iit ds si A Had Detailed a Number of Effect the Rescue of Spanish x Priests and Soldiers. Sb og pp pr Yorktown visited Baler, Luzon, of Luzon, PL. April 12 for rpose of rescuing and bringing hes Spanish forces, consisting of soidiers, three officers pond twa . which were surrounded by 408 fa Some of the jpyurgents with Mauser CL Gilmore and his men while drawing near snd geptured dmiral Dewey cabled that Was unknown as the insur. (ipefused to communicate afters Ihe following are missing: C0 Gitar, Chile! Quarter Walton, Coxserin J Ells. gunners mate HJ Hygard, tomate yendat. seminen W, re and OC, Woodbury, ap on Fr WA, iby AJ Pe Ordinary wramen Fo Breisolese, McDonald, landwmen 1. T. Ed. . Andersun, J. Dillon, ©. A. u plure af the Yorktowin's met ( with much fesling In At Ww ¥ S4h ington the oles | {has been ehmpleted aE Pd FEVRrSES, he capture should have been while the American forces of A mission of mercy toward Spaniards. rather than in the of a campaign, led to the Spain would hace no furth. for guestioning the good which the Americans were to relieve the condition of the rE. Ke dispatch gave no indi t Lieut. GHmore nd his fost thelr lives, vel great was aroused Ly the mystery ng their fate while in the ‘an uncivilized enemy. This ‘captures of any Americans, Wy or naval, so that it is anknown © insurgents will treat pur men, can progress in the Philip. Boon cease. The army now several strongholds and de- positions, Lut In order 10 A these large marrisony musi i These garrisons have d Get. Lawton's fighting a he now finde that further is impossible. Accordingly. oo will be evacuated and the Feturn a Manila. : as that It will take en io Pacity the nativiie. Then force his way to the end of been known for some time 1 Otis wus extending his ghout the island. The main his movements in the inst hs waa to drive the rebels Manila, thus avolling in- complications ovr the of property of foreign res- t that many voluntedrs may inte) #ustes, in he exchange of treaty ratifica. {2 believed by some lo wiplain Lawton's foree. Ueneral An all his dispatches untearn desired to remain rebel was suppressed, but taken officers rather thin those tive officers It bas ap General Otis was advan. and distributing bis men section of the tountry pmediate benefit would Fibein whieh General pursuing fumber ; and other War Deo oMicials deny that the Pres. ig the eniiwling of Awe years puthor- It is piewerted of the regular ¢ cope wWitls exist. Philippine. advis f natives in the Philippine mt. He does not belinve : ford mi tw the United begins May 13, that all offensive we discontin for a © Almost tmpossible to the rebels during that hat delegation of | insurgents will Bates Commie- what termu peace They will demand conditions, : Keays in the Kow customary d dining crs and EE by the veterans Ung Purposa dur- tribute largely of the meetings rifles pttacked ak reflecting the commended to cussed, an para ur used fx yuite simple. A patent Little Rock, Arkansas, is to have state building to cost $1,000.60, Chicago (Germans have organized and protested against an alllapce with England. Joseph Elchbaum, a well-known Pittsburg business man dled suddeniy last Sunday. Right Rev. John A. Watterson, bishop of Columbus, died at Columbus last Manday morning “Ren Hur will be dramatized. Lew Wiallnce after great pressure, reluct. antly gave his consent. Edmond Hostand, authot de Bergerac” hs became deranged. following prolonged nin. Just nx Ring Humbert wan leaving the station at ngliart, Italy, last Tuesday, the depot root fell in killing Lf man. Southerners are agitated Bryan banqueted with negroes at the Jefferson celebration in New York Saturday. Hey, Penson Hogan was sentenced to prison for three years at Fr Worth, Tex. last Tuesday, He admitted hav ing Hive wives, The bialy of Mrs. Ada B. Lyles, olumbus, formerly Ada Bayiey, Barpesvilte. O was found in Spuyten Duyyvil creek, Now York, At Fergus Falls, Minn, gan and Martin Dahl have drinking ginger aie, which Ravired with lemon extract A Hagar combine, imporiant distilleries of i'yrano mentally ipso. Lier from Pig y died tn the country At (hivago. papital of $200. 000,060 is represented, land bounded by Lake, Bank, Aca- demy and St Clalr streets did $1,000,500 damage and 11 persons were injured Forty-seven thousand barrels of flour constituted the cargo of the stenmship Lenox which cleared from Portland, tire, last Monday for Oriental ports Hepented fires in the residences along Fifth Avenue, New York, is causing a panic among the miilion- aires, Many women are prostrated Andrew Carnegie has increased his donation to the Washington free libraty by $5000 making the entire sien B00 (0a Dynamite was need last Tuesday to open the vaults of the savings bank at Havdenville, Mavs The burglars were frightened away before they secured ANY money. Philadelphia capitalists are alleged 16 be trying to organize a company with $25.900 00 capital ta control the trolley roads of Pennsylvania outside Philadelphia. Fight Choctaxs are under jrrest al Antlers, 1. T., tor killing three persons cased by witch they believed had sickness prevalling craft a wirange among their tribe, Official advices received at from the Island of Guadeloups Say houses were burned during the whlchocourred on Manday last at the town of La Polue-A-Pitre, Mra. Mary M: Kee daughter of ox President Harrison, has been appoints sd by Governor Roosevelt stoner to the 1900 exporitian in Paris, tis represent the state of New York Rev, J. 8 A. Henry has tendered pix resignation as pastor of ihe Halle Avenue Baptist church in Chis cago, to become superintendent of the Atitl-Baloon league of New York stale. The mutilated body of Mise Adelaide Taeker, ark Hved alone on Lookout mounialn, Tenr.. vas found in ber residence Is supposed traagis committed the mor. Her. Albert BF, Bell and Frank H. 8mith, two mall bag robbers. have been are rented by the New York police Jor stealing a mall pouch with $0000 in vegistersd Jetters amd drafts at Bul {inte Five thousand Cherokees Indians. dissatisfied with conditions in the res sPvatinn in Oklahoma, left for Mexico tis extablinh a union reservation on a inrge tract near Guadalajara. They hive 3425.00, Hichard Croker appeared before the Jegisintive Investigating committes of New York last Monday, He admitted thst he had politienl influence and that he wes a firm believer that to the Parise hp victors belong the spoil, An association has just been farmed at Troy, N.Y. having in view the sytablishing of & cemetery to be used exclusively for pot agimalx and birds, The association is Known ax the Dell wood national ormetery, ome of the members of the Penne svivania legisinture were recently aps proached by bribers to influence their vote for senator. A committes to ine vestignte was appointed and it han re. that eight men be pro- secuted. The law of West Virginia provides that a man convicted the third time for theft must be sentenced to prison for life. This sentence was imposed upon Frank Johnsor. nu few days ago nt Wheeling for stealing $20 worth of brass, : The trial of Mra. George, charged with the murder of Baxton, the Presi. dent's brother-in-law, is now in pro- gress at Canton, O. No direct evi dence has as yet been presented, al- though witnesses testified that on 4if- ferent occasions she had threatened Baxton. Walter Gray, assistant bookkeeper in the United States sub-Treasury, was arrested at Bt. Louis. Tuesday, charged with the embezzlement of $760. Gray is 80 years of age. He ad- nitted having taken the money, say- { ing that he did so to get medical at- tention for his crippled child, The board of trustees of Carnegie 1i- brary, at Pittsburg, have received a communication from Andrew Carnegie offering $1.750.000, to be used In erect. ing the much-needed addition to the library building. The offer was dis. accepted, and the building committees wan directed to prepare fin. {shed plans for consideration by the trustees. An order for 4i locomotives from the government of India has been received at Philadelphia, the order covering various sizes, including many eéspecial- ily adapted to mining districts. The Baldwin locomotive works has just finished the first locomotive of the 30 recently ordered by the Midland rafl- way of England. Over 3,000 people of all classes ban- | queted with William Jennings Bryan at the dollar dinner in the Grand Ce tral Palace, New York last Saturday. Mr. Bryan was giyen a tremendous re- ception. In his speech he predicted . | that fn 1800 the Democratic platform will have for its principal planks free coinage of silver and declarations against imperialism and trusts. “hapa Telegraphy. An engineer named Vienna, has made a discove ing it possible to telegraph on a single wire, Pollak, of ¥ render- L000 words The ap- Secured by the company, i hag heen expended hag tise | {expense | composing the court, Pin members i Chivas, of § of : $1 00, they had | Al reached. ; whl be 4 Phas submitted the names of a number, Fire in the block of houses in Cleve. | to berate them resulted being Killed a CARRIER 3 aenalty several months ago faa | nn an aged ad wealthy woman | ohey. nirike “lat them striking Parm, inflicting a sHht wound, THE BEE INUIRY. More Than Toidy Thousand Dollars Expended and Indicstions Are That No One Will Be Found Guilty. The Reet Court of Inquiry will shortly completes itz Inbors and from indications hiame will be attached to nao one. There may be some mibd cen sure, but all will go free, Considering the enormous gareonnt of money which fn conducting the investigations the people expect some return for their money and would be sntistied Hf a number of the guilty ones were heavily punished Assuming that the Wade Court of fnagulry sill report and bw dissnived by April 3 it will have cost the tax Cpnvers fully $26 600 tant | FR) lly $20, in nn estimate of the Hema of Canbined salariia of officers $5 00h gilowanoes court, 31.000. trips 10 {unahs. Kansas City, New York and ecisewhers, expenses of witnesses $5000 stenographers and typowritting, $2000. printing of tea. tirmony and report, $1060. rent of auarters, $360 expert testimony and chemical analveis $1006. incldentals, Total, $19.56 The court will conelnde the taking of testimony this week, 1t daubtiess Here 4 a o ak, ARE : 3 id i Ee oe a9: t A bo to inciude the most | will take the rest of the month for de iiberation upon the conclusions to he finly two more witnesses heard although General Miles In refusing to hear further from Miles witnesses, the Court admits that thers has been ay abundance of evidetios to prove the charges, Secretary Alger will be abmalved from all blame It will be reported that there has been po evidence how. ing collasion betwesn the Rderelary and the bee! contractors The heef roaming has worked hard to make a favorable showing, but the findings will undoubtedly sustain General Miles. even though it is In & mild way. As for (ieneral Egan, the friends of ijeneral Miles do not expect A recom. merdation that he he courtmartisied It may be found that he erred in judg. ment, Lat it will be alleged that none of his mots was a willfal violation of military law. LYNCHED IN His CELL. Masked Men Adninlter the Law to 8 Muar. dearer. Will Harden was shal {ao death in fils cel! mY the county Jall, at Clinton, Arh, Weilnewlay morning by & mob of about Aly masked men Harden wan a {| acrused of murdering Hugh Patterson | j and serivusly wounding several mem. bers of the latter 8 family in December, | L189, % i vested fire | Harden and Les Mills were ar- fur the crime Hevernl al tents to Ivnch them were frustrated and wn atismpt op the part of friends in & guard Harden's the death tHurden wrsid han Mills testimony, was and ronivicted he Gy panied wan convicted last Beplember pentenced to death, but his cise a ET the courts on appeal wii Ancther Consumpt ‘on Cy ute. In an paper read before the Mane club, of Albany, N.Y. Arefective development cpsen, with special referenioe Young recontd ¥ snd tos the It : vutability of consumption and cancer,’ Pir. Veeder, of Lyons, N. Y.. said that consumption in five casen out of xix ia # curable disease because of certain peculiarities of the bacillus on which it depends The cure, Dr. Veeder says, in simple, and consists in lowering the tempera« low normal, which causes the death of the germ, explaining that the civ baciilus will, only live ant perature closely approximating that of the buddy. Thin is accomplished by a wystern which the doctor has perfected in the course of two years study. Pm SB MAYA Casher Deserves Promotion. Wednesday afternoon a man entered the Staten Bavings bank, at Counell Hine Ia. while Cashier Brown was stone, and presenting 8 revolver order 4 Brown to turn over the bank's Instead of complying Brown pleked up a stool and prepared tn the rabber, The stranger fired several sliols, one the cashier in the Brown baiked away aml finally succeeded in closing the door. BB. FPF. Nargent, a erehant next door, war attracted by the shooting, but a shot from the rob ers revoiver compelled Bim to ré. treat. Bargent called for the polices, mrid the any money. saya air Cannot “Atcused, An extraordinary case of catalepsy now ecoupies the attention “uf the Philadelphia medical profession. The case in that of Julia Jones, aged 19. Bhe was a strong. healthy girl up to within a month ago. when, without ap. parent cause, her mind seamed to have terame affected in some nexplicable way The first ond most alarming result was that the young woman lapsed into a sleeping condition rom which during the last four weeks it has been impos. gible to grouse her. Nhe has not been unconscious during this time, but she dows not ta her. To all appesrances din. | robber fled without securing | been alive to her surroundings and yet | = far the edie al men, totally indifferent 1o then care has been a puzzle to Dark Out: tok for Dreyfus. program of the government to ahridge the Direvins heating, togquickly go be. fare the chamber of deputiss with a well defined program which will oppose revision on the ground of non-dis. covery of new facts, EE a CUR SEW POSSESSIONS The Cuban army muster rolls, pre. gented to Gen. Brooke a few days ago | number 45.000 men, The Tenth Pennsyivania regiment has been relieved at Malolos: by the Fifty-first Jowa, and sent back ta Cavite. Eight hundred recruits for regiments fn Cuba, including 475 from Columbus, galled from New York for Havana faturday on the transport Meade. General Otls gald that the American forces have crushed the insurgent gov. REASON. tand north of Agujnaldo’s forces. Gen. Nodrase, of the Cuban army, who has heretofore been friendly to- ward (Jen. Gomez, Wednesday resign. ed command oi the Cuban troops in Havana province. He announces that he sides with Gen. Mayvia Rodrigues against Gomez. L | retained | BB. Harrison, § Jesse M. fteports from Paris indicate it is the | | boot h ture of the lunge to & degree or so be. | order. answer questions addressed | tering from nervous he had | [of $51,058,313 ernment and will not cease operations { month of against the guerrillas during the rainy | months ending in March the exports Troops will be sent hy sea to i SOLDIERS ARRESTED. One of Their Namber in Hurt ina Saloon Fight and Trey Burn the Place. Boldiers wearing the uniform of the United States wors carousing in on sn loon just outside of the Presidio reser vation at Ban Francisco last Sunday. As usual a fight eénsucd Private Charles T. King, Company (i, Twenty- third Infantry was so brutally beaten that he ennnot live, He was taken to the Presidio reservation, and his sup. posed assailant. Private Clark, placed in the gusrd house, Shortly after someone started the story among the troops that King was dead. Despite the Aanials of the officers the report spread, and by nightfall the men had become wildly excited Bonn after dark nearly 1.00 of them proceeded to the saloon where the row had occurred, and after gutting its in. terinr ser fire 1a Jt In several plaoss no ene daring to interfere. The incen- diarics in unifarin established frye - prampta bucket brigade and prevented the adisining buildings from catohing fire Daring the progress af the Harries the soldiers are said to have discharged many shots in the alr and indulged in much hilarity When the house had been reduced to ashes they returned [a the reservation and were promptly placed ander arrest by (‘alonel Freeman, of the fourth United States Infantry, randant of the post. a SUBSTITUTE FOR ELECTRIC! TY. an Compressed Air Used 2a 8 Motire Power for New Youre Street Carn, A trial of the compressid aly system, [| i Mavay by which the Metropolitan Street Batis way Company. of New York, th operates all of its lines now equipped with electricity was given a trial Mon. day morning The car runs almost nolesisssly and with much less vibration than is ex jerienced on the electric or cable lines The starting is done without! The least jerk. The pew cars single sight-wheeled truck matisrs are two in number The air is stored in eix e¥lnders, ar “hottien each 10 feet long and 8 Inches in dia meter, three of which are placed under sach seat, Underneath the car Bb a cylinder filled with hot water The cylinder is packed with fait and asbés- tom. and the water will, #1 is sald, re tain its heat for 24 hours, The heated water and compressed alr canstitas wees mounted on oa The alr | the motive _pawer. STRUCK THE SHOALS. Schroter's lrew, Conv's ing of Eleven Men Drowned. Tws Escaped The fishing schooner Fliga, of Bever- whith sailed from | ° Fin Hopkins, Wednesday iy. Unapt. Hyannis gprovinds, struck shouts, Mass, during the night, of the crew of 14 men were lost three survivors reached Sigeconnet the sohonner's dary. the sehoaner in a total for fishing wrt 1 bows, Follow. Tweniy- | cos 1 intends | E Tix feed : Klip nn Hows and Crown | The | bry § They report that | Pana river added to the deafening ing are the pames of the lost members | of the crew. apt kins kins Larengs Sinith, Herbert Smith, Kinsman Smith Bethel John Mathewson, James Mats how son Hoth and Emerson Hopkins Lrothers of the caplaln, Osoare Hope kine wax his cousin. John and Her Bert Renith and John and James Mats for Rai, Wore brothers. Emeraon Hopkins, cok, John Bmith "A Mayor Pined. Judge Faweett, of Omaha, Inst Toes day, held Mayor Ensor and OfMeer Hydoek, of Bouth Omaha, and fined them $200 each for electing Edward Johnson from a registration in the face of a restraining The judge also indalged In a scathing denunciation of the Mayor tuber. | for his actions. a tem. An Order for 93.000 Rifle. An order for 32.000 Hemington riftes | go. the Martin M. Hopkins, Seth Flop. | (wear Hop. § pire Mopew i puns : anid a C StRer fodses Were | mix pounders Wire ; river. in rontempt i has besn placed by the Mexican gov. | in the largest placed in the pant 25 years, up with a BON-MAgAZIne Kun 8 & war- prise to ordnance men hers, ae —— AT TRE wTiowL CAPITAL Becretary Alxer has another statement that he will not re. #ign, Gien. Hbalter saye necessary to kill one half of the Fill pinom in order to civilize the other hall United States consuls whe Were abliged to ave their posts before the war have been ordered back to Rpain President MoKinley was entertained Tuesday night at a dipner given by Associates Justice Gray of the supreme court. The losses of cur troops in the Phil. fppines since August 6 are Killed, 188. died of wounds, 48; died of enne, 256, A silk banner. a combination of the British and American fags, sent by the Merchants Association of Amay, China, to President MeKiniey, New York Monday President MeKinley will unveiling of the Hartranft at Harrisburg, May 12 aftend the and Generud authorized | ernment in New York City. Thin order | . i do The action of Mexica In taking | Pand to enlist a regular fore : 3h ree that it may be | LoTPoee of aise | Pretgre from Manta P Minnesota reachag | noved i HF % i He monsgment i pee ifle 4 £0 i nde Milos has promised to be present if not | asked to make & xpéech The resignation of Beorstary J. Ad Aipon Porter is denied. As he i wut prosmiration. the vegult of overwork, it would not surprising if he would resign, Among the volunteer staff in service are Mal Mai A. OC. Quay. 1% Haker, Maj Hobert HH. Fitzhugh, Maj Heth A. Milliken and Mal J. A. Logan, Jr. President MoRinley was Invited to attend the reunion of the Army of the Potomac in Pittsburg October 4 and 5 KRecretary Lang promised to send an of fiver who mas with Dewey's fleet at the battle of Manila to take part in the Dewey day celebration in Pittsburg May L The affairs of the ladies” commiltes bie ; a 3 wifivere Bum Hoe gr ds ! Ring of Shan Tung. in charge of the battleship Maine re. | tie? fund were closed Wednesday, at a meeting ahen it was reported $30. 000 had been received and datributed | of aMoers families, from naval among dependent over $16.000 came and seamen. The monthly statement of and exports issued by the treasury partment shows the exports of mer- | of brutal treatment L searcity for March were $14 453 389. $72,783,200; chandise imports, an exoexs of ex for the year, corresponding last For the nine $047 018.405; fmports, $499 955 03%, war were The this er A Re Ep} ONE OF DEWE'S SHIPS. Yarr Harbor Laut Sunday - Freedom of the Clty Extended The Cruiser Arrived in New to the Crew by the Mayor, sw hia. chureih The Ma frat Fron New Hearing cannon tien aocampa 4 the chime of Bebe in Now York last Sunday raiser Hatwiegh had gerived from pila, and ax she nad fired the hy in the war whieh stripned t of her possessions, y celebrated the evan rain dud pot prevent thou f perenne from assembling on ar banks cach rena re & to shout {aisigh would pr ap the i erate park Taehian, of Aprine a arly of dy i ception commities 10 the Hal igh gad focnmpany ber af the parade He had his crew give Ber tipi a fresh coat of paint doring the time dayhregk and the ficngr set for the arrival of the com. mittee and all the ofioers prepared the casfon by putting on fall fp dean The the and shieking thé riv 88 the we ei § river to Captain Ww af the the Rajieigh, the intentions Visit PT for ars BEpanish gunboats ard Sandoval, arrived yard carly, hah dresd. flags and bunting, anf nirdowt as mich excites ment ax the Halelgh herself About 11 dela the large wieamer Chen Isinrad arrived, carrying the oitl pons redeption dommittes hoegded by Vian Week, and also having on binrd a number of invited guests. A ERAYIGR from Ihe coanmities, nue Bering not mors than a soore, went abaard the Raleigh All hands on the craiser ted te fguarters, and Mayor Van W yok and the other Come wiitteomen with naval fogs mindity The coined ¥ apt Cara frown s FAY Y ol gaily with ihey created Tr gy Mavor, for words, wells the Halelgh 10 New York, o¥- the freedom of the city to the officers and men, apologized for ihe disagreenbls weather, and assured Captain Coghlan of a hearty welcome, Captain Coghlan replied briefly The ammittes did pot stop aboard a mde rent after the formalities of the wal pHTHe Were over. There was no Ine spection of the vessel in Tact, that would have been almost impossibisz In the drénchin the timne, a Olen Istnnd at an Week jeft the side of the Ke received 38 saints of 15 guns By the time the Raleigh and her on Corin reached the southern end of verside park the rain had not pbal- in the least, hot the epchaslasm, instead of failing of, increased, both the vessels and on shore TN batteries fired a saute near this dnt ard people along shore, in Bont hoases and in small laonehes, fired oft CABBGN UTRT ROR, Fevolvers and shot fans while a half dozen lodamotives it the raiirbad track that rans along aie $e in a ences, Md as Mayr taleinh whinties all (he asking BRECIVIDR crue #id bicwing thelr Halwigh wax Jing Bator ea rants tomb the pirutary 16 turh fry girpomt Wy yard down ye, and, while the ar whintie blowing aad at thelr height, 190 the Raisigh com: menosd their saints of twenty-one The jst shot had hardly did sway when the Alvarado and Sands val opened with their national sainte, pattery on shore joined In the tribute to (eneral Grant When the salutes ware poncotaded the Halelgh turned slowly and headed down the Fier secoris furnlsg at the sams cheering an tine. NOT A NEW / EXPERIENCE. Kngian Gensrals Have Often Done What Americans Are Now Detsg. The “London Times” commenting editorially upon Major General Law tons retirement from the Laguna de district in Luzon. finds in it nothing surprising or discouraging. “Hritish generals nave often had to the samething™ says the “Timies' “tn similar clroumsiances, A muadh graver matter (4 the repsried discon tent of the American troops, but hete also all countries pursuing a foreign policy have bad the same diffenition to enntend with, and no doubt the 'nfted States will soon find it advise able fo imitate Furapean measures for the holding the Philippines Foreign possessions cannot be held by volunteers” Maj. Oen. Hrooke, the governor general of Cubs, Has approved the plan of the Cuban Oeneral Monte agueds to establish in Santa Clara a yrral guard of 200 men, with Montell. { guedo as its commander and Col, Cote I SUERTR AN mecond in command. After Minnewta Volunteers, The governor of Minnesota Tuesday gent & messgge in the Legislature urging action looking to the apeedy af the Thirteenth volunteers, He states all appeals addressed to the President and the war department have been Ig- ‘wave in oa few individual cases that were infuencsd by partisgnship” asmerts the volunteers are being held trary to law and he has besn spel Amen that the regi. ment desired unapnimousy 1c return Feit From an Electra Ligh Pole, Creighton, a liaeman, HB af an electric Hght pole of High on Third av Now Runday night and waa instantly lis neck and both armas ware and hin akigll fractured Thivd was crowded at the time wilh it their 1 ay home from shee ¢ ABLE FLASHES TEE tie fap SE cited a Hi The Madrid cabinet has devided sell mt auction the fHoating doo k Havann Pekin papers say the Kaiser proposes to makes his brother Prince Henry, China, English railroad employes want American coup’ers Introduced as a great saving to fe and limbe Ah attempt to assassinate ameer of Afghanistan failed and the the | culprit was captured on Russian terri [rary hepa : Over 3000 students are sald to have «| joft the Hussian universities because by the cossacks, food and ul political out. | breaks. ports of $31.870.788, against an excess The Belgian National Federation of | Miners has issued 2 call for an immedi- Late strike for a D per cant increase in Cwnges in all the four great ceal basins | cof Belgium. gepartment last week re. | { | ceived the following cable from Gen. ! Otis dated Manila, April 14: “Sheridan arrived: casualties, Lisut. Meyer, three enlisted men, died en route. Health of troops very good” Lieut. Meyer was appointed from civil life September 8 1838 3 #2 The German press duting the wesk | ; Great | Britain and the United States for the i Samoan trouble, attempt will be made to force the res i tirement was uniformly bitter against and it 13 belteved an of Baron ister for foreign affalrs because of vacillating policy. von Buelow. min- po. WCE TR THE LEG. rain that was falling 4% . he committer returned fo his t SR Rn a) Ce AR 1 5 Sh Nl a NO Bat now my rheumatism has gone, my sourage has returned, and sll on aceoust of that marvel Hood's Sirssparilla, which has made me a piotare of health. Now 1'oa In for business pure and simple. ™ np Di isonge rilla cared my bi —— health.” OL . ARCHER, 139 Dudley Street, Dayton, *{ now Dave a good apne 2. ives Eid Indigestion tite, eal well siren well and and indigestion have ioft me i Sock Hood » Sarmpariiia whieh AH me Haggsge aster OO Rail ea : Troxas CEs, SA y. Ohio Wo offer One Handred Dollars Reward for Isa face af Catareh that candot ds cured by F & Co. . Poape. T 8 Care { We. ri have known ry 3 « ERY eey for the la-* 13 rears. and balisve 55 foctly honnrable in al! business Tran eotions and financially able to curry ont any obiiges mde by their Srm. mar & Tut ax, Wholesale Druggista, Toledo, wn, Rianan ax Manvis, Wholesale nieda alls Catareh ure Ai ton tnternally, sete ina directly apon the bi and macoys sar. faoes of the system. Price, Te per bottie, Sold all Dreageists. Testimonials free. ail's Family Pilis are the best. Fite rermitcnils rutnd Xo fits ar narvoas eens gfier font duy » nee of Die. Kline's Greal Nerve Peasterer $2 trina bottle and tres rg free. Dr BH Kine 144 1 Areh S56 Phila, SARA) a Men Wie tow ‘s Kacthing Hyp forehildren lething, wrftens the gums, in LOB, RUAYS PRIA, Cures wind colic. Be a bottie, pda In svery city or town "n the Nether. tande you will find a Rosemary street, fn olden days only underiakers lived Gn them, the rosemary being. in the fanguame of Sowers, specially dedicated fo the dead After sty i aero r g- o's Care. ARY TROMSON Allegany, Fa. March § 9, fon RA NR Teo Cure a Cold tn One Day. Take Lanattve Brome Tadblew. AD Droge iets refund money if 11 fatie to cure. Me. The Riamese have 85 sIrong 8 supers #tition against even numbers that they will have none of thems The shear of the rooms in a house, of wa or devrs in a room, even of & ladder, must always be ri winglo rings of ndd. Beanty Is Blood Beep Clean blood means a clean skin. No besuty without it. Cuteatets, Candy Cathar tic clean your bicod and it esl by starving up the lay liver ho rites from the bod Begin te du} Sy pimples, bails, Lint a and that sickly Lihous complex chen Hi jaking Cascarets,~beauty for ten cents. drog- Fists, sslislaction guaranteed, teed, 10c, 3c, S0c. A wel. dressed VOURK woman in Buf. fan reoentiy entered the police tas tian, hesving in charge a drunken In- dian, whom she had faund on the gtreet and whose hands had been Soe uired with her belt, To Cure Parevss. Take Cascarsts Candy Catharsia 100 or Sa 4 CC. C. fail to cure, drugwiets refund money. Thought He Was Satan. Upon one of his professional visits to Washington, the late Jamented Her- mann, the magician and prestidigita- tor, almost caused a stampede among the ignorant colored people To this day some of them think that Satan himeslf was present (ni person upon that occasion. One afternoon Hermann visited the Center Market. On the pavement cutaide of the market It is customary for several hundred aged colored people from the surrounding country In Virginia end Maryiand to gather of market days and display their little stocks of dried herds for meditinal purposes, wild fruits, a few egxs. or an ancient chicken. These are the genuins Virginia Degroes, every one of them an ex-slave. They are Se or and picturesque, and as they sit behigd their baskets and trays the old women smoke their pipes of home grown tobacco, and on cold duys light them with a “chunk of flak” from the pans of glowing coals by whieh they warm themselves, These ignorant and simple minded folk had never heard of Hermann or any other sleighl-of- band performer. When he appeared among them in his jong cloak, his pointed beard, and general Mephisto pheling appearance, he attracted thelr wholit attention. When he took a sfl- ver dollar out of the lighted pipe of one of the old mammies, he ereated a sensation: and when he began to lift live rabbits, pigeons, suits of linen underwear, add other articies from their pockets, be created coasternation Many of the old men asd women ’ | gathered up thelr “truck” and fled with loud eries, and for oace there was no market day profits for the old folk— New York Press. Feasants and Pepa Two peasants, man and wife, lately made their appearance at the Vati- can, bearing a letter of introduction to an official. As soon as it was pre- sented they found themselves the ob- jects of the “most distinguished comn- sideration,” as the Freach have it, and with good reason. They brought with them £4.20¢ as an offering from a donor who did not wish to be known, Sar — SS and distrusted ordinary means of con- veving cash. It was to be delivered ‘into his boliness’ own hands, and all obstacles imposed by etiquette were speedily s=t aside ia favor of such vals. ‘able visitors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers