hi rt. a NER ROP hr than abont two minutes to convince Teeommendation new ones shall be the two Cubans sent to Washington to purchased atonce. The only exception through General Gomez, to the Cu soldiers, increased, or the consent bun | ling conductors to keep them open on Fifth avenue, next to Central hotel. The substance of Secretary Hay's re. distinctly a new thing. rat roll. ] ios served notices on their men on Satur. ene of real brotherly feeling be- in the parade of the Twenty-fourth, son” for black bass will be extended ‘which will be the anniversary of Queen from May 30 to June 15. A bill, having po with Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British | spawning season, and it will intend to ‘when Washington is at ite best, from : boi tight-seeing point of view. The German newspaper, the Neue 1 it valuable. —W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek, Ing to $685. ‘The sale is advertised to N. Y. | take place at 10 o’clock next Saturday | sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. motley are at the Cash Grocery. {of 4 oi Bo mies rr 4 vid 0 A Se od SRS 5 Wh Sgro sn He Ky Patton Cunrier. oe ran | = * | By Jehan McCormick, of Wilinore Rend at hp ————— a Poligtes.. “i Tiedapn ited mores. - Pajion and | Pomons Grange Mosting Tarsday. neroanding (Country HO Jum ow By | 0 z AH mind Males Toward None. j | Wiel Sha Fan), in ail young, Her harp tant and strong, PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. | . The farmer had long BE. Wits Greexy, Edbor, Been world’s great mainstay, : For in that early day |STARL ISHED - «1803 Old Adam himself was farmer. ey er Dia LA I TA ——— When good Tabal Cain Behold with mach pain | The result of his skill | Making weapons to kill, | He snatched op a spear 1 "Tia the truth vou now hear i A sickle to make for the farmer. FOLEY’S HONEY z= TAR 1S THE GREAT THROAT and LUNC REMEDY. | And n plonghshare he made FOf the swords ready blidde | To turn up the soil i And lighten our toil 5 Yai | And thus brighten our lot, 1 i | Be it never forgot, ! 3 | What Tubal then did for the farmer, FOLEY'S AANNER SALVE is z a Healing Wonder. | When the Delage came down [Over country and town, The oid patriarch i Got into his ark, ; ' 8a the farmer was there; PICKERS IN DIRT {You are doubtless aware, Docs Recorded st Ehspsharg op to Die . That Noah was likewise a farmer Friday, Mareh 31 | With bis wife and his sons Jennie A. Craver Burr ét vir to Frank [ANA thelr hp sid young ones, N. Donahue, Carrolitown;, considera 12 bs & started an : a : its bad taste and smell inn’ Thale heanion Lo Te renew; tion, $6540. : : Assignee of Michael Hoffmaa to K ) i be He plowed the varth deep all its other Tp $e ’ ¥ And goed crops he did rea Michael Hoffman, Allegheny, #1 Michael! Hoffman to WW. Amshry, tures. It is cod-liver »*' the © | For be knew the art of bh. we farmer | and the best in ihe * Allegheny, $8501 ‘world, but made so pa'aia- « Executor of F. J. Baker to John ‘ble that almost everybody i! Baker, Sasquehanna, $510 ¢ take it N dy oli Execntor of John Holtz to Frederick tan . " pas : Beck, Cambria, $420 children like it and ask for Thomas. J. Bryne et ux to HM They did him circumvent; Anderson et al, Susquehanna, $100 | For their leisure was spent Isaac Frb to Daniel H. Myers, Dale, In planning deceit $1,500 The farmer to cheat; | When he went to the mill Executor of Mary Ann McHuogh to i The eer ready big till Jack Navobny, Munster, $401. Went deep in the grist of the farmer. William Martz to Jucoh Navobuy et al, Cambria, $1,800 ) You may have heard © about SCOTT'S EMULSION § p and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with In a dark evil day Ko the legend does say Some people did tire, And took to conspire “To do without work, Their duty to shirk And live off the toil of the farmer, dooks' like cream ; it nour- ishes the wasted body the baby, child or » better than cream or =» “other food in existenr: bears about the same r=». Was almost always’ gains the farmer. tion to oth ; iit en #4 Much the king did him tax, ; 0 er emusic’ - And the [itiest was not lax company employes at Johnstown Sal cream does to miik. hE | His tithes to Cas urday. At Windber the Berwind : . : His glebe to select; , aid out over $20.000 have jo ry i Fuh {rd she xtontar's bik bills Witte separ pd Bs New 120 0m. with other so-called j ; HHA, : Were far worse than the ills i : ; q vd’! preparations. That afflicted the health of the farmer. Democrat, the amount dispensed hy will find that this i the Johnson company anid the various other industries in Johnstown there The hypophosphite: ought to be a very large amount of ; me floating around in this vicinity combined with the coc i LAE, ao0 ny ri money floating droun ria vicinity additional value to it b . Wide opened the eyes Whe the Nose Hlecds tone up the nervous sy. | And quicken’d the wits of the farmer. tmpart Strength to the wise Henceforth in this nation body. ++ | He'll take his proud station : fox wd fr on al) Sruegista. 4 In righteousness strong, When he went to the store > Twas Wight than Before; BEememtor of Hannah Younkin to B wo prices he pa : “The balance of trade ¥. Beers, Reade, $1,300. Let him pinch as he il. ¥ hy. - And curtail all he could, Hig Pay Duy It is stated that something like §175,- 000 was paid out to the Uambria Steel | Education alone, AM may clearly be shown, Did turn on the light And show him his plight; To stop a bleeding nose, keep the arms raised. Hold a cold cloth or | sponge to receive the blood. Press the fingers firmly on each side of the nose where it joins the upper lip. A piece of ice or a cloth wrung out of ice water nay be placed at the back of the head April Ladies’ Home Journal OTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New Yori, He will not go wrong With Truth for his guide jad right on his side With God on the side of the farmer. Tuk assistant Attorney Cieneral for | PR. I Uniformed Rank. thet Postoffice Department, has decided |, regulation on the Pennsylva- two specific chain. Hetter schemen--One yi, provides that all uniformed em. offering a trip to the Paris Rox position, | ployes must report for duty in fall and the other an $8 kodak-—10 be uniform, and at all times the coats ea Properly for Sale A valuable property, consisting of a jllegal, and the two decisions seein to _must be kept buttoned. This is to good Lstory frame building owed as a cover pearly all the schemes of that | apply to overcoats as well as the others, | stare and residence, with first ones base. | sott now being advertised. "and the prescribed fqur-button garment ment, situated on Fifth avenue, Splen- AA. did well on premisess. Also good out- = \ Js to be used exclosively., It is also’ Fresh fish and Oysters atv the Cash provided that the heads of the various baildings. Will be sold at a reasonable oh | departments shall from time to time figure. Call on or address : Jou GAGLIARDI Hr n t : It ID not ake Secretary Hay more mpect the uniforms, and that on their | yt12 Patton. Pa The Place to Bay. try to get the $3,000,000, prowhed to the rule compelling the buttoning of! The place to buy your nice fresh | the coat is the one now in force allow- | meat of all kinds is at our new market | the President to an issue of bonds by | when on duty on the train. The in- If you call once you will call again. the Cuban assembly, that they had ®pection clause of the order caused | Everything first-class. wasted the money spent on the trip. | some comment among the men, as it is | Crook & McTiGeTT, People's Meat Market. marks might be thus expressed: “Not | Prosperity in Clearfield. Miners Wanted. Novelty Works are employing more Tue MorREDALE Coal Co, : - — men than usual for this time of the Morrisdale Mines, Pa. Wall paper at Fisher's 3§ cents a year and the Wooden Ware Works Wanted! ' 0a ' day that they would be required to To trade a lady's Cleveland bicycle wk ’ for a fresh milch cow. The bicycle is - ny 0 Felock ” nighs saul, | practically new, having been ridden tween Americans and Englishmen | So Nigh srews "ve nm put | only about 40 miles. For particulars wis given by the suggestion, made in ou hi » ee y nd orks, and ab; address Lock Box No, 208, Patton, or the Committee that is arranging the | machine: 810MM; und everyl ny inquire at COURIER office. the big Peace Jubilee, to be held in | Afiman’s Joarnal May 22-26, that a More Protection for Hass. spucial British feature be provided for | It is quite likely that the ‘close sea- yeas oases fain 4 "A NEW. indication of the exist. House and Lot For Sale. A 2-story frame house in Patton, sire {11x16 and lot, will be sold for $250 cash. Call on or address John Pastor, West Victoria's birthday, in honor of that | this for ita object, is now before the avenue, Patton, Pa. 1715 day. The suggestion was received Legislature and similar bills are before It makes no difference how cheap with enthusiasm and immediate steps the Assemblies of New York and New you can buy groceries elsewhere, 1 can to carry It into effect were taken by | Jersey. Such a law will give bass fif- still save you some money, quality of appointing a sub-committee to confer teen days more protection during the goods considered. THE CAH GROCERY. Ambassador, for the purpose of se-| increase the number of this food and | WANTED: Good, steady ad reliable curing his co-operation. By the way, | game fish, especially in the rivers of pick machine runners. Compressed this Peace Jubilee is going to be quite | the states named. | in a spectolar event, and it will be held : THE MorRISDALE Coal Co., Morrisdale Mines, Pa. In 1558 my wife went east and was Newspaper im Trouble, ‘ 18t3 My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain | Saturday night by Deputy Sheriff perlain'e Pain Balm. Since that time ~~ Balm for rheumatism with great relief, | Elmer E. Davis, of Ebensburg, on & we have never been without it. We and I ean recommend it as a splendid writ issued at the suitof J. W. Weaver, 5.4 j¢ gives instant relief in cases of liniment for rheumatism and other of this city, whose claim is $350. Itis p,rng and scalds and is never failing household use for which we have found | 8&id that there is another claim, amount | for all rheumatic and neuralgic pains. -D. C, Brant, Santa Ynez, Cal. For Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer- morning. —Johnstown Tribune. Hodgkins, chants of this village and one of the Call at the Cash Grocery and get (ood whiskey is both doctor and most prominent men in this vicinity. — | prices on groceries and you will surely onic Better looking than m an) _ W. G. Phippin, Editor Red Creek Her-' hyy. ; dit ald, For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CW. Hodgkins, doctors, better tasting than all medi | CASTORNIA. « cines. For general family use, nothing | Bears the The Kind You Haw Always Bought equals whiskey and Harper Whiskey is | Signature / ‘pre-eminently the family whiskey P . | Sold by W. L. Daggett, Patton, Pa. 4 i The finest raisins and prunes for the | patient’s head thrown back and his 18x24 with one story kitchen addition Cotton Dress Goods Welt, of which Otto F. Nickel is edi- attacked with rheumatism. She pe- tor, was seized between 8 and 9 o'clock | puived no relief until she tried Cham- . W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Thy Bawl's New Holigions Figare The poly of The Ladies’s Home Jauenal in its religioos department, seen ta be always oO sagage fhe pity of the man meat immediadely prom sient in the byes of the religions wo Thus it has had the sores Bees hier, Doctor Talmage, barst, Tan Maclaren, and now hase thoes of Dr Newell fravigi i bi the Hew Piusis Brookivn porter Hillis has given the Jonrual a series of articles apon which he had been working for over a Vear previous to his eastern call, and the first of these articles will be published in the next issue of the magazine. The series 8 all connected in thought, and presenta the general subject of “The Secrets of 5 Happy Life” “A word to the wise ix sufficient” and a word from the wise should be suffickent, bat yon ask. who are the wise? Those who know. The oft re peated experience of trustworthy per. sons may be taken for knowledge. Mr W. M Terry says Chamberlain's cough Remedy gives better satisfac. tion than any other in the market. He has heen in the drag business at Elk- ton, Ky , for 12 years; has soid han dreds of bottles of this remedy and pearly all other cough medicines man ufactored, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's in the most satis. factory to the people, and is the best. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CU W Hewigkins, To Rewanins Here Regularly. Ernst Broer, the photographer, who has his gallery located on the corner of Fourth snd Magee avenaes, near ral rosd station wishes to inform the pubi that he can now be found in his gallery every day in the week lo await on these who wish work done. Prices are reasonable and ail work guarantond As the season of the year when prea. monis, lagrippe, sore threat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and long “troubles are to be guarded against, nothing ‘fis # fine substitute” will fanewer the parpose,”’ or is just as good’ as One Minate cough Cure. That is the ous infallablie remedy for all lung, throat and bronchial troubles Insist vigorously on having it if “some ‘thing ese’ ik offered you OC W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. The Way to be Reaalifal Every lady wishes to appear attract ive. By using “Celery Wine” yon will ‘become so. Sleeplessness, dizziness, fainting spells, or female weakness, soon wear a woman out. To keep yourself attractive you must have good ‘a cent more; not 8 bond.” The dele- There is evidence all around of a pros- | Good, reliable and steady miners gatem,0r whatever you might call them, | perons year in Clearfield. The empty wanted at Morrisdale Mines, Penna. started for home without having ween | houses at the tannery are rapidly fill- Shaft No. 1 and No. 2 Steady work the President at all, having been as- | ing up, and the force of men Is being | at 45 cents per gross ton, semi-monthly ~~ mared by Secretary Hay that it was ingreased to the former days The pay and checkweighman. useless for them to try. sound nerves. “Celery Wine'' quiets ‘and strengthens the nerves, and pro. motes sleep, Warranted to contain no injurions drugs. Large botties, 50c. ‘Sold only by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo, conductor on ‘electric street car line, writes that his little daughter was very low with eroud, and her life saved after all phy- sicians bad failed, only by using One Minnte congh care. 0 WW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. L. W. Cook. Are Very Beautiful This season and we have a very large variety in the most attractive lines Printed Organdies 73 to De a vard Dimities in beaatiful styles 1200, 18 and 25¢ a ard. Batiste in blue and pink with polkas dots 15 per yard. Madras in very pretty new designs, 1124, 17 and 25¢ a yard. Seersuckers in all shades 15¢. Genuine French Percales, stripes and polka ‘dot 2c. Other Percales 8c and 12ic a yard Aberfoyle Zephyr ginghams very handsome 25¢ a yard. Loile da Nard 10c a yard Lawns Sc and 10c. Colored figures 15¢, 35 and 7c Time to be or , Ready for Hot Weather. Will be pleased to send Samples Eleventh Ave. & Eleventh Ss. Altoona, Penna. THE TWO HOUR TRAINS | Between hil adept and New York vim Philadelphia & Reading Railway. For luxtrous, swift and at the same time perfectly safe traveling the above | Before the discovery of One .congh cure, ministers were distorbed by coughing congegonn f No exense for it now. kins, Patton Pharmacy. tral od cannot be excelled, a special not- Jide Feature iw the entire abwence of smoke, soot and cinders, the engines harping only hard ecal. The infodae. tion of these trains by the Philadelphia & iodine was a great hoon to tha hmsinessm ren of both citles, and the patronage by this dass tif passengers Bow stony incremeed me well as that of (ther persons for plegsars or bush fess purposes. It is a common prac. tie by these travelers to leave home in Philwlaiphia after hreakiast, and pending the day in Naw York retarn in time for 7 o'clock dinner Pallmamn cars are attached to all these Ha mtoand 4p m roe New York alse have Pullman r car. Teo specially secom- ile tive gentlemen the 8330 a m. to th, from New York, also tr woking car attached, ahles a7 opi to any Phila Fe adding ticket agent, or J, Weeks, {(wnerai Heading Terminal, trains, and the ¥ ir pictares framed at Fisher's For frrwt bites harass, indolent sores, core, skin disease, and especially piles, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stars Herat ard heat. Look ont for dis honest peaple who try to imitate and cotinterfeit it. [t's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are rod imitates ft PeWit's Witeh Hazol Salve, W. Hodgkina, Patton Pharmacy A Conrad We, the andersigned, do hereby ETRE to pefund the mumey on a 50-oent biottie of Grewne's Warranted Syrup of Tar if 8 fails to care your cough or pol We also gliarantes a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. CC. W. Hodpkina, Patton Pharmacy 2t28 Nat ane child dis where ton form. erly died from croup People have learned the value of One Minate cough care, and nee it for severs lang and throat troubles. IE immediately stops coughing. Tt never fails. CW. Hodge kins, Patton Pharmacy. Braveh in Patton HH. J. Easley, undertaker and em Balmer of Hastings, has atablished a branch at the J KF Kirk Hardware company's stare where dl calla will receive prompt attention. The very latest and most modern methods need. Trave your laandry with Scheid & Wilkins We have just received a fall line of Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions and Groceries, And before purchasing elsewhere be sure to call on on where Prices are the Lowest Goods always fresh and up-odutly and delivered free to all parts of town. H. REMKOS, Next to Baptist Church. \WALL PAPER. \WWALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria Diver 1060 new designs to select from. Prices from 21 to 50 cts per roll. Room Monldings from 3 to 8 eta 8 fort. We alse carry a fall line of Wall Pockets, Pictares, Frames and Monidings. Can make any size Frame desired at the lowest prices od Frames cleaned and renewed. The Patton Wall Paper Stores. A C. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, PEXSN'A. Boarding House. Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and Clearheld county people visiting Phila- deiphia will find this a come venient and central location. Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. 5. B. KING. 12-¢f YOU A At 2 Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. That's the sort of House we keep. Have yon seen our | ine of DRY GOODS? The finest to Suit your purse. inn this section and Call and be sure of Jit. When in town make our store - welee HNC. €O0. vour headquarters. You will be
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers