The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 23, 1899, Image 7

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    ji Russia's railway budget exceeds her
army budget for the firet time, and is
& proof of the enormous efforts she is
sking to develop ber Asiatic terri.
which is twice us large as the
entire United States.
Boglish an she is spoke is now an |
ve lingual exercise among the Ha-
who are thus egnipping them-
[ves for the enjoyment and employ.
ment of their new liberties, It will
be a mellifflaons transition from one
tongue te aucther, probably reaching
tite the stage of intelligbility.
A Inte official statement from the
\ of Santa Clara, Cuba, ehows that
ring the three years of the revoln
tion there was a loss of eighty per
: of the population by death. It
is a brief statement, occupying only
printed lines. Dat one reads
between these lines an appalling
dy which is but a single item in
he awful story of “Cuba Libre.”
The two grest English universities
been regarded as institutions for
the education of the sons of rich and
ratic families, but during the
Bt year three of the seven natural
ence scholarships given have been
arded to boys from the crowded
iments of the East End of London,
were educated in the public
is and the gchools of the People's
ace. These boys will now have in
great university equal chances
& the sons of dukes and royal
cen Bo great a leveller of ranks
8 mind!
I the marrisgesble maidens of 1000
lo mot besr a grudge against the cal.
endar aud its intercalators, it will not
be because hope deferred has lost any
of its power tv make the Leart sick,
t the wise men of chronology have
d that 1000 will not be leap
although it is divisible by four
t a remainder. It is useless to
details about it, for matters of
s caloalation are intensely ex-
sting when they impinge roughly
such fondly cherished hopes.
ear exact science say that, for
p convenience in the enumeration
decades and centuries, the next leap
1 not be till 1904, although the
p was in 1896, is enongh to con-
the discovery that nothing can
Grogs, Superintendent of the
iota Farmers’ Institute work,
es that the migration of young
| from thi country to the city has
mn checked in Minnesota. He cites
reason for this the improved
ion of the farming population,
roveiment has been brought
! largel; by an intelligent study
tural methods, through the
m of State lecturers, and the
School of Agriculture at St. An-
. Mr. Gregg says this col-
in the young men
of machinery and manufac
sods ¢ aring the fiscal year end-
ine 30, 1808, that the people
failed to realize the extent to
we hare been feeding the na-
of Eurupe. © While the manufac-
irs in the cities were selling to En-
, Asis, South America and other
tries a product valued at $290,
the farms of the West and
West supplied the people of
‘countries agricultural products
$88,683,570, surpassing by
5,388 the highest record ever
at of 1892, According to the
t of the burean of statistics
ports of breadstuffs, pro-
nding cattle and hogs),
mineral oils for the [calen.
sar 1898 were valned at ‘$789, .
AA nst $693,610,747 for 1807,
6,056,647, the largest for
suse 1892. For December,
total exports of these com-
: ? sgmrogsted $93,278,506,
$88,630. 606 for December,
gain of $4,642,000 for one
The figures for the fiscal year
he past calendar year tell the
of the most remarkable trade ex-
‘valuable after the completion of the
| There 1 lay, outatretobed on the mar-
the water of the pool seemed no more
than three or four feet in depth. It
{ their voses, and ;§ was thinking to
to pasturs 1
uid eogatry home;
would _ the cows, and, when
oliktes of eventide drew op, 1 drove them home again.
among their number
It I
Ehe was not
1 remember very well
ut yosterday I saw the cow that wore the bell;
trer than the rest, por any finer |
Yet all the others foliowed her, wherever she Biri fen;
And in my youthlnl mind I used to wonder why and how
It was that all the cattle tagged the oid beli-cow,
Rtrangs years of shadow and of shine have pasEad away wines then,
Apd pow | mingle dally with
And stl I muse more earpest)
For mea, 1 find, are likewise quits
And some have natures made of gol
he hosts of busy men
y thay what | veal to do,
proutise ernatyres ton
i withont a speck or Saw,
While some are only gilded forms, all padded out with straw,
And while the modest, worthy
an the world fu slow ts
The counterieit wha fondly Leng, steps lu and takes tha len!
The ope who makes the noise is sure to snteh the crowd,
I ksow why ail the cattle tag
and now
od 1h uid iwilorow,
i ;
; Baten,
New York in
the spring of
1807 with
the Buaesian
Mr. Boris
who had en-
gaged me
aud four oth-
er yonnug
“Techs” for
the Trans.
bushes near the brow of the ledge,
The blending of bright solos
strangely caniasing there xeéviiadd to
be too mueh of it! 1 eould not make
out the shape of the animal, fir its
bead was held low to the gronndland
it was stealing fooward: what | saw
was a long stresk of mottled color,
more like a big soske than as gquadra-
But the animal emerged on the lure |
brink of the rocks, snd then, indeed,
was an enormons Mongolisn tiger
. R Railway, 1
had no ides thet T was going to the
country of the most powerful of all
beasts of prey, but when I comme home
I will bring with me a most convine-
ing skin, for which 1 have already re-
fused four hundred doliars.
t October and November,
1897, I was ‘‘leveling” in the Yablonoi
Mountains, beyond Chita, one of the
Jegions through which the
passes, and survey work pro-
grossed slowly through the thick, tan-
gled brush on the slopes. Before we
oould use instruments it was often nec-
essary to send sxemen, convicts, inad-
vance, and frequent! ve could do noth-
ingon the line for a day or two, or even
three er. At such idle times I
commonly went prospecting, for there
is a good deal of miners! wealth in
this distriot, which will be far more
On one of these januts in Novem-
ber, I climbed the long, low, rocky
ridge ite Mount Kathluan, and
descended into the valley beyund it, a
distance of seven or eight versts from
eamp. A verst is about two-thirds of
smile. Then I was in s fine, wild
country, wholly uninhabited and de-
void of hasvy forests, though there
were scattered birch and larch copaes,
Pheasants abounded; with a double
barrelled gun I could ‘have shot thirty
brace, but 1 I had taken only my Amer.
joan carbine that day, thinking that I
might fall in with bears, nnd never
imagining suything worse to be in the
ES ay
In the valley of a clear, mountain
river, 8 tributary of the Shilka, the
steady roar of falling waters led me
balf a mile or more to where a cataract
of twenty-five or thirty feet pours over
a break of the strata into au opales-
cant pool which shoals out on pebble
bars leas thas a hundred yards be-
low. On the south side, where I ap-
proached, the pool is walled in >
abrupt, smooth ledges of granite tev
or twelve feet in height, snd such a
of e shrubbery grows
brink that I could not get near
to look down into the une
ul I crawled under the boughs,
u of the hoary, lichen-clad rock,
down on the foam-faced pool
and up $5 the milk-white fall.
Directly below the rock where I lay,
lay over yellow gravel, and presently
fish lying almost
brooding on their
<beds—flsh of five or ix
pounds esch. At first I thought them
oarp, but soon I concluded that they
were a | variety of river trout.
Earlier in the season I might have
sq; thew salmon, since the Bhilka
isa tributary of the Amur, which flows
into the Northern Pacific Ozean,
About twenty of these fine fish were
lying so that with hook and line I
might easily have dropped bait before
shoot one of the largest with wy ecar-
bine, when u throaty scream from
a fellowsportsman--a fish-hawk,
perched on a large, leafless tree across
the pool—esused me to look in that
direction. A minnte later the hawk
took wing, and with two or threo claps
of his powerful pinions came sailing
across the pool and circled overhead,
one round, red eye turned downward.
I thought him about to plunge
down for a fish, but soon perceived
that his attention was fixed ou some |
object in the thicket, either on me or
on some object near me, something on
the brink of the very crag where I lay.
‘‘He has seen me,” I thought, “and
resents my intrusion on his fish pre-
serve; and I was on the point of ris-
ing up to punish his incivility with a
shot, when I heurd a slight, stealthy
crackle in the thick brush a few yards
Whatever it was, it seemed to be on
my track, hunting me, and I was
much startled, althongh I lay quiet
and held myself ready to fire the in-
atant I canght sight of its head. Bat
I quickly perpeived that the rippling
with the steady roar of the eataraet,
| fell
which, with its tail slowly swaring |
back in the brush,
be twenty feet long!
My nlarm was simply sickening |
and ferocity of the Mongolian tiger
came into my mind with awful sndden-
ness, I knew that these monsters had |
bad never dreamed that any were loft |
there. Buttheare was one before roe
meal.—-one so cioes to mo thet 1 dared
not stir, or even wove the muzile of |
my gun!
My former fear recurved that the!
ing forward on my track, but ss it
that its ‘eyes wore not on me. Half |
crouching, it crept, catlike, to the ex:
treme verge of the ledge and pwered
intently downward at the pool. Be
fore 1 could oven conjectures wha! st
farther forward, curving its neck over |
its body. For a moment or two its |
bisck-tipped tail whipped the boughs,
then suddenly it leaped down with
splash. g
With intense relief at heart, I pooped
oer and maw the tiger in ths water,
grabbing with Jdightuing like motions |
of its heal and paws, Then, with »
gleaming, straggling fish in its wouth,
it bounded through the shallow» ater | |
on the gravel around tie font of the
pool. Never shall I see a mors Lean:
tiful spectacle than that of the magnifi- |
cent beest of prey as it went at long
leaps through the water in the after
noon sanshine, while over it the hawk
circled and swooped with whistling |
screams, as if with some inten! to
snatch the fish,
Crossing the shallows, the tiger
bounded up the rocky bank, its claws |
scratching audibly oa the rounded |
boulders, and ran for forty or fifty
ards to the leafless oak ou which the !
wk ;had been perched. There it
ped and crouched to eat the fish,
wm where I lay the tiger was in
full view, and distant sbogt four haa-
dred feet. My courage had revived
considerably, now that the pool and
the steep rock lay between us, and I
considered whether it would do to
risk a shot. My carbine was » i
one, and at that range one long forty:
five-calibre slug might be expected to
kill or disable almost any creature
smaller than a rhinoceros. Yet such
terror had been struck into tae ny the
brute's sudden appearsuce that 1 felt
much inclined to steal away. Hut 1
dared not. Ten to one it would de-
tect some sign of my moving and fol
low my tracks. To shoot it seemed
the only way of saving wy life.
While I was thus meditating, the
tiger suddenly rose to its feet and
stalked down to the pool again. It
desired more fish. For a time it
scanned the water, then entering the
shallows, it began to cross over, |
walking somewhat gingerly, as if dis |
liking to wet itxelf again, or else un-
willing to disturb the pol.
It cconrred to me instantly that its
purpose was to cross to the ledges anid |
repeat its former tactios of springing
down on the fish. Fresh alarm took |
possession of me. If 1 lay there the
tiger might come upon me.
Clearly, I had better take the ini-
tiative and shoot the beast, if possible,
while still down on the gravel. The
distance was not wore thao fifty yards,
perhaps less.
I rested my carbine slong the
smooth surface of the ledge and fired,
just as the animal was at the deepest
piace on the shoals, Its head was
turned up-stream as I fired, and the
bullet, as appeared afterward, passed
through its right nostril, smashing its
lower jaw, slipped underneath the
skin of the neck and penetrated its
With a howl which blent strangely
with :
the deep green of the bhonghs was
I saw plainly enough that the creature |
Incked sciaally, Lg
[Be SPU is,
Certain authentic aocounts of the size
been ccoasiozally seen in Siberia, but
i plant sleep varies Yum
one large enotgh 10 est 8 wan at a
tof the day.
tiger had scented me and was crawl. | PEO
emerged into fall view 1 perceived |
day, snd for thi & reason if call
i $s. fon i
{evening primrose snd of the thorn ap.
tracted its attention, it drew itself still |
dhe greatest
the brink snd drawing its feet bonesth |
in the mm
date the phenomena of
| nocesnty of sleep.
{ tiger in deadly combat.
le ys
of driftwood near the right bank
of the river,
Elsted at the success of my marks.
bank and found the tiger dend. By
dint of bard tagging, 1 drew the body
There 1 loft it while
snp was waning, sad meds for camp
with a speed thet came partly of my
Hnpressiun that tigers ponerally travel
in pairs. 1! thers was another about
the place | was willing to leave
sione, 1 case it should not hant me,
Bat nest morning two Cossnek rod.
men went bask with me to the scene
ai aud with their assisianss
ely out
{1 drew the dead tiger oo
tof the water and remove :
{As snbsequently enred, it measures
an inch over eight feet in length, not
cincloding the tail, and bas an averags
| breadth of abomt five feet and a half,
~ Yonth's Conpanis
ef sy
i They Have Yarians Hours,
a Fest,
ist All Take
i he mimoes goes bo sleep when night
Lut even 8 dark [ass-
ing over the sun will causes its jesves
do fol ti #taik to ging down
and, in fxel,
seep. In going to sleep the nuimoss
Lis not, however, at nll «in guisr, many
: | species of plants ~losing their leaves
Land flowers st night. (On the ether
i hand, thers gre some which, like the
i beasts of the forest, haul setting
; say as a signal for activity. This
ef plants, whith is the same
gically sus animal sieop, does
exist without reascn. The art of
in the hig animals,
myptowstis of repose inthe lt ran and
Inrrons system, anid the fa-% of plants
seeping iz ome proof of the existence
of a nervous system itn ibe members of
(ihe _regetable Bing
ta: ite =u gop 5%
not wlways al nig
him x
# 5a
Yarions hours, sud
ag hilesn
it He Yr
On morn
tie Mar
tel Lo
£3 sleep 4% Ai%erent
Thas t
ing glory opens al rion
Bethlehom about tan o'clock, the ice
at poon The "t's begrd,
which opens st sanrise, closes at mul
gd “Go.
wil! the
hours, Ligh® aud heat
ao with Pianis
epecies go
E810 DE,
at-noon.” The Rowers
ple open st sunset, and those of the
pight-blosming cereas when it indany,
Aquatic flowers oven and close wi
regularity, The white
walter idy sloses its Bower al sunset
| and sinks hel 1ow the water {or the night,
ortiing the palais sagmin ex
« Pand aud float on the sarlsce. The
Victorias Heogis expands for the first
time about ait o'clock in the evening,
; and closes in a fow hours, it opens
| again at six o clock the next morning
tand remain so BH slternoon, whan it
| clones sid sake balow the witer,
For upward of 3080 years contin
Lone attempts have Lisen maa le to ol
slien without
L wnccess; uany theories have boon pro-
ln slgated i, but they have fallen short
of sxpisining it.
We know that sleep
rests the nod more than the body, ar
{to put it 1 another way, the mere
i physical sa apart from the nervous
j portion of the organism, can be rested
| without sleep Negatively, the effect
of sleeplessness proves the value asd
Aud this is seen in
a marked manner in the case of plants,
~{pettieman’s Magazine,
A Rure Collection of Canes.
There is one young man inthisecity,
says the Philadelphia Record, who has |
been devoting all his spare cash and
time for the pust five years to secur:
ing a collection of canes. He started
into the fad modestly enough, snd |
now he has grows so attached to the
ides that nothing can turn him aside
from it.
prises nearly two hundred sticks, and
they vary in vaiue trom a few pennies
to many dollars. The odd thing about
the assortment is the fact that each
cane Las attached to it an interesting
history, or else it is valuabie iutrin- |
sioally or on historie grounds, None |
of them is saved sitaply to swell the
total number.
Probably the most valaable stick is
one that came from au
Japan, The claim is made that it was
carved by a native, and the work took
several years,
jioseand figures of humans, beasts,
: ently or
yards, stranding finally against |
manship, I made my way down the
{ beiry,
the siternoon
the whole plant goes to.
Wwany sii}
: thon
The collection already cowm-
L Yon
island near
In (he Himse Wednesday,
sum, of Jefferson county. offered a legs
reapportionment hill by
whith, until the next
cennue, the Higss of Fepresertutiy
will have 30% wmerburs a decries ot
The ironed Fivision of Ale
ghery county would give it 28 soem
® gain of four,
Br Mr, Fred of Al ERReny--
hronghs ty sir
prerring Mr
Le ’
{eer 4
Lg mR es
5 > x
fair rH Ree
nl tha
at 8 Jee sp
Rintes ou hy wv
iors the 3 haids that
tra nsfererpd may
Ailing the Pro.
1889 relmtinee th
re TEA igen)
srpin nt
SY Le 7s
$5 Merats Weodreus
Auced by Mr. V AUEDE, &?
SUBiY. 10 Resend Conle Ih Sel ’
teptn on the petitioners Was advin ed
to third reading Thee bli offered by
Mr. Wailer, of sdtord comnty
raguinte the practice 34 Fegan]
lim bite Inslriments s% pronad,
SWINE BliK wer Yasied
Vaugeh of lesckswansa
2 Be Fr
safety oF
Maminy RAOES
goers then for |
Es Ze
Lire ia #1 ¥ 3 3 Bill Leky
; rT ot {2 bE
Ving Er £6 7x
rebing In vile
giuinte the
a of the
4d $415 eis
Crk ER waAN
Thursday morning
Senptor Janes 13 Thursday
morning premen ied iE the kenmaty Bid
fo reOOT Eline the LOM aNiGners Wha
ar the soldier votes ing It pre.
Popiden for B50 BRPPIOY
Pither bills wore
iy Fenator Gibson Frie an aot
amending Reneral corporation act
1874 mo an to permit al the Inoriora.
Dusitives of erecting an 1 repairing al
ports of buildings, im ug
facture of pianung specialities
bardware glass pal T3its bear
fmnbers, shingles. by ht
siders’ sgpaviien
ning ballot Fd ay f
ir Quay with hin 12% we
tn the » Mar.
of the
# ny gg 3
eo hwll
£4 $2)
spd Sena
wy “am nar.
FES oad Lie |
changes 1a the t
There are nearly two
sirds and reptiles, aud a battle scene
on land and one ou sea. The wood i
a beautiful piece of Lamboo, nearly
inches in dismeter, and sen:
soned until it is as hard as ivory. The
handle ix formed by a sunke and a
Alaska, and the historic fgures are
said to illustrate the eutire history of
a certain tribe pow almost extinel,
| eats from the most distant portion of |
There aro several sticks made from | i being
wood taken from famous old battle. | vod
ships, and ons historic bit of black. |
thorn is said to have ounce been the |
property of Tom Moore, the great tar
Irisn poet.
Electricity For the Pyramids.
Lighting the Pyramids of Egypt
with electricity and the installation of |
25,000 horse-power plant, to cost |
is a plan now under |
consideration Ly the British Govern- |
i ment, and an American firm is likely |
some $400,000,
to receive the contract
As oatlined, the plan includes the |
the great yellow and black brute
cver backward, splashing
leaping wildly, Then getting into
movement of the boughs was not di- |
rectly approaching me. but passing |
toward a part of the brink of the
ledge that was twenty or thirty feet
away, and a moment later I caught a |
puzzling gleam of yellow, black and!
white amcug the less hickiy-growing |
over with the current, wallowing, now
up, now down, till, coming to a ball.
| submerged rock, it struggled to chimb |
out on it and elung there, with awfal |
gurgling cuteries.
1 fired again, sending a second bnl-
let clear “ivough its body, wheu it:
reared, all glistening with water, aud |
and |
deeper water below the bar, it rolled |
generation of eleotric power at the
Assouan Falls, on the Nile River, and |
distance of 100
: miles through the cotton-growing dis- |
tricts, where, it 18 believed, the cheap |
i power will permit the building of eot- |
ite transmission a
(ton factories. It is planued to use
Nile. S Evugineering News
i lay
i of the
the power to illuminate the interior |
corridors of the Pyramids, and also!
| operate pumping machinery for irri- |
gating large areas of desert along the |
the — 4
Hartranfi monument
Karurday’'s attendanse 81 the
torial Balloting was the smaliesl 8
the Legisialure began 1g tn
Mr Quavs suovsssr. Only 16
were cast, of swhich Quay
Jerks 4 and Imizell 3 he
SOTLovR run } red 18.
i 5
yoceivant 1
The Drink Care at Malin.
Mr. WH.
Tinited tates |
ae taaitin
fognisd = hall-vmnpty
: field
¢ Was He Babe She Leaps From a Bursis
Buiding Four of Her {nidren Hest
Dests in the Flames
wr |
& Ra
Ldren serned
work At
Sof yp fromm Noawme
wn Keone qd by ihe sre oko, rd
o War arms amped
v window. leaving
thelr hada
i PERS res
i NESTS per
$1. JSETatR
3 $14 J whi
3 Suxton
36 5038
John A.
0 Joo
s hn Ke
regan Johnstows
Wipe rant
gy. Ford
Easeyse gi ik,
jg #H Warren,
relsmenhainer, Pitts
Averill Northvile,
Pra % Hoartinger,
8% 15 316. Henry
$5 th BIE, fume
8 George M.
Fdesard RR
$7. Haha
§ Fe
Faetoryuiie, BR
MePherson has Banded down
whirh he sustaing the
& T™ nas MM Joses as SGpeT-
t of public printing, in refos-
tn certify fo F payment to the audi
gore ral the | (5581
Cur eres M Basch, state pris
printing 1506 copba of a mlotin en
tithe [rismases and Enemies of Pauls
Ptrv.! umder a concurrent resoiption of
the legislature, apliroved March 3 3830,
F The cost of LM copies of the original
smphist was $03 MM and only B-
#48 #4 Mr Buse®'s ¢aim was {0¢
ar premition presswork. stitehing, eto
He the rest (3 2AT 35 nas fir work
I Faige Meo
% CORE Serablbe pare
1 Msany
#2 Slaven ate] snHdmien of
4 pet Save wen i
cars i
tefinr of fhe
Batik, = a
£ & beading on
Mod Regton ope
o a ¢harge of |
KE the bank 4 008 Snipe
Bb WAE wT sreaared sor otnbinr ads
if mnd intimated
Frat poe ander
hee metiied,
defaiontbone rover & period of
twa years. For the past two
month he has heen suspected, snd on
Uedlne singe Inet admitted ta te Lavard
thr thal Be had stolen $006,
vestigation of hie bows reveakied
he was $4000 short Reipls in M4
wid. ard mmarriad g !
Ih wate
iegatrins head-on
xt Le wistows
SER train rs
soa shifiing erga
3 eh whe fer
en ha
a feu
y wank
81 toe
Saye PE
+ Crashed
orth end
Aol the
tan Bax rare Wor wreek
Sa Wertz, of th
RN Cash tre the wre k
rhe iy i
¢ upper Iumped to
: a5 seow
fron bay The
gt the traok mtd the
oil ke drove it Ball toe
Bgitenier tt
nl engine ke
of thy
the Drid
LE Sh a i & in «
sudden Jeath of
wt iwt of Chester,
Aue to the ACTA
fares 4 on he hi To levis
inthe Bead 1 nder the plow
une on which Re dled wae
hottie of the Grok
A jreletrpertoms examination. showed
that the doctor's Beart was dissamed,
cand the drag had aus @ 8 fatal shaek
The Bow public library. the
firent Institution of is kind ia North.
western Pennmyivania, was dedicated
and thrown open fo the public with
Appropriate ceremonies last weell A
otter was read from Andrew Carnegie
iti which Be enclosed a chek for 35 00
Lor the Hirary fund Om & former dc.
camitn Mr. Carnegie donated 11.506 16
1h LGrRrY.
The state supreroe court has refused
8 pew frikl to wen Fagns and Core
wa BuEgw of Jag
ete of the mur
Pepper of Rush township
will now Bx the duals Tor
Fagan and Shan
siorm before i1hweir
the vier Wit
A $b Ea h
Soe pip orks ®t
Fo rie
Heyy af A Jackaon
Gaon. Ntone
the ereouiion
wade ronfes.
wer a
Alex and
‘ PLE et 2
igerent at Hiaver
tow of
i The
giewnt ©
paired 8 §
Chapists Hunter, of the Tenth Penney! |
varia Basgiment,
writes to the Pittsbarg
Commercial Gazette Irom Manila, Nivem-
ber 1s
‘Many of
habit oledrink.
We as a regiment
wilh =x canteen,
our man are arquir
have not bean sarsed |
But those regime
i he 3
Wg the g
Saloons ars on ever side | ¢
ats | }
wire a canteen exists find the men diel | ya
outside just the same as ii no axatesn wxis®
od. Th» disorderly boases are doing
hellish work with Government sas
There are thousands bers who had tar bpd»
ter have fallen in battle than enters] Man:
fia. They will be a vurse to themselves
and their families. Yet theses wells Souris)
wader Guverament protection.”
33e%s £
Nieago five. x
re ali Tes a
and child
i KX?
RR bailding x
MH. Marty, nile
Ower-axyerting himseld
snow -bound eoads, near Chambers.
burg, Supervisor J RR. Qeita aroppel
densi with heart dissasee