THE PATTON COURIER APRIL 20, 1549. Sisine POPULAR PROV ERBS. A Busi fur Gen Campbell | If you bave piles cure them. Noose Beech (reek Railroad. | The Graphic says that on Monday Undergoing borrible operations that XN.Y.O.& ” "night the stockholders of the bank met simply remove (he resoits of the dis N.Y.C.&HR R Co Lessee and elecied officers, and made nut their case without (histarbing the disease Condensed Time Table final papers tis send to the United States itself. Place your confidence in De. [0° Woo Nov, BH, | Maxims tien Quoted and at Times Treasury, in fuifiiliment of the re Witt's Witeh Huse! Baive. I has never NaF Nod Advanced an Argument Which Have quirements of law. On these papers faiied to cure others; it will not fail to Neither Wit Nor Wisdom to Com. ihe charter will be granted and the CUFre youn CW, Hodgkins Patton mend Then—Centradictory Savings bank notes furnished After these Pharmacy. papers reach the Trensary Department DILHERS IN BT There is 8 mistaken note abroad |! it will take from 45 to #6 days for the snvs a writer in London Tit Bits, that . . ; Pres Wovorded wf Flwaibsr Se : § sverkm are Epitome id wishin the making of 1 tee pal i ie CRgrav- Friby, Api HA &5 ® i Srthetd | BOME THAT ARE FAIRLY BRIMFUL OF ABSURDITY. wy 5 yoentrated experionc of ponerations, 0g of the bank notes, but It I Epa James MoKin amd tht to quote one of het In a dis that the bank will be working by July Kim : enscion 8 to advance ar answerable 1. Several places are proposed for s : nt And vet wha 3. there to site for the bmilding bot ss vet ne 2 z a 3 Ha dezenad their | hag been decided u pon. The officers tel Eur te Hise Makes the hank are: John W. Clark, pred dent: J. D. Ake, vice-president; and a Ww ealthy and Wise : ; : : ‘he iain ides wes to 8nd 5 Mr. Kiingensmith, from Saltebarg, cashier vps with tries and wise : . on Chas siortonate word chosen Ard ’ a ttal Hethe Bors are persnadl Sor 30s Ty fend nt npresgs ably enriy 3 hoses Bowes if bweoaning a sort of San $54] 3-5 shores Somgh we i or gx Wo Hobert Moo 43 ¢ Worst ani Munster: consideration, $260 ow : “wr, see to W. A. Lathrop, 3nd sl wl 0 SG nie La abangh, Carroll, $1.26, FARSNEY (OMPLEXTION Frederick Hord 1 ny Ww It does not require an experi to de : fect the sufferer from Ridney trouble Th: hollow cheeks, the sunken syes “hase art "p ar 5 a m and = are neg | the fark, puffy circles ander the eyes, Fravews Foe gt 0) hye rich Dor clever snd members off the sallow PRED pobre Ae KLOh Cheartiowd, £1 S10 wrlinneent who go to bed late ard are tathieatos it Anse an Weaklsnd #t In dover ut least not EER and in A physician wou! i sid i mwa had Palisy, O i #73 Siew the invention of gas and electric light this nidicalous old prey ; fh hoes, stomach trouble. gust, Fider, 8137 1 has outlived its original modicnm of 7" Hy iy i et , “5 truth, and proves we most hot venerats fears to Drinate Oiten Or 8 burnng of A J Millsr et ux to Maret Milo ‘ 2 . : foie Penman Fe RS FOC) at's Proveris ob Mo mnt of ther honty Rh it. if after prt sR) Suni Forse a $30 theynity ere 3% an gnasisben Tecan as i i Jomerh A. Ranker el 5x ; The Fa arly 1% Ad Catches the Worm st bar at pnee repeated 3 if the YG Imes #8 ai, Cress, X5K : The mistake rade here is that 11 nesn mes rue BAR wie Gust egies on Teoxell st ay to ¥ or % rhonmatistn. a dull ache Or pin in Lhe Pierre Mya ét ax we are 511 birds But sows of us are wortns I we were net what eonid gq ® Thirty Years enrages of the birds? And, therefoos while the dards do well 16 be early, bt ; the wore be fate the later the Betis Pitchor That Goss Off $i the Wel] | | Delay may lead to grave Note it dows not say the tiadder. inflammation bat “Cis breton at 5% (Hf comirse, BYEEY pit Wor, whety draw FR of 4 67 it gem 1 the well or stays on the or may run into Bright ; rn ut last and the andy re gost dan geroas stage of kilne sired proverh is 10 encom Dr Kilmer's Swamp Root ik te do as little wark as poo discovery of the eminent k 3 go i $3 Be 4 ¢ & : HE 5 EN a vr hades rity Reop oom 4d 2 ih / # Levy AR Pasar +3 ¥ Biadder specialist, is a positive romedy snd KH wiikey foam iriieng A pee ©) Baa ws WF EGE The Meered , : EE Thinis for sach diseases. Its reputation = : ‘ant a Thing Well Done, Iw a ¥ Conon wealth the fol SWEDE oon world-wide and 8 wm 80 fasy 10 ed wl ji ri { : I was roading so sdvertiseaent of prrsetf There s shocking bad ad sivas I # 9 DIRECTORY | Chamberlain's wy HE U0 pice with which to start 8 vooth rm ANDY drug store that no one ned safer bts thi i ; ) ¥ i IHarrhoes Remedy in the Worsster Jife's journey If he wants a builtin any length of time for want of it aE x & ' ax i 5 34 : : ; . . wh awit Enterprise recently, which ads fie WW cod} mead] om he's 80 do it himeell However, if you prefer to frst laws HCE AWA be thie, ean truthful ky | Diver am vant his balr well emt, hoes to ot ita wonderful merits, menting Tie (used any remedy equal 10 i for police 1 hEEs He wmst mond fits En parToN COURIER snd write to Dre : 100,000 FEET OF tand diarrhoea. 1 bave nover had to chairs, shoe his own nag, darn bis 098 gape, & Co, Binghamton, NY for OURS Fo A TEE, Ali) HR Lind or Rass Wood Lumber, O06 | ses more than ome or two dems iy HIPS seeks. Ia short, EL . hots y a sample bots je and» book telling all y ~, fy Lenretiin barongh; Gear; oa og Tents: 5 Mom as i Sen i thick, run of log with mill culls (he worst case with myself or children. Blackie his Sosa ie: ast CA 1 Jil about, both sent absolutely frés by Boca, Fattom borough; Patras k MH ime ak, Wowterver astings RIE Lin IXDIANA LUMBER Co., LW, A, Stroud, Popomoke City, Md. 3 A Contented Mind Is a ( et Boal on bore ag 5 pis d i net rok Kayes or Foe a ie INDIAN A. PA, For saie bey Patton Pharmacy, £2 WW, Feast Can any ons say whit oh ix HT , riage twa Fagl, . Short A ¢ | hry Bn Ad aint ap ee de ph Hodgkins. means tres it suoan that the ower San shington township, John C. Jo iat Ah pon Mata ; 30 1 oo DR {. ERNEST CHASE, ; continnally feasts on bis contented suited Susquehanna township; JIC Cl Te rater de S or that the contented rain as haben, Spangler boroogh; J. : Surgeon - Dentist, FirsiNation | DANK matty feasting Protabiy the Iateer. ss es i 1 Hi rh ; am, cw ou aie, Jamenn sOwnaniny Pua ss wey pr 3 hs DY WEE arr * ici YORE: 9 3 Livw iT Lae E i oe oe 2 a pe ge § a g % 5 we emietiinm hear that “a bungpiy TF NT Tov" j : ; township: Richard 1 ww Fron Hil Ba la 1 Fraeley PATTON, PENNA. OF PATTON. tans an anury man, and we sll Brow oessang SaeFirants, welch i Sardi , » Jones, Ebensbarg borough; Francs Sarid aE Pa REF te ¥ be Hast. Difice in Good Building, second floor, that » satisfied appetite is the. wi gout own 9 tomstenciing, weighing, aed Sha a Ness wn ship: John Lynch eo Safeline HE, tar ¥ Blanes of fever retly § # iputiv e hl fi, Upon ar OWHSSHD, Onn LYRCH, MES £3 as Th Bo 13 > $3 Magee Avent. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. ootentiment Henes it is not 1 vaghnd site hoe frome | 3 1 2 Ma le Arerg on He : Riionm WReieioel Bad ole win meph F Conrad. src tented mind which mak the feat * Feusral buiinems, sed Tor poles, Bre sla, i . iy : Steger nicgioman, att Siu Sa SEASan tom 1) CAPITAL PALLY UP, S50 600, 06) the silly proverb bmplies but bus ei a 5 SURPLUS, $47.000.00, tinual fenst which prod 4) string ; -. 1 iy Berys. ey : HYSIc FAN AND sU SOON, tented mind Pronk, Batier, CRBLEIS Cameron, (apieim, {ns Avenrirts of Grporations. Firms, [alivide There's No Rale With st Exeig fhuster, Clarion, Cleared (2ulon, (oles, | Ofice in Good Building, Room N N 0. 8. fini Beas pened mpos Lhe sd fav ars Lr Camderisnd, Dinepd es, Deliwars, r: x Erie & : Hie ters pocalatent with waive ail cop rymiasve tion wes" hia iz rut ORE 5 i Nero $ is Fayette Foret Prados, Fallon Gres w ; b Snigury and the Eye a Special. All hatiking 1 ; SA also a rule Int ohwvionaly there is bo doen, Tntinem, Jaferson, Femina da kai d % ¥omdid Phe ade Feud we rout Thee temiling & i x ke i » Theses, oar : for ft ji shades Dis Fh gerinee igs exceplion Wo this rule. bevgnie sowing. Me Kann, Marser Ws Mo ition of the Gi Wee : i A we pagal woo. ary, Memdosr Norihawplon Nori AH varrespwstidesue will avd cis prosnpt © od Were 8 rie with an Rew pti L HE © rhisdeiphie, Pie, Fidler, Sebiy ul frerseatrnd wet licens, proberb would be antrae Bat the prov rt Hutiivan Busquets ya. } syd erie Lal 4 £. ; 4 \ Tie rans. i: Syme Wow In -. iiiudon ig : erb is a rule which bas 10 €XOPLNE | sieg, iad Tors: ad Tor Base. pur AE. Patios, Wau i. RAR DFR which, as Mr. Euclid would say, is al 2 atl en toy 85 The Fights henefte Kod fe : vg ; £ sk Asean, ie ow Fiington Wie ct, nxt te Poswlics, President. ( vatler. surd Which was to be shown of 4st At at ¥ Nan ub sayy : Pi Al Hight wails rempandind tex | Ww b Tye i DOT RIE i ¥ bis, “Taw Yale ivyer HO Brak ews in ha Se = : ty, Desa of the our, Doss atrd thirst to B , Wi AE Ton ih ai Htv BE 0. hea Eile Hae Npenent 0 TAKE EFFECT NOV 7° VICE HOUT 7 R F Not ey » Be Wise For oracolar stupidity yu EST OF THEM ALL!Y block, Hastings, sod i the Kirk Hard Westward ! ; Ra “4 § SRN : © tiastinag FICE HOURS-7 1094 91and 12 102 p this proverb may be closed with the rei ates i. Paice. Toloohomne cots F 7 ane shont the pitcher Gat dig 1 ire : ¢ pain : i x ' bo Bib — | es Lion f Ee Na : Patton Na aa day 24 the diMealty ix 10 know where taney 38 ; wo : : 3 fo Tq . ; TALC is Bisa and of conipse the 13d 4 J LI I INCOT 1 'S : i : ba enh on and B : \ Vi ferh gives fo pesislanoe Ww hers is. ONT an a: , x, ae the faneral ; Attorney-at-law, Ines, Iquors, most peednd Most people quote if HLY MAGAZINE bi directors 3 Bee E ; tignorances i bliss in ther blisdal eles Fe ate ‘ ss Sy : they ; Som #) PaTTON, PA. ecr, tc. ignorance, but if a proverh gives rise ot cimgt Ts. Sw i makes ne difference how bad the D. Lutz & Son's Beer a to error it is not only absurd | it is also Altiory b os crunscaiiy wf bi gud if you ose DeWiRt's Witch Specialty, dangerous When people may ; 7 by: PATHS 4 ; : alts MA a Ew i qaceiy bead wad . A Little laarning Is a Duangerons continwed stories elidel few Jeemve fe ae Wo Hedpkins, Pas i, ur Bottled Beer and Porter for Thing They make that a reason nd Supeliunatte 19 Sand eile ay Prove irae gent Past wand oe : family use cannot be excelled. Prices | gor Learning moors, but for learning los e shout] be tn every Lop M at on 4 : p Attommeyatlaw, ga Rensouuble Yes . Love Me. Love My Dog If 1 go Atenis waited in enery tows raed fn Patten FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. a-courting. und my ladylove bids roe ove the moat bral induce: cls wi 0 ¥ ATEN wy PRbisn Patton, Pa. .. HASTINGS, PA: ber scented, dyspeptic pordle, which i+ 9+ B- MPFINGOTT QOMPA'T, Futiis Bot necessary to her health and o aufort, PHILADELPHIA. weaned at th eo Rirk fist unm must I not much more love her gluw op ra a? aw. where all calls will eve and false teeth and hair, which are? eo attention. Th : ‘ 3 XE TEEN We REAR i i Yet common sense revolts at the notion an -. : i RB and 1 therefore assume that a proverb Y i 4; i ] . : . 3 J j oe ney and Counselor at Law, : : » which, logically treated, makes such ; yoewt whiskey = both doctor sad EBENSBURG, Pa. WO Mer TH Siieasmabie Sesmands on my affections ~~ ~ al Helier “looking thas wany : HE Foi Is wrong snd shenn Ef es i : eS . Joga bistness prompily attended to CY) ; {4 doctors, tier tas t all muesdi- FN : ; Seeing Is Belisving How can any te pt j y Ee tasting an Ret Auexal : as. cines. For general family use, pothing equals whiskey and Harper Whiskey . w 3 ¥ w w i 48 BEBE ARS i oF teeny ROWER RR xe ow very latest and most ausdern methods Ged. ¥ a =¥ fecting peorscn repeat these words? For very olitem we belivve we wiv what 1 ] iv we do pot. I a comjurer wers to Lak a tg FRE pre LER) the family w hisltey this prover as his motto, every oii ) h Maid by WW Daggett, Patton, Pa 6.1. FITZPATRICK’ § CNR) coolio i aberdity A si | A nt on Magee avenue near ® a oy . do - stick half wm dnrged in waler batiira f£: § IPS PAS Fo oh P. RR. depot. crooked. Portimately, another provesl f 1 i BB QTYLISH, REL IABLE £ A Young Girl's Experience, ays, “Trust not to appearances And ! ARTISTICS 3 Sod wae wi re Li oh 5 p.? My daughter's nerves wees terribly 600 of this ie bring us 15 the exqu misnirility i Recrmmended by Leading igi E ’ ude. She was bhi Rid wen | ive least nase Of popular proverbs which ran in con Dresamakiss. Le . : sar: Ser, ahd Rie Was wy ET cial 2 pp TEire BE ” So 4% odd i ‘Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Before she had olen one ge a Hotory patrs and sapport bot : They Always Please. - ; x King the change i a ue 3 ¥ rent hal wip BL auras Tht ane bs prs | pdutions fial-class, Best of Liguon ar a it oy. Fines it the bar, Stabling atlachad, Cmenpidly growing we GRORGE FeRGrsoN, | BieXion is pert ot Me i it + ¥ Fygr Wooo PTOpE. ais Pe by drugpiets sod dealers 3 4 Patton Pharmacy, Ss Nathing veal nothin CW. Hodgkins. cattions man on Nover venture onl your depth till you can swig Jropatient oa trimonial candidate 850 YEARS’ leven that Happy 's the wooing XPERIENCE ,,; |. adoings he tardy one phe may Marry in haste and reps Jeisure. ” And soon ad infinitum sence makes the heart grow fonder Out of sight, out of mind." Ives nove * too late to mend’ A foal at 40 will pever be wise "Too thany cooks spoil the broth There's safety in nn bers” and “Two heads are better than J] Cone n 5 : Kine ! Therefore, let us examine our prover... h = be =i. § Boi Stes Magazin: Pubiiad: bial cvinage before we pass it into the \}\ Hite US for Circulars, : a BN un moral carrency. T% Flaflaia, Bochest sass BEIGE EES FECT IT TI INI ITTY £8 LT KSES hindi Eve + Peistiimianiin rbd bss] yo x tn T vy yea . : a giv ing tuil parodia. Ages wii fe 8 * IAgurhe St rene iy. x : : { d v ; iether ns FTMBA LVR : iy § J Wise Change Wanted. I MLETTE: Po » {CC : 3 : 3 WIR be | : ¢ any pcientine Jor or What some people need more than li. he LUR LO, SRE Fs. ped pens, © year t : hing else is change—they hive 170 Fifth Ave, » Astros THE McCALL CO., i | dollars, and they need sense. Jewish xh New York HD 10 tg6 YE. Lath Se. New Yor "| Commmt ; New York. : AA ny WAS Sy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers