The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 03, 1899, Image 1
2! Caine 2 Bl A RR PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, APR $:.00 PER YEAR. lave Your Clothes Tailor-Made and be Well Dressed. Our re are the Lowest. DINSMORE BROS. I~ FC- This Space Served by atton Pharmacy. Headquarters for ngs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. site Schon! Building. to saloct | in te yard; cotton In- 5c per yd; Union nd St per per yd; a) to §1.26 per 3 yi. The in town. lace to buy your urmisare: The b best for the least money. bllowing will be our leading very well know are ul. te a va- from: Capello | a and Othello, The Ranges, The Garland Steel ; These. are all guaranteed. te line of shelf hardware, | : yarnishes, etc., sash and of every description poultry wise. for p 3 : uarters for miners’ tools - augers, powder and you for all past favors, our farther patrenage. rk Hdw. - &Fur'tCo., armors Mg LOGAL AND GENERAL NEWS. There In rier’ Reporter Gleaned Here and the “Cou YES, BE REASONABLE. The Following From Funes fase dn Patton toa Newsy Roite the cp “Instead of condemning the Town Conneil, Joagrd of Health, or Burgess, or anyone of officers after they have official act or duty, it plan, if one does not opinion ar to how done to confer witd official action men ‘wait to see’ just cipal offers edn, pnd they are displeased they say mean things Sometimes cnr schoot hear nnmercifnl epithets hnried at ough officers, and the boys then idea that the Town / Council or the ‘Board of Health or other officers, as the case might be, are unmitigated out laws and are a detriment instead of a good to the town. The office of Town {Council and the Board of Health and ithe Burgess, is no sinecure and no sal ary is attached to them to weigh them down. They give their services frie and take their ‘bamps’ and kicks from many an ungratefol harper and pessi. mist, who very seldom have anything good to say of our borough officials when they do something that pleases ‘them, and when such harpers do say ‘anything commendable it is given in a stingy, half hearted begradgingly ‘way. Let us hold up the hands of vur borough officials and all work in har- {mony for the best interests of the town ‘Kicking and scoflling are not encour: caging to the official who is trying to do his duoty, and as filling a boroagh office is a thankless job -at best, wi shold feel grateful that there are those who or the the oar municipal performed an weit bee 5 better agree with their a thing should be then before such Lael. Via what oir muni will get mad and This is all wrong Kish he Ws stir Bar. are willing to devote time to this work. ‘Ry all means encourage your borough ‘officers with kind words. “To show how inconsistent and un- | reasonable some people are when they have a complaint to make to the Bor ‘ough officers, and ax a word of advise to others, we will here relate a Cpireomstance which occurred the other | morning. A citizen approached a | member of the Board of Health and { complained about a certain nnisance he | said existed in a certain section of town He wanted the Board of Health to at. tend to the matter at once. told to go to the Secretary, fill out a yet he emphatically refused to do that and cobdemned the officers because they would not take action. It should be understood that the Board of Health cannot act on the verbal complaint of anyone. Blauks have been procured for that purpose and must be filled out and properly signed before the Board has authority to take action. Yet this ‘man said ‘he didn’t want to get into (any trouble’ by doing what the law requires him to do when making a complaint. People should _onable." be reas Wo Rilldaif Dead Jame W. Kilduff, founder and tor of the Gallitzin Vindicalos ‘many years, and long identified with labor ‘district, died at the Mercy hospital, : Pittsburg, last Friday. He had confined to that institution for several i weeks, of illness doe to a complication of diseases. The body was conveyed ‘to Gallitzin Saturday and the funeral ‘took place Sunday morning. Mr. Kil: duff was well and favorably known in the Central Pennsylvania coal mining | district. He organized many miners’ | associations and participated in num- |erous important conventions and con- ferences of the order. He was a frequent contributor to newspapers published in the interest of laboring ‘men and his advice and council was frequently sought by prominent ie Fotis edi for prominentiy interests in this bean Nolan-Variotl. Dennis Nolan, one of Patton's popu- ‘lar young men, and Miss Mary Variot, | an esteemed young lady of Philipsburg, were wedded at the Catholic church of (that place at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday ' morning, April 5th, the ceremony beiug ‘ performed by Father Kumerant., The attendants were Harv 8. Lingle, of { Patton, and Miss Merritt, of Philips. {burg. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan departed shortly after the wedding for an ex- | tended trip to Buffalo, Rochester and | Niagara Falls, after which they will | paturn to Patton and make their future home. The COURIER, along with many friends, extends congratulation Onions, radishes and rhubarb on ; recommended as a competant teacher. | | Thursday at the Cash Grocery. fitthe He was Jove for Nature that gives refinement blank complaint according to law, and | ; ‘for the growth and preservation of ‘Cannot EASTER 'N PRTION Prepared Programs of Wase Hetpated In a’ "he hire Prespite the cold SHWE wd freed ow xl Easter Sunday of much of ary sartorial Jdesisy, al rif Patton RETY Loa srnomnced eluding the rendering id prisocpal soma dally At the Methodist FE the with an impressive presentation of History of af nsnal morning disc prepaid? mitwical programs ehareh day was appropristely obseryed The Methondmrn sopra Pw rs by hath sobre tive Sal Sire Mary's he nenal hours, Eramme both the morning and evening joem at the Baptist church who listened attentively to the able discourses of their pastor, Rev. Joseph A Klocker, Rpocinl music was the feature of the which commemorated the season fur rejoicing ETT al OOCARIOT, Obweryr Arter Irayn in Patios It may not be generally known to readers of the COURIER that Governor Stone has designated April 7 and April 28 ax Arbor Days and it cannot but be apparent to all that an appropriate ob. seavance of these days might be made by the citizens of Patton. The public thoroughfares of Patton as well as many of the private groands, are woefully devoid of any trace of Nature's orna- mentation and however much of architectural beauty the home or basi. news block may possess it is the beanti ful surroundings that! lends to it enchantment and marks an saviron ment that of charm and rich in As an illestration what srcomplished by a unity of effort where by the simple nee of trees, vines and shrubs which may be caltivated in every locality, is fail Nature's coloring of bw CET we tile the picturesque towns of Philipsburg and Clearfield where their public apir. ited citizens united in an organization whose purpose it was to cultivate that to the individual and exerts an influence trees and shrubs, which not only affords health and prosperity, but gives to these towns besatiful streets with their elevating and salutary influences Patton emulate amples? There is no reason why the love of the beautiful should be de tached from the tilling of the soil and the reader i» left free to portray for "himself the picture, the material bene. "fits with which iL is associated Patton Miners Our In pursuance to a call issued 81 the District Miners’ Convention beid at Tyrone Satardsy, March 25th, the men employed in all the mines in Pat. vicinity are ont on a strike for the price of 45 cents per 36 cents per ton for frat py ton for ton and an advance of ton for mine. ra, ing, punching machive work, and a general ight hour work day. It is stated that pe advan: has been granted by the al Windber of the smaller Operations in the district. The people in Patton in general trust that the difficulty will be amicably settled soon and work retired machine min ial 4 AE x. 5. Derwing- While Could Un, arid at some A The Metropolitan, of Ebens- burg's new and popular hotels is enjoying an immense patronage of late, which it justly deserves. The new hostelry is certainly an inviting place, being equipped throughout with all the very latest and modern con- veniences, and its proprietor, J. RB K Shook, assisted by the popalar and obliging clerk, Mr Grier Hile, spare no pains in making the guests com- fortable and at home. In brief it one of the finest and best appointed hotels in Cambria county and is con. ducted on first-class principles “ine Hotel One in Assistant Pri: On Friday T. P. Jones resigned his position as assistant principal of the Patton public schools to accept a prin. cipalship of the public schools at New Haven, Fayette county, this State The vacancy caused by his departure has been filled by RB. J. Myers, former principal of the Read township high school, this county, New wpa Cri Conny fees for his services, which is entirely these 8x. caver that who comes highly ' Restaurant. TWO REMEDIES COMPARED. ~ TAXES IN CAMBRIA. The Fo HN A riied ee Thee Eel 4 gg Tani Tod brea “The ¢ Apperar-d wn Haid tate wes paestion of regriating the uty Troasgrer i= ogrisiaton $i is {88 Dw veling i vow A poriits GRAS « abuasiog ali the Regub. ITY ARTY MmANDeTY tinier rir rad ion What am hw Des? for oolbtio Ee & our conunly taxes ? dy ¥ £ wed a taki PHIRIOE Lee mec tion of Act of 1872, allowing the County Treas urer 5 per cent for this work, the pass age of which will throw the question of fedn to be paid hereafter on the general law of (534, authorizing the Commissioners and the ( tors to fix the san Te intrreiomsd 5 Hill to et of 1372 tates Oo exoh district the apweind riz ant ounty Aod So and Sheridan have repeal snd heredTier have all the omntables of Fler Band by the 4 “Now, whi 5 would be the beet? Thee Act of 1872 was posse the oldectionabie faatarss of the general law of 1804, inastnnch as & very great portion of the faves were and this to avo Fomd, made the taxes higher than they would have if attended to in a proper With the exoeplion of the Tressurer's ipoote, the Act of 1872 conxidersd the best method this or any other connty ever had, and was en acdexi. as we have said, the LE MAL er svt 16x sobjeetionable parts of the genera law, which the Democrat and Messrs, Lingle and Sheridan want to reintrodoace. “The system in Bedford connty about the same ae the bill of Senator Ktineman provides for There the County Treasurer goes into each dis and the taxes, and Commissioners fix the rate of codieta thes satisfactory to the peopie “The evil of the method hacked by the Democrat is conclusively shown by coqnparing the manner of onliecting taxes in Bialr and Cambria counties “Blair county bas the same system as in provided tn the bl of Messrs, Lingle and Sheridan, A aditors’ report for astounding state of uneo win pared wilh Auditors ard the INEs shows gn sibectedd LR Les Ra ¢ The on Jangary 2, 159% there was ollentors of Blair of $181, 1 A kha La ck 2 ie AREY noone ambria county. $ Boe 4) ot ge from the district thir sue The ans Alton atts SUIT 154 41 5 dary -hy follwing neni le Wis Ne people of Blair conaty are re quired to pay interest on borrowed money to rua their county affairs while this enormous sum is being colievted, and much of it will eventually be lost” t Passenger Aged Hoviman Frowelod It is ramored thal our mataal frsend, General Freight acd Passenger Agen FE Herriman, who has his offtivs at Philadelphia, is tO receive a promotion in the way of being made general manager of the entire coal traffic of the New York Central & Hodson River radiroad snd its several branches, in Bexh Creek amd Fall synietns, HB oolees gt New ciuding the Book York «0 hot of friends ty man has na on the i Rd 1 wiles i is Lilne extend Beer h TaLuTe. Ureek ] it is adso r Agent Wikliard Brook Hail appointed 3 pod Fomor ay BH Nathrup, Way pany, Ian rf agent of the division Fall Brook and Bee oh Creek maiiroads under the New York management, He will have headgnarters at Williamsport Central gi ns Para first claw lun tor Lhe Uw oh = LF the entire PROCEEDINGS OF ue LAW MAKERS Eh Ae i ihr Temp orion oid fiver ye fee No age Suit a oo Yiy Com Bosineny Patten Borough Council moet | iar session Monday eve ] ATE rR presen in reg Ah The President Met orrek, Bi Winslow and Cordell, Campbell Habbmrd, Anderson, of atment The minates regaisr meet ing bold Monday evening, March were read and approved, ® 5 4 x ¥ Pe oA rg aiid, (vmtiotiman ITC, Street bad {omnitton. reiarterd ¥ » 3 exgmined the Bae Cree Yiew Of WiRlter Ey Fas 3 Winwliis mwsly carr that | oy be mevwdedd ps res The Commities were instrarted 10 vist, in company with an official of the Water , ared the chad of the Patton Fae Company No. 1. the different fire plogs in Patton Borough and ascertain f same are in proper working order and report ab next regular mesting The matter of Noonan damages suit up and on Anderson and secincand by Winslow, it was carried that Borough Sciitor Somerville be asthorized 0 notify Wm. Davis, Esq, sttorney for Dr. Noonan, that the Bor. ough of Patton dendes any Habil damages for injuries received by sadd Dr Noonan and that it refoses 10 make any offer of a settlement what meer iniew oO i x ¥ the propased Dr WAS aguin taken of smn pol He sents OF BOBver ; In regard to the money received by the Borough from foreign lasurdnos companies, aod which was asked by the Fire company paid to the Belief Association of that body, Ab Somerville stated that, after carefully looking up the matter, be failed to find Act of Assembly wherein 8 compelled the boroughs to appropriate that amsbunt fire com pany relief assocmiions, if the tis Le torney Any Wo tat sh appropriation as asked by our company. The bill of Patton Fire Company No. 1 Helief Association for that amount wis $3 31 and on mation of MeCormick and seconded by Blair, owas noanimously wel that the same be held over for farther investi palin A petition wgned by several citizens was presented to Council praying for CRT the opening of Fast Magee avenos, in the vicinity of Firemen's Park. It was held ower for investigation A communication was then received from Jobn Campolon: zsking for a grade Wo erect a sidewalk mn front of bis property on Melntyre avenue. The same was held over until a Borough Engineer be elected : The fudlowing bil to Cosined] and and presen ted on dion of Cordell sec otibeni by wus gnanimousls cnrried THE Ge cope] and (0 orders for Pal Oa £57. for print ag; pany, B00 fo I Masel He Abt £ wy pel $2 50 These = Mw foe HRTnE Patton Water 0% water rent for month (rnd Fete andescent Light James {nl em for n i of March and sundries: H.W. Brant, $40.00 for police serves for month of March, and the following for street work: FX lehman, $8.8 Daniel Abbott, $1.35; A. Hatchinson, 3, Um motion of Blair and seconded by Winslow i was unanimously carried that the Clerk bw and is hereby in. structed to notify A. E Patton, trustee, Curwensville, Pa. to remove log hots on street jeading from Filth aveoee to clay works, in view of the fact that bas agent refused to do same aller bedng duly notified by the Boroagh Contd On motion of Winslow and seconded by Cordell, it was snanimoosly carried Hat the street lead wg from Fifth ave- sie to the clay works be amd @ hereby given the if “Terra cotta Avenue.” Cp pe = $M fir arc clerk weTy Ray Game £ adjourned ued mn : Connedl then next regular meeting night April 10th, 1899 For Sie {de 1 quart and one ISjaart we CRA r, alroost as guaoxd as new Will be sold at a reasonable figunt {all on or address Jacob Daus Pat . Pa ieee an, A choice Hine of confitetihuns. nots and . fruits at the City Restaurant. Retype: Tn bn Ww. He wig Fy, fa Orn tarned home eedas from a bosiness trip to Pmring Mr Hodgkins be msde a itil to the League Navy Yard where be enjoyed the pleasure of ses mR gnite ® WAT VORSE IR, wt i a oi backed pha stay in the city Feland pamber of Unele Sam's rfid vit there he : aniy { ranmbaa, ratéer a wi werd in {hes ox with Spain Bis forms the arg Jacke Wey BRITILARE i Tike y wild Angas SO Lar Pw A asd ra pir OF roGRE Dare MOM RE e don’t merely preach satiafection in our sdvertimments We really give satisfaction We call vour attention to the many peopie whe are our per petal customers. They gel satisfac. tion hexe and are pleas] with oar gowaia anid] methods, whaoh is the same thing. boroughs so saw ft they could make’ ed SEE US FIRST Wolf & Thompson. {Uben You Okan ous and are considern things to be got home mor L interesting for t Spring and Summer member that it 1s part the business of this store to ke homes more bean ful A large and thoroughly airy Upholstery and Drapery depat rément is at your SCTVHC, abie give you unlimited che and big vanety at very moder Ate prices. Most anytl ung you have need of in the line of up-to. date floor coverings and window draperies will be found here, many late thingsthathavemstappear- &d this Spring are beng shown-—in fact we have a gathering of these Home furnishings that cannot be excelled mm Middle Pennsvl vania. We will 811 mas orders for these gods SM Listac tony to you, bat vot wonkd reall eniny 8 wisit to Altoona mst to see this one denartment of Nhoona's Biggest Store. Bs OPE ol, Ad to Hee 1320-22-24 11th AVENUE Write for our new Spring Catalogue wigRee aad mors complete than ever a2 8 ca & CO.