SEE mp VOL. V L —NO. 22. P ATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL ed 27, 1564 . $1.00 PER YEAR. _IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN i . THIS PAPER. TRY IT Al D SEE. Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, tionery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Opposite School Building. "| notify E. The finest designs of Mattings at the following prices: 10¢, 14¢, 16¢c, 18¢, 20c, 25¢, 28 and joc per yd. oe buy your tarnitare, The best OF tig least incney. 3 Furnishing, nd Plumbing Dpts, which you very well know are best in the market. 10 select from: The Quite a va- LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. and There by Reporter Gleaned Here the “Courter” BOROUGH DADS MEET In Regaine Session Manday Night Engineer is Eleeted, Our Borough law makers met in reg. i nlar session in council chambers Mon. ‘day night, April 24th with the following members present, vir: President Hub. bard, Anderson, Blair. MeCormick, | Cordell, Campbell and Winslow. The minutes of regular meeting held Mon- day night, April 17th, were read and ‘approved. . Geo. H. Curfman, secretary of Pat ton Board of Health, was present and asked that a committee from the Conn- ‘gil be appointed to go over streets of | the boreugh in company with members {of the Board of Health for the pur- pose of examining and ascertaining ithe sanitary condition of our town. {The members of the Street Committee - were instructed to perform this daty. Street Commissioner Lehman stated wirough { that he had notified all parties to re- pair damaged board walks in front of their properties. The matter of taking action on the passage of a “Dog Ordinance” was ‘again brought up and after discussion was held over till next regular meet ing night. The following applications were re- ceived for the office of Borough Engi. | neer: E. C. Brown, J. L. Elder and H. 10. Yerger. Upon a ballot Brown re ‘ooived six votes, Elder receiving the required number, was { duly declared elected. The following applications for Chief | of Police were received: W. T. Robin- ‘son, 8. BE Jones and Wm. J. Gill. On ‘motion of Campbell and seconded by McCormick, it was carried that the i election of same be held over till next ! regular meeting. | Letters were received from W. J { Weakland, John A. Myers and Chas. WW. Hodgkins asking permission to tap sewer at their respective places of business, which was duly granted. On motion of Winslow and seconded ‘by Blair, it was onanimously carried that the bill of 8. E. Jones for $1200 for services as Board of Health officer, ‘be accepted and clerk instructed to ‘draw order for same. | The clerk was then instructed to % Brown of his election as | Borough Enginer and to notify him to sot grade stakes for the paving of Ma gee avenue, wo the contractor could commence work not later than May 1st. The members of the Street Commit. toe were instructed Lo ascertain as to ‘how many property holders wished to place their own curbing on Magee ave- nue, preparatory to paving, and to also ascertain how many feet would have wo be placed by the contractor and to not- ify him of the amount at once. Council then adjourned to mest at next regular meeting, Monday, May Int, 1599, Injured in » Weack. A letter dated April 17th, was re ceived on Tuesday, April 15th, by the editor of the Carrolltown News trom Dr. James Alwood, Quincy, IIL, man for a Chicago shoe house, nam: | Edwin G. Dumm, was seriously if n¢ | fatally hurt in a collision on the rail- road April 12th and that he is lying in ‘condition. The letter was an inquiry as to the parents of the young man, | was most probably a son of Valentine !Dumm, of near Patton. also sent to Mr. Dumm, Storming him A New Brick Butldiug. g q Ca Sunshine and Othello, Phe Chas. Rhody, who recently purchased x Ranges, ne teed. | are guaran them a trial line of shelf harg war demripion-— i Lit sed Ba uarters for or plows, ihe ! tools d Steel the vacant lot situated on the east side (of Fifth avenue next to Hadgkins drug store, is making preparations to {erect a brick building to be used as a | store room and dwelling. It will be 30x40 feet, two stories high with a large | basement. The contract for its erec- tion has been awarded to Joseph Hub- augers, powder and bard, who will commence work in a g you for all past favors, sin your further patronage, Very Respectfully, | few days. A False Report I bave been informed that a report is ; circulated to the effect that I re- fused to subscribe money to the relief of the miners, which is an absolute falsehood, as I have never been asked to subscribe, in fact never knew that they were asking for aid. 1 wish to my share along this line and am ready to do so again if called upon, O. W. Hopaxixs, none and | Yerger one, whersupon, Mr. Brown a hospital at Quincy in an unconscious | All Kinds of tinwork will ‘be attended to and guaran- Word was | further state that I have always done OF INTEREST 10 SCHOOL DIRECTORS. Providing for Pay far School IH. rectors Altending € otvenlion On the 18th nit, Governor Stone af fixed his signature to the following Act recently passed by the Legisiature of this Btate: An Act providing for the payment of school directors for at. tending the triennial convention for the election of county superintendent and for the punishment of candidates who An Ae! pay director's eX penses, Section |. Be it enacted by the Sen. ate and House of Representaves of the Commonwealth of Pepnsyivana in Goaneral Assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the aoathorty of the game, that of this Commonwealth who shall at. tend the triennial convention of direct. ors for the purpose of electing 8 county superintendent as provided by Act of May Sth, 1854, shall receive one dollar each in additign the sum of three conta for every mile neogssary to be traveled in going to aad returning from the place where the election shall be held, the amount to be paid by the school treasurers of the respective districts on the proper vouchers and the account to be audited as other expenses. Baction 2. And be it further en. acted that it shall be deemed a misde. mennor for any candidate for the office of county superintendent to pay or canse Lo be paid either directly or indi. rectly any part of the expenses of any director wha shall attend the triennial convention and on conviction there! shall be fined a sum not less than fifty nor more than three bandred dollars at the discretion of the court, Free Upon Application Secretary Edge, of the State Depart. ment of Agriculture, has recently issued Bulletin No. #44 of the Depart ment, which, as long as the supply lasts, will be sent to all applicants free of cost by addressing Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg, Pa. The Bulletin, in addition to showing the analysis of each sample of fertilizer also shows the price per ton at which each was sold at the point at which the samples were selectpd, and aso the comparative commercial valoe per ton, thus enabling the reader to judge at a glance which of the difierent grades appear to best worth the price asked for them. Allisamples were drawn, rithout the edge of the = : ; wa without the knowledge of the manu elapsed since the filing by said County partment and may be taken as fairly Auditors of their report, and that no reprimenting the different brands as any county oficial or officials, and that facturer, by sworn agents of the De. #old to farmors in the State The Passion Vinay. An excellent audience assembled in the Baptist church of this place on Fri. bereallor school director. FOITOf HASSON'S PETITION fixed by the County Commissioners Praying for an Appeal From the Auditors’ Statement. TEXT oF DOCUMENT. ish in Court The Petition is a Long One. Fied Apri The text of the petition presented in ootirt Tuesday by Attorney Harry Has sun, at the instance of his father, edi- tor of the Cambria Freeman, in which an appeal is taken from the annual statement of the County Anditors, is as follows: To the Honorable A. V. Barker, Presi. dent Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Cambria County: The petition of the undersigned, being more than ten in narober, and all of whom are taxpayers and resi dents within Cambria county and State regp- above whose names are not disclosed of Pennsylvania, respectfuly resents Thst since Monday, January 4, 1897, until the present time, a certain Benja- min Jones, a certain Abraham Hoob- stetier, and a certain Thomas Hoover were then and there, and are now, the duiy qualified County Commissioners county, Pennsylvania. And that since Monday, January 4, 1597, until the present time, a certain John Gittings, a certain AL. Milten- berger, and & certain P. fie fend, of Cambria duly elected, qualified, and acting County Anditors of Cambria county, Pennsylvania, and as such County Auditors did then and there settle and adjust the accounts of the receipts and expenditures of the said County Com. missioners of said Cambria county for the year 1808 and the aad County Auditors, having settied and adjusted the said receipts and expenditures for the year as aforesaid, thereupon filed their report as Auditors of Cambria county, Pennsylvania, as aforesaid, among the records of the Court of Common Pleas of the county afore said, on or about the 23d day of Jan aary, 1898 being within #0 days of the date of the presentation 'of this peti. tion to this Honorable Court, That more than 60 days has now appeal therefrom has been eatered by your petitioners are not advised, and i do not believe, that an appeal there. from will be made by any county offi. ‘cial or officials, nor that any appeal ‘day evening to witness the presenta. ‘tion of Rev. Joseph A. Kiocker's artistic lecture and exhibit Passion Play of Ober-Ammergau.” The views (60 in number of this truly | romantic production are simply mary. els of exqusite beauty and excellence. The historic discription of “The Pasa. ‘sion Play,” was likewise delivered in an edifying, interesting and happy manner, Taken as a whole, easily the most artistic, as well as i of “The (taken by from said report to the court will be the Commonwealth, the county, or any officer competent under existing laws to enter such appeal. Your petitioners further represent | that said County Auditors in said set- tlement and report filed as aforesaid, {aa your petitioners are informed and verily believe, have erred in allowing credit for the following item as it it was realistic, illustrated lecture effort ever | presented in Patton. Frauok Ivory Desd. Frank Ivory, a much respected and well-known citizen of Clearfield town- appears in said Auaditors’ report as aforesaid to-wit: “Commisioners’ transcribing clerks, | $1,200.00." ship, died at his home Saturday morn. ‘months. Mr. Ivory was an old soldier ‘and was aged 62 years. He leaves to “mourn the loss of 4 kind husband and father a wife and six daughters and two sons, Interment occurred at § o'clock in the 8t. Augustine cemetery ‘Monday moming after services held in the Catholic church of that place. ' A reply was immediately sent that he A Besutital Hesse, Undertaker H. 8. Buck is the pos sessor of a bran new white hearse, received from The Riddel Coach & Hearse Co., of Ravenna, O., ast week. It is beyond a doubt coe of the finest and most expensive hearses in Cambria county. It is pure white, highly polished and daintily striped ‘with blue and gold. The trimmings are of nickle and silver, which greatly adds to its beauty. Cow For Sale. A fresh milch cow, half Jersey, for sale at a reasonable figure. For partic. ‘ulars call on or address F. X. Lehman, West Palmer avenue, Patton, Pa Removal Native. We wish to anpounce to the public that we have removed our meat market from the P. P. Young building, next to postoffice, to the rooms opposite the Commercial hotel, which were recently vacated by J. D. Hepbtrn. Thanking you all for past patronage we cordially stal- ing after an illness of about three ing that a young man, traveling sales- | one day | solicit a continuance of the same at ‘our new stand. i CORDELL & YOUNG. That said expenditure of $1,200 iwhich is in addition to the sum of $500 allowed by law to the Commis sioners of Cambria county as compen- sation for a clerk in said office, and for which last mentioned sum of $600 proper credit has been allowed in said Auditors’ report, so filled as aforesaid §, is illegal, excessive, unjost, and with- out authority of any statute of Commonweaith, That the name or nates of the whom the aforesaid sum of $1,200 was paid, is not disclosed by the Auditory’ report or settlement filed in said Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, Pennsylvania, but from sald report it would appear that orders were regu- larly granted by the aforementioned of Cambria of them, and County Commissioners county, or a majonty paid by EF. Spencer, County Tress urer of Cambria county, out of the funds of the County of Cambria, and credit taken for said sum of $1,200 so unlawfully expended as aforesaid Your petitioners {further represent that aid Coanty Aditors in ssid settle ment and report, so filed as aforesaid, as your petitioners are informed and verily belive, have erred in allowing credit for the following item, as it ap- pears in said Auditors’ report as afore- said, to-wil “Attorney's fees for eollections, $138 61° That said expenditure of $133 and 63 cents was made, as your petitioners are informed and believe, to William Davis, Esq., an attorney of this county, money were disbursed hy the i said County and scting M. Lawrence were then and there, and are now, the Tierney, Cambria township; course of completion, the ascertainment, levy and collection this person or persons to sn made ax aforesaid the lawful compensation of $500 ss and allowed to the County Solicitor and for which said last roen tioned sum of $50 credit was taken, as will appear by reference to ssid Anditory’ report so filed as aforesaid | and that the credit allowed for additional sam of $135.63 is illegal, excemuive, and unjost, and without warrant of jaw, and in dire? contravention of the Act of As. sembly regulating the salary of County Salicitors That your petitioners are informed and believe that the aforesaid soma of this Connty Commissioners of {(lambria county without aathority of law, and by the report filed as aforesaid, and that thereby injustios will be done said tax. payers and County of Cambria, uniess | your petitioners are permitted to de fend in appeal therefrom, and from which finding and allowance to the said parties and to those referred to in said Aoditors’ report; of the several amounts hereinabove complained of, (and shown in the report of the said County Auditors filed as aforesaid, that the undersigned petitioners do hereby appeal to the Court of Common bat will sat be valid for passage on the Pleas of Cambria county, provided by ‘Act of Assembly approved the 12th day «f June, 1878 Your petitioners farther pray your Honorable Court to permit them to come into court and fille a bond with approved sareties, conditioned as pro- vided by law, and to pripecute said appeal from said Aditors’ report, and defend said County of Cambria is any form of suit, action, or issue, which Your Honor may desire, to determine the validity of said expenditare ac- cording to law And they will ever pray, etc The document, which is sworn 1o be. fore Justices J. 1). Parrish. bears the signitares of the following persons James (i. Hasson, Fbensburg, Pa; Patrick Moran, lLaretlo, Pa: John J. James Maorray, Ebensburg, Pa; T. lL. Parriab, Allegheny township; Joseph A. Skeily, Cambria township; H. A Englehart, Ebenaburg, Pa, E C Par rishi, Ebensbury, Pa; Gilbert A. Storm, Allegheny township; F. A. Storm, Ab legheny township, William J. Tierney, Cambria township; George Garley, Ebensburg, Pa Bille Signed by (he sovernar. The following hills were approved iast Wednesday by Governor Stone: Amending the Act of March 8 187%, relating to the fees of recorder of desis in connties containing more than =A - 000 inhabitants, amending the fing section by fixing the fees to be charged for recording and exemplifying insteu- ments of wriling. Aathorizing the ascertainment, award, levy, assessment and collection of costs damages and expenses of monicipal improvements, including the straightening, paving, macadamizing, opening, widening ~enrbing or otherwise improving of streets, lanes, alleys or parts thereof completed or in Providing for of damages and benefits therefor fram property peculiarly benefitted, where, under existing laws or ordinances, private property could not be assessed for special benefits, and constituting such benefits a lien upon the properties upon which they are assessed, and authorizing the improvements now in progress. Our Congressasan al Washington. A dispatch from Washington says: Representative and Mrs. Thropp left for home Saturday afternoon. During the time he was here Mr. Thropp tran- sacted a large amoant of departmental business for his constituents. He called upon nearly all of the Cabinet officiads and their assistants and made a good impression. Mr. Thropp also called upon Director-of-the-Census Merriam, who is an old friend of his. In district ing Pennsylvania into census districts some of the territory Mr. Thropg's congressional district was taken awiy apd he was given some of the territory in the Cleartield district, plained to Mr. Merriam and it is possi ble that changs may be made so that the counties of the congressional dis- trict - Blair Cambria, Somerset and Bedford shall comprise the same cen- sus disdrict. wy Wad Wages May Be icreassd. It is reported] in railroad circles that the P. R. RB. company is going to in- crease the wages of its employes 10 per cent. The rumor is being discussed by the men at all points along the Pitts- ‘ba division. who was then and is now the County ® ‘ Solicitor of Cambria county, Peansyl- ; vania. That said expenditure of 138.68 ed wlishes and rhubarb the Cash Grocery. is in addition to of Mahaffey, Auditors allowed in their ‘confirmed. They will extending, grading,’ completion of sach This was ex- Westavwr Fotis H. FE. Hollinger, of Way was a goest at JF. Howton's over Sunday. Messrs. Fred Albert and W. E. Davis, wera calling on friends ‘nesta, Sunday 1 3 £ offey, scoompanied bry Mins Lillie Carry, made a basiness trip fo Uberrytree Saturday T. B. MeDivitt, of Bower, called on friends Sanday. Normal school OT 17th, with over #0 # the advanced grade Memers. leonis Rao and Ellis West over attended the dedication of the new Catholic church at Patton Sanday. The tapnery pow rouning fell time, Prof. Frank Wentz spent several days last week among friends + Tita Monday, the als enrolled in ee i Redaend Rates & HMarrisharg. On account of the unveiling of the Hartranft Monument st Harrisburg, Pa, May 12, the Pennsylvania Rail road company has arranged to sell axcursion tickets from all stations on ite live in the State of Penosyivania, to» Harrisburg and return, at the rate of single fare for the round trip, mind mom rate 35 cents. Tickets will be sold on May 10, 11 and 12, and will be good to return until May 13, inclasive, Pennsylvania Limited, Bisir Hone Neldi. H. A. Shoemaker, Esq. of Ebens barg, Thursday consamated the sale of the wellknown PBlair house at that place, the price paid being $5,500 cash. The purchasers are John M. Topper, of Bedford; H. C. Kirkpatrick, of Carroll township, and Thomas Peach, of Eb emsburg. The new proprietors will amume charge as soon as the deed is make many improvements Lo the property. Pree book Tost, A pocketbook containing a som of money and papers was ont bet ween the P. R R station and Miosers Store Fri day evening. Finder will Kindly re- turn papers to the store of the Miners Stare Co Onions, raddisbes, rhubarb and let- ture at the Clash Grocery on Satarday. fi Far ic Nao 22, in Bloek an Fifth avenne in the For terms apply © kina, WW, Va 2t8 For sale, one lot, 58, fronting Borough of Patton, to Henry Raemsech, List ff Unclaimed Letters The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Thursday, Apri 30, 1999: Georges Berne, P. J Brown, Esq. John Baran, John Mentzer 20 W. H. Wait. Tobitha Wilson, Persons cailing for the above letters will please say they are advertised. A Meuron, PM By allowing the accumulations in the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. De Witt's Little Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will slways ose them. CW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmaey. The Mail Order Depart- ment of this store is reach- ing out ito the homes of thousands and thousands of people, and supplying them with their Dry Goods needs. That this way of buying 1s appreciated by our patrons, is demonstrated by the increase in the 3 steady ) volume of business trans. acted by this department. We can serve you by Mail, just as conveniently and satisfactorily as though you were here at the store. You buy just as cheaply, TU Our newest Catalogue will aid you in making seiections—write for it, of vou haven’talready received a copy. ) GABLE & CO. 1120-22-24 11th AVENUE, ALT OONA, PA. 2A 23
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