THE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 30, 189. i RE ME Yatton Courier. Politics Independent. Interests surrounding Cogntry. Motto. All and Malice Toward None, Patton and He fustioe to PATTON PUBLISHING CO.. Proprietors. E Wins greeye, Editar. ESTABLISHED 1893, ‘You have used all sorts of cough reme- | dies but it does not. ; it is too deep seated. It may wear | it is more liable to; produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri- ous throat affection. al 3 3 scor?’3 80 WE: Chemises New York. Tm almost a Sally occurrence of iste to see pigs, of the original type; rutining at large on our public thor. | oujthfares, Now, if the High Con- | stable-elect does not propose to act in that capacity, it is the duty of oor good show of election. The abler poli- ticians realize this fact, and are quietly | placing his merits before the men who | will have the voting to do in conven tion, although they realize fully that it the convention were to be held now, nated.” BRING EVERY MAN BACK. President McKinley's determination that every volunteer soidier in Cuba shall be returned to the United States | American. Efforts have been made in some official quarters to make light of country to hold np the honor of the nation, and though enlistment was Mr. Bryan would certainly be nomi. before the yellow fever season sets in | will meet with the hearty approval of | the American people says the North: the impending danger, but in this senti- | ment the President does not share. | There remain 16,000 volunteers in Cuba. They entered the service of the made for two years, the understanding | A rs AB 3 Cm A RA a i | ha rk Bs A ri BON TON Millinery Opening fof other persons for pleasure or busi THURSDAY, FRIDAY High class Millinery Low Prices. | was that at the end of the war they, i would be permitted to return to their 'a country to which they are pot accli- | mated during the yellow fever season would be unjust. The American people, willing at all | times to offer life and treasure in de- fence of the nation, revolt at the use- less sacrifice of a single man. THE RICHEST NATION. il homes. To compel them to remain in itself out in time, but i | The United States constitute the AND SATURDAY. —~atP at Our Usual No pains have been too great to make our Millinery Department up-to-date in been spared in our newest and brightest i richest nation on the globe. Mullhall | furnishes these figures: 1 900,000; France, $47,950,000,000; Aus tria, $22,560,000,000; Italy, $15,800,000, |000; Spain, $11,300,000,000. These computations are based npon values as shown by real estate records, buildings, | | merchandise and railways, as well as i the cirenlating medium in each nation. { —— i ! For a first-class lunch go to the City Restaurant. ; hu East's New Religious Figure, {of the man most immediately promi. United States, 1 | $81,750,000, 000, Great Britian, $59,080, . The policy of The Ladies’s Home (Journal in i's religious department, | seefns to be always Lo engage the pen charge of present Season eminently patrons and we hope you will ca out the Season. | nent in the eyes of the religious world. { Thus it has had the services of Mr. ueacti, Doctor Talmage, Doctor Park: | burst, Ian Maclaren, and now it will : have those of Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, America and European artiste, person of Miss Carr, safely say that the secured the servic qualified every particular and money has not «fort to secure the production of ie in the will wh 3 have the trimming during the We helieve we can 3ON TON has f es of a lady who 1s to please Our 1 i ‘and see the work she will display during the opening days and through. Hats Trimmed Free ‘the new pastor of Plymouth charch in | | Brooklyn. Doctor Hillis has given the | | Journal a series of articles upon which | he had been working for over a year { previous to his eastern call, and the first of these articles will be published in the next issue of the magasine. The | meries is all connected in thought, and | | presents the general subject of “The Secreta of a Happy Life.” Council to appoint a man who will look | after the work prescribed by aw for him to do. to exist. It is a detriment to any | town to allow such a public nuisance Tax Military Court of Inquiry has returned to Washington, where the lant witnesses will be heard. Nobody has any authority to say what the re- post of the court will be, but the impression is general among those wbo have closely followed the testimony, that it will justify every charge made by General Miles about bad beef being | furnished the army, and that it will reo- ommend one or more court-martials of it, for as Commissary General, bo isthe ~ man who must be held responsible, although the real fanit may have be- _ longed to some of his subordinates. NEws is what you want and if you read the COURIER you can bs sooom- modated. We are quite frequently asked to publish gossip and fact are ~ asked to fight personal battles for part jes who don’t care a snap whether we loose or gain friends in the operation, | Children’s bat we wish to again inform the *“al- “ways-got-a-grievance’’ class of people _ that we are publishing a purely local newspaper and will not use its columns to spit out our or your spite on sup- posed enemies. In the first place it would not be a fair procedure, and secondly, the people who pay $1.00 per | “year for the news and not for “gush” | 3 would be cheated or swindled, as it were, and we would be liable to arrest, don’t you know, for “false pretense.” Any person who subscribes to the COURIER with any other purpose in view can bave his money cheerfully" refunded and his name dropped from ~ ourlist. We are endeavoring to pub- lish a newspaper in all that the name : implies. The last invoice of Clothing to be sold in Patton. Now, this 1s your last chance to buy Fine Tailor. Made Clothing for mo Spring and Summer for Little money and, this is the finest line of Men, Boys anc Suits ever displayed in your city. Come early as they will be sold so cheap that they will not last long and our ends Apnl 3d. Thanking vou for sale’ your kind patronage ‘during our business ‘career In your city we AB MOST men approve of a man re- | remain your | turning a blow for a blow, there is little personal criticism of Mr. Bryan's rebuff and arraignment of Mr. Bel. mont, of New York, in connection ‘with the much-talked-about §10-a-plate | Jefferson dinner, but many men who sapported Mr. Bryan in '06 regard it as avery bad break politically, and are 3 i i i i i Humble Servants, MORRIS & DAU already at work in the interest of other | {| candidates. One of these is ex-Repre-| { el re Bing; of Usk, who said on ow i 3 i counTERFE woneY AFLOAT Cireninted at Altoons and Joknatawn Other Pinces Flooded. The Tribune of Johnstown says that counterfeit dollars, bearing dates of 11879, 1882, and 1884, have made their appearance in a pgmber of towns in Pennsylvania. They have such a good ring that bank officials who sent some | of the dollars to the National Treasury | | for examination think the coins con- tain more silver than the genuine | { money. Nome of the banks will re- ceive dollars bearing the above dates ‘until the matter Is investigated by the Secret Service agents. A poorly executed counterfeit quarter erroniecusly paid into the State Treas is in circulation in and arcand Altoona It is not st all hard to detect. Itis about the size of a quarter, but bears nostamp on its face and has no milling {on ite edge. It is simply a smooth, | round THE BON TON. New Laws Fassed. The following bills became laws SRatarday by receiving the approval of Governor Stone at Harrisburg. Making Constables of boroughs and townships ex-officio Fire, Game and | Fish Wardens, and prescribing their | doties, fixing their foes as Wardens, ‘and prescribing their punishment for failure to perform their duties. Appropriating $17,500 for the pay- ment of the deficiencias in the ap propriation to the Fish Commission for {the year beginning June 1, 1397, and ending May 21, 1809. Authorizing the State Treasurer to give credit for or refund certain taxes ary. Abolishing Boards of Health in cities of first-class; also establishing Bureaus of Health in citien of the first-clasa. piece of metal, 80 near the size And sive of + quarie Shak 1 passes or such. This new piece, which is ‘evidently of German silver, is a trifle thinner than the genuine quarter. Bepresentatives of balf dollars, pure load, are being passed off on unsuspect- ing people in Johnstown. The following is taken from the Osce- | ‘ola Leader-Courier: “A remarkably good counterfeit of the half dollar of 1898 is being extensively circulated. ‘The coin is slightly lighter than the ' genuine, but it rings clear and pare. It can be detected, however, from the fact that in the figures of the date the open work part of the figures, which are depressed in the genuine, are ele- vated in the spurious coin, owing to improper cutting of the die.’ Au Easter Souvenir. An FEastertide treat will be given everybody who gets next Sanday's Philadelphia Presa (April 2:. From the splendid colored title page to the last page of humor, the magazine will be brimful of featares, which will at- There will be tract old and young. special treats in fiction. George R Simms, one of the most noted writers of to-day; Paul Laurance Dunbar, the negro sketch writer, and Fergus Hume, with his “Lady from Nowhere,” will contribute. Easter sentiment will pre with Easter bells and ‘ vade the whole, [Raster belles and Easter odes and er customs. Karl will give of his bw Frank GG. Carpenter will tell of {ensns Ofecers. There is no ase to apply for a census position as yet. The enumerators will he selected by the supervisors and these ! officers will not be appointed until De- ‘cember, 1806 The supervisors will get “only $1,000 and the enumerators, whose term of office will be limited to 30 dayw | duration will only get $150 each. The special pension agents will receive §6 per day, together with necessary trav- eling and other expenses while on the road and §3 while doing office work. Very few appointmenta we find will be made before June, 1000. Mend mo Money. Any reader of this paper can secure their choice of a sterling silver brace- let, a good watch or a solid gold ring with a diamond setting, by distributing flower seed coupons among their friends and acquaintances. Send your name and address with three 2c stamps to the American Seed Co, 335 Broad way, N. Y., today, and you will re- ceive a package of choice seeds, $1.00 worth of coupons, and full particulars. M. Comptroller Tracewell, of the treas- ‘ary, Friday announced a decision ! which will affect the salaries of many foarth-class postmasters throughout the country. The haa the effect of continuing the payment to them of the amount allowed under the other law tor the cancellation of stamps on newspaper periodicals, Will Interest Fourth © lane decision hjs travels, Anne Rittenhouse will have two bright pages for women, and there will be prizes for the quickly clever Be sure to get the Faster Press next | Bunday. Grocery for $10.00 than any place in | town. You can buy more goods at the Cash | | Mrs. Dartta. Finest shirt waists in town Mrs Roohk’'s at As you pass by take a peep in the [show window at the Uash Grocery. Miliinery opening Wednesday and { Thursday, March 29th ab vier from : $C ription amd 3th, at Ct 5 we i bi 53 Ble THE TWO HOUR TRAINS Metwonn Phiiudelphin and New York via Philndeciphia & Reading Railway. For luxarous, swift and at the same time perfectly safe traveling the above trains cannot be excelled, a special not- feature smoke, soot and cinders, the engines barning only hard coal. The intodac- tion of these trains by the Philadelphia & Heading was a great boon fo the business men of both eit and the patronage by this class of passengers has steadily increased an well as that iow, ness purposes. It is a common prao- tice by these travelers to Jeave home in Philadelphia after breakfast, and spending the day in New York retarn in time for 7 o'clock dinner. Pullman cars are attached ta all these trains, and the 730 a m toand 4 p.m. New York abi have Pollman Buffet parlor ear. To apecially accom. moddate the gentiemen the 8:30 a m. to and $30 p.m. from New York, also have a parlor smoking car attached. For time tables apply to any Phila. delphia & Reading ticket agent, or ack pest J. Weeks, (eneral Da ssenger Agent, Reading Terminal, hilndelphia Felson tures framed at Fishor's, L. W. COOK. { vet Yous pic OOR SPRING EXHIBITION Of new style millinery and fashionable goods of ev ery de- will be continued unt: Faster Monday. A visit to our store this week show you a beauti- ful display of everything you will need wear in Spring Sve er Wiiii to and summer at prices that will be sure to please you. Especially 1s our millinery charming and admitted to be the most attractive display in the city, and Prices Are Lower Than Others Ask. Tatlor-made suits are a fine specialty here. So are dress skirts, capes, jackets, fancy petticoats and silk waists. We are now having a special dis play of muslin underwear at very low prices. FEverthing selling at special prices, this, before Easter Week. If you cannot visit os Mail Orders will be promptly filled. Eleventh Ave. & Fleventh St. Altoona, Penna. is the entire absence of Tr i cough cure, ministers were | distarbed by coughing congregations. ‘Before the discovery of One Minute No excuse for it now. C. W. Hodge kins, Patton Pharmacy. We have just received a fall line of Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions and Groceries, And before purchasing elsewhere be sure to call on as--where Prices are the Lowest. Goods always fresh and up-to-date, and delivered free to all parts of town. H. REMKOS, Next to Baptist Church. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. We have the most complete stock of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria Over 100 new designs to select from. Prices from 33 to 50 ota per roll. Room Monidings from 3 to S cta 8 font, Wall Pockets, Piotures, Mouldings. Can make any sise Frame We also carry a foll line of Frames and | desired at the lowest prices. Old Frames cleaned and renewed. The Patton Wall Paper Store, S A. C. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, PENNA. Boarding House: PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria and Clearfield county people visiting Phila Vine Street, 7 é delphia will ind this a con venient and central location. Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. 1 YOU At neat and eae where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. That's the £ tii sort Have vou seen our | House we keep. ine of DRY GOODS? The finest it your purse. Aik tor St in this section and at prices When in town make our store Ve Lr welcome. eo. S. headquarters. : Grocery House where dilups look Call and be sure of it", You will be
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers