The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 02, 1899, Image 6

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#rs of Great Importance Yet to He Settied
Before Adjournment. $60,000,000 De-
voted to War Expenses.
In a few days the Fifty-fitth session
of (Congress will adjourn, Yeaving
President MoKinley and his advisors
to décide the Philippine question as
they will, All talk of an extra session
w heen dispelled ax it is believed
that an increase in the regular army
| be provided for before adjourn.
wentfal pericd in the country’s
is coverad by the work of the
ith congress, drawing to a close,
as been a period of stirring and
tie action, with questions of
gnitude constantly engaging
un, forming an epoch alongside
er Ameéricsn epochs, the re-
the civil wan
iy it may be mentinned
n estimates. the total ap.
i for the congress—-not ine
+ the four appropriation bills
dyer Ly the former cONgress
mpproximnately 1.600 000 60,
hy amount approximately $600.
is for war expenses or incident
my and navy.
: has declared war
& foreign foe, and the treaty-
Branch has participated in
the treaty by which that
jmated. It Bas provided
eer army, has enlarged
army and has expanded
meet wir emergencies and
herp revised, first by
3 then by the war
hing as these War meas.
gress has had time
ather legislation which,
r elreritmetances, would
TT This in-
eots are t
“weil be required to
| Philadelphia on the
it every
i quest from either Gut own
| called upon Casco
New quotations on window glass,
contrary to expectations, make no
advances, .
A new price list advances various
styles of bath tubs from § to 20 per
Rumor says that (Charles Hoyt, the
playwright has broken down, mentally
and physically.
The cruiser Yosemite will safl from
the Norfolk navy yard in a few days
with 220 men for Dewey's fleet,
Hobhert Wilson, aged 17, was out in
two by 8 crane at he Schoen Steel
works, Allegheny, Pa, last Monday.
Jopwe James, Jr, was blentified by
the handite in the fate Lacds train
robbery in Missourl
Colonel Conger. formerly of Akron,
publican National committer, dled at
Des Moines, Ia, aged 61
Stove pips elbow manafacturers
ject of advancing prices to cover ad-
yances in raw material
ny has placed orders for
worth of machine tonite for the naw
plant at East Pittsburg,
J. Pierpont Morgan, the New York
stalling electric Hghts in St
cathedral London, at a cost of $25.00
from “Jase Doe” in the Manning di~
YOree Case.
John Rockefeller, Jr,
ed a director on the Delaware, Lacka-
wana Raliroad
Thirteen Cherokee Indians have
bound themselves by oath, under pon.
alty of demth, not to marry outside the
Cherokee race. The movement &§
spreading among the red skins.
Because she was afraid to return to
the home of her parents from whom
she had taken $15, Mary Kienel, of
Pittsburg, last Thursday committed
suicide by drinking a half pint of car.
Bolle acid.
A young woman of Ligonier, Pa., was
exhibiting a jeweled revoiver to her
friend Harry Carpenter a few days
ago. As usual the pistol was discharged
{ and the young man is now Carryiog #
bullet in his body.
President Seth Lew, of Columbia
College, New York, said in a speech at
occasion of Wash-
lone irihd “that the war da
partmen aring the recent rife
lacked genius and ey
Attorney General Monnett, of Obl,
filed suits to cust the Pennsylvania
tngton's birthday,
{and the Cincinnati, Hamiitom & Day:
ton ralirosds from the State He
charges them with having violated
their franchises by forming & pool.
There has been no demand nor rec
ment or that of Germany for the re
enlt of any of the officials at Apia
turmotin there, both
awaiting fuller reports
Corn 8B. Henderson, of
blind housskespivr, employed
Chicago. &
by WN
parior of the Holtzlander home Mon.
day evening with her skull battered
and crushed. Holtziander is being de
talned. Mrs. Herderson was 13 years
old and attractive, but totally blind.
Peter Feriello and James Laino
played cards with Haphael Caio, &
jost thelr money and
manded it back. Casco pulled & ro-
volver and shot Laino dead. Then he
' {| shot Feriello who died Tuesday morn-
: arrest
ing. Casco is under 7
i mnitted to pass through our lines and |
: returned
soe of the passengers as the leader wf !
i wenied dispatches for
| The commissioners sald that
[ alds and Sandiko were both at Malo
0). and for years 8 member of the Re. | 1
t While the Filipinos are not yel pre-d
Coated hee! w
will meet in a few days with the ob.
Pelix werks on the payment
| value of food and clothing furnished
The Westinghouse Machine Compr. : to them,
$250,400 |
#3 yoars of |
age. is now cecupying his first position |
of trust. A few days ago he was elect. |
ia fag of truce
i were not received by Gen, (ix
Anderson's brigade,
of property at Evansville, Ind. last
who have been involved in the recent |
Jean Hoitgiander, was found in the
| other men vere slightly wounds. A
Tetiow-Talian. in New York Sunday
Monday and do}
Higgins house
| mative shacks in various
Prominent Commander States That 000 of His
Men Have Had Esough and Are
Willing to Surrender,
Two Spanish commissioners, Senors
Posatio and Abogado, who were per
No Fault Pound With the Millions of Pounds
issued at Chickamaugs.
The army Hoard of Inquiry has re-
ceived the report of Major J. M. Arra-
gmith, late Commissary at
Thomas, (jeorgia, upon the character
The report covers the rations supplied |
to |
&f the rations fssusd at that
ty the 77.000 soldiers
Chickamauga Park from May,
January, 18% and ia as follows
“All stores unfit for sale or
confer with Aguinkidos with reference
ts the Spanish prisoners at Malolos, |
through the American lines
Monday morning near Caloscan with
the Spaniards. |
Agiin. |
jem and inclined Yo pacific overtures
pared to surrender the Spanish pris.
they will gladly release
Americans wha have been held
of $8,
tw |
Bhortly afterwards the rebels sent
aut a fag of truce borne by Comanan- {
| dante Binforoso de ia Crus and several |
! hundred of the enemy left the Filipino |
ap lines crying i
Capitalist, will bear the expense of in- | tel" 5
Pauls | rus commantdante said that fully 2000 |
i of his men Bad had enough and were
By the breaking of the Transatian«
tic Hiner combine, it is sald, the Amer- |
lean line managers have reduced frst |
class fares to $80 and second class $8.
Btate Senator Vernon H. Burke and |
Judge Dellenbaugh were found gulity |
at Cleveland of having extorted $16,060 >
American Hines the enemy on the right
“Mus coe |
“No guirert”
bate!” Americanos muchn
anxioge to surrender,
Among the snemy In the
many women and children were vis,
ible. A woman ald down her rifle
and attempted fo cross with the par |
jeyers. but she was sent hack.
After the party retorned to the |
fired a volley, the bullets dropping at]
their foes i
A report to the effect that Aguinaidn :
t« preparing to make overtures for
pecs and thst E00 rebels are ready
to surrender, is brought by twa S06.
misstoners, who went to Malajos ander
The commimdoners
Brig. Gen. King is {1 with gastritis,
and has besn relieved hy Hrig Gen
Lioyd Wheaton, formerly colonel
the Twentieth infantry.
The insurgents have been compari.
tively inactive for the past (wo weeks
The total losses of ths American
i try femue
I tatoes and bacon were returned 0
{ beef and
Powers fecal
sx hanvted
i beginning
fungle |
| spoiled owing to natural
i ately
of |
troops since the fires have been as
follows: Gen. McArthur's brigade,
threes killed and 37 wounded. Geners:
one itied and
sever wounded: provost guards, two
killed and 15 wounded.
Advices received from Hoflo say that
all is quiet there. Natives who fled
at the landing of the Americans ave
returning to lloils and many of them
ars taking the oath of allegiance.
The (CRarieston and Concord are ps.
troling the islands in search of fli
Sevator Quay's trial which was to
have taken place last Monday has
bes postpomed antil April 18
gction was taken at the instance of
the district atiorney.
There fre F005 cases of grip in the
(ity of Mexico,
A pyvione demolished 33.000 worth
The enemy's sharpshooters have
been particolacly active about Caloos
can for the past few days. Special at-
tention was paid 10 the three-gun bat-
tery nesr the raflrond and the im-
provement of the rebel marksmanship
was very noticeable. The rebeis fired
volleys at the Battery. their buliets
frequently skimming the tops of the
sandbags. A leutenant of the Twen-
tieth Kansas volunteers snd throes
man wis killed in the trenches Friday.
The rebel battery has not been used
since & shell from the United Stiles
double-turreted monitor Monadnock
exploded over it Baturday.
The enemy's fire was #0 hot during
Friday night in the vicinity of the
that the headquarters
was removed to a church #0 yards in
side the line
A few small fires haves destroyed the
parts of the
uted yesterday, wit of killed
and wounded sbout 30 and 200 prison. |
je the wages
| ot the state of
in the Sb
ware geted upon by a bag rd of survey
and in all cases were condemned
toy with the exes
TH ousyos
sxc hanged
The 3
to condemnation,
% of best condemned
conuinted of local pir
vy Ped
the de
in a
Pfosing a pound
¢ ¥ 4
fey Io
ead] Were
was sold te officers
command and gave ti
The greatest care wasn
the preservation of vegetables IN
pos rids
| elitnate, particularity at about the time
of 41d poiaties
yh new potaloes
Fifty-four hun
thant the sap
of PURAr
grad pounds ware
Phy a heavy rainstorm
the rations furnished was
ard probably the best ever fsusd 0
fan srmy of 88.000 men, with the axoete
tion of sore potatoes and bacon that
cRuSeE, Take
Camp |
in a few instances damaged poe
Been ef
Senin Ro
iodependence of the Prilipp nes Fa o'ed - Gon.
Wieser Urges That the Pres dest Suid
pe Supported During War,
Af & caucus of the Democratic
Ln Do mernibers of the House of Hepresaniac
sg, Beld in the hall of House a
nights ago, the folion
berg 3 3X
The rolriger 2
pa Ff TANS
damaged 1
img into consideration shat approxime. BE
Wo pounds of subs
stares were shipped hers and issued, i 3
the percentage of doss 8 exramtingly | ¥
Their Lives
explosion a few days ago in one
mixing rooms in A buliding
Novdiinger-Chariton fireworks
pany, at Granitevilie, 8. |
Frohiein, aged 16 years and
Dotan, aged 18 years badly
the eves and scalp blown off other.
wine badly injured
ng cannon crackers and sky row kets
The explosion
Buildings within a radius
mile from the factory,
Charles Bidwell
of hail a
peter and potassiom chlorate.
were in packages of from 14 tn 0
Almobheved the strictest of the rules
ta help :
of the man in charge of the waitding.
The property joss 10 the
ard of inexpensive construction
are sn industrious. steady,
people and In Very many cisea sore
ing but one-Hlth
the greater part
for what they are fahting Sach
sinughter of so many anocent persons
As there wax & few weeks ago is a
great pity, but it cannot be helped. It
ignorance, If we
should leave or suspend operations
the siaughter would be all the worse.
man and American property destroyed
by the savage insurgents Admiral
Dewey is constantly receiving offers
of aid and resolutions of allegiance
In the United States Supreme court
an op was Banded down the oih-
er day by Justice Peckham ‘
Ohio ve. Gen. J. E.
used there.
state law Was anor
application tos the
The Klondike 1s to have a large ex-
ye Paris exposition of 1964
has been appointed judge
United States Clreuit at
The D. A. R. congress passed resolu
Bays Discheyed Orders snd Two of Them Lowe :
Two boys were killed another mare i
tally injured snd several others mare
or jess seriously Injured by a lernine
of the
of the {and sailors in the performance of ev.
I ery military duty to
” y 3 . EY & 3 we -
The dead and mortally injured are: | ine |
policy of the administration now die
i dies
circum. | chanting and music being impressive
ii thelr effect
and frtle |
was meas fewted |
Lon the mereral festure of the resoiu- i
i Tone !
: fered
the saperintenden?t |
sf the factory, said that the building | wo 00
had in it gusntitites of sulphur, sat. : for so
Thess |
Fiarty Morgan. sped 15 years, Charies |
Robert |
burned in
¢ and
The boys wears employed In charg { aiAnCes Wherever engaged
: Siviwtoy
"hook the house and i 2 Bon
pounds each. He said that the boys
when they want into the mixing room |
themaeives during the absence
company | TOanie in
wax trifling. ax the hotlding was smal |
{ diera.
| should he upheld
Murat Halsted Speaws Favorably About the | Ing
Murat Halstead, who bas recently
Cpeturned from the Philippines, says; i
Pre Pilipinos, who are the pecple
of the islands ares by re means the |
followers of Againaldo, The real Fili- i
Pinos are betier than accounted. They |
farming |
pristngly well sducated. We are fight
of the Filipinos and |
of them do not know |
Manila would be looted. English, Ger: |
and many women and children killed |
from the other Islands of the group.’ |
in the case | #7. late of Company
the Soldiers’ |
bey re
of the
AR #34
4% peut vad
af Georgia 3
REE the Paemae rate
tke Hause of Repro
cxnens sssembied
nal IDyaRity asd va
whirh they
deplore the
Frage r
ay hearly
under al
recting thelr
pledge th them
ke sttendance was args
af sentiment
The frst resol
by Mr Mark
Demacratis members of
COE ard
FERansT it 3
wha Pat a »
Cvr rte
Ofte, and
Muy from the
the foredgn
was the text
ni fren
Fleprese nia:
§ Pe :
Cow herd
tives Bailey,
pi Canines,
Lana: ants
The spo of General
differing from
Fes urged 1
dome WHEN Sa
w healer
ing view, na
shoal be Som
: steed as a lack of support lo ar werd
President |
ET Ree
fe 2nd
on. Ar AR
he arged
he desired
the mir
t that ev.
The bands of
wher Sght-
mat iar
was gains
a pedianey Aden
arty shaogid pot
Wars were populist,
the pressnt tirne
pespls was shawn hy he L
ery bey had his dram Aged
while he mothers were proud of this
patrivtic spirit
The votes were
fouled By a large majority,
Ais ed
The first detachment of the filibunt-
ering expedition organized for an ine
vaston of Ceniral America, left Kan i
Chea tities wheres thelr
spec ing
san City Tuesday sight
of fortune mamberad about
were provided for in four
conches. Willtame 6G. Thompson,
mer captain of Uoriny I» Finn
Missourt wnlunieers, was in eosmtnaned. |
Fo pegisments organized as infantry reg
C mients of war strength in the regular
Om the same train, 38 regular passes.
were Captain Ceorge PP. Whit,
sett. late of Company OG. Fifth Mis- |
Captain A. M. Cas. |
sourl volunteers;
MM. Third Mis.
sourl. and T. A. Whitten, a lawyer,
who has been active in recruiting the
adventurers. The flibusters expect 10
take ship at Mobile or New {Irieany,
and AL the port of embarkation they
viped by other
expert to be
dt. Louis, Chicago and
ments from
other ritles. 3
Men whe are leaders in the adven-
ture have secrelly informed their
friends that the real destination in
Nicaragua. The men enlisting have
been assured that the invaders have
been told that capitalists of National
prominence are furnishing the money
to equip, transport and arm the ex.
pedition. Whatever the destination,
the mien are sald te have boen prooy-
ised rich rewards in lands and con.
The Czar of Russia is said to he very
Baron de Reuter. who originated the
great Reuter news service, died at
Queen Victoria in enjoying the beat
of health, Her eye-sight has improved
I and her hearing I» acute.
The English papers generally cons
demned the tactics of the Filipino rel-
els and predicted their defent.
Germany has decided ta permit
American tenons and oranges and
dried fruit to eater without inspec-
A strong British force Is forming in
Lower Egypt to meet the Khalifa, who
is advancing on Omdurman with a
force of about
15,000 men.
The authorities of France are dilf-
gently searching for the conspirators
donate | in a plot to advance the claims of Due
at Madrid, have ro-
iin the procession or iT
Vo pemenive
: eaek
«1 enlufalqgue
iow hele
{and lighted al
| cpthedral
i pr aENI Re
i bishop
| awaited Prestient Loubet and offered
have |
| dinal
Aron |
{ funeral car, after which the procession
Adm 2 5%
of B
tha | [TOOTS then
the |
practically unani. |
Conga on the Cw resclutions addons, |
and the Livingstan resolution eas de. | ao
far: |
State treasurer of Pennsylvania, died
mpressive Puveral Services at Notre Dame of
the Late President.
Immense crowds witnessed the fun-
eral procession which last Thursday
pers the remains of the late President
Felix Faure from the Elysee paluce to
Notes Dame cathedral, and then to the
Cemetery Fore la Chaise. Madame and
Mademoiselle Faure did not take part
the funeral c@-
shvpgh they heard mass at
on in the chapel of the Kiysee
drawn hy #X horees,
faotman, entered the
the palace R11 ® Pega ty #
It was a8 magaificent a'ith large,
fituer plumes and having a dome dee
y artare. The Bang-
of sable velvel, bors
ehoone with ths late
ures initials jn sath SOR
aos Bung with he
tia with orape
Fer bla & raped
Fine Inte pre
* 5 x31 ORY
high #ivil
Feige pmion
merge! fron ihe
added by Gen
Bearers of the
: Next
coor am ty bend
the sonaie,
The hes
bal by =»
sourtvarsd of
* By
hg ek dent
Phe procesaiot proceed.
fF the sathodral, the
wy ostanding with bared
serge open
de In Cite the hells of
ros tail Amal when
wid tHe sanare in front
Aiherwise the Place
sre Dares. the hells burst
funeral peal. the roaps present
wml fhe Pasi? wae taken Ins
and placed upon
Was Dyer 0 feet
grid surmountad by an Imposing
twht of 130 feel, the
slaborately draped
The ceremony al the
wae ost sctemnn aml ime
Cardinal Biehard, the arch
a? Parvin, bearing A crucifix,
t the ¥
haly water and then conducted
to a front wens ta the cohol Car-
Piha sal facing President
Lotihet and the choir was filed with
archbishops. bishops and orher pref
Low mass was celebrated. the
Cardinal Richard then approached
the casket, which wan guarded by of-
dears ard surounded by the clergy,
were of. | and pronounesd the absolution to the
wring of the srgan and the peal of
cathedral bells The casket was
then Berne to the portal, accompanied
fy the clergy and replaced on the
toy the cemetery of
ln Chalse where It arrived at §
% gates and walls of the
wire draped with black and
in the manper adopted at the
Hime og The wreaths were Aepninted
5% the fost af the wall and the casket
was lid on & catafalqon at the oft
the vermatary Bulngistia
wars | deltbvered by Renator
M. Deschanel Premier Due
Laskeoy and M. Guilian. The
defiled before the cata
ite way
x Teer
Sere ery
mre af
ames how
Suy, M
| #eiinte Comvmittos Favors & Regular Army of
Rixvy.- Ave Thousand Mes.
he Renate commitles on military
faire has reported 8 compromise
army reorganization bill, which reads
Eat to mest the predent sxigen-
slew of the military service the presi.
i dent in hershy agthoriged 1 maintain
. {the regular army al a strength of not
: = | exceeding sixty-five thousand enlisted
An Amercas Espsdition Lesves for Central .
| several Branches of the service seeord-
aR to
L fares of pat
men, to be distributed amongst the
the nesds of each, and raise &
mors than thirty-five
volunteer infantry, an he
from the country at
aw, or from the
sgrvices may be
repired with regard to sitigenship or
sdueational qualifications, and to form
the same nts aol move than thirty
way determine,
tare under general
sw A Et in RINNE
Hobson Takes Part ins Wedding Cernmony
juwpan, ;
A letter from C. RB Harris. who Is
Consul tn Nagasaki, Japan, describes
4 wedding which took place in the
Consulate on January IN at which
Lieutenant Hobson, of Merrimac fame,
wan present.
The bride was Miss Jennie Prior, of
Atlanta, Ga. She went tn the Orient
on the same steamer with Hobson, the
Gallic, but the Lieutenant did not
know of her mission until he met her
and Mr. Allen in the Consulate just
prior to the ceremony.
The bridegroom in a son of a mis
sionary in China, and in honor of his
nuptinis the Consulate was decorated
by Mr. Harris Hobson enthusiastical-
iy kissed the bride after the marriage
Cervers Takes No Responsibl ty.
The committees of the Spanish Sen.
ate for the verification of credentials
has examined Admiral Cervera, who
had contended that he was entitled to
sit in the senate, inasmuch as eriminal
proceedings had not been taken
against him. The admiral declared
that if the loss of his squadron were &
crime it must be attributed to the gov-
ernment, which sent him to the An-
tiles against his will, He told the
{ pranmnittes that he wept on receiving
congratulations upon his safe arrival
at Santiago de Cuba, for he had fore
seen dimaster.
Bl Correspondencia Militar estimates
that 440,000 08 pesctas will be required
tg caver the cost of the ast two wars
in Cuba.
Protest Against the Bombardment.
General Otis had received news from
finilo in regard to the fire there. I(t
wis not the work of the natives, but
was started by the American shells
When the attack commenced the F)-
pinos and the foreign residents were
not in a position
to resist the American
The foreign residents subsequent.
ty met, protested against the bombard-
ment and resolved to put in claims for
damages, which are placed as high as
$5.000.000. It is claimed the American
witimatum fixed 4 p m. as the hour of
bambardment, but that it was begun
a 3 8 mu
After an illness which began three
years ago, Benjamin J. Haywood, ex-
of his most intimate acquaintances be-
Ln Seder at tho thee His de