ood ha Deer nunde rider his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. hae 7 CAM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Gountertets, Imitation and Sabettates are but Ex. Jimena thas dri wits and endanger the health of snd ChiMren- Expericuce Agate Experiment. : Oastoria is a substitute for ‘Castor Oil, Parogoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It te contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic : Sabutance, Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. It relicves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuiency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy znd natural sleep. The Children’s Panseea—The Mother's Friend. TOF IA ALWAYS id Is DR C ERNEST CHASE. eon PATTON, PENNA - in Good Building, second floor, : Magee Avenve. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ie oe Building, Room No. 3. | Dentist, Miners Wanied. Good, reliable wanted at Morrisdale Mines, Penna Shaft No. 1 and No 2. Steady work at 45 cents per gross ton, semi-monthly | pay and check weighman. Tie MorrisparLe Coan Co, Morrisdale Mines, Pa it makes no aiference how you ean bay groceries elsewhere, I can Latill save you some money, s goods considered. } THE CAs GROCERY, NOTICE is beret o Pon mn Pricer > the eh Suryary and the £7¢ 3 Specialty. All| titan bic. 1 to Post , | tac Sieh attention. » PRT, frome and throm? : | a and Surgeon. 8 yin Mi block, next door to | ¥ r or mein, prompa reaponded ! | Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $540,000,00. SURPLUS, $47,000.00 Avecants of {orporitions, Pirtns, Individe Cele and Hanks reeeived npn the pai? fa vorn- 1 bie terms constant with ssl | banking. StenpowBip Wokeis Riraale Dy all De beading Hines Foren Irafis paynbie in the grivecipml t eltion of the Wario, PAN cormspeandetes wil havi our prorat and § | prpmonal LR PL ET Intervent pied ony sph je pemits oe BE. Parr, Was H. Saxnronin, President. Cashier, R. F. Notley, - Peader in wryed Wines, Liquors, J. FITZPATRICK 'S Pp) RR MEALS AT ALL HOUR. Y HOUSE tions first-cians. Bast of {Liquors bar. Biabling atiac Geomor FRRGUSON, ~ Prop’ r. taser REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Patton, Pa.—'Phone No. 9. a fits In ) RERLEY INSTITUTE ‘ WESTERN EEREYY VARTA, Magee a ' venue, near | | Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Speetaity. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelied. Prices Are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. * HASTINGS, PA; Whooping Gough. Asthma, Bronchitis and Incipient Consu mption, is and steady miners cheap i tomeeryative | oh Micha J. Ryan is on the ve un} He is suffering from a sever attack of congestion of the lungs. F. K. Rishel and Miss Edith Rishel, of Wankesha, and Miss Dusky Wood, | of LaJose, came up to Patton on s shopping tour Saturday. The most important question which now affronts the citizens of Patton is, Firtiaion [Bank are we going to have a cosl miners’ strike the first of April? The Clearfield Repaubiican says that a large number of rafts are tied along the river at that place waiting for high water. Most of them belong to H H. McGhee, and are off the Irvin tract The Patchin estate also has a couple in the “Lick.” : A bill has been introduced in Legislature taking away from county commissioners the power to appoint mercantile appraisers. The appointing power is given to the Auditor General, subject to the approval of the State Treasurer. Independent telephone manufactur ing interests have organized to fight the Bell company with a trust of their own At a secret session at Chicago one day last week the ways were greased for the launching of a $7,000 . 000 combine. County Superintendent Gibson, of Ebensburg, has been busy of late mak- ing his regular anpual visit to the pub iie schools of the county. le reports an increase of more than 10 per cent in the namber of pupils in attendance. Johnstown Tribune Mr. T. H. Heist bas sold the Bolton house in Harrisburg He will reside in this place during the coming sam mer, and may make Ebensburg his " peemanent home, a fact which will be pleasing information for our people. —Fbensburg Tribune W. KE. Probert has been chosen by Patton Fire Company No. | as a dele gate to attend the Firemen's State Convention to be held at Lancaster this year. Frank Anderson wis chosen as a delegate to attend the District Con. vention to be held at Tyrone some time in June. James Meehan, of Spangler, has re. signed his position of mine foreman with the Morrisdale Coal company, near Carrolltown, and accepted a posi- tion with the Blacklick Coal Mining company at Twin Rocks. Daniel Camp- the yn i: quality of bell, of Barnesboro, has accepted the foremanship of the Wigton mines near Carrolitown. --Ex. H.T. Peters, proprietor of the City Restaurant, besides having made many improvements in his place of business on Fifth avenue, has placed in the cafe department a very handsome hard- wood partition asad glass covered shelves. He is now ready to look after the wants of the bungry in an opto. date style. OICKERS IN DIRT. ves ee Desde Recorded at Kbensburg np to Date Friday. Mareh 23 Charles M. lette ot ux to H T Peters, Patton; conmderation, $1,150 John Rabus ot ux to Martin Shallz, Gallitzin borough, $1,000. Daniel T. James, by the sheriff, to Evan D. Evans, Barr, $100. Fvan D. Evans to Mary E. James William Edmiston et ux to Fbens- burg B. & L. Association, Barnesboro, $i. William Durbin to lucy Darbin, Washington, $100. Cal! en or address FP Fon, John Dunlap, by the sheriff, to Mag dalene Dunlap, Spangler, $30. John Asheroft et ux et al to Conrad Wendroth, Cresson, $150. Mary Etta Kline et vir et al to Mary A. Gates, White and Clearfield, $1. E C. Brown et ox to George J. Fitz patrick, Patton, $40. Arvilla V. Miller et vir to Cyrus Oud- royd, Patton, $490. John LL. Yeckley et ux to William Yeckiey, Patton, §7,000. Are Yomr Nerves Weak? - If they are your blood is out of onder. Yon need a nerve remedy and blood cleanser. real cures to ita credit than any rem- edy known. Dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation will wreck the nerv- ous system if left alone long enough Try this great remedy and get cured. Samples free Large packages 25 cents. Sold only by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Properly For Sale. A Groom plank house, lot 80X56 with good celiar and weil, sitoate on Linwood Ave., will be sold at a bargaic. P. Ivory, Pat Pa. 1813 Hove and Let For sas A Zstory frame house in Patton, 18x24 with ane story Riteheo addition 11x18 and lof, will be sold for $270 cash. Call on or address John Pastor, West me Beech avenas, Patton, Pa 1713 The Place 1a Buy. The place to buy your nice fresh ‘meat of all kinds is at our new market on Fifth avenue, next to Central hotel. ar you call once you will call again, Ev erything first-class. CroOK & McTiGETT, People's Meat Market. Barr's Celery Sarsapariiia gives the best results and has more WHAT SHALL WE DO? A serious and dangerous disease pre | valle in this country, dangerous becanse | . 80 deceptive. [It comes on so slowly | yet surely that it is often firmly seated before we are aware of it. ! The name of this disease which may | be divided into three stages in, First, Of Pattom Borough Minreh dh, 1800 Statement of the financial condition of Patton Borough for the vear endiog | Ridney trouble, indicated by pain in| March 4th, 159%. the back, rheumatism, lumbago, fre. gqoent desire to arinate, often with a bnrning sensation; the Aow of arine being copious or scant with strong From If allowed to advance, this reaches the Second stage, or Blad8er trouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen low down between the navel and water passage, increasing desire 10 urinate, with scalding sensation in passing, small quantities: being passed with dif- ficuity, sometimes necessary to draw it with inwtroments If arie acid or gravel has formed, it will prove dar erous if neglected. The Third stage is Bright's Dieu There is comfort in knowing Kilmer, the great kidney specialist, has discovered a Hemed famous for ite marvelous cures of most distressing cases and Known a Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. It is sold by all droge As a proof of the tal virtues of this great remedy, Swamp Hoot, sample bottle and book of valoable information will be sent absolutely free by mail on application to Dr Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. ¥ When writing kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the PaTronCot Riki #o Fe al i AY} ane & As the season of the vear when prey monia, lagrippe, sore throat, con eolde, ontarrh, bronchitis nung tronbles are to be guanded against, nothing a fine suhatitante will Hanswer the purpose,’ good’ as One Minate cough « is the one infullable remady f jung, throst and bronchial troubles Insist vigorously om having it if “some. thing eine” is offered you CW Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Zhe and “ig an That or Im Chast Lyre - Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the Fng. likh Baptist charch at Minersville, Pa when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Charhbeslain’s Pain Baim. Hesays: “A few applications of this liniment proved of great serv. ioe to me. I sobdaoed the inflamma tion and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Baim & trial it will please me" Por sale by Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins The Claims Our Upon your interests are manifold. In every way pos- sible we try to make agreeable place for all, espec- tally to the ladies, to do ther shopping in. “Sawing Wood.” One way to keep a store 1s to say a good deal about it. Another way simply to make a store as good as pos sible. Give the best 1a that can be sold fort Give attentive service— people night — say thin; and “saw wood.” This ist sort of advertising we like best and follow most closely. 18 op jy ny 4 LE avs ic pI ICE. m S 1 i : WE KEEP EVERYTHING 11 ii To be found 3 class up-to-date i era such as Drv Goods, Groceries, p rices to Shoes, and at ‘purse. If You're in a Hurry For ( . there's al- (s roceries it an a i (my Drapiicate of 80 * * “* ioe ® TR. fnew und b- “9 3 i. Blew Attorney, Avett Boast wal ix 4 Me oy Ja rw fines From 5m. Ais $4 x6 x Meivay, J.P i a2 mrnte Tas, Forelg ny Ha! Twas Treas Wi dW IY siva reaper nts. Te Orders Paid for Police Services, 2m 2 $y 3 “Fray bail WAR www Fon i Tek Vidor Tay ar. w 4 Pestrpet! 3 ] ev A $i § ache dram ty Par Al igewmd = Puen i ia 3 Jones, m pRcEeng » 8) 4, fam x Hewlett 44 Wm Meorueryilie a Y Comes. Bt yovintioas ta Fon ety Marks John Watkins Frwwly shat Jon £10K pcs. Tenaupns., Vihar Faver Wa Laces Jams Mugiligan Janes Plate Com E Jones, $60, we a fawn} vREST a Faw Thomas EER Jobin Biller WJ Daonnediy Pan! Nor Howard! Woniner Adsdiph Hother Worm, ios Wis Tritmiaih Caen, Torn pues Bi = E dones, $0800 Int Fw HE IS WF darken “He Askosipds Holler = 0 Win Trimhaih HW Wl Finler HH, How io? Mollom Wawimser Fak Walks J — Me Dy 2 ans Tuernns A cded phy Hatte W Pda kaon % FF Letes pens, Togas poo sph Hother -, » al Bed H A Wi Hhierow colysy anne He wand Wow Fo, aed Watkins 850 Watkins, Sas ways a free delivery wagon at. €1m our door ready to bring th tin vil L Miners Store (o., Oppo. Hotel Pattou. . Kissy os ems, WA Te Order paid far Aaaditing a. Hittet Sole WA Mein U A Repshier. interest paid on | Exonenations every Isis Salada pr dhe ari To Orders pid Bor Ex- i Nan 47, {IE Cw Pe — Soman aoa, § aw : i% For the Your Ending | Lom Be is cawisis BHD mw RF Snckeon. i 8 BD Fo Cimber paid of Sewer Aoed, y 381 dF i. Bown, 8 AT jee (would A Ber $A int. Ba Hope ASP 5 : L (youll & Boraer, eam, Int Fas, Want Peweh A ve CAT, IMT Pal uy Mga a Ef Li oe ‘ 2%. pa, ¥ * i - #4 ¥ i, Ai EEE uAkRLE Pirders ji for Water _— wu Water {a REE Water {ou Byse 9 WER 5 Crnderw paid for Privting i Patio a - Fowl Avs Newer Aoed Thee Photon Pa in 4, [Patton Pal oS 5 $a ¥ He ui Pate Pols fv Pak ih # A Bow (ierkal; 3 PT whe { gPewaLe rier pws Pow EW $ # & “4 OE a Wo Sree Mines! inndons Omiter paid Es Lg» ¢ own £1 £1 Awan, pe Forest 1 een BEd, Ine J & i » | ak % H &ndfd, tran ¥ " 2 Tax Bowed OSE fi. Bow Seddd car re YL emia, On Vie mand Phillips iS eH Soaneryiibe, taraes, £ mos’ airy | AR Tat oe 24 ins, HK. MePherson mading Poo Daplenis A fr Sang dup bool ’ Woakiand Porow 5H hire , ibs 3 OO Peter, Bag, Jrbenomry ries i* B © Waren einige of owrd po 45, Pe FO Guinn, ad) hmniing i, DER R Soemervitie At tore 8 rooe’ salary 47 phe John Nagle 1 je Rewse & Liovd Am romges Lo hore oe Interest mud £ aw pede Ton I oterent Craipone paid Tremaatcrers omaission J Per dent, Benotirone., ae Trois « county Tremaine, Paowmmes § Loge Poamy 4 unty Casein wievmvees as Slboww 3 aE - bE #0 oe oR Pass fam Resell and Fifth A veiiien Mewes Pre fours Bowie Ave Sewer '" “ Omdiers OmiTataand. ing for Sones WT Page Pron Odors Ostatand ing Bar Bones 108 ae fram Propdicnte 1887 ES 4 “a - - Taabilities $s 8 2 Tm sr 0 ssatmtdndding Canders Hhonwdn atstanding Statement Tux Collevior $e a Eo Se IH Jaton Medbon, Tay Duplioaty WT aK Paid Barosgh Tras £ 4 8 Falun ion dae Hoo - a ee - wed £00 w £3] Wom EY Fames Medlon Tax Du Paid by Boe Treas ts | Rebwle to SExpayars, 5 per sem on $1114 Amt retarned to Kbenabaryg + 74 "Tae joer pint Odi or bandon On $oilies Friow or all com mmuimsion on Wie ami collected at i Rite Five per csnt commission on IR aml araed io Ebenabiarg 2A alarms [ge Boeo mn Eas Wa, the aoondersigned Auditors of Patton Borough, do hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing ac counts of receipts and expenditures, ete, of Patton Borough for the year ending March 4th, 1398, and found the same to be true and correct (0 the best of our knowledge. W. A. MELLON, § C. A. REPsHER, H 8S Lavoie, |} Anditom I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. | was able to be around all the time, but constantly suffering. [had tried everything | could hear of and was at last told to try Chamberfain’s Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short dme cured. 1 am Bappy to say that it has not since returned. - Josh, Edgar, Germantown, Cal For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CU. W. Hodg- kina To Rema Ernst Broer, the photographer, who has his gallery located on the corner of Fourth and Magee avenues, near rail- road station wishes to inform the public that he can now be found in his gallery day in the week to await on those who wish work done. Prices are reascnable and all work guaranteed. 1 Mere Regialacly J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo, conductor on electric street car line, writes that his ttle daughter was very low with croup, and her Lie saved after all phy- sicians had failed, only by using One Minute cough cure. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Remember if vou want to save money buy your goods at the Cash Grocery. Fresh tleh and Oysters at the Cash
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers