urier. 3 Wtnce ire Sow Patt an & : Polite . foadopemage nl Fie Puttin an! Me rratend ing Country. Metta Fastiod Ta Allan Her: Toward None § 0 trem to RULES IN ELEC TRIC ACCIDENTS. : Important to Those Who are Engages in| Mines Oporated iy Electricity : The Sanitary Inspector reprints a set of rules for guidance in the Lancet in PATTON PUBLISHING BAR es C4, Proprietors, Finer Eatiton XF¥ EX3TARLIRNIED ——— the case of electric accidents which are | of service, 1. Break the circuit at once if there be an interrupter close at hand and you Eriow how ti fe it If not, Home no time, but proceed to Rule 2. ! 2 Do not touch the man’s body with | your bare hands, but if India rubber iow ‘gloves are not at hand pail him off the tion, “hal she ne gre oF Sar | He wil answer, Cod iver oil.” Nine out of ten will answer the same way. i Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is neces- sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- 3 liver oil. The plain cil dis- turbs the stomach 80d 4 takes away the appetite. i agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen- durable. What isto be done? Hr 1 T3IER ES a i i 00, 11 dragghte. J ££, Chem, New York, £ i » 2 3 2 GOMEZ NOT TO BE TRUSTED, Inspector General Breckenridge, who has been in Cuba and Porto Rico for three months, brought President Me Kinley much valuable information obtained by his close observation of existing conditions on the islands, and not a little of it is widely different from that which has been obtained General Breckenridge is strongly of the opinion that Gomez is not to be trusted. He thinks that Gomez is the most dangerous enemy the United States has in Cuba; that Lis turbulent mature fits him for participation in| revolutions, bat not 10 assist in the re- Fines tablishment of a peaceful government, has warned the President of the danger of allowing him bim to get control in | Cuba. He also told the President that | things were not being conducted under | i our military government in Cuba, in 8 magner to accustom the Cubans tos free government; that it was a serioos | mistake to allow distasteful Spanish _ laws-to remain in forve over there, in addition to our military laws. He doubts whether Cuba can have a free government of ite own, hecavse he | believes that as soon as our military | government, is withdrawn, Gomez and | his followers will establish un military government that will he as mach of a - despotism as Spain ever maintained aver the island. Of Porto Rico he says that the people | are disposed to be contented, but that the serious drawbacks to industry, owing to the closing of the markets of Spain for Porto Rican products and the failure to open our own to ther, ~ bave already resulted in distress and | an alarming increase of brigundage, and that things will grow worse if means are pot found to provide em- ployment for the islanders. The Pres ident is powerless to act in this matter. It] will require action of Congress to open cur markets to Porto Rican pro- | ducts. The President is deeply im- pressed by General Breckenridge's information, and has had several ex. tended conferences with him to talk the matter over. | { connection with all points. able by his coat tail, or fold your coat | or some dry article into two or three thicknesses, and, nsing this as a pad to take hold of the body, pull it away from the circait and resort to Role 5. 4. If unable to get him off, raise with covered hand that part of the ‘body which is touching the earth, or one of the poles of the circuit, and it will usnally be thus possible to get him easily AWAY, and proceed tr Rule 5. 4. If still unsuccessful, make another pad, and placing it between the ground and that part of the hody in contact if “iy with the ground, continne your efforts to detach him 5 Having pulled him away from the cable, free his neck from clothing, and treat the case as one of drowning, one method being as follows: 6. Open his mouth, and, taking a hold of the front part of the tongue with vour fiagers (covered with a handkerchief if you have one, draw forwards, and gradually let it go back 18 times a minute. Be sure that the root of the tongne is acted upon and drawn forward If the teeth are clenched and you cannot get them apart with your fingers, gently separate them with the handle of a pocket koife or by a small piece of woowl, cork, eto 7. Resist the efforts of bystanders to pour stimulants down his throat BEST SPRING.TINE TONIC ava doi Is 4 Trip to the Semshire Over he Phila. driphia & Reading BR. When spring time comes, after the dull, heavy winter weather, we ali feel the need of something to tone np the system. Formerly this was done by the use of bitter decoctions, bat now. a-days the knowing ones have found that the best tonic is a ocean beach, and the practios of spend. trip to the ing a few days on the shore is finding more and more devotees every year, 80 much so that the hotels make extra arrangements early spring visitors. to accommodate the Atlantic City, with its numerous open-all-the-year hotels, sun pariors “and magnificient boardwalk with = southern exposure, giving promensd “ern a splendid view of the ocean while inhaling the warm invigorating salt air wafted up from the Gulf Stream, is oapecially suited for the purpose, and through the good train service of the Philadelphia & Reading Route [At lantie City R. R.1 has quick railroad Past trains leave Chestnut Street and South Street Ferries at convenient hours and through tickets are sold and baggage checked from and to all points on the Yeooh Creek railroad and connections. We would also call the attention of the traveling public to the fact that Philadelphia & Resding railroad en- barn hard coal, thus avoiding smoke. The Atlantic City railroad is double track all the way, and is bal- lasted with anthracite cinders, eliminating the very disagreeable feature of dust, and that this route has the record of inaugurating the 80-min- ute train service between Philadelphia and Atlantic City; running and main. taining for 60 days without a break the fastest train in all the world. A book has been compiled by the company, giving interesting statistics regarding these facts. It will be sent by mail to any one who will address with a 2-cent stamp Edson J. Weeks, General Pass enger Agent, Philadelphia. 81. Lawrcooe Letter The weather is getting beaatiful and the busy time for the ‘farmer’ is here The roads are getting nice and dry and we have already seen the “bicycle” vehicle. John Nedimyer, who has been log- ging in the Stoltz valley for the last year, has taken another job near by and will begin work at once. Last Wednesday evening the people of St. Lawrence and vicinity were once more invited 10 attend the school clos ing entertainment in Rhody's hall The teachers, Mr. HL. A. Schettig, H. A. Leiden and H. T. Wenta, tried their best to make it a saccess, and it sorely was. The principal feature of the play was the noble way in which Mr. Schet- tig, Mr. E. M. Nedimyer and Mr. Jono. Wagner played their parts. The music thus® a 13. 1809. CREAT THROAT and FOLEY’S HONEY and TAR IS THE LUNC REMEDY. FOLEY'S BANNER SALVE is a Healing Wonder. OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmsey ¥ MCKERS IN DIRTY Prods Roenried at Ehenshury ap 'o rate = Friday, Apr Matthew Rew Wi James McDevitt ¢t ax to M Nolan, Patton: consideration Joseph A Gray et ux to Th Sharbaugh, 83 50k Annie M aberiff. to Jacob Hartman, Fider $235 Eilarian H Gray, by sheriff, to essture Bailding & Hastings, $30 Eiiarian H. Gray, ensburg Building & Loan Assciation, Hastings, $20 ’ J. F. Marka by Saupp, Patton, $40 Samuel A. Milier et Snyder, Barr, $150, William Springer et ux Hogue, Alieghenny, $1,300. Henry J. Ivory et ux Hogue, Allegheny, $100 Rebecca McMullen ot Hogoe, Allegheny, $5650. Josepn Hogue to Henry U. Bier, Al legheny, §770. Robert Hollen ot nx to Emanoel W Louder, Beade, §75. Trustee of Spangler Improvement company to James Burchell, = fer, $100. Elizabeth A. Evans et a J. Dufion, Ebensburg, $olt. Matthias Kessler et ux MceMulien, White, $45. Equitable Loan & Building Associa tion to Celestine McMullen, Elder, $50. arroiitown lager, by Asso int 3% fa 1] hy sheriff Wo Bb i . sheriff to FD ax to John to Joseph ta Jimeph vir to Joseph to William Ratura ¥ Wi Low Bats The last two Pennsylvania railroad low-rate 10.day cxcursions from Fitts burg and points in Western FPonnsyl- vania to Washington will leave on April 27 and May 11. Roundtrip tickets will be sold at rates guoted below, good going on speeial train io- dicated or on train No. 4, leaving Pitts burg at 830 pm, and carrying through sleeping cars to Washington. Special train of through parlor cars and comcbes will he ran on the following schedule: Train leaves Johnstown at 10:15 a m., rate $7.35: Coalport, 6:83 $% 10; Cresson, 10.58, $7.35, Altoona, 11:40, $7.35; Cuorwenaville, 9:15, $7.85; Clearfield, 9.31, $7.25. Tickets will be good returning on any regular tran, except the Pennsylvania Limited, until May 6 and May 20, respectively, and to stop off at Baltimore within limit. Holders of special excursion tickets to Washington can purchase, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Offices in | Washington, excursion ticketa to Rich- | mond at rate of $4.00 and to Oud Point Comfort (all rail; at $6.00; at the offices | of the Norfolk and Washington Steam- | boat company, excursion tickets (not including meals and staterooms on steamers) to Old Point Comfort or Norfolk, Va., at $3.50, and to Virginia | Beach at $4.50; Washington to Mt Vernon and return, via electric rail way, 50 centa. Should the namber of passengers not be sufficient to warrant the running of a special train, the company reserves the right to carry participants in this excursions on regular trains > Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Office, 380 Fifth avenue, and Union Station, and at all stations mentioned above. For full informa tion apply to agents or Thomas E Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis trict, Fifth avenue and Smithfield street, Pittsburg. Excursions to Washing se hoi Repart, The following is the report St. Augustine primary school: Those perfect in attendance for tbe month ending April 10--Ada Adams, Mary Wharton, Olive Nagle, Maude Lita inger, Pear! Litsinger, Maggie Lite inger, Margaget Harber, Cyrilias Nagle, Philip Yahner, Marcellus Yahner, Louis Adams, Bert Adams, Charley Adama, Filmer Adams Ralph Hoover, John Roby, Roy Perkins. Those miss- of the thing ese” in offered you Hodgkins {ry 1488 mv wife went east and was a tacrkad with rheamatism she pov. ceived po relief potil she tried Cham that tirne 32. We i cases oF beriain's Pain Balm Simnee we have pever been without And it gives instant relief harms and scalda and is never failing for sil rheamatie and peuraion ping [3 OC Brant, anle by Patton Hodgkins Santa Yhnew Pharmacy, | To Resanls Here Rogulariy. Frnst Bruer, the photographer, who tewratenl on the corner of kas his gallery Foarth and Magee avenues, near ral road station wishes to inform the pablie that ke van now be found in his gallery every day in week to await ¢ hoses whey wimh work done Prices gee hie and ail work gasranteed s Fas Of £300 whiskoy in hath deetor and Better looking many dAavtors better tasting than all tone than mynd For general family owe, nothing equals whiskey and Harper Whiskey ia preeminently the family whiskey Sald by WL. Daggett, Patton, Pa pire $ Woantid To trade a lady's Clevedand bicycle SOW The beycle in having ridden For particulars addrens Lock Bax Noo 28, Patton, inquire at COURIER office for a fresh miilch practically new, went only aboat 40 ‘miles or As the season of the year when phe mona, Ingrippe, colds, eatarrh, bronchitis and jung troubles are ta be guarded against, nothing 2 fine substitote '” will Sanawer the purpose.” or x “jost as good” as One Minate cough cure. That is the one infallable remedy for ail jung, throat and bronchial troohles. Insist vigorously on haviag it if “some. Cw. sare throat, coaghs, 5g iw Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Property for Sale A valuable property, consisting of a good 2atory frame building used as a store and residence, with first: class base- ment, situated on Fifth avenue. Splen- did well on promises. Also good out- buildings. Will be sold at a reasonable figure. Call on or address j Jonx GaGLiarDL, 15012 Patton, Pa J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo, conductor on electric street car line, writes that his little danghter was very low with croup, and her life saved afer all phy- aicians had failed, only by osing Ome Minute cough care. C. W. Hodgkina, Patton Pharmacy. L. W. Cook. Cotton Dress Goods Are Very Beautiful Thin season and we have & very variety in the most atirnciive fines RTYe Zhe iH Printed Organdios 71 to Praities in beautiful sts and 35% a yard Batiste tn blue and dota 15¢ per yard Madras in very pretty 124, 17 and 25¢ a yard Seersucker in all shades 13 Genuine mink with polka ew designs, THE TWO HOUR TRAINS Fertwenn Fhiiadeiphtn and New York vim Philadelphia & Reading Railway. at the same time perfectly anfe traveling the above cannot he excelled, a special not- feature is the entire absence of For lnvarons, swift and tran gh de smoke, snot and chnders, the engines The intoduye- 4 of these trains by the Philadelphia Fwy when in aries} vr enh} brning only hard coal great boon ta the of both 1 be & Pleading was a cities, and DARE J Y as that of other persons for pleasure or Dusk ness purposes. It is a pripe- tiows by these travelers leave home Philadelphia after breakfast, and i the day in New York retarn POpNE Sees 1D patronage by thie clams of bony steadily nereassel as well COT MIO 10 or 7 o'clock dinner pars are attached to all thse pd the T3004 mo foand 4 po Paliman To speciatiy aroom- * York ales have roar gentlemen (he 30a Mm 10 m. fram New York, Flor smoking car attached ten apply to any Phila Ano Teel ap gent, oar Weeks, Oeneral 3x Eien Te eyvivvaal neiing Srminal, tren framed at Faher's w frowt hits, barns, indolent somes, dlwease, and Witeh Li Dent skin PW iits pmreciniiy Harel Salve fod out for dis 1 and & thelr sndoreemesnt wade who try to y ¥ Sh on ph Bees IE # eominiterfeit it. In imitata of a goed article Worthless goods ae Get DeWitt’'s Witeh WW. Hodgkins Patton not imitated Hiuzel Salve, Pharmacy A Card Re o aidendgned, do hereby agree to refnad the money on a Mi-dent hottie of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or wrled We gaaraniee a 25-0ent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded, © WW. Hodgkins, FPaiton Pharmacy. 20 Abway Not ane child diss where ten form. erly died from People have farned the vane of One Minate cough cure, and nse it for severe lung and throat tronhles it immediately stops CW. Hoadg Aron remighing It naver fails Fins Patton Pharmacy rane in Patten H. J. Fasley, undertaker and em- talmer of Hastings, bas established a branch at the J FE Kirk Hardware sompany’s stare, all calls will pecwive prompt attention, The very latest and most modern methods used. where [eave your laundry with Rcheid & Wilkins At a . Before the discovery of One Minute cough cnre, ministers were greatly disturbed by coughing congregations. No excnse for it now CC. W. Hodg- king, Patton Pharmacy We have just received a full line of Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions and Groceries, And before purchasing elsewhere be sure to call on us where Prices are the Lowest. Goods always fresh and op-to-date, and delivered free to all parts of town. H. REMKOS, Next to Baptist Church. \WVALL PAPER. \VALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria Over 100 new designs to select from. Prices from 3 to 30 ets per roll. Room Monldings from 3 to 8 ois a foot, We carry a full line of Wall Mouldings Can make any size Frame desired at lowest prices. OM Frames cleaned and renewed, The Patton Wall Paper Store, . C. FISHER, Prop. alwn the PATTON, PERNA. Boarding House. , Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and Clearfield county people visiting Phila de!phia will find this a con venient and central location. Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. 13-¢f Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where yon know yon are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. sort of House we keep. Have you seen our li S? The finest in this DRY GOO 7 eS ¥ 1 = to suit your purse. When in town That's the Call and be sure of it. ne of section and at prices make Pockata, Plotames, Frames and our store % You ing but one day - Nora Hoover, Agnes ‘was furnished by the Wentz Orchestra | Yahner. Those present every day | vour headquarters. ‘and Mr. Louis Deitrich’s graphaphone. French Percales, stripes and polka dot 3c. Ae St rm A Just the Difference. An exchange has found out that this world is peculiar. When a farmer ‘wishes to retire he moves to town. When the town people wish to retire they move to the country. A farmer has poor health and he moves to town to rest up and get well where he will not be bothered with hard work. The town man, when he has bad health, will go to the country with his tent ‘The teachers and pupils should be con- _gratulated. Mr. Schettig has gone home and we will say for bim that be is ‘a fine young man and a gentleman. Quite a number of our young people ‘attended an entertainment in the Craver School last Tuesday evening. The principal feature of the play was ‘the stump speech by “Long” Jos ‘Long. and pitch it under some shade tree, CASBTOIITA. where he may enjoy the country air and rusticate in the enjoyment of a perpetual picnic. i Bears the The Kind You Ham Aways Peaght Bignature of “one more bottle will eure hes during term Margaret Harber, Olive Nagle, Ralph Hoover. M. Ironepaan, Teacher, “Siopped the Steve! Car” A wellknown gentleman said to a street car conductor the other day. Please stop until 1 get off. told me to be sure and get ber a bottle of ‘Celery Wine.’ She has been troubled with sleeplessness and pervoos troubles and can nd nothing that has helped her like Celery Wine | think Large bottles 50. Sold only by CW, Hodg. - kins, Patton Pharmacy. My wife Other Percales 8c and 12} a yard. Aberfoyle Zephyr ginghams, very handsome 35 a yard Loile du Nara 10e a yard Lawns S¢ and te. Colored figures 15, 3 and 57.0 Th t 4 Yah [2 : i 4 ph ¥ Tha Pye gi % oi INE We oe Lyetlinig an laita Vy als & Hot Weather FEey 1 Will he Samples Ave X i EE Fleventh Altoona, Penna. welcome. Geo. S. Gog will be