The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 20, 1899, Image 4
a dl i. WE Wn PON o i NO NOTION OF RESIGNING, urier. Secretary Alger, who hat returned dent Intenst-Patton and | from a trip to © 3 $ % i Country, Motto “Justice 10 | gn regnmed his position at the head ward Nate, PUBLISHING os. Proprietors. | i like 2 man who has any idea of resign- E Wii Greexe, ditor, __. of the War Department, doesn’t talk | ing; in fact, he very distinctly says that he has no such idea. On the contrary, he talks of the work in Caba and Porto | Rico as though he expected to be con. | nected with it for a long time. He! 'savs the greatest need of Cuba js eda. | {children is being steadily improved, soldiers now in Cuba.’ He summed ap his trip thusly: “1 am more than satisfied. Of course | realip: there is a { great deal to be done, and that perfec. ‘tion is & plant of slow growth I faith in the future. ‘better American, if such a thing be possible, than when | went away. | When I realize how great a work the | United States has undertaken and how | magnificently that great work is being | accomplished, T think that our country [ha taken another stride forward in the noble task of helping to civilize and {uplift humanity. The time is not far | distant «if, indeed it is not already at hand when the people of Cuba and ‘Porto Rico will rise up and call os | blessed. In the hastening of that day ! every American has a common interest ‘and pride.” | Inspector General Breckenridge tells | some amusing stories of what he saw ‘while on his tour of inspection in Cuba {and Porto Rico. One of them is in * ; : y' 's bottle three or four ; Teemnention with the Whelesuie Yuet : i mation that is now going on in Porto a day you will soon see } {Rico by United States surgeons. In- ed improvement. For | (stead of ranning away from vaccing. Ww I t tions, as many of ourown citizens have children, from half 0 hewn known to do, General Brecken. ea nful, according to ‘ridge says that the Porto Ricans ran dissolved in their milk, : after the vaccinators, believing that | being vacoinated makes them American so desire, will very . Alam " 8 ceitizens, AA A. If you suffer from tendermoss or full hiss on the right side, pains onder | ishonlder-bdade, constipation, billious ness, sick headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpld and con- : gested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers | will cure you promptly, pleasmntly and perm anentie by removing the conges. ion and causing the bile duote 1o apen ue and so, oft drug ies and flow naturally. They are good ROOT A BOWNKE, Cheebad New Yor pills, £8. WW. Hodgkins, Patton o— po— Memmpee Pharmacy. she eet the emul It will show an effect | v ’ v we hd 4 ps i” : ee Y ni, Cirnnt add Thowey Prave, JOR WaNAMaRAR used 840 coli que best authors and artists have : ; ben hard at work preparing two mag 1880), in the Philadelphia pificont souvenir numbers of ihe Phil Times, Press, Lecger and) gquinhia Sunday Press, which will be published on April 23 and 30. The former will bw a Grant Day souvenir RS 7 Republican Sate Conven. ; ye be held at Harrisburg some “and the latter a Dewey Day edition, during the month of August. | The articles and illastrations in both MY te Sori Convention will be held at will be appropriate to the occasion and most of the matter has been secured from special sources and has never YBoDY reads newspapers nowa- before been published, either in a news almost every family takes one or paper or magazine, Saperb color pages : , and they are read by man, will add to the artistic beauty of the and ebild. Therefore is it not both editions. The front page of the t and only legitimate medium of | Grant number shows the spendid mon- g. Its asure winner every ument which will be dedicated by Cn President McKinley in Philadelphia, and the front page of the Dewey num- g some time in June, painting of Dewey on the Olympia, {showing him us he looks to-day, Be sure and get both these editions, which will be the handsomest ever issued by a newspaper, Susinens and make a fortune, New Ofcers Installed. gr creditor has no claim by | District Deputy Grand Master Harry : | Shaffer, of Johnstown, installed the following newly elected officers of A Court of Toquiry is Patton Lodge, No, 1088, 1. O. O. F, testimony, although it had Thursday evening, April 13th: John > finish last week. Although | McMahon, past grand; W. C. Hubbard, minen t officers have been on | noble grand; Elmer Smale, vice-grand, th thas was vither new or (i, H. Curfman, secretary; A. G. Ab : wan brought cut. Several bott, assistant secretary; Wm. Cramer, the court have served to deepen treasurer; 5. W. Worrell, trustee esslon of the anprejudiced | Following are the appointive officers that the court is pre judiced | for the ensuing term: Wm. Wulf, 1 Miles, «specially its warden; John Culp, conductor; Chas to summon six particular Hodgkins, ©. G.; Chas. Wulf, L B hamen were furnished G.; Clark loomis, R. 8 N, GG; | John Tribley, IL. 8. N. G.; Dan’l Ab. ; - : 'bott, chaplain; Abe Jenkins R. B. 8; SEN ATIVE PACKER, of Peon- | O. Hartshorn, L. 8. 8.: 8 LL. Irvin, a who has just retirned from a | R 8. V. G.; Luke Warren, I. 8. V. G. to Cuba, said: “The impression | that our troops ‘will have to J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor here 8 loug time. One of! lof the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., Generals talked the situa. says: “1 would not be without One me fully ind frankly. | | Minute cough cure for my boy, when made a tear- troubled wit a cough or cold. It is the adopting the Teller res- best remedy for croup I ever used.’ C. disclaimed any intention W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. annex Cuba. The re- Granted Marriage Licenses. educated element — | The following Cambria ecountians say they will be were granted marriage licenses by xation come about (jerk of Orphan's Court since April General was not sure | 5th: Edward Fogle, of Chest Springs, could be depended | ‘and Miss Emma McLucas, of Ashville; | their talk. If an. Hugh Farmer and Miss Christine Ross, e beta at an early day, gpg Joseph Shinty and Miss Rozal vote contrary to their Rejezak, of Hastings; Gilbert M. White bout the desirability of "y.q Miss Estella Waltz, of Carrolitown; . All the Americans over pugp Boggs and Miss Abbie Mansfield, are of the opinion that Cuba of Ashville. nd oy ni it tany not pay on the iollar, it releases him | afterward having to pay his ne The finest raisins and prunes for th States, but how soon, or I e matances, they do not | Money are at t the Cash Grocery. The kind fi Haw A radishes and rhubarb on | Sve be Cash Grdouey. cation for the masses; that there is comparatively little distress now on the lisland, among men, and that the con. dition of the indigent widows and and he paid this compliment to our | boys in blue: “1 never saw, anywhere, | a finer body of men than the American return, however, with unquestioning I return, too, a and Porto Rico, | : who are either so prej- udiced against all a vertised remedies, or have becorne discour- aged at the failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won- derful value of Foley's Honey Frost and Lung troub- es. Here is one of those and Tar for all a FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. Cc. Ww. Mean Patton Pharmacy. Low Rate Excursions to Washington The last two Pennsylvania railroad low-rate 10-day excursions from Pitts. burg and points in Western Pennsyl vania to Washington will leave on April 27 and May 11. Round-trip tickets will be sold at rates quoted below, good going on special train in- dicated or an train No. 4, leaving Pitts. burg at 8:30 p. m., and carrying th®hagh sleeping cars to Washington. Special train of throogh parlor cars and coaches will be ran on the following schedule: Train leaves Johnstown al 10:15 a. m., rate $7.35; Coaiport, £55 $5.10; Cresson, 10:58, 87.35; Altoona, 11:40, 87 3%; Curwenuville, 9:15, &7 25. Clearfield, 9.31, $7.25. Tickets will be god returning on any regular train, except the Pennsylvania Limited, tnd] May 6 and May 20, respectively, and to stop off at Baltimore within Hmit Holders of special excursion tokets to Washington can purchase, af {he Pennsylvania Railrosd Ticket Ofioes in Washington, exuvarsion tiokets to Rie! mond at rate of $4.00 and to O04 Polat Comfort [ail rail at $6.00, at the offices of the Norfolk and Washington Beam haat company, excursion Likes including meals and staterooms steamers to OW Point Comoe or Norfolk, Va, a2 E300, and to Virgins Beach at 24.506. Washington fo Yernon and return, via elevine Way, Mi cents Shonld (he namber of passers be sufficient to warrant Ih of = special train, the oon the right to cnrry EXOREOn% On Fegan trans Tickets on sss in Pifah Union Ticket Office, 360 Nfs 3 and Undon Btation, a mentionad above Por tion apply 10 agents Watt, Passenger Agent trict, Fifth avenge and Bin street. Pittsburg Pattie, Ee ler wreaths Wotan freein enti remtiit Irs Bdows Wy SOOO Heal the m ounickly with De. Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, a thoroughly antl septic application with a record of always caring piles, old uloers, soves, otk, wounds and skin diseases, OW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Strike or no strike, the Cash Groovry CAD BAYH YOU money. The Delineator ber is a reprodaction of a magnificent 18 THE Woman's Favorite Magazine, and is issued by the famous fashion publishers, The Butterick Publishing Limited , at 7 to 17 Went Thir- teenth Street, New York, at the re. markably low rate of $1.00 for a year's subscription, or 15 cents per copy. Of all family magazines if is the great caterer to Domestic Nels, and can be recommended for its cheap ties, usefulness, beanty, and, froshriess and otility. L. W. Cook. NOVEL, STYLISH and UNDERPRICED Can well be said about our large and varied stock of Dress Goods. Our goods are especially adop ed to tailor-made and walking costumes so popular this season, and we have all the new shades and a large nomber of new style weaves, such as Alarich, Mos gar Novelties, Bronele and Veata cloth, all new and handsome and in popular shades. Then there are Coverts and Plaids, and our usual elegant line of black goods, Crepons seeming to lead favor. If you are too far away to come here we shall be pleased to sepd samples and take great pains to fll an order from them. We now have a large and elegant line of tailor-made suits from $4.9 ap to 825 each—all colors are represcated. Eleventh Ave. & Eleventh St, Altoona, Penna. Swill go at £0.00, . BEST SPRING. TIME TONIC Ie os Trip to the Kemah wa Oreey the Phila. dolphin & Reading BR. HR, When spring-time comes, after the dull, heavy winter weather, we all feel the need of something to tone ap the system. Formerly this was done by the pee of Hitter decoetions, bal now- a-days the knowing ones have found that the best tonic i= a trip to the coean beach, and the practice of spend. ing a few days on the shore is finding mare and more devolees every vear, sc much so that the hotels make extra arrangements to accomnmodate the early spring visitors, Atlantic (ity, with ils namerous open-all-the-year hotels, sun pariors and magnificient boardwalk with a sonthern pxposnre, giving promensd. ers a splendid view of the ocean while inhaling the warm invigorating salt air wafted up from the Gall Stream, especially : . tEry sigh the y Phi bad & Heading Howe Ab Yaretic City BH . fo s og by ail Sonata wilt 84 paired Fast Irains eave Chestnut Street and South Stree ¥ Tria int thironeh Linkela Forse # Fa i £5 stamp Bdeon J. Weiks, enger Agent, Philadelphia farwwd 20d at the fash Is. eT 3 ound He tnnativm © wrod My wife has osed Chamberlain's Pain alm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it aa a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household ase for which we have found it valonable. -W_ J. Cayler, Red Creek, N.Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer- chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. W. G. Phippin, Editor Red Creek Her- ‘ald. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins. You cannot do better than to call on Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing, ete. Fatimates freely given tf To Remmi Herve Rigatariy Ernst Broer, the photographer, who has hia gallery located on the oorner of Fourth and Magee avennes, near rail road station wishes to inform the pubic that he can now be found in his pailtery very dav in the week bo awad © thease who wish work done Prices are reasonable and all work guaranieed foave you Mohedd & Wilkins The fille ane Line ane 18. Goat pomp attachment agent tor rent opr sell in Patton Borough, Bosne, o0rner of AVENOes, For good, pure ioe cream | City Restanrant Wanted! Tao trade a lady = Cleveland bicvele for a fresh milrh tow The bio Ne Ie is practically new, having been ridden only about #1 miles. For particulars address Lock Bax No. 298. Patton, or inquire at COURIER office, Have you heard of the rush for ladies’ hats at Mrs. Dartt's? Two Lats for Sal, One lot on the sopth-east corner of Fifth and Palmer avenue, Patton Bor. cough, will be sold fur $350.60 and the tot adjoining the same of the sonth For particulars call ot or address the CoUrteR, Patton, Pa For SaLe- ax good a= new, for 815 cash A gents bicycle, nearly Ingnire at the Cou RIER office a Th oe THE TWO HOUR TRAINS | Between Philadelphia and New York via be : _snfficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft re Philadelphia & Reading Rallway. For loxarons, ewift and at the same time perfectly safe traveling the above trains cannot be excelled, a special not- able featnre is the entire absence of smoke, soot and cinders, the engines burning only hard coal. The intodue- tion of these trains by the Philadelphia & Reading was a great hoon to the business men of both cities, and the patronage by this class of passengers han steadily inercased an well as that of other persons for pleasure or busi ness purposes. Jt is a common prac. tioe hy these travelers to leave home in Philadelphia after breakfast, and spending the day in New York return in time for 7 o'clock dinner, Pullman ore are attached to all these trains, and the 7:30 a. and 4 p. m. from New York also have Pullman Buffet parlor car. To specially accom. moddate the gentlemen the 3:30 a m. to and £30 p.m. from New York, also have a parlor smoking car attached, For time tables apply to any Phila. delphia & Reading ticket agent, or address Fdsin J. Weeks, General Passenger Agent, Beading Terminal, Philadeiphia Ax the season of the year when pnen- monia, lagrippe ofcds, eatarrh, broochitis and nog troubles are to be guarded against, nothing “x a fine substitute,” will “answer the purpose,” or 8 ‘lost as good” as One Minute cough care. That is the one infallable remedy for all jung, throat ardd bronchial tronbles Insist vigorously on having it if “some- thing es’ is offered yon, OCW Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy sare threat, eonghs, port y Far wales roperty, consisting of a ny used as A alae Boas. weit, Nolen. govt ota irs iihle ye ache visi Joan £1 An tried] Cham Hee THA Lime Ww £2 tating Pains FOr “A word to the wise is sufficient” and a word from the wise a peated experience of trustworthy per- sone may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's cough Remedy gives better satisfac. tion than any other in the market. He has heen in the drog business at Elk- ton, Ky., for 12 years; has sold hon dreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines man- afactared, which shows conclosively that Chamberiain’s is the most satis factory to the people, and is the best. Flor sale by Patton Pharmacy, ©. W, Hodgkins, A Card. a We, the andersigned, do hereby agrees to refand the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent hottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. C. W. Hodgking, Patton Pharmacy. 2628 : WALL PAPER. \WALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock of Wall Paper in Northern Cambris Over 100 new designs to elect from. Prices from 31 to 50 ots per poll, Room Monldings fram 3 to 8 ots a foot. We also carry a full line of Wail Pockets, Pictarws, Frames and Monldings. Can make any siese Frame desired at the lowest prices. Old Prames cleaned and renewed, The Patton Wall Paper Store, A. C. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, PEXN'A. Boarding ii PHILADELPHIA. Opnosite Franklin Square, * learfield 33s h He a COT. POC RTION. KING. At 2 Grocery House where things look neat and clean; wiere Clerks are polite and obliging; where [Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where vou know you are getting the best « in the market at the fairest of prices. keep. Call and be sure of it. sort of House we That's the Have you seen our line of DRY GOODS’ in this section and at prices When in town make our store vour welcome. heads juarters. You will be