| and one day she sail: Foy a Eg a LT Od he = No amount of argument can convince the experienced, honest grocer that any other soap will such general satisfaction as Ivory Soap. iF ¥4 fat ¢ his customers He knows that they prefer Ivory Soap to new kinds, of unknown quality. Ivory Soap will sell because the other soaps may look like Ivory, but his customers the int people want it, wa the real thing — they may buy a new soap once to try it, but they come back again and again for Ivory Soap, anc they insist on having it. Compright HOE sy Po Pourter § Semis On. Ciritrest wif Lov 2 bo a ww Sov don Ly 4 a ees sions miso Anema niig. Halt of the 155.00 Scandinavians in the United States live in Chicago, So-To- Bae for ney Cents. Gusratitesd tobacco habit eure, Sinker weal | a rong, bios por pure. 800 fi All drogeiss | Loh A A RY AIS Tan Pyek Tercentenary. In conmmection with the Van Dyck | tercentenxry, which is 1b be celebrated om Antwerp In August next, one mil : ion special postage stamps will be is | || sued, which will bear a portrait of the °° | 4 . ‘great painter from a drawi pe | CBE p= Bg by Ge t demonstrated that the aliegad culprit. rard Postislje. In the program of the fetes, drawn up by the committee ap- | pointed for the purpose is included an | historical procession representing ths | development of art from the earliest | Emown time: to the days of Rubens AA A TR The Ground Finor Preferred Little 4-year-old Marie lives on tho | fourth floor of an apartment-housc, 2 “Mamma, ‘Besven higher than this House" “Yes, dear,” was the reply. then, mamma said good.” “Weil, be real goody good and Marle, “lst's 1 maybe they'll let us occupy the ground | (floor when we go thes." Brooklyn : tion and family lite { the other day was that of 8 - Academy, has “And will we go thers when wa die?” “Yes, if we Ars ToTSTIONOY: Indian Jostice of the Peace Antoine Jackson, a full | dian, known familiarly as “Kanaka Jack.” has been elected justice of the | peace for the reservation adjacant © Tacoma. Although he can neither read {por write, he said to All his office Pwith digniiy. The first case he had 10 j deal with which came under his notice ¥ man arrest- charge of carrying con The Indian judge Hh ed upon the WEd pang, contld not foros the sntire revolver In question into any of his pockets and herelnse dismissed the case. Although reasoning was not based it wan strict tha ener an Blackstone aad Kent, iy in accordance with the evidence, BS i hs Giracefnily Sahmitied, New York Tribune. M Errest La. gouve the senior member of (he Froney Jugl received] by vole of his fellow -members the 32.000 prize of the Jean Reynaod Found He wighed himself to give if 1H the anthar of “Cyraao de Bergerac” but submits ted with a pood grace 'o the choice based on nls works ag educa. atian, COULeTH. suns ANE reason Mrs. Pinkham’s treatment helps women so promptly is that they have confidence in Through some of the many thousands bam’s friends an ailing woman will be led to writ Pinkham at her home ia Lynn, Mass, and will tell ber symptoms, The reply, made without charge of any kind, will bear such evidence | of knowledge of the trouble that belief in her advice at once inspires | This of itself is a great help. Then the knowladge that women for advice and women only assist Mrs. Pinkham i Yo mw AIG A of Mrs. Pink. to Mrs, CONFIDENCE HELPS TO only see the letters asking in repiying makes it easy to be explicit about the little things that define the disease. Rs. Briza Thos, of 634 Pine St. Easton, Pa, writes: doc ored with two of the best doctors in the city for two ears and had no relief until [ jan the nse of your remedies. trouble was ulceration of the womb. I suffered omething terrible, could t sleep nights and thought sometimes that th would be such a lief. To-daylamawell oman, able to do my n work, and bave not pain. lused four bottles if Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compoundand three packages of Sana t tive Wash and cannot | thank you enough for the good it did me.” © Mas. M. Stoppard, Box 268, Springfield, Mun, writes: “Dear Mrs. Pixxuax-—For great suflerer from female troubles. | backacheallof thetime, no appetite, painsin stomach, faint. ing spells, was weak and my system was completely run down. 1 also had falling of womb so bad that I could scarcely walk _ across the floor. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Compound and one box of iozengers, can say | am cured.” Ren tn Sandie A complete Drieating O ile Greases market blooded In. - Caceounts weeks and Good 3 Sok. THEMAXKETS. PITYSRURG, Crain, Floor and Feed, WHEAT No. 2rd. WHEAT “No, 1 sew CORN. No 2 yellow, ear No. 2 yeltow, sheijed Mixed oar, = OATS.No, white Na, : {ite RYE- FLOU n Ww inter patents, Fancy straight winter Rye th gf HAY - “No £55 yer, Ne i, . FEED No. | white mid | Brown middings bran, tuiy, BTHAW.. Wheat iat : ‘ ih BREEDS Clover 0 ha Timothy, timothy. ton Brine Dairy ¥roducta BUTTER -Figin creamery, Ohia ereRmmery a 3 Fancy ovnntey poli CHEESE (his, new. New York, new Froite and Vegetables, BEANE. (Green @ by ois On POTATOES ~ aney White, hy Hn CABBAGE Ver in 85 ONIONS Clhoios yellow, 1 =i Youliry, re CHICKENS Per pair, smack 8 TURKEYS Fart, FGGE-- Pa and Ohio, i i roid . ji CINCWYNATL $3 1m 3 0 WHEAT No : : To EYE --Nn 2 CORN Miznd GATS : EGGS... . BUTTER Ohta crea amery > waa PRILADELFPRHRIA FI1OU B., . WHEAT. Xa 2 CORN No 3 mixed OATES No. 2 white. 3 BUTTER Creamery, extra, EGGS ~Fepnsyivanin rats NEW YORK, FLOUR FPaients WHEAT No CORN. Nao 2. OATR. White Western, - PUTTER. (reamery EGUS- Niate of Penn IVE STOCK. Central Stock Yards Fast Liberty, Pa CATTLE. Prime, 1900 ia 1400 Hn Croend 1200 10 Tidy, 1008 1a Lif Fair light stones, 00 to [000 he Common, 700 10 100 Ms Boas, FL gE. # * 2 Madam . Heavy y Roughs and stags. ARETE Frime 8515 10% hy Cipml, Bh ta 0 Me Fair, 70 to 50 Be Common, Vou Cnives Xpripper, exirn sprifger, good lo cB Common to fair Exien yenriipgs, ight Gioiel 10 choion veariiogs ...... Hadiam LOE an is ~ . x Py REVIEW OF TRADE No Cessator in the Demand Upon hE: 9B Meal Woe of ntrign so Tra wh 4 Riy Fis fh for Preto Ear In "® Be money ew fates ¥ T= ot four heavy pay Te syndicates, amounting 4 0G apt Bas Erown casey stringency bax been in call LER rRs greay combos CRETE Cele iz in safer and m dition and in spite ments by to mbaont The only sans It is net owing (0 speculation alone that pavments through the chief giearing bouses have been SG per cent, 3 CEL yx * Hin iy larger than in the same week of 1367 U gra LE per cent larger than last year. New York transactions far ex- cond those of any previous week, $i - $65 502 00% in amount, but outside New York the clearings were 41.5 per cent, larger than In 139% and #8 per cent targer than in INS. The truth is that na such axpansion in the general busi. ness of the country has sever been seen before, and If such records only were sunstdered there would be ground for four that a wild passion of trading Bad again lifted the whole husiness cmmunity off ite fest. But instead there 8 found surprising increase the ohisf fretustries, aw slik imports ent fur sight poenths Year over last hides #1 perv dia rablieor 8 Lin and fbers cent. The output of 45 HE ons in increased 87 tha cent. 13 of 5 wh Apri fant pig iron werkiyv, agai ns March i witli iIx tone Syedae in stooka unsold and 48006 n warrant stocks, indicating win manufacture of 14 farch. The haste of # other get into operation, with mote weekly, hus helped to Koep prices of pI quite steady. although strong. but the demand for finished products is from satisfisg, Company has orders for 75.900 of steel rails for the Chines Fas- sum th tens in furngoes to far Hew te ns tern. Plates have sold at $2.10 fur sheared at Pitshur but the leading milla there and ndils vlasa here ars crowded for months and many will not quote at all Large contracts were closed in structural works one for L.000 tans, Yast before the advan we in prices, but L Chicago arders this week cover B00 tans hridge work, and everywhere there is much business in sight. Rar I ha sheet mills are hindered by pros. pects of consolidation. but the few or. ders far bars are taken just now thie Woast. the Philadeiphia market more steady. Steel bars rose {1 ton at Pittsburg and the heavy de mand for sheets makes prices very irregular, with many orders refused Wheat advanced about half & cent of injury discaoversd April | suppiementing the government report. Were the worst true. there is yel spring wheat seed tng to make up for deficiencies, though | the season is getting rather late. Ex. have heen reduced. Atlantic four inchadesd amounting to bushels, against 2083.03 last with «other exports S377 Corp is pares Year exports have bushels, against SS H4.6881 last veaur Failures for the week have heen 188 | ot last | voar and 22 in Canada, against [3 last | in the United 8*ates. against year. - gether), they would make the circuit of The Maryviand ai! is | per | | & neurasthenic of the stories | strong. All drugipists, de or RB, 3.980 384 | writing her stories bushels, | Stool. a shade stronger, and in twa | 30d Writes on her knee. been £184,443 ; GREATLY ENHANCED by knowledge of the world's best products, whiel sonal comfort and health, and original the cheap and ugninst eantinne, dealers iw contest of universal The whdeh give faoretricions protection agninst efforts, ans the in being wall grote informed imitations contriinte most offectunlly to per hgh sntisfac guniity tion, will over mercenary In the medicitnl sphere the wellknown laxative remedy, Syrap of Figs, manufae- tured by the are anioving Caitfornia Fig Syrup Co, is used hy many who good health and by many others who are seek. ing health, and this is true to so great an extent that it is often called the remedy of the healthy. The excellence of RByrup of Figs is due not only to the originality and sim. plicity of the combination, Hut alse the care nod skill with which it is manufactu=od by selentifie processes known only te the California Fig Syrup Co, press on original California package, remedy only. all the Importance of accepting Fig Syrup Co. printed on the Therefore we wish to mn fhe When buying sote the full name front a% there are many imitations sold under similar trae and af overy names and the imitations are really injurious to the sys tem. The true aml original remedy, Ryrup of Figs. is manu. factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and when you see the name of any other Fig Syrup Co. printed on any pack- Age You may Know that It is a fletitions sompany arel has po real existence, and that the dealer who offers it to you ix seeking by cunning and misrepresentation to tke advantage of you in order to make a larger profit The better class of draggists are wien of high integzrity, attending strletly to business doy and night and willing to make Dirnggists when you great ors with the heat of every fmportancs to health of their frismds and if peevssary, thing iu weer Meas, thelr line, patrons and desiring thely of that elass do not try ask for Syrup of Pigs They give ¥ sell something your the genuine to supply thelr costom- knowing of doing so, and valuing the patronage the eantidence. elae remedy manufacturat by the California Fig Kyruy Co. only When desiring physicians’ prescriptions Giled, or pare drags and chenileals, proprietary steddboines and five roller artivies you may rely upon them; sheep may be found s9 avaong draggists there are wie will try to impose apon ad decelve thadr Mast omers Itt as in other callings same black ho hen they ean. and in order tht all wha are well informed may koow them and avold them we are publishiog the facts CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, Ky. San Franciseo, Cal New York, NT. HER VALENTINE. The Lady of France In Olden Times E Chose Ilim for One Year. Chicago Times-Herald: For many years It was the Habit of the gay pleas. re-seckers of France, men and women, to enroll themselves in companies com- posed of valentines. Every Ith of February they would assemble in the center of the town. Hers, (wo by (wo {a lady and gentleman riding to i the neighborhood on horseback. The processicn would generally be led by Cupid, Mercy, Loyalty and Chastity attended by trumpeters, ers and a crowd of persons, young and old. Usually the procession would re turn to the town hall, where, in a rather sacrilegious fashion, the Val- | entines worshiped Love in a mass | Then each pair kissed and went their SeDArsEs wava, for each was now Wo choose a new valentine. The names of all the gentlemen present, written on | slips of parchment, were now drawn by the ladies from a casket. Thus each lady received a new mate for the com- ing year Rach gentleman was bound by laws which were read aloud to the whole company, to Le faithful to the lady who had chosen him for a twelve: month, He was to sapply her with : Bowers, to make her stated presents, | to act as her escort whenever she wished, to compose songs in her honor, | to fight in her hanor, to resent every insult offered her If in any respect . he failed he was to be driven from the society of the other Valentines. The - code prescribed the manner of his ex- communication, the final token of; which was the burning of a bundle of straw oa his doorsill. i A Chicago doctor says Gen. Eagan Is | This ought to hold him for quite a wt hile. Ben't Tobeces Spit and Swehe Tour Life Away. To quit teinces easily and forever, be mag netic, full of lite, nerve and vigor, take No To Bae. the waader worker. (Lat makes weal men Cure guaran: teed. Booklist and sample free Addrasy Seriing Remedy Co, Chicago or New York Hn wait a tanis far ahe sits ona ow on the carpet, Ouida” dees not with an ink pot Edneate Your Bowls Witn vasearets. Candy Buthardle, eur constipation forever. } We, 28¢. HCCC tal retund money | rb Se rN ie Admiral Dewey's bayhaod hero was General Tavior. and the smhition was to be a soldier. banner-bear- | Fa. ¢ ve boen ANCA Insomnia, with which | bave been aflicted for for over twenty years wsdl I can sey that Jasearsts have given me mor relief than any other remo. | dy | bave ever rind. 1 aball certainly recian- i § 4 mend them ts my friends as being all they are reprosented. Tos GilrLanp, Egte, LL Plossant Paulie Taste font Good. Never Micke, or Grice pe, Se vw. CURE CONSTIPATION. oe Werting Remsdy Campane, Phieuen, Meutrval. Sew Yoel. =e HO-TO-BAC Su. patent Dy all dre: Stats w CL FE Tobses Hanis DEALERS should onrey a complete ine of Spalding’s Trade Mark Athletic Supplies Always a demand for them, Write for our ostaiogue, A. C. SPALDING & R08. Now York. Denver. ‘ Rawe Rall Foor bail toll Tennis Crieker i ae Roviay Aithiotiee Untforms Swanlers ve Ri me i Bok wh SE thes. TN 0 oe K. ¥F. Mend Creo Company. a, ai. i RR Fo i DROPSY ruc oon snsme. Donk of temimoniais sad J) dn ve’ (restment ‘Frew. Dr BE SAEEN ¥ BONA Bos I) Atlasia 4a W ANTRD . aes of lad heallls that XK will moet Dernedit Send & ols te Ripans « hempiond Now ork. fir 10 anaupion atid d lw tla nish i } lade fist i ‘ {territory fami ae upation. evesesseseessesseses fcH NLESS BICYCLE; Pasiest running, most durable, safent, cisavest, World's reo 3 d ord of 33 soosesutive dally seuturtes. Always ready to ride. Nothiog to sutasgie sail the clothing. Columbia Chain Models Embody the raauits of 22 years’ exporionos in the appiioation { of the best methods of syle baliding. * ® * .» .® ® ® 4 » -. 9 * ® i. ie ‘e > = Hartford and Vedettes. The pew Hartfords lave radi. 3 of sal tmproveme tls sverywiere, Vodettos cannot beegualed for their prive, PRICES: Shainisss, $73; Co- tumbia Chain, $80; Hartfords, $33; Vedettes, $25 and $28. Catalogue of aay Calnintis Jesler, of DY ail fur one Tom! ina. p POPE MFQ. CO., Hartford, Conan. e BRREROELRERRERPEEN LS 13 1 Acie reiiable men 9 ee init orders for auarsery wren Kk; permanent smnioay- WANTED | mant: ex Tenses amd “Aalaty 0 tise who can heave home or ~rew'R strictly ouAily iar. fur t) sHmission to jocsl men first-line, Thy Bal ees Write at oucs for tera amd if OmiNg season. State THE HK 6G. CHASE <0) PANY, South Penn Sgnare, Phitadoiphin. PrXL ns
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers