The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 23, 1899, Image 4

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    DE A ENE ed
hd dent Intereat — Patton and
1 Country. Motto Justice u
FA Toward None,
PUBLISH ING CO. Proprietors.
E. Wits Gueexy, Editor.
: | goods considered.
| Harbor bill.
thes Have boon “tang time TE
session that the necessary legislation |
will be secured, although there are’
{ many quaking knees in the House for
fear that the canal amendment may
‘result in killing the whole River and
It makes no difference how cheap
. you can buy groceries elsewhere, I can
still save yon some money, quality of
| to Jock
Cand write and toil and pash and strain;
reeds Recorded at Enensburg ap to Date
Friday, February 17.
Catharine Benshoff et vir to Patrick
—— and nt streots are a sure
by Sive agaizat damage suits.
Now THAT the weather is in shape
why not see to it that the board walks
the various parts of town are prop-
No use Kicking; take your medicine
like a man. There ix very little, if not
¥, consolation in trying to figure out
how it was done—life ia to short.
Tos Military Court of inquiry to in- |
the beef scandal will begin
taking of testimony this week.
The list of witnesses is a long one, and |
will probably be a month or so be
pre the investigation is concluded.
DOES seem strange that the parties |
p are so largely interested in Patton |
s ed do not endeavor to use their | | counterfeit it. It's their endo
fnence in regard to the erection of a
\ ‘passenger station in Patton,
i Helena Mellon to
tion to Anthony
| Mark Marcella,
erly died from
| throat troubles.
‘P. Donavan, Johnstown; considers-
tion, $80.
Donavan, Johnstown, $150.
Patrick F. Gibbons et al, by Sheriff,
to Edward O' Brien, Croyle and Wash.
ington, $625.
Thomas Litginger,
‘ Patton, $20.
George Schwaderer et ox to Me
Clelland Short, (‘resson, $1,500.
1 | John Yahner gt ux to Mary McCorm-
“ick, Patton, $15.
Patrick McCal
mpany to Mr« Annie
Masters, Johnstown, $100.
Charlotte Livingston to
Hammer, Upper Yoder, $650.
Equitable Loan & Building Amsocia-
Semelsherger, Elder,
Lizzie A
‘ark Marcella et nx to
Jresson, $1.
Assignee of
dies where ten form-
croup. People have
learned the value of One Minute cough
‘cure, and use it for severe lung and
It immediately stops
coughing. It never fails. C. W. Hodg-
kins, Patton Pharmacy.
Not one child
Philadelphia & Reading Railway.
trains cannot be excelled, a special not-
able feature is the entire absence of
business men of both cities, and the
patronage by this class of passengers
has steadily increased ae well as that
of other persons for pleasure or busi.
We | not imitated.
ness purposes. It is a common prac-
| tice by these travelers to leave home
in Philadelphia after breakfast, and
spending the day in New York return
in time for 7 o'clock dinner.
Pullman care are attached to all those
| trains, and the 7:30 a. m. to and 4 p. m.
from New York also have Pullman
Buffet parlor car. To specially accom.
. modate the gentlemen the 8:30 a. m. to
and 4:30 p.m. from New York, also
“have a parlor smoking car attached.
For time tables apply to any Phila.
‘delphia & Reading ticket agent, or
‘address Edson J. Weeks, General
| Paswenger Agent, Reading Terminal,
For frost bites, burns, indolent sores,
‘eczema, skin disease, and especially
piles, DeWitt’'s Witch Hazel Salve
| stands first and best. Look out for dis-
honest people who try to imitate &nd
Worthlows po are
Get DeWitt's Witch
of a good article.
a little work by the proper pagel Salve. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton
es along that line would gvastualiy
the desired result. If there is
t along the Pennsylvania or Beech
gk line that sadly needs a new
i in right here in Patton.
x regular Naval Appropriation
passed by the House, carries
5,005, which Ia about eight and a.
appropriation ever made for the
r, and yet it is nearly four milions |
pes than was asked for in the estimates |
the Navy Department. The bill for
# reorganization of the navy, gener.
ly spoken of as the “Navy Personvel |
has fared much better than the
ny reorganization bill. It has been!
ed by the House and Senate and is
before a conferance committee,
owing to several amendments added by |
Senate, with the probability of’
a law before the close of the
| Pharmacy.
Bruch in Patton
H. J. Easley, undertaker and em-
! balmer of Hastings, has established a
‘branch at the J. E. Kirk Hardware
company's store, where all calls will
receive prompt attention. The very
latest and most modern methods used,
As the season of the year when pneu.
monia, lagrippe, sore throat, coughs,
‘oolds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung
troubles are to be guarded against,
nothing “is a fine substitute,” will
“answer the purpose,’ or is ‘just as
good” as One Minute cough cure. That
is the one infallable remedy for all
lung, throat and bronchial troubles
Insist vigorously on having it if ‘‘some-
‘thing else” is offered you. CC. W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharraacy,
You cannot do better than to call on
Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing,
| ete.
To hen it wis offered in the House as |
amendient to the Sundry Civil |
and shot cut on a point of order, |
but the Senators who favor the canal
fixed up a little game that Mr.
will not find it easy to beat. They
we had the hill added to the River!
Harbor bill, by the Senate Commit-
Estimates freely given. 44tf
Men's and boys’ $1.50, $1.25, $1.00,
1 75 and 50-cent hats all go at 22 cents at
Wolf & Thompson's store.
We have the most complete stock
(of Wall Paper in Northern Cambria.
Over 100 new designs to select from,
nender bill will pass the Benate is
certain. Then the House can either
to accept the Senate amendments, |
including the ganal legislation or ask
or a conference. In either event there
pms no chance for Mr. Reed to kill |
the canal legislation without killing the |
River and Harbor bill, and beis
man to attempt. t do what
a The friends ot!
Prices from 34 to 50 cts per roll.
Room Monldings from 3 to § cts. a
foot. We also carry a full line of
: Wall Pockets, Pictures, Frames and
Mouldings. Can make any size Frame
desired at the lowest prices. Old
‘ Prames cleaned and renewed,
‘The Patton Wall
Paper Store,
A. C. FISHER, Prop.
| West,
Catharine Benshoff et vir to James
“the Graten
i: in ot ux to James Moo
] Cann, Lilly, $300.
| Valley Pike oq
great deal of disorder
left their shops, the doctors their pa
| tients, oto | preached thers the follow.
"ing venr and ret sverythiog right.”
quaintafice of
tected by the police
Here we bare a proud, imperial ofty,
rather disdainful of trade, aristocratie
and easy going, conscious of a long
past, its rulers still animated with the
oonviction that they are the snocoksors
of Charlemagne and Otto, looking on
Berlin ax parvenna, on London as merely
enmmercial, on Paris as half crazy. Ex.
cepting in the domain of music, Vienna
is not a home of art and cultore, but it
jg a center of dignity and grace and a
. eertain eal air of sapertority, which,
however, dors not aVend. It is content
cn while other placer explore
it stan is on ite rank (it can never forget
its 16 guartevings and its claims to
High sutate
Viena is most interesting perhaps as
the moting place between east amid
where the fine gentleman robs
shonlders in the afternoon lonngs along
with the Bosuiap peasant
The guardian of Europe's ancient order,
the center of a great and most intersst
ing empire, the city of leisurs and of a
pride = lofty that it does not know
itself to be pride at all, Vienna x both
a charming «ity and an important polit
foal center, as she will continge to be
| po matter what ie the fate of the Aow
Landon Spuetator
trian empire,
MM. de Fantenciie’s Bright Speeches.
M. — suid of a young fellow whe
Aid not sec that a lady was in love
with himi You are very young You
ean only res large print *
A preacher said. When Pers Boar.
dalone proached at Rooen, he cauwed a
The workmen
A Indy 90 yours of age said to M. de
Fontenelle, who was 95 “Death has
forgotten us. “Hush!” replied Fon.
tetie}le, putting his finger on his liga
A conceited dot interrupted a conver
sation by, ‘| bave an idea” A wit re-
matked, ‘Astonishing!’
A orurier said, “After the death of
his majesty there's nothing one can't
| believe '
M. de Fontenelle, then in hik ninety
| seventh year having just paid Mme
mi | Helvetios a thousand pretty compli
Between Philadelphia and New York via:
ments, passed her on his way to the
table, without seeming to notice her
For luxarous, swift and at the same’
| time perfectly safe traveling the above
] ' You want by without looking at me
“See, '" mid Mme Helveting ‘what sc-
count | should take of your gallantry
“Madame, maid the old gentleman,
smiuke, soot: and cinders, the engines) JI1.1 tad looked at you I should nos
burning only hard coal. The intodue-
tion of these trains by the Philadelphia
& Reading was a great boon to the
have passed by you. ''—Gentleman’s
“1 wants horse and trap fora fu
neral. Can you let me bave them?’ in-
quired the young man in the loud check
' soit of the caaticus liveryman, who
| stock occupies the same place in his
affections that a wife and family should
“Well, if you're careful.’ replied the
oautions liveryman slowly.
The turnout was at [ast ready, and
while the young man in the loud check
guilt was arrmogiog bimeeif in his seat
the proprietor patted the horse, an es.
peeial favorite, tried the buckles of the
barness, shook the shafts and performed
all the ususl ceremonies doe upon wach
an oocasion. Then, as he banded ap the
reins, he said absentmindedly
“He's very willing and quick Pe
' eareful not to drive too fast.
The young man regarded him in eur
prise for a moment. and then assver
“Well, I'm going to keep up with
the faneral if 1% kills him! —Lsndon
A Bridie to Her.
Polk Miller of Richmond is known as
a raconteur of plaptation life in the
south before the war. One story told by
Mr Miller will wall bear repetition
An old darky named Absalon was the
favorite attendant of a widower ao
Miller, and as rumor
bad it that the widower intended tak:
[log unto bimmel! a second wife Miller
saked Absalom if it were true Atealom
- moratched his woolly pate for a moment
and replied that be reckoned it was
“Well, said Miller, *'will be take a
bridal tour?
This somewhat puzzled Absalom for
an fustant; then an insprration strock
bim, and be said, '] dungoe bout a
bridle, sah, but when de ole missus was
‘live he used to taik a paddle to ber | so
maybe he talk a bridle to de pew one!’
Got Her Snap Shots.
Ax President McKinley entered ths
station at (maba tbe other day the
crowd lined up as usual upon two xides
of a passage that was roped off and pro
Half way across
the platform a woman with a kodak
dodged the guard and sprang oot before
Mr McKinley The chief of police, who
led the procession, ordered her away,
but the president interfered and took off
his hat so that she might get a bottler
view of his face. Hacking rapidly a few
feet in advance, she got several good
snap shots upd then 2imppeared
fle Won Her.
“1 learn,” she maid repros .
‘that yon were devoted to nn cee
than five girls before you finaliy pio
posed to me. How do I know thas yon
didn't make desperate love to :° of
“1 did,’ he replied promptly
“You did!" she exclaimed.
“Certainly, be returned “You
don't suppose for a minute | would be
foolharay enough to try for such a prize
an you are without practicing a little at
first, do your’: ~Chie ago Post
Alaska's Sky Pillar.
The newly discovered peak in Alaska,
which i= said to be taller than Mount
St. Elias, is sway over on the American
. side of the boundary line and is thus
i indisputably curs. It will be somewhat
rough on Elias to lose his long repated
pre-eminence, but as the great landmark
ot the international boundary line he
may yet get some consolation. —New
| You Tribune.
¥ Mowing is 8 Latier W Ww Mitten hy x Mamber
of Co, #,
Camp McKenzie,
13, 1860.
Error Cormier: South Carolina
and Gieorgis are termed by the people
as the sunny bint they
mont natarsliy think they were in the
Kiondike Yesterday SHOW
fell to the depth of nhs inches, and
the Wis
(ia., Feb,
{ Mpnay
merey jingle of
heard in the city of Aug
first time in 80 vears. There
two sleighs in the ty
owned by stock compat
fn Lhe SHOW Was
¥ or a
R miergn tl
sleigh boa
are only
and they are
anid an soon
tor nfford
£3 i $F CHIT
33 4 “> E3 CR Sa
FRI: Nel Lin AAT ser
wiE Lhe
only two enters in tseorsia Were
and occupants were enjoy ing their first
ih te Negroes and
pibesloighs for suares
sleigh ride in the
children ran afte
yelhiing and in though
Were Crazy.
We hay
but i+,
Over nll
: ned sicighing
The Savannah river 18 frogen
(the uf imiehes
Pris is the Bret tune in the his.
» fio 1h
we 1 gaits f
sas Prieel eis
tory of the pices reid pnts od
that th
BOR Very pirat,
ing an
miter earths,
fact Bore *
i intense —w
Gas beard Trogen.
od shOw ne ah sats DD OOVering
rappa up an 8 geeal coal
wn be
id pt at
with a rifle on bas shone he
|r: RB
the regular regulation pace,
to the minute. Tis
a soldier is endeavoring
guard Loe, but tie pver
communis in a8 strong voion,
whi goes there?” Roe p it man pard,
let a oom’ throuph the line and 1 will
give you a ‘pull’? “Advance with
cer Graan,” shee seqstinal
Footie sents pose fr
1 steps
3:3 a m,
run the
alert sentinal
Pnatisdos froin
and the guard pur per is allowed lo pass
irony thes Hina in ile com
gratalates hirasolf on getting back to
his tent withont being and
lays down on the floor to dream of the
sunny south. When he awakes in the
morning al the sound of bugle from
headquarters, he is about to jump and
report Lo roll call, bat
thaw his great coat from the Canvas.
Oh ves, Lhe army hile heaven.
I would advise anyixady to join it
Every fow days the cooks go on a strike
or get drunk and we ay Botors
This morning we had sow beily, batter
known as sail horse, fur breakfast, bat
we are used to it. We conid Jive on
any old thing, but Eagan's beef
The Eighth will minstered ont on
the 9nd of A: areh Mupater rolls, ate
are being prepared by reghiog
ar romted,
in &
ail pi
otal and
wre} and
t is no
en ay fo WwrEs
andl Rides jae
now the vi
dream, but ust ow caisiia fat, and
everybody that pans of the
Eighth bao x setay for
$1588 again Eagan’s
embuimei beef
Around. 1 any Bee ihe boys
Are tor break them
pel ves ji be pri A hey are mustered
iit figs W-
$0 Bosin
shoving Snow
Ayrup of
(8 tone y
The World
Ȣ Almanac and
«+ Encyclopedia
& for 1899
% JANUARY fst, 1899. 3
Together with
The Battle Calendar
of the Republic.
Compiled by
Historian of the U. S. Navy.
Postpaid to acy addeesss
THE WORLD, Pulitser Bullding, '
world |
tu for the
(the tens of thousands
this remedy for la grippe we have yet |
is detained to
A A hd ANGE ines
The kidneys ate responsib e for mare
sickness, suffering, and desths than
any other organs of the body
majority of the
people to-day is traceable to kidney
trouble. It prevades all ciasses of
ge in all climates, regardiess of
sex or condition,
he symptoms of kidney trouble av
anmistakable, such as rheumatism, |
ache in the back, a desire to arinate
ofteh day or night, profuse or scanty |
ric acid, or brick-dost de
urine are signs of cle
cansing poisoned and germ- Alleah blood. |
Sometimes the heart acts badly, and
tote (wasting of the kidneys) wre
found in the urine, which if neglected
will result in Bright's Disease, the
nowt dangerous form of kidney trout.
All these symptoms and conditions
Are pro mptly removed ander the [n-
flaence of ir
It has a world-wide reputation for ita
wonderful cures of the most distress
ing canes.
No one need be long without it an it
is 80 easy to get at any drug store at
fifty cents or one dollar. You ean have
a sample bottle of this wonderful dis
covery, Swamp-Root, and a book tell-
ing all about it, both sent to yon.
absnintely free by mail. Bend your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Bingham.
tan, N. Y. and kindly mention that
von read thin liberal offer in the PATTON
ot hod
Before the
congh cure, ministers
disturbed by coughing congregations.
No excuse for it pow. OW. Holy
kina, Patton Pharmacy.
Prange’s of the Grip.
of its resulting in pneumonia
onable care is used, however,
Chamberlain's cough Remedy taken,
all danger will be avoided.
who have owed
to learn of asingle case having resulted
in pneumonia which shows concins.
ively that this remedy is a certain
preventive of that dangerous disejse.
It will care Ia grippe in less time than
any other treatment. It is pleasant
and safe to take. For sale by Patton
Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins.
“Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world,” said a genius.
The druggist handed him a bottle of
DeWitt's Littie Early Risers, the fum-
ons little pills. C. WW, Hodgkins, Fat-
ton Pharmacy.
The Way te be Beautiful.
Every Indy wishes to appear atiract-
ive. By using ‘Celery Wine’ you will
become 86, Sleapleasness, dizziness,
fainting spells or femaie weakens
soon wear a woman out. To keep
yourself attractive you most have good
sound nerves. ‘Celery Wine quiets
and strengthens the nerves, and piro-
motes sieep. Warranted to contaln ao
injurious drugs. Large bottles, lle.
Said only by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton
For a yoick remedy snd one thi is
perfectiy safe for children let us recom-
Minute cough cure. [| is
Boarseniass, tok-
ling in throat and coughs. CW,
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy
metid One
excellent for croup,
For La Grippe
Thomas Whitfleld & Co. 240 Wabash
Ave corper Jackson St, one of Chi
cago's oldest and most prominent
druggists, recommend Chamberisin’s
cough Remedy for la grippe, as it pot
only gives prompt and complete relief,
put xiso connteracts any tendency of
ia grippe to resuft in pneumonia. Por
by Patton Pharmacy, . W.
J. Sheer, Redalia, Mo,
eicetric street car line,
little daughter was very low with
eroap, and ber life saved afler all phy-
only hy asing One
Minute cough cure. CC. W. Hodgkins,
Patton Pharmacy.
conductor on
sicians had falled,
€ hamberbsin's Cough Remedy in § Bhoisgo.
Hisgen Bros, the popular South Side
druggists, corner 89th street and Want.
wrth avenue, say: “We a great
deal of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and find that it gives the most itis
reais, aly among
children for severe and croup.”
Patton Ww.
factory erp
For aale Pharmacy, U,
pun chest,
One Minute cough
If you have a cough, throat
finn, weak
emu, {est + Us AR real
care. Always reliable
W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy,
intgs, n the
and safe i;
Headache for Forty Years.
kK bend
A year wgo [ began using Celery King.
The result was gratifying nod surprising my
For forty vesrs § suffered from sic
bedi bes leaving 3 onve The headarbes
awed to retarn every seventl day, but thanks
to Uslery Ring, | have had but one headisehe
in the last eleven monthm, | Know thal what
cared me will helpothers Mrs. Joba bh Van
Kenren, Saugerties, N. Y.
Celery King for the Nerves Stomach, Liver
and Kidoevs is sold in Me. and Be pac Rigen
by druggists and deslers,
Patton Pharmacy,
C. W, Hodgkins.
AAR i BN SR da
ills afflictiog |
Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
discovery of One Minute
were greatly
The greatest danger of Ia grippe bv
If reas.
writes that his
a A A SI gis 4 Rn 5
An Hossut Meieine for ta
George W. Waitt, of Sou
ner, Me., says: “T have had
cough, cold, chills and Zrip f—
taken lots of teash of no dT
profit for the vendor. Che
cough Remedy is the only "4
‘has done any good whater M0 nn
used one 50-cent bottle an‘ 8 8
nearaigia, sleeplessness, pain or dull cold and grip have left me
nlate the mantfscturery o gp
medicine.” For sale by Pa
acy, C. W. Hodgkins. 20 ®
171 80
Boarding He:
Vine Street,
Opposite Franklin Square
Cambria and Clea
county people visiting Ph,
de! phia will find this a ¢
venient and central loca’
Terms $1.00 per day.
MRS. 5. B. KING.
Is not much to pay
for a solid 10k gold
ring. [ook at those
in my window for
that price. They are
not old stock, neither
am I selling them at
cost as a leader.
They were bought
direct from the man-
ufacturer and I am
selling them at my
usual small profit.
Every other article
in my store is sold
on the same basis.
The Patton Jeweler.
In every conceivable
tern to anit all tastes, A
time spent ooking over our line
will convince you that we have
the goods and seil at prices that
catch the orders. : ;
Bed Room Suits: Solid
Oak, 7 prec es, $16. Kitch-
en chairs 4c; large rock.
ers 33c¢.
Etc, Etc.,
Promptly attended to.
All BE methods used.
The best of satisfaction
Next to Hotel Patton,
D. DD. Lewis, undertaker
and embalmer of Bamesboro,
Pa.. wishes to announce to the
public that he has secured the
services ot
John E. Radcliffe
Kerr avenue, two doors above
Bon Ton store, to look after the
wants of the people of Patton
and vicinity in the
business and all calls left
with him will be promptly at,
tended to. Mr. Lewis 15 a
graduate of the Massachu-
setts School of Embalming
and thoroughly understands
the business in the most mod-
ern ways.
Day or Night by Phone.
Sl AA a A a A AL A a Lh LL A hh RL A