it.
Have you seen our line of
this section and at prices
When in town make our store
will be