The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 23, 1899, Image 5

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thes Tailor-Made and be Well Dressed. Our Prices are the Lowest. DINSMORE BROS.
ord IRSA LR Bp os St ony as mn
nL H DIRL I . Held Monday Evening. March 27th. Litte | J 1 Have Resolved 1H Ask for an Advance mn Thepe IS anger
: Rusiness Transacted. j : all Kinds of Mining. {
Representatives of 56 mines in the |
3 resem
{ Our Borough law makers met in
Gleaned Here and There by | regular session in Council chambers in | Drawn by the Commissioners Centrai coal field met at Tyrone Satar-
‘Good building Monday night, March on Monday. and formulated & plan of action in:
| 27th, with the following members pres. . ‘reference to the insaguration of the
union scale of wages in all mines.
tarts ent as per roll call: President Hubbard, er
A STRANGER'S LETTER. : McCormick, Anderson, Campbell, Blair 2 DRAWN FROM PATTON Unies the operators agree to pay the
the “Courier” Reporter.
mss ‘and Winslow, Cordell being absent. | scale price of 45 cents per ton for mine |
: Will soon be here {Written fur the Hogs Fs. Argue Fram he minutes of regular meeting held ©co Hl. Carfman on Grand and John Yah- run, advance the rate of machine min-
you will want the very : Patiaw REEHs JI, YauY | Monday night, March 20th, were read Rel = Traverse, ing to 30 cents per ton and that of
shades of “| The following letter, written by RE. ng yonroved. The reports of stand. | I'he following are the members of the | punching machine work to 27 cents
Tiron | Urell, of Tiogy, Pa., who the COURIER | ing committees were then heard by the Grand and Traverse Jaries drawn per ton, as well a agree to a general
: mentioned in last week's issue was vis- : from North Cambria by the Jury Com- eight-hour work day, the men have re- |
ASTER DYES (iting his cousie, SO. Daggett, at the (on motion of Winslow snd seconded missioners on Monday for June term solved to strike April 1. :
Ad tL & : et Palmer house, appesred in the Tioga by Blair, it was unanimousiy carried | 0F tourt. | The convention was an harmonious
Argus of March 24th, and may be of 4). Clerk be instructed to notify sec- | Grand Jary ‘one and the business was transacted
and interest to many from the fact that We | roure of Board of Health to purchase Daniel Dumm, farmer, Carroll town- promptly, and it is said that the men |
all are anxious to know how strangers , g,jgahje badge for Health officer. ship. were never better organised and are
Ti Ls | view us when visiting here: The Clerk was instructed to notify (, Raphael Hite, farmer, Uarrall town- folly prepared to make a concerted
3 ster Novelties Patton, Pa., Merch 10, 1889. ww yp qoking to present in writing his Ship effort to improve their conditions
ied ; . Fditor Argus: 1 left Tioga for Pat Nambia asked asia George Lowmuaster. Jr.. farmer, Sus 3 ! ;
Sire } tom in the Fall Brook Thursday of application asking for permission to oe Ke ro ne Br, Jr. TArmer, ous New officers, to serve for a vear,
n via ¥ 1 ; it , ; +
oi! : | tap sewer on Beech avenue so the same GUebanna township. were elected Satarday. The new pres.
have them and just what 18st week at 8 a. m. This is not the sea- + ard along with others of like louis Deitrich, farmer, Chest twp. ident of the region, which is known as th the basin oy
: you want. | son to enjoy our route and one cannot natura. Joseph Lantzy, farmer, Elder town- District No. 2, United Mine Workers, | In ooling wit h : i Sits dl os a
{help but deplore the ¥holeunie vatane | The matter of taking action on the ship is W. B. Wilson, of Blossburg, TiORA | ror cere eh or Wo oki a ’
of ihe Soren which has left the su Noohan damage suit was held over till W. E. Glasgow, farmer Reade twp. county. George Harris, the former fal i Re (hor £ . %
i ii : hots imposing hill bare and desolute. Hat I fi 5 okF esting night Joseph Zerbw, farmer, Clearfield twp. resident will shablie ean inge the of a low price ! ar withoat thers ma
| SAAN ia 4 soon aft next regar meeting night ¥ y iH pre iy tinae the arantes of audlity Wa aranten
: ying . | did enjoy it nevertheless an SO) a “TF I'nder the Act of Assembly approved (ieorge H. Curfman, agent, Patton. work of organization in the region. The go our soi ¥ be 5 oh is onl :
laaving Ansonia in fancy | recicthed ,,,, 28, 1865, it is provided that an- Philip Flick, farmer, Allegheny !Wp. new vice-president is Bernard Rice, f Yor id che phe hae
SE . : ithe mountains and valleys, the hills... o be paid by the State Isadore Seymour, farmer, Allegheny of Brockwayville, and Richard Gitbert, may be sold cheaper, but they are
Have just received a full [and dales with their primeval forests 0 (1. Treasurers of the "WP of South Fork, was elected secretary. Cheaper.
line of i rich with Autumn's green and gold ; LT Te Eek . : treasurer. The exeomtive board is
HE | Ana wherever a mountain stream several cities and boroughs within the Traverse Jarary, Fie Wenn, composed of George Wilson, of Patton; -
: : BEE rT Commonwealth of Pennsylvania one- Thomas M. , Craver, farmer, Chest Simon Hartaborn, of Pilly; E. EE us FIRST
» ie yr Howes inte sim Dive Waters of Fine half of the net amount received from twp LC, Rendar, of Eik Lick; James | --
¢ 1... . 5 reek, or t valle wondened, mak: : Si 4 . 2 rove, of Muanson Station; Andrew
ishing I ackle, ing a pl nt rnd of vantage." * * the two per cent. tax paid upon prem-. (ieorge Kibier, farmer, Elder twp. Stoloty. of Hastings, and Tomi Moe | FOR
i 1 dimly : ber seeing Dr. De- ums by foreign fire insurance com- John Brown, hotelkeeper, Cresson rarity, of Oak Ran. :
hy Sg . i. y remem ng Mr. L nies. In view of this act the following twp. The district ambraces 14 counties, in
ing 0O0ads ‘Lancey at Slate Run and passed pas €itwp hich : \ ter
: A00QS, | Ante 4 |i. taken from the reports of the pro-. Harry Lioyd, merchant, Ebensburg. | ¥P¥ the organization has shout io Clothing, Gents
through Cammal, Blackwells ard Wat wedings of the Eighteenth Annual. A. P. Weakland, #chool teacher, pe wha Aggregate membe
Is, Bats, : le, but 8 oy pis : he yup Convention of the Firemen's Amocia- [Loretto F urnishings, Shoes,
: . sted n SurS Sone i Tt an Ap Renee tion of the State of Pennsylvania held KE. C. Dull, clerk, Gallitzin twp. Young Folks’ Tafly Party Etc.. Ete
Etc an intrusion upon th ya huts at Wilkes-Barre, Pa, October 6th and ~~ John Yahner, merchant, Patton. The following little girls were guests Ad fr hie
: : red man's domain. Conductor Me. 8th. 1897: of their schoolmate. Mable Whar |
Cannion called out Jersey Shore and 1 emer. John Ricketts, farmet, Heade twp. ; e Dooimnte, Ma harton, |
BreeY Nom “Piremen will hereby request of WW. Hughes, farmer, Munster twp. at Hotel Patton Satarday afternoon, Wolf & Thompson
was rudely awakened from my dream (ggncils to pass such ordinances nec. | : “eam Where they were invited to atten : yyy
of life ae it i acl Ww ey a i! Herman Diehl, engineer, Cresson y Eo to attend a
was in the ancie 00d- essary to have the amounts receiv twp. taffy pulling party: Mamie Jones,
5 wn. We left here by the «h by the Treasurer of their City or Bor- s.r "
land wayn e left bere by Beec pen in socardance with rh Ad of Traverse Future. Boson Week. Josephine Smith, LaRae Winslow,
Oreek at 3:25 and was delayed by a ee re
. % at M ov. Bot ye Dat. | Assembly, approved June 29th, 1895, |) 1. Hinder, merchant, Hastings. Agnes Donnelly, Rachael Sandford,
wreck ahaff Ys reaching : to the Treasurer of your Relief Hmbra Weskiand Eide Eleanor Witman, Annie Mellon, Anna
ton till nearly midnight. In covering Association, when orgsuised, and we and, farmer, Blder twp. | 1, oily, Iona Sandford, Magy Wit-|
212 miles to reach here have passed would refer you to a decision given Wesley Whiled, farmer, Sasque- :
re 2 I by Chief J : Sterrett, ut Pi rg. hanna twp. man, Bertha Mellon and Lacy Mellon. |
"no D np i thro tions of Tio Lycoming, ; ‘ :
n Phar macy. | Hevagt EC Dey cos 8: October 11, 1897, which delegates tbe 1), Myers, hotelkoeper, Ashville Games and music were also enjoyed by | |
: : iright of Councils to make such ap- Gibt the little guests, and after thanking
Cambria county you will notice is propriation.” anry Gibbonm, laborer, Ashville. their hostess for the good tine spen
Headquarters for pretty well south Ly west. HBomerset This matter was held over by Coun. Joseph Kibler, blacksmith, Hastings. | = _. , ah ho ti h
: borde he’ John Thompson, clerk, Ebensburg. pa or their homes with a sparkle
county, directly south, rsont cil for further investigation. ! of genuine delight in ‘their innocent
a 2 . x : Maryland state line, and is chiefly re- On motion of Blair and seconded by eC J. Troxell, clerk, Reade twp. Leyes, which is. almont indescribable in
Medicines, Chemicals, | markable for ita maple sugar and the McCormick, it was unanimously car. M. McKenrick, teameter, Hastings. |, 0 00 0 iia girte |
. : | opportunity it gave J. Whitcomb Riley | ried that the bill of C. W. Hodgkins Prank Brookbank, laborer, Susqoe- | ioe ! uns at cost.
Honery, Confectionery, | o write “*Mongst the hills 0" Somer- for 65 cents be accepted and Clerk in. Nanos twp. Pitbe= Ap0:
ars and Tobacco set.” The largest town on the Beech structed to write order for same. ‘haries Conrad, merchant, Cresson William Boone, the third son of Mr.
: bacco. Creek is Clearfield, with 5,000 popu- | Council then adjourned to meet at next *¥P: i : and Mrs. Geo. Boone, of this place, | al.
lation. Then I notice Gazzam, because regular meeting night, Monday, April T. Sanders, Isborer, Allegheny and Miss Liste Rasco, an esteemed al ! IPS a bargain.
of its pretty name and remembering 3d, 1499, 9D on S Be. Sosctar young lady of Glasgow, were happily
{that Charles (Lucky) Bly lives there. |, 0, jrprevements at Wopsononech | pence wr, Spang united in holy bonds of matrimony at . a
Oonuctors Willis Taylor and Bowen are the home of the groom on FIRB avense Heating Stoves, best
. On the 7th inst., Bamuel P. Langdon, More Ralltond Bums, [ Tuesday at 12 o'clock noon, Rev. Jon to : 11
former reeldents of Tioga and Boss. t o L y J x Rev. Jou | qality, at prices that will
Suse 1 Kir d Patton 1 find president of the Pittsburg, Johnstown, | According to rumors originating in aph A. Kilacker, pastor of the Fimt . - :
Burg. | foal gm 5 ppp | Ebensbnrg & Eastern Rallroad com. |the east the Pittsburg & Western, Bal: Baptist eharch of Patton, performing induce you to buy this
ae 8 Ale SAVED Dyiun ar Wo ig. pany, leased the Wopsononock hotel | falo, Rochester & Pittsburg and Beech the ceremony. They were unitedinthe ~~ YC4T.
oes soon, Am going In them as | Property for s poriad of 10 years frou | Civek with ~ co-operation o the presence of relatives and intimate
| Thomas H. Greevy for a new company, Philadelphia & Reading, Lebigh Valley | friends, after which a sumptuous wed- ges. the [ewe
soon as this blizzard weather lets UP- | recently chartered, called the Wopso- and other roads may form a traffic ding din n pe | Ranges, the Je i,
There are five licensed hotels and about | | ing dinner was served. Mr. and Mm. Dockash, Etc.—None
pos buat p I foaind one | TOPE Hotel company, and in accord- | Arrangement of gigantic proportions, | Boone expect to make Patton their be p ‘ i 40 ow
oh oS Ubi eth Par pos at und by | S000 with the instructions given to Mr. says an exchange. The Buffalo, Ro- | fgture home and will take up the duties tter,and prices away n.
Ahete are lots of trees and even a park | Houck, the superintendent of the road, | chester & Pittsburg extension from of housekeeping at once. The COURIER ;
20 1& tay be pleasant here during the | 1} is said Langdon will revolutionize | Punxsutawney fo Butler will complete | extends congratulations. A] uU
summer, ‘The population is 3,000 and | 2108 An electric light and heating | the necessary link and give all the big ¥ u.,
ag te of di . rei ' origin | plant, for which the contract has al- eastern lines an entrance to Pittsbarg,
they as yerse he le hie | ready been let; & six-foot board walk, including the Lebigh Valley od Phil-
some from 8 3600 feet long, enlarged dam with adeiphis & Reading. The Philadelphia
Union and Northern Europe, but the larger . ; : 4 : : and centinues for eight days. In com-
tion are from Southern Euro ' boats in it: a new fast train to the place, _.& Reading, can, by means of its y
Phe | atter ars ¢ Bo Slavic Pe | with first-class accommodations, snd Shamokin division, which extends to] UNGration of She ShEh pe from the
aad are all 9 Shier hay vy Other features are promised. The Williamsport, make connections witn hands of their Egyptian opprensons,
name of Huns. They are strong hardy | ond deville J | Cloartiold. and the Buffalo. Rochester oslebrated, by Divine command,
ork d ical in all their Setung & Good Kxswpie. 1 tain» vw |
workers and econom n r , | & Pittaburg and Pittsburg & Western , Dis ‘Independence Day. For seven
ways except only in the use of beer, of The George 8. Good Electric Light _ SATE a aE | days unleavened bread is eaten by faith-
which they consume large quantities. company ls certainly setting a good : | ful Hebrews, and so particular are they |
This Is their only recreation and cer- example by baving the electric light Te be Daiehiad Apri] 33. {about this that all cooking utensils ) : » kN
tainly we wouldn't wish to deprive poles on our principal streets painted. One of the annals in the history of must be changed and every crumbof § 4 mong this store's
has thought of something to take its Warren and adds greatly to the appoar- Sunday after Easter (April 23, 1599, er |
{place. Race prejudice at least as re- ance of the town. It is hoped that the when the dedication of the pew Bt. =. 0 oo 1
of K .y, | gards the Cancasian people is largely ‘two telephone companies will follow Mary's Catholic church of Patton will he Cay au. woek n ants, who
to and guaran. say the scripturws of the Budhists the several poles under their control on Are being made for the coming event; | 98.00 per To er
‘ “Hatred never coases by hatred, hatred Fifth and Magee avenuce treated like- and the work of completing the large, Ebner n I ‘y
: ceases by love, that is an old rule.” [ wise. With this particular work ac- and imposing edifice is being pushed Sw ge pet SpE in all. of course}
will be our leading trust we will always remain Anglo. complished along with paved streets, rapidly and everything is expected to 45 inervase ke he Shove is Detiet | T
I know a ol : sat pear- be in readiness in ample time. Many she » F Bo means what
well Jmow are; Saxon in character being only modi- Patton will present as neat an ap ple he an) he is truly entitled to, and it is hoped
8 Vai fieq and enlivened by this infusion of ance as any town in Central Penn- from a distance are expected to be = : ini
: {by his many friends that a revision of
w: he Oapallo | world races. sylvania, present at the services and arrange- the 'matiar will } Ae. in the
The Garland Steel In concluding this perhaps over-loog At Hastings Opera House. ments are being perfected for their phtpe. ie ade IN UN Dour
o are all guaranteed. joel ight be wel 3 oa something | The popular comedy drama, “A accommodation, | se
By mentary about the Palmer house | ut 1 ; : Returned fron the ON
y of shelf hard Noble Outcast,” will be produced by ey Elsewhere in the CoURimk will be
| with ite newly furnished rooms and i i Yer 5 D » milline - n
etc., sash and | local talent in the Hastings Opera Mrs. Anna B. Dart, the milliner, re found an ad of the Bon Ton store ah-|
on able corps of manager and assistants. House on Wednesday evening, April turned from the eastern cities one day =. =~ 1 millinery opening $0
' every description | But as ! am being entertained here it | 6th, for the benefit of the Hastings last week with a full and complete line | nie RR , bo iA i pe ny
ont) “Wise. to. | wouldn 4 look well, and I forbear. ‘band. Tickets 10, 20, 25 and 35 cents, of the very latest styles of millinery S age A a
tors for tools-- | a_i etor : and Jrlly, and es- and fancy goods. She was accom-
: : Georgia D., w remem- ied bv Mi Rie :
; angers, powder and, 3 wl The following letters remain in the panied by Miss Mary Shiffer, of Phil.
: | bered to all their Tioga friends. adelphia, an experienced trimmer who |
4% you for all past favors, Yours : postoffice gt Patton for the week end- © p pane ; i
ing you I ; i ours truly 11 look after that particular depart 3
your further patronage, i : Yi ing Thursday, March 30, 1809: Wii Jgal A i HO : : o BUN entice: 1 scinative
dt ; R. E. URgLL. i ! ment in Mrs. Dartt’s store. A special Eamer AM, LC sew fhings for Spring are mow ready,
Miss Mary Anderson, Mrs. Jobn fa agi iy : el io . ;
i ery Respectfully, invitation is extended to all the ladies (ients, if you are looking for some- ters ene.
The celebration of the great Jewish PJ DIETRICK, Man.
Feast of the Passover begun Saturda ' att 4}
| y Yeager B'ld'g. Patton, Pa.
urday of this week. No pains will be We strive to have such a gathering of
spared to make this opening the finest mens wearabies as will appeal to the
ever seen in Patton and all are re good iadgment of Mew, while the prices
quested to call ; ruling here will serve as on aid to
List of Unelnimed Letters,
Wanted! :
‘Berglund, Oliver Byne, Mrs. Mary 0 pgiion and vicinity to call and see thing nobby to wear on Easter it will
To trade a lady 's Cleveland bicycle | Girard, Miss Dora Hollen, W. R. Helse! i A :
: ; y 43) , WW, + ine. i » to read the ad of the K to postal card request will bring our
for a fresh nilch cow. The bicycle is | Geo. W. Hanney, John Kallenrg, John the new line | Clothing hm hon ys ot sew Spring sad Summer Catalogue ta
prastisal y eX, eying been ridden | 5 Mann, James Miller, M. J. McMul- WANTED: Good, steady and reliable pa por this LE The very you by return mail. 4
o only about 40 miles. For particulars jon George Newman, Calvin Rhodes, Pick machine runners. Compressed _ this '
| lian, George Newman, n P styles of everythin nd at
'.. 12 address Lock Box No. 206, Patton, or pmyeritt Snyder, W. H. Williamson, §. | air. THE MORRISDALE Coal Co., I ” § YR want andi GABLE & CO.
I i Co inquire at COURIER IE] office. | Waldman, Fred Yeckley 2. C183 Morrisdale Mines, Pa. | Pra Ne : 1120.23-2¢ 11th AVENUE,
el ae TB " Millinery opening Wednesday and | Persons calling for the above letters FoR SALE—A gents bicycle, nearly a Dam The Ent To law Vo x Soup ALTOONA, PA.
he STE | Thursday, March 20th and 30th, at will please say they are advertised. | a8 good as new, for $16 cash. Inquire gag, /7 COT I€ sma
GRENINGER, Mgr. |Mrs. Dartte E. A. MELLON, P. M. |at the COURIER office. a CRalfY Tle