SAB Sn GS lh A i A go with it. ‘ THE PATTON COURIER FEBRUARY 23, 1899 1 Sg ARS sn TEA won sonal supervision since its infancy ' Allow no one to decelve you in this, All Counteriit, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Expetieios agains Experiment, astoria is a substitute for Cnstor oir, Paregoric, Drops and Southing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. [It tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness., It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Pasncea-The Mother's | Friend. Prices Are Still Prevailing in Our New Big Store. It) 1s nol our poiicy tO COTY ary 14 over from SEASON to season, atid as each season wanes we put su ! hat are in CNUERS that they HE Som cl yy : made for Hew sto x ! Winter will soon be over and ail winter stock must be 3 Li price PN Gr goods i ard TECHN i § + Therefore Heavy Reductions Have been put on it and great bargains may be had in every Department. This includes Wool Underw Blankets, and many other things common to the season or that are in the way of new goods soon to arrive. We have bought heavily for the Spring and must b ve plenty of room and sake the best and quickest way of doing it namely : By Putting Down the Prices. n ve ask is for you to come and see ts if possih'e as we are sure we ean ot that our Prices are always lower on all sorts of things than y on can elsewhore while being able to please yourselt in the grost « riety wavs i Hosiery, Jackets, Flanunels Quiits, Ir you cannot come we shall be pleased to send samples or Goods on “pp proval to responsible persons. Our styles are always the latest and most approved with a full line of the various novelties going. Our House is the Centre of Store Interest in Altoona. . ili Ti TYLISH, RELIABLE & “ARTISTIC mended by Leading ers. © & # These puriorny srr «03 PY EAT fed Cooma dn ye te Wer denies does ros Bsn Murder tous. Can cer Gre%y yiinr fearass ai THE McCALL COMPANY, 3810 146 W. 1418 Stree New York BRANCH GWE 24 y Fifth Ave. Chicago, and Mar St San Francisco. Raiaax 4 * ¥ A ae sans ak 1 quick in our Anson free whether an ie 18 probably pa A ie Conmuunies. Patents et rontden 1and book on ; i fo fered, Fait 3 wPatants takon rma rou a oo oc ve Wor magsrine inevery ; premivmy Jat a litle a 1 lem a Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative, dos aa ts . 3 Pee icelnnd Gegoers. All the warm tints, from cream to raseet, are found in the mineral deposit © arennd the basin of the Great Geyser, Little Cievaar, Strokkr (the Chorni, aod the latte Strokkr while Blesi (the Blee Une) is lined with exqnisite whites, hike gererinin mabing it a fitting ves. gol for the vonking of food and for far. Cpisbing bedlioe water for our tea and aofiee ft was sa sinooth and beaatifal thet | eceried tn be motilating some thing tare when | chopped off pieces of its lining, but 1 kuew they would be valunbie souvenirs, and the uneasy, bunhling water would soon amend the deficrency The pind poole on this ploin are the most dangerous, for they spout bot mod diagonaily ont of the earth Coming upon them in one direction they are not seers, antl many a visitor bas gone home with a» scalded foot. The hydraulic dis play is now very fitful, as inconsiderate tourists have injured the spouting foun tains by Jomding stones into them to see them cast ont, #0 you must take your tent with you and encamp on the plain to await the pleasure of their majestios Blesi will serve you well while wait ing The Great Geyser hafl pot spouted for a week when we were there, and such surliness indicated a near activity The water spouted pnnsually high when it finally appeared, 150 feet, and showed all the tints of the rainbow, fie jestic at the same tims and mysterious It played for 15h minntes, and then ita besntifnl cascades subsided in feathery mist, a refined and graceful withdrawal * Internatic wal One Way ot Settling it. An amusing comedy in real life ie reported from Paris A married man was in a cale pear the Opers with his better half one evening and left her for a few moments While he was absent bis wife was insulted The lady rose from ber rest and went to meet her bus band The latter re enterad the cafe in order to chastise the offender The lat ter, hewevir bad gone, but the hos band found bis pame and address The man was a card printer The trate husizod went tn this person's place, tnt he did not find bis at bose, #0 be left bis card with the chief shop man. saying. "Your employer will kpow what that means ‘Al right,’ rejoined the penn ad dressed. ‘wo shall send ap to you to morrow On the following day the indignant hustand was amazed to receive a ool ieciiom of 100 visiting cards in bis own name. sli beautifully printed, scoom panyitig them being the inevitable bill This beiped to closes the matter, and it in recorded thot after brief explanations on both sides the hoshand paid the bill aid the master printer apologised to the indy Pearson's Weekly ftnts and Shellfioh. ‘Phd yon ever potion the cat alont the oyster stands of the city’ nekod a geotietean who takes an Interest ogo clogy ‘Ther sre fnvaniatly as fat a» botter That ts becagss thoy get plenty of #helifish 10 eat and by the way the fopduess of cats for that kind of dist 1 a mystery which 1'd like to bear some evolotionist explain A ont will RO crazy over a shrimp. and 13 is all the samo whether (t's a city cul or a bay evod ost that never mw walst exoipt in acistern [t's a taste born in them, ike their fear of dogs, and the question is How the mischief did they aoquire it? *Aoording to the evolotion theory such traits are inherited and friceabis to conditions away back toward the be ginning of things That woold seem to indicate that the primal cat was a fish er. but how is ane to reconcile the bles with the instinctive abhorrence of the tribe for water’ Theircraving for shell fish wmcertainly so progounced that there must be an excellent reason behind it and, altogether. it is quite a pretty lit tle provlem for some savant 16 is too hard for me Exchange Women Nameless In Koren. The Korean woman bas fot even a name In ber childbood she rooeives a nickname, by which she isknown in the turuily and by bor pear friends bot which when shies arrives at maturity is employed only by her parents To all other peiaonms she (8 "the &ister’ or ‘the daughter’ of such and sach a one Aftvr ber marriage her pame 18 boried she is abwclotely nameless Hor own parcots refer to her by mentioning the district wto which she has married Should ber marriage be blessed with children she 18 “the wother ’ of #0 and s0 If it happens that a woman has to appear io a law court, the Jodge gives her a special name for gee while the ease Insts in order to save time aud to Csiniphify matters -Naticnal Zeitung The Staple Minded Doke. The Duke of Wellington was largely endowed with that modesty or sim plicity which makes a great roan al most nnconscions of his greatness He met a lady friend, who was going wo see a model of the tattle of Waterlon, relates a writer in The Combill Maga zine, and remarked to%er. Ab, you're going to sce Waterloo It's a very good model | was at the tattle, you know’ sarveving a field of battles be cunld de tect almost al a glance the weak points In the disposition of the contending forces, but he comld never tel whather ais dinner was cocked wall or 1d The Syeamore Tree. Tha eyesore has been calle wl the Egyptiun fig tree The date of 11s being planted in Epgland 1s not kaown, buat it wasvery early Mary, queen of Scouts brought aver from France a v BNE EVO more, which she planted in the gardens of Holyrood. and from this have sprang all the beantiful groves of syoumores - now to be sean Ab Scotland a ser a A SA SA Ulovented Teeth. Never put a hot water bag to an ulcerated tooth If the dentist is vo _ available at the moment, apply an ice . bag. which will reduce the swelling | and next to the gum lay a hot raisin PARENIV (OMFPLEXION, It does not require an expert to de- tect the sufferer from kidney trouble Ths hollow cheeks the sunken eves the dark, puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip-colored com plexion indicates it A physician wonid ask if you had rheamatiam, a dall ache or pain in the back or over the hips stomach triniide, desire to urinate often. ar a burning or scalding in passing it, if after pasang there 1s an oosaticfed feeling as if it must be al ones repeated, or ff the arine has a brick dust deposit or siromg owlar When thess symptoms are present, no time should be lost in removing the Cal tine Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the biadder inflammation CRGsing stoppage, and someting: reguinng Wwe drawing of the urine §.th instramenia, or may ran into Bright's Disease, the most dangerons stage of Kidney tronbie. Dr Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specinlist, is a positive remedy for such diseases Ita reputation is world. wide and it is 80 easy to get at any drug store that no one need saffer any length of time for want of it However, if you prefer to first lest ita wonderful merits, mention THE Parron CoUvriEr and write to Dir Kiimer & Co, Binghamton, N.Y. for a sample bottle and a book telling all about, both sent abwolately free by mail HOW TO FIND OUT Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the hack is ales con. vineing proof that the kidneys and bisdder are oat of order What bi Dw There in comfort in the knowledges ao often expressed, that ir. Kilmer's Bwiamp Root, the great kidney remedy faifills every wish in curing rheama. tisrn, pain in the back, Kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inaldlity to hold water and seslding pain in passing it, or had effects following ase of higuor, wine or beer, and overcomes that on pleasant peovssity of being compel to go often during the day, and to get gp many Limes daring toe mght. The mid and the extraordinary effect of Sewarnn- Hoole sewn real rent i: ts status Lhe for ia wonderful ¥# Pairee 67 3d Clr CaN i YOu Drews a Tete YOU snGdul nave * zt At druggists i5y cente or For: han £3 Y ots may have 3 samp bw thst tells mom aitkas abueolutedy Fis by mab, vor address to Dr. Kilmer Binghamton, NY, When writing . sure and mention hil vou generous offer in the Pavros Colvin WHAT s{l1ALl SE DO? A sertions and dangorins disease pre valle in this comntsy, dangers becatse #0 deceptive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it i= often firmly seated before we are sware of i The name of this dese which may be divided ints three stages is First, Ridney trouble, indicated by pain in the back, rheomatism, lombago, fre. quent desire to urinate, often with a burning sensation, the flow of urine being copious or scant with strong odor If allowed to advance, this reaches the Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen low down between the navel and water passage, increasing desire lo arinate with scalding sensation io passing, mall quantities being passed with dif fle ulty, sometimes necessary to draw it r with lastrumenia I gnc sold has formed, 18 will prove gravel erous if neglected The Third stage is Bright's Disease There is comfort in knowing that Dr Kilmer, the great kidoey and bladder specialist, has discovered sevseety famous for its marvelias ; oat distressing cases and Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root It is sold by all drugpisia As a proof of the wonderful virtaes of this great remedy, Swamp-Hoot, & sample bottle and book of valnabie mformation will be sent absolutely res by mail on application to Dr Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N.Y writing k Kindly mention that this liberal offer in the Parton sandy and the Mare. A Heottish paper tells a story of San dy Mo -- a Forfarshire farmer who bad been spending an hour oF two In the evening with a friend a coupie of miles away It was a moonlight night and Sandy. after partaking freely of bis friend's bospitality, was ri hone across “the sheep paste “guid auld mare, when an open ditch. which ls tO (Tiss “Hoot awa, Maggies, said the nider “this winna das Ye mann jist gang awer. He turned back atout a bumdred yards, wheeled round and gave the mare a touch of bis whip Un she went at & brisk canter, but as they reached the edge of the ditch she stopped dead and shot Sandy clean over to the other side. Gathering bimsell up, Sandy oho his mare straight in tha face and said “Vera weel pitched tudeed, ma lass Bit boo are ye goin to get ower yersel’ | sh? DR C. ERNEST CHASE, Surgeon - Dentist, PATTON, PENN'A. Office in Solomon Building, opposite City Restanrant, Fifth Avene DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. S¢ Coneral Surgery and the Eve 2 Specialty Al % will pew PER preinpd stiesition Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Kk riitvglos The i ext tee BH styles . fight powpetdod te rch flied Temi OFFICE HOURRT tod 5 te and HH 102 p DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Offi in Mellon block, next door to Pewtofficn, Patton, Pa All ewils, Any oF might promptly rexpedeled ue $f Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ParTox, Pa. Offioe in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. (fice in Good Bailding (af wt DAVIS, } £ sind Attorney and Counselor at Law. Eaewsprig, Pa | beni Deasinees pron ly al tended to vee tn Barker Building TOBACH £6) and (HIARS FITZ ATRICK'S Hn a " ot on Mapes Anette. Tear MY AHAFFEY HOUSE tak atey, Cleartaid {Uo Pa At (CHEST SPRINGS FO UNDRY. » 3 3 a Woe ary Fire nn rey $i Gy Fa kinds vif 3 fl oo FY TTI Fert it Parnell & Cowher FIRE. LIFE AND I AfLIDENT EA be I ENTS wud Bsliding, Patton, Pr Pleae No 3 “nen 2S vy K EELEY CURE. i! LIGUOR AND £708 HABITS, $ Buonwen aff $s oe and smptila they itis Eng * Ersiom. rempes madly ger Ratan SNe # a a ed wnt 3 20 x $e AYE BY 4 CF GALE KOFI FY iT 4 p = atexintibote. seer 4 ns 3 #a sar Pu $ PHBE L eRe Rr OF PATTOX. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $0,600.10 SURPLUS, 847 0.0 i A. E Paras Wa HH Sasnyarh Presiden? Cashier ATTENTION Go to Geo. Boone THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PAGIFIC TEA CO. & 3 Yelsiteed Her Teas, fees Soden alist Whe AF. Sugurs, Baek % 4 £ om oad Prin RL ¥ : i Expensive Premiums will be given away with anli% ounce oan of A. & P. Baking Powder, Mi. 40 cents worth of spices gis any prize on the list. Many Jother pren jams given away. CALL ou us and be con- vinced that we can save you | money. SA AAS Sa a Beech Creek ‘Railroad. NY.C&H R R Co Lessee Condensed Time Table. Now, 3 Pe Pe Ban - » » CHEAT a # BEuBALEY Patton Ww Saver a a Pen ¥ WE eh Mite karile tiem rfiedd Wewwlinnd Bigier Wallacelin Py wv ESBS 8! | a a : FEARS ANNI RELSD NE Yow ‘H av i on Yomngewislie Warne FES Fomiery sbware Tanrtiom FI 8B 3 cpus Shire HE aw Witte mpapors aril BN a pom Fhit'a & Reading BR p LE Wilkin rrwpe et EI AL Piibudtniphin ar 2% J{8 NY vin Tamwaans sr XY vin Phila arblo 0 99 PE am Werkdays 300 p wm Susdags 130 50 a oy Munley ‘Now York passengers traveling via Phi shaw om FEM pom tenn Prom Wi a meport SATE re at Hantiogdon 8 Phila. i PEE ROVE Ar Wit arrow with Phila det pbria sed Reading ri rosed: al Feraey with the Fall B Ry. pr? Mii Hail with Central Batidoad of Penowvieasin. af Fhitipebarg #ith y Puonnmyt ae gare a Aftowstok & Philips lg raiiromd; Ciomrfield with the Batten od and Fittabasrg railway: at Minbar art Patton with Cambria and Cenrfieod division of the Fransy canis milreond 3 Mahaffey oilh the Pomeeyivanis and Nerth Sostetts raiiway. AG Paimer, FE Herriman, Sag perintemdant { a, Paws A ; Philadeiph "H Pennsvlvania Railroad Time Table Nov. 20, 1908 Main Line. Pence Crests Bast ward Ra Mbps BoA paves, week days Swi Asotnmedution. woek Aa ws Main ine od bi p k way Ad TY iw Mali Kx proses, daily Priladeiphin F x prow. dni Leave {ronson Westy Eva Ty ASW. Week dave BUA pris, mily ¥ Puasseriper, daly atirey Fog pereus Ten Rosus SUEUR AE WETHER §Eg388Y BREED a. p Ee ive wi se, daily - Sv Reeve week Sars cambria and Clearfield. Sesythvwaet. Bor Patton aos Orssonn ove 3 Matmfliey Feo & WC Le Flastings 41% fia a Bay Meals Frenstiary 70 22% Bs A Fore vamiy 3 ime ky ov om hii . atfoy aT i a A rl uy yt nd Brad Py Danetineg a2 £55 » walks Lavoie far Pats SR roman oc Shee natwiry Sod Hea Aley J ; SMW fase i ttetet T #§ Woomteigew 7 8 Laer 8 ephvett a RIPEY fo TRel Mgpent tre wh Bait. ¥ A. BW. Db. 2 fos ph ude sary. Pn. £ © Wind, favs. Pass. Ag TO TAKE EFFECT NON 1. 893 Westward fone 3: ws # ww Lal” - - Ty 4 x ¥ =" Be BEE BRR RE vee ae Tsao Station Nana fey Bowel {pve Japotion Mahufler fatmibinrst § Mod pen Wetted 1 Works surferdand { ‘argangd & pe oF wk NAR SE el a ¥ Bb BRsukzens? "KE CLE usr ERiengannd TT BITRE a sas & nnrrul J wo. a wie Ae We Barre ® Sh av BERRI AE HARE BE RREE RB EREsEntsfinnuy BEE = a £5 5 Mates J 3 . Leow with © Solis rains Ww : Mahaffey: = trmins dally exes Sun Rx, enersl Manager Mo Bi Poy Pa Paftaly, Rochester sod Piflshaey Ra a Notley, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D) Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excellad. Prices are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. Lan * HASTINGS, PA:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers