on Courier. Polities— Independent. Tntorest— Patton and Surroanding Country. Motto. Justioe to All and Malice Toward None, PATTON PUBLISHING CO.. Proprietors. g E Wits Geresg, Editor, © SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. v Sh SB BARAT WHAT about the many board walks in Patton which are badly in need of repairs? This matter should not be neglected for a minute now that we have a street committee appointed and a street commissioner elected. Two hogleta, {one dollar's worth of | fines, by-the-way) were manning st large on one of our main thorough. fares, Miugee avenue, Monday after- noon; a splendid chance for our newly ~ elected High Constable to establish ® © renord as we'l as a precedent. AGAIN we are called upon to warn the small boys as well as the larger ones to refrain from jumping on and off of moving trains in Patton’ bor ough and to state that if attention is not paid to this notice all parties will be arrested and made an example of. Its a dangerous practice and should be stopped and the proper authorities should not neglect their duty in this important matter THEY SHOULD BE PAINTED, During the past week or two several parties have asked the question as to whether or not should the telephone poles erected in Patton borough be ~ painted, and to enlighten the citizens on the subject we herewith publish section 1 of ordinance no 35, as prepared by the Central District and Printing Telegraph company, and passed by Patton Borough Council November 18, “Ba it enacted by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Pat- ton, in Council sssembled and it ls hereby enacted and ordained by suthority of the same, that permission be, and is heroby graated to the Central © pany, etc., to erect, operate and main- tain its lines upon, over and under such of the public streets and alleys of the ~ Borough of Patton, as its business may require, Provided, that the poles shall be neat, symmetrical and painted, and that no poles shall be less than 25 feet in length.” | © Practically the same ordinance as ~ shove was passed in granting the rights and priveleges to the Central Pennsyl- vania Telephone and S8apply company, which lines extend the entire length of Magee avenue. ~ Josiah Evans, candidate for the nom- ination of County Treasurer on the Republican ticket, was calling on his many friends in Patton Friday. For cod-fish, mackerel and herring gototheCuh Groomry, , = = &#HE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 23, 1899. JIM AND JOE. 1 A Story of Mining Life by T. If Saved His Life, § For a long time Mr. A. B. Smith, of Oakmont, Pa., had been suffering with kidney trouble. He gradually grew {worse and declined from 158 to 83 | pounds, a mere skeleton of his former ! A > ‘self. The physicians said he had P. Jones, of Patton. Bright's Disease and there wasno help. 1, yp, he almost truthfully said that . About this time Mr. Smith says he saw , oo ove sprang np in Western (an advertisement in a paper recom- p.,,.yivania in a day. Places have | mending Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. metamorphosed to such an extent and jthe great kidney remedy, and was ., 0 an incredibly short time that induced to give the medicine a trial, 00m from a distance of only two and after using about a dozen bottles, or three miles, the “land marks’’ of the says be was able to attend to some of | 0 nniey have been seen to look on his work, and make a trip to Nebraska _.. oo awe snd amazement as i § "land return. He now weighs 145, hibited by old Rip Van Winkie {pounds. His sickness and marvelous... . i.eed his native village after recovery has created a great deal of 0 Gumbered for 20 years on the interest and talk in Oakmopt, Pitte- cin side. Here and there among {burg and vicinity. Mr. Smith is & the hills, where once one might have Verona, Pa., and Camp 1, Union “Oh, Solitade! where are thy charms?” Legion, Pittsburg, Pa. A remedy that o . he found thriving settlements will accomplish such results is worthy that owe their existence to the discov. of wide publicity. — Post, Pittsburg, ery of coal. t 1 Pa, March oh . — By the time automn had begun to THE PROGRAM spread her tints over the forest's green Of Pomona Grange Mesting to be Held In foliage the cabin that had sheltered Patton April M and Mth. Jim and Joo so long was only one Following is the program of a Po- among many, for traly a great change | mona Grange meeting to be held in the yay being wrooght near the brookside. Goldstein hall in Patton Monday and The sturdy old oaks which for years | Tuesday, April 3d and 4th: and vears had survived the onset of Meeting will be called to order at 1:30 the slements now bowed low their o'clock Monday afternoon. Reports of towering tops to the sharpened blade Subordinate (ranges; essay, Miss ,f the woodman. Hoge rocks, gigantic Emma Thomas; report of P. of H. p,widers that for centuries, yea, since | Fire Insurance company by the secre- creation had known naught but rest tary; discussion relative to number gpheoken, wern shattered and utilised ‘and method of electing agenta of In- js divers ways Streets were laid out, ‘surance company, to be opened by L. ote were sold, houses were built, and E. Kaylor; music, Plinton Grange gn there was ready to appear on the choir. * maps of men the name of a new town The evening seation will be opus wad ~Jenkinsville. will be called to order at 7: During all this time Jim and Joe had Music by Concord Grange band; recl- ok incessantly. Lands had choir; address, H. W. Storey, Enq, of had been formed and interested, and Johnstown, “The Parmer Citlsen” 5 4, details a multiplicity of them essay, Leighton Rowland; address, by p..1y 4nd late these brothers worked |W. B. Packard, Lecturer of State 4p. rewards of their labor wers by Grange. ‘no means small. Some men cannot Tuesday morning session opening at Lp. 00004 the glare of prosperity which ® o'clock. Song, by choir; essay, 4 .uddenly. They wilt and wither “Woman's work in the Grange,” Mrs. under ite infloence, immediately losing Charlotte Wills, of Chest Spring® Lu‘. over for good they formerly “Oultare of small fruits’ John F. | posseased. don on uf Cave pir With Jim and Joe prosperity and : fortune meant a wider field for philan- Tuesday afternoon will open st 1:30 thropic activity. Having themae!ves o'clock for conferring the degree of "offered, they were ready to ‘cant their Pomona. bread upon the waters.” They gave viiionn with a liberal hand to all worthy enter. For the nicest and freshest meats in prises and they were greatly beloved Patton go to Hepburn Meat Market, by the people of the town which lore opposite Commercial hotel. Meat will (hair name. It is true that they did be scold to suit your order. ‘not mingle much with other men, le ‘being fond of retirement; yet their presence was all the more apprecinted when they did honor a gathering with their attendance. They found much pleasure and enjoyment in each other's company and thus they loved to live. The glorious Fourth of July ! What hallowed memories of patriotism un. ‘sullied does this name bring up to “every loyal American! The citisers of Jenkinaville, including men of nearly all races, languages and religions, were ‘out in full sway doing honor to the patriots of old. Flags aod bunting | 1 h ‘were Noating everywhere and high in Be ae : the air, fluttering gayly in the breeze, The last invoice of M204 0r, that tranmendent fag. destined to carry liberty and light to Clothing to be: sold mum pla of the sank. . or ¥ » { : in Patton. Now, this played ait the enlivening airs; there There were bands of music which . were choruses that sang the songs of IS your last chance t() freedom; thers were orators who spoke buy Fine Tailor in eulogistic terms of those whose lives were devoted to the welfare of our Made Clothing for Spring and Summer beloved country. The greatest sp- plause fell to the lot of Joseph Jenkins, for Little money and this 1s the finest line who, by his métchless eloquence und ‘of Men, Boys and forceful arguments held the people spell-bound. He paid a glowing tribute to the valor and courage of our fore Children's Suits ever displayed in your arty. Come early as they fathers, then in language, strong and ‘expressive, he plead for men to be up- will be sold so cheap ithat they will not last right and God fearing that our nation’s futare might be serene and full of long and our ends Apnl 3d. promise. The day ciowed and with darkness came the fire. works. For several hours Thanking you for your kind patronage during our business the streets were scenes of general con. fusion. The giant crackers boomed, career in your city we remain your the rocket with flare and flash darted into the air, and, bursting, sent forth a shower of stars and sparks; and the anvil roared liked the noise of battle. By midnight the demonstrations were ended and ere 1 o'clock the streets were entirely deserted. The people tired out from their day's festivities were sleeping soandiy. About 4 o'clock in the morning the stiliness was sud- denly broken by the cry of fire! fire! The cry was taken up and soon from “all parts of the town the people were hurrying to the scene of the conflagra- ‘tion-—the Columbian hotel. This large wooden building was full of guests on this occasion and the fire had gained great headway before the alarm was given. i The inmates of the hotel were quickly ‘aroused and one by one they descended ‘the flights of stairs until they stood among the assembled crowd below. “By the time the last one reached a place | of safety the building was a seething ‘mass of flames. But, alas! a woman had fainted. She had left her baby in the np room. Inthe moment of excitement and fear she had forgotten the little + | one asleep at her side. “Who would volunteer to go into the building?’ This | sale Humble Servants, ‘MORRIS & DAU —OF — town, The Claims mt BAA NEARS a Sa Sir was spoken in a lond voice by a woman. There was a painful silonce for a min. Between Philadelphin sad New York via ute when Jim Jenkins, the college’ athlete, who had by sheer force won many a contest on the gridiron, stepped forward and said: “Lady, I will try to rescue your chiid.’’ There are those yet in Jenkinaville who remember the stern look on Jim's face as his broad form disappeared among flume and smoke: thers are those there that will never forget his appearance as he emerged from that maw of flames with the baby in his arma. He sank lo the ground completely exhansted with Joe at his side. The baby, thanks io jte coverings, waa safe. Haman skill or tender care could avail nothing. The next evening Jim's brave apirit fled to ita celestial home. ‘They laid him to rest amid a wilder ness of Bowers, The evening shadows from the town he loved so well fall dpon his grave Joe soon after the funeral bade Jonkineville farewell and went west, where it is fondly hoped he jearned to live down the blight vpon his heart. The Foul A Cari We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a M-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar iff it fails to cure your congh or cold. We also gnarintes a 25-0ent bottle ta prove satisfactory Gr money refunded. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. 2tI8 (rec. BR. Secord, the well-known con- tractor of Towanda, N. Y., says: “1 have asd Chamberlain's cough Rem. ody in my family for a long time and have found it superior to any other.” For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CW, Hodgkins. Property Fer Sale. A S.room plank house, lot 80x20 ft, with good cellar and well, situate on Linwood Ave, will be sold at a bargain, Call en or address FP. Ivory, Pat ton, Pa 16t3 Not one child dies where ten form. erly died from croup People bave jearnad the value of One Minate cough care, and use it for severe lung and throat troubles It immediately stops coughing. It never fails. C. W. Hodg. kins, Patton Pharmacy. You ean bay more goods at the Cash Groovry for $10.00 than any place in Call on Ernst Bruer, the photo grapher, corner of Fourth and Magee Avennes, Upon your interests are manifold. In every way pos- sible we try to make 1t an agreeable place for all, espec- ially to the ladies, to do their shopping in. “Sawing Wood.” Ome way to keep a store 1s to say a good deal about it, Another way simply to make 4 store as good as pos. sible. Give the best matenals that can be sold for the price. attentive service—treat right — say nothing This is the advertising we like 1 follow most closely. 15 Give people and “saw wood." sort of ATH WE KEEP EVERYTHING i he st To be found in a first class up-to-date general store, such as Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc, * - Ftc. and at prices to suit vour purse. If You're in a Hurry For Groceries, there's al- ways a free delivery wagon at our door ready to bring them to you. Miners Store Oppo. Hotel Patton, LSA ARRAY an Sr a a pre- exhibition of choice millinery and Altoona, Penna. Phitadelphin & Heading Rallwuy. For luxurouns, swift and at the same time perfectly safe traveling the above trains cannot be excelled, a special pot- “able feature is the entire absence of smoke, soot and cinders, the engines burning only hard coal The intodae- tion of these trains by the Philadelphia & Reading was a great boon to the business men of both cities, and the patronage by this class of passengers hax steadily increased as well as that of other persons for pleasure or bosi- ness purposes. It is a common prac. tice by these travelers to leave home in Philadelphia after breakfast, and spending the day in New York retorn in time for 7 o'clock dinner, Pullman cars are attached to all these traing, and the 7:80 a. m to and 4 p. m, from New York also bave Pollman Buffer parlor car. To specially accom. modate the gentlemen the S30 4 m. to and 4:30 p. m. from New York, also have a parlor smoking car attached. For tine tables apply to any Phila- delphia & Reading ticket agent, or address Edwon J. Weeks, (eneral Passenger Agent, Reading Terminal, Philadelphia (ret your pletures framed at Fisher's, L. W. COOK. We are Looking Forward to a Great Millinery Season For which we have made ample provisions. Our styles will be hand. some and sxclasive with variety enough | to suit all tastes and prices for every- one's means. We have the handsomest | Millinery Parlor in the city, light and Spacious and easy to access on second oor front, We hive a skilled trimmer and styles | will all be moderned after the most ap- raved New York and French styles or ladies and children with every color and shape in straw and a complete line of Sailor and Walking Hats. We shail have a Faster fancy goods of every description, that will he daly ATOIONd, bat we are now ready to take orders for any who | may not wish to wait until then COME 4 Inu any tie. 2d we wll be | pleased to serve you th anything on il X may want from flowers to 8 hat, as we have everyting in the nery line, ribbons, flowers, fancy lances and silks, buckles and orn- aments in great variety. Eleventh Ave. & Eleventh St, Before the discovery of One ie 13-41 Minute cough cure, ministers were greatly No excuse for it now. CC. W. Hodg- kine, Patton Pharmacy. We have just received a full line of Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions and Groceries, And before purchasing elsewhere be sure to call on os ~where Prices are the Lowest. Goods always fresh and up-to-date, and delivered free to all parts of town. H. REMKOS, Next to Baptist Church. WALL PAPER. 8 WALL PAPER. We have the most complete stool of Wall Paper in Northern Cambrian. Over 100 new designs to select from. Prices from 34 to 50 ota per roll. Room Monidings from 3 to § ox » foot. We also carry a full line of Wall Pockets, Pictures, Frames and Mouldings. Can make any size Frame desired at the lowest prices OM Frames cleaned and renewed. The Patton Wall Paper Store, A. C. FISHER, Prop. PATTON, PERNA. 207 Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. Cambria county peap delphia wll venient and central location, Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. S. B. KING. and Clearfield le visiting Phila. find this a com-; At 2 Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging where Deliveries are made free of charge and on times above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the That's the fairest of prices. 1s sort of House we keep. Call and be sure of it. Have you seen our hi ne of DRY GOODS? The finest in this section and at prices to suit your purse. When in town make our store your headquar welce ym. CO. ers. You will be, J Boarding House: |
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