The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 23, 1899, Image 5
Cambria Guy, for 1898. ————pecrio 5 SPEED FROM REDEMY- sirrsr § Mx PRS re Ss Ew aia y Ln LL SR IL - pt o& CH Stites sha W- Be. or o Martin... nok au B RRs a £3 EP: wwe PE. NEE. MTree e ET ee. ne REY ae a ny ve gS FRLALRIASAS PRESETS 3 Be 0 BANE ah I $5 eh RN ENEARRIENS RAS SF RAE Rar a ERA RE LE EE SE RS ES Bas REE hE EE PARRA EE A pd - ol Trees Bua wn Fn musrurt rca llii.- ad SAAD ARE ER HR hp Sy WARRARA E rh BE a ap a BOLE ER EA ar ER yn Re SRR ahead... E58 Read hed Saas nine nkead ..... FOL RAST AA A RE AR phd NEES EE WR A RN r ow ow 81 se 4 24 $ w ‘m i : 6 55 it i % 5 is i Gt wo -_ ee 2a: ik ~F go re 1 -~ 5 | i ECEIVED FROM CONSTA. K ibe AND PREVIOUS. Der. $65 at Er gearers je ies 2 3 eB —e xz ESR FT wire » - < » E54 te “ gst ae; Suz % Eurscis ata | = BE = Eon : we Lower Yoder “Morrell vw Sanna Mondiviie Wo 8d Puls. Puvel jg on ET s Ser. oe. & SREFTUSS-EETIZ FOAERISLIEDR ULLSETGBEBSL IGE USE AMR! RECEIVED FROM SEATED Co. School Road Boro Adams aecrrsnn) 6048 3 % fuel. Tk fs 21 $everwans 10 3 6% eluven serarneny 3 2 166 os a serra REAR $30 ea Frias Oaaniay assens Ed ———— suvivavey HP 5 AE wk ALS > il embry boro. Ew Cimliitein twp. prof tep.. seis hens chest twp. iearfiel twp. varios hest Springs boro... onemangh np. Foyle twp... Lrennon twp. tie Coopersdale bare Jaispiows bon. FEAR AWD, ah Jale BOLO... cuiin. Conemaugh born. ayior twp... £3 5 a. wan Ne ow ah 2 BELA NAER » ": an » Test .aTernns No we Et ol PRES PE nsung Rs de anRINS ider twp... Ferndale bare... Franklin Boro._... . Cintlitein bors, i SEE x a- OF wg FR : ws fam 4 Hastings bare Iackeon =p. brihnstown SEAR 3 3 $ 2 ward ni Fward. oi sg ward . ward. ward... ward... Seward... 2 ward. 10 ward... . 1 ard. ine war i 13 ward. 1s ward. oe ward... Mward........ rward. ......... 1a iy bore... Lower Yoder twp. Lotetto bore... Morrelivilie bar | w. Morreilviile bor 2 w Morrelivilio hor 1w. Munster twp Patton bern Poriage pote. ee Portage sap. Reade tw Rissedale boro. Hichiand twp. Roxbury boro... Spangler boro co. Somomerkiil top. Summerhill boro Stoncree top Susguehanns tep Faoribi bers. Upper Yoder twp... Was! ington tap Westmont boro. Went Tasior twp ul BP fant & vif Fv A ee OD FORE | Foes PW itmare bess 4 i White twp... Se wool, $ 86 4 *% ey ty 3 " TL vh iy fer 13% 31% Roa £2 g 7: #3 * 0 M7 58 sal 11 bh th bo» 4 4% Fe 4 132 4 8 oh ANS SAIN County. Adu twp Batt SOP... cicniinin. isckilce wg. A Nrroii twp Lamtrin top... Chest twp. Clearbeid twp... Conemaugh top. Tews twp. Lyle twp... Pons twp... Eust Taylor P- Eider twp. ailittin twp. ake twp Puttage $ep.. Lends tw Upper Yoder twp vusjuehantia top Lower ¥ ales tw Washington twp. West Taylor top... White twp... rs ¥ on wn wi a a MOUNT RECEIVED LANEOUS SOURCES ohuson Company, wiles tax... <F. Wilson, alien tay. i ). W. Coulter, Jury bees. we. onal Waters, lax ax onernted Myiin, Aud. Gen. State Tax Butgoon, tax sxvperated uv Prothy., a March Terms, Tavis, Frohy Meee. k ¥ HcCiarren. tax waonetated, Geo. 8, Paul, tax exonerated Fhowas Hoover, Co. Com's., (for Grate a F.A. 3, > gs.’ “License Dr. NEAR seh EO Vihar, fire Oiscmargatios raves Mrs ary Lewls, tax exonerated... Jos. LL. Royer, fies. Edward Knee, boarding prisoners. vt Anaie Burk, State tax 157. , Slick, J. Ne da — tin Wa bravia, Eng. collections. sweph Jenkins, LP. fines. « W igaita. Sec, Jmernai Attairs. . {mes Sanh |. 1 Jes ti Maoure, Dad tw of the Poor... x) Han. refunded on gutter... nt Hughes, Steward Almanouse. win, | VV hoes. — Ee AEN KECEIVED FROM LIQUOR LICENSES: ir asi Licenses. Johnstown City 0 ori Loner Thorn at Ban ¥ Ketall Licenses, Towaships, a1 8. ' SUMMARY OF LICENSE FUND. Amount to State Aniount ts Districts... Amount to County... . Lroas, com. on $8,364 00... , Croas. cum. on 873,050.00 Kt 2% per ct Bh arin emma. 6 sl AML RECEIVED FROM UNSEATED | ] LANDS } Rosd. 8 Lo oi iy iy fry $e tha 87 $n fat Wh ni A, a7 3 EE #57 3a 18 3 13 & wi § os A id Gi $e M2 ay a st 3 i hr FROM MISCEL kal -d - Pe S..%..8 EJZRERBECR LARRY 228 #8 - - a a. $5003 On non KETALL 1 Wao oh 11 20 by yn & 50 REFSMITLLATION OF RECEIPTS, EF. SPENCEK, County Treasures - falance in Treasury at last Auditory’ eport -$ Amit. of Duplicates (taxes Wot) Amit. rec'd. trom redemstion of lands Anil. received from seated lands... imt, received from unseated lands. Ait. received Troms constables, 187 and §revious... Amt. reieived trom Liquor Licenses tor use of County (less Treasurer's som. #13 Amit. received BOUTCCR.. Amt, transierred tram Sheep Fund... re from WisceliaBeo us 3 453 Liz tha 4 3 32 ig 10 440 42 I so OR Lae 4 Gah 53 Gal ER a We S% 16 XPENDITURES. -- E. F. SPENCER, CO TREASURER. Auditors, Seat) Seaninr \uditors, (State) Mricultural associations. Bhd RNR Ea Bory Boarding jurors... foard prisoners... County Commissioners’ (saiary)”- ~ommiissioners’ cou ’e Commissioners’ clerk. ........ Commissioners’ traveling expenses homas Hoover .... $865.10 Abram Hostetler... 97 52 Cotnmissionets’ transcribing clerks : Court Crier and tipst aves... ies is Constables. ri eth sets nahn rt house expertise. FRR 4a HR 4a wrrvey van gea sranany ie OK abi 66 75 we OG oo TN 797 Ta bq Ob PL 4 Sez 2 County Rapl, Tanchure Insitute. Criminal prosestions Diirectore of Lhe poor. fist Atty. (Rott 8 Miirpby. Eg i Eieetsnin. Sl ra Ex prossuge and postage. Vass ssa Jurors (grand and traverss; Jal expenses deh on ite rRpmITs sli iin, walter rent. SPY Rae bid ZEGaYY RANTES RAYESSY Eg aiseANa. sREssEs wih Ed ae - warden ard fireman Janitor, court house Jury SuTa a naTS and clerk Inquisitions. Livery hire... Attorney's rg on collections... Lhd orders paid. Sari Printing and adv ertising . Pritbhonotsry oo. Heme franc Read and bridge views and dam. agen . aki Hevords Hefunded aves... Siepngrapler Bolder’ burial... Stationery. : Sebponst fund... Nheriff spain state tax and SX penne Sem pa Peuns. Industrial Reformatory at Han Ene Western Peunsyivanis Hospital at Iswont.. . ... Slate Anviunm for chrono Insane 8! Wernersiviile State Reform Reboot st Morgana. Western Pauilentiaty enOrial Hos a 152 Pr 4 wer —_—- . “a - sine lh HRpERs 8] 8 § ESS f J SESE Conemnagh valiey jritml at Johostawn - 18 | Rextem ption of lands, tol py Be mi . | Exonerstions to ,4 2 Bysqus ca we 58 fs ~ ft - paid Amusing dus from Conmtabies for jE < Sx Constabion iin Po elnding retaros;, ; Abatement In LE pa OTe a per cent. Ot PRIME EE = sk i Altis licrase Griders paid Gener fAmonnt of County Tremsuter & cor misminn of 5 pir ocenl on SELL being sonst of dup emis of tages, amount received fron medio] ard onsenied Inds, rede rn pions of nde, oonsialies for 10 and previons years! jess almiapnest 16 laxpayers, Xone rations fo fopstabies, amount remanining ba constabion’ hands for 198, mind saan oolieetsd mate thas was paid ant Le Gunty Treasures s oom mission of Ji. per cent. Of $9 GIR, being the snimount collected over Ky Aberve the sont paid ont La Basses in the Conny Treanarer s hands Jan 1 Ie . ro * fs £ 2 2 Ha se 6 IMB oe © £8 TR 0 § 10 584 18 | A MT. DUE FROM CONSTABLES FUR 17 AND PEEVIULUR YEA {0 Ixeg. | Fast Tayior twp, Hager, A 1 $1175 § y w | Stonyereen fp, OC Wiithan, W. L. & iw Bgegnehanns tp, Kelrn, Abr y i West tn ant Beir, Liregury, 8. PE Taylor tp. Rages, A Al... | Verndais har, ie, Christ, 7 | Johnstown, i Hi yr aM fohin } Marretivitie tater: Sw, Ritstaet, Lh... iL. ity tastes, Ninth, Peter BE | Lower Yoder tp, Linton, Chas. Johnstown, iw, Linton, Uke, month Pork Zw, Jail bow... oo Spangler boro, Hennett, N W. Washington tp, Smith, Adam. Wilmore bor | fringe ih. i MOUNT DUFF FROM CONKTABLES A FOR ia a. x ree =» Ha8 oN BI LBZ Hl w x zs " Adame twp, ) W. Fosoh Ashville bor , J. 4. fue Pros Ha nesbora bora. Thos Fros ie = 4a "ey ” Rarer twp, AL “Lien casi Binckiiek tap, Jus. FE How. nnd Carroiirow sy boro. , dim. tie. Carroll twp, HH. Kitkpmt. rick a Chest twp . Philip Gti) se { lemriieis wp, Jemst Npgle Canemangh twp, H KB Me Clnextor Coaporsidnie Tore , James A Hhewha Troyie twp, M 1. Gl, Dmie bare, A. G, Ripple... Dean twp, Jue Finnerty Fast Tans tor twp, AJ Hager. Eider J Afbetin Yomi: tand sires Gaititein tren, i, BRIIBF over i Cimititetn twp. Jos I'M rs. davkson twp, KH Hilde Permnied Frankiin borough, L. Mido rand IE het owes Jobnstown. Sw J A Anatead #,0w., W_ H. Naortbhurafl 2 ww, Jdutnes Gailagber 13 w., Henry Prunkand i5w, Micha apt Lagnn, ow, Juin Fogie., Lily boro. Peter B Smith jaower Yoder i1wp, John Plunk Munster tp. Michiel C naidy Portage bare, Hobl Davis, Hegde twp d66, 1 Myers frosedinie born, B RK. Henshof! HoXtury teres , Jas BL Jubos South Fork boro, 1 w.. TF Moliarren.. Boiith Fork bots , 1 w., J.P Mo inrren Spangler toe, i i. Uetiar- Joh b. B En 2? 5 ed - 5 3 5 5 *s2 EW £ RR¥RBS . E53 wp UES ¥ WR F 85 < B peice: ® =8 5% BR y23y £ wimatiw : BR z 3 > x oh Bees BSULE WESuNe 8 RR ey. slong creek twp, Hayimnon... Summerhill bora, John Mee feonighs. nhs twp. E. PF. Bak. funnel I “bore. Keith ptm Upper Yoder Hochstedn. Washington Keith West Taylor twp. BF. Rivh- § ‘Andrew ii 5 oe 14 Yost A dam wp, i HW 1 NET £4 hi #81 wos A wR 5 oa 146 $1 LL : White twp, , Jom. 1. Esch. Wilmore Bors, George Pringie, de Hastings boty, +k haries He rick .. : KONERATIONK TO UONSTABLES FOR sen. {Ineiuding Return of Lande) E Adams twp, J. W. Fouch Ashivilie boro, J. J. Rody. Allegheny twp, ZL. Little Baitestoro haro , Then Pros. AT Bar 1p, AT Bisckilek ep, ined. Cambria twp, Linecoin L loyd Carrodl hed H.C Rirkpay rick , { mrrolitown stich. Conemaugh twp, HR Me Ulvester Cleartieid twp. Jesse Nagle Crovie twp, M. L Gil Coopersdaie boro, Jaties A. Sheehan 0 Cresson twp, F, Ho Dodson Chest tep,, r Bliip Git... Chest Springs boro, Stephen Conrad. . Daisvtown boro. 'F_shuster. Dale boro , A. G. Ripple... Con, rg. Ha 43 $8 8 IN 1% Be 5p an 4 # 1% 1 Ww $ Jor E i be boro, Joseph Dean np. John Finnerty. Bam ( onemaugh boro. 8D, now. Past ‘aylor twp, A. J. Rager. Ebensburg boro, East ward, Jonathan 3 Lioyd Etonsbu iE boro West ward, UMphreys. .... idec wp, Anselm Wenk- and. Ferndaie Boros. Chri Sin, Franklin bets. LL. Hi Gialiitetn boro, 1 peigei hiiter Gatlin twp, Jos F Myers. Hastings boro, Chas Hetrick dnckson twp, WN A Hide brand : Johnstown iw, Gorper Walters, wer © dS FE RE BE BE 22 9 — i » ® ow 3 Josiah Waters, od A Anstead WH Northesaft W. H Naortheraft iw, R Luoas. Hw, Jamew Gallagher 5 ww, Hy Fronkard Hw, John Honan 15 ww, Mictinel Langan. 1% *, «4550 iy ow, Ss Paul... sw, req I. Riges 19 w_ “ Mw, . Lifly boro , Peter Smith... Loretio boro, Eugene Lib rigger Munster twp. Patton boro, Fr 1 ‘Latte Portage bora , Homt [mys Portage twp, “Intoes Tteil, Heade twp, Jno. |. Myers, Hichiand twp , Lie LHrris. Homandnie hero. HN Benshof! Hoshury boro. J. BR Johnson Spangler boro, KH Meine ey id igs wisn Setilh Fork “pera vd. FP. Me "donna 1, _ Uinrren., Bolts yoreek Ina F 5 JRpEel2Ranss - w Doman Gee UE gxpanazice 2443434042 *& om 3 — - “ aw =% = ® Tr KE> “Michael Cas ¥ 2 tia SHNESLA 2 by wp, Ravmon. Mummerbiil Muisough Rup merhiil Hherbine Susquehanta twp. . EP. Bak- Andrew ‘bora, twp. a 35S 9 i Pannsibinl Keith tg Pper | Y oder twp. - tora, ia $s "¥ ¥ ont oot Hoch twp, , John Westmont boro, 8H, Gireg- or wash ngton twp , Adam Bu 4 3 10 of 1s a ore en = Taior twp, 8 ¥. Rite. White twp, Jou | Esch... Witmore .R_1 Re MOUNT DIE DISTRICTS FROM RE DEMPTION OF LAN Hoe bewsl 82s Rw 16 £ Harr twp Carradl twp Llemr fini twp. {roy ie I p Dean twp. Eider tw Hastings bx Foe kwon twp Laver ¥ oder twp Morvreliviiie bor Sw, Portage twp. 5 3 FAT URDREENEARE YS i 3 5 § A Cr Quyeresk twp. Amro EW Pons sipmguebanne twp Washington twp. White iwp . waBulowhk 5 aa as 81 4FRIAL 18S or LIQUOR LICENSES } DISTRICTS ah Tog Astiviiie boro aii Burnes ora boro Bart ju 5 Se - - ¥ Himekine Lwrrolilown fmrroil twp. Exsi® SH¥s BESS ad € onemaagh b boro... os Erenaburg boro, sari Eider lop. ia Gnititata boro... SARITIAELE CWP vinnie i Hastings boro... Jaenmon tw E a Jolsatows ny. Lilly boro Loretio boro. ation boro. ea Lower ¥ tay twp dn Portage Ho } Pupiage we. S——— Heade twp... iichiand twp. Kier bro... tan Fork boro... stonyoreek (Wp... summerhill boro . AUSGUP BADER LW Pon funneiblil boro. P- Washington twp... Ww limore boro, S858 GEIR $825 fi - nuks “4 le os $a 3 0 JE POuENT PUE THE COUNTY EB McCartney, 1). Faloos and W. C Max $ UR Tanne 3. | Weaxiand a and Joba 3 st 2 ZF N oy Yamnitaky and Anna Yam. pits no SA Lorenzo Hassenplag Wo, StCiadr Corrad Block and Maiinde Block Augasiine MeConneii et. al. iota Vogie fohn Lindetery. hah im Hippe and Jopas Baum. John HF Rager and ¢ han MeKeel FANNIN i EpZrebnayh SEER URZ RAYNE ER re john Henard and ML. Leary ames B Clark ns jmmies B Clark and Bd (lark foe Louther and Joba Sroqas... W. J Van Scoyor ot. ai Andrew and Anne Penkaa. . fomas Yonkers, | Mary Stifter Leopard sheriey aod Nam Crivaes o i» Majcomson ne M. J, Custer and DG. Caster Mrs Mary MctCombie Peter Kelly and 8 4 Nmith, Felix Doyle i homes W Hagan Andrew Stalilas RO Myers ot al hey A Myers é. nl. wowad LH — ssvutESagslsie a AA H W, Couiter, fees on Comma WeRilh cases ia. Shumaker, costs M Werts, rem. prisoners © S bo 4. 8 ! By amotiat due from Co BS 2Eee Ss Eas SssaRaEINY {es ks ey Peni Cio, M rem. patients to Dix “H Rs Huuntt vsti] ITATEMENT OF EEF Y S73 Spencer, County Er To aisnce in Treas, Jan. I om amt nt, duplicate dog tx received from from Constables 7 and Previous... =p Le id AR By orders for SamAges. paid By atmtement to lax By sxonerations Treasurer's oo Sony ona ie Tat 4 per cont. Sn i - By amount trans to lo County... — om y balances in Treasury, re. ¥3x SHal? eRR Feces x : | ATES : Balances in T Huinnce in abe Amt. due from ey a Ami due from Constables, 197 sod ar prev asm Amt pho or i t on Amt due’ from Com ne being 3; State Tax fit of # Penna, 8 5 Bt TT | ARIITIES: Outstanding orders, oe dg on and Dae districts ‘on ands, sean in Lo — of 1606 msn BRR 5 3 ey A A He SE NR a Expenditars for he Poor 43d House of Employment. al, Steward iw f J Paten ants two) Provisions and supplies ny Jinpios nts, ie American Aa Machinery - a — Polk Clothing and shone : Neidren i - n private Borm Soria an Ma -... Feehie minded in training schoo at Nt Joba's Hooper tai. All Physician at = Sins Pa Prentiet at ROU. cece Farm ex Fee Amsenamnent for in y Tc rectors Hate top atiou poke roe rh dean (1d orders lary... mate sus 5 sal wBerB¥Reiiceds wit $88 3 S58 SSTNUESESETEENS TuNEESIFUERASES MANCPACTURRD AT THE FARM : Nine hundred sinety two posinds butter, 8 ? in i LTT : - i ow i 13 ei) 2 chemise, 14 ent) uATHe IN HOUSK skirta, 4 chi eh — ont - Pa fomates Jan 1, 196... Admitted... .......... - a EOYs ine [ewerted Indentared Removed to other * diatriets. scharged id i 3 + Ll F¥lacntl LE Remaining In house Jan, I, 19. Adults, male Average per month during the yaar fn oF DECEANED : Joseph » rr Wells, Mary [= Some Mitr Ht 8 Joba Schilibammer, Thomes Pritchard. Harry jacob Go, Joseph Router Jennie John Bought Peter Pullen, Laureace Jones. * Relief furnished to sduits outsiile Alms Reilef furnished to children ou taiche Alms. house srt san iiss. TE Menis furnished to Tremp. we Ea Given under our at the (Court Ebeqsbury, — \bis 390 day or Ina A A L MILTEN A KD BERGER, 5 , AL } Agditors. PM, CACRENCE,