atton | parTON PUBLISHING Co, Proprietors. E WILL GREENE, Editor, * renws of oF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, oni year, in ndvance, + - PE paper discontinimed anil sll nreenr- | ages are ald, Entered at the Postoffles st Patton as second. ell tines tail matter, From L. A.W, Bulletin, spde fromm the g rive so ehill o eresinatories rn I ort be vers long until Weall Sve arn ww thy Barn, All] kinds of wesithior eome together n April's geneml master, At morn in uister iy the thing, AL noe) we wear o duster Attend Entertainment At Baptist Church Friday evening, April 21st. For a first-class lunch go to the City Restaurant. The frog his begun to peep. another sure sign of spring. When a woman seen a mohee she gets rat-tled. -L. A. W. B. A cholee line of confections, nuts and fruits at the (ity Restanrant. Call at the Cash Grocery and get ' prices on groceries and von will surely Atom 8, B. King and John McCormick “drove over to our town the find of the week. ZT. Morgnn, of Coalport, culating among friends in Ventare Alburty, of the Quarry, Is saffering from a severe attack of ery. _sipelas in his hand. Among this many visitors to our town Monday, was Nr. Carry, of the Metropolitan hotel, at Westover. Misses Lizmtie Easley and Charlotte Campbell, of Carrolitown, visited with friends in Palton the first of the week, Harry Cooney, W. 'T. Robinson and “J. M. Bpicher have planted shade trees in front of their properties on East Magee avenue, Miss Mary Cornely and Wayne Whiteside, of Madera, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E, Dale on Magee avenue, Wm. Wulf, a well-known young gentleman of this place, departed Mon- = Cn for Hartford, € ‘only, where he may possibly make: his futare home, ~ Qeo. BE. Owens, editor of the Clear. fed Republican, was in Patton Friday in the interest of bis newspaper, and while here made this office a fraternal ell. Mrs. CC. Grenninger, accompanied by ‘Miss Burd Hurd, of LaJose, who was clr. Patton al ‘has been stopping in Patton for the «= month, made a shopping tour to i Altoona Saturday. A Graham, one of Philipsburg’ ' Cormick, son of M. | attorney-at-law. : burg, were pleasant callers at this office While In town Baturday. Is it “froithess” to advertise on the slentris light poles? electric ‘‘currants” for instance. If ou can't stand the “shock” see War. . the up to “date” painter, Matthew Miller has moved his family to Hastings where ho has associated himself with the electric light company | at that place. He reports doing n very road is affected olightly. Foakin: num- ber 9, 28 and 25, which have heretofore’ gone to Patton now only go to Clear: fleld. -- Lock Haven Democrat. The rich man’s whiskey is Harper, because it is supremely delicious. The poor man's whiskey ix Harper, because such good whiskey helps him. The family whiskey is Harper, because it's pare, pleasant and strvmgthening. Sold | by W. L. Daggett, Patton, Pa. Through the courtesy of B. P. Greene, | wf Vandergrift, Pa., who is a brother of the editor of the COURTER, a copy | Courier. nw A vertising rates made Known gpon spe nidess 11 the option of the | thing in millinery, Mra Dartt's - of tieo. Shall, 3 4 i wi 1h i of Wall paper at Fisher's 3} cents s naber as ye rolls Moe in Certainly not; : Saturday, age had been done, : wards arrested and taken to the county cof the winter's ashes, put them in a healthy condition, Business circulars have become al nuisance to every householder, and nineteen-twentieths of them go into | the waste of the kitchen without ever’ ‘being seen by those to whom they are! directed, while the few which happen | to reach those who are sought as cns- | tomers, as a rule find their way Next will appear spring flowers, Bicycles are becoming numerous. Get your pictures framed at Fisher's. Is the man who gets ‘loaded’ a son- of a-gun ?- Ex. Fresh shad, catfish, eels, herring at the Cash Grocery, J. D. Hepburn was down from Pat- ton Tuesday. - Mahaffey Gazette, Mrs. Alfredd Dodson and son Alf, are visiting friends at Philipsburg this basa and | week. Call on Ernst Bruer, the photo. grapher, corner of Fourth and Magee avenues. Sheriff Geo. M. Werte, and Stewart Kinkead came down from the county ‘seat Friday. np to the finest will find it at For a nice cheap hat, you Only one person, a man by the name has died of small-pox at Editor Williams, of the Glen Camp. bell Comet, was a pleasant caller at this office Monday. Call again. Pennsylvania Railroad Road Suaper- visor John PP. Charlton, of Uresson, was a visitor to Patton Monday. For nobbypess and #tyvie vou will find it at Mrs. Darts in ready-made Patton, Thomas, thse year and Mrs. Wm, Goynn, had arm broken one day last week playing with other boys Mra JO MeMuallen, of Dysart, has besa an invalid in the German pital at Philadelphia fur the past five woes, 3 fede’ wnpiete ber stata the (post i {7-3 san of Mi 3 his rigig while YY visit ing her cousin, TN. Nagle C. WW. Holdgkineg expats to takes tended bicyele trip about the first of June to Philadelphia, New other points in the Famnpire Wiew lig have isn an gasil fe York mite will be gone about tw things He grins is John Bayo im bwopnd to ap to style at the Cash | recently gin in front ser y has fotint quite a convenience to 2. P Young, of I in town several he Main Yi est] in IIR IEE. green placed a of his store wiih is bbe beadde. wtton, had business dave last week tin hs promned eof Hila fre rey strewt to Harris, Thoredas on Sonth of ta Joh moved from Patton to this place alu five weeks ago, took biz family Vintondale Monday of last week on Saturday he shipped his household goods to that place Carrolltown News, 2 The Raftsman’s Jovrnal says that it is rimored that the New York Central R. R. has obtained a 60-day option for the purchase of the B, R & P. road, and it looks as though but two rail roads will enter Clearfield in the near future, viz: The P. R. R. and the N, Y. A fatal shooting sccident occurred on the river at Lock Haven Thursday afternoon, the victim being Ralph Me- 8. McCormick, an The young man was on duck hunting expedition, and by anno Coadport Standard, the shoemaker, who sit tis and y Phonieison, ‘the accidental discharge of his gun re. ceived the full charge in his left breast near the heart killing him instantly. An attempt was made to burn the St. Elmo hotel at DdBois about midnight Andrew Murray had been previously ejected from the hotel. He returned and gaining entrance to a rear room emptied the contents of an oil can and set fire to the fluid The blaze was discovered before much dam | Jail, The time of the vear is abont here! when everyone should commence cleans | ing their promises of the decumulation as to give them a neat appearances and Lime ‘should be freely used so as to make a thorough disinfection of the entire | premises. The back yard and lot should not only receive special attention, but (the street in front of the dwelling 'shoald be given attention, A Western exchange says that hug- | ging societies have been introduced in | Idaho, to swell the church treasury, of Vol 1, No. 1 of the Vandergrift with the following scale of prices: Citizen was sent to this paper one day | tw The journal is up-to-date, g well edited and neatly printed. | .M. H. Cochran, formerly of the > Herald, is the editor and she y deserves credit. Girls under 16, 13 cents for a hug of two minutes or 10 cents for a short | squeeze; from 16 to 20 years, 50 cents; ‘school marms, 40 cents; another man’ 8 | wifo, $1.00; widows, according to looks, | | from 9 ents to $2.00: old maids, three . | cents each or two for five centa and no limit of time. ‘ charged, are not allowed to participate until Preachers are not Editors pay in advance and j everyone else is through. caAsSTORIA. t The Kind You lave Awa people here Murray wis after. | rubbish, ete, so ‘call. into ‘Phila. Times In the dull season, when only com- paratively few people are baying anything, the advertising effort should be increased as the number of possible buyers decrease. It is easier to sell $10 worth of goods among a thousand (people than it is to sell that amount among one hundred people. If there are only one hundred to work on, work | then hard Bates, Mrs. Alexander MacCormick, of Spangler, received the sad news last Monday of the death of her mother, Mrs. Catharine Convrey, at her home in | Sterling, Scotland, March 24th, at the ripe age of 88 years, The news was particularly sad in that as Mrs. Mac Cormick had completed arrangements to visit her mother, having already en- gaged passage on a steamer to leave next week, the waste basket, Miss Annie Bock, who forsook school teaching of the modern sart and for the past two years has been giving “Ye Deestreect Skule” in different parts of the State for the benefit of churches and schools, has been doing some very sucoessinl work in the western part of the State, Miss Bock made her start line in Philipsburg and the will be glad to hear of continued speoess. — Philipsburg in this her Ledger, To “ehan! DHreetars, In pursusnes of the forty third \ot of May 8, 1854, you are pitifhed to meet in convention, mrt hao in Ebensburg, on May, 1869 month. and select ; of the whole number of directors present, one per- HE tion of the 53. 4 in of thn Fav wlan y being ¥ive vores, hr oa nisjority son of wientifle and literary ar pin i aki if siihin ivoand ERT son & ont FM pu rit groand fiir the an verti Carnbrig county, HEINE yours: the $f to the Rigs Baperintendent 3 Harriabure, as revi by ninth anil fortieth seetiong of sad frieat abd T 1. Mayra fat snN § fvnty tendon CASBTOILIA. Rears the To Rodd To Howe Lime Boue™t Bipnatuss of R EPORYT fu 5] efit Ayah} Manks Hiden ion for Srey, spwmer pind Vestal, Ctmpditnl soe pmid in marge furl, {7nd vided profits, PR Apu famiw gerd fae sow panic Nationa! Mand notes cantstaading i Pie toy stir Nationa! Banks Prividends ungmid foatividtne! degamits pobident tor ediin ik Pann cortiftontos of ds fromit Titre cortifiea ive of de prasit Certified vhs iE} 8 ay Le PEE Ma £0 $04 5.488 © Te wisi CMY ATE SF PENSE LY ANIA, 4 ne County of Cantbria Wa, HH. sandfond, Cashier of the wisve prsidsiest Fhank, do osndetoanly swenr that the alwive wat alemeat I= rue snd correed fas 1h fmt of yoy Know belpe and bellef Wa Ho Saspyagn, ashen Miharritesl and mopar to before me this Lith tay of April, Dan Tessy b A thes Pape, Notary Publik Ciosprent AE. Parry, ) F.C, BROWN, 5» Dire Jase Keun, 0f- wish to announce to the Patton that I have | | the drug store form- erly owned by H. D. Hasson, now deceased, and as soon as some necessary repairing and remodeling can be done will be opened to the public. It will be known as ‘Huber’s Corner ‘Drug Store and a full and complete line of goods will be found here. You are in invited to Remember the place—corn- er of Fifth and Magee avenue, opposite Palmer house. H. HUBER, Proprietor. J —you iS NOW ready It's a hook of almost 100 pages, filled with news about this store of yours. It tells you all about almost every article we sell, and tells you so plainly that it 18 an easy matter for you to sit at home and do your shopping here by Mail. We want vou to have one of these books. If you have not received one already, drop us a eard and we'll send it by return mail, It doesn’t cost yon anything more than the price of the postal. GABLE & CO. 1320-22-24 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. VOT Men Shoes can’t be touched for beanty, styles and at the price, & 1.GS to & 3-40. CLOTHING. We made a special purchase of hittle fejlows! suits for our Faster trade and they are all ready for sale. Just came mn Tuesday last The price all—1.48 to 83 Our boys’ pants S1ILS are also ready. Lots of new styles to select from. Prices from 48 to 5. 43. MEN'S SU I'TS—By tar the largest stock in town, All good uptodate styles and made to wear it, wes right. NOW ABOUT FURNISHINGS AND HATS Have you shirts, our Our new Well, within reach of 45 and fit. pr »* pe ‘3: ir Alin = new OT sty les of yon are behind crowd if vou haven't have sold and are plenty every day Have 5 new collars latest designs too. Here 1s a flyer Those Chicago styles in collars are here, 15¢ 2 for 25c. The very latest styles and hobbies. latest and best here: so come are invited-—cordially LC k Witdr 3 C hats ? the We St thing ns ~Very We are opposite the Bank on the right side of street. The Keystone Clothing and Shoe (o., irmmiioinini is ¥ i You always get the . € 1 g you want the new Last year's shoes are not what Buy with us. Buy ‘99 shoes. They are up-to-date, and you will start out wearing #a 8 i é * wi ts Il be them prejudiced in their They are made right and sold right. We claim or. that our prices are the lowest for ey ual 1at. tl quality, but many claim We, to clinch it, offer to re- fund the money if vou find as gro] shoes elsewhere at a lower : in the h CO. has there hee; chown complete ne story STC f NEW SHOES = 1s now displayed here, price, the PATTON ¢ up-to-date, SUPPLY styiish and of h an Don’t Buy Your Shoes We Le He ile, t from. lowest, until shoes to seled are the VOI see our ind Se HAVE YOU SEEN IT? ff - »” The Sorosis. THE S 33.50 SHOE FOR \WOMENX. Sepa New Shoes fam Bigs Field ¥iit ry : New Shoes Cisiee of the laripest JOY then in all colors We Bave slyoews for all Black, all styles, at 150 ¢ and fie Me 0, Wo Oo 4 5% per pair EYEE TY WWE HAY FilierR i : a¥ SOA, Wei that Com nEm ey support aS Wiatiial and A +5 #7 oy oY FRA ie the OT § 3 ANE For Babies. wr showed Patter, We have 54 Boys, Girls and Babies in Tan and EE THEM. Come and See Them WASH GOODS Madras, Ginghams, Percales, Dim thew, Ze phirys, Batiste, Organdios, Lawns, very latest | Laces and Embroideries in all colors and sty lew. aver This Department has bodded out in all its sprin to hand. fom Pigne mm all colors. Ribbons Boe $00 worth to select from. ines, There is a revelation of beanty and newness coming showing the vanguard of things that ure fashionable and t will be worn by Indien of good taste in all of the large cities this season No end of new things in this line, and to our large assortment we add the additional inducements of low prices that can’t be approached elsewhere. PATTON SIFY C0 The Busy Store sam SI Fo: $8.25 1 aE 1} flied Aner ment x gold {Wi you with this watch and it is also guaranteed 3 1 by the manufacturer, Come in and see it. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. ‘orders, ‘Undertaking, This Bedroom Suit Only $15.00. Fine Furniture in every conceivable patterri to suit all tastes. A short time spent looking over our line will convince you that we have the goods and sell at prices that catch the Embalming, Etc. Etc, tended to. ethads used. satisfaction Pr rompti y at All modern m T he TATA 3% A 3% best of teed, . 3. BUCK, Next to Hotel P atton,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers