The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 23, 1899, Image 7
Opera House. 3 i & § a : | The 31st of this month is Good Fri- | Courier. aw | , Mrs. H. Atkinson is it! at her home “on Lang avenue. Are we going to have a 4th of Juiy | celebration this year? A most complete line of summer | corsets at Mrs. Dartta : A choice line of confections, nutes and fruits at the City Restaurant. W. R. Haghes came down from the county seat one day last week. Did you see the beantifnl giassware given as premiums at the (ash Gros ery. The building prospects for Patton the | coming spring and summer promises to be fair. Henry Kirk, one of Carroll town. ship's prominent farmers, visited Pat- ton Monday. : P. looking after business interests in our town Monday. Father McCraron, pastor of the Catholic church at Chest Springs, in eritically ill of pneumonia The citizens of Ebenaburg are “kick- ing’ for a new railroad station at that place. Well, it is needed badly: ditto at Patton. A bran new boy arrived at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. GG. CU. Yeager on Magee avenue Tuesday morning. Miss Nell Stewart, of Huntingdon, returned home Satarday after spending several weeks visiting Mrs. J. E Par nell on Palmer avenue J. A McWilliam, W. W. Davis and The work of paving Magee avenue H. 8. Kifer, all of the flooded city, will commence in about s month. ‘Johnstown, were among the many The paper with the largest circula- visitors to Patton Monday. tion pays the best. —Printer's Ink. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers and three Snnrise prayer meeting at the M. E. children, of Mountaindale, Pa. visited church at 6 o'clock next Sunday morn- Mra. Myers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing. | Geo. Boone, the first of the week. Por fine canned peaches, apricots, Blair Curry, the baggageman on the pears and cherries go to the Cash Ebensborg Branchof the P. R. R., who (irovery. recently sustained a painful injury by F. W. Bailey, of Welsboro, Pa, vis stepping apon a nail, is again at his ited in Patton a few days the first of post of daty. : the week. . 8. W. Eddy, who is managing the store for the J. FE. Kirk Hardware company at Windber, Pa, spent Sun. day and Monday with his family on Beech avenue. Patton Lodge, No. 1080, 1. 0.0. F., atton | AAA hs PATTON PUBLISHING C0., Proprietors. F.oWiLL GREENE, Editor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. (ine copy. one year, in advance, . R100 Sr Advertising rates made Known pon ap or No ra discontimesd until all arrear - are Pont, aniess al the option of the r=. Entered at the Postoffoe at Patton as second: clans mall matter : From LL. A. W. Bolletin. A “make-up” woman from a rain Wiki harry fit to Ki For it slie doesn't ron "Ue plain That her complexidn will Here's & thing which we capi unread el, It's very patplexing yom, very Omar paper and envelopes travid, And yet, they remain Stationary, Next Sunday is Easter. Soon time to clean your back yard. Resurrect the Patton Board.of Trade. Trout season opens Saturday, April, 15th. Don’t forget Abor Days, A Now is the time to do your spring. advertising. For gootl, pure ice cream go to the City Restaarant. Ladies’ jacket suite from $6.00 to $14.00 at Mrs, Dartta. Plant shade trees in front of your property on Arbor Days. All the very latest things in silk waist patterns at Mrs. Dartts. J. H. Ross, of Ridgway, made our town a visit one day last week. pril 7th Andrew Lantsy, of Hast | ings, drove to our town Tharsday of last week. : Have you seen the fine line of ladies fancy ties at Mrs. Roohk’s store they are dandies. will elect new officers for the ensuing term at their regular meeting to be : i Ly So. held this Thursday: evening in the Ah Good building. It ian't too late yet to chronicle the arrival of a bran pew son at the home : ay. of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Waltz, of Magee avenne, who made his appearance 1 ‘The intended trolley line scheme _. .. uw. weeks ago. © from Johnstown to Windber has dis : : \ There is strong talk of paving Fifth appeared in the clouds. ; 3 en AE 'avenne the coming summer. In all W.W. Kessler, who's now employed | ,,opopilitien a petition will be circu \ in & bakery at Altoona, spent Sanday ...4 very soon to ascertain whether it with bis family in Patton. ean be accomplished or not. | | Geax Boyan, of Glen Hops ren Wwe! Capt. Thomas Davis, 8. D. Lodwig, guest of brother y 08, 10% | George Kinkead and Jesse 8. Bolsinger, Cash Groceryman, Friday. all of the county hub, were in Patton : A special week of civic court opened Friday in the interests of the Ebens- at Ebensburg Monday morning with burg Building & Loan Association. rh gt no : Bishop Whitehead, of Pittaburg, will County Poor Director James Somer conduct confirmation services in St ville was in Patton Monday looking Thomas’ Episcopal church, Barnes after the wants of the needy. boro, on Tuesday evening, May 2d, Kid McCoy has won snother fight, when a class of 25 will be confirmed. having “bested” Choynski at San Fran- The best local talent has been secured cisco in 20 rounds Priday night. for the presentation of “A Noble Out The familiar face of W. A. Scanlan, cast’ at the Hastings Opera House on a commercial salesman of Johnstown, Wednesday evening, April 5th. It will : ‘was seen on our streets Tuesday. be for the benefit of the Hastings band. J. G. Solomon, of DaBols, who is also Our band, which made its second a taxpayer in Patton, was looking after public appearance on Friday night, business interests in town Monday. shows great improvement. The boys deserve credit and should be encour- Magee & Lingle are now shipping coal from their new mine, Pardee Col- | aged. — Hastings Correspondent to liery No. 4, located near St. Boniface. Tribune. 8. M. Wilson, David Wilson and R.' J. E. Martin, an experienced drug- B. Chambers are taking a tour through gist of Jersey Shore, has taken charge a portion of the state of West Virginia | of the Corner Drug Store, which was this week. conducted by H. D. Hasson, deceased, Help a good cause by buying a ticket and opened the doors for business which is sold in the interest of Harry 1Uo8day. _ Brobin, who, some time ago, had both | Thos. Nagle, one of Clearfield town. legs amputated. ship's enterprising farmers, was circu. She#iff Wertz, accompatied by Jailer Iating among friends in Patton Monday Ed. Knee, escorted six persons from and while in town gladdened the hearts the county jail to the western pen. of the printers by paying for his paper 43 itentiary one day last week. for another year. : . ; A German doctor named Falb has ad] Jou ec job Printing | predicted that the world will come to COURIER. Nothing but first-class work | *P end in 1999, on the afternoon of the ted to. m {13th of Nov., between the hours of 2 lo pes to go out of ‘and 5 o'clock. He announces that on enjoyable evening is assured all ,, ,.. .;.4 ot the hour announced our who attend “A Noble Outcast” at the jittle er will be “crushed, burned, Hastings Opera House W ¥ annihilated by a monstrous comet evening for the benefit of the Hastings 1, enormous firey tail will en band. J Louis H. Kilbourne, a young attorney of Welsboro, Tioga county, is visiting friends in Patton this week. He was a pleasant caller at the COURIER office Monday. W. Derringer, one of BSpangler's prominent citizens, made our town a ¥ < * velop us." CASTORIA For Infants and Children ‘The Kind You Have Always Bought » | s.0 {sn the water, Drggett, house, accompanied by his cousin, Mr. | RE. Urell, of Tioga, Pa, who has been his guest during the past ten days. left Tuesday for a visit among frier.ds at Bellefonte, Pa ; Eleanora. above Punxsutawney, probably has the largest giant in the United States, in the person of “Col.” Cooper. His hight is eight feet four inches, and he weighs over 300 pounds He is a foreigner, but became a citizen of the United States by taking cut papers at Brookville a few days ago. Cooper travels with a show in the sum- mer and males his home at Eleanora in the winter, Robert and Thomas Barckiey, the two young sons of Jas Barckley, of whom the Courier made mention of as traveling all by themselves from Patton to England, where they were to make their future home with their grandparents, arrived at their destina- tion 0. K. They were just one week Their mother left Tues day, for Clearfield, where she expects to her make future home. The Cambria Chemiecdl company, whose plant at Nant-y-Glo manufact- ares crade wood aleohol, charecal and brown acetate of lime, is now shipping ahant a car load of its product each week. The plant, which employs 25 men. cost $20,000. The members of B. Cosgrove, of ( mllitzin, Was tye company are Capt Tom Davis, COMD Joseph A. Gray, J. G. Lloyd, D. A. McGough and C. A. Sharbaugh. They have a standing order for all the chem. cals they can produce. Out For With Easter Speaals in Ladies’, Misses’, Men's, Boys and Children’s Shoes. We have actually the finest lines of ladies’ Misses’ and Children's Shoes ever dis played by us. That means in Patton, as we aim and claim to be at the top. If vou don’t believe it ask your neighbor. Our line of Men's Fine Shoes can't be touched for beauty, styles and at the price, 1.08 to 81.48. CLOTHING. We made a special purchase little fellows’ suits for our of Easter trade and they are all ready for sale. Just came in Tuesday last The price within all—1.48 to $3.48 Our boys' pants suits are also ready. Lots of new styles to select from. Prices from 31.48 to 8.48. MEN'S SUITS—Bv tar the largest stock in town. All good uptodate styles and made to wear and fit, prices right. NOW ABOUT FURNISHINGS AND HATS Have you seen our shirts, our new neckwear or our new styles of hats? Well, you are behind the crowd if vou haven't as we have and are selling plenty every day Have 5 new collars—very latest designs too. Here is a flyer Those Chicago styles in collars are here, 15¢ 2 for 25c¢. The very latest styles and hobbies. You always get the latest and best here; so come —you are invited—cordially reach of | .+ 1k JiiN ¥ sold st - - ok We are opposite the Bank on the right side of street. The Keystone Clothing and Shoe (o., Pay the printer. Gr Wail paper at Fisher's 3i cents roll. For Easter? THE NEW SHOE. [ast year's shoes are not what you want Juy the new ’gg shoes. They are up-to-date, and you will start out wearing them prejudiced in their ight and We claim ie iowest tor Buy with us. favor. They are made righ will sold right. that ofir prices ar equal quahty, | claim that We, tociu f fer tO T- fund the money S he a y fired as good shoes elsewhere at a lower price NEVER i: the history of the PATTON SUPPLY CO. has there been shown such an uptodate, stylish and lete line of NEW SHOES as now displayed here. Don’t Buy Your Shoes anti} you see our line. We have the best and largest line of shoes to select from. Come and see for yourself Our prices are the lowest. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? The “Sorosis.” e Sorosis. THE $3.50 SHOE FOR WOMEN. We are sole agents for this shoe. The modeling and draughting of “‘Sorosis” shoes, as well as certain peculiarities in construction, prevent that common trouble, the flattening of the arch of the foot. They support the instep and make walking easy and graceful. “Sorosis” is the only Shoe ever manufactured for woman practically, mechanically and hygienically rfect, and 1s superior to any other shoe you can purchase, no matter what the price. No better shoe is made. “Sorosis’ is a revelation in footwear, and has became the standard of the world. They are worn by the most fashion. able ladies of the large cities. What is more attractive than a handsome foot? “Sorosis” will make yours so, po matter what size you wear. Dainty shod are those who wear “Sorosis.” New Shoes For Boys and Girls. The famous Hill & Green line. No better line of shoes was ever put on the market. Over £2,000 worth of children’s shoes alone to select from. Mothers it will pay yout and see them. ation 1} 2 Cais New Shoes For Babies. One of the largest and prettiest lines ever showed in Patton. We have ther in all colors. We have shoes for all-Men, Women, Boys, Girls and Babies in Tan and Black, all styles, at 15c to $3.50 per pair. ren A N WE HAVE THEM. Come and See Them WASH GOODS Madras, Ginghama, Percales, Dim- ition, Zepiirys, Busine, Organdies, Lawns, Pi iin all colors), Ribbons (the yery latent) aces and Embroideres (over faoo worth to eslect from |. Helts in all colors and stylea. This De has budded out in all its spring love. linesa. There is a revelation of beauty and newness coming to hand. @ are showing the vanguard of things that are fashionable and : will be wor by | ladies of good taste in all of the large cities this season. No end of new things in this line, and to our large assortment we add the - additional inducements of low prices that can’t be approached elsewhere. Leave your laundry with Scheid & Wilkins For cod-fish, mackerel and herring 20 to the Cash Grovery. Call on Ernst Broer the photo grapher, corner of Fourth and Mages avenues, : Millinery opening Wednesday and Thursday, March 20th acd th, at Mrs. Darts Ladies aprons, wrappers snd suse bonnets at Mrs Roohk's store opposite Good building. Call at the People’s Meat Market, next to the Central hotel for nice fresh meats of ail kinds 17tf You cannot do better than to call on Gould & Beever for first-class plumbing, ole. Patimateos freely given 44tf For the nicest and freshest meats in Patton go to Hepburn Meat Market, opposite Commercial hotel. Meat will he sold to suit your order. “Give me a iver regoiator and I can regulate the world,” ssid a genio The droggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fame ous little pills. ¢. W. Hodgking Pat ton Pharmacy. Geo. B. Second, the well-known con. tractor of Towanda, N. Y., says: “1 have osed Chamberiain’s congh Reape ody in my family for a long time and have foond it soperior to any other.” Por sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. Branch ia Pelion. H. J Easley, undertaker and em- baimer of Hastings, has established a branch at the J. BE. Kirk Hardware company's store, where all calls will receive prompt attention. The very latest and most modern methods ased. Property for Sale A valnable property, consisting of a good 3-story frame building used as a store and residence, with first-class base- ment, sitoated on Fifth avenue. Splen- did well on premises. Also good oat buildings. Will be sold at a resasooable figure. Call on or address , JOURN (JAGLIARDI, Patton, Pa Chamberiain's Coagh Remedy This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooplog cough and influenza. It has become famous for ite cares of these diseases, aver a large part of the civilized world, The most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of ite good works; of the aggravating sad persistent coughs it has cured; of se vere colds that have yieided promptly to in soothing effects, and of the dang- erous sttacks of eroop it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cough has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous consequences. [tises pecially prised by mothers for thelr children, as it pever fails to effect & speedy cure, and because they have 15112 found that there is not the least danger in giving it, even to babies, as it con tains necting injurious. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, U. W. Hodgkins For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin diseass, and especially piles, DeWitt's Witch Hasei Salve stands first and best. Look out for dis honest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. [U's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are pot imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. CW. Hodgkin, Patton The Busy StOre sass This Bedroom Suit Only $15.00. 1 § I sell a 20-year gold filled case and an American move- ment guaranteed for [ guarantee two years. Rive Fine Furniture in every conceivable pattern to suit all tastes. A short | time spent looking over our line will convince you that we have the goods jand sell at prices that catch the orders, § ‘Undertaking, Embalming, Etc, Etc., Promptly attended to. All modern methods used The best of satisfaction guaranteed. H. S. BUCK, Next to Hotel Patton, you my with this watch and it 1s also guaranteed bv the manufacturer. Conte in and see 1t. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. Pharmacy. A Great Surprise Is in store for those who have not tried the healing virtues of Gray's Ralsam. It is sold on a postive guar antee to cure you. Why suffer ag irri. tating cough when you can cure your self easily and promptly by this remedy. For sale only by C. W. Hodgkins, Pat ten Pharmacy. Not one child dies where ten form. erly died from croup. People have learned the value of One Minute cough cure, and use it for severe lung and throat tronbles. It immediately stops coughing. It never fails. C. W. Hodge kins, Patton Pharmacy. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a Scent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrap of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a Z-cenb bottle to prove satisfictory or money refunded. ¢. W. Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy -2t28 : For a yuick remedy and one that perfectly safe for children let us recom- mend One Minute cough cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tick- ling in the throat and coughs ©. Ww, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Good whiskey is both doctor and tonic. Better looking than many doctors, better tasting than all medi cines. For general family use, nothing squals whiskey and Harper Whiskey is pre-eminently the family a A i Ww Daggett, Patton, Pa If you have « cough, throat irritee tion, weak Jungs. pain in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarse ness, let us suggest One Minute cough cure. Always relinhie and safe ©, oad DY Ls |v Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.