lend Bee change in L. W. Cook's ad this ation Courier. PATTON PUBL ISHING co, Proprivtors. Las Wilkins. £. Win: GereNE, hdiior TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advice, woe BLAM CSE Adverusing mies tse KROW Tn apn ape plication, #9 No papers diseontinusd antl al arrear ages are paid, anles ut the option of Lhe publishers, Entered at the Postothics at Falls as scnnd. class mall stir "St. Patrick's day next. Sun-bonnets at Mrs. Dartt’s, Get your pictores framed at Fisher's. Wall paper at Fisher's 5; cemis a Week, New goods arriving daily at Mrs Darts. A big line of ladies’ rovslin under- wear at Mrs. Dartt’s. F. L. Whitaker, of Lock Haven, spent Tuesday in Patton. : Men's $10.00 suits will go at $6.37 at our stare. WoLr & THOMPSON, There are now 35 prisoners in the county jail, two of whom are females. © J. H. snd Harris Strong, of Berwin- dale, made Patton a brief visit Monday. The snow has about all left us, espec- cially as far as the sleighing is con- cerned. Brookville, made a business trip to Patton Tuesday. The familiar face of Doc. J. P. Martin, of Carlisle, Pa, was seen on ‘our strevts Monday, ‘W. C. Templin, of Mechanicsburg, was among the many visitors to Patton | the first of the week. Mr. J. E. Parnell and son, Gilbert, . are visiting Mrs. Parnell’s parents at Tipton, Pa.. thie week. Special attention is directed to the sew ad of the J. E. Kirk Hardware and | Furniture company on first page. The new stible on East Magee ave ne, which W. T. Robinson is erecting or Liveryman Baum, will be completed n a short time. It is 32x50 feet nnd is onveniently located. The members of Patton Fire Co. No. furnished a beautiful floral design, of sther, Wm. Morgan, whose funeral socurred Wednesday. A man staying at a boarding house tells the story that, in a recent thunder storm, the warring of the elements © was 80 awe-inspiring that the hair in a dish of batter in the pantry turned completely white. —Ex. ~The CourRiER is in receipt of the Record, published at the Pennsylvania Industrial Reformatory of that Institution. and neatly printed brim fall of good by the inmates It is well edited In the Clearfield county court Mon. of the murder of Vietor Corietta, wis called before Judge Gordon and sent- enced to 15 years imprisonment in the Western penitentiary at Allegheny. It is reported from Bellefonte that Gov. Hastings will again resume the position of president of the Sterling ~ Qoal Co, of Hastings, which Jucra- tive position he resigned about the i time he was nominated for governor. Edwin H. Craver, of Ebensburg, went to Patterson, N. J.. on Wednes- “day of last week, where he has accepted the position of assistant to Prof. L. M. Thornburg, principal in the commer. i Separtigny of the: high school of : oe ollowing officers have been elected by the P. of H, Fire Insurance : ompany which met at Loretto rec- ently: President, Hon. J. J. Thomas; | vice-president, Joseph O. Thomas; secretary, John E. Tomlinson; trees. urer, James Westrick; executive com- - _mittes, Henry Ivory, John E. Tomlin- | wom, Louis E, Kaylor. An exchange asks: What is a dol- ar’ anyhow? The question is easily answered. ed. A dollar is what some nyn to pay to their family paper. in something that a newspaper man ys more in anticipating than in. reality. It is what the wife frequently needs bat seldom has. It is the price. for a day’s labor for some men and a ‘night's drink for others. It is the power that makes or unmakes men. is the hardest thing to get and the giest thing to get rid of known “to It is mighty and scarce. No man ever hud any more than he wanted and no man ever will have. A dollar is a snare and a delusion and | coming. MeKsan, Mercer Mimiu, Monroe, Montgona Leave vour lanndry with Reheid & Oranges and lemons at the Cash Grocery. Fresh fish every Toarelay at H. Atkivson’s. Men's $3.00 shoes for $2.00 at Wolf & Thompson's. If you want to save money go to the Cash Grocery. 3 It is a matter of common | that a rasor ie ap. comes blunt A writer in Chambers’ ‘ Journal says that rust caused by the ‘enough to account for this Shearers, | for instance, who bave to use partic. ularly sharp instruments, never set their shears till jost before neing What is not so genersily known is that a ra gor which will not cot will bscome sharper sometimes by being left aside AE = : for some tire The only explanation of Always fresh oysters at FH. Atkin. - som's. this is that the electrical properties of the metal in the edge become chunged A “wire edge’ ix commonly put on a tool by amatenrs The steel turns and fides hack on itself It 1s owing to the edge being made ton Jong and thia, or the metal being too soft The only cure for a wire edge is to break off the bent portion and grind snd sel again «A knife that cute butter when it is het’ {and ander po other circumstances) we sometimes mest with We bave wen going into the reasons of things, If you want to save money deal at the Cash Grocery. Men's $3.50 shoes for $150 at Wolf & Thompson's store. Three pounds of the finest pranes io town for He at the Cash Grocery. C. A. Rogers, of Altoona, was took ing after trade in Patton Satarday. Remember if vou want to save money buy your goods at the (ash Grocery. Boys' suits at §1.00 and ¥1.50 st Wolf Attend the Camp fire and entertain. ment in Firemen's Hall Friday night + March 3d. You should not fail to attend the pnd the reason of this is easily explain ed. Her vxpands metal, and in propor tion to the amount of metal which is heated There is more metal in the breadth of a blade than in its thickpess, and the former, therefore, is expanded immensely roore than the latter In oth er words, the wedgelike shape is length & Thompson's store, Good buildiog, Patton, Pa. anad, and the tend becomes " “sbarp.' : The Fall of £ dunt Pride. Ome day soon after the Moiberry Bend park was laicl out in the [talian quarter of New York the man who had bad more to do with the good work than any one else was passing there As he etrodde happily along, thinking of the tenements that ased to stand thers, the fresh. clean earth attracted him and he walked out apom it. Stamping joyously about, he exciaimed “Fine, fine! They have planted the seed and won the green grass will musical entertainment in M. E. church Batarday night. Comrade Boone was setting the cigars up to the “boys” Wednesday Levi Heidrick and AL. R. Weber, of over the resnlt of his victory on elec tion day. efficient clerks in the Clea spring up ander the warm sunshine. It is my proudest’ — Just then a park poliosman who bad slipped up behind bim landed two vig- orous whacks on the good man’s back “Git off'n th grass ye loomey old | prank!’ be said Be off wid ye, quick mow, an doen't let me ketch ye ‘round Boynton McPherson, one of the learfield County National Bank, spent Sunday visiting his parents at this piace. Gus. Wolf, of Carwensviile, who is the senior member of the firm of Wolf & Thompson, clothiers of Patton, spent Wadnesday in town looking after busi- peas interesta The Curwensville Review says that the Marion Independent tells a big cock and ball story about a portion of the ‘new railroad extension of the B, R & P. railroad west of Punxatawney hay- ing to be rebuilt becanse the contractors | put cinders in the construction on which dirt was piled and now the cin- ‘ders are burning letting the road bed sink in many pisces. This story may do for a sensational story, in lien of anything else, from a paper published in the back woods of Indiana county, ‘but other papers nearer the point of interest have not yet found this item of news Notier of Proposed Speen Legislation The following is taken from the Cambria Tribune: To the inhabitants of Cambria county, Pennsylvania: Notice is hereby given that a Bill will be presented to the Legislature of Penn- syivania at the present session of 1898, entitled, “An Act to Repeal an Act Helating to the Collection of Taxes in the County of Cambria, approved the eighth day of April, one thousand, Pr i hundred and seventy-two." Py rpose and object of said pro- i118 to repeal the whole of & neal law now in operation in Cambria goanty, found in the Famphiet Laws of 1672, page 894, etc, Act Relating to the Collection of Taxes in the Viounty of Cambria,” which Act is jocal in application to Cambria county, Pennsylvania W. C. LixGLe January 27. 1599, Minors Meovive an Adyanee The miners’ strike at Gien Campbell ended Tuesday of this week by the different companies meeting the de mand of the miners, which wae the return pf the 5 cents deducted Janaary 1 last. The strike began last Thursday. The miners now get 45 cents per f £¥om ton. cASTORIA. Boars the The Kind You Kaw nar Boo of Chap John Mare Besides carrying a full line of fiour and feed | have added to my store, which will be known hereafter as the “Cheap John Store” a full line of groceries, canned goods, tobacco, ete. It will pay you to call if you wish to save money. All goods fresh and of | best quality. Jon Gaxrz, Fourth Avenue. ww FICE is Berstyy given that sa appiissticn wid be made 10 the Govern of Penta ivania on Friday, March 24, 1599, by Herbert [3 HRennets, Wittam ¥ Burdell, A. M_Schoyer, BO Rusneey aod J. i) Hae. ter, under the Genersil prpwaration Actof 167 supplements. for the charior of an intend i Won 0 te called The Amsrieas Disiricl Telogosph Company of Pennxyivania wuieh js formed fut the Home of consirae ting, @ainlainieg wand hess 5g Hes Of telegraph (or the private use of Individuals frma corpurat tons municipal and her ie for I Daasdness, and tor poles, fre Slates, oF mos Senger Listes, And for tee (ransae (om 16 oni: thot therewith of a penersd messenger and 4 very sie- wiow in the couuites of Adams, Adbsgieny Armes strong, Beaver, Bedfod, Berks, Blair Broifoed Bucks, Butler, Camibvin Caioeron. { is a enter, Chester, Clarkin, Clearfield ( fintin, olan 1 aw ford, Cumberiand, Thaphin, izes ES, Eo Fayette, Foresl Frankin, Futon Coropty, Haptiugs dom, Indiana, Jeffersnn, Jonisa Larksuanaa Lane easter, Lawrences, etmnos, Debigh, Luserna 1y- Mantas, ¥ of thampion, Nartfoonteriand, Perry, {i tifa, Pike Matter, Sohuvikiil Saivder. Soin eres, Hivan Suaqoehanns Tioga, Union, Venango, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Westmoreland, W yo- | ming, and York, amd for these purpose. ts have, and enjoy all the hts, benefiis and privi- of sald Act of Assen: aud 1ts supplements. and entitled, “An men in 5,000 can read or write. bereag’inor I'll ran ye in See? 3'wan. now The philanthropist had leaped wildly to the walk and bis fist doubisd up with anger. hut a second thought, thus the ‘sparrow cop’ was Tight caused his band to relax, and the maker " the park “moved on. ne How we walk. ’ In The Literary Digest appears a translation of a review of ‘Comment on Marche ("How We Walk"), the latest book on the mabject by Messrs Regnault and Raoul In this work it ie cinimed that we have been wrongly ed- noated in walkiog and that the erect posture and firm step that we have been lod to believe were svidences of health and strength are conventional sod vi vious M Marey. who wrote the introduoe tion to the volome, mys that there is a style of walking that enables one, with. out excessive fatigne® to go distances of from 20 to 25 miles ina third of the time usally required This may be so comaplished by walking with the knees hetit and the baody inclined forward, » wethod which has been Ghaerved in pro fessional pedestrians, mounlaipears peasants, bonters and soldiers fatigued by long marches In not adopting this method, it 9% cluimed that, ss with all the other acts of life. we remain siaves of conventional wsthetion, The Lady of the House. The xcs of the bouse, ook of gee siead wn hiy polite snd conciliatory form of widress, 1 pow, sud a onty dweller. “ancient and obsolete with thos: who purse business by modern methods ln advance practice the cus tom t# now to address the lady of the boum by pame a method vastly moore impressive and one sasoeptibde of varied application Thus au establishment with which we alresdy have relations sends ont a new circular and this is jeft at the dex by a man whossys pot lor the lady of the houses but ‘the So-aod 0 sede this to Mrs Black This beats ‘the lady of the Bouse out of might and mark: the refiperaent of modern meth oete of Aoing things Now York =an Some Sharp Saringe of Bismarck, Bistuarck had the frankness 10 say that he locked upon the comedies of Dumas the younger, and indeed on most French plays of the lightor sort, A4 gromly sorrupting to the pubic mor als ‘Panes et ciresnies, | smiled De Morny ‘Pane et ssiursalia sadt tered Biemarok “Prince Bismarck is respectfully Te quested, © wrote the American, "to ca ble a few words in reference to the fol lowing question What benefit will be derived tn your graces opinion from 10- ternational sp=itions? On the margin of this the prises sim- ply wro te in pencil, “Nope "Bis marck's Table Talk," ‘by L Lowe Weary ” Sacred Promise, “No, madam | cannot split the wood #8 which you so indelicately refer It would b= a violation of a sacred pircaiise I made to we aged mother.” “Nonsense! What kind of & prom ime? “Wea have the poker babit in our family, ma am, and | promised mother I'd never touch a chip in any form.” Cleveland Plain Dealer Tobmeco was disooversd in Sante Do mipgo in 1498, tn Yocatan by the Spaniards in 1530 It was introduced into France in 1360, and into England in 1583 Nearly 1,200,000 pounds of oolors are used by the United States govern. ment annually for printing paper mon- ey, revenue and postage stamps Out of tho enormous number of wo- not more than | “Unloaded guns are the desdiies weapons in the world’ remarked a clerk in 8 Royal street curio shop “They are always going off and killing | pomeherd Yesterday a fallow brought ' moisture in the stmosphere is quite y a" hd > Bt an oid horse pistol into the shop It was me of the dragoom model; loads with powder and bail. you know, and cses a percassion cup The thing was as big as A small cannon and badn it been fired, | suppose, sinoe the year 1... The owner assnred me it wasnt fonded, and, as there was no cap on the nipple, I Bandled it a little more carelessly than | otherwise would have done We were standing at the back door, and | raised the hammer to see whether the Jock was still in working order “When | pulled the trigger, there was an rxpiosion that shook the house apd scared as both baif out of our wits, | while the buolist bit a packing case aver there in the corner and knocked it into smithereens How the oonfounded ma chine happened to go off was 8 mystery until I closely examined the lock Then I saw that an old cap bad evidently comroniond and attached itself to the ham: mer, which was shghtly cop shaped at the end, and when I cooked the wengen it simply lifted off the nipple and came up ton It was only one of the little tricks of anladed weapons They are mighty good things to Jet alone" ~ New Orieans Times Democrat Banking In Switseriand. Some of ne methods are smMoiently antiquated, scoording to our standards For instance, it requires 15 minotes in which to makes a deposit at a tank. Ev ery banking houses has humerous chairs outside the railing, sod the visitor is expected to sit quietly and cultivate » spirit of patience while the machinery is getting under way A customer who wishes to make a de powit goes 10 a window and hands in his money, together with » memorandum of the amount The employes bebind the railing connts the money and prepares a receipt for it, adding his stanators by way of preliminary Then a small boy takes this receipt up stairs and submits it to an official, who stodies it and then ponders for awhile as to whetber it will be safe to take the money If be decides that the bask can on dertaks the risk. be pases the receipt to another man, who prepares a duplicate slip and makes several entries, and finally signs his name. Then, as soon as ancther man has examined the receipt and added his name it is taken down stairs and torned over to the depositor There is ons mtisfaction—the money is thoronghly deposited. —Zarich Letter in Chicago Record Temper and Football, At football all manner «f men have played at the ends of the rush line—an ideal man would be a composite of all the other men on the team. He would be about 5 feet 10 in height and wounld weigh abont 145 or 168. He would have the speed of a balf, the quickness of a quarter, the bulldog plock and nerve of a guard, and the brain of a captain In addition to ail thes (and contrary to the opinions of most people) be would have 8 quick temper There is nothing in football por indeed in any form of athletics in- | compatibie with a little of the “Old Adam,’ por is thers anything like an- ger to put life and fire into & tired man late in a hard fought game (ne can be a8 aogry as be may and still bn a genticrsan. Temper, properly directed and oonteolled, will add fierce pess to one's tackles, speed to his ron. our you buy bears the above trade aris you ax are Secoluely or cloudy Bscutt re by corn or other adulfers- tion. This flour can be, obtained In fown. [ts purity is vouched for by the Anti- Aduiferation League of Millers. Os 5 i i OW os lS SAA Rhirt W - 4 &® 3 represented or have anything + 8 we would b here to serve the people, and we ’%o Cook oan 3 amisty i she has not good materials We endeavor to carry the best line of staple and fancy groceries to be procured. Onur best friends are the house keepers. We truly help them who come and ‘help them selves, and for a limited time we will offer you the celebrat ed Pride of Patton Flour at $1.23 per sack. Every sack fully guaranteed or your money back. We «till have some Jolly in 0 poond pails that we are selling at 5c each Don't wait too long as they will not last Jong at that price. Also some aioe preserves at Te per Ib Next week we will have x full line of wait dh for the Lenten season Gd ofr price before baying sleewhers ae we can save you poney by dealing with us A WORD TO "The Ladies We stil] have a few Dress Skirts, Shirt Waists and Flan- neiet Wrappers that we are selling at cost. If you need anything n that hime 1t will pay you to leek at these goods. They COC in Browns, Jines Blacks, Reds and Greens. Ivan Siirts worth $2.75 now at $1.53 be 3 98 vi ¥e 1.5 2686 *“ a Wie Hoods that alwys sold se go at eg , and a host of other good things that must he closed od to make room for new goods. at any time vou buy anything from us that is not as to say in regard to treatment be pleased to have you come direct to us as we are want our trade to know that we appreciate their dealings with us and are always too glad to right any wrong that has been done. Respect ayn fully Yours, ping and strength to his blocking, as | nothing eles co earth will do, and many the capiains there are who knowing this. have stirred op their wearTied men with barsh words of command which they thermee] roi realized were angers ted simply to make their teams work harder and taser. ~ wae, olinge Athlete A Gulf Story. At a dinner party not long ago 8 oer tain young Froliemman ian enthusiastic goifer) started in with the shelifish (© enumerate to bis partner the details of a match that be had been playing that day, says W. G Van Tassll Sutphen in The lodependent [It was sot saul the pudding was brought on that be suddenly beihought himself that be had teen deang oll the talking Indeed, the yoong lady had pot said a siogle word daring the entire progress of the meal It was possibie that she was gud utes exted in the sabject—-incredible. boi #till possible “f am afraid that I have been borg you with this talk of thesbop.' be sa! in ball apology Oh, po, ml at all,’ was the polite response. 'Unly what 1s golf? Keeping Cool. At cme of the viceregal balls in the Emerald Isle a young detrimental’ caine Bp to where a young lady was sit ting and asked in ber mother’s presence if be might have the pleasure of the dance “ ‘Deed an ye can't, them Shure she's keeping berself cool for the Hard of Clanfurly I" was the pointed refusal valantesred by the ambitions mamma -— Exchagge Evasive Disraeli. Hers 1s a story of Drsrasii. 18 1s une of Bis quick replies: A lady, who had asked him to dinoer, when the eastern question was looming large. iogoired, “Lord Beac ntisfield, what are you wait ing for? "Fa mutton and potatoss At Munich many of the clerks at the banks and hotels are girls and as cash: ters aud book keepers it restagrants and other houses of business they are weil in evidence Many women are also em ployed st railway stations as booking office clerks The New Zealand old age pensions bill provides that persons of good char acter attaining 65 and having re: lod for 20 years in the cclony sball te oa titled to a pensica of £38 annaally Lerocery + 7% where Clerks are polite and « where things look bhiging; House s8 are made free of ¢ HaATge and on time; When Volar welcome €O0. in town make headquarters, $a a ‘ i CrP Yeon Fp OW vou are getting tae Dest 1 hat's the ceed Fuse ~ . 3 and be sure of it. rage y it Prices. T OUr store will be Y ou
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers