Cigars and Tobacco. Schoel Building. Jap 2 of $18,000. It is of Romanesque style Con of architare, which shows s simple °%8" Co hess, and a singular appropriateness Lo 143 fect in height. The walls are of ‘white brick with red brick and istope finish and the roof of the. {church is of slate. while the tower | April 10th were read and approved. dn covered with imitation of Spanish tiling, which is i stability. | places for hidden uggliness but rich in a charm which is harmonious and com- | glans windows reflects the artistic idea pure white and gold, which is beantiful in ita refined outlines and the attract. sign and all combining to perfect the act | Ideal structure as it took shape under | the builders’ hands. | $5,000.00 was bequeathed toward the i ree _ |pebeus, O. 8. B., and the present pastor, | Rev. Edwin, O. AB, who builded the | i town, and Rev. Rhaban, of Greensburg; ! g besides others from Carrolitown and | ~ been received and will be blessed {vespersat 2 p.m. and will later be O° AR : & ofs St. Mary's Catho- lic Church of Pat. ton to Take Place 189g ~— Impressive Ceremony to be Held, Con- ducted by Bishop Phelan, of Pittsburg. : Onset the most important events in | | the local history of Patton will be the | | dedication of the rew Catholie dharch on Sanday, April 28rd. The contract for the erection of this handsome church edifice was awarded | in the spring of 1898, the laying of the corner stone on May = 1868, wis the first event to mark ite | ; The first St. Mary's Catholic charch © , of Patton was ereted in 1893, daring the earliest inception of the town, and | intended only as a temporary place of worship until the growth of Patton ‘shomid warrant a more commodious istractare. The ground avas donated jointly by Messrs. John Kartheim, 3 Chas. Anna and the Chest Creek Land & Improvement Co, and is promi. nently located on the corner of Sixth] and Palmer avenues. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, PATTON, PA. The new church as it stands oy] Is conceded to be the most iriposing ec- | ! clesinstioal edifice in Northern Cambria | i H.W. Brant Kedgmed as hint of Petter | : | announce to the historic and art loving | placed in a tomy uf Pavion Borosugh, The regular session of Patton Bor. neil was held in conned! oliam bers in Good building Monday night, | April 17th, with the following members | (present as per rofl onl President Hubbard, Campbell, Anderson, Wins. | low and MoCormick, Messix, Cordell Cand Blair being atwent. The minites of regular meetibg held Monday night, county and represents an expenditure i beauty of form, & dignified pletavesqgue- | the local surroundings. In sige it Is B10 feet, with a towe tiling in | H. O. Winslow, chairman of the Fire (and Police Csmmittee, reported that of he had instrocted the Chief of Police to store away all old street lamps and ‘to notify all whe are desirious of wing any of them that they can do so pro copper pleasing in color and in effect The interior shows amplitude of apace | and perspective wilh no secret lurking | i good repair. plete in itself. The limpid sunlight (several citizens, wan presented to which glows softly through the stained | Conneit and on motion of Winslow and | of eonded by MeCormick, it was anani- mously carried that the same be referred to the Borough Bolleitor, who is hereby instructed to prepare ordinance in ounformity with petition and present « same at next regular meeting. Petition to the Council of Patton Borog The petition of divers ia- hit io of the Borough of Pution, respectfu y shoeth, sha oar petition. cers labor under Jou petition | for want of a pro pes Tussi to abate the nuisance of and bitches ran. ning at Jorge and unrestricted om the streets kh. Your peti- * fianer hambly pray tt : Some action te Rev. Isadore, O. 8. from scenes not hou, B, Whe Was succeeded by Nev. Eu. uot bellowed on will ever pray, ete to practical needs. The altar is iveness of its design and finish. The seats and altar rail are of solid oak and | ' | the walls finished in white, the support. {ing columns ornamented in chaste de By the will of the late Daniel Dumm x streets, and they tap sewer in front of his property on Magee avenue, which wis | granted. Phelan, Bishop of Pittsburg, assisted ividing they keop same filled and bn The following petition, sigoed by Aw Artetie Producing, Pastor Joseph A. Kineker wishes to | cpabtlic of Pstion that by specinl re quest he has consented to prevent for Method of Selecting the Head of the Catholic Church. SI 'BY A SECRET BALLOT. ve es The Pignitisd Cardinals gre Kept Looked Ep Untii They Can Agree Routine of straciien of the Ballots. The advanced age and feeble health of the venerable Leo XITI, and the as: | surance that his death is impending, i gives interest to the following article! On the eleventh day after the death of a Pope, the tenth day in ordinary cealenlations, bot the eleventh if the | day of the Pope's death is counted, the cardinals meet in conclave to elect his | successor. They meet in the vatican | palace, where, looked up in a vast suite lof rooms, every act regulated by nye WOH | nearly six centuries old, they vote daily | | until they succeed in choosing a Pope. | The laws governing the conclave are many and minute. The general courm of the ¢conclivve is set forth bere: The Pope dies. As woon as he is dead | | the officials of the papal court leave the palace; nowadays they will simply jenve the chambir of the dead Pope, for it must not be forgotten that the Pope is still, together with his officials, | a prisoner; so outside the vatican the offleinis cannot go except individually, The cardinal-cameriengo, or chamber. nin, announces to the people of the (conrt that his holiness bs dead: amd! by an outside Thor | in y built into he door, 1 by food is passed; the keys are | | master of ceremonies on the ne ‘various Preistes of twice cach day, he Side make a tonr of i every evening to see that all a There are nny mone mn donclave than the ¥ the (opcimve aml Its Boles, Ete. De. | there are wo sacristans, two of ceremonies, one religions to confessions, one secretary, who has om servant; three Surgeons, four barbers one carpenter, one mason, and s | servants. Nome of these chosen from the household of | cardinal, nor is a cardinal to him anybody but aetunl servants who have been in his employ more than & | year, | T "Phe conclave having begun in the evening of the eleventh day, the Sard nie lo their moms. Th i : rrp ¢ a n hall of the conclave; there is one booth | for each cnrdinal; the booths of thom | cardinals created by the Pope jost & (are coversd with porple serge, those e the others with green serge. Over the door of auch Jpartoent i Jieed the oa of arms oeenpung To the nsorning the cardinal dean says & low mas of the Holy Ghost, at whieh ail the cardinal ors the commun. ion. This is said in the Sistine or the Panline chapel. Then a serutiniom oF vote is taken. Only the cardinels ary allowed in the cifupel at this time, but no carding] san be wh out, A curdi- pal arriving late may be admitted, bot only i sick person may leave the cobs ‘olave alter be is once in. Even an then breaks with a bammer the ring of | excommunicated carding may vote. the fisherman and the seal of the ded | Pope. The dean of the sacred college, | ‘the senior eardinal priest, and thy | senior cardinal deacon then take chargé of the administration of the affirms of Then they take AA | the church and send notice to all of the | eardinals not in the cit These curdi- fade are not snnunoned; they come at (once without being called. For ten days funeral services are held daily in | St. Peter's church, then the body is | resting place. 8 period © B dave ie Hxed by law; but it | obligatory on the | cardinals fo obey the law. In fees, Three cardinals, one from each order, | are chosen to act a tellers. In torn the cardinals apy the vase on the altar, and, kneeling, pra yf Eidunce. God, who will be my judge, to withess {that | choose the person w before God 1 J ought to be elected, and thas ! wilt do the same on the ace : ving sworn they drop their ballots into the vase. The ballot {are prepared thus: At one end the cardinal writes his name: he then folds the ballot wo that his nase shall not appear as the ballot is examined first, the firet (iese in Patton the oclebrated there are several things fixed by the ‘and seals the fold; the name of his Passion In presenting this murvelons produc | tion 60 hand-painted views sre em ployed direct from the stadio of William | H. Ran, of Philadelpla, Pa. This noted | artist wos pssent af the last presenta ton of “The Fassdon Play’ in Bavaria The celebrated oxy dydro hight will be | timed 033 this ocoasion, with an effect of 1300 candle power. The procensds of this production for the benefit of the church, Remeber the date, evening, April Jist, af 8 o'clock sharp, |! Edwant Mogan ond. The COURIER regrets to announce the | death of Edward Morgan, who expired | ‘at hin home on Lang avenue bout 7) o’olock Sunday evening. Mr. Morgan was aged 47 year and was a native of Scotland, and came to lols country when but a young man. He is sar vived by a wile and eight children, one ‘daughter and seven sons. Funeral sery- ices were held in the M, E church at ge o'clock p.m, Wednesday afte: which kis remules were lid to rest in He Fairview cemetery. member of Kill Boek Tribe, Improved Oder of Hed Men, of Patton, which organiza son had enarge of the funeral. , and that shoud i A communication was received from | duly - Jaen Rev. Casimder, Prior of St. H.W. Brant handed in his resigma- | | Mary's church, Allegheny; Rev. P. ‘tion as Chief of Police of Palton "| Edward and Wolfgang, of St. Vincent, Borough to take effect May lat, 1499, "i Latrobe; Father Ludden, of Sit. Ang- 8nd on motion of Anderson and peo ustine; Rev. P. Corbinian, of Johns onded by Campbell, it was unanimonsly | . | carried that saree be accepted. On motion of Campbell and seconded ving congregations are expected | by Anderson it was carried that the to! be present. Edward, 0. 8. B, of Secretary of Board of Health, which solemn high mass will be said at by Winslow, It was carried that the a following bills be accepted and Clerk has | {instructed to draw orders for same: at | Wm. HL Sandford, $22.40 for mill tax outstanding indebtedness to the placed in the tower. amount of $5,800; Patton Hardware Father Edwin, a copy of whose por-| Co, $3.90 for nails; Chas Rhody, _ The bell weighing 1,856 pounds on ih ador this closed his labors | $70.55 for amber; John Yahner, $2.35 Li Pa. to accept & U to the | for nails. ate of St. Mary's Ba at this Council then adjourned to meel at . Eutering upon his field of labor Pext regular meeting night, Monday, s worked effectively for the canse April 24th, 189%, re and undefiled religion. Asm logician and a devout and carnest For Sake. : A two-horse separator mounted on ho | trucks. Will be sold cheap on cany a § i Onions, suddtisgen, ambarh and let. {mou at the Cash fironery ots Satisciay. shown himself an achive ng Norker in the oauseof On motion of Anderson and seconded | (bill of 8. E. Jones for $12.00 for Board | The dedicatory sermon will be de. of Health officer, be referred bach to el livered by Rev. * (8t. Viooent college, Latrobe, affer Farner Eowin, O. RB Pastor of St. Mary's Cntholic Church, Spovdad Teun. A special train will be ron Seoday, | April 28, 1890, from Cresson to Ebens. burg to Patton for the beasils of those wishing to participate | Akl 3 Lhwnoe in the dedicatory services of St. Mary's church of Pattow, (turn, leaving Patton about 4 o'elock The train will re- {P wm. to connect with trains on the | main fine Bievele Bill Sgwedd, Governor Stone last Wednesday signed the bill asnthorising the con- struction of side paths along highways for bieyeles and pedestrians. rr whe were in that city, | alave that may be d ml. Bo the | conclave may begin within ten i days, or it may not begin for a a | iBone than fen days. It all depends. Bot on | the appointed day the cardinals gather in St. Peter's, and the cardinal (dean celebrates the mass of the Holy Ghost, | After this the cardinals, in provession, i winging “Veni, Creator Spiritas,” march | to 0 the ace of the conclave in the pal There Lhe dean recites the prayer, | Deus qui cond,” and the constito- tions governing the conclave are read hem. During the rest of the day the cardinals receive their friends; bat when evening comes the friends depart { and the cardi are shat ap, the con. elave begins, Yeto Powers of Natl The Pope, whose importance as act ‘nal bishop of Rome, wis muoch nore apparent formerly than Bow, when bis | After all bave vowed on the Steaman, . the tellers Spe: the new ballots | duties are so mach more varied tha | (those of an ordinury ‘chosen at first by the jeity. Then grew up, little by little, f ae rsh he Bi fhe t of su n ng t Romans for many pom J tained the Sew of wa of the Play of Ober A mmergan. * | Roman caramonial governmg the con- candidite he writes in these words: “1 choose for Supreme Pootill the Most fleverend and seals thin of the ballot. When all the card. nals present have voted the tellers n to count the ballot. The fleet teller, a cardinal bishop, takes out the ballots, opens the first fold, and ween the name of the candidate; he it to the second teller, a cardin | priest, who ale Inols at it, and hapds it to the third teller, a cardinal deacon, who reads out the name of the candidate. IT it i found that no candidate has a Priday | and the cardinals take oath to abey | two-thirds vote, a second ballot is held at ones. All the cardiuals are obliged {to vote, but are not obliged te ¢ their votes, Those who wish to (do wo by preparing their baliots as before, but writing on the last fold: |S go over to "while those who do kot accede write: “1 go over to ne one.” Rurning of the Raliota. piace them alongside of the ballot flew | cant that has the same seal, it is not [unted; bot if a different name is found, the accession ballot is counted. Jhon the yates of the two ballots are student of the history of the conclaves. Lipid after the right of the people had be come obsolete, the Saperap his right to a controllin election; but this right tion by way of a veto, but Nr he the conclave, if they learn that some | cardinal to whom they are opposed is likely to be elected. powers ans France, Austria and Spain, and not | farther ago than 1531 ¢ forbade thi election of Cardinal Glustiniani. The ther bats i : ra com w that thé conclavists ace shut off aid] the world and rely wholly on divine guidance in their wee of the right to vole, The conclave itself is a creature of growth. In its present form it seeing De to have begun about 1214, and against the will of the cardinals, for in that year Innocent TIT died at Perugia, and the Peruglans shut up the cardinals, and would not it them out until they had chosen wn new Pope Honorious [TL Gregory IX was elected the same way, thi | Reauans shutting up the cardinals until | they had choses Bim. In 1272 Gregory X was chosen in the same manner. Only in bis case the people of Viterbo removed the roof of the building wher | the cardinals were shut up to make them decide more quickly. reason for shutting up the ¢ undonbts | edly was to | 1 the election, Sh Pope being in those days the temporal ruler of Rome, and, as ail admin tion was suspended at his death, nutor- ally ! the people were interested in’ feing a new ruler as well as a new | Seolusdon of the Cardineis, So the conclave begins in the evening of the eleventh day after the Pontiffs “death, or else at some other time. The ‘door is closed and locked with two | keys, ove of Which ia apt by the ord. inal-cameriengo, other by the governor of the oii a prelate Shoeen by the cardinals, A tufning) the Then th SEES or | Pope and mak him if he cteptn the over “dhe cardinal sents Two cardinal deacons then Bl Star, whete on vestioents; he i at TH re a ‘altar, and receives the salutations of foot, the hand 3 who Ee rin thager, HI be engraved on it. Then the sentor cardinal deacon, preceded by musicians and the char “Eoce Saverdos Magnus,” goes to the haleony and announces the elec a ple: “I announce to you a Sl We have as Pope the most eminent and most Reveren -o cand inal of the Holy Roman church, who 2 has taken the name of Poeketbook Lost. : 3 A pocketbook containing a sum of money and papers was lost between the P. RR station and Miners Store Friv day evening. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving same at tlie shave. : of the Miners Stare Co. “ By allowing the aceamulations in lbw bowels to remain, the entire sygiem ia poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers ‘veguinte the bowels. Try them and you will always ase them. CC. W. Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy. oh the Pope gives back, that his %
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers