ests of the Mt. Pleasant Brewing com- | spent obe day last week in in the new hotel of George M. Schell ‘window full of pal church will be held at Barnesboro dock, Pa, was looking after business interests in Patton Saturday. . at Patton, spent Sunday and Monday tonic. Better looking than many doctors, better tasting than all medi- 2% on 4 24401 | This is maple sugar making season. tion Courier. Eggs are quite plentiful in thie sec PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Fropristors. | HOO. EB WiLL (3nEENE, Faitor. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, Sy Advertising rytes made plication, Br No papers ages are . paid, Rt at al the Posto class | new leaf. vo- $10 RBown pon ap. ‘Tuesday. discontinued nntil all arrears 3 nnless a ‘the aption of the C. A. Rogers, town Monday. St. Patrick's day in Patton passed off i! exceptionally quiet. | HB Breth, of Cherrytree, | visitor to our town Saturday. of Altoona, was in co wb Potton an second. i matter. From L.A. W. Bulletin, STo-mArrow never comes,” this my, But all seh Wilk fs idle “gush, For when we have pn note 4 jay Tomorrow gent here with n Fushi. : | were visitors to Patton Friday. | Payihe printer. Ea , A. B. Straw, of Ansonville, visited Sunday, April 2d, is Easter. friends in town one day last week. Sun-bonnets at Mrs, Dartt's, W. E. Dale, of Bigler, was a pleasant The shad season will soon be due. gigitor to Patton one day last week. Wall paper at Fisher's 3) cents 8! Millinery opening Wednesday and’ roll. | Thursday, March 20th and 30th, at Spring began on Monday, March Mrs. Dartta Wh. Miss Tillie Campbell, of Carrolitown, The Vernal Equinox storm was is visiting friends and relatives in Pat- genuine, ton this week. Dr. Rice came over from Hastings Ed. Little, the obliging meat Tuesday. merchant, spent a few days with Nat Hasson, of Philipsburg, wpant | at Philipsburg. Friday in town. Pomona Grange meeting in Goldstein P. C. Bander, of Willimsport, was hal Monday and Tuesday evenings, Jooking after trade in Patton Friday. { April 3d and 4th. 8. Burd, W. H. Wilson, A. C. Beck, | Mrs. Frank B. Reed, of Williamsport, all of Cresson, were in town Saturday. | ‘spent Sunday at the home of John Butcher J. D. Hepburn, o of Patton, | : Wallace on Magee avenue. was in town Monday. Coalport | Elsewhere in the COURIER this week | Standard. ; | | will be found te pew advertisement of Thureday, March A and 30th, at, BR E. Urell, » prominent serchiant of Mrs. Dartts. Constable W. P. Jackson, of Patton, was a caller at our office Thursday. — Onmbria Tribune. Call at the People’s Meat Market, next to the Central hotel for nice fresh “meats of all kinds. -17tf Frank McClure returned Saturday WAR a market friends ‘8. O. Daggett, at the Palmer house this week. Wm. H. Sandford returned home ‘from Harrisburg Tuesday evening. He was in attendance at Central Penn- ‘sylvania M. BE. Conference. The members of the home minstrel {company are rehearsing every week. trom Landisbury, Where he awtended ‘They expect to give their entertain. ‘the wedding of his sinter. ' ment during the early part of April. Ex-Sheriff Joseph A. Gray, now pron It will pay you to glance at the large of Hotel Brandon, tarried in, o .5 of the Patton Supply company | ; elsewhere in the COURIER this week. John Flick, of Altoona, and Prank [i contains a very interesting talk on | Lieb, of Nicktown, were among the shoes, which contains valuable inform. many visitors to Patton Monday. ation for the buyers. C. P. Pennebaker, ex-editor of the (ould & Beeser have received alarge Ooolport Standard, has taken charge of contract of plumbing from Westover & the Wilber clothing store at Ebensburg. Notley at Spangler and will commence ©. 8. Feed, who looks after the inter- work in a few days. ‘They have also received the contract for the plumbing | pny, | allo services of the Episco- at Hastings. Grund Jury Report, Following is the report of the grand ‘Tuesday, May *eloc b Jat 0 k p.m. by! Jury during court at Fdensburg last "the Bishop af this diocese. worlk. Lo on Es the 7, the Honora Court of Cambria We, the grand jurors, for March soe- sions, 1999, respectfully report that we WW, E. Clark, representing E. H. Young & Bro, manufacturers of fine i «cigars at Parrandsville, Pa. was seen on our streets Monday of this week. | H.8 Lingle, sssistant superintendent q of the Pardee Colliery company’ s mines found all in excellent condition. We would recommend the sewer at boller house at jail to be repaired. We would recommend the water supply at Home increased by the addition of an- other well. All of which we respectfully sabmit. R. F. RurLEnGE, Foreman. last with his many friends in this place. i ~Philipsburg Record. | Richard BEddieblute, one of the pro- _ prietors of Hotel Pantell at Punxsu. tawney, was the guest of Howard | oh Dinsmore Monday and. while bere Tuesday morning, after a brief iliness. made thia office a pleasant call She was aged 21 years and besides a During the storm on last Wednesday : night Bdward Wilkes, employed at the coal mines in Bigler township, Clear field county, was struck by lightning. He was badly burned by the stroke. ~~ Matthew Quay, son of J. C. Giles, ay the onial Beech Creek passenger brakeman of Williamsport, accom- panied his father on his trip to Patton Saturday and while in town made this office a short visit. © Wednesday of last week Judge Barker announced the Bar Examining Committee for the coming year. Itis composed of Hon. W. Horace Rose, chairman, and Attorneys Evans, Kit _ tall, Murphy and Endsley. ‘Good whiskey is both doctor and Mis. Josothan Nicholson, in the daughter of Adam Bence, of near ‘Hastings, whose wife died of paralysis Thursday afternoon, The many friends athy in his sad } hour of 7 amietion, Twe Ashor Days Numet, On Saturday Governor Stone issued a proclamation naming F riday, April 7. and Friday, April 28, as Arbor Days, and requesting citizens of the Com- monwealth to plant trees on those cines. For general family use, nothing | equals whiskey and Harper Whiskey is | pre-eminently the family whiskey. ~ Sold by W. L. ‘Daggett, Patton, Pa. Frank McTigue and wife have left tax rebate of one dollar for every four Patton for Gallatzin, where Mr. trees planted along a township road. McTigue expects to engage in business. ‘For instance, the farmer who sets out | Frank won many warm friends during 100 trees along the road running his stay in Patton, who will be sorty through his farm is entitled to a rebate Orn : of $25 in his taxes. The act holds out liberal inducements which the farmers | | pecially by our public schools. Rebate for Planting Trees. Wilkins. Grocery. Kid gloves in all the spring shades at | Mrs. Dartt's. Three pairs of children's fast black hose for 25¢ at Mrs. Dartt's. { Did you see the beautiful glassware given as premiums at the Cash Groo- ery. Have vou seen the fine line of Indien fancy ties at Mrs. Roohk’s store they A. G. Neff came over from Hastings | F.C. Yeager and wife, of Hastings, joe Lo mie, Tioga, Pa, is the guest of his cousin, | have visited the public buildings and : comprised all Emma, wife of Jonothan Nicholson, | died at her home on Fourth avenue Spring Arrivals. sorrowing husband, she is survived by | “an infant son of but two weeks old, Bhe “about seven months ago at the home of Mr. Nicholson in Patton. After fun. eral services interment will take place | at the Protestant cometery at Hastings ‘dates. These are important holidays and the people of Patton should see to it that they are properly observed, es- There is a State law which grants a | are dandien Ladies aperons, wrappers and sun- Trees will soon begin to turn over a bonnets at Mrs Roohk's store opposite ' Good building. If you are thinking of a spring suit it will be to your advantage to look jover the immense line of spring and | wusmiimes suitings at Dinsmore Bros, he merchant tailors. This firm en- i. the reputation of being first-class tailors and satisfaction is always | guaranteed. Rev, E. Edwards, pastor of the Eng- lish Baptist church at Minersville, Pa, when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: “A few applications of this liniment proved of great serv. It subdued the inflamms- tion and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by Siving | Pain Balm "a trial it will please me."' For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. As the season of the year when pneu- 'monia, lagrippe, sore throat, coughs, 'eolds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung ‘troubles are to be guarded against, nothing ‘is a fine substitute,” will “answer the purpose,’ or is ‘just as good” as One Minute cough care. That is the one infallable remedy for all lung, throat and bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously on having it if “some- (thing else’ is offered you. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. See our special lines of serges at HR, $20 an up to $35. DixsMoORE BROS. It makes no difference how cheap you can buy groceries elsewhere, 1 can still save you some money, quality of goods considered. Tur Cast GROCERY. A Sweeping Reduction. Two weeks ago we put our Ladies’ Fine Shoes on sale at sixty- five cents (65 | on the dollar and we have « 08 a big num. ber of pairs. We still. have about 18 pairs that you can buv if vou so desire at the ‘same price. They are inside—This sale our ladies’ Shoes from g8¢ to $3.50. The other window we filled with Men's Shirts that sold at, $1.25, $1.00 and Bsc. We sell them still at same pricc—80g, for your choice. Our loss 1s your gain. Nobby Hats in all the east- ern styles of Stiff Alpine and crushers. We have also received about 6 new styles of Men's Collars. | All our Ladies’ Fine Shoes for Spring are in Black and of Mr. Nicholson extend sincere symp- Tans. A sample line of Ladies’ Suits and Skirts now open for inspection and sale. Meas ures taken and Suit or Skirt, to fit. Best New York styles. Strictly to date. Men's shirts made to order. $1.25 to $3.50 each—Aft as- sure When you want up-to-date ‘merchandise you get it here. Prices are right, and you are cordially invited. We are opposite the Bank on the right side of street. The Keystone of Pennsylvania seem to be slow in| : otros at Hotel taking advantage of. casTOoRmIA. : The Kind You Have Alwar Clothing and Shog (o., leave y your Toandey with Scheid a Fresh fish and Oysters at the Cash fim fT as we ER, MARCH 23, 1805. EE ES ass mpi ae Jill You wear For Easter? THE NEW SHOE. last year's shoes are not what you want Buy with us. Buy the new ‘gg shoes. They are up-to-date, and you will start ont’ wearing them prejudiced in their favor. They are made right and will be sold right. We claim that our prices are the lowest for equal quality, but muny claim that. We, to clinch it, offer to re- fund the money if you find as good shoes elsewhere at a lower price. VER in the history of the PATTON SUPPLY CO. has there been shown such an up-to-date, stylish and complete linc of NEW SHOES as now display ~] here. Don’t Buy Your Shoes We have the best and largest line of Come and see for yourself. Our prices until you see our line. shoes to select from. are the lowest. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? The “Sorosis.” THE $3.50 SHOE FOR WOMEN. We are sole agents for this shoe. The modeling and draughting of *'Sorosis” shoes, as well as certain peculiarities in construction, prevent that common trouble, the flattening of the arch of the foot. They support the instep and make walking easy and graceful. “Sorosis’ is the only Shoe ever manufactured for woman practically, mechanically and hygienically perfect, and is superior to any other shoe you can purchase, no matter what the price. No better shoe is made. “Sorosis” is a revelation in footwear, and has became the standard of the world. They are worn by the most fashion- able ladies of the large cities, “Sorosis” Dainty What is more attractive than a bandsome foot ? will make yours so, no matter what size you wear. shod are those who wear “Sorosis.” New Shoes For Boys and Girls. The famous Hill & Green line. No better line of shoes was ever put on the market. Over 2.000 worth of children's shoes alone to select from. Mothers it will pay you to call a and see them. New Shoes For Babies. One of the largest and prettiest lines ever showed in Patton. them in all color We hive shoes for all -Men, Women, Boys, (Jirls and Babies in Tan and Binck, all styles, st 15¢ to $3.50 per pair. XTEN YE" WE HAYE THEM. Come and See Them WASH GOODS Madras, Ginghama, Percales, Dim: Heian ll Batiste, Organdies, Lawns, Pique (in all colors , Ribbons (the ry latest , Laces anid Embroiderien (over ) worth to select from). Belts hy pif colors and styles. This Department has budded out in all its sprin Jove: linkme. There ia a revelation of beauty and newness coming to hand. ing te the vanguard of things that are fashionable and that will be wor 1 Indies © taste in all of the large cities this season. We have No f good of new things in this live, and to our large assortment we add the additional inducements of low prices that can’t be approached elsewhere. The Busy Store seas This Bedroom Suit Only $15.00. l gold filled case and sell a 20-year an American move- ment guaranteed for I give Fine Furniture in every conceivable pattern to suit all tastes. A short time spent looking over our line will convince you that we have the goods and sell at prices that catch the orders. Undertaking, Embalming, Etc, Etc. Promptly attended to. All modern methods used. The best of satisfaction ‘guaranteed. TOZER, "H.S. BUCK, The Patton Jeweler.! Next to Hotel Patton. two years. you my guarantee with this watch and it is also guaranteed by the manufacturer. Come in and see it. m= | pekens w owt, : Deeds Recorded at Ebenshburg ap io | : Friday, Mareh 17, : George Miller to Mary J. ‘Miller, Spangler; consideration, $i Martin Flick to H. L. Flick, Alle | gheny, $1,500 ! TT. Barnes et nx to Daniel Plooss, gy Anton $50. Daniel Plouse ¢t nx to James A Wheeler, Rarneshoro, 1. Benjamin F. Byers ot ux to James Mackel, Jackson, §20. H. J. Hopple et ax to Henry Styles, Rarr, $705. : Joseph A. Giray et ax to John Bloom, Carroll, $725. John Rodkasky et ax to Joseph Rackhols, Flder, $50. Joseph Ruockhols et ax to Joseph Petzakonis, Elder, $565. k Joseph A. Gray et ux to Milton Hall man, Susquehanna, $3,000, Milton Hallman et ux to Sarah J. ‘Westover et al, Sosquehanna, $1,500. Joseph Mack et ux to Joseph Shep. anski, Carroll, $1. Joseph Shepanski et nx to George B. Prindibie ot al, Carroll, $471. John Laner et ux to George E. Prind- ible et al, Patton, $1. John Stiitz et nx, by sheriff, to Mas shall Kennedy Milling Co., Hastings, ns. A. I. Williams to Michael FEoken- lwab, guardian, Clearfield, §i. GG. W. Cree ot ux to Pennsylvania & Northwestern R. R. Co., Reade, $335. John B. Overberger et ux to Henja- min 8. Crain, Carroll, $50. Finest shirt waista in town at Mm Roohk’'s, A big line of ladies’ musiin ander | Teetba ti Dartt’s. See the line of spring suits for $18 7 snd #20 at Dinsmore Bros. As you pass by take a peep in the show window at tHe Cash Grocery. Only a few more days aod you will find everything in millinery at Mm Dartt’s. For fine canned peaches, aptiootn pears and cherries go to the Cash Grocery. You cannot do better than to call on Gould & Beezer for first-class piambing, Fatimates freely given. 4480 Properly for Sale. A valuable property, consisting of & good story frame building used as 8 store and residence, with first class base. elo, ment, situated on Fifth avenne. Splen- did well on premisess. Also good out buildings. Will be sold at a reasonable figare. Call on or address JOHN GAGLIARDI, 15412 Patton, Pa For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and especially piles, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dis honest people who trey to imitate and counterfeit it. U's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. €. Chamberinin’s Cough Remedy This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for ite cares of these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. The most faltering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of ie good works, of the aggravating and persistent coughs it has cured; of se vere colds that have yielded promptly to is soothing effects, and of the dang- erous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cough has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous consequences. IL is es pecially prized by mothers for their children, as it never [ails to effect a speedy cure, and because they have found that there is not the least danger in giving it, even to babies, as it con tains noting injurious. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, “(ive me a liver reguiator and | ean regulate the world,” said a genius The druggist handed him a bottle of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the fam. ous little pills. C. W. Hodgkins, Pas ton Pharmacy. A Great Sarprise Is in store for those who have nob tried the healing virtoes of Gray's Balsam. [tis sold on a positive guar antee to cure yoo. Why suffer an brri- ‘tating cough when you can cure your. ‘self easily and promptly by this remedy. For sale only by U. ten Pharmacy. W. Hodgkins, Pat- If you have a cough, throat irrite tion, weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarse ness, let us suggest One Minute cough cure. Always reliable and safe. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Nraneh in Patton. H. J. Easley, undertaker and em» balmer of Hastings, bas established a branch at the J. E. Kirk Hardware company’s store, where all culls will receive prompt attention. The very latest and most modern methinds used. For a quick remedy and one that is perfectly safe for children let us recom- mend One Minute cough cure. I is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tiok- ling in the throat and Sagan CW,
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