THE PATTON COURIER MARCH 23, 1599. Fasten Publie Sehoots ; ; 3 ; = PY Tove oo ED ¥ouneu WN i y wide wei] se °F Hie The following questions in natural FTA WP Tarkson } A = Head ip Cotati] Thee Tal Fond down selence wore given the senior class in Of Patton Forough For the Year Ending | TTT TTY Er o o3t wo Fr i Fup Mati : : i “00 Tos irdera i fr Mewar Xe x Novo x a the Patton public sohools on complet Maren 4th, 1 {Ms L nT 3 . 3 hobs 2, : Eo gs my ; » sm Ro = ing the text book They show the Statement of the Ananeini condition ry A Crouid & : om in W atorves : i 3 N : ) 5 5 ais 4 Dred : § 18 Wold or : «scope of the work done by this class in of Patton Borough for the year ending Becpor $167.57 Fat, #2 00 ; is 0 this branch: : March 4th, 1899, be Jew, Goarid & 40 iE agra A hat ia Free res a | 2 : Frit R350 7a ae Kerrey I. Whats me ant by gehera; prop { Riecipts, Zam Fon Ave 41 4 : 11 Now Mit port erties of matter? Name them; BAM oo owide of Tre Mu RIAD A Pat Clay Miz § Tin EAA cand define at least three specific prop Hoi Wed, “ LE 2 ow ; oH Sh 4313 iene : fey vena EE i iw § . on y ? hiss y ‘erties of matter From James Melton, Ev ms - a og iu : Wood ay vid 2. Define law of attraction between pe 4 o tip irate off 1907 = I 5 es 3 ik texdiem. What is weight? If a body ; i Big ; s oo : wy rg Sie Brey Th weighs 50 ibs. on the earth surface what will it weigh 500 miles above the earth ? it 4 3. What force is the caose of fluid Act Teand wii pe m pressure ? Explain the principle of the Pro Tass Mellon, IB suction pump. When will the water U0 oo in the pen-stock ofa pump stand higher Tox Co Tax -at Patton or New York ? Why? oi is % Bad eh nae a : ¥ ott panei) iy Hi 4 : Name and illustrate the 3 laws of IN Parma nts. ¥ i S38 ; § =~ I em mation, Define gravity. When is a body To Orders Paid for Police Services. To Comers pad fi Print 7a Will tne pesrt said to be inequilibriam? Name three «wi oss 6 1 Hote er BAM DWI hati Piss . : EI AM ar, Ta Pm kinds of equilibrinm. specind sarvice, i & fu ? oy , * Toh a A . : Ww K rs fw ala 5g ot ii Ni Hos, 1887 John Beoves our Jaen ANS MW A Be bw gen OR Ty Pile Sed phin ar A® 19 5. State the laws of the pendalum. fire a Pie Patton Pr Sl ¢ NY Pasi Wh ! ‘ €s PE doko Bowes PR : BL Pratteds Pals Cosi G og ol ; Ep rf. , A pebble is suspended by a thread two 7 [0 TY dogs Bove [nt he Wo MB S®miy XN Y via Phila stain Be Hon ; $i viii 3 1. PR JSR = £7 A a 0 fan : H i : : feet long: how many tires will it vi oe oy Gh : wie TWaekdun¥s M00 p oy Sundays brate in a minute? Ni PET iN 3 Wiwwnswer $e Por £ iridern Bai To 7 RE Oh em sundays : . : ¢ nt bw 1 Fim ta gee v0 CPR CS pe tess veiling via Phil 6 Expiain beat; convection; radia. Nis BD Cr Tr Foden £98 vais lems Ea a a bf Mw or LEE po bin fam Willtamna port 3 2 antic rs Piao pce fot a *, § 1) re fv % i § STV Sein at bi antigens Se, Phils tion; mention some of the effects of Nob 1H. Wonrear 2 5 A oe : wR potions. At Wil berasper] with Phila heat “Mt Ay Ir Modes $9 hy . as 1 {34 in art Heading = round at Jordy Rbnre fd . : i far 8) © 3 3 vo! ia . ; with the Fall Hawk Ry: st Mil Hall 7 Discnss electricity. Explain briefly Nis =, no i Woownner, mont : I8% oa Fad rg : with 5 ¢ Le tira of Pompes ivan: at how electricity is Hetafated | in Levdes tn #mt Com. val Strunk 3 Tort jms ! i Aovin th Pennsyivania milmed and ; . oy Narr, em fi Id Holes, Wo EB OW fireman i ais Wisitun gM wii § nneeting rakirosd at Jar and Busan Cell. What pr AVE sew. $0 Tet 8100 Wy D3, i ee a and; th Pain Heohester and we that the exrth is x magne t + he | i, G. ir. Holm, sg, & is, 3 with amd - A «© ey : S. What ssound? U pan what does =. A mired. i 0 ig s To. PEL IY Ee Ania and fo thee Boriosiripins Trig Hie ] , $i ; / ph ewitri] ; Win Arenntmny : phat, : fg #4 A. tv. Pater, FE Herriman, the interdity of sound de i" nd How : memes . Rus pert 1 fremifigit Cao Pass. Agent, care Manometric flames proslooed 2 0 ir tv. 7 Holes 2m... 00 Fhiladelphin, Pa hs hae FF CER, Pe, 1s BY Havles RE { 1 NE wel | $1 der What are they! Ini Tr " font Cominett Hew, $44. B. What is the great soure - A, Te, 1 1F Holes, $0 fat 4 ¢ poe s z - 5 r n fe of B int Sw i 3 * I AY BT wad d rae a mya eA Lal . road Time ergy li the physical world? When 8. ~ 10 tem oD oles $0 For stage Fax a body ominous Define light Prt. Be am Ea “tar dog Eopist : fi ‘hat Pr hy i PR 5 peed Betd ene far a ane + SOR 10. What is olor Ww hy ir Krams Cirders yurtd for Wtrest Wark os J oe) i Shr an Nov, M0 1398 Kren, snow white, soot Liack? In . Far CT Mud omnes od bi Sie and Pik pa rg : 3 hat avs h Eo k i bn fi ii by pe A ‘A Ieee BL Rerneruil Main Line WHA Ways have vin beer benefitted Dy CTT pa Editi (re dwn & termes : Pate rows Basten nd the study of physles ? NATURAL SCIENCE QUESTIONS bo Bardoss bab for Bcf HPs : ae, . Ee Frapounded ww The =o Sens t . DITOR STRTEMENT TT nee ; Creek Railroad. % wire pel dl Ye hy ¢ 4 Faber o "im. aw WOE Fomine $1200 : a : 5. ¥ & HB RB Co. [osane, ~ 4 *%5 ao bk a wl eR Ge A i Gee Be ULEbtrebuaEsERanE * y x w* 4 a ‘ id ; ey vi ibis WESTOVER (TEMS id Sia : rig i ilo SATE TIE Sy Miss Elia Buchanan is gnite ” cp : 4 al present writing. Rrergoed Bl rai wo y Aad Pi Wimdriphin Expres, dlp, Dr ME. Park andl wife sient Trae ! : . , . # KX duys : day in Clearfield. | Ripans Tabules: for sour stomueh The final examination for the senior Ebi 1 A Ey Finals ; DR. 0. ERNEST CHASE Stas Was Yald last Sutorday. sma 5 i a i Forti, dui ak ah . ¢ H ye y Alle ow ; * ¢ Fi oy . Sg > wis A _ Ae Te) oe > Bi) al : | Frank Fives, of Janewtiie, Spunt. Fo A tip {sre i : or : iy i 1k cambria and Clearfield, - Dentist, FIPSINaALiOD'| Bank sour mwiepie “0 ©" ci Shoe b 4 A x es N ’ Thursday : ; fobs y a i emigre Tis ne i cole % hs = 5 i Fn i . i : : ih Sarre BY. 4 ABI IR ou parE, WS x ¢ EC Raped rey Estat 3 OEY Tae A Wy a 3 PATTON, PENNA. i HOF PATTON. mormng for Alam Rix k. Clarion wy ¥ 3 %3 x) 3 Prateevet ron iid os fad ‘ Joomy Glin Wtivar & i wey fiik Gar Jo ead Building, phi P C b i P county, to hig new fold of lubvr Hey wes ¥ rea sos 3 rs ‘ = same “5 ™ Karin for Fhenabung. oh Magee Avenue. Patton, Cambria Co.. Pa. wie made many friends white hers A het avers Commission, J TA ving ot Cremeon a1 816 am. Alleman ” i ; iB fh. Mug da a LE on ma og rain fr Fation aml § rosson emo Eeleny wha are sorry to see him go VEE ‘ix - Bengdel] of 086 pom Mulbafles at 20% Ladies . Hastings § = nd tray Gar QS , : CAVITAL PAID UP, 850,006 06 Mr J FE Huston hes dest gnite i “yi E rs vk He en a am : Pats S. W. Worrell, AL PAID UP, : an Mfr iyo ei DEL PHA TAN ANY RORGEON SURPLUS, 847,000.00, for the past ten days. ind " we. ro Kaylor £78 arrieing i Crome af lh YRICIAN AND RURGEOX, : Sas Ce : rs i By ipa ¢ g . hy sag Marth Wi a Nunes aod | eirpirn tion, Firms, odode Ww tiliam Lapoit, while ¢ asin {he ' ms aE ‘ Sarthwand. For Mb I “w ¢ ‘ : : Pe ke reevtesd dpaom the mew fiero £ eo § page ; : fm . - : I avon rvesin Gur Mabini 4 in Good Building, Room No. 3 file id Tiasks TEA vel upon oi ans Tmt Jove ht foot log al the breast of Cora iE dans, LE fasion Mellon, Re IW Ga nn if iE Fawhabharg dee Ray! vr wi Brainy id en | Huns Sas : : ” : 3 wd yom ; ke Bf SETR 30 BL . 4 ; 3 ALL HEAT iarway Bor ifast Tear Surguny nd tw In 2 Spectaity. AJ } i + the lwin Sor mle door ull 2 Fini fell and sprained his ankle quite Be Fo bp ; a 2 wel LIA Hastings Sw abe i = ar wi NSE PIO. attention. iines, Foreign Drnfic tavabie in the iy versly. kT FL iui a a a ra wk Lie Westover B16 Law RR ug le 2 ae Syst J i Mir bn Bey Taki arriving al iden fom Bub Deities of Yh cid World ; 3 s th nel 4 ; ia : R15 40 irra pond tor Wil be ve or preva und Fiynn's og drive started BUHGAY : lee Lathe - a; = 4 tatgtadl oat 13h A fe reewa trada for Pat. weeping! flere | 3. Rg $a 3 § Deuinrediy $ i hr Hay 3 8) 4 ed 4 sien tain pled) Pema iem rossi al Sle i fastenaet patd ofr Hine Arpewits morning, but Wks com pelied toy hang + Jonnie, E08 85, ings > CH) Seven and POR : AS ue Be Pawnabang Lo4t Pesdloy Tanetion » - . tgs 2A y seh WE | ib o. qi . 2 ihn i ae Bol 3 : & wibeors Of = Lamruony (RoE Dnatisigie) Healy AE Pa TON, Wu H SANDFIRD, Monclay n ght COWIE Lo a searc 3 3 Eben aty “ox ire Fevers Sn i ve sew i 3 Hastings for (lenin 1 Suns phils » WE onrwa ye fer i ry 4 ER ET i Vipers © agkatin em Lssphells Ta Brey 3 Lado President. { ashier, § Mn, wt A he a ina far Snes Ta? ti ow dl Malec¥eoy ne Arviving wl tilen ¢ Lampe? i lock, next to E Ea Pat Cleary left Saturday for Reyn * Jokvn. Winters wn sae frown Ernders CRietsrad th pm : jy nh dst emlin respestiibed Gi : Fiynr Ha i For ration. maps. oir, apply 6 fleket agent AW, bh, ae the ar, toe and ros : : oldeville where he his secured employ. ~~ & - id Su " sr mlidsews Thess EK Watt P R . F. Notley ment in the tannery i 3 A 3 arise 3 LE Fifth svehine, Firttabnars, Pn ! The fair held by the Ladies’ Aid | % © H Wome FR Mtehtnes, IR Wood, Dealer in Society of the Evangelical chareh in : v Foi bi Hit Lon Lavin, Mgr teens, Poss, At » * z wi J + Wines, i 1quors, Amusement Halli last Friday and Sat urday nights was a grand suceess Beer, Etc. About $65 was cleared, el s Misses Flick and Mellon, of Patton, ne We, g 4 pms Mallon, Jot Impluste Tio we 3 @0 TO TAKE EFFECT NOV 21. 1398 D. Lutz & Son's Beer a spent Monday evening in town = PVM Jack Behe i ig Sobol Tlew am Westward S ‘ 1t . - kigad or ne 4 : {otaye Nat x i cla y : Fahtic sie. »a a, pe vo Tote Fe Japies Mellon Tax Jap ™ few SEE YC mbes Station Hix rr 4 i; 5 i > 4 wr Tov + iv RRO Mm bors oC Ra The Our Bottied Beer and Porter for There will be exposed to public sale : : Pail 1 Bor Tom tn Ye ‘ 4 a wi “ ‘ , A 5 ee ek J ano tion : X35 family use cannot be excelled. Prices - I wr ig : H - Moa he fie v * 34 at the residence of Geo ow Jomept Marke : Exonerations TE : a | are remsonable. Ee Tempa, _ 0 new - Rebate 10 taxparen, § per Lam tiniest Bench Ey ¥ Mt wining : 1 A a Ve £ i 4 * Hewes Who 3 i Lida od ¢ : Attorney-at-Lav, : ¥ SKS, co RKS, JU GS, oo. Avenue, Patt a, Pa y Oi Monday, Co Eowh nr ¢ 5 in oa 8, fd oh wo re Hi os Yate £ PATTON, Pa, 2 Uipans Tabules cure nausea ilipans Tabules: pleasant lagative Ripans Tabules: oue gives relief. # We x or i eters FuwEEy 2 Pittsburg & Eastern Time Statewmen! Tax Collector Table pe wow or al LENE he &- ERR H ASTING SP A: March x. all the following personal ’ Wa 8 pes Teoznper ‘3 Two jr Cent onanng belo oa xa suebyiebingyet © 4 | property to-wit: two work horses, one © 1 Yietur La Ler io i ies ae i ¥ik bok f ip 3 Aran i . SOW £31 Su rtsateh two-horse wagon, pair of bobaleds, ~ © Tativew Malligan % wie Wat, sodhietod wl Rune ; 8 wong wv Fees Pls -~ we al te Sr is og : . | % Ah 3 i “ 4 bots €% 80 YEARS’ one two-baoree sled, One aur of dump pe 0 ES Five per STE SOLE mons on Horo Ron ¢ carta, one set of cart harpess, one two BE Me ¥ : i 38.14. i, Amb redaimesd 4 : Fuller fan 3 ’ ey 3 PERS, Fg i Wyss a3 i hires plow, Oi pair fly neds, spreaders x3, CUE, THhoevins iow Paine ge wt anamt 3h EEL + and other articles too numercos to © oo er wal . ym mention. Terms made known onday =~ % © B® 1 Donne We, the undersigned Auditors of Fain Ha ; ; arta pint : : + ¥ ant mary i% a : s , ong e ’ nf sale when a reasonable credit will t Heraasd Wome x Patton Borough, do hereby certify that Erfen Canaph Flamm pcg | be given if good security is offered. © 30 | JOO kd : ® we have examined the foregoing me RS Bale to commence at 1 o'clock pt om. wa iil = : E8401 weer. Ten po re te, of Pat Borough fo a yw 3 | Ye A ar “pi 0 SE Jon, Sn ete., of Patton Borough for the year DAVIS, band deeeriptic : tnd i A 3 ending March 4th, 1399, and found the abies t does not appear to be generally . High "= WE Jacks i same to be trae and correct to the best Adoiph HM i 4 pe : Ly [yO henry Fad br v TOW +a a “t}. bg ¢ thie ‘ $ # Trio? I $a and Counselor at Law, wu fren Ohiest agency for known that a law was enacted by the £, 4 Wm Trimbeth ) of our knowledge. oo vw Bs er De eB Be EREABREspEzanE’ Bo BAS a BE BE A ee El a LE Fast ward Poa Bg: CES EAREREA NEY. = ARN a a Furtshde counts of receipts and expenditures, Kik Lok f miznade rs whined ¢ iW. Se Ri LE RE RG 4 3 3 Y * 1 i Fiahis % Fh § Pennsylvania Legislature a year or two {0 | i Fianer 3m w. A MerLion, | Ulin Mhation Mahaffey . Liar wtaiion h PA. a vi fin [ Te ‘ago by which the holder of an unre. “11 1 Fred Meiion 3 5 A. REFsHER, Anditore Conaeettons At Unlin Nation, Mabafdby, EKER EEE RR TERE G BBE DY : 3 . . - fi. Wowinner ; : ; corded deed is Habis to lowe it for want Hie, 1 Edw. Watkins = f.. NiiLE Howmed {ronk rttrt, 0% © Abvietan . 4 wT de i samy Iv Bin Pid esd, ant Po o2 NW. mil of record. The law requires that all famey Meluviny : : ronet. 48 Whiskey Rin with Moises & New deeds and conveyances must be ac. Hs ft I have been afficted] with rifeumatism * enim: at Mctiees with B. & NW, : * iis ’ w . el Td . buden ii hol Cknowled; By wi and recorded inthe offlee ~~ 31 4 = J id a4 for fourteen Years and notinng me pend Noten dT 00 Brier Bolles teats wii van i ation Mabattey; snd . . «i . Eig y a arm xh , § YE . #5 1 FR TERT of the recnrder of ode win within 7) days Ere Ve T Fr Watters - p04 give ALY reise I was able Wo be Co iens Fo pis pala] 1D femdns daily sxoept Mam. : 50 FITZPATRICK'S : = after execution of said ded, and that - SE Jone ; po around all the time, but constantly dus Hicks, Chonan ppg Fo Mages & avenue, near o IA every deed that is not proved and oo . iMod Jaks in illeisy, I had tried everything | ahattey, Pa, ME A »: Ge recorded may be adindeed fraudules i . ila 2 } could hear of and was at last told 10 a ar ALL oR and vould, > Tye fraqduient Hiwant W onnner Hi try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which cASTOR a Re = I did, and was immediately relieved alter Tom Bears the The Kind Yue ow hon Bag! ARE fotin Tate i 4a and ina short timus cured. | am happy Bee Jive ep nn redciams. Best of Linjvors | : oy MYT - Ee 1 xp bed id Jon) i | Lo say that {T Las not snow returned. hd. oa 32 1he bat. Stalling attached Lo : : gir Cas Nil Josh, Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For GEoRG® PrRoUsON, i : YY Rj Prop . rN omc % - DeWitt's Littie Early Risers, i, UME, Watkins, Kaw, ina, The famous Vite pills. jist, Qin Pafclo, Rochestor and Plttehrg By. A v + 3 A a . % § 1 TTR &% ii ¥ & ¥ i ey. . womb Tela. Wath tne, SEAS ; sale by Patton Pharmacy. CU. W. Hodge davidie, Con & ab Liibbeis Sor flidy oe tint Fo Remain Here Hegalarty. | , x 9 NOTICE is hereby give thas as app Ernst Bruer, the photographer, wh : Agents for— : 3 = ! hl so be made to gre, Trans wit $ Sub sr § ck x Fh rE i » ; . has his gallery lovated on the corner o \ ur AND Hn —— April 14 1499 by Hervest 1) Bemaett Wiliam ¥ O° Hi INET, Bunter J ' pel | Burdeii.A. M_Schoyer RO. Rams sat J 8. Har. SAR Anan. . % ih Fourth and Magee avenoe 1 What is Colery King ? tor, Guder (he Genera: “pa, (EW 1 [nme ls ih ~ ACCIDENT ’ Sup inments Jaejuanidicn Pam, isis Maal 8 2h is road st ghion wishes to infin o . pers. : fu > 4 3 2 Se = 5 iva eh ald 4 5 SNES Fada REAL ESTATE AGENTS, | ktisan herb drink,and isa positive cure ; - I : . to iil promise that be can now be found ~Phone N Vo, Hh, | Suna paiion x Bendache, din Sinarie rs, , WAistaloing sod wasing Jar tab every dav in the wook: to await on J rueamalisem, Ridney diseases, and the vari. : be private se oof Sandi vides Ca 3.22 BE aa +h ke Fie i 4 : ; 2 h work don Fimo ox pont ous troutiles arising from a disordered stom. Leos ak, j ie ih Kh . those who wist irk done. Prices an meh aud torpid Hyer. It fs a most agressbie : : he ca me Mont 4 Webhim. reasonable and all work puasan teed B. Host, Fo OL Bape maedicine, and 8 recommendad hy Lysicians messenger . ¥ ¢ nit. & ; 4 v £ 3 Ke Ff Ax generally. 2 - sa £ is o Ra, a J. Sheer, Sedal ha ¥ Y | Celery King is xold in 2c. and 9c. packages | hed, “5 : abiser. TT ewelric street oa hy druggisty and dealers, 1 ! , Clarion, . wlembia, © Loma 3 : ‘ i Bittle dauphic : : ] ta, Delaware, Fix, Brie Siri Yur Me 13 “04 hha! Mali il Forest. Frankiin, 6 H vi pe Bh Tn, OH ar Hf saved Patton Pharmacy, i 4 Frese pe a Busting" , : croup, amd her rl o saved i ¢ i LS (3 = {loend, $17 HE sicians had failed, Daly DY using: One C. W. Hodgkins. FP “3% i “ . $1.3 3 i . wey. £4 : SL INL Chas. Rbvwdy 3 1 : ngte Cough Lun | A Hodgkins, PW, ® GS Good, SR. Patton Pharmacy, Ca Sem aman i Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness, ~ Ripans Tabules. Ripany Tabules cure fatulence. To dnd + Bor ARdi Remember if vou want to uy iirders paid for Auditing: - oe a No L Ln gg Smale » Money bay your goods at the a W A Mellon... ) - Giroeery, “a CA Repaheer... ihe : a One Minute Cough Cure... cures. Bo er Ma : sw _ New goods arriving daily at That is what it was muds for wine. DIREES £ A
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